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-Read five opinions of different people about achievements they find amazing.

1. One thing that I think has really made a difference to people is having running hot and
cold water, and as basic as it sounds just imagine life if we didn’t have this in our daily life.
I just think it’s amazing that we have that constant supply of hot and cold water just
coming through our houses.

2. I think one of the most important technological developments in recent years has been
the Internet and the difference that it’s made in people’s lives. If we didn’t have the
Internet our lives would be so much different. Not just in communications, but for
example, other useful things like banking now by Internet. I used to be terrible at paying
bills and paying checks into the bank, and now I just sit there in front of the screen and
tap away and get it all done without any of the leg work or the writing letters or anything
that I used to do.

3. One person that I really admire is Steve Redgrave, the rower, and certainly the greatest
Olympian ever to come out of Britain. He has achieved so much in his life, it’s fantastic
how he won five gold medals at consecutive Olympic games and I think he’s an inspiration
not only for his ability but also for his personality. What makes his achievement even
more admirable is that he was diagnosed with diabetes during his training but he’s battled
on and he’s been a role model for many people.

4. One achievement I find absolutely amazing is the construction of Stonehenge because the
stones were moved several hundred miles from somewhere in Wales to where they stand
and no one really knows how they did it because it was about three or four thousand
years ago.

5. I think probably the most outstanding leader I’ve ever heard of is probably Gandhi,
Mahatma Gandhi. The British empire was at its height, it was the most powerful empire
in the world and he bought it down. And not only did he bring it down, but what I find
particularly impressive is that he did it without the use of violence. You look at how
governments operate today, and how regimes and empires are destroyed, all using
violence. I don’t think anybody else has ever brought down such a massive empire
without the use of violence.

Do you agree with what they say? Why (not)? Which of these achievements
do you find the least/most amazing?

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