Thriftygoblin1987's Fallen Heroine Lewd Game System V3.0 - Master Templet

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Table of Contents

➢ Game Premise
➢ Game Setting
➢ Important Terminology
○ Player Main Stats
○ Player Roll Types
➢ Actions, Rolls, & Game Flow
○ Offensive, Reactionary, & Neutral Actions
○ Turns
○ Action Order
➢ Player Body Parts
➢ Mana, Spells, & Physical Attacks
○ Mana
○ Attack, Evasion, Escape, & Struggle Dice Size
○ Spell Types
○ Spell Tiers
○ Physical
○ Damage Multipliers
➢ Relative Character Position
➢ Barrier Defence
➢ Clothing Damage
➢ Lewd Curses, Resistance, & Removal
○ Curse List
➢ Bound Limbs
➢ Stages of Penetration & Struggling
➢ Chastity Barrier
➢ Ejaculation & Impregnation
➢ Sensitivity & Mana Drain
➢ Experience Points & Level Up
➢ Heroine Character Sheet
➢ Sample Heroine Character Sheets
➢ Heroine Characteristics
➢ Heroine Traits
➢ Enemy Attack Types, Potency, & Category
➢ Enemy Health Points
➢ Enemy Character Sheet
➢ Enemy Build Guide
➢ Enemy Characteristics
➢ Enemy Traits
➢ Pacification Equipment
➢ Allies
➢ Hard Mode
Game Premise

This is a Erotic Game System designed to accommodate a Play By Post style. Within the Game,
Players will take on the role of a Heroine and participate in lewd situations. Non-Consensual
eroticism is a core part of the Game and as such combat is centered around Players being
forced to sexually submit to the variety of Enemies they will encounter on their journey.

The journey is what matters most. The Player will start as a powerful Heroine, but through
repeated lewd situations and battles, are weakened enough to be captured and suffer a
pleasurable fate. The harshness of failure is dependent on what each individual Player desires,
but victory should always be possible. Just sometimes improbable.
There are no set classes, jobs, or races to select when creating a Heroine. All Heroines start
with the same default Stats. What differentiates one Heroine from another are two important
categories; Characteristics and Traits.

Characteristics are what defines a Heroine. Each Characteristic will offer a Bonus in exchange
for a Penalty.

Traits are the skills and powers a Heroine has. Each Player is given Two Traits by default.
Additional Traits can be earned Every 2 Levels or through Sacrifice Exchange.

Likewises, Enemies are created from a selection of their own set of Characteristics and Traits.

Game Setting
The Game System was designed with a Science Fantasy backdrop in mind, filled with
wondrous magic alongside technology on par or more advanced than what is present in modern
times. This, however, does not mean this System cannot be used for a different setting.

Any Fantasy setting can work with a couple of adjustments depending on the technological level
of the world. Pacification Equipment would have to be mostly cut or changed to a Fantasy
equivalent due to most Equipment being directly based on real world modern items.

Sci-Fiction setting could work, but would require relabeling all Magic related aspects into
something less fantastical.

Low Fantasy or Realistic settings are entirely unsuited for this System.


Magic does not exist within the Setting. Instead, Survivors have Stamina which is drained as they suffer
Violate Attack, certain results from Sensitivity Rolls. Survivors start with a Stamina Meter of 1000
Stamina Points (SP). There are Four Main Ways that Stamina can be restored.
■ Passively with her Stamina Recovery. 20 SP at the end of each Round is the default.
■ Using a Recovery Item either in or out of combat, this will restore a set amount of SP
dependent on the particular Recovery Item.
■ Resting will restore 250 SP. This is where spends at least 3 In Game Hours not doing
anything strenuous.
■ Sleeping will fully restore Stamina. However, while a Survivor is asleep they are
completely defenseless.
When a Survivor’s Stamina is reduced to Zero she is rendered Incapacitated and can no longer act, all
Attacks against her will be considered Critical Successes and certain BOWs will be able to abduct her.
While Stamina does not drain as quickly as Mana due to only being affected by Violate and Sensitivity
Rolls it does also mean that Survivors do not have access to Spells, Barriers or Chastity Barriers,
further restricting how they can defend themselves against the lustful BOWs hunting them.

Infection and Infection Rate

The body fluids of every BOW in the Erohazard Setting are potent with the Virus that created them. With
every Lewd and Violate Attack that involves a BOW’s Tongue / Cock / Tentacle targeting a Survivor’s
Mouth / Ass / Pussy or comes into contact with a BOW’s cum, she will be forced to make an Infection
Resistance Roll against the Attacking BOW’s Infection Rate Roll. On a failure the Survivor’s Infection
will increase based on the BOW’s Infection Rate as well as the location.
■ Infection Rate
■ Lowly: +5 Infection Rate
■ Monstrous: +4 Infection Rate
■ Devil: +3 Infection Rate
■ Fiend: +2 Infection Rate
■ Lord: +1 Infection Rate
■ Location Body
■ Non-Erotic Zone: No Bonus
■ Mouth: Double Infection Rate
■ Breasts: No Bonus
■ Ass: Triple Infection Rate
■ Pussy: Triple Infection Rate
■ Womb: Quadruple Infection Rate
If a Survivor is Impregnated by a BOW, she will have to make an Infection Resistance Roll each time her
Pregnancy advances a stage until she gives birth or it is otherwise terminated.

City Danger Levels

As the Game progresses the state of the City, or wherever the Erohazard has occurred, will steadily
grow worse as the virus grows further out of control, the number of BOWs increase and even the very
location itself stars to fall to ruin. This is represented by a Tension Gauge that raises steadily from 1 to
100 with the passage of time and can be slowed or accelerated by certain events, such as succeeding at
or abandoning missions.

How time passes and therefore how quickly the Tension Gauge increases depends on the particular
campaign being played. For smaller campaigns where the story takes place over one or two nights, the
Tension Gauge will increase by 5 every Post/Hour while for larger campaigns which take place over
weeks at a time the Tension Gauge will increase by 1d10 every Day Phase (Morning / Afternoon /
Evening / Night) or every three Posts. In particularly large maps, such as those covering an entire city,
each section of the Map may have its own Tension Gauge representing how sections of the city are more
dangerous than others.

The Tension Gauge can also be increased or decreased depending on the actions that Survivors take.
Eliminating all the BOWs in an area, rescuing other Survivors or completing essential Missions will halt or
reverse Tension Gauge progress while abandoning missions, leaving too many BOWs in an area or losing
Survivors will increase the Tension Gauge.
Generally, if the Tension Gauge ever exceeds 100 then the campaign is Failed and all Survivors that
haven’t escaped are considered lost. For Maps where each section of the Map has its own Tension
Gauge the campaign fails once every section as reached 100. This also means that it is possible for
Survivors to venture into particularly dangerous sections of the Map if necessary.
Tension Events

As the Survivors explore each Zone in a Map they will trigger Tension Events. These determine what if
anything they encounter in each Zone and even across the Map itself. Tension Events are split into four
categories (Green / Yellow / Amber / Red) which determine how dangerous said Event is, with the
chances of triggering a specific category varying depending on the current state of the Tension Gauge.
■ Tension Gauge
■ 1 to 19: Green and Yellow Events (1d20)
■ 20 to 39: Green, Yellow and Amber Events (1d30)
■ 40 to 59: Green, Yellow, Amber and Red Events (1d40)
■ 60 to 79: Yellow, Amber and Red Events (1d30)
■ 80 to 99: Amber and Red Events (1d20)
■ 100+: Red Events (1d10)
There are two ways in which Tension Events are triggered. The first is each time a Survivor enters an
unexplored Zone, they will make a Tension Gauge Roll with the result corresponding to a specific Event
on the relevant Tension Event Encounter Tables, this will determine what the Survivors find in the Zone.
The second way to trigger Tension Events is through a Survivor initiating combat with BOWs, after the
first Round of Combat is finished make a Tension Gauge Roll with the result corresponding to a specific
Event on the relevant Tension Event Combat Tables, this represents the sound of Combat drawing the
attention of nearby BOWs or rousing them from their slumber.
Tension Event Encounter Table


Yellow Amber Red

Survivor 2x Lowly, Survivor 1x Monstrous, 1x Devil, Survivor


Supply Cache 1x Lowly, 1x Corpse 4x Lowly 4x Monstrous

All Clear 2x Lowly 4x Lowly, 1x Corpse 2x Lowly, 2x Fire

All Clear 2x Lowly, 1x Corpse 3x Monstrous 1x Devil, 1x Obstacle

1x Obstacle 1x Lowly, 1x Obstacle 1x Monstrous, Trap 2x Devil

2x Obstacle Trap 2x Monstrous, Trap 1x Monstrous, 1x Fire

Puzzle 1x Monstrous 1x Fire 1x Devil, 1x Fire

1x Corpse 2x Monstrous 1x Lowly, 1x Fire 1x Fiend, 1x Fire

2x Corpse 3x Lowly 1x Devil 1x Fiend, 2x Fire

1x Lowly 1x Lowly, Trap 1x Fiend 1x Lord

The second way to trigger Tension Events is through a Survivor initiating combat with BOWs. After the
first Round of Combat is finished make a Tension Gauge Roll with the result corresponding to a specific
Event on the relevant Tension Event List. As the Tension Gauge increases so to does the size of the
Dice rolled and as of such the possible Events.
■ Tension Gauge
■ 1 to 19: 1d25
■ 20 to 39: 1d48
■ 40 to 59: 1d54
■ 60 to 79: 1d66
■ 80 to 99: 1d80
■ 100+: 1d100
Below is a list of sample Tension Events for Raccoon City:

Spoiler: Tension Events

Tension Events
1. All Clear
2. All Clear
3. All Clear
4. All Clear
5. All Clear
6. All Clear
7. All Clear
8. All Clear
9. All Clear
10. All Clear
11. All Clear
12. All Clear
13. All Clear
14. All Clear
15. All Clear
16. All Clear
17. Echoes in the Darkness (if Survivor doesn’t leave Zone next Round, roll Tension)
18. Echoes in the Darkness (if Survivor doesn’t leave Zone next Round, roll Tension)
19. Sounds Outside…(if Survivor leaves the Zone next Round, roll Tension twice)
20. Lurching Gait (for one Round all BOWs can move an extra Square/Position)
21. Cornered (place the highest Category BOW from another Zone in this Zone’s
22. Tremor (lose 1 Action, if Grave Digger was Defeated then nothing happens)
23. Death Rattle (spawn a Zombie Near the Survivor)
24. Undead Ambush (spawn two Zombies Near the Survivor)
25. Vigour Mortis (BOW nearest Survivor makes an Attack)
26. All Clear
27. All Clear
28. All Clear
29. All Clear
30. All Clear
31. All Clear
32. All Clear
33. All Clear
34. All Clear
35. All Clear
36. All Clear
37. All Clear
38. All Clear
39. All Clear
40. No Escape…(Place all BOWs from nearest Zone at Entrance/Exit to current Zone)
41. No Escape…(Place all BOWs from nearest Zone at Entrance/Exit to current Zone)
42. Echoes in the Darkness (if Survivor doesn’t leave Zone next Round, roll Tension)
43. Prehensile Grasp (make an Evade vs 1d20+1 or skip Turn)
44. Prehensile Grasp (make an Evade vs 1d20+1 or skip Turn)
45. Tough Hide (for one Round defeated Zombies become Corpses)
46. Dead Rising (make a Reanimation Roll, if it succeeds all Corpses in current Zone
47. Bloodcurdling Howl (spawn two Zombie Dogs in current Zone)
48. Splintering Wood (closest Barricade is destroyed, if there are no Barricades closest
non-locked door is destroyed)
49. Persisting Unease (next time Zone is entered roll Tension)
50. Mounting Trepidation (next time Encounter or Reanimation is Rolled add 6 to result)
51. Mounting Trepidation (next time Encounter or Reanimation is Rolled add 6 to result)
52. Bloody Trail (roll 1d20 when moving to an unexplored Zone, on results over 15 spawn a
Survivor otherwise spawn a Zombie)
53. Murder of Crows (all Survivors on Zone make an Evade vs 1d20+1, reduce CD on failure
by the difference and spawn Crows on Zone for each Survivor)
54. Murder of Crows (all Survivors on Zone make an Evade vs 1d20+1, reduce CD on failure
by the difference and spawn Crows on Zone for each Survivor)
55. Tough Hide (defeated Zombies are replaced with Corpses)
56. Tough Hide (defeated Zombies are replaced with Corpses)
57. Creak…(roll 1d6 for each Entrance/Exit on the Map, on a 1 open the Entrance/Exit)
58. Creak…(roll 1d6 for each Entrance/Exit on the Map, on a 1 open the Entrance/Exit)
59. Lost Footing (make an Evade vs 1d20+1 or be knocked Prone)
60. Hideous Screech (spawn Licker in current Zone)
61. Vigour Mortis (BOW nearest Survivor makes an Attack)
62. Vigour Mortis (BOW nearest Survivor makes an Attack)
63. Rabid Growl (spawn Zombie Dog in current Zone)
64. Feral Chase (spawn a Zombie Dog in an adjacent Zone for each Survivor)
65. Tyrant Attacks! (spawn T-00, Nemesis or Birkin Near Survivor and resolve a Grapple
Attack, if it is already Near a Survivor perform a Violate Attack against them)
66. Earthquake (all characters make an Evade vs 1d20+5 or be knocked Prone, add 1d4
Obstacles to the Map, if the Grave Digger is Defeated this does nothing)
67. Crimson Thirst (for one Round all BOWs have +2 Lewd and Violate)
68. Something’s Out There! (for one round when leaving a Zone roll Tension, if moving to an
unexplored Zone roll Encounter twice)
69. Something’s Out There! (for one round when leaving a Zone roll Tension, if moving to an
unexplored Zone roll Encounter twice)
70. Destructive Rage (roll 1d20, on results under 10 the next Zone cannot be Investigated and
has two Obstacles)
71. Hunters’ Prey (make an Evasion vs 1d20+3 and an extra +1 for each Survivor over one, on
a fail spawn a Hunter in the Zone, on a pass spawn a Hunter in an adjacent Zone)
72. Rising Fear (for rest of Mission roll Tension twice on this Zone)
73. Rising Fear (for rest of Mission roll Tension twice on this Zone)
74. Pallid Skin (Survivor takes double Infection until they use a First Aid Spray or Anti-Virus)
75. Ignition (place a Fire in the Zone, if there is already a Fire in the Zone expand each Fire by
one Square)
76. They’re Breaking In! (spawn two Zombies on the nearest Zone with windows)
77. Marked Target (Survivor is now T-00, Nemesis or Birkin’s Primary Target)
78. Tyrant Attacks! (spawn T-00, Nemesis or Birkin Near Survivor and resolve a Grapple
Attack, if it is already Near a Survivor perform a Violate Attack against them)
79. Disturbed Nest (spawn a Drain Deimos on the Zone)
80. Earthquake (all characters make an Evade vs 1d20+5 or be knocked Prone, add 1d4
Obstacles to the Map, if the Grave Digger is Defeated this does nothing)
81. Tainted Wounds (+10 Sensitivity Points and +5 Sensitivity Roll on all Lewd and Violate
Attacks for one Round)
82. Tainted Wounds (+10 Sensitivity Points and +5 Sensitivity Roll on all Lewd and Violate
Attacks for one Round)
83. Tainted Wounds (+10 Sensitivity Points and +5 Sensitivity Roll on all Lewd and Violate
Attacks for one Round)
84. Grisly Reanimation (make a Reanimation Roll, if it passes all Corpses in the Zone
85. Ransacked (roll 1d20, on rolls under 5 half the Safe Room Supplies are destroyed
otherwise all Investigation Rolls on the Map under 15 will fail)
86. Unnatural Strength (for one Round BOWs cannot suffer Push and roll Grapple Attacks at
87. Hunters’ Prey (make an Evasion vs 1d20+3 and an extra +1 for each Survivor over one, on
a fail spawn a Hunter in the Zone, on a pass spawn a Hunter in an adjacent Zone)
88. Hunters’ Prey (make an Evasion vs 1d20+3 and an extra +1 for each Survivor over one, on
a fail spawn a Hunter in the Zone, on a pass spawn a Hunter in an adjacent Zone)
89. Venomous Spray (make an Evade vs 1d20+2 or receive +10 Sensitivity Points and +5 to
next Sensitivity Roll, spawn Giant Spider in Zone)
90. Dragged Away (roll 1d4 and make an Evade vs 1d20 and the d4 or be Dragged to a new
Zone and spawn BOW (1 = Lowly, 2 = Monstrous, 3 = Devil, 4 = Fiend)
91. They’re Breaking In! (spawn two Zombies on the nearest Zone with windows)
92. Rapid Gestation (each Impregnated character makes a Pregnancy Advancement Roll and
gains +10 Sensitivity Points)
93. Earthquake (all characters make an Evade vs 1d20+5 or be knocked Prone, add 1d4
Obstacles to the Map, if the Grave Digger is Defeated this does nothing)
94. Unnatural Strength (for one Round BOWs cannot suffer Push and roll Grapple Attacks at
95. Unstoppable Tide (for one Round Zombies cannot take damage from anything but a
Critical Hit)
96. Something Beneath (make an Evade vs 1d20+3 or be moved one Square/Position and
knocked Prone, if the Grave Digger was Defeated this does nothing)
97. Entangling Vines (make an Evade vs 1d20+3 or Grappled, spawn Ivy)
98. Entangling Vines (make an Evade vs 1d20+3 or Grappled, spawn Ivy)
99. They’re Breaking In! (spawn two Zombies on the nearest Zone with windows)
100. Zombie Horde (spawn three Zombies Near each Survivor)

The number of times Survivors will roll for Tension Events will also increase depending on how many
Survivors are present in the investigating party, raising by 1 for every other Survivors present.

■ 1 to 2 Survivors = 1 Tension Event Roll.
■ 3 to 4 Survivors = 2 Tension Event Rolls.
■ 5 to 6 Survivors = 3 Tension Event Rolls.

In larger Campaigns where the Story takes place over multiple days the Survivors will need time to rest
and sleep. Every Four Day Phases (12 Posts) that pass the active Heroines need to take a time to
Sleep. If a Survive fails to do this her maximum Stamina will temporarily drop by 250, this is accumulative
and will drop every Four Day Phases the Survivor does not Sleep. If her Stamina is every reduced to
Zero in this manner then the Survivor she is Incapacitated and will Sleep for Four Day Phases. Certain
Traits can allow Survivors to resist this.

While Sleeping a Survivor cannot act until roused from her slumber, as of such any Attacks against her
automatically Hit and are considered Critical Successes. Once a Survivor has been Attacked while
Sleeping, she will wake up, but all her Rolls will be at Disadvantage for 1 Round. If she was
Incapacitated through Fatigue then she will not wake up even if Attacked.
Maps, Traps and Puzzles
A major part of this Setting is exploration. The Survivors are in dangerous often unfamiliar locations that
they must navigate through in order to succeed at some kind of objective, this is most often simply
escaping but can also include rescuing other Survivors or retrieving items that are vital to a greater
overarching objective.

Due to this need for exploration the Game will take place over a series of interconnected Maps. Each Map
represents a room or corridor that the Survivors can venture through, each of which may contain any
number of threats ranging from BOWs to Lewd Traps alongside essential resources and Puzzles that
bar them from said resources or advancing further in that Zone. Survivors and BOWs can both leave
Maps by using 1 Action at a designated point or points in particular Zones, this however is mainly only
available in larger Games set in locations such as Cities.

Zones are primarily separated by Entrances/Exists but can be roughly any size and shape, although are
usually small and roughly rectangular, they may also contain obstacles that limit movement through them.
For simplicity’s sake Zones are often divided up into Squares and moving from one Square to an
adjacent Square is the same as moving Position. As of such each Square and the contents of that Square
will be given its own position to keep track of it. Moving from one Zone to another through an
Entrance/Exit costs 1 Action even if it is locked, as long as the Survivor has an appropriate Key.

■ Zone A
■ Size: 3x1
■ Square 1: Entrance/Exit to Zone B – Survivor 1.
■ Square 2: BOW 1.
■ Square 3: Entrance/Exit to Zone C.
In the above example the Zone is essentially a corridor with doorways to neighbouring Zones. A Survivor
in Square 1 will be Near the Exit to Zone B, Far from BOW 1 in Square 2 and Distant to Square 3 and
the Exist to Zone C. In order to reach Square 3 and Exit to Zone C should would need to move Near
BOW 1 in order to pass through its Square.

■ Zone B
■ Size: 3 x 3
■ Square 1: Empty.
■ Square 2: Obstacle 1.
■ Square 3: Empty.
■ Square 4: Entrance/Exist to Zone A. Survivor 1.
■ Square 5: BOW 1.
■ Square 6: Entrance/Exit to Zone C.
■ Square 7: Empty
■ Square 8: Entrance/Exit to Zone D.
■ Square 9: Obstacle 2.
In the above example the Zone is a relatively large room with doorways to neighbouring Zones. A
Survivor in Square 4 is Near the Exit to Zone A and Far from the adjacent squares (1, 2, 5, 7 and 8) as
well as Obstacle 1, BOW 1 and the Exit to Zone D and Distant to Squares 3, 6 and 9 as well as Obstacle
2 and the Exit to Zone C. She could move freely to Square 8 placing herself Near the Zone D Exit but to
reach Zone C she would either have to make it over/through the Obstacles in their respective Squares or
pass through Square 5 and thus place herself Near BOW 1.

Other than BOWs, Survivors can also come across Traps, Puzzles and Obstacles. Each will be given a
Difficulty either by the QM or by rolling 1d20+5, this is the result that the Survivor must equal or surpass in
order to solve or bypass the Trap, Puzzle or Obstacle.

For Obstacles this can be either through Attack and Evasion Rolls or by using certain Tools. Both Rolls
will cost 1 Action. Succeeding at an Evasion Roll against an Obstacle will have the Survivor bypass it;
they can continue forward but the Obstacle will still be there. Succeeding at an Attack Roll will lower the
Obstacle’s HP by the current amount of Damage the Heroine can cause, if it’s HP is reduced to Zero it is
destroyed allowing free passage past the Obstacle by anyone. However, even if a Survivor fails their
Attack Roll the Difficulty of the next Roll will be reduced by 2, this is accumulative until the Obstacle is

A common Obstacle is Fire, this will take up a Square in the Zone and has a chance to spread whenever
a Tension Event is rolled. Each round a Survivor or BOW is in an adjacent Square to a Fire they must
make an Evasion Roll against 1d20, if they fail the Survivor’s CD or Stamina will be reduced by the
difference in the rolled results multiplied by the number of Fires she is near while the BOW’s Main Body
HP will be reduced by the same amount. If a BOW is pushed into a Fire they will have to attempt their
Evasion Roll at Disadvantage. Each time the Tension Even Roll is over 15 the Fire will spread to an
adjacent square.

Survivors can also stumble across Corpses; these are specific Obstacles that do not require an Action to
move past but each time a Survivor performs any Action while Near them they will need to roll 1d20 to
determine if the Corpse animates as a BOW. The chances of a Corpse animating increases in line with
the current Tension Gauge.
■ 1 to 19: Rolls over 18+
■ 20 to 39: Rolls over 16+
■ 40 to 59: Rolls over 14+
■ 60 to 79: Rolls over 12+
■ 80 to 99: Rolls over 10+
■ 100+: Rolls over 8+
Traps and Puzzles require a Resistance Roll to bypass. While failing a Puzzle has no adverse effects,
failing a Trap will trigger it and can result in the Survivor being Bound by Pacification Equipment, her CD
reduced, forced to make a Sensitivity Roll or even an Infection Resistance Roll. Unlike Obstacles, Traps
and Puzzles do not lower in difficulty on failed rolls, however, the Survivor can gain bonuses to their
attempt through finding certain items or clues.

Sample Traps
■ Aphrodisiac Gas: The Survivor gains +5 Sensitivity Points and must make a Non-Erotic
Zone Sensitivity Roll with a -10 Modifier.
■ Aphrodisiac Filled Room: The Survivor will gain +5 Sensitivity Points and must make a
Non-Erotic Zone Sensitivity Roll with a -10 Modifier each Round until she escapes the
■ Solvent Spray: The Survivor’s CD is reduced by 25.
■ Metal Bindings: Both of the Survivor’s Arms or Legs are Bound by steel cuffs (Roll
Bonus: +5 / HP: 10/10, has the Tight Hold Trait). She cannot change Position until the
Bindings are removed.
■ Sybian: Both the Survivor’s Legs are Bound by steel cuffs (Roll Bons: +5 / HP: 10/10, has
Tight Hold Trait). Each Round until she is freed the Survivor makes Two Sensitivity
Rolls and chooses the higher one. She cannot change Position until the Bindings are
Investigation and City Regions

Regardless of the scope of the Game, whether it is takes place over a couple nights in a single location or
spans weeks within a BOW ridden city, Survivors will need to Investigate the Map in order to uncover the
truth of the Outbreak as well as to uncover Weaponry, Tools and Supplies to further aid them in their
Investigation. This is done by making an Investigation Roll using the Survivor’s Resistance as a Bonus,
in each Zone with the result determining exactly what if anything is uncovered. This can be done once per
Zone or Obstacle in a Zone but each attempt will require a Tension Roll. If attempted during Combat it
does not require a Tension Roll but will take 2 Actions to perform and the Survivor will need to pass an
Evasion Roll for any Near BOWs.

In Games set in a City it is advised that the City be split up into separate Regions. While it is not a
requirement it can help to give each Region its own Tension Gauge as well as its own Bonuses and
Penalties certain Rolls, Encounters and even what can be found through Investigation. Below is a sample
list of City Regions for Raccoon City:

Spoiler: Raccoon City Regions

Raccoon City Regions
■ Cider District: located to the south east of the city and east of Circular River, it is mostly
suburban with notable landmarks including R.C. East Elementary, R.C. Junior High, R.C.
Community College, R.C. Shooting Club Range and Redfield Lake on the outskirts of the
city to the north. Resources are somewhat limited to what can be found in homes with
some greater variety in the schools and gun range. -2 Tension Roll.
■ Huntington Acres: located to the north west of the city and Circular River and located
between North Raccoon and West Raccoon, it is mostly residential with notable landmarks
including Umbrella Headquarters, R.C. Hospital, R.C. Station, Saint Michael Clock Tower
and Raccoon Park. Resources are diverse but lean toward medical supplies and due to
the more urban nature of the area traversing can be tricky though. 1d4 Obstacles per
Zone, +4 Tension Roll and x2 Lowly BOWs.
■ North Raccoon: located to the north of the city and Huntington Acres and west of Circular
River, it is an industrial area with notable landmarks being R.C. Railroad, Umbrella
Chemicals and Raccoon Dam. Resources are restricted mostly to industrial supplies. +2
Tension Roll and x2 Monstrous BOWs.
■ West Raccoon: located to the west of the city and Circular River and south of Huntington
Acres, it is a split between residential and commercial area with notable landmarks being
Taxaco Gas Station, Elephant Restaurant, R.C. Zoo, West Park and R.C. Station along
with multiple stores and diners. Resources are incredibly varied in the location but
traversing it can be difficulty. +3 Tension Roll and x2 Lowly BOWs.
■ Central Raccoon: located to the west of Circular River and sitting between Hunting Acres,
West Raccoon, Saint Michael’s and Cider District, it is a heavily commercial area with
notable landmarks being Raccoon Cinema, Central Cinema, Central Station, Raccoon
Youth Centre, Kendo’s Gun Shop, City Hall, R.P.D., Stagla Gas, Raccoon Press, Raccoon
Theatre, Post Office, R.C. Power Substation, R.C. Museum, R.C. Mall, KRC Radio 777
and multiple diners. Resources are incredibly varied and plentiful in the location but
traversing it is very difficult. 2d4 Obstacles per Zone, +4 Tension Roll, x2 Lowly and x2
Monstrous BOWs.
■ Saint Michael’s: located to the south east of west of the city and south of West Raccoon
and Central Raccoon, it is a mix of residential and commercial but more upscale than other
regions with notable landmarks being Saint Michael’s Sport Stadium, Umbrella Sales
Offices, Jack’s Bar, Apple Inn, Johnson’s National Bank, Raccoon Art Gallery, Grady’s Inn,
R.C. High School and 21st Century Offices. Resources are relatively varied and traversing
the area is also quite easy. +3 Tension Roll and x2 Lowly BOWs.
■ Arklay Forest (North): located to the north of the city limits and easy of Circular River, it is
a more mountainous area sitting just south and south west of Arklay Mountains, notable
landmarks are R.C. Waste Disposal Factory, Abandoned Hospital, N.E.S.T Laboratories
and the Spencer Estate. Resources are incredibly limited outside of the few locations
where they are split between medical supplies and weaponry, although the terrain is also
incredibly difficult to traverse. 2d4 Obstacles per Zone, -2 Evasion, +5 Tension Roll and
x2 Monstrous BOWs.
■ Arklay Forest (South West): located to the south and south west of the city it is a densely
wooded area with notable landmarks being Douglas Prison and Arklay Forest Sawmill.
Resources are incredibly limited in the area and it is difficult to traverse. 2d4 Obstacles
per Zone, -2 Evasion and -4 Tension Rolls.

Due to the current state of the City moving between Regions will take up 1 Day Phase and a Tension
Roll to see if they are accosted by BOWs along the road. If they traversing across multiple City Regions
to reach a particular location then it will take 2 Day Phases and a Tension Roll for each Region they
pass through to reach their destination. Traversing between Regions can by lowered by 1 Day Phase if
the Survivors rush but they will have to make 2 Tension Rolls per traversed Region.
Safe Rooms

Finding a safe location to rest and recover from their encounters with BOWs is fundamental to the
Survivors’ success. As they explore the Map they may come across empty Zones or clear out the BOWs
in a Zone in order to turn it into a Safe Room by reinforcing Entrances/Exits, setting up alarms and even
storing surplus Equipment and Supplies. While in Safe Rooms the Survivors can rest and even Sleep
with at least some level of security.

Safe Rooms will not remain Safe forever, at the end of every Day Phase the QM Rolls 1d20 against a
target set by the current Tension Gauge either for the entire Map or the Region the Safe Room is
located. If the result is below the target, then the Safe Room will be compromised by BOWs determined
by a Tension Roll.

Tension Gauge
■ 1 to 19: Target Roll 5+
■ 20 to 39: Rolls over 8+
■ 40 to 59: Target Roll 10+
■ 60 to 79: Target Roll 14+
■ 80 to 99: Target Roll 18+
■ 100+: Target Roll 20
The number of Survivors currently in the Safe Room will grant a -1 Penalty to the Roll for every 2

Fight or Flight

Unlike Settings that use Mana or Aura, Survivors in this Setting do not have access to any special powers
to even the playing field against their inhuman opponents. Instead, they must rely on a variety of weapons
ranging from Combat Knives and Handguns to Grenade Launchers and Flamethrowers. However, these
weapons are usually few and far between with limited ammunition, this alongside limited supplies needed
to repair Clothing Durability means that Heroines need to carefully consider whether the rewards for
fighting an Enemy outweighs the cost.

This will often be made more difficult in that most Encounters will take place in rather tight confines,
making avoid direct confrontations with Enemies at times almost impossible. If a Survivor is Near a BOW
and that BOW has at least 1 Defensive Action, she will need to use Defensive Action to make an
Evasion Roll against the BOW’s Evasion Roll in order to move Far from the BOW. If a Survivor is Near
multiple BOWs, she will suffer a Penalty to her Evasion Roll equal to the number of Near BOWs that still
have a Defensive Action. On a failure the Survivor is unable to move and her Action is wasted.

To counteract this, when a Survivor succeeds at an Escape Roll against a BOW’s Grapple Attack, she
can push the BOW one Position away unless the BOW has a Trait that prevents being forcibly moved.

Survivors can Escape Encounters by moving into another Zone. Unless particular Tension Event is
activated or they have certain Traits, BOWs cannot move between Zones.

The Viruses

As Survivors encounter BOWs during their struggles, they will inevitably be infected by one of the Viruses
that was used to create the monsters that are hunting them. Every Lewd and Violate Attacks that
involves a BOW’s Cock, Tentacle or Tongue a Survivor suffers has the chance to increase her Infection.
When a Survivor’s Infection reaches in increment of 20% Infection, she will gain a Mutation based on
the Virus that raised her Infection to that particular Threshold. While these Mutations are always negative
in some manner, making it easier for the Infected Survivor to succumb to pleasure, they also sometimes
grant benefits.

Certain Viruses also give a Bonus or Penalty to the Infection Rate. Below is a list of the Viruses and their

■ Spoiler: Virus Mutation Stages

■ Progenitor Virus: +5 Infection Rate
■ Unlike the other Viruses the Progenitor has no set
Mutations. Instead, the Survivor will roll 1d7 with the results
corresponding to the other Viruses and take the Mutation for
the relevant Stage. If a 1 is rolled they gain no Mutation.
■ t-Virus α: +0 Infection Rate
■ 1st Stage (20%): Non-Erotic Sensitivity is now Rolled as
Pussy Sensitivity, +25 Sensitivity Rolls on other Areas.
■ 2nd Stage (40%): -1 to all Rolls for each increment of 10 CD
above 50.
■ 3rd Stage (60%): When Near BOWs and at least one other
Survivor roll 1d20, on results under 10 the BOWs will target
the Infected Survivor.
■ 4th Stage (80%): Sensitivity cannot be lowered below 300.
■ Final Stage (100): -5 to Escape, Struggle and Resistance
Rolls when at or over 600 Sensitivity.
■ t-Virus β: -4 Infection Rate
■ At each Stage the Survivor rolls 1d20, on a 20 she can
choose one of the following Bonuses (+10 Stamina
Recovery, +50 Stamina, +1 Evasion, +1 Attack or +1
■ 1st Stage (20%): Non-Erotic Sensitivity is now Rolled as
Breasts Sensitivity, +5 Sensitivity Rolls on other Areas.
■ 2nd Stage (40%): Impregnation Resistance lowered by 2.
■ 3rd Stage (60%): Non-Erotic Sensitivity is now Rolled as
Nipples Sensitivity, +15 Sensitivity Rolls on other Areas.
■ 4th Stage (80%): Sensitivity cannot be lowered below 300.
■ Final Stage (100): When Penetrated by a Cock/Tentacle the
Survivor must make a Resistance Roll against 1d20+5, on a
Failure the Ejaculation Roll for the Cock/Tentacle is lowered
by 4.
■ t-Virus ε: +0 Infection Rate
■ At each Stage the Survivor rolls 1d20, on a 20 she can
choose one of the following Bonuses (+20 Stamina
Recovery, +100 Stamina, +2 Evasion, +2 Attack or +2
■ 1st Stage (20%): Non-Erotic Sensitivity is now Rolled as
Breasts Sensitivity, +5 Sensitivity Rolls on other Areas.
■ 2nd Stage (40%): Impregnation Resistance lowered by 2.
■ 3rd Stage (60%): -1 to all Rolls for each increment of 10 CD
above 50. Non-Erotic Sensitivity is now Rolled as Nipples
Sensitivity, +15 Sensitivity Rolls on other Areas.
■ 4th Stage (80%): Impregnation Resistance lowered by 2 and
Sensitivity cannot be lowered below 300.
■ Final Stage (100): When Penetrated by a Cock/Tentacle the
Survivor must make a Resistance Roll against 1d20+5, on a
Failure the Ejaculation Roll for the Cock/Tentacle is lowered
by 4. Each time the Survivor is Incapacitated roll 1d20, on
a 20 she can choose one of the following Bonuses (+20
Stamina Recovery, +100 Stamina, +2 Evasion, +2 Attack or
+2 Escape).
When a Survivor first reaches this Stage if she rolls 20 on
the 1d20 she gains all of the Bonuses and gains the Athletic
Characteristic (if she already has it, it will be upgraded to
■ G-Virus: -5 Infection Rate if Survivor Incompatible / +0 Infection Rate if
Survivor Compatible
■ Survivors can only be Infected by G if they are genetically
compatible with the BOW attempting to Infect them. At each
Stage the Survivor gains +20 Stamina Recovery and +100
■ 1st Stage (20%): Non-Erotic Sensitivity is now Rolled as
Nipple Sensitivity, +15 Sensitivity Rolls on other Areas.
■ 2nd Stage (40%): Impregnation Resistance lowered by 2.
■ 3rd Stage (60%): Non-Erotic Sensitivity is now Rolled as
Pussy Sensitivity, +10 Sensitivity on other Areas.
■ 4th Stage (80%): Lewd Attacks targeting her Breasts and
Nipples will drain 1d25 Stamina, Climaxing from a
Sensitivity Roll from her Breasts or Nipples will drain 2d25
Stamina. If a BOW targeted her Nipples with its Mouth it
gain HP equal to the Stamina lost.
■ Final Stage (100): Each time a BOW Ejaculates on or
inside her, Impregnation Resistance against that BOW type
is permanently lowered by 2. Each time the Survivor is
Incapacitated roll 1d20, on a 20 she gains a permanent +1
to Attack, Evasion and Escape against the type of BOW that
Incapacitated her.
■ t+G Virus: +0 Infection Rate
■ 1st Stage (20%): Non-Erotic Sensitivity is now Rolled as
Breasts Sensitivity, +5 Sensitivity Rolls on other Areas.
■ 2nd Stage (40%): Survivor’s Breast Characteristic increases
by one size (Flat is Justice > Itty Bitty Titties > No
Characteristic > Busty > Tigass Bitties), if already at largest
+20 Sensitivity Rolls to Breasts.
■ 3rd Stage (60%): Survivor’s Ass Characteristic increases by
one size (Cake is a Lie > Firm Glutes > No Characteristic >
Plump Rump > Dumptruck), if already at largest +20
Sensitivity Rolls to Ass. Immune to Fulgur
■ 4th Stage (80%): Survivor’s Womb becomes more Fertile
(Baren > Infertility > No Characteristic > Fertile > Baby
Factory), if already at the most fertile -5 to Impregnation
Resistance Rolls. Can Spend 10 SP to imbue a Physical
Attack with a Minor Fulgur
■ Final Stage (100): -1 to all Rolls for every increment of 10
CD above 20. Can Spend 25 SP to imbue a Physical Attack
with a Moderate Fulgur
■ t-Veronica Virus: -4 Infection Rate
■ 1st Stage (20%): -1 to all Rolls for every increment of 10 CD
above 80. Non-Erotic Sensitivity is now Rolled as Breasts
Sensitivity, +5 Sensitivity on other Areas.
■ 2nd Stage (40%): -1 to all Rolls for every increment of 10 CD
above 60. Non-Erotic Sensitivity is now Rolled as Nipples
Sensitivity, +5 Sensitivity on other Areas.
■ 3rd Stage (60%): -1 to all Rolls for every increment of 10 CD
above 40. +10 Modifier to Sensitivity when penetrated by
Ovipositor. +5 Sensitivity Rolls.
■ 4th Stage (80%): -1 to all Rolls for every increment of 10 CD
above 20. +4 to Violate Attacks from Ovipositors. +5
Sensitivity Rolls. Can spend 20 SP to cast a Minor
Single-Target Ignis Spell.
■ Final Stage (100): -1 to all Rolls for every increment of 10
CD above 0. Eggs grow over a period of 5 Rounds. +5
Sensitivity Rolls. Can spend 50 SP to cast a Moderate
Single-Target Ignis Spell.
Upon reaching this Stage the Survivor rolls 1d20, on a 20
she gains the ability to make Resistance Rolls against a
targeted BOW to gain control of it. Each Round both
Survivor and BOW re-roll to see if the BOW breaks free of
her control. She can control multiple BOWs at once but
each additional BOW will incur a -1 Penalty to her
Resistance Roll.

Inventory and Clothing

Clothing in this Setting carries out a secondary function beyond protection from Lewd and Violate
Attacks from BOWs, it also represents the size of the Survivor’s Inventory. Survivors are, for the most
part, regular if particularly competent humans. They have no special powers and no access to magic, as
of such they need to use Equipment and Items to not only even the playing field against the BOWs they
encounter but also to traverse through the Map.

Each level of Clothing Durability grants the Survivor Two Inventory Slots. When their CD is dropped to
a certain threshold their Inventory Slots will decrease alongside losing their protection against Lewd and
Violate Attacks. These Slots will be restored when the Survivor’s CD is raised to the appropriate threshold
again, this can be done through repairing Clothing with certain items or replacing it entirely using
■ 100+ - 75 CD: 6 Inventory Slots
■ 74 – 50 CD: 4 Inventory Slots
■ 49 – 25 CD: 2 Inventory Slots
■ 24 – 0 CD: 0 Inventory Slots
If a Survivor’s Inventory Slots are reduced to 0, she can still equip items to her hands, but will need to
drop Equipment and Items if she wants to pick up anything else.

Survivors can also Equip Side-Packs and Backpacks. These grant 2 Inventory and 4 Inventory Slots
respectively and cannot be destroyed by Normal Attacks, although certain Traits can damage and destroy
Ultimate BOW Rules​

The below rules are for an alternative playstyle called Ultimate BOW where a Player takes control of a
single intelligent BOW which must hunt down Survivors in order to grow more powerful as well as other
BOWs to convert into Minions. One of the key components of the game is creating a Lair, a location
where the BOW and its Minions can rest as well as using captive Survivors to Breed new Minions or to
Feed and more rapidly recover injuries.
Hunting Survivors and Gaining Minions
Games using the Ultimate BOW rules are split into either Posts or Day Phases. At the start of each Post
or Day Phase the Ultimate BOW can choose to Hunt Survivors or Convert Minions and they can do this
a number of times per post equal to their Actions. As they grow stronger, they will gain access to
other Actions such as Capture, Feed and Breed.

Survivors and BOWs are broken into two separate pools. At the beginning of a Post the Ultimate Licker
will make a roll equal to the number of potential targets in the pool they are currently pursuing and they
will then enter an Encounter with the target on the Map. If they are hunting a Survivor then the Encounter
will end when either the Ultimate BOW or the Survivor has been Defeated or if the Survivor successfully
moves outside of the BOW’s full movement range. Encounters will always start with all involved Near
one another unless the target has the Prepared Trait in which case, they will start Far from each

■ If Ultimate BOW has Two Actions and is currently Far from the Survivor who uses her
Turn to move from Far to Distant with One Action and then uses another Action to move
further away. The Ultimate BOW cannot move Near the Survivor on its Turn as that would
require Three Actions and so the Survivor Escapes.
■ If the Ultimate BOW has Characteristic or Trait that can Grapple at range
then it can attempt to Grapple the Survivor even though its not Near her,
however, if the Grapple misses, then the Survivor will Escape.
■ If the Ultimate BOW has Two Actions and is currently Near the Survivor who uses her
Turn to move Far and then Distant to the Ultimate BOW, it can still move Near her on its
next Turn with both Actions and so the Encounter continues.

If the Ultimate BOW is hunting another BOW, then the Encounter will end either when the Ultimate BOW
is Defeated or the other BOW is Converted into a Minion. In order to Convert another BOW, the Ultimate
BOW must first succeed at a Grapple Attack against them and then succeed at a Normal Attack using
their Head, if this succeeds then they will inject 25% of their current VP into the BOW and they are
converted into a Minion and removed from the BOW Pool. In order to Hunt BOWs the Ultimate BOW
must have advanced its category to Monstrous and have at least 4 VP.

Both Encounter Pools are split into Three Tiers to represent the danger each Encounter could provide.
When choosing to Hunt from either pool the Ultimate Licker can either choose to prioritize a particular Tier
or throw caution to the wind and a roll for the full pool. Even if they attempt to prioritize a particular
Tier, certain results can cause them to Encounter a Survivor or BOW from the Tier above or below
what they were targeting.

■ Fine:
Relatively easy Encounters. Survivors will be Level 0 or 1 with low damaging Weapons
and BOWs will likely not have any overly dangerous Traits.
■ Caution:
Encounters of average difficulty. Survivors will likely be Level 2 or higher with somewhat
damaging Weapons and BOWs will have at least one dangerous Trait.
■ Danger:
Rather difficult Encounters. Survivors will definitely be at least Level 5 if not higher with
very damaging Weapons and BOWs will have Traits on par with the Ultimate BOW

Minions are essentially weaker versions of the Ultimate BOW that can be given the commands to Assist
or Hunt at the beginning of each Post. If given the Assist command then the selected Minion will join the
Ultimate BOW on One of its Hunts. A total of Three Minions can join the Ultimate BOW on any one
Hunt. If the Hunt was a success and the Ultimate BOW does not have a Lair yet then it is possible to
assign a Minion to remain with the Defeated Survivor in order to prevent her from escaping once she
recovers, this will however remove it from play for one Post.

If given the Hunt command then the Minion will venture out alone to attempt to Defeat a Survivor in a
similar manner to the Ultimate BOW. If their Hunt is successful, they will automatically remain with the
Defeated Survivor or Capture her if the Ultimate BOW has a Lair.

