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Thaddeus Marcus Klinton

Could it be possible? I have such an amazing at the same time harming

power, I don’t know. I don’t know where I got this, because no one ever
explained where and when I had this kind of supernatural ability.

It seems to me that this is some kind of supernatural ability, because it is

not ordinary to see glowing different shades of light inside other people’s chest.
It’s just not normal. Surprising, yes, but things for me are hard to understand
and I am desperately wanting for answers, because it is frustrating to think and
live with this. There are times I need to do something just to stop the urge of
feelings being attached whenever I encounter red lights from both persons. The
urge won’t stop and will disturb me until I do something.

Today, 17th of September 2016, 5 o’clock in the morning early enough to

look for that old lady in this the same street, East Avenue. It’s a long road
down town, where every busy person always passing by, the reason it is called
the busy road. I chose the seat in front of this restaurant, Miguel’s Grill.
Disguised with my ray band glass, which fits my stripped polo in red, and ripped
jeans that suits my two weeks old vans shoes. Well, sipping from my expresso
from time to time as I watch the busy world in front of me, patience has always
been my virtue.

It’s been 2 hours for waiting and changing my position from left to right
and crossed legs or not. Still, the old lady nowhere to be seen, but I will be more
patient. I sipped on my cup of coffee, quickly getting cold because of the
freezing weather, for it is September now, wind breeze penetrating through your

Desperation and curiosity driving me crazy as I pay attention to every

person passing by this pavement. It’s now or never, because without that old
lady I wouldn’t find any answers. Answers that could make me understand more
of myself, of who truly I am. I know she has it, because she’s the same as I am.
The reason why I am so hopeful to know my parents and know if they’re still
alive, because first time in my life, in my 18 years of existence I want to know
something valuable about my past. And another reason is that, she doesn’t have
it, the glow in her chest, the bristling colors of emotion right through her chest.
She does not have it, and so I am determined we are likely the same kind.

I discovered it when I was 10, the glowing reds, blues, oranges, and name
all the colors that signifies people’s emotion. Every day, everytime, and
everywhere I am, witnessing those people always have the desire keep in the
bottom of their hearts. Sometimes grudges, regrets, resentments, joys, hopes,
everything that a human could ever feel at the same way or time. It all glows
every second and minute of the day they are living. All of the people that
surround me they all have it, but to me with my own body I don’t see anything.

It frustrates me, everytime. There’s this huge surging of waves everytime

I encounter reds in two person’s heart, I think they need help. That I should put
or take something for them to work out. I have done one, I am confident it’s
successful they are now married having two kids. And amazingly their hearts still
glow brightly red. I am thankful, though it doesn’t change a fact, that I still
don’t have answers. I am a broken glass which cannot be filled because I am

Disturbed by my thoughts, I felt someone staring at me. As I looked up

the old lady appeared…looking directly to me. I am not sure for a moment if I
will stand and start to walk my way to her. But, as if my feet have own mind,
they walk toward her and when I finally reached a foot of three part from her.

“Must be looking for me.” she said it more of a statement. Like she was
expecting me to be here. Brooding eyes looking towards my direction building
such an intimidating aura that made me anxious because of her presence.

“Another lost soul, I guess it’s time for you to be home.” I don’t
understand her. I’m about to start talking but, I can’t find my tongue, though
that’s funny. Something’s preventing me to utter at least a word. Well, she
does the talking.
“A wondering soul must find its place, not here foremost. You must be
lusting for answers. I can see it from your heart, the light of curiosity and
desperation. you are different, you are his son.” She continued to puzzle me

Son of who? Yes, I am definitely different from these people here. And
right again, I am wondering who I truly am. I utter to my head because, I am
too…incapable to reach out for words that I find strange.

Heard her chuckles, and I find it weird, “Speak, young man” she ordered,
and on cue I can finally inhale air, breathe with ease.

“What was that! What have you done to me? Who are you for goodness
sake?” I exaggeratedly exalt all the query inside my head and shot it all to her.
She seems amused by my reaction.

I noticed something again, I am really confident we’re in the same

situation, there’s no glowing of something in her chest. So, I don’t want to
waste any time, immediately, I asked her.

“Why I can’t see glowing something inside your chest, like them? Are we
alike? Do you have the answers? And if you have please say it to me.” I fired
her too many questions, she then only smile. Turned her back on me, instead of
finally giving what I want, she made me follow her.

“Follow me, Linkton” she uttered.

What is that supposed to mean? Linkton? I just nudged it out of my mind

and follow her, we were walking pass through the busy road of Camp Ville town,
where I noticed people are starting to vanish like we’re moving faster, it’s really
rampantly weird.

Are we using a portal? Goodness, I think I’m going to lose my sanity.

Talking to myself is really not me. She motioned the left side, where I see a train
station located, I don’t remember a train station here, whenever I stroll in this
town. And it’s strange that people are nowhere to be found. It’s just me and
the old lady. Creepy it is, to be here. Old charcoal fueled train and the wooden
train station, feels like I traveled years of old and vintage days’ way back in
1800s. This is incredibly insane, I really need an acceptable and reliable
I have to think a way to communicate with Erra, think Thad, think of a
way, now I am talking to myself. Aha right, that could be a way, Christina Perri!

Looking at her, the love of my life, no, she’s no longer the same person I
love. But I need to do something, I know I can bring her back. I look at Kylle
and she do the same.

We can’t just talk to each other even in mind because can read it too. So,
this way should work for us to save the kingdom.

“Kylle, look I need you to listen to me… this one should work, look for
the hidden words. You got this.” In a spilt second, I know she understood me.
“Okay, Thad” she briefly replied and start the show.
“Lara just hear him out, I know deep down in your heart you’re still there my
best friend. Please stop this mess, the whole system is crumbling and is this
realm shut down you know what will happen to the other side. Every people will
suffer and even you will face the worst, so please come back… you know the
only way just say it.”she pleadingly spoken.

Looking at Kylle, I know it is not an act now, her words are true. She
really loves her best friend and she wants to bring her back too. Because
without the anchor, even I will suffer for the consequence. I, alone don’t have
the power without my soulmate, if I am the rebirth, life and creation, well she is
the opposite so, we need each other bring back the balance, the……

“Lara, you know I am not your ghost anymore, you lost the love, I love
the most. Learn to live half alive, now you I want you one more time…please
Lara you have to get rid of that guilt and anger. You never killed her, she chose
to sacrifice her life for us, for you. please come back to me.”

There I said it, I hope Kylle, got my message. I know this is the only way. If we
could find where the jar of hearts hidden, and give it the heart of vanish to Lara,
everything will be reset.
“oh, right that is, you’re really brilliant” kylle understood my message, I just
smile and nod to her.

“bye, for now” with that she vanished into thin air, and now I have to face Lara,
which is getting stronger, absorbing all the energy of every Linkton, and
because I am not an ordinary linkton I can at least retract her power. Slowly I
walk towards her, cause I need to get close to her and by that time, Kylle found
the jars of heart and the only heart we need to stop this, I have to give it to

“Lara, you heard me. Come home now, let’s to this again. I know should’ve
came back earlier maybe I could have saved her, right? But I failed you, I was
too late to find it. But you know how much I blame myself about her, you know
that I love her too. She’s your twin and I treasure you two..please” tears falling
down my face as I try to communicate inside her mind and endure the surging
blades she’s throwing towards me but I just ignore them and push it through.

“I don’t believe you, it is because of me, because I am so selfish of you. I let

her sacrifice herself when it has to be the two of you. when it always been the
two of you.

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