Lesson 1 (Notes)

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The Real Number System Tree

Real Numbers (R)

Rational Irrational


Integers Pure fractions


Negative Whole No’s (W)

{0} Positive/Natural/
Counting No’s(Z+)

Prime {1} Composite

1. Rational numbers can be expressed as a ratio between m/n , where n ≠ 0. Example: 4 = 4/1 or 8/2 etc

2. Irrational numbers are non-repeating and non-terminating decimals. Example: = 1.4142, = 2.645751311…

3. Integers are whole-valued positive or negative number or 0. Example: 5, -5, 10, -10, 0,

4. Pure Fractions - terminating or non terminating but repeating decimals. Example: 1/2 = .5, 1/3 = .33333…, 12/99 = .121212…
5. Even number - when divided by 2 , the answer is an integer. Example 6 : 6/2 = 3 = integer; -8: -8/2 = -4 = integer
6. Odd number - when divided by 2, the answer is not an integer (pure fraction). Example 3: 3/2 = 1.5 - not integer; -5: -5/2 = -2.5
7. A negative number is an integer that is less than zero. = Example: -1, -5
8. Whole numbers include all natural/counting numbers and 0. Example : 0, 2, 12
9. Positive numbers are whole numbers greater than 0 . Example: 1,6,10
10. Zero (0) - the only integer/real number that is neither negative nor positive
11. A prime is a positive integer which has exactly two divisor, itself and 1. Example : 2, 5, 11
12. A composite is a positive integer which has at least three divisor. Example = 9 (1,3,9) ; 12 (1,2,3,4,6,12)
13. A unit is a positive integer which has exactly one divisor : Example : 1
How do we classify/categorize a given real number, using the Real Number System

2 12 1 0 -5

Rational Rational Rational Rational Rational Rational Irrational

Integer Integer Integer Integer Integer Pure Fraction

Even Even Odd Even Odd

Whole Number Whole Number Whole Number Whole Number Negative Integer

Positive/Natural Positive/Natural Positive/Natural {0}

Prime Composite {1}

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