When the Ultimate BOW gains a Lair, any Minion that has not been given a Command will automatically
select the Guard Action in the Lair.
Ultimate BOW Growth

The Ultimate BOW starts out at the Lowly category which grants them a maximum of 5 Traits and 50 Hit
Points. Each time they increase a Survivor’s Sensitivity Points to certain threshold, they will gain V-ACT
Points (VP). Every 100 VP earned will allow them to increase their Category by one level. This will
instantly restore their HP as well as increase their total HP by 10, increases their Roll Bonuses and grants
them one extra Trait. Gaining VP also has the added benefit of restoring the BOW’s HP equal to the
amount of VP gained, this allows them to heal even without Regeneration Traits.

V-ACT Points are gained at the following Sensitivity Points Thresholds:

■ 25 Sensitivity Points
■ 50 Sensitivity Points
■ 75 Sensitivity Points
■ 100 Sensitivity Points
■ Each Increment of 100 Sensitivity Points

Both the Ultimate BOW and its Minions start off without any Cock Characteristic and as of such cannot
make Violate Attacks, however, when they advance to the Devil category, they will automatically gain
one allowing them to Violate and Breed Survivors.

Once the Ultimate BOW has reached the Lord category, every 100 VP they earn will only restore their HP
and increase their HP total by 10. While they cannot gain any new Traits from this point forward, they can
swap out ones they already have.

The amount of VP earned from a Survivor depends on their Level and is doubled if it is the first time the
Survivor was Defeated.
■ Level 0 = 5 VP
■ Level 1 = 10 VP
■ Level 3 = 15 VP
■ Level 4 = 20 VP
■ Level 5 = 25 VP
■ Level 6 = 30 VP
■ Level 7 = 35 VP
■ Level 8 = 40 VP
■ Level 9 = 50 VP
■ Level 10 = 55 VP
The Survivor’s Infection will grant +5 VP for each increment of 20% up to a total of +25 at 100%

Similar to the Ultimate BOW, Minions can also increase their category by gaining VP, however, they
cannot reach Lord and only gain 25 HP to their total HP.

While in the Lair both the Ultimate BOW and its Minions can gain VP from Captured Survivors by
choosing the Feed option. The amount gained is calculated as the average Level of Captured Survivors
divided by the number of BOWs choosing the Feed option. Captured Survivors that are Recovering or
are being subject to the Breed action are excluded from the calculation.
Defeat and Being Defeated

While Survivors can defeat the Ultimate BOW and its Minions by lowering their HP to 0 the BOWs can
only defeat Survivors by first lowering their Stamina to 0, placing them in the Incapacitated State and
then causing them to Climax (Sensitivity Roll 61+). Once a Survivor is defeated, they will remain at the
location they were defeated for exactly one post before recovering fully and leaving.
Lair and Capturing Survivors

Normally when a Survivor is defeated, they will recover after one post and will be returned to the Survivor
Pool where they must be hunted down again. However, if the Ultimate BOW or one of its Minions has the
Sticky Goop Trait they can create a Lair, this allows them to spend 1 Action to Capture the Survivor by
moving them into the Lair. If it is a Minion that has the Sticky Goop Trait and they are Defeated then no
new Survivors can be Captured until either the Ultimate BOW gains the Trait or Converts a new Minion
with the Trait.

While a Survivor is in the Lair, they are removed from the Survivor Pool. This also allows the Ultimate
BOW and its Minions that use the Feed, Breed or Guard actions.

■ Feed –
■ Any BOW in the Lair that takes this Action will Feed on the sexual juices of
the Captured Survivors. This restores their HP and grants them VP, both
divided across the number of BOWs taking the Feed Action.
■ -2 Initiative when the Lair is attacked.
■ Breed –
■ Any BOW in the Lair that has a Cock Characteristic will Breed a randomly
selected Captured Survivor. This will impregnate the Survivor or, if she is
already pregnant, speed the progress along.
■ Automatically go last in Initiative when the Lair is attacked.
■ Guard –
■ Each Post after the Lair is constructed there is a roll of 1d20 against a
target of 40+ where upon a success the Lair is uncovered with a bonus
added to the roll equal to the number of Captured Survivors. If no BOWs
are in the Lair when it is discovered then all Captured Survivors are
Rescued and returned to the Survivor Pool.
However, if there are BOWs present then they are given the chance to fend
off and perhaps even Capture the attacking Survivors and by taking the
Guard Action they gain +2 to their Initiative Roll. If they have the Stealth
Trait, they will be allowed to take action before Initiative is rolled.

The BOW was created using the l-Virus strain. Lewd and Violate Attacks will cause Infection and
Mutation based on the l-Virus list. BOWs that have been infused with this viral strain experience an
increase in intelligence and libido. +3 Lewd and Violate Attacks but -2 Normal Rolls.

■ l-Virus: +0 Infection Rate

■ 1st Stage (20%): Non-Erotic Sensitivity is now Rolled as Pussy Sensitivity,
+25 Sensitivity Rolls on other Areas.
■ 2nd Stage (40%): -1 to all Rolls for each increment of 10 CD above 50.
■ 3rd Stage (60%): When Near BOWs and at least one other Survivor roll
1d20, on results under 10 the BOWs will target the Infected Survivor.
■ 4th Stage (80%): Sensitivity cannot be lowered below 300.
■ Final Stage (100): -5 to Escape, Struggle and Resistance Rolls when at or
over 600 Sensitivity.
Erohazard Heroine options
Combat Training

The Survivor has some training in the use of melee weapons such as knives and tasers. +1 Attack when
using melee Weaponry.

Firearms Training

The Survivor has some training in the use of firearms. +1 Attack when using firearm Weaponry.
Master of Unlocking

The Survivor can use the Picking Tool during Combat without the need for an Evasion Roll.

Field Medic

When the Survivor uses any Supply that affects Sensitivity, Stamina or Infection the effects are

Pot Shot

When using a Firearm with the One-Handed Trait the Survivor can use 1 Action to make their next
Attack at Advantage. If the Attack is successful, it is considered a Critical Success.

Heightened Immunity

The Survivor makes Resistance Rolls against Infection at Advantage.

Enemy Characteristics

Choose One


The BOW was created using the Progenitor Virus. Lewd and Violate Attacks will cause Infection and
Mutations based on the Progenitor Virus list. BOWs that have been infused with this viral strain are
extremely resilient to being permanently Defeated, each time their Main Body is reduced to 0 HP they will
gain 1 HP for each Limb that has not also been reduced to 0 HP at the start of their Next Turn and revive.

t-Virus α

The BOW was created using the t-Virus Alpha strain. Lewd and Violate Attacks will cause Infection and
Mutation based on the t-Virus α list. BOWs that have been infused with this viral strain experience an
increase in size and aggression. +3 Normal and Grapple Attacks but -2 Evasion Rolls.

t-Virus β

The BOW was created using the t-Virus Beta strain. Lewd and Violate Attacks will cause Infection and
Mutation based on the t-Virus β list. BOWs that have been infused with this viral strain experience a
massive increase in libido and fertility. +3 Violate Attacks and Potency.

t-Virus ε

The BOW was created using the t-Virus Epsilon strain. Lewd and Violate Attacks will cause Infection
and Mutation based on the t-Virus ε list. BOWs that have been infused with this viral strain are extremely
prone to further mutation through a process called V-ACT. When their Main Body is reduced to 0 HP, they
will reanimate in 1d4 Day Phases or Posts as a higher Category BOW where they must Roll 1d20
minus their Original Potency against a 15+ target, if they fail, they lose their V-ACT in their new state.
This process can be halted by reducing their Head or all Limbs to 0 HP.


The BOW was created using the G-Virus strain. Lewd and Violate Attacks will cause Infection and
Mutation based on the G-Virus list. BOWs that have been infused directly with this viral strain or born
from a compatible host are incredibly adaptable and resilient to permanent Defeat. Each time the BOW
causes a Survivor to Orgasm (61 or over on Sensitivity Roll) they gain +1 Potency permanently against
that Survivor and every time they are Defeated they will revive in 1d4 Day Phases or Posts as a higher
Category BOW.

BOWs born from an incompatible host do not gain the Revive Bonus, however, they are
considered as Compatible with the Survivor that birthed them and thus any BOWs that they
impregnate that Survivor with will have both Bonuses.

t+G Virus
The BOW was created using the t+G Virus strain. Lewd and Violate Attacks will cause Infection and
Mutation based on the t+G Virus list. BOWs that have been infused with this viral strain produce a
defensive electromagnetic field but due to the combined virus strains can suffer from unstable mutations.
+5 Evasion against all Weapons that use Ammo or Rounds. If Defeated it will revive in 1d4 Days Phases
or Posts as a higher Category BOW but will no longer have its +5 Evasion Bonus.

t-Veronica Virus

The BOW was created using the t-Veronica Virus strain. Lewd and Violate Attacks will cause Infection
and Mutation based on the t-Veronica Virus list. BOWs that have been infused with this viral strain
produce a powerful aphrodisiac from their blood which also ignites when it is exposed to the air. Each
time the BOW takes Damage all Near Survivors must make a Non-Erotic Sensitivity Roll with a -10
Penalty and the next time they make a Sensitivity Roll it has a +10 Bonus. They must also make an
Evasion Roll against their own Attack Roll where on a failure their CD or Stamina is reduced by the
difference in the results +5.



The BOW’s body is composed almost entirely of plant material making them resilient to most forms of
Damage but also susceptible to others. -3 Evasion and take Half Damage (Rounded Down) from all
Attacks except for those using Knives. Take Double Damage from Fire.


The BOW cannot see but has tremendous hearing, as of such they receive no penalties for being in
Darkness. Whenever a Survivor makes a Move Action in the same Zone as the BOW she must make an
Evasion Roll with a target depending on her distance to the BOW (+15 Near, +10 Far and +5 Distant), if
she fails then the BOW is aware of her and her location and gains +2 Normal Attack against her. If a
Survivor attempts to Attack the BOW then it will instantly be aware of her location and gain +2 Normal
Attack against her.


The BOW is actually a group of much smaller BOWs, due to their small size they cannot make Violate
Attacks. +5 Normal and Lewd Attacks, -5 Grapple Attacks. Each point of Damage they receive lowers
incurs a -1 Penalty to all of their Rolls except for Evasion which gains +1 for each point of Damage
below their Max HP.

Swarms only have a Main Body and cannot purchase any other Characteristics, however, multiple
Swarms can fuse together into larger Swarms, granting +1 to all their Rolls for each HP over their
Max HP except for Evasion which has a -1 Penalty for each point.
Enemy Traits
Primary Target
The BOW is actively pursuing a particular Survivor and will target them explicitly whenever it is
encountered unless physically incapable of doing so. Each time the Survivor participates in a Mission she
must make an Evasion Roll against the BOW’s Evasion Roll, if she succeeds the BOW dose not spawn
but it will get a +1 Bonus to its next roll, this is accumulative and will not reset until the BOW is

If the Tension Gauge have unlocked the Amber or Red Events then the Survivor must roll to avoid her
Stalker every time she makes a Tension Roll. If the Red Events have been unlocked then the BOW has
Advantage on its roll.

Acid Spray

The BOW is capable of spraying out a corrosive liquid or gas that eats through clothing. Can make a
Normal Attack against a Far Survivor, if successful lower CD or Stamina by 15. The Attack is at
Advantage if they are Grappling the Target.
Equipment and Supplies

To help them fend off the onslaught of BOWs waiting for them, Survivors must utilize the variety of
Equipment and Supplies that they can scrounge together as they explore the Map. Equipment is split
into Weaponry and Tools; these are used primarily during exploration. Supplies are used to help recover
from encounters with BOWs, such as reducing Sensitivity, boosting Resistance against Infection and
Impregnation or repairing CD, but is also used to fortify locations in order to create Safe Rooms and
reload certain Weaponry.

All Equipment and Supplies can be picked up and dropped with 1 Action. Dropped Items will be given
their own Position to keep track of.

Weaponry is primarily used to Attack BOWs although can also be used to open Entrances/Exits between
Zones in the place of Keys. Each Weapon has its own set of stats such as Size (how many Inventory
Slots it takes up), Capacity (how many times it can be used before needing to be reloaded), Damage
(how much damage it adds not a successful Attack), Range (what Positions it can Target) and Traits
(attributes or special Actions that can be performed). Below is a sample table of Weaponry:



Size Capacity Damage

Handgun 1 15 +2
Handgun (HP) 1 7 +4

Burst Handgun 1 18 +2

Submachine Gun 2 30 +2

Assault Rifle 2 30 +3

Shotgun 1 7 +5

Magnum 1 7 +6

Magnum Revolver 1 6 +8

Grenade Launcher 1 1 +5

Rocket Launcher 2 1 +200

Knife 1 N/A +1

Iron Pipe 2 10 HP +2
Hammer 2 10 HP +5

Scrub Brush 2 5 HP +1

Pesticide Spray 1 100

Taser 1 100

Hand Grenade 1 1 +10

Flash Bang 1 1

​ Survivors with the Combat Training Characteristic automatically start with the Knife, if they
also have the Firearms Training Characteristic they can also start with one of the Starter
Handguns or replace both the Knife and Handgun with the Submachine Gun.
Tools are used to assist Survivors in their exploration of the Map, these can serve a variety of purposes
from unlocking Entrances/Exists to solving puzzles and even granting the Survivor unique Actions, all
Tools take up 1 Inventory Slot. All Survivors start with 1 Tool. Blow is a sample list of Tools:


No. of Action(s)

Lighter 100 · Light: as an Action set a flammable object On Fire, it will take 1
Damage every Round. Roll 1d10 on each use and reduce No. of Uses
by the result.

· Dim Torch: if equipped to one Arm use an Action to remove Darkness

Near the Survivor, this will remain in place until dropped or the Survivor
uses a Reflexive Action to extinguish it. Roll 2d10 each Round and
reduce No. of Uses by the result until extinguished.

· Torch: if equipped to one Arm use an Action to remove Darkness in a

Flashlight 200 cone up Far from the Survivor, this will remain in place until the Survivor
uses a Reflexive Action to extinguish it. Roll 1d10 each Round and
reduce No. of Uses by the result until extinguished.

Battery 100 · Power On: use an Action to discard and activate certain electrical
devices. While the device is active roll 1d10 each Round and reduce No.
of Uses by the result until extinguished.

· Electrify: use two Actions with a Tool Box to discard Battery and
imbue Iron Pipe with a Moderate Fulgur Spell Effect, on each Attack roll
1d10 on each Attack, add Result -2 to Damage (this cannot be lowered
below 0) and reduce No. of Uses.

Medical Set N/A · Mix Medicine: use an Action to mix chemicals or Herbs together in
order to create new Recovery Items, Weaponry or Supplies.

o Recovery Medicine Base >Recovery Medicine

o Blue Herb > Recovery Medicine

o Green Herb > Antidote

o Red Herb > Stimulant

o G + B Mix > Anti-Virus

o G + B + R Mix > Anti-Virus

o B + R Mix > Recovery Medicine

Sewing Kit 10 · Repair Clothing: restore CD, for each point of CD restored reduce No.
of Uses by the same amount. Can only be performed outside of

Picking Tool N/A · Lockpick: use an Action to unlock Entrances/Exits and Obstacles
sealed with Simple Locks, if performed during Combat make an Evasion
Roll at 10+ with a -1 Penalty for each Near BOW, on a fail the lock
remains locked.

Handgun 1 · Burst Fire: discard to grant the Handgun the Burst Fire Trait.
Laser Sight 1 · Accurate: discard to grant a Firearm +2 Attack and allow Critical Hits
on Rolls of 18+ before Bonuses are applied (incompatible Shotgun,
Grenade Launcher, Magnum Revolver and Rocket Launcher)

Shotgun 1 · Long Barrel: discard to grant +2 Damage to the Shotgun, gain Heavy
Parts Recoil and Reduced Spread Traits and increase Size to 2 Inventory

· Reduced Spread: Damage varied by Range

o Distant: Base Damage, -1 Evasion for Targets, can hit up to three

BOWs in the Square.

o Far: x2 Damage, can only hit one BOW.

o Near: x2 Damage, can only hit one BOW. Target must make a
Grapple Roll against the successful Attack, on a failure suffer a Push

Magnum 1 · Reinforced Frame: discard to grant +2 Damage and +2 Attack to the

Parts Magnum (incompatible with Magnum Revolver).

Key Varies · Unlock: use an Action to open a specific lock on an Entrance/Exit or


Crank Varies · Crank: use two Actions to use the Crank on specific Puzzles in order
to solve them.

Valve Handle Varies · Turn: use two Actions to use the Valve Hand on specific Puzzles in
order to solve them.

Fire 10 · Extinguish: use an Action to remove Fire from any Far Squares, lower
Extinguisher No. of Uses for each Square cleared.

Side Pack 10 HP · Inventory +2: grants two Inventory Slots, these do not offer any CD
and are not affected by BOW Attacks unless specifically targeted or the
BOW has certain Traits.

Herb Case 5 HP · Herb Slots: grants four Inventory Slots that can only store Herbs,
these do not offer any CD and are not affected by BOW Attacks unless
specifically targeted or the BOW has certain Traits.

First Aid Box 15 HP · First Aid Slots: grants three Inventory Slots that can only store First
Aid Sprays, these do not offer any CD and are not affected by BOW
Attacks unless specifically targeted or the BOW has certain Traits.

Backpack 20 HP · Inventory +4: grants four Inventory Slots, however taking or placing
Items in these Slots takes 2 Actions, these do not offer any CD and are
not affected by BOW Attacks unless specifically targeted or the BOW
has certain Traits.

Supplies are used to help recover from encounters with BOWs, such as reducing Sensitivity, boosting
Resistance against Infection and Impregnation or repairing CD, but is also used to fortify locations in
order to create Safe Rooms and reload certain Weaponry. Similar to Weaponry and Tools, Supplies have
Sizes and No. of Uses, however, certain Supplies can also be stacked a certain number of times into an
Inventory Slot.


Item Size Max Stack No. of Uses Effect

Handgun Ammo 1 45 1 Can use an Action to Reload the Handgun,

Burst Handgun and Submachine Gun,
reduce the current Stack by Weapon’s max
Capacity. If the stack is reduced to 0 the
Weapon is only partially reloaded.

HP Handgun Can use an Action to Reload the Handgun

Ammo 1 45 1 (HP), reduce the current Stack by the
Weapon’s max Capacity. If the stack is
reduced to 0 the Weapon is only partially

Assault Rifle 1 100 1 Can use an Action to Reload the Assault

Ammo Rifle, reduce the current Stack by the
Weapon’s max Capacity. If the stack is
reduced to 0 the Weapon is only partially

Shotgun Ammo 1 15 1 Can use an Action to Reload the Shotgun,

reduce the current Stack by the Weapon’s
max Capacity. If the stack is reduced to 0 the
Weapon is only partially reloaded.

Explosive Rounds 1 10 1 Can use an Action to Reload the Grenade

Launcher, reduce the current Stack by the
Weapon’s max Capacity. This grants the
Explosive Trait.

Flame Rounds 1 10 1 Can use an Action to Reload the Grenade

Launcher, reduce the current Stack by the
Weapon’s max Capacity. This grants the
Flame Trait.

Acid Rounds 1 10 1 Can use an Action to Reload the Grenade

Launcher, reduce the current Stack by the
Weapon’s max Capacity. This grants the
Acid Trait.

Magnum Ammo 1 20 1 Can use an Action to Reload the Magnum

Revolver, reduce the current Stack by the
Weapon’s max Capacity. If the stack is
reduced to 0 the Weapon is only partially
Magnum Revolver 1 20 1 Can use an Action to Reload the Magnum
Ammo Revolver, reduce the current Stack by the
Weapon’s max Capacity. If the stack is
reduced to 0 the Weapon is only partially

Green Herb 1 3 1 Can use an Action to recover 250 Stamina.

Can Herb Items together outside of combat.

Red Herb 1 3 1 Can use an Action to reduce Sensitivity by


Can Herb Items together outside of combat.

Blue Herb 1 3 1 Can use an Action to cancel out the effects

of Aphrodisiac for one Day Phase.

Can Herb Items together outside of combat.

Mixed Herbs (G + 1 1 1 Can use an Action to recover 500 Stamina.

Can with a Blue or Green Herb outside of

Mixed Herbs (G + 1 1 1 Can use an Action to recover 750 Stamina.

G + G)

Mixed Herbs (G + 1 1 1 Can use an Action to recover 1000 Stamina

R) and reduce Sensitivity by 100.

Can mix with a Blue Herb outside of Combat.

Mixed Herbs (G + 1 1 1 Can use an Action to recover 250 Stamina

and cancel out the effects of Aphrodisiac for
B) one Day Phase.

Can mix with a Red Herb outside of Combat.

Mixed Herbs (G + 1 1 1 Can use an Action to recover 500 Stamina

G + B) and cancel out the effects of Aphrodisiac for
two Day Phases.

Mixed Herbs (R +
1 1 1 Can use an Action to reduce Sensitivity by
50 and cancel out the effects of Aphrodisiac
for three Day Phases.

Can mix with a Green Herb outside of


Mixed Herbs (G + 1 1 1 Can use an Action to recover 1250 Stamina,

R + B) reduce Sensitivity by 150 and cancel out the
effects of Aphrodisiac for four Day Phases.

First Aid Spray 1 1 1 Use an Action to Recover 2000 Stamina and

reduce Sensitivity by 250.

Recovery 1 10 1 Use with Medicine Set outside of Combat to

Medicine Base create Recovery Medicine.

Recovery 1 10 1 Use an Action to recover 250 Stamina.


Ant-Virus 1 10 1 Use an Action to prevent Infection from

increasing for one Day Phase.

Anti-Virus (L) 1 5 1 Use an Action to prevent Infection from

increasing for four Day Phases.

Antidote 1 10 1 Use an Action to cancel out the effects of

Aphrodisiac for one Day Phase.

Stimulant 1 10 1 Use an Action to gain +2 to all Rolls but +5

to Sensitivity Rolls for one Day Phase.

Clothing 2 3 1 Outside of Combat increases a Survivor’s

CD to 100.

Wooden Plank 2 3 20 HP Use with Tool Box outside of Combat to

reinforce an Entrance/Exit or Window in a
Zone with a 20 HP Barricade that must be
destroyed before the Entrance/Exit or
Window can be used.

Up to three Planks can be used on a

Window, up to six Planks can be used on an

Each plank reduces the No. of Uses for the

Tool Box by 4.

Tool Box 1 1 10 Outside of Combat can be used to repair

objects or combined with other

On Repairs roll 1d4 and reduce No. of Uses

by the result.

When used with Tools reduce No. of Uses by


When used with Wooden Planks reduce No.

of Uses by 4 for each Wooden Plank used.

When used with a Generator roll 2d4 and

reduce No. of Uses by the result.
Fuel 1 1 500 Outside of Combat can be used to Refuel
the Lighter or power Generators. Reduce the
No. of Uses by the amount added to the
Lighter or Generator.

Rations 1 5 1 When used during a Rest increase the

amount of Stamina restored by 50.

Ink Ribbons

1 5 1 When used during a Rest reduce Sensitivity

by 100. Requires a Type Writer.

Type Writer N/A N/A N/A When used during a Rest reduce Sensitivity
by 100. Requires an Ink Ribbon.

Cannot be added to Inventory but can be

moved between Zones by equipping it to
both Arms, while equipped both Arms are
considered Bound.

Small Generator N/A N/A 100 Can be used to power lights and alarms in a
Safe Room. Lights remove Darkness in the
Zone while Alarms will grant Survivors a free
Round of Actions at the start of Combat and
awaken Sleeping Survivors.

Outside of Combat can be used with a Tool

Box to create an Electric Fence, Attacking
BOWs will suffer Moderate Fulgur Spell
effects each Round until they can destroy or
get around the fence.

Roll 1d20 for each Day Phase the Generator

is active and reduce its No. of Uses by the

​ If the Survivors have access to a Safe Room, they can create an Item Box in order to store
Equipment and Supplies. Item Boxes have 25 Inventory Slots.
Grimm Huntresses​

Quest Setting​

Set in the world of Remnant, a world beset by the Creatures of Grimm, beasts of pure lust and malice,
which have forced humanity into scattered settlements and a handful of cities across four kingdoms.
Grimm ravenously attack humans, devouring men and breeding women to add to their ever-growing

Humanity’s only hope are the Huntresses, women who have learned to utilize their Aura to enhance their
physical abilities, unique Weapons that mix melee and firearms, as well as Dust, a variety of minerals that
each have their own magical properties. These Huntresses, who are trained at Academies where they
form teams of four, are responsible for cutting back the hordes of Grimm, protecting settlements and
travellers, clearing out locations for new settlements, rescuing captured women from Grimm Lairs and
even investigating the Grimm or Grimm related incidents.

Setting Terminology​

Huntresses and Grimm

In the Grimm Huntresses Setting, Heroines are referred to as Huntresses while Enemies are referred to
as Grimm, although they are not the only threat that Huntresses face. The Huntresses lives revolve
around fighting Grimm with the knowledge that, despite their superhuman abilities, they will eventually fall
to their lustful onslaught and that they are humanity’s only hope at holding off the Creatures of Darkness.


Instead of Mana all living beings on Remnant posses Aura, a magical property linked to their very soul.
However, only women are able to use the properties of Aura which works in much the same manner as
Mana, enhancing their physical abilities depending on how much they currently have and even allowing
them to use Barriers and as Aura is an extension of the soul both trans and non-binary Huntresses are
able to use its full capabilities. The main difference between Aura and Mana is that it is not lowered when
using Dust or Semblances but instead takes double damage from Lewd and Violate Attacks.

When a Huntress’ Aura is reduced to Zero she can still fight but no longer gains any bonuses to their
Rolls or use their Semblance. They can, however, still use Dust but will gain twice as many Sensitivity
Points from it.

Another downside to having Aura reduced to Zero is that Grimm take half damage from all sources that
do not have an active Aura.

A Semblance is a unique power that is manifested from their Aura, as of such it is often representative of
some aspect of their character. For the most part each Semblance is unique to a Huntress although due
to how many exist many can share similar properties either through chance or by being closely related by
blood with some even being entirely hereditary. These generally manifest during moment of extreme
physical or mental stress and are represented in the Game by taking a Magic Trait, this is only the only
way in which a Huntress can gain a Magic Trait.

Due to their unique properties a Huntress can only gain one Magic Trait as their Semblance, however, as
the Level Up they can choose to enhance their Semblance by purchasing bonuses for the Trait or new
ways in which to use it in and outside of Combat.

There are two types of Semblances, Passive and Active. Passive Semblances are those that are either
always active or activate automatically when certain conditions are met such as when their Aura is
lowered, they roll particular results on Sensitivity or come into contact with a pre-determined Element
just to name a few.

Active Semblances are those the Huntress needs to use an Action to perform, as of such they act in a
similar manner to Spells and require a roll. While they do not normally cost Aura to perform a Huntress
can choose to spend double to amount of Aura of a Spell’s level (Minor, Moderate, Major or
Monumental) to automatically succeed at the roll.


In the world of Remnant there exists a powerful mineral with magical properties based on its colour,
usually Elemental, this mineral is called Dust and is not just used as a fuel source but can also be used
in a number of ways for combat. The most common usage is Dust Rounds which imbue ranged attacks
from Weapons with the properties of the Dust that was used, causing it to explode in flames, freeze or
electrify the target or even hone in on them.

Dust Phials is Dust that has been crushed down into powder to be used as a fuel, but Huntresses can
also interact with it directly using their Aura in order to perform Spells based on the colour of Dust they
are using. This type of Dust can also be woven into clothing or directly ingrained upon a Weapon allowing
the Huntress to imbue her Attacks and Barriers with its properties.

The third and final form that Dust can be found in is Crystals. This is the raw and unrefined form of Dust
that is incredibly potent but also unstable, even the slightest of impacts can cause it to unleash its energy
in the surrounding area affecting everyone nearby. While risky it is possible for Huntresses to use Crystals
directly, allowing them to perform enhanced versions of their Spells at the cost of greater feedback and
the possibility that it could self-destruct with each use or attack they receive.

There are two drawbacks to using Dust. One is that Weapons and equipment can generally only be
armed with one type of Dust at a time, requiring the Huntress to plan ahead for the situation, although
they can switch out their currently equipped Dust for another using an Action. The second is how Dust
interacts with living creatures, as even refined Dust gives off a faint energy that mingles with a creature’s
Aura it makes their body much more Sensitive causing them to gain Sensitivity Points faster as will as
granting a penalty to Sensitivity Rolls with the more Dust they have equipped the greater the penalty.
This does mean that the Dust that a Huntress has equipped can also interact with her Semblance,
granting it different properties or enhancing its already present abilities.

While Huntresses can purchase Dust Rounds and Phials as personal or weapon Characteristics which
they will always have access to, they can also gain a temporary supply for specific missions by
purchasing Dust either during Downtime or at their Academy before a mission.


Faunus are one of the two intelligent races that inhabit the world of Remnant, the other being Humans.
For the most part Faunus are identical to humans but they all posses some kind of animal-like
Characteristic, such as Adorable Ears, Wings, Horns, Jaws or a Prehensile Tail. This makes them
easily distinguishable from Humans whom, depending on the Kingdom have a rather opinion of Faunus
which can lead to discrimination.

In the Game this means that a Huntress can take One Nonhuman Characteristic. This can lead to them
being treated different depending on the Kingdom they are currently in as well as whoever they are
interacting with.


A relatively recent development in the world of Remnant is the creation of Gynoids, artificial humans
designed to combat Grimm. They are the next stage of military science which hoped to replace
Huntresses with machines, although as they were unable to utilize Aura, they were ill-fitted for combating
Grimm and were instead used supplement security forces inside of certain cities.

Gynoids, however, are different in that not only are they entirely sentient but they are also able to use
Aura at the drawback of being just as susceptible to the lustful urges of Grimm as their Human and
Faunus counterparts. Due to being a relatively recent advancement as well as extremely expensive and
difficult to create they are very rare, especially outside of Atlas.

To play as a Gynoid a Huntress must purchase a certain amount of Cybernetics Characteristics These
are two Arms, two Legs, two Eyes, Heart and Spine. While these grant a variety of bonuses to certain
Rolls, damage and even outright immunity to certain Status Ailments it also means that their Resistance
and Mana Recovery are both reduced by 16 alongside a vulnerability to electric attacks.

It should be noted that Human and Faunus Huntresses can still purchase Cybernetics Characteristics, as
the science of Remnant has advanced enough that they can replace lost limbs with fully functional
cybernetic prosthetics.


Lien is the global currency of Remnant and can be used to purchase a variety of resources and assets
outside of and, occasionally, even during missions. These assets can range from Dust Rounds and
Phials to supplement their attacks for a single mission, replace of repair damaged clothing,
contraceptives and even transport to make it easier to reach and return from missions.
They can even use Lien to hire other Huntresses as temporary team members.

All Huntress Teams gain a stipend of 7,500 Lien before each mission from their Academy and depending
on their performance may be granted a bonus on a completed mission as well as gifts from grateful
civilians. They can also gain Lien by taking part time jobs during their Downtime.


After each mission Huntresses can choose to take part in or perform a Downtime task, each of which can
afford them bonuses to their next mission. However, some tasks run the risk of granting penalties to the
Huntress instead of or alongside the bonus.


The Huntress will spar against virtual opponents either alone or as a team. As these opponents are
designed to behave just like Grimm it will result in a combat encounter and as of such the Huntresses
taking part may end up gaining Sensitivity Points heading into their mission. Regardless of their
performance they will gain +1 to all their Rolls throughout their mission.

They can choose to just workout instead, this does not run the risk of them gaining Sensitivity Points but
they will only gain a +1 bonus to one type of Roll (Attack, Evasion, Struggle or Escape) for their next


The Huntress will attend lectures or study particular Grimm and their behavior at the Academy’s library.
Due to the erotic nature of the Grimm that invariably always comes up during any kind of study of them
the Huntress will need to pass a set number of increasingly difficult Resistance Rolls and will gain
Sensitivity Points for each failed roll. This will also grant +2 to all Rolls against whatever Grimm they


The Huntress will spend their accumulated Lien on supplies and other assets such as Dust, clothing,
contraceptives and even hiring emergency transport to make it easier to return from their next mission.
Depending on what Kingdom they are currently in certain assets will be unavailable or more expensive
and particular Huntresses may find it harder to find what they are after.


In order to supplement the Lien, they gain from the Academy for their missions Huntresses can work at a
variety of part time jobs. While working they will need to succeed at a number of social or physical rolls
dependent on the job which can result in them receiving more or less Lien as payment as well as possible
bonuses to future attempts at the job. However, there is a chance that they will experience a negative
encounter at their job resulting in possible penalties to their rolls during their mission and even gaining
Sensitivity Points before it. Sometimes though these negative encounters will actually result in a bonus
to the Lien they earn.


Settlements and cities are usually protected by a wall alongside a small contingent of Guardswomen,
women that have some level of training but lack the skill or potential to become a Huntress. Huntresses
can choose to assist the Guardswomen on their patrol of the wall, possibly encountering Grimm or other
crimes as they do so. As this will most often end up with a combat encounter it is entirely possible for the
Huntress to gain Sensitivity Points or even be Defeated and abducted.

This will also increase or decrease the chances of a Breach but as long as they are not Defeated, they
will also gain a certain amount of Lien dependent on their performance. The base amount earned is 6,000


The Huntress spends her time resting and recuperating at the Academy. This not only reduces their
Sensitivity Points even further it also has a chance of granting them a +2 bonus to Resistance
depending on just how well rested they are.


Each Job that a Huntress can work at outside of Patrols and Missions vary in the amount of Lien earned
as well as the likelihood of earning tips or experiencing some kind of negative encounter which can result
in them either earning less Lien or even gaining Sensitivity Points. Generally, Jobs where the likelihood
of negative encounters are high are also the ones worth the most Lien.


The Huntress can work as a waitress at a small café for 12,600 Lien and can earn tips of 1,500 Lien by
passing a Resistance or Evasion Roll at 20+ with an extra 500 Lien earned for each point over the
target. The check to earn tips is reduced by 1 each time the Huntress works at the café and passes the
check. Throughout her work day there will be two d20 rolls where on results under 5 a customer will
attempt to get handsy with the Huntress, she will need to make an Evasion or Attack Roll against a
Lewd Attack or gain Sensitivity Points and make a Sensitivity Roll.

If they fail either Roll or pass the Evasion Roll the threshold for earning tips is reduced by 1. However, if
they succeed at the Attack Roll then the threshold will be increased by 1 to a maximum of 20.

Maid Café

Working as a waitress at a Maid Café is similar to working at a regular Café but due to the more
fanservice oriented nature means increases the chances of negative encounters as well as lowering the
threshold for tips. They will earn a base amount of 12,600 Lien and earn tips of 1,500 Lien by passing a
Resistance or Evasion Roll at 15+ with an extra 1,000 Lien earned for each point over the target. The
target drops by 1 each time a Huntress works at the establishment and succeeds her check. Throughout
her work day there will be four d20 rolls where on results under 10 a customer will attempt to get handsy
with the Huntress, she will need to make an Evasion or Attack Roll against a Lewd Attack or gain
Sensitivity Points and make a Sensitivity Roll. If the Lewd Attack succeeds then the customer may
attempt a follow up Lewd Attack.

If they fail either Roll or pass the Evasion Roll the threshold for earning tips is reduced by 1. However, if
they succeed at the Attack Roll then the threshold will be increased by 1 to a maximum of 20.


Working as a waitress at a Bar is similar to working as a waitress elsewhere but due to the late hour and
copious amounts of alcohol being consumed by the customers the chances of a negative encounter are
increased. They will earn a base amount of 13,250 Lien and can earn tips of 1,500 Lien by passing a
Resistance or Evasion Roll at 15+ with an extra 1,500 Lien earned for each point over the target. The
target drops by 1 each time a Huntress works at the establishment and succeeds her check. Throughout
her work night there will be four d20 rolls where on results under 15 a customer will attempt to get handsy
with the Huntress, she will need to make an Evasion or Attack Roll against a Lewd Attack or gain
Sensitivity Points and make a Sensitivity Roll. On rolls below 5 she will be targeted by multiple
customers, +1 for each point under 5, and the encounter may even progress to Violate Attacks.

If they fail either Roll or pass the Evasion roll the threshold for earning tips is reduced by 1, this is reduced
even further if she was accosted by multiple Lewd Attacks and lowered by 5 for Violate Attacks. However,
if they succeed at the Attack Roll then the threshold will be increased by 1 to a maximum of 20.


The Huntress can work as either an erotic dancer at a club during the night, its relatively easy to earn tips
but the likelihood of a negative encounter is also rather high. They will earn a base amount of 10,930 Lien
per night and can earn tips of 2,000 Lien by passing an Evasion Roll at 10+ with an extra 2,000 Lien
earned for each point over the target, this target will lower by 1 for each night they work at the same
location and succeed at the check. Throughout her work night there will be six d20 rolls where on results
under 10 a customer will attempt to get handsy with the Huntress, she will need to make an Evasion or
Attack Roll against a Lewd Attack or gain Sensitivity Points and make a Sensitivity Roll. On rolls
below 5 she will be targeted by multiple customers, +1 for each point under 5, and the encounter may
even progress to Violate Attacks.

If they fail either Roll or pass the Evasion roll the threshold for earning tips is reduced by 1, this is reduced
even further if she was accosted by multiple Lewd Attacks and lowered by 5 for Violate Attacks. However,
if they succeed at the Attack Roll then the threshold will be increased by 1 to a maximum of 20.


The Huntress can work as a mechanic fixing vehicles and weapons, depending on how well they perform
they may receive a bonus for their work or reduce the cost of mechanical Assets by 10%. They will earn a
base amount of 15,720 Lien and a bonus of 1,500 Lien by passing a Resistance Roll at 15+ with an
extra 500 Lien earned for each point over the target and a discount on mechanical assets of 10% on rolls
over 20. However, on rolls under 10 their wage will be reduced by 500 Lien by each point under 10.


The Huntress can work in construction rebuilding and repairing damage done by Grimm as well as
strengthen the walls around a settlement to reduce the chances of a potential Breach. They will earn a
base amount of 14,900 Lien and must make a Grapple Roll at 15+, on a success they reduce the
chances of a Breach by 5, increased by 1 for each point over the target. Working in construction also
reduces the Huntress’ Aura by 500.


The Huntress can work as a delivery girl travelling about the city and possibly be given side missions
alongside their regular missions. They will earn a base amount of 13,650 Lien and must make 1d4
Evasion Rolls at 15+ with each success granting a bonus of 1,500 Lien and an extra 1,500 Lien for
every point above the target. For each delivery she will need to make a d20 roll where results under 10
will result in a possible encounter with either amorous civilians or even Grimm, requiring either Evasion
vs Attack Rolls or an outright combat encounter, each turn in said encounter will increase the Evasion
target for the delivery by 1.

Region Stability​

Each region has a Stability starting at 100% which can drop or raise depending on the actions of
Huntresses. Stability drops by 5 when a Huntress is Lost in battle, criminals cause havoc in the city or the
walls are attacked by Grimm. It drops by 10 if a mission is failed or Grimm successfully breach the wall.

Stability is increased by 5 when Huntresses succeed at an Average or lower mission, capture criminals or
repel Grimm attacking the walls. It is increased by 10 if Huntresses succeed at a Hard or higher mission
or defeat Fiend or Lord Grimm.


At the beginning of each post there is a d100 roll to see whether a positive (new Huntresses appearing,
sales on Assets, etc.) or negative (crimes, sabotage, new Grimm appearing, etc.) Event happens. The
higher the Stability the more likely a positive Event will happen and the lower the Stability the more likely
a negative Event will occur. At 100% Stability positive events happen on a 75+ and negative events
happen on 25<. Each increment of 10% Stability lost increases the chances of negative events and
decreases the chance of positive events by 5.


At the beginning of each post there is a d100 Roll to see whether Grimm will attack the walls of the city.
This starts at 5+ where a failure results in an Encounter at the walls with the difficulty determined like any
other Encounter. If no-one is patrolling then a group of Guardswomen will attempt to repel the Grimm
and if they fail the Grimm will enter the city and abduct civilians alongside the defeated Guardswomen,
lowering Stability by 1 for each woman abducted and 10 for the Breach itself.

The Breach target increases to 10+ at 90% Stability and then by 10 for each increment of 10% Stability
lost until a guaranteed Breach at 0% which and result in the kingdom Falling.


If Stability is maintained at 75% for 10 missions or 5 positive events happen in the city then the region is
considered Secured, this grants a boost to a number of Huntresses EXP and allows them to move on to
another region, introducing new characters and Grimm. This process will then be continued at the new


When a Breach happens at 0% Stability, then the city is overrun. This will result in a special mission
where Huntresses will attempt to flee and/or rescue others as they evacuate the city. They will then move
on to a new region, introducing new characters and Grimm, with penalties or bonuses dependent on how
many Huntresses and civilians were able to escape the city. This process will then be continued at the
new region.


There are a total of five regions on Remnant, once all have been Secured or have Fallen the final region
will be available for the Huntresses to advance to for the final confrontation against the Grimm and their
Mistress. Each Secured region will grant bonuses for this final confrontation, such as extra teams of
Huntresses, while each Fallen region will incur penalties instead, such as reduced assets and more

It’s Also a Gun​

A key part of the Setting are the fantastical weapons used by Huntresses in order to combat Grimm.
These weapons commonly combine the elements of a Melee weapon (swords, polearms, axes, etc.) and
a Ranged weapon (firearms, bows, launchers, etc.) into a single weapon that can use both aspects at
once at a slight drawback to both or switch between Modes to grant a major boost to one aspect at the
cost to a major penalty to the other.

Unlike other settings weapons aren’t forged by blacksmiths or mass-produced by corporations but rather
constructed by Huntresses themselves as part of their training. This means that each weapon is just as
unique as the Huntress wielding it and as of such has its own set of Characteristics and Traits using
much the same rules for creation as a Huntress. While this does allow all Huntresses to use the Weapon
User and Sharpshooter Characteristics without having to take those Characteristics it also means that
each weapon is completely tailored to a specific Huntress and they will be at a disadvantage when using
any weapon other than their own, removing their Roll Bonus from all Attacks which are made with a flat
d20. As with the Weapon User and Sharpshooter Characteristics, Weapons will be dropped if the limb
they are assigned to is Bound or if she makes a 61+ Sensitivity Roll. One Dropped, the Heroine will
lose the Bonuses and Penalties linked to the Weapon but can re-equip it with 1 Action.

All Dropped weapons will be given their own Position to keep track of them.

All Weapons Assigned to Tails will be Dropped if One Tail is Bound.

Weapon Characteristics

When creating a Huntress, the Player will also create their Weapon by choosing any number of Type and
Specialisation Characteristics. As with the Characteristics that can be selected for Huntresses these
will grant bonuses and penalties to the Huntresses Roles. Players are free to choose no Weapon
Characteristics if their Huntress fights unarmed, in these cases the Huntress can start with one
extra Trait. As the game progresses it is possible for a Weapon to gain and even lose Characteristics,
this usually requires some cost to be paid by the Huntress but can also happen out with their control
through certain events and situations.


(Only Choose One)


One-Handed Weapons must be assigned to a particular Arm / Tail. Each Assigned One-Handed
Weapon will give +2 Physical Damage. Assigning multiple One-Handed Weapons will induce a Penalty
to All Attack Rolls. -1 Attack Roll is added for each Extra One-Handed Weapon after the first.

If an Arm / Tail is Bound then the Weapon assigned to it is dropped but the Huntress can still attack with a
One-Handed Weapon assigned to her unbound limb.


Two-Handed Weapons must be Assigned to Both Arms. Only a Single Two-Handed Weapon can be
Assigned and will give +5 Physical Damage.

The Huntress will not drop a Two-Handed Weapon unless Both Arms are Bound or she makes a 61+
Sensitivity Roll, however, she will have a -5 Penalty to Attack Rolls while using the Weapon with only
one arm.

(Only Choose One)

The Weapon is designed to cut such as Swords, Knives, Scythes and Axes. If a Physical Attack succeeds
with a result of 16 Before Bonuses against a Limb, the Huntress can inflict the Severed Status Effect.
This will instantly drop the Limb to Zero HP.

These Weapons are less reliable against Armoured Foes who will negate 2d5 Damage instead of 1d5.


The Weapon is designed to pierce such as Rapiers, Spears, Stakes and Lances. These Weapons are
good at bypassing Hardened targets and thus bypass the effects of Hardened Body.

These Weapons are less reliable against Armoured Foes who will negate 2d5 Damage instead of 1d5.


