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Week 1: Introduction and Orientation

Prepare an introductory presentation on the history and importance of the Altar Server Ministry.
Create handouts or visual aids explaining the liturgical seasons and their significance.
Prepare a detailed outline of the different parts of the Mass and the roles of altar servers in each
Organize a guided tour of the church, highlighting the sacred vessels, vestments, and liturgical
Conduct a Q&A session to address any initial questions or concerns from the prospective altar

Week 2: Attire and Behavior

Arrange for liturgical vestments (alb, cincture, cassock, and surplice) to be available for practical
Have experienced altar servers model the process of dressing in the liturgical vestments.
Create a list of guidelines for appropriate behavior and attitude during the training and while
serving at the altar.
Conduct role-playing exercises to demonstrate proper behavior in various scenarios.

Week 3: Liturgical Items and Their Use

Gather the sacred vessels and liturgical items used during the Mass for hands-on training.
Show the altar servers how to handle each item with care and reverence.
Demonstrate how to set the altar and prepare the gifts for the Eucharistic celebration.
Give the altar servers the opportunity to practice these tasks under supervision.
Week 4: Specific Roles During the Mass
Assign specific roles (cross bearer, thurifer, acolytes, etc.) to the altar servers for practice.
Provide detailed instructions and explanations for each role's responsibilities during the Mass.
Organize a mock Mass or rehearsal to allow the altar servers to practice their roles in a liturgical
Offer constructive feedback and guidance to help them improve their performance.

Week 5: Liturgical Gestures and Postures

Prepare visual aids or demonstrations of various liturgical gestures and postures.
Lead the altar servers in practicing appropriate gestures, such as bowing, genuflecting, and
making the sign of the cross.
Conduct a guided session on proper postures during different parts of the Mass, including sitting,
standing, and kneeling.
Encourage the altar servers to integrate these gestures and postures into their prayer life.
Week 6: Spiritual Formation
Organize a group discussion on the importance of prayer and personal spirituality for altar
Provide resources and readings on the significance of the altar server's ministry in the context of
the Church.
Lead a reflection session where altar servers can share their thoughts and feelings about their
Encourage participation in a parish Mass and reception of the sacraments, particularly the
Eucharist and Reconciliation.

Ongoing Support:
Pair up newer altar servers with experienced mentors to provide guidance and support.
Schedule regular meetings with the coordinator to discuss progress, address concerns, and offer
further training if needed.
Promote opportunities for continued learning and spiritual growth, such as workshops or retreats.
By incorporating these tasks and activities into the training plan, altar servers will receive a
comprehensive and well-structured preparation for their ministry in the Catholic Church. It will
not only equip them with the necessary practical skills but also nurture their spiritual growth and
commitment to serving God and the Church.

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