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Visa Appeal for Carolina Flores to attend and assist with Wildernezz Wanderings

November 6, 2022
Wadenerson Saint Martin
Redlands, CA USA

To: Embassy of the United States of America in Colombia

Dear US Embassy Colombia City Staff,

Wildernezz Wanderings is a young adult ministry that aims to help its attendees find direction in
life, address their emotional needs, speak to their desire to maintain proper health, and provide
a wholesome environment for friendship and worship.

For several months my friends and I have been praying for and planning a young adult camping
experience that anchors it's narrative cornerstone on the stories of the forty year wilderness
wanderings of the children of Israel and gathers hope on Christ's victory over sin and Satan
after fasting for forty days in the desert. Through the delivery of stirring messages, delicious
food, and exercise we aim to point the eyes of the young adults attendees to see Christ. It is our
hope that from Wednesday through Sunday (September 13-17,2023), attendees will leave
rejuvenated and equipped to better help their family members and friends answer life’s pressing
questions. To help realize this vision, volunteers are needed to help make this event come to

Would you kindly consider permitting Carolina Flores and her son Daniel Pino Flores to attend
and assist with Wildernezz Wanderings by approving their visa request? Music is one of the
central pillars of Wildernezz Wanderings and Carolina has been invited to play the cello in the
orchestra for the event; furthermore she will participate in other leadership roles. Transportation
and housing for Carolina and her son will be provided once they arrive in the United States.

Thank you for your timely and gracious consideration of this request.


Wadenerson Saint Martin

P.S. The individual and author of this letter of request is a registered taxpayer of the United
States of America.

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