The Weapon is designed to smash such as Hammers, Clubs, Maces and Staves. If a Physical Attack
succeeds with a result of 16 Before Bonuses against the target’s Head, the Huntress can inflict the
Concussed Status Effect. This places a -4 Penalty on all of their Rolls.

These Weapons are less reliable against Hardened targets and thus those with a Hardened Body will
negate 2d5 Damage instead of 1d5.

(Only Choose One)

Small Arms

The Weapon uses small caliber rounds that are most effective against Near and Far Targets but are at
disadvantage against Distant Targets. The reduced recoil grants +2 Attack but also -2 Damage.
Weapons of this type are Pistols, Revolvers and Sub-Machineguns.


The Weapon uses high caliber rounds that can hit Far Targets without a Penalty but are at a
disadvantage against Near Targets. Their high-power grants +2 Damage but also causes increased recoil
inflicting a penalty of -2 Attack. Weapons of this type are Assault Rifles, Sniper Rifles and Anti-Tank


The Weapon uses shells that scatter pellets over a wide area, this allows them to hit a Far Group but they
cannot hit Distant Targets. When used against a Near Target they do Double Damage but at the cost of
a -2 Attack Penalty. Weapons of this type are Blunderblusses, Shotguns and Riot Guns.

The Weapon uses cannisters or rockets which explode on impact transforming all Ranged Attacks into
AOEs. They have +5 Damage but as they will always target a Group will damage the CD or Aura of any
Huntress in that Group, if both are at Zero, the affected Huntresses will be knocked Prone. Weapons of
this type are Grenade Launchers, Rocket Launchers and Missile Launchers.


The Weapon utilizes some kind battery to produce energy projectiles which can in turn be enhanced
through the use of the Huntress’s Aura. By using Two Actions to perform their Attack the Huntress can
spend points of Aura granting +1 Damage for each 10 Aura spent.


(Only Choose One)


The Weapon can use both its Melee and Ranged Attacks regardless of its current Mode. However, while
in Melee Mode all Ranged Attacks are made with a -2 Penalty and while in Ranged Mode all Melee
Attacks are made with a -2 Penalty.


The Weapon is specialized to work in either Mode, this grants a +4 Attack to Melee while in Melee Mode
and a +4 Attack to Ranged while in Ranged Mode. However, this incurs a penalty on Ranged Attacks
while in Melee Mode and Melee Attacks while in Ranged Mode of -4.

Partial Lock

The Weapon is specialized to work extremely well in a particular Mode selected at creation and while in
that Mode gains +6 Attack but at the cost of not being able to use the other Mode’s Attack Characteristic
(i.e. cannot use Melee in Ranged Mode or cannot use Ranged in Melee Mode). While outside of its
specialized Mode it can still use both forms of Attack but is at -4 Attack to those related to the specialized


The Weapon is specialized to work extremely well in both Modes, granting +8 Attack but at the cost of
only being able to use the Attack type related to the current Mode (i.e. cannot use Melee in Ranged Mode
and cannot use Ranged in Melee Mode).


Dust Phials
(Incompatible with Rounds)
Grants the Heroine the ability to use Dust Attacks with a particular Element. These are identical to
Spells but with the added caveat that the Heroine must pass a Resistance Roll depending on the Tier of
the Dust Attack, on a success the perform the attack with no Aura Cost, on a failure they still perform the
attack but lose double the Spell’s Mana Cost in Aura.

○ Minor Dust Attack: Resistance Roll of 10+, on failure lose 20 Aura.

○ Moderate Dust Attack: Resistance Roll of 15+, on failure lose 50 Aura.
○ Major Dust Attack: Resistance Roll of 20+, on failure lose 150 Aura.
○ Monumental: Resistance Roll of 25+, on failure lose 400 Aura.

Due to how Dust interacts with a Huntress’ Aura each equipped Dust will add +10 to all Sensitivity
Rolls. It costs 1 Action to switch between Colours during Combat.

○ Red/Fire Dust: Depending on the Tier there is a chance that Damage is increased by a
set amount when the Huntress rolls 15+.
■ Minor: +1 Damage.
■ Moderate: +3 Damage.
■ Major: +10 Damage.
■ Monumental: +30 Damage.
○ Blue/Water Dust: Depending on the body part targeted by the Tier it will inflict a penalty
to certain Rolls for 1 Turn as well as double the damage and effects of Yellow Dust.
■ Arms:
■ Minor: -2 to Grapple.
■ Moderate: -4 to Grapple.
■ Major: -8 to Grapple.
■ Monumental: -16 to Grapple.
■ Legs:
■ Minor: -2 to Evasion.
■ Moderate: -4 to Evasion.
■ Major: -8 to Evasion.
■ Monumental: -16 to Evasion.
■ Main Body:
■ Minor: -1 to Evasion and Grapple.
■ Moderate: - 2 to Evasion and Grapple.
■ Major: -4 to Evasion and Grapple.
■ Monumental: -8 to Evasion and Grapple.
■ Tentacle / Tail / Tongue: -4 Grapple but +2 Violate.
■ Minor: -2 to Grapple but +2 to Violate.
■ Moderate: -4 to Grapple but +4 to Violate.
■ Major: -8 to Grapple but +8 to Violate.
■ Monumental: -16 to Grapple but +10 to Violate.
■ Head: -2 Normal, Lewd, Grapple, Violate and Evasion.
■ Minor: -1 to Normal, Lewd, Grapple, Violate and Evasion
and Double Damage.
■ Moderate: -2 to Normal, Lewd, Grapple, Violate and
Evasion and Double Damage.
■ Major: -4 to Normal, Lewd, Grapple, Violate and Evasion
and Double Damage.
■ Monumental: -8 to Normal, Lewd, Grapple, Violate and
Evasion and Double Damage.
■ Yellow/Electricity Dust: Does Double Damage to targets with the
Metallic Frame Characteristic as well as different effects depending on the
targeted body part and Tier, inflicting penalties for 1 Turn.
■ Arms:
■ Minor: -2 to Normal, Lewd, Grapple and
■ Moderate: -4 to Normal, Lewd, Grapple and
■ Major: -8 to Normal, Lewd, Grapple and
■ Monumental: -16 to Normal, Lewd, Grapple
and Violate.
■ Legs:
■ Minor: -2 to Evasion.
■ Moderate: -4 to Evasion.
■ Major: -8 to Evasion.
■ Monumental: -16 to Evasion.
■ Main Body: Ignore Protection from the following:
■ Hardened Body
■ High Pain Tolerance
■ Defender
■ Determined
■ Armoured Foe
■ Shield Bearing Foe
■ Tentacle / Tail / Tongue:
■ Minor: -2 to Normal, Lewd, Grapple and
■ Moderate: -4 to Normal, Lewd, Grapple and
■ Major: -8 to Normal, Lewd, Grapple and
■ Monumental: -16 to Normal, Lewd, Grapple
and Violate.
■ Head: All Actions Disabled.
■ Pale Green/Wind Dust: Grants +2 Attack and removes the penalty
against Distant
■ Black/Gravity Dust: Grants access to the Gravitas Spell List.
■ Gravity Shift – Major Dust Attack
■ Overwhelming Force – Major Dust Attack
■ Weightless – Major Dust Attack
■ Immovable – Monumental Dust Attack
■ Ethereal – Monumental Dust Attack
■ Gravity Well – Major Dust Attack (Single-Target Only)
■ Green/Plant Dust: Successful attacks on a result of 16+ will Bind the
target until they can succeed at a Grapple / Escape Roll against the
original attack Roll. Also grants access to the Status Effect Spell List
■ Come Hither
■ Shooting Blanks
■ Slow Death
■ Befuddled
■ Sudden Paralyze
■ Orange/Rock Dust: Grants access to the following Spells.
■ Move
■ Wall
■ Reinforced Protection
■ Wall Guardian

It is also possible to mix certain Colours of Dust together to create new types of Dust Phials with their own
properties. These count as a separate Dust Colour that has been equipped by the Huntress but each
mixed Dust only adds +5 to Sensitivity Rolls.

○ Steam Dust: Requires Red and Blue Dust. Create a cloud around the target or targeted
location that inflicts a penalty to all Norma, Grapple, Lewd and Violate while all Attacks
against them are at Advantage. If used as an AOE all characters in the target location
gain the penalties but all Attacks that are not Near are at Disadvantage.
■ Minor: -2 Penalty to Rolls.
■ Moderate: -4 Penalty to Rolls.
■ Major: -8 Penalty to Rolls.
■ Monumental: -16 to Rolls.
○ Ice Dust: Requires Blue and Pale Green Dust. Successful Attacks will apply a Penalty
to the target’s Rolls and increase Damage dealt by any Physical Attack against them by a
set amount. Penalties are removed after 3 Turns. Penalties cannot be stacked, but can be
overwritten with a stronger Penalty. This does not restart the 3 Turn limit.
■ Minor: -2 Penalty and +1 Physical Damage.
■ Moderate: -4 Penalty and +2 Physical Damage.
■ Major: -8 Penalty and +4 Physical Damage.
■ Monumental: -16 Penalty and +8 Physical Damage.
○ Hard-Light Dust: Requires Red, Blue, Yellow and Pale Green Dust. Grants the
Armory Creation Characteristic and allows the Huntress to add her Resistance to
Barrier Rolls.
○ Magma Dust: Requires Red and Orange Dust. All Dust Attacks deal double damage to
those Metallic Frame and Shield Bearing Foe. On a Success the target will take set
Damage each Round until struck by Water or Ice. On a Failure creates a Trap at the
target location where each time a character move into or out of that location they must
pass an Evasion Roll against the original Attack Roll or take set Damage.
■ Minor: 1 Damage per Round or failed Evasion.
■ Moderate: 3 Damage per Round or failed Evasion.
■ Major: 10 Damage per Round or failed Evasion.
■ Monumental: 30 Damage per Round or failed Evasion.

Dust Rounds
(Incompatible with Phials)
Imbues Ranged Attacks with an Element depending on the Colour of Dust used. Due to how Dust
interacts with a Huntress’ Aura each equipped Dust will add +10 to all Sensitivity Rolls. It costs 1
Action to switch between Colours during Combat.
○ Red/Fire Dust: Depending on the result and the target’s Category, Damage is increased
by +1 and a further +1 for every increment of 2 of the Category’s target.
■ Lowly: Rolls over 10.
■ Monstrous: Rolls over 12.
■ Devil: Rolls over 14.
■ Fiend: Rolls over 16.
■ Lord: Rolls over 18.
○ Blue/Water Dust: Depending on the body part targeted by the attack it will inflict a penalty
to certain Rolls for 1 Turn as well as double the damage and effects of Yellow Dust.
■ Arms: -4 Grapple.
■ Legs: -2 Evasion.
■ Main Body: -2 Grapple.
■ Tentacle / Tail / Tongue: -4 Grapple but +2 Violate.
■ Head: -2 Normal, Lewd, Grapple, Violate and Evasion.
○ Yellow/Electricity Dust: Does Double Damage to targets with the Metallic Frame
Characteristic as well as different effects depending on the targeted body part, inflicting
penalties for 1 Turn.
■ Arms: -4 to Normal, Lewd, Grapple and Violate.
■ Legs: -4 Evasion.
■ Main Body: -2 to Normal, Lewd, Grapple and Violate.
■ Tentacle / Tail / Tongue: -4 to Normal, Lewd, Grapple and Violate.
■ Head: All Actions Disabled.
○ Pale Green/Wind Dust: Grants +2 Attack and removes the penalty against Distant
○ Black/Gravity Dust: Attacks gain the ability to Shove the target and will also move the
Huntress one position back from her current position.
○ Green/Plant Dust: Successful attacks on a result of 16+ will Bind the target until they can
succeed at a Grapple / Escape Roll against the original attack Roll.
○ Orange/Rock Dust: Successful attacks on a result of 16+ will inflict the Broken Status
Effect but have a -2 Penalty to the Attack roll.

It is also possible to mix certain Colours of Dust together to create new types of Dust Rounds with their
own properties. These count as a separate Dust Colour that has been equipped by the Huntress but each
mixed Dust only adds +5 to Sensitivity Rolls.

○ Steam Dust: Requires Red and Blue Dust. Creates a cloud around the target inflicting a
-4 Penalty to all Normal, Grapple, Lewd and Violate Rolls and all Attacks against them
are at Advantage.
○ Ice Dust: Requires Blue and Pale Green Dust. Inflicts a -2 Penalty to Normal,
Evasion, Lewd, Grapple and Violate and temporarily increases all Damage dealt by
Physical Attacks by +2 for 3 Turns.
○ Hard-Light Dust: Requires Red, Blue, Yellow and Pale Green Dust. Grants +2
Damage to the Attack, the roll is made at Advantage and bypasses the Shield Bearing
Foe If the Weapon has the Energy Characteristic grants +4 Damage instead.
○ Magma Dust: Requires Red and Orange Dust. On a Success will do 2 Damage each
Round to the target until they are struck by Water or Ice. On a Failure creates a Trap at
the target location where each time a character moves into or out of that location they
must pass an Evasion Roll against the original attack Roll or take 2 Damage.

Engraved Dust
Imbues Melee Attacks with an Element depending on the Colour of Dust used. Due to how Dust
interacts with a Huntress’ Aura each equipped Dust will add +10 to all Sensitivity Rolls. It costs 1
Action to switch between Colours during Combat. Huntress’ can Boost the Damage and Effect of the
Attack as a Free Action but the must make a Non-Erotic Area Sensitivity Roll.

○ Red/Fire Dust: Depending on the result and the target’s Category, Damage is increased
by +1 and a further +1 for every increment of 2 of the Category’s target.
■ Lowly: Rolls over 10 or 5 if Boosted.
■ Monstrous: Rolls over 12 or 6 if Boosted.
■ Devil: Rolls over 14 or 7 if Boosted.
■ Fiend: Rolls over 16 or 8 if Boosted.
■ Lord: Rolls over 18 or 9 if Boosted.
○ Blue/Water Dust: Depending on the body part targeted by the attack it will inflict a penalty
to certain Rolls for 1 Turn as well as double the damage and effects of Yellow Dust.
■ Arms: -4 Grapple or -8 if Boosted.
■ Legs: -2 Evasion or -4 if Boosted.
■ Main Body: -2 Grapple or -4 if Boosted.
■ Tentacle / Tail / Tongue: -4 Grapple but +2 Violate or -8 and +4 if Boosted.
■ Head: -2 Normal, Lewd, Grapple, Violate and Evasion or -4 if Boosted.
○ Yellow/Electricity Dust: Does Double Damage to targets with the Metallic Frame
Characteristic as well as different effects depending on the targeted body part, inflicting
penalties for 1 Turn.
■ Arms: -4 to Normal, Lewd, Grapple and Violate of -8 if Boosted.
■ Legs: -4 Evasion or -8 if Boosted.
■ Main Body: -2 to Normal, Lewd, Grapple and Violate or -4 if Boosted.
■ Tentacle / Tail / Tongue: -4 to Normal, Lewd, Grapple and Violate or -8 if
■ Head: All Actions Disabled, last for 2 Turns if Boosted.
○ Pale Green/Wind Dust: Grants +2 Attack and allows Melee Attacks against Far targets,
or +4 Attack and Distant if Boosted.
○ Black/Gravity Dust: Attacks gain the ability to Shove the target and will also move the
Huntress one position back from her current position. If Boosted the Attack will gain the
Knock Down effect alongside Shove.
○ Green/Plant Dust: Successful attacks on a result of 16+ will Bind the target until they can
succeed at a Grapple / Escape Roll against the original attack Roll. If Boosted lowers the
threshold to 8+ and can target Far.
○ Orange/Rock Dust: Successful attacks on a result of 16+ will inflict the Broken Status
Effect but have a -2 Penalty to the Attack roll. If Boosted the threshold is reduced to 8+
but the penalty increases to -4.

It is also possible to mix certain Colours of Dust together to create new types of Dust Rounds with their
own properties. These count as a separate Dust Colour that has been equipped by the Huntress but each
mixed Dust only adds +5 to Sensitivity Rolls.

○ Steam Dust: Requires Red and Blue Dust. Allows the Huntress to Attack at Advantage.
If Boosted her following Attack Rolls gain a -4 Penalty but all Attacks against her are at
○ Ice Dust: Requires Blue and Pale Green Dust. Inflicts a -2 Penalty to Normal,
Evasion, Lewd, Grapple and Violate and temporarily increases all Damage dealt by
Physical Attacks by +2 for 3 Turns. If Boosted the penalty increased to -4 and the
Damage bonuses increases to +4.
○ Hard-Light Dust: Requires Red, Blue, Yellow and Pale Green Dust. Grants +2
Damage to the Attack and +2 Barrier. If Boosted grants +4 Damage and +4 Barrier.
○ Magma Dust: Requires Red and Orange Dust. On a Success will do 2 Damage each
Round to the target until they are struck by Water or Ice. On a Failure creates a Trap at
the target location where each time a character moves into or out of that location they
must pass an Evasion Roll against the original attack Roll or take 2 Damage. If Boosted
the damage increases to 4 and ignores the following on successful Attacks:
■ Hardened Body
■ Armored Foe
■ Shield Bearing Foe
■ Metallic Frame
Weapon Traits​

Like with Huntresses, all Weapons start with Two Traits and more can be earned through Level Ups.
However, new Weapon Traits can also be gained through in-game events or by purchasing them with

Ranged Traits​


The Huntress’ Ranged Weapon is a part of their Cybernetics and cannot be removed by anyone but the

Requires at least one Cybernetics Characteristic.

Large Caliber Rounds

(Only Compatible with Pistol and Rifle)

All Ranged Attacks gain +2 Damage but each time the Huntress performs a Ranged Attack her Evasion
gains a -2 Penalty.

This Weapon Trait can be purchased twice, increasing the Damage and Penalty by 2.

Incompatible with the Semi-Automatic Weapon Trait.

Dual Mode

The Huntress can take a second Ranged Weapon Characteristic for the Weapon.

Point Blank
On a successful Melee Attack the Huntress can use a Reaction to add her Ranged Damage to the
Attack’s Damage.

Recoil Boost

The Huntress can spend a Reaction to double their Melee Attack or Evasion Roll Bonus. On a
successful Melee Attack with Recoil Boost gain x2 Damage.

Recoil Boost can also be used to Move and perform a Melee Attack as 1 Action at the cost of a


Can switch Dust as a Free Action once per Round.

(Only Compatible with Pistol and Rifle)

The Huntress can choose to make up to 3 Ranged Attacks per Action but each Attack after the initial
Attack is made at an accumulative -2 Penalty and inflicts a -2 Penalty to Evasion.

This weapon Trait can be purchased multiple times, increasing the number of Ranged Attacks by 3 each

Incompatible with the Large Caliber Rounds Weapon Trait.


The Huntress can spend 1 Action to roll her next Ranged Attack at Advantage. If the Attack is
successful it gains x2 Damage.

Sticky Bombs

On successful Melee Attacks of 14 of over the Huntress can choose instead to apply Sticky Bombs to
the target. These will explode after 1 Round or detonated with a Reaction causing Weapon Damage to
the target and anyone Near them.

Red Dust and Ranged Attacks against the target will also cause the Sticky Bombs to detonate.

Melee Traits​

Break and Combine

The Weapon can switch between Two-Handed and One-Handed. This takes 1 Action to do.

The Weapon can Scan and Copy the Characteristics and Traits of other Weapons. Through the use of
Hard-Light Dust Phials they can create a perfect replica of a copied Weapon as a Free Action for 1
Round at a time. This bypasses the usual limitations of Armoury Creation but once a Copy has been
used it cannot be used again until it has been Re-Scanned at the cost of 1 Action.

This is still considered as using another Huntress’ Weapon and ass of such all Attacks are made without
any Roll Bonuses with a flat d20.

Double Ended

On a successful Attack the Huntress can choose to make a Second Melee Attack as a Free Action. The
Second Melee Attack does not activate this Trait even if it is successful.

Dual Mode

The Weapon can switch between two different Melee Types. This takes 1 Action to do.


Grants +2 to all Dust Attacks and lowers the Resistance Roll needed to perform them without losing
Aura by 5.

Grapple Hook

Melee Attacks can be used at Far at Half-Damage but on rolls of 16 and over the Huntress can choose
to Restrain the target instead. The Huntress can move to a Restrained target as a Free Action but the
target will lose the Restrained condition.

This can be used to approach Flying targets.


Grants +5 Damage to all Melee Attacks and on successful Rolls of 16 and over the target is Shoved.
This, however, also inflict a -2 Evasion Penalty on the Huntress.


On rolls of 16 and over the Huntress can choose to Restrain the target instead. While Restrained all
Attacks against the target are at Advantage.

If either the Huntress or the restrained target make an Action or are Moved the target automatically takes


The Weapon will Return to the Huntress after being Thrown. On its Return it can target 1 Additional
enemy, forcing them to make an Evasion Roll against the original Attack.
Requires the Thrown Weapon Trait.


The Huntress is equipped with a Shield, granting them further protection against attacks. Against all
Attacks the Huntress makes Two Evasion Rolls per Reaction. The First Roll will allow them to
completely Evade the Attack. If they Fail the First Roll but Succeed on the Second Roll they will use
their Shield to block the incoming Attack. If used against a Grapple Attack then they must make an
Escape Roll against the Attack or lose their Shield.

Shield must be assigned to a specific Arm and is therefore incompatible with Two-Handed Weapons.

Engraved Dust can be combined with the Shield the grant it the same Bonuses as an Attack. If
Hard-Light Dust is combined with the Shield then it grants a +2 to the Second Evasion Roll.

Shield Reinforcement

The Huntress can spend 1 Action to combine their Shield with their Weapon, this will change it from
One-Handed to Two-Handed but will Disable the Shield Weapon Trait.


Weapon can be Discarded to hit Far and Distant Targets. Once Thrown the Huntress will need to move
to Re-Equip the Weapon to use any of its Bonuses.


The Weapon allows the Huntress to Move as a Free Action. This can be done Once per Round.


The Weapon is attached to the Huntress and can only be Unequipped / Dropped if the Huntress
chooses to do so.

Worn Weapons can also be equipped to Legs.

Important Terminology

Player Main Stats

Regardless of the Quest there are Five Main Stats shared by all Heroines, however, the names and
at times the functions may vary depending on the Quest. These Stats are Clothing Durability
(CD), Mana Meter (MM), Mana Recovery), Action and Reaction.

Every Heroine starts with a default of 100 CD, 1000 MM, 20 MR and 2 Actions. Below is a brief
description of each Stat and how they are used in game.
○ Clothing Durability (CD): Grants protection from Lewd, Violate and Magic Attacks. Is
reduced by Normal Attacks.
○ Mana Meter (MM): Represents the maximum amount of Mana the Heroine can currently
hold. Mana is used to power Spells, Characteristics and Traits. Determines the Bonus for
Attack, Evasion, Escape and Struggle Rolls.
○ Mana Recovery (MR): Determines how much Mana is recovered at the end of every
○ Action: Determines how many Actions a Heroine can make per Round.
○ Reaction: Determines how many Reactions a Heroine can make per Round.

Player Roll Types

Rolls are split into Seven Categories; Attack, Evasion, Barrier, Escape, Struggle, Resistance and
Sensitivity. The Roll used depends on the situation.
○ Attack: Determines hit chance of any Offensive Action that Damages an Enemy.
○ Evasion: Determines dodge chance against Enemy Attacks.
○ Barrier: Blocks Enemy Attacks. This Roll is not present in every setting.
○ Escape: Used to free Bound Limbs and remove Pacification Equipment.
○ Struggle: Delays Penetration.
○ Resistance: Prevents Negative Effects.
○ Sensitivity: Determines reaction to sexual pleasure.
Modifiers to Rolls can allow them to go below 1 and above 2, however, this does not transform them into
Critical Failures/Successes.
Actions, Rolls, & Game Flow

Offensive, Reactionary, & Neutral Actions

Offensive Actions are any Action a character makes that affects a target, whether that is another
character or an object. Escape and all Attacks are Offensive Actions which require Rolls and cost
an Action to attempt. All Offensive Actions use 1d20 for Rolls.

Reactionary Actions are split into Defensive and Reflexive Actions, these happen as a result of
being targeted by another Action. For the most part these require Rolls but certain Items or Traits
can bypass the Roll.
○ Evasion, Barrier and Struggle are all Defensive Actions and are rolled in reaction to
different types of Attack Actions. Characters can make a number of Defensive
Actions equal to their Actions but they do not cost an Action to use. All Defensive
Actions use 1d20 for Rolls.
■ If a character has no Defensive Actions remaining they cannot
actively defend against the relevant Offensive Action, however, the
attacker must still roll for their Attack as a Natural 1 will still fail.
○ Resistance and Sensitivity are Reflexive Actions and are rolled as the result of a
failed Defensive Action (if a character did not make a Defensive Action, it is
considered a fail). The number of Reflexive Actions a character can make is equal
to the number of Offensive Actions used against them. Resistance uses 1d20 for
Roll, however, Sensitivity uses a number of d10s dependent on the Heroine’s
current Sensitivity.
Neutral Actions are any Action that does not require a Roll. These still cost an Action to perform
and includes the following:
○ Changing Position. Can also be done using a Defensive Action.
○ Certain Traits and Characteristics

Combat within the Quest is split up into Turns and Rounds. A Round starts when the first character
in the Initiative Order takes their Turn to perform up to their total number of Actions, when they
have no more Actions or choose to end their Turn it moves onto the next character in the
Initiative Order and so. Once every character in the Initiative Order has completed their Turn
the Round ends and the next Round starts.

○ An Effect that is stated to last 3 Rounds will remain in play from the end of the Turn it was
activated until the end of the Third Turn of the character who activated it.
Initiative Order is determined by a roll at the start of the Encounter, with a Bonus dependent on the
Heroine’s current Mana or an Enemy’s Category. The only exception is Allies that only roll a
base 1d20 with no Bonus.
● In the case where multiple characters roll the same result then the order can be determined by
having a roll off.
Action Order

There is a defined sequence each Action is Rolled or allowed to take effect.

Offensive Actions can be done in any order. However, for Heroines, Mana is subtracted in the order
Attacks are Rolled. This means the Bonus for Attacks can change Roll to Roll.

○ Heroine has 900 Mana. They Roll a Monumental Spell followed by a Moderate Spell.
The first Roll will have a +5 Bonus, but the second will have a +4 Bonus due to her
overall Mana dropping to 600.
○ Heroine has 900 Mana. They Roll a Moderate Spell followed by a Monumental Spell.
Both Rolls are done with a +5 Bonus as the Moderate Spell only drops her Mana to 875,
allowing her to cast the Monumental Spell without having to downgrade her Bonus.
Enemies can perform Five Different types of Attacks. All Enemy Attacks use a 1d20.
○ Normal: Causes Clothing Damage.
○ Lewd: Increases Sensitivity and Drains Mana.
○ Magic: Inflict Perverse Status Effects.
○ Grapple: Binds Limbs.
○ Violate: Penetrate Holes.
For Heroine Defensive Actions, each Failed Roll against a Successful Enemy Roll will lead to the
Next Roll in the sequence that can be made.

Key: Enemy Attack : Heroine Roll > Next Heroine Roll if Previous Roll Failed
○ Normal : Evasion > Barrier
○ Lewd : Evasion > Barrier > Sensitivity
○ Magic : Evasion > Barrier > Resistance
○ Grapple (No Bound Limbs) : Evasion > Barrier
○ Grapple (Some Bound Limbs) : Struggle > Evasion (Disabled If Legs Bound) > Barrier
○ Grapple (All Bound Limbs) : Struggle
○ Violate (Before Penetration) : Evasion > Barrier > Sensitivity
○ Violate (During Penetration) : Struggle > Barrier > Sensitivity
Enemy Reactionary Actions are far simpler. They make an Evasion Roll against Attacks, make a
Grapple Roll against Escape and if applicable, utilize a Trait or Characteristic. All Enemy Reactionary
Actions use 1d20.

Determining if a Roll has been Successful or a Failure is quite simple.

○ For the Heroine, the Roll must be Equal or Greater Than the Opposing Enemy Roll.
○ For the Enemy, the Roll must be Greater Than the Opposing Player Roll.
○ A Critical Success happens when a character rolls a natural 20. These are counted as
though the same Action succeeded twice.
○ A Critical Failure happens when a character rolls a natural 1. These are counter as tough
the same Action failed twice.
○ An Epic Success/Failure occurs when one character rolls a natural 20 and their
opposition rolls a natural 1, in these cases the effects of both a Critical Success and
Critical Failure happen essentially quadrupling the positive/negative effect of the roll.
Certain Characteristics, Traits, Spells and situations can grant a character either Advantage or
Disadvantage to specific Rolls.
○ When a character has Advantage on a Roll they roll twice and use the higher result.
○ When a character has Disadvantage on a Roll they roll twice and use the lower result.
○ If a character has both Advantage and Disadvantage on a Roll then they roll as though
they had neither.
Both Heroines and Enemies can also choose to Hold an Action, this allows them to perform the Action
out of Initiative Order or, in the case of Reactionary Actions, grants them advantage. To Hold an Action
the character must state what situation will Trigger the Action and still have at least 1 Action left at the
end of their Turn. If the Held Action is not Triggered by the start of the character’s next Turn it is lost.
○ Held Offensive Actions will Trigger either when a designated Target moves into position
or in response to another character using or succeeding at a particular Action.
○ Held Reactionary Actions will Trigger when a designated Offensive Action is used on
the character, this allows them to Roll their Reactionary Action at advantage.
Neutral Actions happen automatically and do not require a Roll, however, they can cause a held
Offensive Action to happen and in turn result in a Reactionary Action.

Player Body Parts

Enemies can Target specific Body Parts with Certain Attacks.
○ Arms: Can be Targeted by Grapple.
○ Legs: Can be Targeted by Grapple.
○ Non-Erotic Zone: Can be Targeted by Lewd.
○ Mouth: Can be Targeted by Violate.
○ Breasts: Can be Targeted by Lewd.
○ Nipples: Can be Targeted by Lewd. Requires Two Successful Attacks on Breast. Once
this condition has been met, the Enemy can freely choose to Attack either Breasts or
○ Ass: Can be Targeted by Lewd and Violate.
○ Pussy: Can be Targeted by Lewd and Violate.
○ Clit: Can be Targeted by Lewd. Requires Two Successful Attacks on Pussy. Once this
condition has been met, the Enemy can freely choose to Attack either Pussy or Clit.
The following can only be Targeted if the appropriate Characteristic has been chosen.
○ Hair: Can be Targeted by Grapple.
○ Horns: Can be Targeted by Grapple.
○ Tail: Can be Targeted by Grapple and Lewd.
○ Wings: Can be Targeted by Grapple and Restrain Pacification Equipment.
○ Adorable Ears: Can be Targeted by Lewd.
Mana, Spells, & Physical Attacks

Mana is what fuels Spells and certain Traits / Characteristics. Heroines start with a Mana Meter (MM)
of 1000 Mana. There are Three Main Ways that Mana can be restored.
○ Passively with her Mana Recovery. 20 Mana at the end of each Round is the default for
all Heroines.
○ Using a Recovery Item either in or out of combat, this will restore a set amount of Mana
dependent on the particular Recovery Item.
○ This will recover Mana to full.
Alternate ways to gain additional Mana can be done either with certain Traits or through Level Up.

In some Settings Mana is replaced by Aura, which functions mostly identically but is only drained
through Lewd and Violate, or Stamina which is not drained by Lewd but when reduced to 0 Stamina
renders the Heroine Incapacitated and unable to act and possibly defeated. In both these cases the
amount of Aura/Stamina that is drained is doubled

Attack, Evasion, Escape, & Struggle Bonus

As long as a Heroine has at least 1 Mana they are granted Bonuses to certain Rolls. The extent of these
Bonuses is determined by the Heroine’s current amount of Mana, with more Mana granting larger
Bonuses and are represented on the character sheet by a colour coded Status.
○ +1000 – 800 Mana: +5 Bonus. Fine.
○ 799 – 600 Mana: +4 Bonus. Fine.
○ 599 – 400 Mana: +3 Bonus. Caution.
○ 399 – 200 Mana: +2 Bonus. Caution.
○ 199 – 1 Mana: +1 Bonus. Danger.
○ 0 Mana: +0 Bonus. Incapacitated. This Status is specific to Stamina.
Her MM can be increased with Level Up Bonuses and certain Characteristics. Anything higher than
1000 will only grant a +5 Bonus.

Spell Types

Depending on the Setting, Heroines can use fantastical Spells to aid their allies and defeat her foes.
Mana must be spent in order to activate and, in some cases, maintain a Spell. In Settings that utilize
Aura, Spells are split into two distinct types, Dust and Semblance, these do not cost Aura to activate but
cannot be used if a Heroine has 0 Aura.

A Single-Target Spell costs 1 Action and can be used both to cause Damage and/or other Effects
depending on what Traits the Player has.
A Self-Targeting Spell costs 1 Action but is counted toward the Heroine’s Reactionary Actions, these
are used to enhance another Roll or otherwise support the Heroine in some manner.

An Area-of-Effect (AOE) Spell targets all Enemies or Heroines within a Group. AOEs cost 2 Actions.
Unlike Single-Target Spells, AOEs can Damage the Main Body and Limbs of Enemies caught in the

Singe-Target and AOE Spells are capable of Targeting Near, Far and Distant Enemies/Heroines.
Self-Targeting Spells can only target the Heroine casting the Spell.

Spell Tiers

There is no set Spell list for these rules, just a few examples. Below serves as a general
guide for how to construct a spell regarding the extent of its effects as well as the amount
of Mana it will cost. It should be rather self-evident that the more powerful a Spell the
more points of Mana it will cost to activate.

There are Four Tiers of Spells; Minor, Moderate, Major and Monumental.
○ Minor
■ Spells of this strength are weak, but can be easily spammed multiple times.
Think tossing pebbles or creating tiny sparks of light, there’s an effect but
it’s almost not even noticeable.
■ Cost: Single – 10 Points / AOE – 30 Points
■ Effects: 2 Damage / +1 Bonus or -1 Penalty to one Roll
○ Moderate
■ More powerful than a Minor Spell they do a decent amount of damage for a
relatively low cost. For Spells of this level think bolts of fire, foot long spikes
of rock and such.
■ Cost: Single – 25 Points / AOE – 75 Points
■ Effects: 5 Damage / +2 Bonus or -2 Penalty to one Roll / +1 Bonus or -1
Penalty to two Rolls / +1 Bonus or -1 Penalty to one Roll for two Rounds
○ Major
■ Powerful Magic that has the potential to completely turn the tide of battle
but with a deceptive cost regarding Mana. At this point you’re looking at
explosive fireballs, pillars of stone, bolts of lightning and spears of light.
■ Cost: Single - 75 Points / AOE – 225 Points
■ Effects: 20 Damage / +5 Bonus or -5 Penalty to one Roll / +2 Bonus or – 2
Penalty to three Rolls / +2 Bonus or -2 Penalty to one Roll for two Rounds /
+1 Bonus or -1 Penalty to one Roll for three Rounds
○ Monumental
■ Incredibly powerful and potent Magic that can alter the very landscape
itself and as of such is appropriately costly as well as likely to cause
collateral damage. Massive blazes, earthquakes and intense lightning
storms are all possible at this level.
■ Cost: Single – 200 Points / AOE – 600 Points
■ Effects: 60 Damage / +10 Bonus or -10 Penalty to one Roll / +5 Bonus or
-5 Penalty to two Rolls / +5 Bonus or -5 Penalty to one Roll for two Rounds
Not every Setting will have access to Magic or an equivalent ability, however, in every Setting Heroines
are capable of using Physical Attacks to inflict Damage. Physical Attacks take 1 Action to perform and
use DO NOT use Mana. The drawback is that unless supplemented by Equipment, Traits or
Characteristics, their base Damage is 1, they can only Target Near Enemies and are limited to a

Damage Multipliers
All Damage Multipliers (Double / Triple / Quadruple) for Attacks are Cumulative.

○ Heroine A has a Characteristic and a Trait, each Doubles Spell Damage. They Cast a
Moderate Spell with a Base 5 Damage. Because of their Damage Multipliers, the Spell
now does 20 Damage.
○ Heroine A has a Characteristic that Doubles Spell Damage and a Trait that Triples Spell
Damage. They Cast a Moderate Spell with a Base 5 Damage. Because of their Damage
Multipliers, their Spell now does 30 Damage.
Damage Multipliers are always applied last.

○ Heroine A has a Characteristic that grants +5 Physical Damage and a Trait that Doubles
Physical Damage. They add the +5 Physical Damage first to their Attack, giving them 6
Damage, their Damage Multiplier then increases this to 12 Damage.
○ Heroine A has a Characteristic that gives Additional Spell Damage depending on the
Tier and a Trait that Doubles Spell Damage. They Cast a Moderate Spell with a Base 5
Damage. They add the +3 Spell Damage first to their Attack, increasing it to 8 Damage,
then because of their Damage Multiplier this is increased further to 16 Damage.

Relative Character Position

Positioning plays an important factor in combat. This is just as true in the Game as it is in real life. In the
Game there are three distinct Positions characters can take; Near, Far and Distant. The Position of
characters and Groups can be tracked in one of two ways depending on whether or not you are using a
map or Theatre of the Mind.

If using a map each Position represents the distance between the active character and each other
character, if using Theatre of the Mind then the Position of each character and Group will be tracked on its
own dedicated space.
○ Near – between 0 and 4 Squares from the active character
■ Enemy: No Attack Penalty
■ Heroine: No Spell or Physical Attack Penalty
○ Far – between 5 and 8 Squares from the active character
■ Enemy: Can Perform Attacks With Certain Traits
■ Heroine: No Spell Attack Penalty / Physical Attack Disabled without
○ Distant – between 9 and 12 Squares from the active character
■ Enemy: -2 Attack Penalty / Can Perform Attacks With Certain Traits
■ Player: -2 Spell Attack Penalty / -2 Physical Attack Penalty / Physical
Attack Disabled without Equipment
Characters are often part of a Group, these are comprised by the character’s Position and who is Near,
all characters that are Near to each other fall into a Group regardless if they are Heroines or Enemies.
This will play a factor in AOE Attacks as they target a Group.

○ There is One Heroine and Two Enemies. Heroine A is Alone. Enemy A and B are in a
■ Heroine A / No Group
■ Far: Enemy A (Group 1)
■ Far: Enemy B (Group 1)
■ Enemy A / Group 1
■ Near: Enemy B (Group 1)
■ Far: Heroine A (No Group)
■ Enemy B / Group 1
■ Near: Enemy A (Group 1)
■ Far: Heroine A (No Group)
■ There are Two Heroines and One Enemy. Heroine A is Alone. Enemy A
and Heroine B are in a Group.
■ Heroine A / No Group
■ Far: Heroine B (Group 1)
■ Far: Enemy A (Group 1)
■ Heroine B / Group 1
■ Far: Heroine A (No Group)
■ Near: Enemy A (Group 1)
■ Enemy A / Group 1
■ Far: Heroine A (No Group)
■ Near: Heroine B (Group 1)
Characters can Change Positions during combat as a Neutral Action on their Turn. For 1 Action the
active character can move closer to or farther from their current Position by one increment (or 4 Squares
if using a map). Any Bound / Penetrated Heroine or Enemy Binding / Penetrating a Heroine CANNOT
change their Position.

If using Theatre of the Mind then the QM will update every character’s Positions as below:
○ Near to Far (1 Action)
■ All Near characters become Far.
■ All Distant characters become Far.
○ Near to Far to Distant (2 Actions Within The Same Turn)
■ All Near characters become Distant.
■ All Far characters remain Far.
■ All Distant characters become Near.
Barrier Defence
In addition to Evasion, Heroine’s can create a Barrier to block Attacks, however, this ability is not
available in Settings that use Stamina instead of Mana. This can used after a failed Evasion Roll or while
Bound. Unlike Evasion, Barrier always has a +5 Bonus regardless of the Heroine’s current Mana but
they cannot use Barrier if their Mana is below 100. The amount of Mana spent on a Barrier Roll is equal to
the Roll result.

○ Heroine A makes a Barrier Roll. The number the Rolled is 15 costing them 15 Mana.
As with other Heroine Rolls the Roll must be equal to or greater than the Enemy’s Roll for it to
Succeed. A Failed Roll will result in the Barrier shattering and allow the Enemy to continue their Attack
but will still cost Mana.

Clothing Damage
A Heroine’s Clothing is her first line of defence. All Heroines start at a max of 100 Clothing Durability
(CD) which is reduced with each hit from a successful Normal Attack. The amount of damage taken is
equivalent to the difference between the Heroine’s Roll and the Enemy’s Roll. The more damage her
Clothing takes, the more exposed she will become. This will allow Lewd and Violate Attacks to be used
against her.

In Settings that use Mana, Clothing can be repaired by spending Points of Mana. Each CD recovered is
equivalent to 1 Mana. This costs an Action to perform. In Settings that do not use Mana, CD can only be
restored outside of Combat and through the use of Equipment.

Each time CD is reduced by a set amount there is a roll to determine what is exposed, allowing Enemies
to target the exposed body parts with Lewd and Violate Attacks.
○ 100+ – 75 CD: Oral / Non-Erotic Zone
○ 74 – 50 CD: 1d3 (1. Breasts, 2. Ass, 3. Pussy)
○ 49 – 25 CD: 1d2 (two remaining body parts)
○ 24 – 0 CD: Fully Exposed
The maximum limit for CD can be increased with Traits and Characteristics. This will NOT change the
range for exposure.
Status Effects, Curses, Resistance and Removal

Certain Enemies can inflict Heroines with a variety of Status Effects or Curses either as a result
of Magic or certain Normal, Lewd and Violate Attacks that have been enhanced by Traits.

When a struck by a successful Attack that can cause a Status Effect the regular effects of the
Attack play out, then the QM will Roll another Dice with a Bonus dependent on the Enemy’s
category to determine the strength of the Status Effect. Following this the Heroine makes a
Resistance Roll where a failure will cause the Status Effect to take effect. This can happen
multiple times to a single Heroine but she can not be afflicted with the same Status Effect more
than once at time.

Once a Heroine has been inflicted with a Status Effect she must make a new Resistance Roll at
the start of her Turn every Round for the duration of the Status Effect against the Roll that
originally inflicted her with the Status Effect, a success will prevent the effects.

Eg: A Status Effect was original rolled at 15. The Heroine need to always roll equal to or higher
than a 15 to resist its effects.

If a Heroine is inflicted with multiple Status Effects at once, only a Single Roll will be used to
determine if she can resist each one. To remove a Status Effect early the Heroine must succeed
at a Resistance Roll and spend Mana equal to the result. The Roll must be equal to or greater
than the Roll that originally inflicted the Status Effect. Failed Rolls will still spend Mana equal to
the result Rolled. This does not cost an Action.

In Settings that use Stamina, Status Effects can only be removed through the use of a Recovery
Item. This costs an Action to do but no Resistance Roll is required and there is no Stamina cost.

Lewd Curses, Resistance, & Removal

Certain Enemies can utilize Lewd Curses to wear a Heroine down. This is done by a Magic Attack which
a Heroine can defend against with a Barrier Roll. If the Heroine fails their Barrier Roll they can attempt to
cancel out the curse by making a Resistance Roll, if this Succeeds they the Curse will be converted into a
Lewd Attack instead forcing the Heroine to make a Sensitivity Roll. Failing the Roll will result in the
Heroine becoming Cursed. Once an Enemy succeeds in Cursing a Heroine, they cannot make another
Curse attempt.

Curses can be prevented from activating with a Resistance Roll. For every Turn the Curse’s activation
condition applies, the Heroine will need to roll equal to or greater than the Original Magic Roll to resist its

Eg: If a Cruse was inflicted with a Magic Roll of 15 then a Heroine will need to Roll 15 or higher on her
Resistance Roll to resist its effect.

If multiple Curses have their conditions met at once, only a Single Roll will be used to determine if she
can resist each one, however, only those that she Rolled lower than will Activate. To remove a Lewd
Curse, the Heroine must make a Resistance Roll and spend Mana equivalent to the Result. The Roll must
be equal to or greater than the Original Magic Roll. Failed Rolls will still spend Mana equivalent to the
number she Rolled, if she is attempting to purge multiple Cruses the Mana lost will be multiplied by the
number of Curses she is attempting to remove. Once removed, all Penalties associated with that
particular Curse will disappear. This can only be done outside of battle.

