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Application For Charitable Status


Section 1: Application contact

Full Name
Azzam Nmr

79 Saint Dunstan's Road

W6 8RE

Telephone Number

Email Address

State your relationship or role within the

Director of the organization
Section 2: Data Protection Statement
OSCR processes information only in accordance with its regulatory functions under the Charities and Trustee Investment (Scotland) Act 2005
(the 2005 Act), and to inform research into the charity sector in Scotland. Any information you give us will be held securely and in accordance
with the rules on data protection. Information may be shared with other regulatory bodies including HMRC, and if your application to become a
charity is successful, certain information will appear on the Scottish Charity Register. Further information about data protection is available on
the OSCR website on our Privacy Policy page and in our application specific Privacy Notice.

I agree with this statement

Section 3: Organisation Details
Proposed legal name (this must be exactly as it appears on the draft governing document). If you are applying
to be a SCIO and your name contains a sensitive word or expression you must get approval from Companies
House before you apply to OSCR and send evidence of the approval with your application.

English translation (if applicable)


Any other name by which the organisation will be known


Does the organisation have a parent charity?


Is the organisation registered with any other Regulators?


Other Regulator

Reference/registration number*
Section 4: The Organisation's Legal Form
Please choose the legal form and type of governing document
Unincorporated Association

Upload the governing document (a draft document is acceptable at this

Section 5: Principal Contact Details
Full name

Position in the organisation

Director of the organization

8 acland house.verney street . exeter


Is this address the:

Trustee Address

The principal office address of the charity, or the name and address of a charity trustee will be published on the Scottish
Charity Register unless doing so is likely to jeopardise the safety or security of any person or premises.
We will not withhold a Principal Contact address from the Register simply on the grounds that it is a private

Would publishing this address jeopardise anyone’s safety or security?


Main Telephone Number


Alternative Contact Number

First Email Address

Second Email Address

Website Address

Facebook Address

Twitter Address
Section 6: Replacing an existing charity or organisation
Is this proposed charity being set up to replace an existing charity or
Section 7: Activities
Please copy and paste the organisation's charitable purposes as set out in the (draft) governing document.
Article 2- The association aims to meet all kinds of needs of war, natural disasters, hunger, poor, orphans and needy people without
discrimination, to meet all kinds of needs of refugees who took shelter in our country due to war, to gather members under one roof, to give
scholarships to students in need, to cooperate among members. It was established to develop awareness and solidarity.Subjects and Forms of
Work to be Pursued by the Association 1- Conducting research to enable and develop activities,2- To carry out social and cultural activities that
improve environmental awareness, prevent environmental pollution and protect nature, organize tree planting campaigns and create
commemorative forests.3-To obtain all kinds of necessary information, documents, documents and publications, to establish a documentation
center, to publish publications such as newspapers, magazines and books in line with its aims in order to announce its work, and to publish
study and information bulletins to distribute to its members, to organize bazaars.4-To ensure a healthy working environment, to provide all
kinds of technical tools and equipment, fixtures and stationery,5-To engage in charity collection activities and accept donations from domestic
and abroad, provided that the necessary permissions are obtained,6-To establish and operate economic, commercial and industrial enterprises in
order to provide the income needed to achieve the objectives of the statute,

What are the activities or projects the organisation intends to run?

Creating psychological support centers for sick children, identifying and treating psychological cases by coordinating with Syrian schools.8-To
develop and maintain human relations among its members, it organizes dinner meetings, concerts, balls, theatre, exhibitions, sports, trips and
entertaining events, etc. To organize or enable its members to benefit from such events,9-Purchasing movable and immovable property needed
for the activities of the association,to sell, rent, lease and establish real rights on real estate,10-If deemed necessary, establishing a foundation,
establishing a federation or joining an established federation, establishing facilities that associations can establish with permission by obtaining
the necessary permission,11-To engage in international activities, to become a member of associations or organizations abroad and to
collaborate or cooperate with these organizations on a project basis,12- If deemed necessary to achieve the purpose, to carry out joint projects
with public institutions and organizations on issues within their fields of duty, without prejudice to the provisions of the Law No. 5072 on the
Relations of Associations and Foundations with Public Institutions and Organizations,13-To establish a fund to meet the essential needs of the
association members such as food, clothing, other goods and services and short-term loan needs,14-Opening representative offices in places
deemed necessary in order to carry out the activities of the association,15-To create platforms to achieve a common goal with other associations
or foundations, unions and similar non-governmental organizations in areas that are related to the purpose of the association and are not
prohibited by law.16- To those whose houses were destroyed in the war; rebuilding their homes. If necessary, to open a temporary guest house
for the Martyr's family and to provide them with material and moral support.17- To take refugees and asylum seekers who were injured in the
war and receive physical therapy to hospitals with the association's vehicle, accompanied by a translator, and to meet all their needs.18- Taking
patients receiving physical therapy to rehabilitation centers and assisting them.19- Building free medical clinics and providing healthy and clean
water. Installing water purifications.

