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Amin Carrillo

Key to Beethoven

Thoughts about D minor key in Beethoven.

In general I felt that the D minor in Beethoven’s music gives a sense of sorrow like in most of the
minor keys. However, I found that it could be “elegant”, “anxious”, “expressive”, “affectionate”.
While C minor could be “epic”, exultant and powerful, D minor is more poetic and introverted.

Diminished Chords and harmonic tension.

Sometimes this harmonic tension could be expressed by diminished chords like in the example
of the second movements of Piano sonatas no. 7 Op. 10 no 3 ( I think this is the best example),
No 15 Op. 28 “Pastorale”, First movement of Symphony no 9 op 125. The harmonic tension
could be depicted by unresolved harmonies. Anticipation or appoggiaturas.

Chromatic Appoggiaturas

An example of chromatic appoggiaturas are second movement of Piano Sonatas 15 op 28

where there’s a variation of the main theme and Largo e mesto from Piano Sonata no 7 Op 10
no 3, Piano Sonata no 17 Op 31 no 2 The way to approach this appoggiaturas is by playing
non harmonic tones before the harmonic tones. Before arriving to A, he writes G#, to arrive to D,
C# and so on. Another example is the second movement of the no 7 op 10 no 2 (2nd mvt ).

Dramatic expression

The second movements of the String Quartet no Op 18 no 1,Cello Sonata no 5 Op 102 no 2,

Piano trio Op 70 no, Piano Sonatas no. 7 Op. 10 no 3 and No 15 Op 28. They are slow
movements and there's always room to give some expressive liberty to the performer, but also
they have cadenzas like in no 15 op 28 and Op 10 no 3. Even though is slow, there passages
where the performer has to fit fast group of notes in a slow pulse.

Anxiety, Exultant and powerful expression

In the cases of frist and third movement of Piano Sonatas no 17 op 31 no 2 and Symphony no 9
Op 125.

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