Unless they placed the Curse themselves, Enemies will not be aware of what Curses a Heroine has
unless her Pussy is exposed, they accidentally trigger one, or they possess the Curse Sight Trait.
Curses will be chosen by the Player from the below list and modified to fit their needs. These Curses will
be compiled into a personal list for each Heroine and numbered. When applying a potential Curse to a
Heroine, they will be chosen at random from their Player’s personal list with a Dice Roll. The Size of the
Dice will be equivalent to the number of Curses on the Player’s list and the Curse chosen will be
determined by the number Rolled that corresponds with whatever Curse has that number on their list. It is
possible for a Heroine to Roll for a Curse that they already have. If the number Magic Attack Rolled for
the Curse is higher than its previous iteration the higher result replaces it. Otherwise, a different Curse will
be Rolled for.

Curse List
○ Triggered
○ Gaze
○ Sensitivity
○ Liberated
○ Soulchained
○ Sway
○ Forlorn
○ Mindmelt
○ Pheromone
○ Glow
○ Cumdiction
○ Lactation
○ Deep Focus
○ Siphoning
○ Animalistic
○ Libido
○ Receptacle
○ Attraction
○ Wombgasm
○ Vibrancy
Description: When she receives this Cure, she is programmed to react to two different phrases. Every
time she hears the first phrase, she becomes a little hornier. Every time she hears the second phrase, she
becomes a little more submissive.

Activation: Two specific phrases chosen by the original Enemy who Cursed her. In the even the caster
does not have the intelligence to select two phrases or is defeated / killed before choosing, the Curse will
remain in an incomplete state. Can be completed by someone other than the original caster by verbally
addressing the Curse and choosing phrases for it.

Effect: The Heroine will become slightly hornier or more submissive every time one of the two phrases
are said within her presence. The effect is cumulative and will continuously pile on with each use of the
○ Horny Trigger Phrase: +2 Sensitivity Roll.
○ Submissive Trigger Phrase: Permanent -1 to every Escape Roll.
Forced Activation Effect: Both Horny and Submissive Triggers will be activated.

Description: Whenever someone looks at her body lustfully, her Pussy will react as if a vibrator is
stimulating it from within.

Activation: Anytime an Enemy looks at the Heroine. If looked upon by multiple Enemies at the same
time, the Heroine will only need to make a Single Resistance Roll. A Failed Roll will, however, increase
the effect based on the number of onlookers. Can only be Activated Once per Enemy.

Effect: The Heroine will make a Pussy Sensitivity Roll with a -10 Modifier for the next 5 Rounds. The
number of Pussy Sensitivity Rolls made each Turn is determined by the number of onlookers.

Forced Activation Effect: Same Effect as if it was a normal Activation.

Description: Her erogenous zones are three times more sensitive and her thigh up to her upper chest
are now as sensitive as her original erogenous zones were.

Activation: The start of every Encounter.

Effect: Increases Sensitivity. Lewd Attacks on Non-Erotic Areas now force her to make Sensitivity
Rolls equivalent to Rolls made for her Breasts. Additionally, all Breast, Ass and Pussy Sensitivity
Rolls will have their results Tripled and give all Sensitivity Rolls +25.

Forced Activation Effect: Same Effect as if it was a normal Activation.


Description: She will find it impossible to cover herself completely when in public, remaining either
oblivious to her state of dress or justify it. She will dress in a manner that allows anyone to easily molest
or penetrate her.

Activation: Any attempt to repair her Clothes when CD is below 25.

Effect: If the Heroine fails her Resistance Roll, the Heroine will repair her Clothing in a state that allows
Violate Attacks to be used. Clothing Durability will not be recovered, but Mana will still be spent as
though they repaired it.

The Heroine can make Resistance Rolls once per completed Encounter.

Forced Activation Effect: If CD is above 25, the Heroine will spend an Action stripping or destroying her


Description: If anyone kisses her, regardless of consent, she will have intrusive sexual fantasies about
them unless they cum inside her.

Activation: Kissed upon the lips.

Effect: The Heroine is compelled to remain Near the Enemy who kissed her. The effect can be cancelled
if the Enemy is killed, defeated or fills her with cum.

Forced Activation Effect: The Heroine is compelled to remain Near to either the Enemy that had
targeted her with Daemonium or the one she had last Attacked.

Description: If anyone within 10 meters of her fantasizes about molesting, groping or fucking
her, she will feel their thoughts and will share in the urge for this to take place.

Activation: The start of every Encounter.

Effect: The Heroine becomes influenced by the lewd thoughts of the surrounding Enemies and
subconsciously desires to fulfill them, lowering her performance in Combat against them. All
Rolls (Attack, Evasion, Resistance, Escape and Struggle) are given a -2 Penalty until the end of
the Encounter.

Forced Activation Effect: Same Effect as if it was a normal Activation.


Description: Feeling lost, afraid or horrified becomes the strongest aphrodisiac imaginable.

Activation: Fully Bound.

Effect: Her fear of having her freedom taken and her body violated strengthens her arousal, Doubling all
results earned from a Sensitivity Roll.

Forced Activation Effect: Same Effect as if it was a normal Activation.


Description: Every time she orgasms, one memory will be erased. For every orgasm, she will experience
stronger arousal.

Activation: Forced Orgasm.

Effect: All Sensitivity Rolls that result in an Orgasm (Any Roll of 61 or Higher) will be Doubled and
randomly Disable one of her Traits. Traits will be organized into their own numbered list. The number of
Traits will determine the Size of the Dice that the Heroine will roll. The effect can be cancelled if the
Enemy is killed of defeated.

Forced Activation Effect: Heroine makes a Non-Erotic Sensitivity Roll and has one of her Traits
randomly Disabled.

Description: Any man within 30 meters will become aroused and attracted to her. The closer he is, the
stronger it gets.

Activation: The start of every Encounter.

Effect: All Near Enemies will exclusively Target her. Sensitivity Rolls caused by Near Enemies using
Lewd or Violate Attacks will have their results Doubled.

Forced Activation Effect: Same Effect as if it was a normal Activation.


Description: Her Curses will become illuminated, projecting themselves through her clothing and making
it impossible to hide them.

Activation: The start of every Encounter.

Effect: Allows all Enemies to see what Curses the Heroine has.

Forced Activation Effect: Same Effect as if it was a normal Activation.


Description: The next time she tastes cum, she will become addicted. Heavy withdrawals if she goes
more than 24 hours without consuming semen. Both her Ass and Pussy can also be used to consume

Activation: Semen entering any orifice.

Effect: The Heroine will become addicted to consuming semen and will be tempted to lick up any upon
sight. After succeeding the initial Resistance Roll, every following Roll will add a -1 Modifier until the
Heroine surrenders to her urges. Failing the Roll will cause her to focus on consuming semen and thus
prevent her from making any Actions on her Turn. All Negative Modifiers will be reset afterwards.

If Penetrated by a Cock or Tentacle, the Heroine will be tempted to milk it of its semen. After succeeding
the initial Resistance Roll, every following Roll will add a -1 Modifier until the Heroine surrenders to her
urges. Failing the Roll will lower the threshold for Ejaculation for Cocks or Tentacles by 4. The Negative
Modifiers for the Resistance Roll will not reset until the Cock or Tentacle is removed form the orifice it is
currently Penetrating.

Forced Activation Effect: Same Effect as if it was a normal Activation.


Description: Her Breasts swell and start producing milk. The more she is milked, the more pleasure she
feels. This can become an addiction.

Activation: Lewd Attacks on her Breasts.

Effect: Milk will leak from her Breasts nonstop. All Lewd Attacks that target her Breasts will force them to
spray milk along with her Mana, if her Nipples are targeted the effect is doubled. The amount lost will be
determined by rolling 1d25.

Mana is also lost if she experiences an orgasm. Any Sensitivity Roll, both natural and modified, 61 or
higher will make her Breasts squirt milk. The amount lost will be determined by rolling 1d50.

Forced Activation Effect: Milk randomly sprays from her Breasts. The Heroine will Roll 1d50 to determine
the amount of Mana lost and make a Breast Sensitivity Roll.
Deep Focus

Description: She feels everything that happens inside her genitals, from her labia to her ovaries. When
semen is inside her, she can visualize it in her mind. Impregnation causes a mind-breaking orgasm.

Activation: Womb is flooded with semen.

Effect: Make a Pussy Sensitivity Roll with a -10 Modifier before making a Resistance Roll against
Impregnation. If Impregnated, apply the Mindbreak Penalty.

Forced Activation Effect: Make a Pussy Sensitivity Roll.


Description: When Ejaculated on or inside of, she will suffer a drop of energy. The one who soiled her,
however, will feel a boost in energy. This effect is cumulative.

Activation: Enemy Ejaculation during either Lewd or Violate Attacks.

Effect: The heroine gains a Penalty and the Enemy a Bonus depending on where they deposit their
semen. The effect is cumulative and will remain active until the death or defeat of the Enemy.
○ Outside: Heroine -1 Evasion Roll / Enemy +1 Lewd Attack
○ Oral: Heroine -1 Escape Roll / Enemy +1 Grapple Attack
○ Ass: Heroine -1 Resistance Roll / Enemy +1 Magic Attack
○ Pussy: Heroine -1 Struggle Roll / Enemy +1 Violate Attack
Forced Activation Effect: The Heroine will receive every Penalty all at once. Likewise, the Enemy that
had targeted her with Daemonium or the one she had last Attacked will receive every Bonus all at once.

Description: When she becomes aroused, she will start to slowly become something more primal in both
mind and body.

Activation: Reaching certain Sensitivity Thresholds.

Effect: -
○ 0 Sensitivity: The following regions gain fixed Sensitivity Penalties.
■ Belly: +10 Sensitivity
■ Underneath the Chin: +5 Sensitivity
■ Behind the Ears: +5 Sensitivity
■ Along the Back: +5 Sensitivity
○ 50 Sensitivity: The Heroine will start making sounds similar to what animal she identifies
with the most. Alternatively, the Enemy most actively engaged with the Heroin can choose
an animal to identify her as. She may only speak in the appropriate animal noises until her
Sensitivity fall below this threshold.
The Enemy may not choose an animal if she has already been subject to the effects
of the 100 Sensitivity Tier.
○ 100 Sensitivity: The heroine grows a permanent set of secondary ears and a tail to
match the animal she most identifies with. They can be targeted with Lewd Attacks,
forcing her to make Sensitivity Rolls.
■ Ears: Sensitivity Equal to Breasts.
■ Tail: Sensitivity Equal to Pussy.
○ 300 Sensitivity: The Heroine enters a state or permanent heat. Sensitivity can no longer
fall below the 300 Sensitivity threshold.
○ 600 Sensitivity: Her desire to breed becomes nearly overwhelming. She will receive the
following Penalties to her Rolls.
■ -2 Escape Roll
■ -2 Struggle Roll
■ -2 Resistance Roll
Forced Activation Effect: Gain enough Sensitivity Points to reach the next Sensitivity Tier. If she already
has 1000 Sensitivity, the ‘Surrender’ effect is applied.

Description: Her libido will be increased to such a high level that she won’t be able to keep her hands off
herself. Touching herself or begging people to fuck her will be a frequent occurrence in her life.

Activation: After making any kind of Sensitivity Roll. Once per Round.

Effect: Depends on which activated the Curse. Anything other than a Violate Attack will cause the Heroine
to start masturbating. This will reduce her Max number of Actions by 1 and cause her to make a Pussy
Sensitivity Roll with a -10 Modifier.

If activated during a Penetration and she fails her Resistance Roll, she will suffer a -4 Struggle Roll for the
remainder of the Encounter.

Forced Activation Effect: Same Effect as if it was a normal Activation.


Description: Become fatigued and weak unless there’s a relatively fresh deposit of semen inside of her.

Activation: Every 10 Rounds until the Heroine has failed her Resistance Roll. Resets upon receiving
semen inside her.

Effect: Failing the Resistance Roll will make the Heroine accumulate a -1 to all Attack, Evasion,
Resistance, Escape and Struggle Rolls every Round. There is no cap on how big the Penalty can
become. Additionally, Mana Gain will be replaced with a Mana Loss of -10 every Round. Mana can,
however, be gained by receiving semen while the Curse is active. How much depends on where its
○ Outside: +75 Mana
○ Mouth: +150 Mana
○ Ass: +225 Mana
○ Pussy: +300 Mana
All Penalties and changes to how Mana is earned will be removed upon receiving semen inside her.

Forced Activation Effect: Same Effect as if it was a normal Activation.


Description: When there is anyone close by, she will feel discomfort if she’s not within half a meter of

Activation: No Near Enemies.

Effect: The Heroine will experience discomfort for as long as she remains Far or Distant from any
Enemy. Upon becoming Near an Enemy, she will make a Non-Erotic Sensitivity Roll with a -10 Modifier
for Every Round since its previous Activation. This Maxes out at 5 Rolls.

Forced Activation Effect: If Unbound and Near any Enemies, the Heroine is forced to make herself Far
or Distant from them.

Description: Will only be able to orgasm when semen passes through her cervix. Arousal will
continuously build until the condition is met.

Activation: Once per Pussy Penetration.

Effect: The Penalties of All Sensitivity Rols between 61 and 90 will be stockpiled and not be
activated until the Heroine has her womb filled with semen. If the Enemy fails to cum, is killed, or
forced out of her Pussy, the Penalties will remain stockpiled until another Enemy cums inside
her. Sleeping will remove all stockpiled Penalties.

Forced Activation Effect: Same Effect as if it was a normal Activation.


Description: The lewder she gets, the more her body will change to match her perversion.

Activation: Every 100 Sensitivity Points gained.

Effect: The Heroine will have her body permanently transformed little by little into a more perverted form.
What is changed and associated Penalties for that body part will be randomly chosen by rolling 1d8.
1. Lips: Fuller and Glossier / Threshold For Ejaculation For Cocks or Tentacles For Oral Is
Permanently Lowered by 4.
2. Arms: Softer / Permanent -2 to Escape Rolls for Arms.
3. Breasts: 1 Cup Size Larger / Permanent +5 Breast Sensitivity Roll.
4. Nipples: Harder / Permanent +5 Nipple Sensitivity Roll.
5. Pussy: Wetter / Permanent -2 to Struggle Rolls for Pussy.
6. Clit: Hotter / Permanent +5 Clit Sensitivity Roll.
7. Hips: Wider and Swingier Gait / Permanent -2 to Evasion Rolls.
8. Ass: Thicker / Permanent +5 Ass Sensitivity Roll.
Depending on what Penalty is chosen, she can permanently lose of change Certain Body
○ Arms
■ Brickhouse: Changed to Athletic if Arms is chosen Twice.
■ Athletic: Removed if Arms is chosen Twice.
○ Breasts
■ Flat is Justice: Changed to Itty Bitty Titties if Breasts is chosen Twice.
■ Itty Bitty Titties: Removed is Breasts is chosen Twice.
○ Nipples
■ Inverted: Changed to Pancake if Nipples is chosen Twice.
■ Pancake: Removed if Nipples is chosen Twice.
○ Ass
■ Cake is a Lie: Changed to Firm Glutes if Ass is chosen Twice.
■ Firm Glutes: Removed if Ass is chosen Twice.
○ Womb
■ Barren: Changed to Infertile if Hips is chosen Twice.
■ Infertile: Removed if Hips is chosen Twice.
○ Pussy
■ Girlcock: Changed to Vice Grip if Pussy is chosen Twice.
■ Vice Grip: Changed to Extra Tight if Pussy is chosen Twice.
■ Extra Tight: Removed if Hips is chosen Twice.
○ Clit
■ Hidden Button: Changed to Small Button if Clit is chosen Twice.
■ Small Button: Removed if Clit is chosen Twice.
Forced Activation Effect: Same Effect as if it was a normal Activation.

Bound Limbs
Enemies can attempt a Grapple Attack in order to reduce a Heroine’s ability to Evade or Attack. The
maximum number of Grapple Attacks any enemy can Roll on their Turn is limited by both the number of
Actions they can perform overall and available Appendages.

○ An Enemy with 2 available Appendages and 1 Action can only perform 1 Grapple.
○ An Enemy with 1 available Appendage and 2 Actions can only perform 1 Grapple.
Similar to Normal, Lewd or Magic Attacks, they can be avoided with a Defensive Action, but failure
can end with one or multiple Limbs Bound. Freeing a Bound Lim requires a Successful Escape Roll
against the Enemy’s Grapple Roll to maintain the Grapple or if the HP of the Appendage Binding her is
reduced to 0. Escape Rolls are an Offensive Action and cost 1 Action to attempt. Each Escape Roll is
tied to a specific Limb. Any Attacks made by the Player while Bound cannot be evaded by the Enemy if
they Grapple her with Arms. For Tentacles, Evasion is disabled only for the Tentacle currently performing
the grappling.

A Bound Limb is released when one of the following conditions are met; the Heroine makes a successful
Escape Roll, the Appendage binding that Limb has its HP reduced to 0 or the Enemy voluntarily releases
the Bound Limb. The voluntary release of a Limb is considered a Reactionary Action.

If Two Arms have been successfully Bound by the same Enemy, they can choose to Bind them together
with a single Appendage at the cost of 1 Action. This will allow them to use the unoccupied Appendages
for other Actions. However, the Heroine can still make Two Escape Rolls against their Grapple and only
One Success is required to free both Arms.
What actions a Heroine can take depends on how many of her Limbs are Bound and whether its an Arm
or Leg. Additionally, Evasion while Bound will have a penalty to their Bonus based on what Limb is
Bound and how many are Bound. Use the chart below to determine what the penalty is in a given

Escape Rolls
Action Evasion Penalty

-1 -4 1

Only Battle Dancer
-12 1

Both Arms Actions Using

-8 2
Arms Disabled

Only Battle Dancer

Both Legs Evasion Disabled 2

One Arm & One

-1 -16 2

One Arm &

Both Legs -1 / Battle Dancer
Evasion Disabled 3

Both Arms &

Actions Using
One Leg
Arms & Battle -16 3
Dancer Disabled

Actions Using Evasion Disabled 4
Arms & Battle
Dancer Disabled

Stages of Penetration & Struggling

Enemies will attempt to use a Violate Attack on a Heroine’s inviting holes (Mouth / Ass / Pussy)
whenever the opportunity presents itself. A Violate Attack can be dodged with an Evasion or
Barrier Roll before Penetration occurs. Once Penetration is at the first Stage, Evasion for the
Heroine is disabled, but a Barrier can still be used to prevent the Penetration from advancing a
Stage. Similar to Grapple Attacks, Evasion is disabled for the Enemy if Penetration is done with
a Cock. For Tentacles, Evasion is disabled only for the Tentacle currently performing the

Penetration can be interrupted and ended at any Stage with a successful Attack Spell of at least
Moderate strength. If her Attack fails or she is unable to Attack, she can still make a Struggle
Roll assuming she has an available Action. A Successful Roll will prevent the Enemy from
advancing a Stage. A Failure will make it advance One Stage. If no Struggle Roll is made, the
Enemy advances Two Stages. The Enemy can continue to Violate her holes unchallenged
unless she makes a Successful Offensive Action. Penetration can be reversed by One Stage
with a successful Escape Roll.

Keep in mind, regardless of whether a Heroine makes a Successful Struggle or Barrier Roll, she will
still need to make a Sensitivity Roll.
○ Mouth
■ Stage 1 – Cock Pressing Against Lips / No Penetration Bonus
■ Stage 2 – Tongue Tasting Glans / Double Sensitivity
■ Stage 3 – Nearly Chocking / Double Sensitivity
■ Stage 4 – Battering The Throat Barrier / Double Sensitivity
■ Stage 5 – Deepthroat / Oral Virginity Lost / Triple Sensitivity
○ Ass
■ Stage 1 – Unwilling Rosebud / No Penetration Bonus
■ Stage 2 – Tight Squeeze / Double Sensitivity
■ Stage 3 – Struggling To Hold / Double Sensitivity
■ Stage 4 – Sphincter Surrendering / Double Sensitivity
■ Stage 5 – Fully Stuffed / Anal Virginity Lost / Triple Sensitivity
○ Pussy
■ Stage 1 – Labia Shut Tight / No Penetration Bonus
■ Stage 2 – Cunt Spreading Apart / Double Sensitivity
■ Stage 3 – Hymen Tearing (Virgin) / Digging Deeper (Non-Virgin) / Double
■ Stage 4 – Uterus Pounding / Pussy Virginity Lost / Triple Sensitivity
■ Stage 5: Special – Cervix Penetration / Triple Sensitivity / Impregnation
Resistance at Disadvantage. Enemies must roll a Critical Success to reach
this Stage.
Chastity Barrier
In Settings using Mana or Aura this is the last line of defence for a Heroine’s purity. This is essentially a
more powerful version of a Barrier and has the power to completely repel all Violate Attacks. Beware; it
does have is limits. The Heroine must Roll Equal to or Greater Than the Attack Roll. Successful Rolls
will protect the Heroine and cause 5 Damage to the Enemy. Failed Rolls will still protect the Player, but its
protection will degrade in the process and the Enemy won’t suffer any Damage.
○ 0 Fails / +5 Bonus
○ 1 Fail / +4 Bonus
○ 2 Fails / +3 Bonus
○ 3 Fails / +2 Bonus
○ 4 Fails / +1 Bonus
After Five Failed Rolls, it will be destroyed. The Chastity Barrier can be repaired with Mana before it is
destroyed, although this can only be done outside of Combat. The amount of Mana needed is
determined by how much it has degraded.
○ 1 Fail / 100 Mana
○ 2 Fails / 200 Mana
○ 3 Fails / 300 Mana
○ 4 Fails / 400 Mana
If completely destroyed, another can be created when outside of Combat for 500 Mana.

The Chastity Barrier does not repel Lewd Attacks. It does, however, give all Sensitivity Rolls for her
Pussy a -20 Modifier. Additionally, Lewd Attacks will NOT cause it to degrade.
Ejaculation & Impregnation

With every Successful Lewd or Violate Attack involving a Cock or Tentacle, there is a chance it will
shoot its goo. The chance for Ejaculation changes depending on the Enemy’s Category and the number
of Consecutive Lewd or Violate Attacks were made with a specific Cock or Tentacle.

Lowly Monstrous Devil Fiend Lord

1-2 Attacks 22+ 24+ 26+ 28+ 30+

3-4 Attacks 20+ 22+ 24+ 26+ 28+

5-6 Attacks 18+ 20+ 22+ 24+ 26+

7-8 Attacks 16+ 18+ 20+ 22+ 24+

9 Attacks All All All All All

Once Ejaculation has been achieved, the chance is reset.

Heroines will receive Penalties depending on where the Semen is deposited. If the Ejaculation happens
Outside then the Heroine can attempt an Evasion Roll against the Roll that triggered the Ejaculation in
order to avoid being dirtied by it.
○ Outside: -25 Mana or -50 Aura/Stamina
○ Mouth: -50 Mana or -100 Aura/Stamina
○ Ass: -75 Mana or -150 Aura/Stamina
○ Pussy: -100 Mana or -200 Aura/Stamina
Every time her Womb is filled with cum, there is a chance that she will be impregnated with her Enemy’s
offspring. In order to avoid Impregnation, she will need to make a Resistance Roll. Success is
determined by this formula: Resistance Roll => Enemy Potency + (10 + Number of Consecutive
Creampies During Combat).
○ Lowly: Potency 2
○ Monstrous: Potency 4
○ Devil: Potency 6
○ Fiend: Potency 8
○ Lord: Potency 10
If the Heroine has an Action available, she can attempt to use a Barrier to protect her womb from
insemination bypassing the need for a Resistance Roll. However, if an Enemy has reached Stage 5:
Special – Cervix Penetration, a Barrier cannot be used to prevent Enemy seed from flooding her Womb.


When a Heroine is Impregnated she will rapidly advance through the Stages of Pregnancy until she
gives birth. Each Round or Day Phase, depending on the Setting, she is Pregnant her Pregnancy
advances by 1d10+10, gaining a -1 Penalty to Attack, Evasion, Escape and Struggle Rolls for each
increment of 10. At 100 she will attempt to give birth. The Heroines, if she chooses, can make a Struggle
Roll against the Violate Roll of the Baby, 1d20, to delay the birth. After succeeding the initial Struggle
Roll, all following Rolls on each Round will grant a +1 Bonus to the Baby until it is finally born. All
Penalties will be removed upon giving birth, but the Heroine will suffer the Ahegao Penalty and lose her
Current Turn and will Lactate for 5 Rounds or 5 Day Phases.

Baby Enemies start with 1 HP for their Main Body and All Limbs and all their rolls have a -1 Penalty,
they will have their Sire’s Characteristics (other than Attribute which is set to Tiny) but not his Traits. After
four Rounds they will become Adolescents, gaining Half the HP of their Sire Rounded Down and will
use a flat 1d20 for all their rolls, here they will gain their Sire’s Attribute Characteristics. After six Rounds
they will be Adults and be a perfect replica of their Sire with all his Traits.
Each Round a Baby Enemy is able to make a Lewd Attack against the Nipples of any Heroine that is
Lactating they will reduce the number of Rounds need to reach the next Stage of their growth by 1.

Sensitivity & Mana Drain

With every Lewd or Violate Attack a Heroine suffers, she will be forced to make a Sensitivity Roll.
Similar to Normal, Grapple or Magic Attacks, they can be evaded with an Evasion Roll or blocked with
a Barrier. There are Six Tiers. The higher her current Sensitivity, the more Dice she will need to Roll.
The number Rolled determines which Tier is selected and the Body Part Targeted determines how many
Sensitivity Points are earned with that Tier. Beware; it is possible the Sensitivity Dice to increase Roll to

○ Heroine A has accumulated 45 Sensitivity Points. Her Ass is fondled with Two Lewd
Attacks, forcing her to make Two Ass Sensitivity Rolls. The First Roll is done with
1d10. She gets a 8, causing her to react with ‘Light Breathing’. Because her Ass was
Targeted, she gains +10 Sensitivity Points and -5 Mana Penalty.

The +5 Sensitivity Points puts her at 50 Sensitivity Points. This opens up access to the
next Tier, making her Second Roll use 2d10. She gets a 11, causing her to react with
‘Heavy Breathing. Because her Ass was Target, she has gained +15 Sensitivity Points
and -10 Mana Penalty. This gives her a total of 75 Sensitivity Points.
Mouth, Ass and Pussy Penalties are Doubled during Penetration. If all Stages of Penetration have been
completed, the Penalties are Tripled and +10 is added to every Sensitivity Roll.

○ Heroine A has accumulated 45 Sensitivity Points. Her Ass is being Penetrated with Two
Violate Attacks, forcing her to make Two Ass Sensitivity Rolls. The First Roll is done
with 1d10. She gets a 8, causing her to react with ‘Light Breathing’. Because her Ass
was Targeted and is at Stage 4 Penetration, she has gained +2- Sensitivity Points and
-10 Mana Penalty.

The +2- Sensitivity Points puts her at 65 Sensitivity Points. This opens up access to
the next Tier, making her Second Roll use 2d10. Additionally, she failed her Struggle Roll,
putting her Ass at Stage 5 Penetration. She gets a 2. Because she is at Stage 5, +1- is
added to her Roll, causing her to react with ‘Heavy Breathing. Because her Ass was
Targeted and is at Stage 5 Penetration, she has gained +45 Sensitivity Points and -30
Mana Penalty. This gives her a total of 110 Sensitivity Points. This opens up access to
the next Tier, making her Next Sensitivity Roll use a 50 Sided Dice.
0 Sensitivity / 1d10
1 – 4 / Nothing
5 – 10 / Light Breathing (-5 Mana or -10 Aura/Stamina)

Non-Erotic Zone (No Penalty)

Mouth (No Penalty)
Breasts (+5 Sensitivity Points)
Ass (+10 Sensitivity Points)
Nipples (+15 Sensitivity Points)
Pussy (+20 Sensitivity Points)
Clit (+25 Sensitivity Points)

50 Sensitivity / 2d10
11 – 15 / Heavy Breathing (-10 Mana or -20 Aura/Stamina)
15 – 20 / Moaning (-15 Mana or -30 Aura/Stamina)

Non-Erotic Zone (No Penalty)

Mouth (+5 Sensitivity)
Breasts (+10 Sensitivity Points)
Ass (+15 Sensitivity Points)
Nipples (+20 Sensitivity Points)
Pussy (+25 Sensitivity Points)
Clit (+30 Sensitivity Points)

100 Sensitivity / 5d10

21 – 34 / Loud Moaning (-20 Mana or -40 Aura/Stamina)
35 – 45 / Screaming (-25 Mana or -50 Aura/Stamina)
46 – 50 / Orgasmic Convulsion (-30 Mana or -60 Aura/Stamina, +5 to Next Sensitivity Roll)

Non-Erotic Zone (+5 Sensitivity)

Mouth (+10 Sensitivity)
Breasts (+15 Sensitivity Points)
Ass (+20 Sensitivity Points)
Nipples (+25 Sensitivity Points)
Pussy (+30 Sensitivity Points)
Clit (+35 Sensitivity Points)

300 Sensitivity / 7d10

51 – 55 / Intense Orgasmic Convulsions (-35 Mana or -70 Aura/Stamina, +10 to Next Sensitivity Roll)
56 – 60 / Deep Vaginal/Anal Convulsions (-40 Mana or -80 Aura/Stamina, Threshold For Ejaculation For
Cocks or Tentacles Penetration Her Pussy/Ass Lowered By 4 Next Turn)
61 – 65 / Orgasm (-45 Mana or -90 Aura/Stamina, Roll Sensitivity Again)
66 – 70 / Intense Orgasm (-50 Mana or -100 Aura/Stamina, -1 To All Attack, Evasion, Resistance, Escape
and Struggle Rolls Next Turn)

Non-Erotic Zone (+10 Sensitivity)

Mouth (+15 Sensitivity)
Breasts (+20 Sensitivity Points)
Ass (+25 Sensitivity Points)
Nipples (+30 Sensitivity Points)
Pussy (+35 Sensitivity Points)
Clit (+40 Sensitivity Points)

600 Sensitivity / 10d10

71 – 75 / Vaginal/Anal Contraction Climax (-55 Mana or -110 Aura/Stamina, Threshold For Ejaculation For
Cocks or Tentacles Penetrating Her Pussy/Ass Lowered By 8 Next Turn)
76 – 80 / Multiple Orgasms (-55 Mana or -110 Aura/Stamina, Roll Sensitivity Three Times with a -10
81 – 85 / Squirting Orgasm (-60 Mana or -120 Aura/Stamina, Roll 5d10 Result Determine How Much
Extra Mana/Aura/Stamina Is Lost)
86 – 90 / Full Body Orgasm (-65 Mana or -130 Aura/Stamina, -3 Penalty To All Attack, Evasion,
Resistance, Escape and Struggle Rolls Next Turn)
91 – 96 / Ahegao (-70 Mana or -140 Aura/Stamina, Skip a Turn)
97 – 100 / Mindbreak (-75 Mana or -150 Aura/Stamina, Cannot Act. Must Make a Resistance Roll Of 18+
At The Start Of Every Turn To Regain Her Senses, Threshold Lowers by 2 After Each Failed Roll)

Non-Erotic Zone (+20 Sensitivity)

Mouth (+25 Sensitivity)
Breasts (+30 Sensitivity Points)
Ass (+35 Sensitivity Points)
Nipples (+40 Sensitivity Points)
Pussy (+45 Sensitivity Points)
Clit (+50 Sensitivity Points)

1000 Sensitivity / 10d10

Natural 100 / Surrender (-9999 Mana/Aura/Stamina, Become An Obedient Slave, Must Make a
Resistance Roll Of 18+ Or Higher To Regain Her Senses)

Sensitivity will decrease by 10 Points every Turn outside of battle and is reduced by half (Rounded
Down) upon sleeping.
Experience Points & Level Up
Defeating an Enemy will reward the Heroine with Experience Points (EXP). Every 100 EXP earned will
gain the Heroine a Level Up. This will completely recover all her Mana, repair her clothes (in settings that
use Mana), and give her the option to choose one of three permanent upgrades; Clothing Durability,
Mana Meter and Mana Recovery.

Clothing Durability: +10 to max CD (not available in Aura/Stamina Settings)

Mana Meter: +50 to Max MM
Mana Recovery: +5 Mana every Turn

Along with these upgrades, the Heroine will be granted one extra Trait every 2 Levels.

The amount of EXP earned from an Enemy depends on their category.

○ Lowly = 10 EXP
○ Monstrous = 25 EXP
○ Devil = 50 EXP
○ Fiend = 75 EXP
○ Lord = 100 EXP
Heroines by default start at Level 0 with a cap of Level 10, however, feel free to start them at higher levels
and increase the cap, just remember that in order to maintain some level of challenge you will need to
place them in even more dangerous encounters.
Heroine Character Sheet
==[ COMBAT ]==
Lv: 1
Mana [MP] : 1000/1000 (D100)
Mana Recover : +20 per post
Actions: 2

Roll Modifiers
Attack [ATT] : +0
Evasion [EVA] : +0
Escape [ESC] : +0
Struggle [STR] : +0
Resistance [RES] : +0

Damage Modifiers
Spell :
Physical :

==[ CLOTHING ]==

Clothing [CD] : 100/100

Non-Erotic : EXPOSED
Breasts : COVERED

Chasity Barrier: 0 Fails (D100)

Meter : 0 (D10)

Roll Modifiers
ALL [SEN] : +0
Non-Erotic [SEN-NE] : +0
Oral [SEN-O] : +0
Breasts [SEN-B] : +0
Ass [SEN-A] : +0
Nipples [SEN-N] : +0
Pussy [SEN-P] : -20
Clit [SEN-C]: +0

Oral : Stage 0
Ass : Stage 0
Pussy : Stage 0

Chasity Barrier Intact (-20 SEN-P)



==[ TRAITS ]==

==[ KINKS & LIMITS ]==


==[ OTHER ]==
EP : 0
Sample Heroine Character Sheets


==[ COMBAT ]==
Lv: 1
Mana [MP] : 1000/1000 (D100)
Mana Recover : +20 per post
Actions: 4

Roll Modifiers
Attack [ATT] : +10
Evasion [EVA] : +15
Escape [ESC] : +10
Struggle [STR] : +10
Resistance [RES] : -30

Damage Modifiers
Spell :
Physical : +10 | x 3

==[ CLOTHING ]==

Clothing [CD] : 100/100

Non-Erotic : EXPOSED
Breasts : COVERED

Chasity Barrier: 0 Fails (D100)

Meter : 0 (D10)

Roll Modifiers
ALL [SEN] : +0
Non-Erotic [SEN-NE] : +0
Oral [SEN-O] : +0
Breasts [SEN-B] : +0
Ass [SEN-A] : +10
Nipples [SEN-N] : +0
Pussy [SEN-P] : -20
Clit [SEN-C]: +0

Oral : Stage 0
Ass : Stage 0
Pussy : Stage 0


Chasity Barrier Intact (-20 SEN-P)

Triple Physical Damage
Chance for a Second Physical Attack


Firm Glutes
Dedicated Warrior
Battle Dancer

==[ TRAITS ]==

Full Force
Weapon Mastery

==[ KINKS & LIMITS ]==


==[ OTHER ]==
EP : 0

==[ COMBAT ]==
Lv: 1
Mana [MP] : 1200/1200 (D100)
Enchanted Earrings [MP] : 200/200
Mana Recover : +100 per post
Actions: 2

Roll Modifiers
Attack [ATT] : +0
Evasion [EVA] : -10
Escape [ESC] : -10
Struggle [STR] : -10
Resistance [RES] : +40

Damage Modifiers
Spell : x2
Physical :

==[ CLOTHING ]==

Clothing [CD] : 100/100

Non-Erotic : EXPOSED
Breasts : COVERED

Chasity Barrier: 0 Fails (D100)

Meter : 0 (D10)

Roll Modifiers
ALL [SEN] : +4
Non-Erotic [SEN-NE] : +0
Oral [SEN-O] : +0
Breasts [SEN-B] : +20
Ass [SEN-A] : +0
Nipples [SEN-N] : +20
Pussy [SEN-P] : -20
Clit [SEN-C]: +0

Oral : Stage 0
Ass : Stage 0
Pussy : Stage 0


Chasity Barrier Intact (-20 SEN-P)

+40 Violate On Pussy
Double Spell Damage
Double Sensitivity Roll Results
Chance for a Second Spell Attack


Mana Jugs
Massive Gumballs
Drooling Hole
Prodigious Sorceress
Enchanted Accessories

==[ TRAITS ]==

Double Cast

==[ KINKS & LIMITS ]==


==[ OTHER ]==
EP : 0

==[ COMBAT ]==
Lv: 1
Mana [MP] : 900/900 (D100)
Mana Recover : +20 per post
Actions: 2

Roll Modifiers
Attack [ATT] : -5
Evasion [EVA] : +50
Escape [ESC] : +5
Struggle [STR] : +5
Resistance [RES] : -15

Damage Modifiers
Spell :
Physical : +7

==[ CLOTHING ]==

Clothing [CD] : 100/100

Non-Erotic : EXPOSED
Breasts : COVERED

Chasity Barrier: 0 Fails (D100)

Meter : 0 (D10)

Roll Modifiers
ALL [SEN] : +0
Non-Erotic [SEN-NE] : +0
Oral [SEN-O] : +0
Breasts [SEN-B] : +20
Ass [SEN-A] : +0
Nipples [SEN-N] : +0
Pussy [SEN-P] : -20
Clit [SEN-C]: +0

Oral : Stage 0
Ass : Stage 0
Pussy : Stage 0

Chasity Barrier Intact (-20 SEN-P)
CD Chart Change
Gun Equipped To Right Hand
Physical Attacks Reach All Positions
Spells Limited To Near


Super Itty Bitty Tits
Weapon User

==[ TRAITS ]==

Come Hither
Counter Dodge

==[ KINKS & LIMITS ]==


==[ OTHER ]==
EP : 0
Heroine Characteristics

When creating a Heroine, Players can choose any number of Body and Soul Characteristics for their
Heroine before the game begins, just be aware that some may not be appropriate for certain Settings so
should be discussed with the QM beforehand. They are also free to choose none. Soul Characteristics
cannot be added, removed or changed once the game has begun but certain events or situations can
alter a Heroine’s Body Characteristics.


➢ Nonhuman
➢ General Attributes
➢ Upper Body Attributes
➢ Lower Body Attributes
➢ Modifications
➢ Clothing


➢ Idios Kosmos
➢ Koinos Kosmos

Thanks to the superior air mobility afforded by her Wings, she can initiate a Second Evasion Roll after a
Failed Roll Once per Round.

Unless she approaches an Enemy, it is not possible for them to get Near her under normal means.
The following is a list of Traits that will allow an Enemy become Near her:
○ Honeyed Words
○ Winged Monstrosity
○ Teleportation (Self) / Enemy will automatically become Far from everyone.
○ Teleportation (Player) / Must be used directly on the Heroine.
○ Push & Pull / Must use Pull.
○ Gravity Well / Disables Second Evasion Roll.
○ Overwhelming Force / Disables Second Evasion Roll.
○ Immobile / Disables Evasion.
○ Knock Down
○ Paralyzing Toxin
All Attacks that target her Wings will suffer a -2 Attack Penalty. However, Wings are frail and can be
easily rendered useless with a single hit from any Elemental Magic or Normal Attack. Once that
happens, the Heroine will lose all benefits relating to Wings and gain a -2 Evasion Penalty for the
duration of the Combat. Retrain Pacification Equipment can be used directly on her Wings to Disable
them in a similar manner to Attacks but once removed her Wings are no longer Disabled.

Immunity to Rune Trap. Retrain Pacification Equipment placed on her Limbs does NOT Disable


Every Round the Heroine has an Additional Action that allows her to make a Physical Attack with her
Horns. This can be used even if both Arms are Bound. Beware; the Additional Action is temporarily
lost if her Horns are Bound by a Grapple Attack. While Bound, all Violate Attacks against Mouth
are at advantage. Can be freed with an Escape Roll.

Prehensile Tail

Every Round the Heroine has an Additional Action that allows her to make a Physical Attack or interact
with an object using her Tail. This can be used even if both Arms are Bound. Beware; the Additional
Action is temporarily lost if her Tail is Bound by a Grapple Attack. Can NOT be freed with an
Escape Roll and Evasion is Disabled.

Her Tail can be targeted with Lewd Attacks, forcing her to make Sensitivity Rolls. All Sensitivity Rolls
for her Tail will be equivalent to Rolls made for her Ass. Thankfully, her Tail is quite agile, giving it +4
Evasion against all Attacks.
Multi-Tailed Goddess

Each Additional Tail she has will equate to an Additional Action with the same properties as Prehensile
Tail. She can have a Max of Nine Tails. Each Tail also grants +1 to Magic Attacks.

The Penalties for having Tails Bound with this Characteristic is different from Prehensile Tail.
○ Binding Any Tail will temporarily Disable the Action of that Tail and Disable Evasion.
■ As with Arms the Enemy can use an Action to Bind any Tails it is currently
Grappling with a single Appendage.
○ Restrain Pacification Equipment can be used to Bind Every Tail Together.
While having many Tails allows her to Attack numerous times in a row, there are drawbacks.
○ -1 Attack Roll for Each Extra Tail (Max -8 Attack Roll).
○ -1 Evasion Roll for Each Extra Tail (Max -8 Evasion Roll).
○ Traits are Earned at a slower pace depending on how many Extra Tails she has. Each
Extra Tail beyond the First Tail will raise the Level Requirement needed to Earn a New
Trait by One.
○ Inability to use the following Characteristics:
■ Multi-Armed Goddess
■ Cybernetic Multi-Armed Goddess
○ Inability to use the following Traits:
■ Whirlwind Dance
■ Boom Expert
■ Proficient
■ Prepared
■ Ambush
Multi-Armed Goddess

Each Additional Pair of Arms grants the Heroine an Additional Two Actions. She can have a Max of Six
Extra Arms for a total of Six Extra Actions.

The Penalties for having Arms Bound with this Characteristic is different from how it is normally
○ -1 Action for each Arm Bound
○ +1 Escape Requirement for each Arm Bound
○ -2 Evasion for each Arm Bound
While having multiple pairs of Arms allows her to Attack numerous times in a single Round, there are
○ -2 Attack Roll for Each Extra Pair of Arms (Max -12 Attack Roll).
○ -1 Evasion Roll for Each Extra Pair of Arms (Max -12 Evasion Roll).
○ Traits are Earned at a slower pace depending on how many Extra Pairs of Arms she
■ One Pair: Every Four Levels
■ Two Pairs: Every Six Levels
■ Three Pairs: Every Eight Levels
○ Inability to use the following Characteristics:
■ Prehensile Tail
■ Multi-Tailed Goddess
■ Cybernetic Multi-Tail
○ Inability to use the following Traits:
■ Whirlwind Dance
■ Proficient
■ Prepared
■ Ambush
■ Tail Growth
Adorable Ears

Her inhuman Ears give her heightened hearing, allowing her to notice the unnoticeable. This grants her
immunity to the following Traits:

○ Stealth
○ All Deceptive Traits
Her Ears can be targeted by Lewd Attacks, forcing her to make Sensitivity Rolls. All Sensitivity Rolls for
her Ears will be equivalent to Rolls made for her Breasts.

Long Tongue

Grants an Additional Action for Spells to the Heroine thanks to her dexterous Tongue. Can be used
even if both Arms are Bound. Bewar; the Additional Action is temporarily lost during any Oral Stage
of Penetration. Additionally, she will be naturally inclined to coil her Tongue around any invading Cock or
Tentacle and suck on them, as of such all Violate Attacks against her Mouth will gain a +4 Bonus, the
threshold for Ejaculation will be lowered by 4, and -1 Action during any Oral Stage of Penetration.


Every Round the Heroine has an Additional Action that she can use to make a Physical Attack with her
powerful Jaws. This can be used even if both Arms are Bound and she can make an Attack against an
Enemy making Violate Attacks against her Mouth at advantage up until Stage 3 – Nearly Choking at
which point she will temporarily lose her Additional Action. Beware; if the Heroine succeeds at an
Attack with her Jaws her Evasion is Disabled for one Round against the Enemy she targeted.

General Attributes

Muscle & Mind (Only Choose One)


Her body has been diligently forged into a lean, powerful physique. +5 to Physical Damage. +1 to
Evasion, Escape and Struggle Rolls. Unfortunately, she has neglected to strengthen her mental
defenses in her pursuit of physical prowess, giving her -3 to all Resistance Rolls.

You could grind meat on those abs. +10 to Physical Damage. +2 to Evasion, Escape and Struggle
Rolls. Unfortunately, she has neglected to strengthen her mental defenses in her pursuit of
physical prowess, given her -6 to all Resistance Rolls.


Her mind has been greatly expanded with a healthy diet of books. +4 to Resistance and +2 to
Magic Attack Rolls. Unfortunately, she has neglected to strengthen her physical defenses in her
pursuit of knowledge, giving her -1 to all Evasion, Escape and Struggle Rolls.


Her knowledge makes her a living encyclopedia. +8 to Resistance and +4 to Magic Attack Rolls.
Unfortunately, she has neglected to strengthen her physical defenses in her pursuit of knowledge,
giving her -2 to all Evasion, Escape and Struggle Rolls.