How will these activities help achieve the organisation's charitable purposes?
By providing assistance to the targeted people

Who will benefit from these activities?

Children, widows, poor families, women and refugees

Is the organisation already up and running?


The following questions will help us assess whether your organisation provides or intends to provide public benefit if it undertakes particular
kinds of activity.

Will the organisation be involved in training and education?


What is the nature of the education that will be provided?

Vocational, health and psychological training

How will the education be delivered for example, classroom based, on-the-job, distance learning?

Please describe the objective of the education or learning experience and tell us what the learners will achieve?
Creating trained cadres to advance the reality of society

Tell us about the providers of the education / training. Who will deliver it and what experience / qualifications do they have?
Education providers have bachelor's degrees and above
Will the organisation be carrying out trading activities?

Will the organisation be supporting and engaging in overseas activity?


Which overseas countries will the organisation be working in?

Türkiye, northern Syria, African countries and Ukraine

Will you carry out your own operations overseas?


Please outline what these operations will be?

Providing financial, medical, psychological and social assistance

Will you work with, or send funds to, local partner organisations or other NGO's that operate in these areas on your behalf?

If so, what controls will the charity trustees put in place to make sure that these funds or goods are used appropriately in accordance with the
organisation's purposes?

How will the charity trustees monitor and manage the work taking place overseas?
Sending representatives to supervise the work and write reports

Will the organisation work with children or vulnerable adults?


Have you read OSCR’s guidance on safeguarding?


Will the organisation be providing grants to individuals or other organisations?


How will the organisation allocate grants?

Charity Trustees will identify beneficiaries

It will invite grant applications

Who will the organisation make grants to?


Do you have a grant giving criteria?


Do/will you have written agreements with recipients?


How will the organisation monitor how the grants are used?
Appointing specialized observers accredited by the organization

Are any of the recipients based outwith the UK?


Please outline where recipients will be based

Türkiye, northern Syria, African countries and Ukraine
Section 8: Private Benefit
Does the organisation employ or intend to employ anyone, or pay anyone to work for it?
Please answer Yes or No

Job description

How much will they get paid?

Bank transfer

Which of these descriptions best fits the employee?

A person related to the founder

Does the organisation buy goods or services or intend to buy goods or services from any of the

A charity trustee
its founder
a person related to the founder
a person connected to the founder
an organisation connected to a charity trustee
an organisation connected to the founder
a person connected to a charity trustee
Not connected to any of the above

Please answer Yes or No


Will any other kind of private benefit be received by

A charity trustee
its founder
a person related to the founder
a person connected to the founder
an organisation connected to a charity trustee
an organisation connected to the founder
a person connected to a charity trustee

Please answer Yes or No


Does or will the organisation rent or lease premises to provide its services?

Are the premises owned by its founder, a charity trustee or someone related or connected to them?
Do you intend to restore or improve the premises?
Section 9: Restrictions on access to benefit
Does your organisation operate a membership scheme?

Please tell us whether there are any physical or practical restrictions to accessing the benefit your organisation will provide. (For example will
your organisation operate limited opening hours, or is there a lack of disabled access to the building where you will carry out your services?)

There are no restrictions

Will the organisation charge people to access its services or facilities?


Does the organisation restrict benefit on the basis of any of these protected characteristics?

Gender reassignment
Marriage and civil partnership
Pregnancy and maternity
Religion or belief
Sexual orientation

Please answer Yes or No

Section 10: Financial year end date
Has a financial year end date been
Section 11: Documents that must be included with application
Charity Trustee Declaration
Your governing document will state what the minimum number of charity trustees should be. You should attach declarations for all intended
charity trustees, but this should be at least this minimum.

Name of Trustee

Trustee Declaration

Charity Trustee Declaration

Your governing document will state what the minimum number of charity trustees should be. You should attach declarations for all intended
charity trustees, but this should be at least this minimum.

Name of Trustee

Trustee Declaration

Charity Trustee Declaration

Your governing document will state what the minimum number of charity trustees should be. You should attach declarations for all intended
charity trustees, but this should be at least this minimum.

Name of Trustee

Trustee Declaration

Other supplementary Documents

Name of Document

Add Document

Click to add more

Section 12: Declaration
I confirm that the information has been approved by the trustees and I confirm that I am authorised to submit this application on their behalf.

I understand that it is an offence under section 26(1) of the 2005 Act to knowingly or recklessly provide false or misleading information to

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