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She's a Democratic Socialist (Capitalist who advocate for laws to protect the

interests of ALL vs potential top earner greed). Surely you're aware that most
successful westernized countries are a combo of same. FDR /Eisenhower employed
Democratic Socialist laws/regulations to protect vs. top earner greed that had
created the Great Depression. Those policies returned the US to an economy that
worked for ALL. Unfortunately, a majority CONSERVATIVE S.Ct., via 2010 Citizens'
United decision ignored precedent by declaring corporations have the same rights as
people, and that campaign contributions are "free speech" and therefore, can't be
limited. It was the "nail in the coffin" to democracy since it legalized
corporations/top earners ability to ",buy" our congresspersons, determine our laws,
and control our Govt. When top earners have undue influence , it disempowers the
middle and lower classes. (Corporate Socialism Ex. 1). After banking deregulations
allowed banksters to make risky investments for higher profit, it led to 2007
market collapse. In Europe, CEOs were sent to prison. In US, American taxpayers
bailed out the banksters, and some got bonuses via bailout money. (Corporate
Socialism Ex. 2). In 2017, Trump gave significant tax loopholes to top earners
favoring real estate investors like himself when loopholes already exceeded the US
discretionary budget. He claimed they'd create more jobs, but statistics showed
most top earners/corporations' money was used for stock buybacks to increase their
own wealth. (Corporate Socialism Ex. 3). After 2nd Covid relief money passed, the
House requested that the Senate provide oversight prior to corporations receiving
funds, but Trump refused. He claimed Senate oversight of corporations would
infringe on their right to privacy from Congress. NO SUCH RIGHT EXISTS! That
resulted in wealthy, publicly traded corporations receiving funds intended for
small businesses. (Corporate Socialism Ex. 4). Again, when Capitalism is
deregulated (no laws to protect the interests of all), potential for greed occurs.
Corruption leads to having to learn the same lesson that the Great Depression
already taught.

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