Height (Only Choose One)


Her height lets her easily tower over others. +2 to Attack. Unfortunately, having longer legs
doesn’t exactly translate to having more grace. -1 to Evasion.


Many a doorway has met her forehead. +4 to Attack. Unfortunately, she is starting to run afoul of
the square-cube law. -2 to Evasion.


Her smallness makes maneuvering around people a breeze. +2 to Evasion. Unfortunately, a

shorter stature also means shorter limbs. -1 to Attack.


Ok, so basically, she is very small. +4 to Evasion. Unfortunately, people could probably keep her
at bay with a hand on her forehead. -2 to Attack.

Upper Body Attributes

Breast (Only Choose One)


Her larger than average Breasts allow her to hold more Mana/Aura than most people, giving her
+200 Max Mana Meter. This does, however, have the unfortunate side effect of heightening the
Sensitivity of her Breasts. All Breast Sensitivity Rolls will be done with a +20 Modifier.
Tigass Bitties

Her enormous Breasts allow her to hold far more Mana than most people, giving her +600 Max
Mana Meter. This does, however, have the unfortunate side effect of heightening the Sensitivity of
her Breasts and weighing her down, back issues are a constant issue for her. All Breast
Sensitivity Rolls will be done with a +40 Modifier and -4 Evasion.

Itty Bitty Titties

Her smaller than average Breasts makes dodging easier, giving her a +2 Evasion. They are also
quite perky and respond readily to being touches. All Breast Sensitivity Rolls will be done with a
+10 Modifier.

Flat is Justice

Her miniscule Breasts makes dodging quite a breeze, hard to hit what isn’t there after all, granting
her +6 Evasion. They are also quite perky and respond readily to being touched, however, their
tiny size makes them terrible for containing Mana. All Breast Sensitivity Rolls will be done with a
+20 Modifier and she will have -100 Max Mana Meter.

Nipples (Only Choose One)

Suckable Gumballs

Her larger than average Nipples allow for more efficient Mana flow throughout her body, giving her
+20 Mana Recovery. This does, however, have the unfortunate side effect of heightening the
Sensitivity of her Nipples and making it easier for Enemies to Target them. All Nipple Sensitivity
Rolls will be done with a +10 Modifier and her Nipples can be Targeted after Attacking her Breasts

Massive Gumballs

Her Nipples are so large that even when not stiff they tend to poke through even slightly light
clothing. Their size allows for more efficient Mana flow throughout her body, giving her +40 Mana
Recovery. This does, however, have the unfortunate side effect of heightening the Sensitivity of
her Nipples and making them easy to Target. All Nipple Sensitivity Rolls will be done with a +20
Modifier and her Nipples can be Targeted without any need to make Attacks on her Breasts first.


Her Nipples don’t protrude, remaining almost entirely level with her areola. This makes it harder
for Enemies to properly Target them, requiring them to make Three Successful Attacks on her
Breasts before they can Target her Nipples. However, one it becomes hard from the stimulation,
they are surprisingly Sensitive. All Nipple Sensitivity Rolls will be done with a +20 Modifier.

Her Nipples are tucked inward and hide in her Breasts. This makes it harder for Enemies to
properly Target them, requiring them to make Four Successful Attacks on her Breasts before they
can Target her Nipples. However, once they have become hard from the stimulation, they are
incredibly Sensitive. All Nipple Sensitivity Rolls will be done with a +30 Modifier.

Long Locks

Her flowing, luscious Hair acts as a medium to store Mana increasing her Max Mana dependent on
the length.
○ Back Length: +150 Max Mana Meter
○ Hip Length: +300 Max Mana Meter
○ Ankle Length: +600 Max Mana Meter
Beware; her Hair can be Targeted by Grapple Attacks. If Bound by a Grapple Attack, her Hair can
NOT be freed with an Escape Roll and Evasion will be Disabled. Each Hair Length has its own
Evasion Penalty when Targeted. The longer the Hair, the greater the Penalty.
○ Back Length: -2 Evasion
○ Hip Length: -4 Evasion
○ Ankle Length: -8 Evasion

Lower Body Attributes

Pussy (Only Choose One)

Extra Tight

Her small hole makes it difficult for any Cocks or Tentacles to Penetrate her. All Violate Attacks
against her Pussy will suffer a -4 Penalty. Successful Violate Attacks will, however, force the
Heroine to add +25 to her Pussy Sensitivity Roll and lower the threshold for Ejaculation Rolls by 4.

Vice Grip

Her super small hole makes it very difficult for any Cocks or Tentacles to Penetrate her. All Violate
Attacks against her Pussy will suffer a -8 Penalty. Successful Violate Attack will, however, force
the Heroine to add +50 to her Pussy Sensitivity Roll and lower the threshold for Ejaculation Rolls
by 8.

Dripping Wet

Her lower mouth drools at the slightest hint of arousal due to the strong concentration of Mana
flowing through her sex. +20 Mana Recovery, but all Violate Attacks against her Pussy will earn a
+4 Bonus.

Drooling Hole
Her lower mouth practically drenches her panties at the slightest hint of arousal due to the strong
concentration of Mana flowing through her sex. +40 Mana Recovery, but all Violate Attacks against
her Pussy will earn a +8 Bonus.

Girl Cock

In place of a Pussy the Heroine has a Cock, she is unable to be Impregnated due to lacking a
Womb. Her Cock can be targeted by Lewd Attacks, forcing her to make Sensitivity Rolls. All
Sensitivity Rolls for her Cock will be equivalent to Rolls made for her Pussy. Critical Successes
from Violate Attacks that target the Heroine’s Ass will force the Heroine to make Sensitivity Rolls
for both her Ass and Cock.

Each time the Heroine Orgasms from a Sensitivity Roll she must Roll an additional 5d10 with the
Result determining how much extra Mana is lost.

Clit (Only Choose One)

Big Clit

Her larger than average Clit allows for more efficient Mana flow throughout her body, giving her
+20 Mana Recovery. This does, however, have the unfortunate side effect of heightening the
Sensitivity of her Clit and making it a bit easier for Enemies to Target. All Clit Sensitivity Rolls will
be done with a +10 Modifier and her Clit can be Targeted after Attacking her Pussy Once.


Her Clit is so large that its almost visible through her underwear. Its size allows for more efficient
Mana flow throughout her body, giving her +40 Mana Recovery. This does, however, have the
unfortunate side effect of heightening the Sensitivity of her Clit and making it easy to Target. All
Clit Sensitivity Rolls will be done with a +20 Modifier and her Clit can be Targeted without any
need to make Attacks on her Pussy first.

Small Button

Her tiny Clit makes it harder for Enemies to locate it, requiring them to make Three Successful
Attacks on her Pussy before they can Target it. However, its smaller size leaves the nerves more
concentrated making its rather Sensitive. All Clit Sensitivity Rolls will be done with a +20 Modifier.

Hidden Button

Her Clit is so tiny that it takes a good amount of dedication and experience for any Enemy to find
it, requiring them to make Four Successful Attacks on her Pussy before they can Target it.
However, its small size leaves the nerves even more concentrated making it rather Sensitive. All
Clit Sensitivity Rolls will be done with a +30 Modifier.

Ass (Only Choose One)

Plump Rump
Her larger than average Ass allows her to hold more Mana than most people, giving her +200 Max
Mana Meter. This does, however, have the unfortunate side effect of heightening the Sensitivity of
her Ass. All Ass Sensitivity Rolls will be done with a +20 Modifier.


Her enormous Ass allows her to hold far more Mana than most people, giving her +600 Max Mana
Meter. This does, however, have the unfortunate side effect of heightening the Sensitivity of her
Ass and gives Enemies a larger target to his. All Ass Sensitivity Rolls will be done with a +40
Modifier and -4 Evasion.

Firm Glutes

Her tight Ass makes dodging easier, giving her +2 Evasion. Her buns are so tight that they almost
crush anything between them, all Violate Attacks that Target her Ass have a -4 Penalty. However,
Successful Violate Attacks will force the Heroine to add +25 to her Ass Sensitivity Roll and lower
the threshold for Ejaculation Rolls by 6.

Cake is a Lie

Her almost nonexistent Ass makes dodging quite a breeze, giving her +6 Evasion. Their small size
also translates to an even small hole, all Violate Attacks that Target her Ass have a -8 Penalty.
However, the tiny size of her buns makes them terrible for containing Mana. Successful Violate
Attacks will force the Heroine to add +50 to her Ass Sensitivity Roll and lower the threshold for
Ejaculation by 8, she also has -100 Max Mana Meter.

Womb (Only Choose One)


The Womb is the source of all life and Mana. Hers happens to be especially good at its purpose
compared to other women. +20 Mana Recovery, but all Resistance Rolls made against Impregnation
are at disadvantage.

Baby Factory

Her Womb is overflowing with Mana. +40 Mana Recovery, but all Impregnation attempts against her are


It’s difficult for her to be Impregnated. All Resistance Rolls made against Impregnation are at
advantage, but she will suffer a -10 Mana Recovery Penalty.

No amount of Semen flooding her Womb can make her belly swell. The Heroine cannot be Impregnated,
but she will suffer a -20 Mana Recovery Penalty.


Enchanted Piercings
(Not Available in Aura/Stamina Settings)

These special pieces of jewelry can store Mana within them, acting as an extra reserve of Mana
separate from herself. Mana stored within an Enchanted Piercing does not affect Roll Bonus. Each
Piercing can hold a Max of 200 Mana at the cost of adding +20 to the Sensitivity Roll of the Body
Part they are placed on. Up to a Max of Five Enchanted Piercings can be placed. In order for an
Enchanted Piercing to function, it must be adorned on a spot where Mana is at its most
○ Tongue: +20 Mouth Sensitivity Roll
○ Right Nipple: +20 Nipple Sensitivity Roll
○ Left Nipple: +20 Nipple Sensitivity Roll
○ Clit: +20 Clit Sensitivity Roll
○ Belly Button: +20 Non-Erotic Sensitivity Roll
There are Two Methods she can use to store Mana.
○ Passive: When at Max Mana, all excess Mana earned either through Mana Recovery
or Traits will automatically transfer to any Enchanted Piercings she has.
○ Active: The Heroine can choose to fill an Enchanted Piercing with Mana for 1
During battle, she can utilize the stored Mana either by casting Spells directly from it or absorbing
it to replenish her own Mana for 1 Action. Casting Spells fueled by the Mana of an Enchanted
Piercing still requires at least One Arm / Tail / Tongue to perform, but transferring Mana back to
her can be done even while completely Bound. Heroines with Dedicated Warrior are able to
transfer Mana to their Piercings and cast Spells form them.

When tracking the Heroine’s Mana make sure to track the additional Mana separately.

Mana (MM): 1000/1000

Piercing (MM): X/X

(Not Available in Stamina Settings)

Special Tattoos can be etched onto her Body, boosting her Rolls at the cost of heightening her
Sensitivity. Each Tattoo gives +1 to one of her Five Rolls; Attack, Evasion, Resistance, Escape or
Struggle. Regardless of where they are placed on her Body, +1 will be added to Every Sensitivity
Roll for each Tattoo she has.

Up to a Max of Five Tattoos, one for each Roll (Attack, Evasion, Resistance, Escape and Struggle)
can be placed.

Replace the weakness of flesh with the strength and certainty of steel. By replacing parts of her
body with highly advanced artificial duplicates or adding ones she didn’t originally have, she can
greatly enhance her capabilities. What boons she gains depends on what Body Parts are replaced
or added. Each one comes at a price, both spiritually and physically. -2 Resistance / -2 Mana
Recovery per Body Part.
○ Arm: +5 Physical Damage / +1 Escape Roll (Arm Only)
○ Multi-Arms: Functions similarly to Multi-Armed Goddess. Allows a Max of Eight
Cybernetic Arms.
○ Leg: +1 Evasion Roll / +1 Escape Roll (Leg Only)
○ Eye: +1 Attack Roll / +1 Evasion Roll
○ Heart: Immunity to Heartache and Vulnerable.
○ Spine: Immunity to Weakness and Stunted.
○ Ears: Functions similarly to Adorable Ears. Cannot be Targeted by Lewd Attacks.
○ Tail: Functions similarly to Prehensile Tail. Cannot be Targeted by Lewd Attacks.
○ Multi-Tail: Functions similarly to Multi-Tailed Goddess. Allows a Max of Nine
Cybernetic Tails.
○ Tongue: Functions similarly to Long Tongue. -1 Action Penalty Removed During
○ Horns: Functions similarly to Horns. +2 Escape (Horns Only)
○ Wings: Functions similarly to Fantastical Wings. Can withstand Two Hits Per Battle.
○ Trap Jaw: Functions similarly to Jaws. Can make Attacks up to Penetration Stage 4
– Battering Throat Barrier.
Additionally, when struck by any Attack with the Lightning Element the Heroine must make a
Resistance Roll against the Attack or her Cybernetics are Disabled for 1 Round. If the Attack
targeted the Cybernetic Limb the Resistance Roll is at disadvantage.


Style (Only Choose One)

Full Body Protection

Every inch of her skin is Covered. This changes the Clothing Durability Threshold for what can be
Targeted by Lewd and Violate Attacks.
○ +100 – 75 CD: Nothing
○ 74 – 50 CD: (1. Mouth / Non-Erotic Zone, 2. Breasts, 3. Ass, 4. Pussy)
○ 49 – 25 CD: (1 to 3)
○ 24 – 1 CD: Ass (1 to 2)
○ 0 CD: Fully Exposed
This does, however, restrict her body and give her -1 Evasion unless CD is 49 or Lower. The Long
Tongue Characteristic cannot be used while CD is 75 or Higher.

All her naughty bits are barely Covered. This changes the Clothing Durability Threshold for what
can be Targeted by Lewd and Violate Attacks.
○ +100 CD: Mouth / Non-Erotic Zone
○ 99 – 75 CD: (1. Breasts, 2. Ass, 3. Pussy)
○ 74 – 50 CD: (1 to 2)
○ 49 – 0 CD: Fully Exposed
This does, however, liberate her body and give her +1 Evasion.


+100 Max Clothing Durability at the cost of a Permanent -2 Evasion Roll Penalty. When the extra
CD is reduced to 50 the Penalty is dropped to 1 and when the extra CD is completely removed the
Penalty is removed. Likewise, when their CD is increased above the base 100 they gain the -1
Penalty which increases back to -2 once they have more than 50 extra CD.

If combined with the Unburdened Trait, the penalty is removed regardless of the extra CD.


Everything is showing. Clothing Durability will be permanently set to Zero due to the Heroine’s
disdain for clothing of any kind. This does, however, liberate her body and give her +4 Evasion.

Permanently locked out of all Clothing Traits.

Reverse Outfit

She is technically wearing Clothes. Everything but her Private Parts are Covered. Regardless of
how much Clothing Durability she has, her Breasts, Ass and Pussy will always be Exposed. This
does, however, liberate her body and gives her +2 Evasion.



Keeps her Mouth from being easily accessible. Mouth will remain Covered regardless of her
Clothing Durability. Can be destroyed or removed with a Normal Attack or voluntarily
removed by the Heroine. If destroyed or removed, it can be recovered by spending 25 Mana to
create a new Mask or with the Patchwork Repair Trait. This can only be done outside of
Combat. The Long Tongue Characteristic cannot be used while Mask is on.


Extra protection for her most sensitive spots. Nipples, Pussy and Clit will remain Covered
regardless of her Clothing Durability. Each one can be destroyed or removed with a Normal
Attack or voluntarily removed by the Heroine. Once Exposed, all Lewd Attacks against her
Nipples, Pussy and Clit will give an Extra +10 to her Sensitivity Roll. Additionally, Enemies
can immediately Target her Nipples and Clit upon them being Exposed.

If destroyed or removed, each Past can be recovered by spending 25 Mana to create a new
Pasty or with the Patchwork Repair Trait. This can only be done outside of Combat.

Enchanted Accessories
(Not Available in Stamina Settings)

These are special pieces of jewelry that can store Spells within them, acting as a focus that
allows the Heroine to cast Elemental Spells that she would not normally be able to. However,
the effects of these Spells are halved. Each Accessory can hold 1 Element at the cost of
adding +2 to Every Sensitivity Roll and she must make a Non-Erotic Area Sensitivity Roll
each time she casts using an Accessory.

○ Fulgur
○ Ignis
○ Glacies
○ Aqua
○ Air
○ Gravitas
​ Casting Spells using Enchanted Accessories still requires at One Arm / Tail / Tongue to
perform. Players with Dedicated Warrior are able to cast Spells using Accessories.


Idios Kosmos

Magical Soul Characteristics

Prodigious Sorceress
(Not Available in Stamina Settings)

Overwhelming arcane power flows through her veins. All Damage done by Spells is Doubled.
Although this makes her an incredibly dangerous adversary, having such a concentrated
amount of power raging inside her has made her body very responsive to sexual stimulation,
doubling all results earned from a Sensitivity Roll.

Mahou Shoujo
(Not Available in Stamina Settings)

The Heroine is a traditional Magical Girl. She will have two different States; Magical Girl and
Civilian. While in her Magical Girl State, she will gain +1000 Max Mana Meter, +20 Mana
Gain and +1 Rolls (Attack, Evasion, Resistance, Escape and Struggle).

When in her Civilian State, she will be greatly limited compared to Magical Girl State. These
limitations include:

○ All Spells, Traits, Soul Characteristics and Level Up Bonuses are Disabled.
○ All Evasion, Attack, Escape and Struggle Rolls only have a +1 Bonus.
○ Chastity Barrier is Disabled.
​ Transformation from a Civilian State to Magical Girl State and vice versa is performed with a
special magical item. This item can take the shape of whatever she desires. If an Enemy is
aware of the Magical Girl’s magical item it can target it with a Normal Attack and while it cannot
be destroyed it can be knocked out of her hand if the Enemy acts before the Heroine.

The Transformation itself does not consume an Action, but the Heroine must be mindful of
where she transforms. As long as she is not observed during her Transformation, her identity as
a Magical Girl will be preserved. There will be narrative consequences for transforming in
front of others depending on the circumstances and who they are. They must keep this in
mind when confronting threats while in her Civilian State, transforming out of her Magical Girl
State or when she is low on Mana.

The Player can choose to give each State their own set of Body Characteristics.

Once she has been completely depleted of Mana, she will be forced to revert back to her
Civilian State. In order to transform back into a Magical Girl, she would need a minimum of 100


The Heroine is a Blessed being with a strong affinity for certain Traits. These Traits are the

○ Elemental Magic: Sanctus: Automatically given upon taking this Characteristic.

Double Damage if taken a second time.
○ Contraceptive Magic: Automatically negate two Impregnations.
○ Cleanse: No Mana Cost.
○ Purity: Minor Mana Cost.
○ Stillness: Moderate Mana Cost.
○ Exonerate: Major Mana Cost.
​ Because of her Blessed existence, she cannot use the following Traits.

○ Elemental Magic: Daemonium

○ All Curse Traits
​ Additionally, all Daemonium Attacks against her will do Double Damage on a success.


The Heroine is a Damned being with a strong affinity for certain Traits. These Traits are the

○ Elemental Magic: Deamonium: Automatically given upon taking this

Characteristic. Low Roll Penalty is reduced by 4 for all Spell Tier if taken a
second time.
○ Forbidden Power: Duration of Negative Modifiers shorten to 1 Turn.
○ A Little Beastly: Tail can make Escape Rolls.
○ Milk Drink: Nursing Players gain Double Mana.
○ Slutty Upgrade: Freely change One of her Body Attributes for 1 Action.
○ Charm: Freely Activate or Deactivate Pheromones for 1 Action.
○ Freedom: +4 Attack.
○ White Vampire: All Penalties related to Receptacle no longer apply.
○ Reverse Flow: All Penalties and Bonuses from Siphoning are Doubled.
​ Because of her Damned existence, she cannot use the following Traits.

○ Elemental Magic: Sanctus

○ All Sanitization Traits
​ Additionally, all Violate Attacks against her will do Double Damage on a success.

Energy Blast

By forgoing the necessary steps to formulate Spells and losing her ability to cast them properly,
the Heroine can release bursts of raw Mana at opponents. Each Energy Blast created will cost
10 Mana and inflict 2 Damage. Can target Near, Far and Distant Enemies.

Damage can be improved with certain Traits and Characteristics that are compatible with
Energy Blast, adding an Additional 2 Damage with each one.

○ Compatible Traits
■ Whirlwind Dance
■ No Need for Spells
■ Weapon Mastery
■ Full Force
■ Feint
■ Quick Strike
■ Bleed
■ Broken
■ Severed
■ Knock Down
■ Lock On
■ Overcharged: Minor Spell Tier Only
■ Fulgur: Minor Spell tier Only
■ Ignis: Minor Spell Tier Only
■ Glacies: Minor Spell Tier Only
■ Aqua: Minor Spell Tier Only
■ Air: Minor Spell Tier Only
■ Lux: Minor Spell Tier Only
■ Tri Elemental Mastery: Minor Spell Tier Only / 16 Mana Cost
■ Sanctus: Minor Spell Tier Only / 14 Mana Cost
■ Deamonium: Minor Spell Tier Penalty / Additional +2 Damage for
Each Curse
■ Ying Yang Mastery: Minor Spell Tier Penalty / Additional +2
Damage for Each Curse

True Elemental Mastery: Minor Spell Tier Penalty / Additional +2
Damage for Each Curse
○ Compatible Characteristics
■ Prodigious Sorceress
■ Mahou Shoujo
■ Transformative Mech Suit: Compact – Minor Spell Tier Only / Full
Mech – Double
■ Power Armour: Minor Spell Tier Only
​ Thaumaturgy Threads

There is more to her Clothing than meets the eye. It houses great power within itself, granting
the Heroine One Extra Trait of her choosing. This Trait is temporarily lost however, upon her
CD dropping to Zero.

The Heroine must restore her CD to its Maximum Value to regain the Extra Trait.

Koinos Kosmos

Physical Soul Characteristics

Dedicated Warrior

The true potential of all Physical Traits is unlocked in exchange for being incapable of
spending Mana. This includes the use of Spells, Barrier, repairing her Chastity Barrier,
removing Curses and any Traits or Characteristics that require Mana.

Additionally, thanks to her advanced skill in Physical combat, the Heroine can reroll
Failed Evasion Rolls.

Below lists the additions made for each Trait:

○ Warrior Maiden: Physical Base Damage is increased to 10.

○ Whirlwind Dance: Cost lowered to 1 Action.
○ Weapon Mastery: Chance for a Second Physical Attack even if the First
Roll Fails.
○ Armour Piercing Blow: Double Damage if Dice Roll was 12+ without
○ Flex: Temporarily Quadruple the Damage.
○ Body Sacrifice: Lower Sensitivity Dice Roll by One Tier.
■ Double: 2d10 Sensitivity Roll
■ Triple: 5d10 Sensitivity Roll
■ Quadruple: 7d10 Sensitivity Roll
○ No Need for Spells: Immunity to Attack Penalties
○ Up Close & Personal: Extra +5 Physical Damage while Bound or being
○ Full Force: Triple Damage.
○ Vacuum Blast: No Distant Penalty. +2 Attack Roll against Far and Distant
○ Feint: Can Activate Twice per Turn.
○ Bleed / Concussed / Broken / Severed: Trait activates if Dice Roll was 12+
without Bonuses.
○ Knock Down / Hold: Trait activates if Enemy Rolled 8 or below.
○ Quick Strike: Can Activate Twice per Turn.
○ Charge!: Extra +5 Physical Damage.
○ Jump!: Can simultaneously change their Position and make a Physical
Attack Roll.
○ Shove!: Can be used on a Bound/Penetrated Heroine or an Enemy
Binding/Penetrating a Heroine.
○ Toss!: Failed Rolls will still Damage the Enemy she moved.
○ Slam!: Failing the Second Roll will still Damage the Enemy she moved.
○ Drag!: 5 Damage to any Appendages Binding her each time she changes
​ Although the Heroine will not be spending Mana, having excess Mana can benefit them.
Every 250 Mana above the default 1000 Mana Meter will reward the Heroine with +1

Transformative Mech Suit

The Heroine has had their whole body completely modified, enhancing her capabilities
and allowing her to transform into a miniature Mech. The Mech has Two Modes, each
with their own benefits and downsides.

Compact Mode

In this Mode, she will gain the following:

○ +2 Rolls (Attack / Evasion / Escape / Struggle)

○ +5 Physical Damage
○ Increased Spell Damage. The amount is determined by the Tier.
■ Minor: +1
■ Moderate: +3
■ Major: +10
■ Monumental: +30
​ Although she is enhanced substantially in this Mode, all Traits she possesses are

Full Mech Mode

In this Mode, she will gain the following:

○ +4 Attack Roll / -1 Evasion Roll

○ Auto-Barrier. Every Successful Attack on her will be automatically blocked
by the Mech’s Sophisticated Barrier, spending only the exact amount of
Mana needed to defend its user.
○ +10 Physical Damage
○ Double Spell Damage
​ Traits she possesses are Enabled in this Mode. Mana is siphoned form the Heroine to
allow her Mech to function in Full Mech Mode. Every Roll and change in Position made
while in this Mode will cost 10 Mana. If her Mana drops to Zero, she will automatically
revert back to Compact Mode and she will not be able to Transform again until she has
gained a minimum of 100 Mana.

The Heroine can Switch between the Two Modes for 1 Action. She cannot Transform
while Bound or during Penetration.

Incompatible with Power Armour.

Power Armour

The Heroine is clad in a suit of highly advanced technology designed to greatly enhance
her capabilities. While wearing it, she will gain the following benefits:

○ +2 Rolls (Attack / Evasion / Resistance)

○ Auto-Barrier. Every Successful Attack on her will be automatically blocked
by the Power Suit’s Sophisticated Barrier, spending only the exact amount
of Mana needed to defend its user.
○ +5 Physical Damage
○ Increased Spell Damage. The amount is determined by the Tier.
■ Minor: +1
■ Moderate: +3
■ Major: _10
■ Monumental: +30
​ Mana is siphoned form the Heroine to allow her Power Armour to function. Every Roll
made while wearing the Power Armour will cost 5 Mana. If her Mana drops to Zero, her
Power Armour will Deactivate. All Bonuses are removed, Rolls will stop costing Mana
and she will gain -2 Rolls (Attack / Evasion / Escape) as long as she is still wearing her
Deactivated Power Armour. All Negative Modifiers will be removed once one of the
following conditions are met:

○ Power Armour is Destroyed or Removed. Required Clothing Durability to

drop to Zero. Regained upon CD being raised above Zero.
○ Gain a minimum of 100 Mana. This will allow her to Reactivate her Power
Armour. Cost 1 Action.
​ Incompatible with Transformative Mech Suit.

Battle Dancer

Her skillful movements are both mesmerizing and deadly. She can perform an Additional
2 Actions by incorporating her beautiful Legs in Combat. Beware; if she Rolls a 4 or
Below her Attack against a Near Enemy with Legs and the Enemy Successfully Evades
her Attack, it will be automatically Grappled and Bound. This will temporarily Disable her
2 Additional Actions.

Weapon User
The Heroine has extensively trained herself to wield weapons in combat. There are Two
Weapon Types she can choose from; One-Handed and Two-Handed.

One-Handed Weapons must be Assigned to a particular Arm / Tail. Each Assigned

One-Handed Weapon will give +2 Physical Damage. Assigning multiple One-Handed
Weapons will induce a Penalty to All Attack Rolls. -1 Attack Roll is added for each Extra
One-Handed Weapon after the First.

Two-Handed Weapons must be Assigned to Both Arms. Only a Single Two-Handed

Weapon can be Assigned. +5 Physical Damage.

Any Arm / Tail Bound with an Assigned Weapon will Drop it on the ground. Once
Dropped, the Player will lose the Bonus Physical Damage and Attack Roll Penalties for
that Weapon. Dropped Weapons can be Re-equipped by the Heroine for 1 Action. All
Dropped Weapons will be given their own Position to keep track of them.

All Weapons Assigned to Tails will be Dropped if One Tail is Bound.

Making a Sensitivity Roll of 61 or Higher will force the Heroine to Drop all Weapons.

Other Heroines and even certain Enemies can pick up any Dropped Weapons for 1
Action. Players can give or swap Weapons between each other for 1 Action.

Lead Weight

She can make the very ground underneath her shake. -5 Evasion Penalty in exchange for
immunity to the following Traits:

○ Hold
○ Lift
○ Knock Down
○ Princess Carry
○ Hold Tight
○ Push & Pull (Enemy / Player)
○ Gravity Well
○ Shove!
​ Incompatible with Feather Weight.

Feather Weight

She is light enough to almost stand on water. +5 Evasion and Attack in exchange for -5
Escape and Struggle.

Incompatible with Lead Weight.

Instead of slinging Spells at Far or Distant Enemies, the Heroine can utilize a ranged
weapon. All Physical Attacks can reach Far or Distant Enemies in exchange for limiting
all Spells to Near Range. No Attack Penalty for targeting a Distant Enemy.

Femme Fatale

The Heroine has a fondness for using toxins on her opponents. She can enhance any of
her Physical Attacks with a special poison capable of doing either of the following:

○ Toxic Trip: Causes 2 Damage every Turn to the Main Body regardless of
which Body Part was hit. Can be Stacked.
○ Numbed Nerves: Prevents an Enemy from making both Attack and Evasion
Lasts 1 Turn.
​ Unfortunately, her focus on indirect means of incapacitating Enemies has made her
direct combat skills suffer, giving her -2 in Attack, Escape and Struggle.

This can only be used a limited number of times in Battle. The Heroine will begin with a
Max of Three Uses per Battle. The Max will be raised by +1 every Two Levels.

Beware; Failed Rolls will still subtract from the Number of Uses.

Heroine Traits

The Heroine may choose Two Traits. More can be earned through Level Ups.

They can increase the number of Traits they start with by up to Three by taking Penalties to their other
○ -20 Max Clothing Durability
○ -100 Max Mana Meter


➢ Elemental
➢ Manakinesis
➢ Telepathy
➢ Telekinesis
➢ Magnokinesis
➢ Chronokinesis
➢ Spatiokinesis
➢ Gyrokinesis
➢ Movement
➢ Deceptive
➢ Status Effects
➢ Sanitization


➢ Damage
➢ Technique
➢ Movement
➢ Status Effects

Attack Potential
Roll Bonuses



Mastery of Electricity. With this power, they can summon thunderous lightning that can bypass
the effects of certain Traits and number Enemies. Only one Element per Attack.

There are different effects depending on what body part is targeted. All Penalties are limited to 1
○ Arms: Numbed / Attack Penalty to All (Normal, Lewd, Magic, Grapple and Violate)
Applied Next Turn / Can Stack
■ Minor: -1
■ Moderate: -2
■ Major: -5
■ Monumental: -15
○ Legs: Numbed / Evasion Penalty Applied On Current Turn / Can Stack
■ Minor: -1
■ Moderate: -2
■ Major: -5
■ Monumental: -15
○ Main Body: Bypass / Ignore Protection from the following:
■ Harden Body
■ High Pain Tolerance
■ Defender
■ Determined
■ Armored Foe
■ Shield Bearing Foe
■ Metallic Frame
○ Tentacle / Tail / Tongue: Lightning Rod / Ignore Attack Penalty
○ Head: Paralyzed / Attack and Evasion Disabled

Mastery of Fire. With this power, the Heroine can summon magical flames capable of quickly
burning through an Enemy’s life force. Only one Elemental per Attack.

With every Spell, there is a chance its Damage is increased. If the Heroine rolled over a 15 before
Bonuses were applied extra Damage is inflicted on the target determined by the Tier of the Spell.
○ Minor: +1
○ Moderate: +3
○ Major: +10
○ Monumental: +30
With every successful Attack Roll there is a chance that the Damage is increased. If the Heroine
rolled over a specific Result for each Category of the Enemy the Attack will do +1 Damage and a
further +1 Damage for each increment of 2 over 10.
○ Lowly: Rolls over 10 before Bonuses are applied.
○ Monstrous: Rolls over 12 before Bonuses are applied.
○ Devil: Rolls over 14 before Bonuses are applied.
○ Fiend: Rolls over 16 before Bonuses are applied.
○ Lord: Rolls over 18 before Bonuses are applied.

Mastery of Ice. With this power, the Heroine can freeze and weaken Enemies or enhance the
Heroine’s Barrier. Only one Elemental per Attack.
○ All Barriers are gain an extra +5 and the Mana consumed is halved (Rounded Up).
○ Every successful Attack Roll will give apply a Penalty to one of the following Rolls;
Normal, Evasion, Lewd, Magic, Grapple or Violate and temporarily increase the
Damage dealt by any Physical Attack to the Enemy by a set amount. Penalties are
removed from the Modified Roll after 3 Turns. Penalties cannot be stacked, but can
be overridden with a stronger Penalty. This does not restart the 3 Turn limit. Only
One Penalty per Attack. How powerful the Penalty is determined by the Spell Tier.
■ Major: -1 Penalty / +1 Physical Damage
■ Moderate: -2 / +2 Physical Damage
■ Major: -5 / +4 Physical Damage
■ Monumental: -15 / +8 Physical Damage

Mastery of Water. The Heroine is able to douse the field with mystical water in order to wash away
obstacles and Enemies. Only one Elemental per Attack.

There are different effects depending on what body part is targeted. All Penalties are limited to 1
○ Arms: Lubricated / Attack Penalty to Grapple until Next Turn.
■ Minor: -1
■ Moderate: -2
■ Major: -5
■ Monumental: -15
○ Legs: Soaked / Evasion Penalty Applied On Current Turn
■ Minor: -1
■ Moderate: -2
■ Major: -5
■ Monumental: -15
○ Main Body: Lubricated / Attack Penalty to Grapple until Next Turn
■ Minor: -1
■ Moderate: -2
■ Major: -5
■ Monumental: -15
○ Tentacle / Tail / Tongue: Lubricated / Attack Penalty to Grapple until Next Turn but a
Bonus to Violate.
■ Minor: -1 / +1
■ Moderate: -2 / +2
■ Major: -5 / +5
■ Monumental: -15 / +15
○ Head: Drowning / Does Double Damage
If used on a Heroine it will wash away the effects of Semen. However, any target, Heroine or
Enemy, that was successfully hit with the Attack will receive Double Damage from Fulgur and
Glacies for 1 Turn.


Mastery of Air. With this a Heroine can utilize the very wind to blow Enemies away and control
their Positioning. Only One Elemental per Attack.

Successful Attacks will inflict a Penalty on Normal and Evasion Rolls and possibly move the
Enemy a set distance depending on the Spell Tier.
○ Minor: -2 Penalty
○ Moderate: -2 Penalty / Move Enemy One Position
○ Major: -5 Penalty / Move Enemy One Position
○ Monumental: -5 Penalty / Move Enemy Two Positions
Tri Elemental Mastery
Requires any three of Fulgur, Ignis, Glacies, Aqua or Air Traits.

The Heroine can combine all three Elements into a single Attack for a Sixty Percent Mana
○ Minor – Cost: Single = 16 Points / AOE = 48 Points
○ Moderate – Cost: Single = 40 Points / AOE = 120 Points
○ Major – Cost: Single = 120 Points / AOE = 360 Points
○ Monumental – Cost: Single = 320 Points / AOE = 960 Points


Requires a Sanitization Trait.

Mastery of Holy. With this power the Heroine can wield divine energies to overwhelm Enemies for
Forty Percent Mana Increase. Only one Elemental per Attack.
○ Spell Damage is increased. The amount is determined by the Tier of the Spell.
■ Minor: +1 – Cost: Single = 14 Points / AOE = 42 Points
■ Moderate: +3 – Cost: Single = 35 Points / AOE = 105 Points
■ Major: +10 – Cost: Single = 105 Points / AOE = 315 Points
■ Monumental: +30 – Cost: Single = 280 Points / AOE = 840 Points
○ All Spells will have a +5 Attack regardless of how much Mana the Heroine has.
○ All Attack Roll penalties are ignored.
○ All Evasion Roll bonuses on Enemies are ignored.

Requires the Heroine to be inflicted with a Curse.

Master of the Demonic. This Trait can only be taken if the Heroine also takes on a permanent
Curse. With this power, the Heroine can manipulate the miasma of her Curse into a usable form.
Deamonium can be made more powerful by taking on more Curses but these Bonuses are lost if
the Curses are removed and Daemonium is Disabled is all Curses are removed. Only one
Elemental per Attack.
○ No Mana Cost.
○ Spell Tier is solely determined by how many Curses the Heroine is inflicted with.
■ 1 Curse = Minor
■ 2 Curses = Moderate
■ 3 Curses = Major
■ 4+ Curses = Monumental
○ Beware; depending on what the Heroine Rolls and the Spell Tier, all Curses will be
Activated at once on her Next Turn. Curses Activated in this matter will trigger the
Forced Activation Effect.
■ Single-Target Spell
■ Minor: On Rolls of 4 or below
■ Moderate: On Rolls of 8 or below
■ Major: On Rolls of 12 or below
■ Monumental: On Rolls of 16 or below
■ AOE Spell
■ Minor: On Rolls of 8 or below
■ Moderate: On Rolls of 12 or below
■ Major: On Rolls of 16 or below
■ Monumental: Guaranteed
Yin Yang Master

Requires the Sanctus and Daemonium Traits.

The Heroine can combine Holy and Demonic energies into a single Attack. This gives all the
benefits of Sanctus for No Mana Cost. However, similar to Daemonium, Spell Tiers are locked to
the number of Curses she has and carries the same risk of Activating her Curses.

Mixing Holy and Demonic Magic comes with an extra Cost. The clashing Elements raging inside
her will force her to gain Sensitivity Points equal to her Attack Roll and make a Non-Erotic
Sensitivity Roll on her Next Turn. The Dice Pool for the Sensitivity Roll is determined by the Tier of
the Spell.
○ Minor: 2d10 Sensitivity
○ Moderate: 5d10 Sensitivity
○ Major: 7d10 Sensitivity
○ Monumental: 10d10 Sensitivity
True Elemental Mastery

Requires the Tri Elemental Mastery and Yin Yang Mastery Taits.

Through sheer dedication and skill, the Heroine can combine all Elements into a single Attack.
Thie gives all the benefits of Tri Elemental Mastery and Sanctus for No Mana Cost. However,
similar to Daemonium, Spell Tiers are locked to the number of Curses she has and carries the
same risk of Activating those Curses.

Channeling every Element at once takes a heavy toll on the Heroine. Every use will force her to
gain Sensitivity Points equal to her Attack Roll and make Three Non-Erotic Sensitivity Rolls with
Double Results on her Next Turn. The Dice Pool for her Sensitivity Roll is determined by the Tier
of the Spell.
○ Minor: 2d10 Sensitivity
○ Moderate: 5d10 Sensitivity
○ Major: 7d10 Sensitivity
○ Monumental: 10d10 Sensitivity


If a Spell Attack rolls higher than 16 before any Bonuses are added to it, the Spell will inflict extra
Damage dependent on the level of the Spell.

○ Minor: +1 Damage
○ Moderate: +3 Damage
○ Major: +10 Damage
○ Monumental: +30 Damage
Lock On

For Double the Mana, the Heroine can make any Single-Target Spell a guaranteed hit.

If used with Daemonium, it will instead Double the result of her Sensitivity Roll. Can only be
Activated Once per Round.

Boom Expert

AOE Spells cost 1 Action.

Double Cast

The Heroine is quite the Spell Slinger. Every Successful Spell Attack can be Cast again without using
up an Action by making a Second Spell Attack Roll.

Mana Drip

Every Successful Attack will reward the Heroine with +5 Mana Points.

Sharing Is Caring

Requires Girl Cock Characteristic.

The Heroine can transfer Mana to another Heroine by Climaxing inside of them with their Cock. This
amount of Mana transferred is determined by a 5d10 Roll. This can increase the targeted Heroine’s Mana
Meter over its Max with every 20 Points Granting +1 Bonuses to their Rolls.

Beware; if the Heroine Climaxes inside the other Heroine’s Pussy there is a chance that they could
be Impregnated.

Mana Rich Seed

Requires Sharing Is Caring Trait.

The Heroine’s Semen is incredibly potent with Mana and as of such each point of Mana she loses during
the transfer increases the receiving Heroine’s Mana by 2.

Beware; this also increases the potency of the Heroine’s Seed and as of such Impregnation
Resistance Rolls are made at disadvantage.

Life Absorb

Defeated Enemies will reward the Heroine with Mana Points. How much is gained depends on what
category they belong to.
○ Lowly: 40 Mana
○ Monstrous: 100 Mana
○ Devil: 200 Mana
○ Fiend: 300 Mana
○ Lord: 400 Mana

Cost: 2 Actions

By skillfully manipulating her Mana, the Heroine can mimic the Magic Trait of another Heroine or Enemy.
Once the Trait has been Copied, she is free to use it Indefinitely. She can only have One Copied Magic
Trait in her possession at any given time, but she can swap it with a different Magic Trait. Once a Magic
Trait has been swapped out, it can no longer be used. If she wants to use any previously Copied
Magic Traits, they would need to be Copied again from another Player or Enemy.

Enemy Magic Traits can only be Copied if there is a Heroine equivalent. Any Trait she wishes to
copy must have been used at least once in Battle.


The Heroine can apply a special Single-Target or AOE Spell to imbue the power of a Spell to a Physical
Attack. The Base amount of Damage it is capable of is determined by the Tier of the Spell. Both
Elemental and Magic Status Effects can be applied.
○ Minor: 2 Damage
○ Moderate: 5 Damage
○ Major: 20 Damage
○ Monumental: 60 Damage
The overrides the Warrior Maiden Trait while Active and is capable of interrupting Violate Attacks with a
Moderate or higher Tier Spell. Physical Attack Modifiers from both Characteristics and Traits can be
applied while Enchantment is Active.

After the initial Activation, the Heroine must spend the cost of the Spell Tier they had originally cast at the
beginning of every Turn to maintain the Bonus. Different Elements and Magic Status Effects can be
swapped at the beginning of her Turn for 1 Action. This even includes the Spell Tier of the Element. If
allowed to disperse, the Bonus is lost and the Heroine must wait 2 Turns before Enchantment can be
used again.

Armory Creation

A special Single-Target or AOE Moderate Spell that allows the Heroine to materialize a Magical
Armament by molding her Mana into a physical form. This gives all Physical Attacks +5 Damage and +2
Attack Roll while Active. After the initial Activation, the Heroine must spend the cost of a Moderate Spell
at the beginning of every Turn to keep the Armament from dispersing back into Mana. If allowed to
disperse, both Bonuses are lost and the Heroine must wait 2 Turns before Armory Creation can be
used again.

Certain Traits behave differently when used together with Armory Creations. These Traits are the
○ Elemental Magic: Allows Armament to be enhanced with Moderate Tier Elemental
Magic upon initial Activation.
○ Enchantment: Allows Armament to be enhanced with Moderate Tier Elemental Magic
once per Turn for No Additional Action or Mana Cost.
○ Move: Allows Heroine to remotely control Armament and strike Far and Distant Enemies
for No Additional Mana Cost.

The Heroine can heighten the abilities of herself and others with a special Single-Target or AOE Spell by
skillfully stimulating the body in the right way. This allows her to give a Bonus to one of the following
Rolls; Attack, Evasion, Barrier, Escape Struggle or Resistance. However, in doing so the target of the
Spell will be forced to make a Sensitivity Roll. The size of the Bonus and Sensitivity Dice Pool is
determined by the Tier of the Spell.
○ Minor: +1 Bonus and 1d10 Sensitivity Roll
○ Moderate: +2 Bonus and 2d10 Sensitivity Roll
○ Major: +5 Bonus and 5d10 Sensitivity Roll
○ Monumental: +15 Bonus and 10d10 Sensitivity Roll
After the initial Activation, the Heroine must spend the cost of the Spell Tier they had originally cast at the
beginning of every Turn to maintain the Bonus, this will also cause the target to make another
Sensitivity Roll. If allowed to disperse, the Bonus is lost and the Heroine must wait 2 Turns before the
Trait can be used again.

Only On Casting of Empower can be Active.


The Heroine can weaken the abilities of Enemies with a special Single-Target or AOE Spell by skillfully
disrupting their bodies. This allows her to give a Penalty to one of the following Rolls; Normal, Lewd,
Curse, Grapple, Violate or Evasion but will also lower the threshold needed for Ejaculation. The size of
the Penalty is determined by the Tier of the Spell.
○ Minor: -1 Penalty and -1 Ejaculation Threshold
○ Moderate: -2 Penalty and -2 Ejaculation Threshold
○ Major: -5 Penalty and -4 Ejaculation Threshold
○ Monumental: -15 Penalty and -8 Ejaculation Threshold
After the initial Activation, the Heroine must spend the cost of the Spell Tier they had originally cast at the
beginning of every Turn to maintain the Penalty, this will also further lower the target’s Ejaculation
Threshold. If allowed to disperse, the Penalty is lost and the Heroine must wait 2 Turns before the Trait
can be used again.

