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Florenz L.


1. Case 1 - Disobeying an Informal order

Mario's decision to not follow the order to fly the national flag at half-mast as a form of
protest against Mr. Santiago's alleged involvement in his best friend's murder may be
emotionally driven, but it is not the right decision. While it's understandable that he has
strong feelings about the situation, failing to carry out an official order is unprofessional
and could lead to consequences.

Instead, Mario should consider more appropriate channels for addressing his concerns.
He could express his feelings and grievances to his supervisor or human resources,
seek legal remedies if he believes there is evidence of wrongdoing, or engage in
peaceful advocacy to raise awareness about the situation. Taking matters into his own
hands by refusing to perform his duties may not achieve the desired justice and could
jeopardize his own career and reputation.

2. Case 2 - Returning Unspent money

Jerome should not manipulate the account books or engage in any unethical practices.
Instead, he should adhere to transparency and honesty in handling the situation.
Returning the remaining Php 500,000 to the government as required by the grant rules is
the right course of action. Trust and credibility are essential in running a charitable
foundation, and attempting to deceive authorities can have severe consequences in the
long term, including loss of funding and reputation damage. Jerome should focus on
improving the program's effectiveness and outreach to better serve street children in the
future while maintaining ethical standards.

3. Case 3 - Man of word or Man of money?

Jake should consider several factors before deciding whether to take back his
resignation. While the increased salary offer from his current school is substantial, he
should weigh it against other aspects of the job, such as job satisfaction, work-life
balance, and career growth opportunities. Additionally, he should assess the credibility
and stability of both schools to ensure that he is making a well-informed decision.
Ultimately, he should choose the option that aligns with his long-term career goals and
personal preferences, whether it is staying at his current school or moving to the Manila
school with the higher initial offer.

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