If the Ejaculation Threshold is every lowered below 1 then the Enemy will Climax and the Threshold will

Only One casting of Depower can be Active.

Skilled Support

Requires the Empower or Depower Traits.

Two Roll Bonuses or Penalties can be used with a Single Casting of either Empower or Depower.


A special Single-Target or AOE Major Spell that dispels Magic. This includes helpful Magic from other
Heroines. Additionally, as long as this Spell is Active, all Heroines under its effects cannot use any other

After the initial Activation, the Heroine must spend the cost of a Major Spell at the beginning of their Turn
to maintain the Bonus. If allowed to disperse, the Bonus is lost and the Heroine must wait 2 Turns
before the Trait can be used again.


A special Single-Target or AOE Major Spell that makes the target untouchable and immune to most
Attacks. Only Magic Attacks, Magic Traits and Enchanted Pacification Equipment can affect her.
Additionally, as long as this Spell is Active, all Heroines under its effect cannot use any Physical

After the initial Activation, the Heroine must spend the cost of a Major Spell at the beginning of every
Turn to maintain the Bonus. If allowed to disperse, the Bonus is lost and the Heroine must wait 2 Turns
before Trait can be used again.

Empathic Protection

The Heroine can use a special Single-Target or AOE Minor Spell to create a magical bond between
herself and another Heroine, transferring the feelings of one onto the other. The one designated as the
Protectorate will have all their Sensitivity Roll Penalties directed at the Protector.

After the initial Activation, the Heroine must spend the cost of a Minor Spell at the beginning of every
Turn to maintain the bond. If allowed to disperse, the Effect is lost and the Player must wait 2 Turns
before the Trait can be used again.


A special Single-Target or AOE Minor Spell to create a magical bond between herself and another
Heroine, allowing them to effortlessly coordinate with each other. At the beginning of either Heroine’s
Turn, all connected Heroines will make an Attack Roll. The results are combined and used to determine
the Hit Chance of either One Single-Target Attack or AOE for each Heroine who Rolled. The Attacks
made by each Heroine cannot be a mix of Single-Target and AOE Attacks. Additionally, all Heroines must
Target the Same Enemy or Group of Enemies.

○ Heroines A, B and C each make and Attack Roll of 10, 15 and 5 respectively. These
numbers are combined, making them an Attack Roll of 30. Each Heroine agrees to Attack
Enemy A with a Single-Target Attack. This gives each Heroine One Attack Roll of 30 to
use against Enemy A.
Any Attack Bonuses or Penalties are applied to the final result.

○ Heroines A, B and C each make an Attack Roll of 10, 15 and 5 respectively. Heroine A
has a +2 Attack Bonus. Heroine B has no Attack Modifiers. Heroine C has a -1 Attack
Penalty. These results are combined, making them an Attack Roll of 31.

A special Single-Target or AOE Minor Spell to create a magical bond between herself and another
Heroine, allowing them to be affected by any changes to each other. All Active Bonuses, Penalties and
Status Effects will be automatically given to any Heroine connected by this Spell.

After the initial Activation, the Heroine must spend the cost of a Minor Spell at the beginning of every
Turn to maintain the bond. If allowed to disperse, the Effect is lost and the Heroine must wait 2 Turns
before the Trait can be used again.

Don’t Feel A Thing

A special Single-Target or AOE Minor Spell that completely numbs the senses. This Spell can be cast
even while completely Bound. All Penalties from Sensitivity Rolls will not be applied during its duration.

After the initial Activation, the Heroine must spend the cost of a Minor Spell at the beginning of every
Turn to keep her senses numb. Beware: once the Spell ends, the Penalties from all previous
Sensitivity Rolls will be applied at the same time.


A special Single-Target Attack Spell that grants the Heroine the ability to remotely move objects around
with hand gestures. The Heroine must have both Arms Unbound in order to use this Trait. It can be
cast at any Tier (Minor / Moderate / Major / Monumental). The Damage is equivalent to the particular
Tier is was cast. But it can be augmented with certain Physical Traits. These Traits are the following:
○ Whirlwind Dance
○ All Physical Status Effects
○ Weapon Mastery
○ Full Force
○ Armour Piercing Blow
Elemental Magic cannot be applied to Move.

Push and Pull

Unavoidable / Requires the Move Trait.

A special Single-Target or AOE Moderate Spell that grants the Heroine the ability to remotely change
the Position of either a single character or multiple characters within a Group. The Heroine must have
both Arms Unbound in order to use this Trait. Cannot be used on a Bound / Penetrated Heroine or
an Enemy Binding / Penetrating a Heroine. All changes are made relative to her own Position.

Pull allows the Heroine to move the target or targets one Position closer to her own Position (Distant >
Far > Near) while Push moves the target or targets one Position away from the Heroine’s Position (Near
> Far > Distant).

○ There are Two Heroines and One Enemy. Heroine A is Alone. Enemy A and Heroine B
are in a Group.
■ Heroine A / No Group
■ Far: Enemy A (Group 1)
■ Far: Heroine B (Group 1)
■ Heroine B / Group 1
■ Near: Enemy A (Group 1)
■ Far: Heroine A (No Group)
■ Enemy A / Group 1
■ Near: Heroine B (Group 1)
■ Far: Heroine A (No Group)
■ Heroine A uses the Trait to Pull Enemy A to her Position.
■ Heroine A / Group 1
■ Near: Enemy A (Group 1)
■ Far: Heroine B (No Group)
■ Heroine B / No Group
■ Far: Enemy A (Group 1)
■ Far: Heroine A (Group 1)
■ Enemy A / Group 1
■ Near: Heroine A (Group 1)
■ Far: Heroine B (No Group)
Push can also be used to move one target closer to another character. This cannot be done with Pull.

○ There is Two Heroines and One Enemy. Both Heroines A and B are Alone as is Enemy A.
■ Heroine A / No Group
■ Far: Enemy A (No Group)
■ Distant: Heroine B (No Group)
■ Heroine B / No Group
■ Far: Enemy A (No Group)
■ Distant: Heroine A (No Group)
■ Enemy A / No Group
■ Far: Heroine A (No Group)
■ Far: Heroine B (No Group)
■ Heroine A uses Push on Enemy A to move them toward Heroine B.
■ Heroine A / No Group
■ Distant: Enemy A (Group 1)
■ Distant: Heroine B (Group 1)
■ Heroine B / Group 1
■ Near: Enemy A (Group 1)
■ Distant: Heroine A (No Group)
■ Enemy A / Group 1
■ Near: Heroine B (Group 1)
■ Distant: Heroine A (No Group)

Requires the Push and Pull Trait.

A special Single-Target Major Spell that grants the Heroine the ability to violently change the Position of
an Enemy and smash them into a second Enemy. Follows the same rules as Push and Pull and can be
augmented with the same Traits as Move. Like Move, Elemental Magic cannot be applied to this

A Successful Roll will deal the same Major Spell Damage to the Main Body of both the Enemy chosen
to be moved and the second Enemy. A Failed Roll will still Damage the moved Enemy and change their
Position, but only for a Fixed 5 Damage.


Requires the Fling Trait.

Allows the Heroine to free themselves or another Bound / Penetrated Heroine from an Enemy with Fling.


Requires the Move Trait.

Cost: 1 Action / Defensive Action.

A special Barrier Spell that grants the Heroine the ability to Shield themselves from Attacks using an
assortment of random objects within their environment. The Heroine must have both Arms Unbound in
order to use this Trait. A Barrier Roll can be made to create a Shield that will protect her until it is
destroyed. This can be done as a Defensive Action, but will still cost 1 Action.

The Rolled result is what determine how much HP the Wall will have and is reduced with each hit from
any successful Normal Attack. The amount of Damage taken is equivalent to the result of the
Enemy’s Normal Attack Roll. Wall can only be Damage by Normal Attacks. Any Attack the Heroine is
unable to Evade will be taken by the Wall in her stead. If the Damage it receives is greater than its current
HP the Wall will break but will still protect the Heroine from the Attack. Once destroyed, she will need to
wait 2 Turns to create another.

Wall is incompatible with Barrier Traits. Attacks can bypass it using the following Traits:
○ Sanctus
○ Daemonium
The following cannot be used while Wall is Active:
○ Barrier
○ False Doll
○ Invisibility
Reinforced Protection

Requires the Wall Trait.

Wall HP is Doubled.

Wall Guardian

Requires the Wall Trait.

The Heroine can use their Wall to protect all Heroines in the same Group from Attacks.


Polarity Charge

A special Single-Target or AOE Moderate Spell that grants the Heroine the ability to apply Positive or
Negative magnetic charges onto an Enemy / Player or Themselves. Only Two Single Targets or One
Group can be affected by Polarity Charge at One Time. This limit applies to the total amount of
Charges made by everyone. Cannot be used to free a Bound / Penetrated Heroine or move an
Enemy Binding / Penetrating a Heroine.
○ A Single Enemy / Player or Group with a Negative or Positive Charge does nothing.
○ Two of the Same Charge on Two Different Targets will Repel them, making it impossible
for them be within the Same Group.
○ A Negative and Positive Charge on Two Different Targets will Attract them together,
preventing either from changing their Position or making Evasion Rolls. The Target who
was Charged last will be the one forcibly moved to the other’s Position.
○ Characters with the Lead Weight Trait cannot be Repelled or Attracted to another
Target, but can Repel and Attract other Targets to them.
○ Selecting a Third Single Target or a Second Group will remove the first Charge
○ All Successful Attacks dispel Charges. A Charge can also be dispelled by applying the
Same Charge to the Target.
Polarity Crash

Requires the Polarity Charge Trait.

Attracted Enemies will smash into each other, dealing 5 Damage to the Main Body of both.

Polarity Cushion

Requires the Polarity Charge Trait.

Attracted Heroines will no longer stick to each other, allowing them to make Evasion Rolls.
Polarity Scatter

Requires the Polarity Crash and Polarity Cushion Traits.

Can Unbind a Heroine by Repelling them from the Enemy who is Binding her. If multiple Enemies are
Binding her, all of them must be given a Charge.

Static Charge

Requires the Polarity Charge Trait.

All Enemies with a Charge will receive Triple Damage from Fulgur Attacks.

Static Burst

Requires the Polarity Charge Trait.

All Enemies with a Charge will violently disperse a discharge of harmful magnetic waves upon being hit
with a Successful Attack. -2 to Normal, Lewd, Magic, Grapple, Violate and Evasion Rolls for 1 Turn
to all Enemies in the same Group as the Enemy / Player that was hit. Can be Stacked. Does not
Affect the Enemy / Player who was hit.

Equipment Charge

Requires the Polarity Charge Trait.

A special Single-Target or AOE Moderate Spell that grants the Heroine the ability to apply Positive or
Negative magnetic forces to Pacification Equipment. Only One Target or Group can be affected by
Equipment Charge at one time.
○ Pacification Equipment cannot be Equipped if Attracted to an Enemy, Heroine, Another
Pacification Equipment or something within the Environment.
○ Attracted Pacification Equipment does not prevent an Enemy / Heroine or Group from
changing their Position or making Evasion Rolls.
○ Pacification Equipment cannot Repel Enemies / Players away from them or Attract
Enemies / Players to them, only be Repelled or Attracted to Enemies / Heroine.
○ All Repelled Pacification Equipment is considered Dropped.
○ If an Attracted Pacification Equipment or what it is Attracted to loses its Charge, it will
Drop to the ground.
Environment Charge

Requires the Polarity Charge Trait.

A special Single-Target Moderate Spell that grants the Heroine the ability to apply Positive or Negative
magnetic forces to large objects or the very ground itself. Only One Target can be affected by
Environment Charge at a time. Selecting a Second Target will remove the previous Charge. When
placed, it will be given its own Position to keep track of it. Any Enemy / Heroine with a Negative or
Positive Charge will be Repelled or Attracted to the Charged Position depending on what Charge
they have. Follows the same rules as Polarity Charge.


A special Major Spell that undoes the current actions of any Enemy. This Spell is classified as a
Reactionary Action and must be done last after making her other Rolls. What Effect this Spell has,
depends on what Reverse is being used on.
○ Normal, Lewd, Grapple, Magic and Violate Attacks are simply undone as if they never
○ Normal Attacks Modified by the Long Range Attacker Trait from Far or Distant
Enemies are redirected back and can inflict Damage on them. The amount is determined
by their Category. The Redirected Attacks can be avoided by the Enemy with an Evasion
Roll against their Original Roll.
■ Lowly: 1 Damage
■ Monstrous: 2 Damage
■ Devil: 5 Damage
■ Fiend: 20 Damage
■ Lord: 60 Damage
○ Elemental Magic is redirected back to the Enemy. All Elemental Magic is converted to the
Heroine equivalent. Both the Tier of the Spell and the cost for Reverse is determined by
the Enemy’s Category.
The Redirected Elemental Magic can be avoided by the Enemy with an Evasion Roll
against their Original Roll.
■ Lowly: Minor
■ Monstrous and Devil: Moderate
■ Devil: Major
■ Fiend: Monumental
■ Lord: AOE Monumental
○ Ejaculation is undone and the Threshold will remain the same as if it never occurred.
○ Any Pacification Equipment used against her is removed or Unequipped from the
○ All Status Effects and Roll Penalties afflicted on them during their Turn are simply
undone as if they never occurred.

A special Monumental Spell that reverses the flow of Time. Everyone is reset back to the beginning of
the Heroine’s Last Turn. Thanks to her future knowledge, she will Automatically Evade all Previous
Attacks against her and can allow other Heroines to Automatically Evade Attacks by warning them of
the incoming danger. Only the Heroine who cast the Spell will be aware of the reset. This Spell is
classified as a Defensive Action and must be done first before making any other roll.

All of the Actions that were Rolled for other characters, unless warned by the Heroine casting the Spell,
will be the exact same.

Can only be used once per Battle.


A special Monumental Spell that halts the flow of Time for everyone but the Heroine. This Spell is
classified as a Defensive Action and must be done first before making any other Roll. If allowed to
disperse, the Heroine must wait 2 Rounds before Stop can be used again. While this Spell is Active, all
Attacks Targeting her prior to Activation will Automatically Fail and all her Attacks / Status Effects
will Automatically Succeed. This includes Positive Effects that Activate upon getting a Roll over a
certain target.

After the initial Activation, the Heroine must spend the cost of a Monumental Spell at the beginning of
every Turn to keep Stop active. Due to the nature of this Spell, the Heroine can spend Multiple Turns in
a Single Round. Each Round will be measured by the number of Actions the Heroine has used.



A special Single-Target or AOE Monumental Spell that grants the Heroine the power to instantaneously
move themselves, Enemies or other Heroines through space without physically travelling the distance.
Can be performed as a Defensive Action.
○ Using it as a Defensive Action will allow the Heroine to automatically Evade All Attacks
Targeting her.
○ The Heroine is free to change the Position of themselves, Enemies or other Heroines.
○ All Bound Limbs can be instantly freed without needing to make any Escape Rolls.


A special Single-Target Major Spell that grants the Heroine the power to instantaneously switch
Positions with an Enemy or other Heroines. This Spell can be performed as a Defensive Action and the
switch must be done first before making any other Roll. Any unresolved Attacks or Effects Targeting
her are redirected to whomever she has switched with and vice versa. All Enemy Normal Attacks and
Magic that had been redirected to another Enemy can inflict Damage on them. The amount is determined
by their Category.
○ Lowly: 1 Damage
○ Monstrous: 2 Damage
○ Devil: 5 Damage
○ Fiend: 20 Damage
○ Lord: 60 Damage
In addition to switching their Positions, this Spell switches their order in Initiative. Once used, she will
have to wait 2 Rounds before she can activate it again.

Portal Creation

Defensive Action
A special Barrier Spell that grants the Heroine the power to rip holes in the space-time continuum. The
Heroine must have both Arms Unbound in order to user this Trait. A Barrier Roll can be made to
create a Portal that will transport any Attack back at the Enemy or at a different Enemy. The Strength of
the Barrier Roll is irrelevant, but Two Barrier Rolls are required; one for the Entrance Portal and one
for the Exit Portal.
○ Lewd, Grapple and Violate Attacks when redirected to an Enemy do nothing to them.
○ Normal Attacks when redirected back can inflict Damage on them. The amount is
determined by their Tier.
The Redirected Attacks can be avoided by the Enemy with an Evasion Roll against their
Original Roll.
■ Lowly: 1 Damage
■ Monstrous: 2 Damage
■ Devil: 5 Damage
■ Fiend: 20 Damage
■ Lord: 60 Damage
○ Magic is redirected back to the Enemy. All Elemental Magic is converted to the Heroine
equivalent. The Tier of the Spell is determined by the Enemy Category.
The Redirected Magic can be avoided by the Enemy with an Evasion Roll against their
Original Roll.
■ Lowly: Minor
■ Monstrous: Moderate
■ Devil: Major
■ Fiend: Momentum
■ Lord: AOE Momentum
Portal Creation is compatible with the following Barrier Traits.
○ Energy Efficient Barrier
○ Barrier Guardian

Requires the Portal Creation Trait.

Cost: 0 Actions

Any Spells Evaded by an Enemy can be rerouted back at them. Two Barrier Rolls per Spell. This Roll
must be done right after the Enemy makes their Evasion Roll. The Rerouted Spell can be avoided by
the Enemy with an Evasion Roll against the Spell’s Original Attack Roll.

Portal Slice

Requires the Portal Creation Trait.

Cost: 0 Actions

Any Non-Magic Lewd, Grapple and Violate Attack from an Enemy that is redirected with a Portal can be
forcibly closed for an additional Two Barrier Rolls, severing whatever Appendage was inside and
instantly reducing its HP to Zero.

If used on an Enemy’s Head, they will be instantly killed.

Gravity Shift

A special Single-Target or AOE Major Spell that temporarily grants any Enemy or Heroine the
properties of either Lead or Feather Weight Characteristic. Can also be used to temporarily remove
these characteristics from a Target for the duration of an Encounter.

Overwhelming Force

Target must have Lead Weight Characteristic.

A special Single-Target or AOE Major Spell that strengthens the Effects of Lead Weight.

For Enemies, the Evasion Penalty for Lead Weight is Doubled and cannot change their Position
unless moved with Teleportation. However, in exchange, all Damage is Halved (Rounded Down).

For Heroines, the Evasion Penalty for Lead Weight is Doubled and cannot change their Position
unless moved with Teleportation. However, in exchange, all Struggle, Escape and Physical Damage
Bonuses are Doubled.

After the initial Activation, the Heroine must spend the cost of a Major Spell at the beginning of her Turn
to maintain the Spell. If allowed to disperse, the Effect is lost and the Heroine must wait 2 Rounds before
Overwhelming Force can be used.


Target must have Feather Weight Characteristic.

A special Single-Target or AOE Major Spell that strengthens the Effects of Feather Weight.

For Enemies, the Evasion and Attack Bonus for Feather Weight is Doubled in exchange for
Quadrupling all Damage taken.

For Heroines, the Evasion and Attack Bonus for Feather Weight is Doubled in exchange for Doubling
the Escape and Struggle Penalties.

After the initial Activation, the Heroine must spend the cost of a Major Spell at the beginning of her Turn
to maintain the Spell. If allowed to disperse, the Effect is lost and the Heroine must wait 2 Rounds before
Weightless can be used.


Requires the Overwhelming Force Trait and Target must have Lead Weight Characteristic.

A special Single-Target or AOE Monumental Spell that immensely strengthens the Effects of Lead
For Enemies, Attack, Evasion and the ability to change Positions are Disabled unless moved with
Teleportation. However, in exchange, all Damage is Nullified.

For Heroines, Attack, Evasion and the ability to change Positions are Disabled unless moved with
Teleportation. However, in exchange, all Escape and Struggle Rolls will automatically Succeed.

After the initial Activation, the Heroine must spend the cost of a Monumental Spell at the beginning of
her Turn to maintain the Spell. If allowed to disperse, the Effect is lost and the Heroine must wait 2
Rounds before Immoveable can be used.


Requires the Weightless Trait and Target must have Feather Weight Characteristic.

A special Single-Target or AOE Monumental Spell that immensely strengthens the Effects of Feather

For Enemies, they gain +20 Evasion and Attack, but all Attacks against them will Instantly Kill / Defeat

For Heroines, they gain +20 Evasion and Attack, but all Escape and Struggle Rolls are Disabled.

After the initial Activation, the Heroine must spend the cost of a Monumental Spell at the beginning of
her Turn to maintain the Spell. If allowed to disperse, the Effect is lost and the Heroine must wait 2
Rounds before Ethereal can be used.

Gravity Well

A special Single-Target Major Spell that forcibly draws in all characters to the Same Position as the
character who the Spell was Cast on. While Active, this Spell will continuously pull everyone to the Target,
nullifying all attempts to change their Position. After the initial Activation, the Heroine must spend the cost
of a Major Spell at the beginning of their Turn to maintain the Spell. If allowed to disperse, the Effect is
lost and the Heroine must wait 2 Rounds before Gravity Well can be used.


A special Single-Target or AOE Moderate Spell that will suspend a Heroine a couple of inches off the
ground. With her increased mobility, she can Reroll a Failed Evasion Roll. After the initial Activation, the
Heroine must spend the cost of a Moderate Spell at the beginning of her Turn to remain airborne. If
allowed to disperse, the Bonus is lost and the Heroine must wait 2 Rounds before Levitation can be
used again.

Immunity to Rune Trap. Prevents Retrain Pacification Equipment from Disabling Evasion.

Requires the Levitation Trait.

A special Single-Target or AOE Major Spell that allows a Heroine to freely soar through the sky. With
her increased mobility, she can Reroll a Failed Evasion Roll and freely change her Position for every
Attack she makes. After the initial Activation, the Heroine must spend the cost of a Major Spell at the
beginning of every Turn to remain airborne. If allowed to disperse, the Bonus is lost and the Heroine
must wait 2 Turns before Flight can be used.

Unless she approaches an Enemy, it is not possible for them to get Near her under normal means.
The following is a list of Traits that will allow an Enemy to become Near her:
○ Honeyed Words
○ Winged Monstrosity
○ Teleportation (Self): Enemy will automatically become Far from everyone.
○ Teleportation (Heroine): Must be used directly on the Heroine.
○ Push and Pull: Must use Pull.
○ Knock Down
○ Paralyzing Toxin
Immunity to Rune Trap. Prevents Retrain Pacification Equipment from Disabling Evasion.


A special Single-Target or AOE Major Spell that increases the movement of the Heroine. With her
inhuman speed, all Attack and Evasion Rolls at Advantage. After the initial Activation, the Heroine must
spend the cost of a Major Spell at the beginning of her Turn to maintain their speed. If allowed to
disperse, the Bonus is lost and the Heroine must wait 2 Rounds before Accelerate can be used.


Requires the Accelerate Trait.

A special Single-Target or AOE Monumental Spell that immensely increases the movement of the
Heroine to ridiculous speeds. With her superhuman speed, all Attack and Evasion Rolls are at
Advantage. Additionally, the number of Actions she can perform is Doubled. After the initial Activation,
the Heroine must spend the cost of a Monumental Spell at the beginning of her Turn to maintain her
speed. If allowed to disperse, the Bonus is lost and the Heroine must wait 2 Rounds before Haste can
be used.

False Doll

A special Single-Target Spell that has the potential to create multiple false copies of a Heroine. These
false copies cannot Evade, but can act as a decoy to mislead opponents. The Tier this spell is cast
determines both the cost and amount of False Dolls created.
○ Minor: 1 Clone
○ Moderate: 3 Clones
○ Major: 5 Clones
○ Monumental: 7 Clones
All Dolls are created Near the Original. Although Dolls are incapable of making Evasion Rolls, they can
change their Position and make Attacks independent of the Original. Doing so, however, will cost the
same amount of Actions as if performed by the Original.

Actions are shared between Dolls and the Original.

Any Enemy Targeting the Heroine will have to Roll a Dice equivalent to the number of Dolls plus the
Heroine. If the Enemy Rolls a 1, their Attack will succeed and all Dolls will disappear. The Heroine can
make an Evasion Roll, Barrier Roll or use a Defensive Action with a Trait if Target but this will also
prematurely end the effect.

If the Enemy Rolls any other result besides a 1, a Doll will be Targeted in their stead and only that
particular Doll will disappear.

This Spell cannot be used again until all current Clones have disappeared and 2 Rounds have passed.
Cannot be used together with Invisibility.

Vengeful Doll

Requires the False Doll Trait.

Every time an Enemy targets a Clone, it will retaliate with a blast of Magic at their Main Body before
disappearing. The Heroine will Roll with a +5 Bonus for each blast triggered regardless of her overall
amount of Mana. Using this Trait requires the base cost for Fale Doll and an additional cost depending on
the Tier chosen. The cost and amount of damage inflicted is determined by the Tier Vengeful Doll is
being cast at.
○ Minor: 2 Damage
○ Moderate: 5 Damage
○ Major: 20 Damage
○ Monumental: 60 Damage
The blast can be augmented further with any of the Elemental Magic Traits or Magic Status Effects.

Rune Trap

A special Single-Target or AOE Spell that creates a magical explosion that Damages the Main Body of
any unfortunate Enemy who steps on it. This Spell is placed at the Heroine’s Position and can be
triggered in Two Ways.
○ An Enemy approaches her and becomes Near.
○ A Near Enemy moves away from her Position.
When entering or leaving a Position with a Trap, the Enemy must make a Successful Evasion Roll
against the Original Attack Roll or the Trap to avoid triggering it. Once it has been triggered, the Trap
will disappear.

Any Trap placed will be given its own Position to keep track of it.

When casting, the Heroine will make an Attack Roll to determine its Strength and it can be cast at any
Tier (Minor / Moderate / Major / Monumental). Casting it as an AOE will allow it to Damage all Enemies
within the Group. The Damage is equivalent to the particular Tier it was cast, but it can be augmented
with Elemental Mage Traits and Magic Status Effects.


A special Single-Target or AOE Moderate Spell that makes a Heroine undetectable to the naked eye.
All Enemies will be forced to roll Attack and Evasion against the Heroine at Disadvantage when they
are Near her but will not be able to approach her. After the initial Activation, the Heroine must spend the
cost of a Major Spell at the beginning of her Turn to keep her undetectable. If allowed to disperse, the
Bonus is lost and the Heroine must wait 2 Rounds before the Trait can be used again.

While Invisibility is Active, Heroines cannot be Targeted by the following Traits:

○ Depower
○ Empower
○ Teleportation
○ Exchange
○ Push and Pull
○ All Status Effects
○ Space Lock
Attacking or using Barrier will prematurely end this effect.

Unseen Danger

Requires the Invisibility Trait.

A special Single-Target or AOE Major Spell that makes Spell Attacks undetectable to the naked eyes.
All Enemies will be forced to roll Attack and Evasion against the Heroine at Disadvantage when they
are Near her but will not be able to approach her. After the initial Activation, the Heroine must spend the
cost of a Major Spell at the beginning of her Turn to keep her Attacks undetectable. If allowed to
disperse, the Bonus is lost and the Heroine must wait 2 Rounds before the Trait can be used again.

Allows Attacks to be used without prematurely ending the effects of Invisibility.


A special Single-Target Moderate Spell that can fabricate a magical disguise that can fool all five senses
to make a Heroine resemble an Enemy or someone else entirely. In order for the disguise to fool any
Enemies, the Heroine must fulfill at least one of the following conditions:
○ Activate Doppelganger before the battle.
○ Have Stealth
○ Have Invisibility
○ Be Far or Distant from the Enemy when Activating Doppelganger.
There are Three Levels of Awareness: Oblivious, Suspicious and Certain.
○ Oblivious: Heroine has fulfilled any of the required conditions and has the appearance of
a stranger or another Enemy who is not currently present.
○ Suspicious: Heroine has fulfilled any of the required conditions, has the appearance of
another Enemy who is currently present but uses a Trait that the Enemy they are
mimicking does not possess or helps another Heroine.
○ Certain: Heroine has fulfilled any of the required conditions, has taken the appearance of
a present Enemy or Attacked the Enemy.
An Oblivious Enemy cannot make any Attacks against the disguised Heroine.

A Suspicious Enemy can Attack, but they will need to Roll 1d20 first. The Enemy must Roll between a 1
and 10 to Succeed and continue their Attack on the Heroine. If they Rolled higher than 10, they will
either not Attack or instead Attack the Enemy the Heroine is mimicking. All Enemy Normal Attacks and
Magic directed at another Enemy can inflict Damage on them. The amount is determined by their Tier.
○ Lowly: 1 Damage
○ Monstrous: 2 Damage
○ Devil: 5 Damage
○ Fiend: 20 Damage
○ Lord: 60 Damage
A Certain Enemy can Attack the disguised Heroine as normal.

Status Effects

All Status Effect Spells are avoided with Resistance Rolls instead of Evade Rolls.

Come Hither

A special Single-Target or AOE Spell that can attract Enemies to the Heroine and inflame their lust. Any
Enemy under the influence of this Status Effect will exclusively Target the Heroine for a set duration of
Turns at the cost of Doubling the results of all Sensitivity Rolls. The duration of the Spell is determined
by the Tier it was cast.
○ Minor: 1 Turn
○ Moderate: 3 Turns
○ Major: 5 Turns
○ Monumental: 7 Turns
Can only be used one per Enemy.

Shooting Blanks

A special Single-Target or AOE Spell that renders Enemies temporarily infertile, causing Impregnation
Resistance Rolls to automatically Succeed. Lasts until they Ejaculate a certain number of times. The
duration of the Spell is determined by the Tier it was cast.
○ Minor: 1 Ejaculation
○ Moderate: 3 Ejaculations
○ Major: 5 Ejaculations
○ Monumental: 7 Ejaculations
Can only be used once per Enemy.

Slow Death

A special Single-Target or AOE Minor Spell that can poison Enemies. Causes 2 Damage at the start of
their Turn to the Main Body.
Can only be used once per Enemy.


A special Single-Target or AOE Moderate Spell that confuses the Enemy causing them to act randomly.
The Enemy will first Roll a Dice equivalent to the number of characters present with each result
representing a character, if that Result is rolled, they will target that character. They will then roll 1d5 to
determine which Attack they will use. Lasts 3 Round.
1. Normal
2. Lewd
3. Magic
4. Grapple
5. Violate
If they Target another Enemy then their Normal and Magic Attacks can cause Damage to the Target
based on the Attacking Enemies Category.
○ Lowly: 1 Damage
○ Monstrous: 2 Damage
○ Devil: 5 Damage
○ Fiend: 20 Damage
○ Lord: 60 Damage
Can only be used once per Enemy.

Sudden Paralyze

A special Single-Target or AOE Major Spell that completely prevents an Enemy from making Any
Actions. Lasts 2 Turns.

Can only be used once per Enemy.

Heaven Sent

A special Single-Target or AOE Monumental Spell that instantly kills / defeats its target. Can only be
used once per Encounter. If it misses, it cannot be used again for the duration of that Encounter.

Does not affect Lord Category Enemies.



A special Single-Target or AOE Minor Spell that rids a Heroine of a single Status Effect or Roll

Does not remove Curses or Roll Penalties caused by Curses or Heroine Characteristics.

Requires the Cleanse Trait.

A special Single-Target or AOE Moderate Spell that rids a Heroine of all Status Effects and Roll

Does not remove Curses or Roll Penalties caused by Curses or Heroine Characteristics.


A special Single-Target or AOE Major Spell that preemptively prevents all Status Effects, Roll
Penalties, Penalties from Semen and Enthrallment Traits from affecting the Heroine. This Spell can
also be cast as a Defensive Action. After the initial Activation, the Heroine must spend the cost of a
Major Spell at the beginning of her Turn to maintain the effect. If allowed to disperse, the Bonus is lost
and the Heroine must wait 2 Rounds before Stillness can be used.

Does not prevent Curses or Roll Penalties caused by Curses or Heroine Characteristics.


Requires the Purify and Stillness Traits.

A special Single-Target Monumental Spell that rids a Heroine of One Curse. Can be used during

Contraceptive Magic

A special Single-Target Monumental Spell that prevents Impregnation after a Failed Resistance Roll.
Can only prevent One Impregnation. Must be cast again afterwards to regain its protection.

Lasts indefinitely until used.

Warrior Maiden

When using Physical, the Base Damage it can deal is increased from 1 to 5. Additionally, all Physical
Attacks will be capable of interrupting Violate Attacks.

Full Force

Double the Damage of all Physical Attacks. The Heroine must have All Available Limbs Unbound in
order to Activate this Trait. Compatible with the following Characteristic:
○ Battle Dancer
○ Horns
○ Prehensile Tail
○ Multi-Armed Goddess
○ Cybernetics: Arm / Multi-Arm
○ Multi-Tailed Goddess
○ Cybernetics: Tail / Multi-Tail
Up Close and Personal

+5 Physical Damage while Bound or being Penetrated. Can interrupt Penetration.

Armour Piercing Blow

By focusing on the weak points within the Enemy’s protection, the Heroine can directly inflict Damage
onto them with a Physical Attack. This allows her to bypass the following Traits:
○ Hardened Body
○ Armoured Foe
○ Shield Bearing Foe
○ Metallic Frame
Additionally, if a Physical Attack Roll is Over 16 before Bonuses, she will inflict Double Damage.


Cost: 1 Action

Temporarily Triple the Damage of One Physical Attack on her Current Turn.

Can only be Activated Once per Turn.

Body Sacrifice

The Heroine can strengthen themselves with their own Life Force, increasing the Damage of One
Physical Attack in exchange for making a Sensitivity Roll at the end of her Turn. The Dice Pool for the
Sensitivity Roll is determined by the Damage Increase.
○ Double: 5d10 Sensitivity Roll
○ Triple: 7d10 Sensitivity Roll
○ Quadruple: 10d10 Sensitivity Roll

Whirlwind Dance

Cost: 2 Actions

Physical Attacks can function as an AOE and can be used to target multiple Enemies within a Group.

For any Enemy with the Multi-Armed Terror Characteristics, if the Heroine wishes to target their multiple
Appendages with Whirlwind Dance, she cannot target the remaining Enemies within the Group.

Weapon Mastery
The Heroine intimately knows how to wield their weapon of choice. On successful Physical Attacks she
can make a Second Physical Attack without using an Action. The extra Physical Attack created by this
Trait does NOT activate the Trait.

No Need for Spells

All Physical Attacks have the +5 Bonus regardless of how much Mana the Heroine has.

Vacuum Blast

Allows the Heroine to make Physical Attack Rolls against Far and Distant Enemies with a concentrated
blast of wind. Shares the same Penalties as a Spell when used on a Distant Enemy.

Incompatible with Enchantment and Whirlwind Dance.

Life Drain

By skillfully manipulating the life force of her opponent, the Heroine can replenish her Mana with every
Successful Physical Attack. The amount of Mana gained is directly equivalent to the Damage she
inflicted on the Enemy.


Use skillful movement to trick an Enemy into mistakenly moving too soon. The Heroine can make a
Physical Attack Roll at Advantage.

Can only be Activated Once per Turn.

Quick Strike

Launch an Unavoidable Physical Attack.

Can only be Activated Once per Turn. Cannot be used to Activate any Trait that requires the
Heroine to Roll above a certain Result.


The stronger the Heroine is, the more effective she is at making Escape Rolls. A Positive Modifier based
on her Physical Damage will be added to all her Escape Rolls. The way it is calculated depends on what
Characteristics and Traits she has.
○ Warrior Maiden: Roll a 1d20 on results below 10 add 1 to Escape Roll for the Current
Round, on results over 10 add 2 to Escape Roll for the Current Round.
○ Warrior Maiden + Dedicated Warrior: +5 to every Escape Roll.
○ Full Force: Double Bonus.
○ Full Force + Dedicated Warrior: Triple Bonus.
○ Up Close and Personal: +1 to every Escape Roll.
○ Up Close and Personal + Dedicated Warrior: +2 to every Escape Roll.
○ Armour Piercing Blow: Double Bonus if Escape Roll Result was over 16 before
○ Armour Piercing Blow + Dedicated Warrior: Double Bonus if Escape Roll Result was
over 8 before Bonuses.
○ Body Sacrifice: Choose Bonus and make the appropriate Sensitivity Roll at the end of
her Turn.
○ Athlete: +1 to every Escape Roll.
○ Cybernetics: Arm: +1 to every Escape Roll per Arm for that specific Arm.
○ Power Armour: +1 to every Escape Roll while Active.
○ Transformative Mech Suit: Compact Mode Only: +1 to every Escape Roll.


Allows the Heroine to simultaneously Roll a Physical Attack while moving towards any Far Enemy.


Requires the Charge Trait.

Cost: 1 Action

Allows the Heroine to reach a Distant Enemy.


Cost: 1 Action

Allows the Heroine to forcibly change the Position of any character Near them to Far. The Heroine
must have both Arms Unbound in order to use this Trait. Cannot be used on a Bound / Penetrated
Heroine or an Enemy Binding / Penetrating a Heroine.


Requires the Shove Trait.

Cost: 1 Action

Hit a motherfucker with another motherfucker. This allows the Heroine to violently move Enemy
Near them by picking them up and smash them into a Far or Distant Second Enemy. The Heroine
must have both Arms Unbound in order to use this Trait. Cannot be used on an Enemy Binding /
Penetrating a heroine.

A Successful Physical Attack Roll will deal the Same Physical Damage to the Main Body of both
the Enemy that was thrown and the Enemy struck by the thrown Enemy. A Failed Roll will still
move the thrown Enemy and inflict a Fixed 1 Damage to them.
Only certain Physical traits are compatible with Toss. These Traits are the follow:
○ Warrior Maiden
○ No Need for Spells
○ Bleed
○ Full Force

Requires the Shove Trait.

Allows the heroine to violently change the Position of any Enemy Near them to Far with any
Physical Attack against their Main Body. Cannot be used on an Enemy Binding / Penetrating a

Any Enemy moved with this Trait can be used as a living projectile to smash into a Second Enemy
by making a Second Physical Attack Roll. If Successful, it will deal Additional Damage to the Main
Body of the enemy tossed and the Same Physical Damage to the Main Body of the Second Enemy.
Only certain Physical Traits are compatible with this Second Physical Roll. These Traits are the
○ Warrior Maiden
○ No Need for Spells
○ Bleed
○ Full Force

Requires the Shove Trait.

Allows the Heroine to violently change the Position of any Enemy Binding her by forcibly taking
them with her and scraping their body against the ground as she changes her own Position. Their
new Position will be the same as hers. This can be done as long as her Evasion has not been

Any enemy moved with this Trait will receive 5 Damage to their Main Body each time she changes

Status Effects

If a Physical Attack succeeds with a result of 16 Before Bonuses the Heroine can inflict a lasting wound
on the Enemy. They will lose 2 HP at the start of their Turn on the specific Body Part it was inflicted on.
This effect can be stacked.


If a Physical Attack succeeds with a result of 16 Before Bonuses against the Enemy’s Head the Heroine
can rattle their brain. Upon receiving this Status Effect, this places a -4 Penalty on all of their Rolls.

If a Physical Attack succeeds with a result of 16 Before Bonuses against the Enemy’s Arm or Leg, the
Heroine can shatter their bones. Upon receiving this Status Effect, the targeted Appendage will behave
as though it has Zero HP.


If a Physical Attack succeeds with a result of 16 Before Bonuses against the Enemy’s Tentacle /
Tongue / Tail, she can slice them off. Upon receiving this Status Effect, the targeted Appendage will
behave as though it has Zero HP.


Requires the Counter Dodge or Parry Trait.

If a Near Enemy Rolls below 5 Before Bonuses on their Evade Roll against a Physical Attack targeting
their Arm during either a Counter Dodge or Parry, regardless if her Roll is Successful or Fails, the
Heroine can grab their Arm and lock it into an unfavorable position. -1 Action and Evasion is Disabled.
Hold lasts until the Heroine voluntarily releases the Arm or the Enemy is Defeated. Beware; Evasion for
the Heroine will be equivalent of having One Arm Bound. The voluntary release of a Limb is
considered a Reflexive Action.

Only one Hold can be initiated per Enemy per Turn.

Knock Down

Requires the Counter Dodge or Parry Trait.

If an Enemy Rolls below 5 Before Bonuses on their Evade Roll against a Physical Attack Targeting
their Leg during either a Counter Dodge or Parry, regardless if her Roll is Successful or Fails, the
Heroine can force them onto the ground. Evasion and Attack are Disabled on their Next Turn.

Only one Knock Down can be initiated per Enemy per Turn.

Attack Potential

Her training has refined her ability to carry herself in battle. +1 Action.


Requires the Skilled Trait and Heroine to reach Level 5.

Her numerous battles have sharpened her skills. +2 Actions.


Requires the Experienced Trait and Heroine to reach Level 9.

She has participated in so many battles that fighting has become second nature to her. +3 Action.


One Extra Action on her Next Turn if any Enemies change their Position to Near her.

Will only Activate Once per Round.


One Extra Action on her Current Turn against Enemies if she changes her Position to Near them with
the use or Activation of certain Traits. These include:
○ False Doll
○ Invisibility
○ Doppelganger
○ Teleportation
○ Exchange
○ Charge!
○ Stealth
Will only Activate Once per Round.

Counter Dodge

A successful Evasion Roll can be followed up with either an Unavoidable Physical or Single-Target
Minor Spell on the Enemy who attacked her. An attack made with Counter Dodge does not subtract
from her overall number of Actions.

Whirlwind Dance cannot be used during Counter Dodge. Enemy must be Near.


By continuously Targeting the same Body Part in a row, the Heroine will be rewarded with a +1 Attack
Roll Bonus. This effect is cumulative and is lost if an Attack is directed at a different Body Part.


Instead of making an Evasion Roll, the Heroine can attempt to interrupt an Enemy Attack with an Attack
Roll. Attacks made with Parry can be avoided by the Enemy with an Evasion Roll. An Attack made with
Parry does not subtract from her overall number of Actions. Beware; a Barrier Roll cannot be made
afterwards if she Fails her Roll.
Whirlwind Dance or AOE Spells cannot be used during a Parry. Physical Attack can be used to Parry
Attacks from Far or Distant Enemies, but cannot Target them unless the Heroine possesses a Trait or
Characteristic that allows Physical Attacks to Target Far or Distant Enemies.


Attacks will inflict Double Damage during or after Activation of Certain Traits. These Traits are:
○ False Doll
○ Invisibility
○ Teleportation
○ Exchange
○ Mass Teleportation
○ Stealth
Can only be used once per Enemy.


The Heroine can hide herself from Enemies at the beginning of any encounter. While hidden, all Enemies
will not roll Attack and Evasion against her at Disadvantage while she rolls her Attack and Evasion at
Advantage. This lasts until the Heroine is hit or she makes an Attack.

While Stealth is Active, Heroines cannot be Targeted by the following Traits:

○ Depower
○ Empower
○ Teleportation
○ Exchange
○ Push and Pull
○ All Status Effects
○ Space Lock
Tail Growth

Upon taking this Trait, the Heroine will gain a Tail Every Three Levels up to a Max of Nine Tails in Total.
Each new Tail will function similar to the Multi-Tailed Goddess Characteristic.

Ascension Transformation

Requires the Heroine to reach Level 9.

Upon taking this Trait, the heroine is free to add, change or remove any Body Characteristic. Once the
changes are done, she is permanently locked into it for the remainder of the game.

Shatter Resistant

A Failed Barrier Roll will still protect the Heroine. Can only be used Once per Round.

Counter Barrier
A successful Barrier Roll will inflict 10 Points of Damage with a blast of Mana. The Heroine can choose
which Body Part is Damaged. This can be avoided by the Enemy with an Evasion Roll against her
Barrier Roll.

Enemy must be Near.


Reflect Elemental Magic back at an Enemy. All Elemental Magic is converted to the Heroine equivalent.
The Tier of the Spell is determined by the Enemy’s Category.
○ Lowly: Minor
○ Monstrous: Moderate
○ Devil: Major
○ Fiend: Monumental
○ Lord: AOE Monumental
The Reflected Elemental Magic can be avoided by the Enemy with an Evasion Roll against their
Original Roll.

Energy Efficient Barrier

The Mana consumed by a Barrier Roll is Halved (Rounded Up).

Barrier Refund

Every time the Heroine fails a Barrier Roll, she can roll 1d20+5 to avoid spending Mana. The Roll must
be equal to or greater than the previous Barrier Roll result.

Barrier Guardian

Can make a Barrier Roll to protect another Heroine from an Attack.

Barrier Enchantment

Outside Combat

The Heroine can imbue the power of an Attack Spell to her Barrier. This Enchantment cannot be
stacked, but will not disappear until the Barrier has been Activated and the Current Round ends. A
Successful Barrier Roll will allow it to inflict Damage equivalent to the strength of the Spell. The Heroine
can choose which Body Part is Damaged. Elemental Traits and Magic Status Effects can be applied.
○ Minor: 2 Damage
○ Moderate: 5 Damage
○ Major: 20 Damage
○ Monumental: 60 Damage
Can be used in conjunction with other Traits that enhance or change the properties of Spells and Barriers.

Still Good As New

Negate one Normal Attack per Encounter. Clothing Durability must be in perfect condition.

Clothing Counter

Normal Attacks inflicted on the Heroine will Damage the Enemy who attacked her. The Damage it can
deal will be determined by 1d10.

Enemy must be Near.

Emergency Fix

Cost: 1 Action

The Heroine can repair her Clothing in the middle of combat for 2 Mana per 1 CD. Cannot be performed
while being Penetrated by a Violate Attack.

Once per Encounter.


Clothing Durability will passively recover at a rate of 2 CD per Round.

Patchwork Repair

The Heroine can mend her Clothing without using Mana with a little bit of hard work and ingenuity. The
amount of CD regained is determined by a Dice Roll and its Size is equivalent to the amount of CD lost
during the encounter.

Can only be used once per finished Encounter.


Cost: 1 Action

The heroine can remove her Clothing during Combat, putting her at 0 CD. She can redress herself
anytime outside of Battle, regaining whatever amount of CD has had prior to removing her Clothing
without any need to spend Mana.

Disables the Emergency Fix and Auto-Repair Trait while Active.

Material Conversion

Cost: 1 Action

The process of materializing Mana into Clothing can be reversed. The Conversion Rate is 1 CD per 1
Mana. The Heroine is free to choose how much CD she wishes to convert.


The less Clothing Durability the Heroine has, the bigger the Evasion bonus they receive. Every 25 CD lost
from her max will gain +1 Evasion. This does not apply to the 100 CD gained from Armoured.

Maternal Tailor

The Heroine can help mend the Clothing of other Heroines. Certain Clothing Traits can be used in
conjunction with Maternal Tailer.
○ Still Good As New: Allows Repaired Clothing to Negate one Normal Attack. Only One
Activation per Repair.
○ Clothing Counter: Damages Near Enemy upon receiving a Normal Attack. Only One
Activation per Repair.
○ Emergency Fix: One Report per Heroine during Combat.
○ Patchwork Repair: One Repair per Heroine per finished Encounter.

Hold Back The Moan

The Heroine can avoid making a Sensitivity Roll with a successful Resistance Roll. In order for it to
succeed, it must be equal to or greater than the Lewd or Violate Attack that forced her to make the
Sensitivity Roll. Failure will result in her making Two Sensitivity Rolls.

After succeeding the initial Resistance Roll, all following Rolls will add a -1 modifier until the Heroine fails
of the encounter ends.

Relaxing Massage

Using her gentle hands, the Heroine can rub and squeeze other Heroines in all the right ways to relieve
their burning bodies. A Heroine can reduce the Sensitivity Points of another Heroine by half (Rounded

Can only be used Once per Completed Encounter.

Tension Relief

Every Successful Attack will reduce her Sensitivity Points by 5.

Slow Breathing
Cost: 1 Turn

By controlling her breath and keeping her mind focused, the Heroine can calm her lustful body, lowering
her Sensitivity Points by 100.

Cannot be used while Bound or Penetrated. Can only be used Once per Encounter and Once per
Completed Encounter.

Cast From Body

Instead of using Mana, the Heroine can choose to gain Sensitivity Points and make a Sensitivity Roll in
exchange for casting Spells, Barriers, repairing her Chastity Barrier, removing Curses and using Traits or
Characteristics that require Mana.

All Spells using this Trait will have a +5 Bonus regardless of how much Mana the Heroine has and force
her to make a Non-Erotic Sensitivity Roll at the end of her Turn. The amount of Sensitivity gained is
directly equivalent to the amount of Mana that would have been spent. The Sensitivity Roll is determined
by the Tier of the Spell.
○ Minor: 2d10 Sensitivity
○ Moderate: 5d10 Sensitivity
○ Major: 7d10 Sensitivity
○ Monumental: 10d10 Sensitivity
This Trait cannot be sued if the amount of Sensitivity Points gained exceeds 1000.

Lewd Draining

Heroines can challenge a Sensitivity Roll they make with a Second Roll. If the Second Roll is lower than
or equal to the first, the Enemy will receive Damage to either their Main Body, Arm, Tail or Tentacle
depending on what Body Part was sued for their previous Lewd or Violate Attack. The amount of Damage
is determined by the number of her Second Sensitivity Roll.
○ Sensitivity Roll 1-10: 1 Damage
○ Sensitivity Roll 11-20: 2 Damage
○ Sensitivity Roll 21-50: 5 Damage
○ Sensitivity Roll 51-70: 20 Damage
○ Sensitivity Roll 71-100: 60 Damage
Always keep in mind a Successful Roll will not protect the Heroine from experiencing the results of her
Two Rolls.

If her Second Roll is higher, the Two Rolls will instead have their results Combined and the Enemy will
suffer no Damage.

Lewd Draining cannot be used against any Lewd or Violate Attacks using Pacification Equipment.
Forbidden Power

For every Curse the Heroine has, she may assign a Permanent +1 to any Roll. Each Modifier will be
linked to a specific Curse. If the Curse tied to that Modifier Activates, all Bonus Modifiers attached to that
Curse and another other Curses linked to that particular will become Penalties instead.

The Penalties will stay for the duration of 3 Rounds after a Curse has been Activated. The 3 Turn
duration will be reset every time the Curse is Activated.

A Little Beastly

The Heroine can use her more beastly form from the Animalistic Curse to her advantage. Her better
control over the transformation allows her to speak without devolving into simple animal noises and
sensitivity to drop below 300. Picking this trait will automatically give her the Curse if she does not
have it. The advantages given are the following:
○ Prehensile Tail.
○ Adorable Ears.
○ +5 Physical Damage. Can interrupt Violate Attack with Physical Attacks.
○ +2 Evasion Roll.
Animalistic will no longer trigger Forbidden Power if this Trait is chosen.

Milk Drink

The heroine can use her overflowing milk caused by the Lactation Curse to aid other Heroines. Picking
this Trait will automatically give her the Curse if she does not have it. A Heroine can choose to nurse
from her, supplying them with Mana and a +3 For All Rolls. This Bonus cannot be stacked, but will
remain active for 3 Turns. The heroine being nursed from will Roll a 10d10 to determine the amount of
Mana given to the nursing Heroine and a Breast Sensitivity Roll with a -10 Modifier. If she Rolls a 61
or Higher on her Breast Sensitivity Roll and experiences an Orgasm, all Mana lost will be given to the
nursing Heroine. Bewar; Enemies who drink her milk will also receive benefits. They will gain +3 For
All Rolls and HP equivalent to the Mana she had lost form being milked by their Lewd Attack.

Lactation will no longer trigger Forbidden Power if this Trait is chosen.

Slutty Upgrade

The Heroine can take advantage of the transformations given to her by the Vibrancy Curse to gain more
powerful version of certain Body Characteristics. Picking this Trait will automatically give her the
Cruse if she does not have it.
○ Breasts
■ No Breast Characteristics > Busty if Breasts is chosen Once. Extra +20
■ Busty > Tigass Bitties if Breasts is chosen Twice. Extra +40 MR.
○ Nipples
■ No Nipple characteristics > Suckable Gumballs if Nipples is chosen
Once. Extra +200 MM.
■ Suckable Gumballs > Massive Gumballs if Nipples is chosen Twice. Extra
+600 MM.
○ Ass
■ No Ass Characteristics > Plump Rump if Ass is chosen Once. Extra +20
■ Plump Rum > Dumptruck if Ass is chosen Twice. Extra +40 MR.
○ Womb
■ No Womb Characteristics > Fertile if Hips are chosen Once. Extra +200
■ Fertile > Baby Factory if Hips is chosen Twice. Extra +600 MM.
○ Pussy
■ No Pussy Characteristics > Dripping Wet if Pussy is chosen Once. Extra
+200 MM.
■ Dripping Wet > Drooling Hole if Pussy is chosen Twice. Extra +600 MM.
○ Clit
■ No Clit Characteristics > Big Clit if Clit is chosen Once. Extra +200 MM.
■ Big Clit > Clitoromegaly if Clit is chosen Twice. Extra +600 MM.
Vibrancy will no longer trigger Forbidden Power if this Trait is chosen.


Cost: 1 Action

The heroine can direct the effects of her Pheromone Curse at Far or Distant Enemies, forcing them to
exclusively Attack her. Picking this Trait will automatically give her the Curse if she does not have it.
This Effect lasts for 1 Turn, but can be renewed indefinitely.

Pheromone will no longer trigger Forbidden Power if this Trait is chosen.

White Vampire

The Receptacle Curse is now always active in exchange for Doubling all Mana gained by consuming
Semen and removing the -10 Mana Loss Penalty. Picking this Characteristic will automatically give
her the Curse.

Receptacle will no longer trigger Forbidden Power if this Trait is chosen.

Reverse Flow

The Heroine has discovered a way to twist her Siphoning Curse to drain her opponent of their strength
instead of hers. The draining effects of Siphoning are reversed whenever she makes a Successful
Resistance Roll against the Curse.
○ Outside: Heroine gains +1 Evasion / Enemy gains -1 Lewd
○ Oral: Heroine gains +1 Escape / Enemy gains -1 Grapple
○ Ass: Heroine gains +1 Resistance / Enemy gains -1 Magic
○ Pussy: Heroine gains +1 Struggle / Enemy gains -1 Violate
Roll Bonuses

Fight with a heart full of passion. +1 Attack.


Move like a leaf on the wind. +1 Evasion.


Steel against unwanted influences. +1 Resistance.


Normally people can’t bend like that. +1 Escape.


Never surrender. +1 Struggle.

Enemy Attack Types, Potency, & Category

Enemies can perform five different types of Attacks.
○ Normal: Cause Clothing Damage.
○ Lewd: Increases Sensitivity and Drains Mana.
○ Magic: Inflict Perverse Status Effects.
○ Grapple: Binds Limbs.
○ Violate: Penetrate Holes
All Attacks cost 1 Action.

The potential power and bonuses for any Attack or ability to Evade with an Evasion Roll is determined by
what Category the Enemy belongs to. Health Points (HP) will be assigned on a case-by-case scenario.
○ Lowly: +1 to Rolls
○ Monstrous: +2 to Rolls
○ Devil: +4 to Rolls
○ Fiend: +6 to Rolls
○ Lord: +8 to Rolls
Normal Attacks used after Clothing Durability has reached zero will automatically fail or miss, unless
modified by a Trait. Damage dealt to Clothing Durability is equal to the difference between the Heroine
and Enemy’s Rolls.

Violate Attacks used after Mouth, Ass and Pussy are filled will fail or miss on anything below a Natural
All Enemies have a default of One Action and can only target Near Heroines/Enemies. This can be
modified with certain Traits or Characteristics.

Enemy Health Points

All Enemies have a set amount of Health Points (HP) which determines how much Damage they can
take before being defeated. All Body Parts have their own HP, generally 20% of the Main Body's HP.
Arms / Legs / Tentacles / Tail / Tongue / Head can be targeted, but at the cost of an Attack Roll
Penalty. There are different outcomes for HP reaching Zero for each Part.
○ Arm (-1 Attack Roll)
■ Single: Grapple Attacks are disabled for that particular arm.
■ All: Normal, Lewd and Violate Attacks involving Arms/Main Body are at
○ Leg (-2 Attack Roll)
■ Single: Evasion is at disadvantage for Legs/Main Body.
■ All: Evasion is Disabled for the Main Body and at disadvantage for Arms.
○ Tentacle / Tail / Tongue (-4 Attack Roll)
■ Single: All Attacks are Disabled for that particular Tentacle.
■ All: Every Attack type involving Tentacles is Disabled.
○ Head (-8 Attack Roll)
○ Main Body

Enemy Mindsets
While it is perfectly possible for the QM to make any and every decision for the Enemies during an
Encounter it can become a bit much to keep track of when there’s a lot of Enemies on the field. A possible
solution for this is to give Enemies Mindsets. These can be used to quickly determine what Actions an
Enemy will take in Combat as well as who they are likely to target and how likely they are to Retreat or
fight on to the death.

Below are a handful of example Mindsets that can be given to Enemies, for simplicities sake it is usually
best to only give an Enemy one Mindset.

○ Target: This breaks down the order in which the Enemy will Target Heroines, if their first
Target is not available, they will move onto the next and so on.
○ Action: This breaks down the Actions they are most likely to take in order to defeat a
Heroine. They will not always go through all of them in order, rather if they are unable to
perform an Action then they will move onto the next available Action that they can
○ Retreat: This sets out what conditions are required for the Enemy to Retreat as well as
the likely hood that they will not Retreat even when those conditions are met.
Enemies with the Predator Mindset tend to be driven by the primal need to breed, their desire to
dominate Heroines and propagate their kind leads to them focusing on lone or weaker targets.
Target: Prone Heroine > Lowest Level Lone Heroine > Weakest Looking Heroine (ie: Shorty, Smol, low
CD, high Sensitivity, Status Effect, etc.) > Smallest Group >
Action: Traits to Separate Groups > Move Closer > Grapple > Normal > Violate > Lewd
Retreat: Make a 5+ Retreat Roll when two Limbs are reduced to 0 HP or Main Body is reduced to half
HP. Make a 10+ Retreat Roll when Main Body is reduced to quarter HP.

Enemies with the Bestial Mindset are driven by their survival instincts and need to breed, they will at first
focus on debilitating the largest threat to their survival before moving onto weaker targets.
Target: Highest Level Heroine > Largest Group > Heroine that did most damage to it > Heroine that last
attacked it
Action: Move Closer > Normal > Grapple > Violate > Lewd
Retreat: Make a 10+ Retreat Roll when two Limbs are reduced to 0 HP or Main Body is reduced to half

Enemies with the Mindless Mindset know no fear and no restraint, they are driven entirely by their primal
lust to breed.
Target: Closest Heroine
Action: Move Closer > Grapple > Normal > Violate > Lewd
Retreat: Will not Retreat.

Enemies with the Coward Mindset prefer to avoid direct combat where they can, instead relying on
overwhelming numbers, striking from a distance or the assistance of larger more formidable enemies.
Target: Grappled Heroine > Prone Heroine > Lowest Level Heroine > Weakest Looking Heroine (ie:
Shorty, Smol, low CD, high Sensitivity, Status Effect) > Heroine with most Enemies targeting her
Action: Magic > Normal > Move Closer > Grapple > Pacification Equipment > Lewd > Violate
Retreat: Make a 5+ Retreat Roll when the same Category Enemy is Defeated. Make a 10+ Retreat Roll
when a higher Category Enemy is Defeated, two Limbs are reduced to 0 HP or Main Body is reduced to
half HP. Make a 15+ Retreat Roll when only Enemy left or Main Body is reduced to quarter HP.

Enemies with the Warrior Mindset prefer a challenge, they want to dominate a Heroine that can put up a
serious fight against them.
Target: Highest Level Heroine > Strongest Looking Heroine (Statuesque, BEEG, Brickhouse, highest CD,
etc.) > Non-Grappled Heroine > Largest Group
Action: Move Closer > Normal > Grapple > Lewd > Violate
Retreat: Make a 5+ Retreat Roll when Targeted Heroine is Defeated or Main Body is reduced to quarter
HP. Make a 10+ Retreat Roll when Targeted Heroine is Defeated and Main Body is reduced to quarter

Enemies with the Tactical Mindset rely on their intelligence to wear down their targets before moving in
for the figurative kill, often times relying on placing their targets at a disadvantage in order to ensure their
Target: Support Heroines > Lone Heroine > Smallest Group
Action: Magic > Normal > Move Closer > Lewd > Grapple > Pacification Equipment > Violate
Retreat: Make a 10+ Retreat Roll when Targeted Heroine is Defeated, two Limbs are reduced to 0 HP or
Main Body reduced to half HP. Make a 15+ Retreat Roll when half of Enemy party is Defeated or Main
Body reduced to quarter HP.

Enemy Character Sheet

==[ COMBAT ]==
Actions: 1

Health Points
Main Body: X/X
Body Part: X/X

Roll Modifiers
Normal [NOR] : +0
Lewd [LEW] : +0
Curse [CUR] : +0
Grapple [GRA] : +0
Violate [VIO] : +0
Evasion [EVA] : +0




==[ TRAITS ]==

==[ OTHER ]==

Enemy Build Guide

As the GM, you are responsible for crafting suitable Enemy encounters for your Players to
combat against and be conquered by. This can be a daunting task as there are a number of
factors that go into creating an Enemy that can satisfy the needs of your Player. Each Player
has different desires and character builds, requiring equally different Enemies to match them.
This guide will help you create the perfect Enemy for the right Player and situation.

➢ Understand What The Player Desires

➢ Choosing The Right Amount Of HP
➢ Tiers Matter Less Than You Think
➢ How Traits & Characteristics Help Craft The Right Enemy
➢ Example Enemies
Understand What The Player Desires

Before you can begin the process of fabricating an Enemy, it is important you communicate with
your Players about what they want out of an Enemy encounter. Enemies are not simply
challenges to be overcome, they are vehicles for the Player’s fetishes and kinks. Knowing what
turns your Players on and what fetishes to avoid will not only help with the creation process
when selecting Characteristics and Traits, but allows everyone to understand where everyone’s
boundaries lie.

This includes the GM. If you are not comfortable with any fetishes or kinks a Player wants you to
introduce in the game, you are free to decline. Communicate with each other and if a
compromise cannot be reached, politely suggest to them to find another game. The GM is not
obliged to play out a fetish or kink they find uncomfortable.

Always remember good communication between the GM and Players will lead to a fun game for

Choosing The Right Amount Of HP

Here are a variety of tips to help you determine the HP of any given Enemy you create.
Remember, these are not hard-clad rules, but simply suggestions. How much HP you assign
any given Enemy is up to your own judgment.

● Using the default Damage of each Spell Tier can make for a good general baseline for
how much HP the Main Body of any Enemy encounter can be.

○ Minor | 2 ~ 4 HP | Difficulty: Very Easy

○ Moderate | 5 ~ 10 HP | Difficulty: Easy
○ Major | 20 ~ 40 HP | Difficulty: Somewhat Hard
○ Monumental | 60 ~ 120 HP | Difficulty: Hard

● Against Solo Players, a fairly balanced Enemy should be able to be defeated with One
to Two Spells of the Same Tier. For Players using purely Physical Builds, Enemy HP
should follow the same principle and be defeatable within One to Two Physical

● Against Groups of Players with different Damage outputs, make sure to have a mix of
Enemies with different HP values to give each Player a fair challenge.

● HP does not need to coordinate with the Tier of the Enemy. A Lord can have low HP.
Likewise, a Lowly can have high HP.

● Players with a MM of above 1000 are more likely to use Major and Monumental Spells.
● HP for all other Body Parts should be roughly equal or less than 20% of the Main Body.

○ Enemy A

■ Main Body | 10/10 HP

■ Head | 2/2 HP
■ Right Arm | 2/2 HP
■ Left Arm | 2/2 HP
■ Right Leg | 2/2 HP
■ Left Leg | 2/2 HP

● Always take account of what Damage boosting Characteristics and Traits the Player has.
The more Damage a Player can inflict, the less Mana and Actions they have to waste
taking down Enemies. Raise the amount of HP if needed.

● Not all Enemies need to be fair. Creating Enemies that can take multiple hits is an easy
way to challenge Players. Be careful to not make Enemies ‘Damage Sponges’. If an
Enemy can withstand more than Three Hits from a Player’s strongest Attack, a Battle
has the potential to drag out.

● Likewise, not all Enemies need to be challenging. Throwing out low HP Enemies is a
nice way to reward Players with easy EP and a sense of feeling powerful.

● Having a Group of Enemies with various HP variables can encourage Players to


Tiers Matter Less Than You Think

The Tier of an Enemy is a rough estimate of how powerful or difficult any particular Enemy will
be. A Lowly Enemy will typically be far easier to deal with than a Lord Enemy. This is thanks to
the massive difference in Dice Size and number of Traits they can use. However, depending on
their HP and what Traits / Characteristics they have in their possession, a Lowly Enemy can
present Players a challenging fight.
Don’t become stuck thinking an Enemy has to be a Lord to give powerful Players a decent
challenge. A clever combination of Traits / Characteristics on a weak Enemy and good
strategies can make for a very fulfilling fight. Don’t be afraid to experiment!

How Traits & Characteristics Help Craft The Right Enemy

What separates one Enemy from another is the Traits / Characteristics they possess. It is
important that the Traits and Characteristics they are given are both narratively and
mechanically appropriate.

Narratively, you want Traits / Characteristics that would fit who and what the Enemy is within
the roleplay. For example, if you wish to craft a ‘Tentacle Monster’, there are a number of
options to choose from.

For Characteristics, you could choose any of the following.

● Multi-Armed Terror
● Knotty Cock / Tentacle
● Bumpy Cock / Tentacle
● Girthy Cock / Tentacle
● Slippery Tentacle
● Tentacle Polymorphism
● Egg Laying Tentacle

Of course, you are free to combine any of the above with other Characteristics, but these are
the ones that will help narratively convey the idea of ‘Tentacle Monster’ through the game

For Traits, you can choose whatever best fits what the ‘Tentacle Monster’ is capable of. Are they
a mindless perverse creature? Give them Traits like Beastly Desire or Molester. Do they
behave aggressively and are quick to restrain their prey? Try Paralyzing Toxin or Knock
Down. Maybe they are intelligent and are capable of using Magic to weaken those who oppose
them? Equip them with a Status Effect. There are many ways to customize Enemies to reflect
their place in the narrative.

Mechanically, you want Traits that can give your Players an appropriate challenge. Not all
Traits / Characteristics are created equal and not all Players can handle fighting an Enemy with
certain Traits / Characteristics. Also keep in mind you don’t need to use the Max number of
Traits for an Enemy. Don’t fill every slot if you don’t need to.

Against Solo Players, please use Traits / Characteristics that their Heroine cannot easily fight
against sparingly. Giving every Enemy the ability to effortlessly counter the Player can quickly
lead to Player frustration.
Against Groups, having Enemies that counter a Player is more acceptable if they are
introduced together with Enemies that they excel at fighting against. This can be a good way to
make each Player in the Group feel like an important and needed asset to the team.

Example Enemies

==[ COMBAT ]==
Category: Lowly
Actions: 1

Health Points
Main Body: 3/3

Roll Modifiers
Normal [NOR] : +0
Lewd [LEW] : +0
Curse [CUR] : +0
Grapple [GRA] : +0
Violate [VIO] : +0
Evasion [EVA] : +0


+2 HP Per Turn



Amorphous Blob
All For One

==[ TRAITS ]==

Tight Hold
Knock Down
Aphrodisiac Fluid
Slow Regeneration


==[ OTHER ]==
==[ COMBAT ]==
Category: Monstrous
Actions: 1

Health Points
Main Body | 10/10 HP
Right Arm | 2/2 HP
Left Arm | 2/2 HP
Right Leg | 2/2 HP
Left Leg | 2/2 HP

Roll Modifiers
Normal [NOR] : +0
Lewd [LEW] : +0
Curse [CUR] : +0
Grapple [GRA] : +0
Violate [VIO] : +0
Evasion [EVA] : +0


Main Body | 10/10
Right Arm | 10/10
Left Arm | 10/10
Right Leg | 10/10
Left Leg | 10/10

Paralyzing Toxin


All For One

==[ TRAITS ]==

Long Range Attacker

Paralyzing Toxin
Armored Foe
Quick Draw


Steel Chains x 1

==[ OTHER ]==
Tentacle Monster
==[ COMBAT ]==
Category: Devil
Actions: 5

Health Points
Main Body: 40/40
Tentacle A: 6/6
Tentacle B: 6/6
Tentacle C: 6/6
Tentacle D: 6/6
Tentacle E: 6/6

Roll Modifiers
Normal [NOR] : -5
Lewd [LEW] : +40
Curse [CUR] : -5
Grapple [GRA] : -15
Violate [VIO] : +5
Evasion [EVA] : -5


+2 HP Per Turn



Multi-Armed Terror
Slippery Tentacle
White Projectile
Aphrodisiac Cum
==[ TRAITS ]==

Slow Regeneration
Forced Bond


==[ OTHER ]==
Enemy Characteristics

Enemies can come in a variety of different shapes and sizes. The GM can choose any number
of Body and Cock / Tentacle Characteristics to help define the type of Enemy they wish to

➢ Body
○ Nonhuman
○ Attributes
○ Cock / Tentacle
○ Ejaculation
➢ Soul
○ Idios Kosmos
○ Koinos Kosmos

Winged Monstrosity

Thanks to the superior air mobility afforded by their Wings, they can initiate a Reroll a Failed Evasion
Roll once per Turn.

Unless they approach a Heroine, it is not possible to get Near them under normal means. The
following is a list of Traits that will allow a Heroine to get Near them:
○ Flight: Heroine will automatically become Far from everyone.
○ Push and Pull: Must us Pull.
○ Fling: Must use Pull.
○ Teleportation (Self): Heroine will automatically become Far from everyone at the end of
her Turn.
○ Teleportation (Enemy): Must be used directly on the Enemy.
○ Gravity Well: Disables Evasion Roll advantage.
○ Overwhelming Force: Disables Evasion Roll advantage.
○ Immobile: Disables Evasion.
○ Jump!: Heroine will automatically become Far from everyone at the end of her Turn.
All Attacks that target their Wings will suffer a -2 Attack Penalty. However, Wings are frail and can be
easily rendered useless with a single hit from any Attack. Once that happens, the Enemy will lose all its
benefits and gain a permanent -2 Evasion Penalty for the duration of the Encounter.

Immune to Rune Trap.

Serpentine Body

Can initiate a Grapple Attack with its Main Body by coiling itself around the Heroine. It can Bind all Four
Limbs within 2 Rounds, starting with Both Legs on the First Round and Both Arms on the Second
Round. Once completely Bound, escaping will require Four Successful Escape Rolls one for Each
Limb against the Enemy’s One Roll. Even if not all of them are Successful, each Roll that passes will
give a +1 Escape for each still Bound Limb on their next attempt. The Bonuses stack and will last until
the Heroine escapes.

Amorphous Blob

Can initiate a Grapple Attack with its Main Body by pulling the Heroine into itself. The Main Body is
capable of Binding multiple Body Parts. Due to their squishy body, they are immune to all Status Effects
inflicted by Physical Attacks.


Can make a Normal or Grapple Attack with their Head, this grants them +1 Action. Doubles Damage
from Normal Attacks using Head.

Swallow Hole
Requires the Jaws Characteristic.

Can initiate a Grapple Attack with its Head by engulfing a Heroine and Swallowing her. It can Bind all
Four Limbs within 2 Rounds, starting with Both Arms on the First Round and Both Legs on the
Second Round. Once completely Bound, the Heroine cannot be targeted and will automatically receive
a Normal Attack each Round until her CD reaches Zero, she will also automatically receive a Lewd
Attack forcing her to make a Non-Erotic Area Sensitivity Roll as well as another for her Breasts if they
are Exposed and a third for her Ass if it is exposed.

While Swallowed the Heroine cannot make any Actions unless she has the Severe Trait, in which case
she can attempt to make a Physical Attack against the Enemy. She will remain Swallowed until the
Enemy’s HP drops to Zero or it uses an Action to release her.

Each Swallowed Heroine inflicts a -5 Evasion Roll Penalty.

Multi-Legged Terror

Each Additional Leg they have will equate to an Additional +1 Evasion. An Enemy can have a Max of
Six Extra Legs for a total of +6 Evasion. Legs that have had their Health Points reduced to Zero will be
subtracted from the total Evasion Bonus.

If the Enemy has been created with Zero Arms / Tentacles / Tails they automatically gain the Jaws
Characteristic. This will also automatically grant them Knock Down with the Result needed to Activating
Knock Down lowered by 4 for every Extra Pair of Legs. This each increment of 4 will be removed for
every Extra Pair of Legs that have their HP reduced to Zero.
○ One Pair: Activate Knock Down on Roll Results over 12 before Bonuses.
○ Two Pairs: Activate Knock Down on Roll Results over 8 before Bonuses.
○ Three Pairs: Activate Knock Down on Roll Results over 4 before Bonuses.
AOEs can Target all their Legs and all Damage done to them will also inflict Damage on the Main

Multi-Armed Terror

Can Attack multiple times in a single Turn. The number of Attacks that can be performed is equal to the
number of Arms / Tentacles / Tails they have. Arms / Tentacles / Tails that have had their Health Points
reduced to Zero will be subtracted from the total amount of Attacks.

AOEs can target their Arms / Tenacles / Tails and all Damage done to them will also inflict Damage
on the Main Body.

Prehensile Tail

Can initiate a Violate Attack with its Tail that’s capable of completing all Stages of Penetration. The tail
will function similar to a Tentacle and give them an Additional Attack.

The Additional Attack is removed upon its Tail being reduced to Zero HP.
Extra Long Tongue

Can initiate a Violate Attack with its Tongue that’s capable of completing all Stages of Penetration. The
tongue will function similar to a tentacle and give them an Additional Attack, but is incapable of
performing Normal or Magic Attacks. +1 Violate.

The Additional Attack is removed upon its Tongue being reduced to Zero HP.

Clawed Monstrosity

Doubles Damage from Normal Attacks that use Arms or Legs.


The Enemy is quite adapted to the art of warfare. +6 Normal Attack. Unfortunately, their focus on battle
prowess has made their other skills suffer. -1 to all Grapple, Lewd, Magic, Violate and Evasion Rolls.


The Enemy is a master at restraining their foes. +6 Grapple Attack. Unfortunately, their focus on
grappling has made their other skills suffer. -1 to all Normal, Lewd, Magic, Violate and Evasion Rolls.


The Enemy knows all the best ways to please others. +6 Lewd. Unfortunately, as they’re a lover and not
a fighter their other skills suffer. -1 to all Normal, Grapple, Magic, Violate and Evasion Rolls.


The Enemy is a master of the arcane arts. +6 Magic. Unfortunately, their focus on the arcane has made
their other skills suffer. -1 to all Normal, Grapple, Lewd, Violate and Evasion Rolls.


The Enemy cares little for physical boundaries. +6 Violate. Unfortunately, their focus on carnal pleasure
has made their other skills suffer. -1 to all Normal, Grapple, Lewd, Magic and Evasion Rolls.


The Enemy can move with profound speed. +6 Evasion. Unfortunately, their focus on avoiding harm has
made their other skills suffer. -1 to all Normal, Grapple, Lewd, Magic and Violate Rolls.
100% All Woman

The Enemy lacks the necessary biological equipment to make Violate Attacks or Impregnate Heroines.
They instead employ their extensive knowledge of the female body to transform their fellow women into
quivering messes. All Sensitivity Penalties caused by Lewd Attacks are Doubled. Incompatible with
all Cock / Tentacle and Ejaculation Characteristics. Can perform Violate Attacks with Pacification

They stand head and shoulders above others. +2 to Normal and Grapple Attack. This does however
make them an easier target. -1 to Evasion.

The tower over even the tallest of people. +4 to Normal and Grapple Attack. However, the bigger they
are the harder they fall. -2 to Evasion.

They are of a truly monstrous size. +6 to Normal and Grapple Attack. The problem with being the size
of a barn is that its pretty darn easy to hit. -3 to Evasion.

Their smaller frame grants them greater maneuverability. +2 Evasion. However, their scrawny build
makes overpowering their target more difficult. -1 to Grapple.

Short and nimble, they are a pain to pin down. +4 to Evasion. However, there’s not a lot of leverage in
such a small frame. -2 to Grapple.

Cock / Tentacle
Double Cocked

Can Penetrate both Ass and Pussy at the same time with their Two Cocks using a Single Violate Roll.
The Heroine is limited to a Single Struggle Roll to defend both holes while the Enemy Rolls Twice. As
long as the Enemy succeeds on One of their Two Rolls they can advance a Stage on both holes.

Does not apply to Tentacles.

Knotty Cock / Tentacle

Violate Attacks cannot be interrupted once Stage 5 of Penetration for either Ass or Pussy have been
reached due to their Knot preventing their Cock / Tentacle from being removed. Additionally, the Knot
also causes an Extra +20 to her Sensitivity Roll every Turn and their Impregnation Resistance is
Rolled as Disadvantage.

Bumpy Cock / Tentacle

+10 Sensitivity Roll on every Violate Attack.

Girthy Cock / Tentacle

-4 Violate Attack for Cock or Tentacle. Its massive size makes Penetration difficult, but if the Enemy
does manage to get a Successful Violate Attack, the Heroine must add +25 to her Sensitivity Roll.

Slippery Tentacle

Its slickness makes it easier for the Enemy to Penetrate Heroines. +2 Violate Roll. The same slickness,
however, makes it easier for Heroines to Escape their hold when Grappling them. -2 Grapple Roll.

Sucker Tentacle

Its tentacle is covered in suckers adding +5 to Sensitivity Rolls and +2 to Grapple.

Cock Polymorphism

The Enemy is capable of transforming their Cock into different forms. The can use any Cock
Characteristic (Double Cocked / Knotty Cock / Bumpy Cock / Girthy Cock). The can choose One
Cock Characteristic before Combat. Swapping or adding another Cock Characteristic will use up an
Action if done during Combat.

Tentacle Polymorphism

The Enemy is capable of transforming their Tentacle into different form. They can use any Tentacle
Characteristic (Knotty Tentacle / Bumpy Tentacle / Girthy Tentacle / Slippery Tentacle / Sucker
Tentacle). They can choose One Tentacle Characteristic before Combat. Swapping or adding another
Tentacle Characteristic will use up an Action if done during Combat.

Ovipositor Cock / Tentacle

The devious Ovipositor will start trying to pump Eggs inside the Heroine upon reaching Stage 5
Penetration for Oral / Ass or Stage 4 Penetration for Pussy. Each Successful Violate Attack from
that point onward will fill her with an Egg, causing her to add +10 to her Sensitivity Roll.

Once inserted, each Egg will start to grow over the period of 10 Rounds. Each Round will add a
Negative Modifier to all Attack, Evasion, Escape, Struggle and Mana Recovery. This Modifier is
determined by the number of Eggs inside her.

○ 1 Egg: -1 Penalty.
○ 2 Eggs: -2 Penalty.
○ 3 Eggs: -3 Penalty.
○ 4 Eggs: -4 Penalty.
○ +5 Eggs: -5 Penalty.

The effect is Cumulative and will cap at a Maximum of -50.

At the 10th Round, she will attempt to give birth. The Heroine, if she chooses, can make a Struggle Roll
against the Violate Roll of the Egg to delay the birth. The Dice Bonus of the Violate Attack is equivalent
to the Dice Bonus of the Enemy who implanted her with the Egg. The number of Violate Attacks made is
determined by the number Eggs inside her. All Struggle Rolls must be Successful or else she will
give birth.

After succeeding the initial Struggle Roll, all following Rolls on each Turn will add a -1 Modifier until the
Heroine can no longer hold back. All Penalties will be removed upon giving birth, but she will suffer the
Ahegao Penalty and lost her Current Turn. Eggs will hatch into a Copy of the Enemy that implanted
them. This Copy will be born as the same Category as the Enemy, but with 1 HP for all Body Parts and
No Traits.

Once the Heroine has given birth to 5 Eggs, any remaining inside her that are still growing or are ready to
hatch will have their progress halted for 3 Rounds. After the 3 Turns have passed, the process will
continue from where it had stopped until she either gives birth to another batch of 5 Eggs or the
remaining Eggs inside her are gone.

A Heroine can attempt to expunge the Eggs early by making a Struggle Roll against the Grapple Roll of
the Eggs where the Bonus to the Eggs’ Roll is equivalent to the number she has been implanted with. If
she succeeds, she will expunge the Eggs but will have to make a number of Sensitivity Rolls equal to
the Eggs expunged for either her Pussy or Ass depending on which way the exited.

Impregnation is impossible while there are Eggs inside her Womb.


Every Successful Attack on the Enemy will allow them to make a Lewd or Violate Attack for
Ejaculation. Incompatible with the Sadist Characteristic.

Automatically activates Cum Shot.


Every Successful Normal, Magic or Violate Attack made by the enemy will allow them to make a Lewd
or Violate Attack for Ejaculation. Incompatible with the Masochist Characteristic.

Automatically activates Cum Shot.

Quick Shot

Chance for Ejaculation requires only One Successful Lewd or Violate Attack to raise a Tier.

Lowly Monstrous Devil Fiend Lord

1 Attack 20+ Nat 20 Nat 20 Nat 20 Nat 20

2 Attacks 16+ 20+ Nat 20 Nat 20 Nat 20

3 Attacks 12+ 16+ 20+ Nat 20 Nat 20

4 Attacks 8+ 12+ 16+ 20+ Nat 20

5 Attacks All All All All All

Extra Thick Load

+2 for every Impregnation Attempt. -2 Evasion on a Heroine’s Next Turn if her Legs are hit, -2 Attack
and Evasion if her Face was hit. Can be Stacked.


Can produce a massive amount of semen. All Cum related Penalties are Doubled.

Cum Shot

Cost: 1 Action

Can spray cum from a distance without the need of any stimulation. Enemies can choose to make a
Lewd Roll to determine if they Ejaculate. The number of Lewd Rolls that can be made per Turn is
determined by the number of Cocks and/or Tentacles the Enemy has. Failed Rolls will not subtract
from their total number of Actions. If Successful, their Semen can be used as an Attack. Its chance to
hit is determine by the Lewd Attack that triggered the Ejaculation. Its Effect depend on where it
○ Face: -1 Evasion Next Turn and -25 Mana
○ Clothes: -25 CD
○ Exposed: -25 Mana
○ Wings: Disables Bonuses and allows Enemies to become Near. Lasts 3 Rounds. Can be
removed or prevented with a Sanitization Trait.
Can target Near, Far and Distant Heroines.

Aphrodisiac Cum

Increases Sensitivity and adds to the Next Sensitivity Roll. How much depends on where the Semen is
deposited. Can be Stacked.
○ Outside: +10 Sensitivity Points and +5 Sensitivity Roll
○ Mouth: +20 Sensitivity Points and +10 Sensitivity Roll
○ Ass: +30 Sensitivity Points and +15 Sensitivity Roll
○ Pussy: +40 Sensitivity Points and +20 Sensitivity Roll
Brainwashing Cum

Is capable of eroding the willpower of Heroines upon making contact with their Semen. The strength of
the brainwashing effect depends on where the Semen was deposited and the amount of contact made.
○ Outside: -1 Resistance Roll
○ Mouth: -2 Resistance Roll
○ Ass: -3 Resistance Roll
○ Pussy: -4 Resistance Roll
Repeated contact will continuously add to the Penalty. The brainwashing effect disappears once the
Enemy is Defeated / Killed or Combat ends.

Idios Kosmos

Immunity to all Spells. This includes helpful Magic from other Enemies.

Does not give immunity to Energy Blast or Move. Incompatible with Incorporeal. Can
automatically Activate Magic Devour if a Spell is used on them.


Enemy has no physical body. Lewd and Violate Attacks can be used regardless of her Clothing
Durability and can bypass her Barrier. Normal and Grapple, however, cannot be used at all.
Incorporeal also allows them to make Evasion Rolls during Penetration and grant immunity to
Physical Attacks.

Does not give immunity to Physical Attacks using Enchantment, Armoury Creation or Energy
Blast. Immune to Move. Incompatible with Anti-Magic.


Cannot be killed unless the HP for their Head is reduced to Zero. No Penalties are applied for any
Appendage with 0 HP unless it was Severed. Undead are immune to the following:
○ Heal
○ Revive
○ Slow Heal
○ Daemonium
○ All Physical Status Effects
○ Slow Death
○ Femme Fatale
Certain Traits have unique Properties when used against any Enemy with Undead. These Traits
are the following:
○ Portal Slice: 0 JP Penalty for Appendages are Applied.
○ Ignis: Guaranteed increased Damage.
○ Sanctus: Inflicts Double Damage.
○ Cleanse: Can be used as an Attack. Instantly reduces HP to Zero.
○ Purify: Can be used as an Attack. Instantly reduces HP to Zero and inflicts
Permanent -2 on Rolls. Can be stacked.
○ Exonerate: Can be used as an Attack. Instantly obliterates Enemy and turns them
into dust. Necromancy cannot be used to revive them.

The Enemy is a Blessed being with a strong affinity for certain Traits. These Traits are the
○ Sanctus: Automatically given upon taking this Characteristic. All Bonuses are
Doubled if taken a second time.
○ Empower: Double Bonus.
○ Depower: Double Bonus.
○ Heal: Double HP Gained.
○ Revive: Gain Half of Max HP (Rounded Down)
Because of their Blessed existence, they cannot use the following Traits.
○ Daemonium
○ All Curse Traits
○ All Status Effects
Additionally, all Status Effects and Daemonium used against them will be Doubled in Strength.


The Enemy is a Damned being with a strong affinity for certain Traits. These Traits are the
○ Daemonium: Automatically given upon taking this Characteristic. All Bonus are
Doubled if taken a second time.
○ Curse Mastery: Grants a +8 Bonus to Magic Attacks that can inflict Curses.
○ Twice Blight: Can afflict a Third Curse on a Heroine.
○ Pestilence: Heroine makes Resistance Rolls at disadvantage.
○ Clingy Miasma: Heroine makes Resistance Rolls at super disadvantage.
Because of their Damned existence, they cannot use the following Traits.
○ Sanctus
○ All Support Traits
Additionally, Certain Traits have Unique Properties when used against any Enemy with Demonic.
These Traits are the following:
○ Sanctus: Inflicts Double Damage.
○ Cleanse: Can be used as an Attack. Instantly reduces HP to Half (Rounded Down).
○ Purify: Can be used as an Attack. Instantly reduces HP to Half (Rounded Down).
And inflicts Permanent -2 on all Rolls. Can be Stacked.
○ Exonerate: Can be used as an Attack. Instantly obliterates Enemy and turns them
into dust. Necromancy cannot be used to revive them.
Divide & Conquer
Every Successful Attack on the Enemy will cause them to split in two. Both Enemies will be
identical in HP, Traits and Bonuses. This can be repeated until HP has reached 0. Duplicated
Enemies will not reward any EXP.

Magic Resistant

Whether it be friend or foe, Spells Targeting them have a tendency to fizzle into nothingness right
before reaching them. Any Magic Attack with a Dice Roll of 10 or under will automatically fail while
Natural 1s on will automatically Activate Magic Devour.

Does not give immunity to Energy Blast or Move. Incompatible with Incorporeal.

Koinos Kosmos

All For One

All Enemies with this Trait can perform a single powerful coordination Attack together by combining their
Roll Bonuses into one. The Bonus cannot exceed 10. Only Attack Rolls are affected. Must be Near
another Enemy with this Trait for it to Activate and they must have at least 1 Action remaining.
Can be split into different combinations of Enemies to perform multiple Attacks.

○ Four Lowly Enemies use a Single Normal Attack together and Roll with a +4 Bonus.
○ Two pairs of Lowly Enemies use a Single Normal Attack each. Each pairs Rolls with a +2
The individual Enemies can choose specific targets when performing Lewd, Grapple or Violate Attacks.
Although it is treated as a singular Attack, the effects of each individual Enemy will be applied.

○ One Group of Three Enemies make a successful Lewd Attack. Each one attacks Ass,
Breasts and Pussy individually. The Heroine has to make 3 Sensitivity Rolls, one for each
targeted area.
If all Enemies within a Group share a Trait / Characteristic that Modifies their Attack or number of Actions,
they can use it.

○ All Enemies within the Group have the Cum Shot and Extra Thick Load They can make
an Ejaculation Roll, use Cum Shot if successful, and have multiple -2 Evasion Roll
Modifiers be applied to the Heroine if she is hit.
○ All Enemies within the group have the Cum Shot Characteristic, but only one has Extra
Thick Load. They can make an Ejaculation Roll and use Cum Shot if successful, but the
-2 Evasion Roll Modifier will not be applied if she is hit.
Any Trait that can inflict Penalties can be stacked unless stated otherwise in their description.

○ Four Enemies within the Group have the White Projectile and Extra Thick Load They
can make an Ejaculation Roll and successfully hit the Heroine’s Legs with Cum Shot. A -6
Evasion Roll Modifier is applied to her.
Incompatible with the Multi-Armed Terror Characteristic.

Frantic Battler

They are capable of moving and striking with savage swiftness. The Enemy can perform an Additional 2
Actions in Combat. However, if any Body Part is reduced to 0 HP, this will Disable their 2 Additional

Lead Weight

Their immense bulk gives them a -5 Evasion Penalty, but gives them immunity to the following Traits:
○ Shove!
○ Toss!
○ Slam!
○ Drag!
○ Knock Down
○ Hold
○ Push and Pull
○ Fling
○ Separate
Incompatible with Feather Weight.

Feather Weight

Their tiny mass gives them +5 Evasion and Attack, but makes them receive Double Damage from all

Incompatible with Lead Weight.

Equipment User

The Enemy has extensively trained themselves to wield Pacification Equipment in combat. All Bonuses
to Lewd, Grapple and Violate Attacks using Pacification Equipment are Doubled. Sadly, without their
tools, they lack the confidence and skill to please women. All Lewd, Grapple and Violate Attacks without
the use of Pacification Equipment do not have a Bonus.

Reckless Drive

They attack with reckless savagery and single-minded intent. All Attack Rolls are at Advantage. Sadly,
they have very little regard for their own safety. All Attack Rolls against them are at Advantage.

Weapon User
The Enemy has extensively trained themselves to wield weapons in combat. There are Two Weapon
Types they can choose from; One-Handed and Two-Handed.

One-Handed Weapons must be Assigned to a particular Arm / Tentacle / Tongue / Tail. Each Assigned
One-Handed Weapon will give +2 Normal Attack and have 10 HP. Assigning multiple One-Handed
Weapons will induce a Penalty to Evasion. -2 Evasion is added for each Extra One-Handed Weapon
after the First.

Two-Handed Weapons must be Assigned to Both Arms. Only a Single Two-Handed Weapon can be
Assigned. +5 Normal Attack and 15 HP.

Both One and Two-Handed Weapons can be Targeted by a Heroine at the cost of a -4 Attack Roll

Any Arm / Tentacle / Tongue / Tail Assigned a Weapon can be Dropped similar to Pacification
Equipment. Once Dropped, the Enemy will lose the Bonus Normal Attack Roll for that Weapon.
Dropped Weapons can be Re-equipped by the Enemy for 1 Action. All Dropped Weapons will be
given their own Position to keep track of them. Dropped Weapons can be Targeted by the Heroine
without the need to make a Roll.

If all Arm / Tentacle / Tongue / Tail are Assigned a Weapon, the Enemy cannot perform any Lewd,
Grapple or Violate Attacks. They must Unequip at least one Weapon. Unequipping costs 1 Action.

Other Enemies can pick up any Dropped Weapons for 1 Action. Additionally, Enemies can give or swap
Weapons between each other for 1 Action.

Metallic Frame

Their sturdy metal body can withstand far more punishment than one made of flesh and is able to Negate
Damage inflicted on it. How much Damage is Negated is determined by a Dice Roll. The size of the Dice
is the equivalent to the Potential Damage of the Attack.

○ Heroine makes a Successful Attack Roll capable of 20 Damage. Enemy Rolls 1d20 and
gets a 10. Enemy takes 10 Damage instead of 20.
Due to their inorganic body, they are immune to the following:
○ All Status Effects
○ Enpower
○ Depower
○ Heal
○ Revive
○ Necromancy
○ Slow Heal
○ Life Drain
○ Lewd Draining
Incompatible with the following:
○ Hardened Body
○ Slow, Mid and Fast Regeneration
○ Armoured Foe
○ Determined
○ Undead
○ All Roll Bonuses

Enemy Traits
Each Enemy has access to additional abilities that either modify their stats or give them attacks unique to
them. The max number of Traits they have access to depends on what category they fall into.
○ Lowly: 5 Traits.
○ Monstrous: 6 Traits.
○ Devil: 7 Traits.
○ Fiend: 8 Traits.
○ Lord: 9 Traits.
Below is a list of general Traits. What Traits any Enemy receives is determined by the QM on a
case-by-case basis.


➢ Elemental
➢ Manakinesis
➢ Telepathy
➢ Telekinesis
➢ Magnokinesis
➢ Chronokinesis
➢ Spatiokinesis
➢ Gyrokinesis
➢ Movement
➢ Deceptive
➢ Enthralment
➢ Vitakinesis
➢ Defense
➢ Status Effects


➢ Restrain
➢ Perversion
➢ Movement
➢ Defense
➢ Pacification Equipment

Attack Potential
Roll Bonuses



Master of Electricity. With this power, Enemies can summon dazzling lightning that can bypass the
protection of Clothing and numb Heroines with pleasing tingles.

Lewd Attacks can be performed with tingling arcs of electricity. Unlike normal Lewd Attacks, this can
ignore CD and can Target more sensitive areas (Breasts / Nipples / Ass / Pussy / Clit). All Sensitivity Rolls
will be done with a -10 Modifier. There are additional Effects depending on the Body Part Targeted.
○ Arms: Numbed / -2 Attack Next Turn / Cannot be Stacked.
○ Legs: Numbed / -2 Evasion Next Turn / Cannot be Stacked.
○ Breasts: Extra Tingly / +15 Sensitivity on Next Lewd Attack / Cannot be Stacked.
○ Nipples: Milk Spray / Lose Mana, roll 5d10 to determine amount.
○ Ass: Twitching Rosebud / Threshold for Ejaculation for Cocks / Tentacles lowered by 4
Next Attack / Cannot be Stacked.
○ Pussy: Forced to Squirt / Lose Mana, roll 5d10 to determine amount.
○ Clit: Aching / +15 Sensitivity Roll on Next Lewd Attack / Cannot be Stacked.
Can target Near, Far & Distant Heroines.


Master of Fire. With this power, Enemies can summon magical flames capable of burning away Clothing
and Mana without physically harming those caught in their blaze. They can choose to Attack Normally or
use Ignis.
○ Damage done by Normal Attacks is doubled.
○ All successful Normal Attacks after CD has been reduced to 0 will be subtracted from the
Heroine’s Mana. The amount lost is determined by the number Rolled for the Attack.
Can target Near, Far and Distant Heroines, if targeting a Near Heroine with Ignis the Attack is at


Mastery of Ice. With this power, Enemies can summon mystical crystals to encase Heroines from afar or
shield themselves from harm.
○ Grapple Attacks can be performed by enveloping a Heroine’s Limbs in Ice. Unlike normal
Grapple Attacks, the Enemy can still make Evasion Rolls. To free a Bound Limb, the
Heroine must either make a Successful Escape Roll against the Original Strength of the
Grapple or destroy the Ice by reducing its 5 HP to 0. Any Attacks directed at the Ice will hit
regardless of Roll. Damage from Ignis against the Ice is Doubled.
○ An Ice Shield can be summoned for 1 Action. This can be done as a Defensive Action.
They will Roll a 1d20 to determine how much HP it will have. Any Attack aimed at them
that they are unable to evade will be taken by the Ice Shield in their stead. Damage that
exceeds its HP will break it, but will protect the Enemy from any Damage themselves.
Once destroyed, they will need to wait until their Next Turn to create another. Only one Ice
Shield per Enemy. Damage from Ignis against the Ice Shield is Doubled.
Can target Near, Far and Distant Heroines.


Master of Water. With this power the Enemy can douse Heroines with mystical water in order to place
them at a disadvantage. The effects of the Attack differ depending on the Heroine’s current CD as well as
what body part was targeted.
○ Clothing: Inflicts a -1 Evasion Roll Penalty for each increment of 20 the Heroine’s CD is
over 0.
○ Arms: The Heroine must make a second Evasion Roll against the Attack or Drop her
Weapon / Enemy Grapple Attacks targeting Arms at Disadvantage.
○ Legs: The Heroine must make a second Evasion Roll against the Attack or be knocked
Prone / Enemy Grapple Attacks targeting Legs at Disadvantage.
○ Breasts: Make a Sensitivity Roll and Lewd Attacks targeting Breasts at Advantage.
○ Nipples: Make a Sensitivity Roll and Lewd Attacks targeting Nipples at Advantage.
○ Ass: Lewd and Violate Attacks targeting Ass at Advantage.
○ Pussy: Make a Sensitivity Roll, Lewd and Violate Attacks targeting Pussy at Advantage.
○ Clit: Make two Sensitivity Rolls and Lewd Attacks targeting Clit at Advantage.
If a Heroine is currently affected by Penalties caused by Semen, being struck by Aqua will remove those
penalties. However, the effects from Fulgur and Glacies are Doubled for 1 Round.

Can target Near, Far and Distant Heroines.

Quad Elemental Mastery

Has access to all four Elements (Fulgur / Ignis / Glacies / Aqua). Only one Element can be used per


Mastery of Holy. With this power, Enemies can summon translucent constructs of a phallic nature.
○ Can initiate Violate Attacks from a distance with a Phantom Cock to fill a Heroine’s holes
with an invisible force. Its Intangible nature allows it to bypass her Clothing and Barriers.
Unlike normal Violate Attacks, Enemies can still make Evasion Rolls. This Attack is
incapable of removing Virginity, destroying her hymen or Impregnation.
○ Penetration cannot be interrupted with an Attack.
○ Only One Phantom Cock can be created per Action. There is no limit to the number that
can be created.
○ All Phantom Cocks can be controlled with a Single Action.
○ Is capable of transforming each Phantom Cock into different forms. When initially created,
they can form it into one of the following Cock Types (Knotty Cock / Bumpy Cock / Girthy
Cock). Swapping or adding another cock Type will use up 1 Action.
Can target Near, Far and Distant Heroines.

Mastery of the Demonic. With this power, Enemies can strengthen the malignant power of Curses to
corrupt foolish Heroines even further.
○ The Bonus to Magic Attacks that inflict Curses is doubled.
○ Every Successful Magic Attack will activate all Curses a Heroine has been afflicted with at
once. This is repeatable.
Can target Near, Far and Distant Heroines.

Yin Yang Mastery

Both Sanctus and Daemonium can be used. Only one Element can be used per Attack.

True Elemental Mastery

All Elements (Fulgur / Ignis / Glacies / Aqua / Sanctus / Daemonium) can be used. Only one Element can
be used per Attack.


Shift Phase

Enemy can grant their body either immunity to Spells or Physical Attacks depending on which Mode is
activated. Both cannot be Active at the same time. Switching Modes can be done for 1 Action. This can
be done as a Defensive Action once per Turn.

Mode Blue: Anti-Magic – Immunity to all Spells.

Mode Red: Ethereal – Immunity to all Physical. Lewd, Curse and Violate Attacks can be used regardless
of Clothing Durability and can bypass Barriers. Normal and Grapple, however, cannot be used at all. This
Trait also allows them to make Evasion Rolls during Penetration.

Magic Mimicry

Can repeat the last Spell used by a Heroine. Non-Elemental Attack Spells will be converted to a Normal
Attack. All Spells will be converted to the Enemy equivalent. The strength of any Attack will be determined
by the Result of her Spell Roll.

Roll Bonuses and Penalties transform into their Enemy equivalent.

○ Attack > Normal / Lewd
○ Evasion > Evasion
○ Resistance > Magic
○ Escape > Grapple
○ Struggle > Violate
Magic Devour
Every Successful Evasion Roll will give them the opportunity to absorb the Heroine’s Spell Attack and
recover HP. How much HP they recover is half the Damage of the Spell they absorbed would have
caused. Any HP recovered can be split and shared between any of their Body Parts, Armour, Shields or
Pacification Equipment.

Level Drain

Every time they succeed in forcing the Heroine to orgasm (rolling a 61 or higher on Sensitivity), there is a
chance they can reduce her Level by 1. The Heroine will need to make a Resistance Roll and it must be
equal to or higher than the Attack that caused her to orgasm to avoid the Level Drain.

All Bonuses and Traits are removed at random with a separate Dice Roll for each one. Each Bonus and
Trait will be organized into their own list. The amount of Bonuses and Traits in each list will determine the
size of the Dice that the Heroine will roll. Every Level lost will force her to Roll on the Level Up Bonuses
list. Every Second Level lost will force her to Roll on the Traits list.


Level Up Bonuses
1. +5 Mana Recovery
2. +5 Mana Recovery
3. +50 Mana Meter
4. +10 Clothing Durability
5. +5 Mana Recovery
1. Still Good As New
2. Skilled
3. Boom Expert
4. No Need For Spells
The heroine has lost her Second Level. She rolls 1d5 for Bonuses and 1d4 for Traits. She gets a 2 and a
4, losing her +5 Mana Recovery and No Need For Spells. If the Enemy is killed of defeated, all Levels
taken from the Heroine will be returned.


A strange pressure emanates from them, causing all Near Heroines to exhaust their strength quicker than
usual. Before every Spell, the Heroine must make a Resistance Roll of 10+. A Failed Roll will forced the
Heroine to spend Double the Mana required for their Spell.


Cost: 1 Action

An Enemy can improve their Rolls to better dominate Heroines. This includes Normal, Evasion, Lewd,
Magic, Grapple and Violate. Bonuses are removed from the Modified Roll once the Turn its used on has
passed. Bonuses made with Empower cannot be stacked, but can be overridden with a stronger Bonus.
How powerful the Bonus depends on the category of the Enemy and what they Roll on 1d20.
1 to 4

5 to 8 9 to 12 13 to 16 17 to 20

Lowly +1 +2 +3 +4 +5

Monstrous +2 +3 +4 +5 +6

Devil +3 +4 +5 +6 +7

Fiend +4 +5 +6 +7 +8

Lord +5 +6 +7 +8 +9

Can target Near, Far and Distant Enemies.


Cost: 1 Action

An Enemy can impose a Roll Penalty to impede the Heroine with a Magic Roll. This includes Attack,
Evasion, Escape, Struggle and Resistance. The Heroine will need to make a Resistance Roll against their
Magic Roll.

If the Enemy is Successful, the effects stay until the Heroine can make a Successful Resistance Roll.
Each Roll is done at the end of her Turn and must be higher than the Original Strength of the Attack.
Penalties from Depower cannot be stacked, but can be overridden with a stronger Penalty. How powerful
the Penalty depends on the category of the Enemy and what they rolled.

+1 Penalty +5 Penalty +10 Penalty +25 Penalty +75 Penalty

Lowly +1 +2 +3 +4 +5

Monstrous +2 +3 +4 +5 +6
Devil +3 +4 +5 +6 +7

Fiend +4 +5 +6 +7 +8

Lord +5 +6 +7 +8 +9

Can target Near, Far and Distant Enemies.

Ultimate Support

Has access to both Empower and Depower.


Cost: 1 Action Per Imbued Pacification Equipment, Weapon, Shield or Armour Piece.

The Enemy can Imbue the power of an Element or Status Effect to their or another Enemy’s Pacification
Equipment, Weapon, Shield or Armour Piece. Only One Element or Status Effect can be Imbued per
Item. Both Adding and Swapping can be done for 1 Action. Must have at least One Element or Status
Effect Trait to be able to use Enchantment.

Below is a list of effects each Element will have upon being Imbued to a Pacification Equipment or
○ Fulgur: Feels tingly. Makes it possible to Target any Body Part regardless of CD and
Activates the corresponding Body Part Effect upon use.
○ Ignis: Feels hot and uncomfortable. Burns away Mana at the start of the Heroine’s Turn.
The amount of Mana Lost is determined by a Magic Roll made when Imbuing.
○ Glacies: Feels pleasantly cool. HP is Doubled.
○ Aqua: Feels slippery. Violate Attacks are at Advantage.
○ Sanctus: Feels weightless. Can bypass her Clothing and Barriers.
○ Daemonium: Feels wrong. Inflict the Forced Activation Effect of a Random Curse with
every Successful Attack Roll or Pacification Equipment placed on her. The Curse is
chosen from the list of preferred Curses provided by the Player.
For Imbued Status Effects, the Heroine must make a Resistance Roll against every Successful Attack
Roll or at the start of her Turn for every Pacification Equipment placed on her. If she Fails any of her
Rolls, she will be afflicted with the Status Effect until the Heroine can make a Successful Resistance Roll.
Each Roll is done at the end of her Turn and must be higher than the Original Strength of the Attack she
failed her Roll against.

Imbuing Shields or Armour Pieces requires the Enemy to make a Magic Roll. If an Imbued Shield or
Armour Piece is hit with a Successful Attack, they will counter Near Heroines with the Elemental Attack or
Status Effect they were Imbued with. The Strength of the Attack will be determined by the Magic Roll for
the Element or Status Effect.
Elemental Magic can be avoided by the Heroine with an Evasion Roll, Barrier or Defensive Action with a

Status Effects can be avoided by the Heroine with a Resistance Roll or Defensive Action with a Trait.

Additionally, the Imbued Shield or Armour Piece will be Immune to the corresponding Element.

Armoury Creation

Cost: 1 Action

The allows an Enemy to materialize any Pacification Equipment, Weapons or Shields they desire out of
thin air. Although convenient, Pacification Equipment and Shields created in this matter are surprisingly
fragile. Dropping either will instantly destroy them and HP will always be 1.

Materializing a Shield will temporarily give the Enemy the Shield Bearing Foe Trait. Each Shield created
will cost 1 Action.

Materializing a Weapon will temporarily give the Enemy the Weapon User Characteristic. Each Weapon
created will cost 1 Action.

If the Enemy has any Elemental or Status Effect Traits, they can be automatically Imbued to any
Pacification Equipment, Weapon or Shield that is materialized. Once made, swapping or changing
Elements or Status Effects cannot be done unless the Enemy has the Enchantment Trait.

Equipment Self-Repair

All Pacification Equipment, Weapons, Shields and Armour Pieces owned by the Enemy will slowly mend
themselves, gaining 1 HP per Turn. This Trait does not apply to any Pacification Equipment picked up
from other Enemies.

Pacification Equipment, Weapons, Shields and Armour Pieces that have had their HP reduced to 0
cannot have their HP Restored.

Pain to Pleasure

The Enemy creates a temporary magical bond between themselves and any Heroine who hits them with
a Successful Attack, forcing that Heroine to experience a strange sense of bliss and make a Non-Erotic
Sensitivity Roll. The number of Dice is equivalent to the potential Damage of her Attack.

○ Heroine makes a Successful Attack Roll capable of 20 Damage. She has to make a
2d10 Non-Erotic Sensitivity Roll.
10d10 is the Max Number of Dice.

Cost: 1 Action

An Enemy can create a magical bond between themselves and another Enemy, allowing them to
effortlessly coordinate with each other. At the beginning of the Enemy’s Turn, all connected Enemies will
make an Attack Roll. The results are combined and used to determine the Hit Change of One Attack for
each Enemy who Rolled. The Attacks made by each Enemy must be the same Type (Normal, Lewd,
Grapple, Magic or Violate). Additionally, all Enemies must Target the same Heroine.

○ Enemy A, B and Ce each make Attack Rolls of 10, 15 and 5 respectively. These results
are combined, making them an Attack Roll of 30. Each Enemy Attacks Heroine A with a
Normal Attack. This gives each Enemy One Normal Attack Roll of 30 to use against
Heroine A.
Any Attack Bonuses or Penalties are applied to the final number.

○ Enemy A, B and Ce each make Attack Rolls of 10, 15 and 5 respectively. Enemy A has a
+10 Normal Attack Bonus. Enemy B has no Attack Modifiers. Enemy C has a -5
Normal Attack Penalty. These numbers are combined, making them a Normal Attack
Roll of 35.

Cost: 1 Action

An Enemy can create a magical bond between itself and another Enemy, allowing them to be affected by
any changes to each other. All Active Bonuses, Penalties and Status Effects will be automatically
given to any Enemy connected by this bond.

The bond can be broken by the Enemy spending 1 Action or being Defeated / Killed.

Forced Bond

The Enemy creates a magical bond between all Heroines, transferring the feelings of one onto the rest.
Every time a Heroine is hit with a Lewd or Violate Attack by an Enemy with this Trait and is forced to
make a Sensitivity Roll, all Heroines will need to make a Resistance Roll. The Roll must be equal to or
greater than the Heroine who made the Sensitivity Roll. Any Heroine who Fails their Roll will be
inflicted with the same Penalties of that Sensitivity Roll.

Dark Contract

An Enemy can offset Damage, Status Effects and Roll Penalties by transferring it to another Enemy.
They can choose which Enemy they wish to receive the Damage, Status Effect or Roll Penalty.
Damage done to them will transfer to the corresponding Body Part. If the Enemy does not possess that
particular Body Part or it has 0 HP, the Damage will instead be transferred to their Main Body.

Can target Near, Far and Distant Enemies.


Using Arm / Tentacle / Tail / Tongue gestures, Enemies can command an invisible force to molest
Heroines from a distance. This allows them to make Lewd, Grapple or Violate Attacks against Far and
Distant Heroines. Unlike normal Grapple and Violate Attacks, Enemies can still make Evasion Rolls.

Dropped Far or Distant Pacification Equipment and Weapons can be picked up with this Trait.

Push and Pull

Cost: 1 Action

Using Arm / Tentacle / Tail / Tongue gestures, Enemies can remotely change the Position of any Near,
Far or Distant Enemy/Heroine. Cannot be used on a Bound / Penetrated Heroine or any Enemy
Binding / Penetrating a Heroine. All changes are made relative to their own Position.

Pull can be used to Position a target one Position closer to the Enemy using the ability.

Push can be used to Position a target one Position further away from the Enemy using the ability and
closer to another target. They must be Near that Target for this to be possible. This cannot be done
with Pull.


Cost: 1 Action / Defensive Action

Allows an Enemy to create a Shield using an assortment of random objects within their environment. An
Evasion Roll is made to create a Shield that will protect them until it is destroyed. This can be done as a
Defensive Action.

The Result of the Dice roll combined with the Bonus determines how much HP it will have.

1 HP 5 HP 10 HP 15 HP 30 HP

Dice Roll 1 to 5 6 to 10 11 to 15 16 to 20 21 to 25
Any Attack targeting them that they are unable to Evade will be taken by the Wall in their stead. Damage
that exceeds its HP will break it, but it will still protect the Enemy from taking any Damage. Once
destroyed, they will need to wait 2 Rounds to create another.

Certain Attacks cab bypass it using the following Traits:

○ Sanctus
○ Daemonium
The following cannot be used while Wall is Active:
○ Barrier
○ False Doll
○ Invisibility
○ Glacies: Ice Shield
○ Armoury Creation

Polarity Charge

Cost: 1 Action

Using the mysterious power of magnetism, an Enemy can apply Positive or Negative magnetic forces
onto an Enemy, Heroine or Themselves. Only Two Targets can be affected by Polarity Charge at One
Time. This limit applies to the total amount of Charges made by everyone.
○ A Single Enemy, Heroine or Group with a Negative or Positive Charge does nothing.
○ Two of the Same Charge on Two Different Targets will Repel them, making it impossible
for them to be within the Same Group.
○ A Negative and Positive Charge on Two Different Targets will Attract them together,
preventing either from changing their Position or making Evasion Rolls. The Enemy or
Heroine who was Charged last will be the one forcibly moved into the other’s Position.
○ Lead Weight Enemies and Heroines cannot be Repelled or Attracted to by other
Enemies/Heroines, but can Repel others and have others Attracted to them.
○ Selecting a Third Target will remove the previous Charge
○ Only Normal and Lewd Attacks dispel Charges. A Charge can also be dispelled by
applying the Same Charge to the Target.
Static Charge

All Penalties from Fulgur are Tripled against Heroines with a Charge.

Static Burst

All Heroines with a Charge will violently disperse a discharge of strange magnetic waves with a
Successful Lewd Attack. -2 to Attack, Evasion, Escape, Struggle and Resistance Rolls for 1 Round
to all Heroines in the same Group as the Heroine that was hit. Can be Stacked. Does not Affect the
Heroine that was Attacked.

Environment Charge
The Enemy can apply a Positive or Negative Charge to large objects or the very ground itself. Only One
Target can be affected by Environment Charge at one time. Selecting a Second Target will remove the
previous Charge made. When placed, it will be given its own Position to keep track of it. Any Enemy
or Heroine with a matching Charge will be Repelled while those with an opposing Charge will be
Attracted to the Charged Position. Follows the same rules as Polarity Charge.

Equipment Charge

Cost: 1 Action

The Enemy can apply a Positive or Negative Charge to Pacification Equipment. Only One Target or
Group can be affected by Equipment Charge at one time.
○ Pacification Equipment cannot be Equipped if Attracted to an Enemy, Heroine or Other
Pacification Equipment, or something within the Environment.
○ Attracted Pacification Equipment does not prevent an Enemy, Heroine or Group from
changing their Position or making Evasion Rolls.
○ Pacification Equipment cannot Repel Enemies and Heroines away from them or Attract
Enemies and Heroines to them, only be Repelled or Attracted to Charged Enemies and
○ All Repelled Pacification Equipment is considered Dropped.
○ If an Attracted Pacification Equipment or what it is Attracted to loses its Charge, it will
Drop to the ground.
Polarity Cushion

Attracted Enemies will no longer stick to each other, allowing them to make Evasion Rolls.

An Enemy can subvert Time in order to undo the current actions of any Heroine. This is classified as a
Defensive Action. What Effect this has depends on what Reverse is being used on.
○ Physical Attacks are simply undone as if they never occurred.
○ Non-Elemental Spell Attacks are redirected back and can inflict Clothing Damage on
Heroines. The amount is directly proportional to the Damage their Attack is capable of
inflicting. If the Heroine being Attacked has 0 CD, she will instead be knocked onto the
ground. Evasion, Spell and Physical Attacks will be Disabled on her Next Turn.
The Redirected Spell Attacks can be avoided by the Heroine with an Evasion Roll
against their Original Roll.
○ Elemental Spells are redirected back to the Heroine. All Elemental Spells are converted
to the Enemy equivalent. The Strength of any Attack will be determined by her Spell
Attack Roll.
The Redirected Elemental Spell can be avoided by the Heroine with an Evasion, Barrier
or Defensive Action with a Trait.
○ All Status Effects and Roll Penalties inflicted on them during their Turn are simply
undone as if they never occurred.
Due to the strain this powerful Magic causes on the caster, each use will Damage the Enemy for 5 HP.

Powerful Magic that forces the flow of Time to move backward. Everyone is reset back to the beginning of
the Enemy’s Last Turn. Thanks to their future knowledge, they will Automatically Evade all Previous
Attacks against them and can allow other Enemies to Automatically Evade Attacks by warning them
of the incoming danger. Only the Enemy who cast the Spell will be aware of the reset. This Trait is
classified as a Defensive Action.

Due to the strain this powerful Magic causes the caster, using it will Damage the Enemy for 20 HP.

Can only be used once per Battle.


An immensely powerful Magic that halts the flow of Time for everyone but the Enemy. While this Trait is
Active, all Attacks Targeting them prior to Activation will Automatically Fail and all their Attacks /
Status Effects will Automatically Succeed. This includes Positive Effects that Activate upon
getting a certain Roll Result. This Trait is classified as a Defensive Action. If allowed to disperse, the
Enemy must wait 2 Rounds before Stop can be used again.

During Activation, the Enemy can make as many Actions as they want. However, it is not without a
price. Each time they make a number of Actions equal to the number of Actions they would normally be
able to make in a Round they will receive 10 HP Damage.

The following cannot be used or Activated while Stop is Active:

○ All Enthrallment Traits
○ Obedience Collar
○ Task
○ Command


Grants an Enemy the power to instantaneously move through 3-D space without physically
traveling the distance.
○ Allows them to Roll Two Dice for Evasion. The higher Roll will be chosen.
○ Give them the power to freely change the Position of themselves, Heroines, or other
Enemies for 2 Actions.
○ Is able to make Evasion Rolls against Heroines even while Binding a Heroine as
long as the Attack is not from the Heroine that they have Bound.
○ Can transport any Bound Heroine along with them whenever they Teleport.

Grants an Enemy the power to instantaneously switch Positions with an Enemy or Heroine. This
power is classified as a Defensive Action. Any unresolved Attacks or Effects targeting them are
redirected to whomever they have switched with and vice versa. All Heroine Attacks that had been
redirected to another Heroine can inflict Clothing Damage on them. The amount is directly
proportional to the Damage their Attack is capable of inflicting. If the Heroine being Attacks has 0
CD, they will instead be knocked to the ground. Evasion, Spell and Physical Attacks will be
Disabled on her next Turn.

In addition to switching their positions, this Spell switches their Initiative Order. Once used, the
Enemy will have to wait 2 Rounds before they can activate it again.

Cannot be used on a Bound / Penetrated Heroine or an Enemy Binding / Penetrating a Heroine.

Space Lock

Can warp space itself to half the movement of any Arm / Leg / Tail / Hair of any Near, Far or Distant
Heroine with a Magic Attack.
○ One Action is subtracted from their Max Amount per Bound Body Part.
○ -3 HP per Round for each Bound Body Part.
○ Escape Rolls are Disabled for the Bound Body Part.
○ Enemy is free to make Evasion Rolls.
○ Can only be undone if the Enemy who cast the Spell voluntarily removes it, has
been defeated or the encounter ends.
Portal Creation

Cost: 1 Action / Defensive Action

Grants the Enemy the power to rip holes in space. This can be done after a Failed Evasion Roll
although doing so will cost an extra Action.
○ Physical and Non-Elemental Spell Attacks are redirected back and can inflict
Clothing Damage on Heroines. The amount is directly proportional to the Damage
their Attack is capable of inflicting. If the Heroine being Attacked has 0 CD, she will
instead be knocked onto the ground. Evasion, Spell and Physical Attacks will be
Disabled on her Next Turn.
The Redirected Spell Attack can be avoided by the Heroine with an Evasion Roll
against the Original Roll.
○ Elemental Spells are redirected back the Heroine. All Elemental Spells are
converted to the Enemy equivalent. The Strength of any Attack will be determined
by the Spell Attack Roll.
The Reflected Elemental Spell can be avoided by the Heroine with an Evasion Roll,
Barrier Roll or Defensive Action with a Trait.

Gravity Shift

Cost: 1 Action

An Enemy can manipulate one of the fundamental forces to temporarily grant any Enemy or Heroine the
properties of either Lead or Feather Weight Characteristics. Can also be used to temporarily remove
Lead or Feather Weight from an Enemy or Heroine for the duration of an Encounter.

Overwhelming Force
Cost: 1 Action / Target must have Lead Weight Characteristic.

Strengthens the Effects of Lead Weight.

For Enemies, the Evasion Penalty for Lead Weight is Doubled and cannot change their Position
unless moved with Teleportation. However, in exchange, all Damage is Halved (Rounded Down) and
Grapple Bonus is Doubled.

For Heroines, the Evasion Penalty for Lead Weight is Doubled and cannot change their Position
unless moved with Teleportation. However, in exchange, all Struggle, Escape and Physical Damage
are Doubled.

After the initial Activation, the Enemy will receive 5 HP Damage at the start of their Turn unless they allow
the Spell to disperse. If dispersed, the Effect is lost and Enemy must wait 2 Rounds before
Overwhelming Force can be used again.


Cost: 1 Action / Target must have Feather Weight Characteristic.

Strengthens the Effects of Feather Weight.

For Enemies, the Evasion and Attack Bonus for Feather Weight is Doubled in exchange for
Quadrupling all Damage taken.

For Heroines, the Evasion and Attack Bonus for Feather Weight is Doubled in exchange for Doubling
the Escape and Struggle Penalties.

After the initial Activation, the Enemy will receive 10 HP Damage at the start of their Turn unless they
allow the Spell to disperse. If dispersed, the Effect is lost and Enemy must wait 2 Rounds before
Weightless can be used again.


Cost: 2 Actions / Target must have Lead Weight Characteristic.

Immensely strengthens the Effects of Lead Weight.

For Enemies, the Attack, Evasion and the ability to change Positions are Disabled unless moved with
Teleportation. However, in exchange, all Damage is Nullified.

For Heroines, Attack, Evasion and the ability to change Positions are Disabled unless moved with
Teleportation. However, in exchange, all Escape and Struggle Rolls will automatically Succeed.
After the initial Activation, the Enemy will receive 30 HP Damage at the start of their Turn unless they
allow the Spell to disperse. If dispersed, the Effect is lost and Enemy must wait 2 Rounds before
Immoveable can be used again.


Cost: 2 Actions / Target must have Feather Weight Characteristic.

Immensely strengthens the Effects of Feather Weight.

For Enemies, they gain +20 Evasion and Attack, but all Attacks against them will Instantly Kill / Defeat

For Heroines, they gain +20 Evasion and Attack, but all Escape and Struggle Rolls are Disabled.

After the initial Activation, the Enemy will receive 15 HP Damage at the start of their Turn unless they
allow the Spell to disperse. If dispersed, the Effect is lost and Enemy must wait 2 Rounds before
Ethereal can be used again.

Gravity Well

Cost: 1 Action

A powerful sucking force draws in all Heroines and Enemies to the Same Position as the Enemy who
called this power forth.


Cost: 1 Action Per Round

This power will suspend an Enemy a couple of inches off the ground. With their increased mobility, they
can Re-Roll a Failed Evasion Roll.

Immune to Rune Trap.


Cost: 2 Actions Per Round

The power allows an Enemy to freely soar through the sky. With their increased mobility, they can Re-Roll
a Failed Evasion Roll and freely change their Position for every Action they make.

Unless they approach a Heroine, it is not possible to get Near them under normal means. The
following is a list of Traits that will allow a Heroine to get Near them:
○ Flight: Heroine will automatically become Far from everyone once the Bonus has ended.
○ Push and Pull: Must use Pull.

Fling: Must use Pull.

Teleportation (Self): Heroine will automatically become Far from everyone at the End of
her Turn.
○ Teleportation (Enemy): Must be used directly on the Enemy.
○ Gravity Well: Disables Evasion Re-roll.
○ Overwhelming Force: Disables Evasion Re-roll.
○ Immobile: Disables Evasion.
○ Jump!: Heroine will automatically become Far from everyone at the End of her Turn.
Immune to Rune Trap.


Cost: 1 Action Per Round

Increases the movement of an Enemy. With their inhuman speed, all Attack and Evasion Rolls are at

Due to the strain this powerful Magic causes the caster, they will receive 10 HP Damage to their Main
Body every Turn this is Activate.


Cost: 1 Action Per Round

Immensely increases the movement of an Enemy to ridiculous speeds. With their superhuman speed, all
Attack and Evasion Rolls are at Advantage. Additionally, the number of Actions they can perform is

Due to the strain this powerful Magic causes on the caster, they will receive 20 HP Damage to their Main
Body every Turn this is Active.

False Doll

Cost: 1 Action

An Enemy can create multiple false copies of themselves to confuse Heroines. These false copies cannot
Evade, but can act as a decoy to mislead opponents. The number of False Dolls created is determined by
what their Magic Attack Roll.
○ Rolls of 1 to 5: 1 Doll
○ Rolls of 6 to 10: 2 Dolls
○ Rolls of 11 to 15: 3 Dolls
○ Rolls of 16 to 20: 4 Dolls
○ Rolls of 21 to 25: 5 Dolls
All Dolls are created Near the Original. Although Dolls are incapable of making Evasion Rolls, they can
change their Position and make Attacks independent of the Original. Doing so, however, will cost the
same amount of Actions as if performed by the Original.
Actions are shared between Dolls and the Original.

Any Heroine Targeting the Enemy will have to Roll a Dice equivalent to the number of Dolls plus the
Heroine. Targeting multiple in a Group with an AOE will have the Heroine Roll the Dice the same amount
as the number of potential Dolls within the Group. If the Heroine Rolls a 1, their Attack will succeed and
all Dolls will disappear. The Enemy can make a Defensive Action if Targeted, but this will also
prematurely end the effect.

If the Heroine Rolls any other result besides a 1, a Doll will be Targeted in their stead and only that
particular Doll will disappear.

This Trait cannot be used again until all current Clones have disappeared and 2 Turns have passed.
Cannot be used together with Invisibility.

When combined with an Elemental Trait, any Doll Targeted by the Heroine will counter her with an
Elemental Attack if she is Near. The Strength of the Attack will be determined by the Magic Attack
Roll used to create the Doll. Elemental Magic can be avoided by the Heroine with an Evasion Roll,
Barrier Roll or a Defensive Action with a Trait.

Rune Trap

Cost: 1 Action

An Enemy can create a magical explosion underneath the feet of any unfortunate Heroine who steps on
it. This Trap is placed at their Position and can be triggered in Two Ways.
○ A Heroine approaches them and becomes Near.
○ A Near Heroine moves away from their Position.
Any Trap placed will be given its own Position to keep track of as if it was a Character. Only One
Trap per Group. When entering or leaving a Position with a Trap, the Heroine must make a Successful
Evasion Roll against the Strength of the Magic Attack Roll used to create the Trap to avoid triggering it.
Once it has been triggered, the Trap will disappear.

The effect of the Trap depends on what Elemental Traits they have.
○ None: Does damage to Clothing Durability.
○ Fulgur: All effects are Activated.
○ Ignis: Does damage to Clothing Durability. If CD is 0 will damage Mana
○ Glacies: All Limbs are Bound and encased in Ice.
○ Aqua: Inflicts a -1 Evasion Roll Penalty for each increment of 20 the Heroine’s CD is
over 0. If CD is 0, all other effects are Activated.
○ Sanctus: Oral, Ass and Pussy are Attacked by Phantom Cocks.
○ Daemonium: Forces the Heroine to make a Resistance Roll, on a failure she is inflicted
with a Curse. If Heroine already has a Curse then it is Activated.

Cost: 1 Action
An Enemy can become undetectable to the naked eye. All Single-Target Spells, Physical Attacks and
Evasion Rolls against them are at Disadvantage, additionally Heroines cannot see their Position.
Invisibility is dispersed if the Enemy Attacks a Heroine or is Successfully Targeted. Must wait 2
Turns before Invisibility can be used again.

While Invisibility is Active, the Enemy cany be targeted by the following Traits:
○ Push and Pull
○ Fling
○ Teleportation
○ Exchange
○ Depower
○ Empower
Unseen Danger

Allows Attacks to be used without prematurely ending the effects of Invisibility.


Cost: 1 Action

Enemies can fabricate a magical disguise that can fool all five senses to make them resemble a Heroine,
Ally or someone else entirely. In order for the disguise to fool any Heroines, the Enemy must fulfill at least
one of the following conditions:
○ Activate Doppelganger before the Encounter.
○ Have Stealth
○ Have Invisibility
○ Be Far or Distant from the Heroine when Activating Doppelganger.
There are Three Levels of Awareness: Oblivious, Suspicious and Certain.
○ Oblivious: Enemy has fulfilled any of the conditions and has the appearance of a stranger
or another Heroine / Ally who is not currently present.
○ Suspicious: Enemy has fulfilled any of the conditions and has the appearance of a
stranger or another Heroine / Ally who is present, uses a Trait that the Heroine / Ally they
are mimicking does not possess or has helped another Enemy.
○ Certain: Enemy has failed to fulfill any of the conditions or has attacked a Heroine.
An Oblivious Heroine cannot make any Attacks against the Doppelganger.

A Suspicious Heroine can Attack, but they will need to Roll 1d20 first. The Heroine must Roll a 10 or
Higher to Succeed and continue her Attack on them. If she Rolled under 10, she will either not Attack or
instead Attack the Heroine / Ally the Enemy is mimicking. All Heroine / Ally Attacks directed at another
Heroine / Ally will inflict Clothing Damage on them. The amount is directly proportional to the Damage
their Attack is capable of inflicting. If the Heroine / Ally being Attacked has 0 CD, they will instead be
knocked to the ground. Evasion, Spell and Physical Attacks will be Disabled on her Turn. This Roll
can only be done once per Turn.

A Certain Heroine can Attack as normal.

Hypnotic Suggestion
Cost: 1 Action

An Enemy can attempt to compel a Heroine to do their bidding. Instead of making an Evasion Roll, the
Heroine will make a Resistance Roll against their Magic Roll. How high it needs to be in order for it to
succeed depends on the command the Enemy gives. Failing the Roll will result in the Heroine skipping
her Turn and following the instruction. The effect only lasts a Single Round, but can be renewed.

Key: Command Result: Special Effect (If Applicable) / Dice Roll Formula (Heroine Roll Must Be Equal or
Greater than Enemy Roll In Order To Resist Command)
○ Anything Non-Sexual: N/A / Roll => Enemy Roll
○ Remove Clothing: Reduce CD to 0, Restored after Encounter / Roll +1 => Enemy Roll
○ Present: -2 Penalty to all future Struggle Rolls against Enemy, does not Stack / Roll +2 =>
Enemy Roll
○ Masturbate: Make a Pussy Sensitivity Roll with -10 modifier / Roll +3 => Enemy Roll
○ Allow Touching: Automatically Fail Rolls vs Lewd Attacks / Roll +4 => Enemy Roll
○ Handjob: Near Enemy makes Ejaculation Roll / Roll +5 => Enemy Roll
○ Blow/Boobjob: Make a Mouth or Breasts Sensitivity Roll with -10 modifier, Near Enemy
makes Ejaculation Roll, if Blowjob Advance to Penetration Stage 3 / Roll +6 =>
○ Pussyjob: Make a Pussy Sensitivity Roll, Near Enemy makes Ejaculation Roll / Roll +7
=> Enemy Roll
○ Ass Pounding: Make an Ass Sensitivity Roll and Advance to Penetration Stage 3, Near
Enemy makes Ejaculation Roll, -2 Ejaculation Threshold / Roll +8 => Enemy Roll
○ No Barrier: Chastity Barrier Disabled, Restored after Encounter / Roll +9 => Enemy Roll
○ Raw Pussy Sex: Make a Pussy Sensitivity Roll and Advance to Penetration Stage 3,
Near Enemy makes Ejaculation Roll, -2 Ejaculation Threshold / Roll +10 => Enemy Roll
Only One Suggestion per Round. Heroine must be Near.

Cannot be used to Attack other Heroines.

Honeyed Words

Their voice can be used to magically compel the Heroine to move Near them. The Heroine will need to
make a Resistance Roll against their Magic Roll. A Failed Roll will force her to change Position on her
○ A Far Enemy will force the Heroine to waste One Action.
○ A Distant Enemy will force the Heroine to waste Two Actions.
Cannot be used on a Bound Heroine. Can target Far and Distant Heroines.


A strange pressure emanates from them, causing all Near Heroines to feel entranced by their presence.
Before every Spell and Physical Attack targeted at them, the Heroine must make a Resistance Roll of
10+. A Failed Roll will force the Heroine to not Attack, wasting an Action.

Help Me

Their voice can be used to compel a Heroine to apply beneficial Spells for or on them. This includes the
○ Enchantment – Converted to the Enemy equivalent.
○ Empower – Converted to the Enemy equivalent.
○ Push and Pull
○ Magnokinesis
○ Spatiokinesis
○ Gyrokinesis
○ Cleanse
○ Purify
○ Stillness
The Heroine will need to make a Resistance Rol against their Magic Roll. A Failed Roll will force her to
Help them on her Turn, wasting an Action. The Enemy can choose what beneficial Spell they want. If
Empower or Enchantment is chosen, the Mana Cost is determined by the number of their Curse Roll.
○ 1 to 5 over Heroine’s Roll: Minor
○ 6 to 10 over Heroine’s Roll: Moderate
○ 11 to 15 over Heroine’s Roll: Major
○ 16 to 20 over Heroine’s Roll: Monumental
Likewise, the strength of Empower or an Enchantment is determined by the difference between the
Heroine’s failed Resistance and the Enemy’s successful Magic Roll.


Cost: 1 Action

An Enemy can restore the HP of either itself or another Enemy as long as their Main Body has at least 1
HP. Can be used on any Body Part. When used on any Appendage of an Enemy with the Multi-Arm
Terror Characteristic, both the Appendage and Main Body will have their HP restored
simultaneously. How much HP is restored depends on what the Enemy Rolled.
○ 1 to 5: 1 HP
○ 6 to 10: 5 HP
○ 11 to 15: 10 HP
○ 16 to 20: 15 HP
○ 21 to 25: 30 HP
Can target Near, Far and Distant Enemies. Any Physical Statue Effect inflicted on the Body Part that
Heal is used on are removed.


Cost: 1 Action

An Enemy can bring a dead or unconscious Enemy back into combat. An Enemy brought back with
Revive will be left with 1 HP for all Body Parts that had been reduced to Zero.

Can target Near, Far and Distant Enemies.

Ultimate Healer
Has access to both Heal and Revive.


Cost: 1 Action

An Enemy can reanimate a slain comrade. An Enemy brought back with Necromancy will be left with 1
HP for all Body Parts that had been reduced to Zero and be given the Undead Characteristic.

Slow Heal

Cost: 1 Action

An Enemy can grant itself or another Enemy the power to slowly restore their HP every Round as long as
their Main Body has at least 1 HP. Can be used on any Body Part. When used on any Appendage of an
Enemy with the Multi-Arm Terror Characteristic, both the Appendage and Main Body will have their
HP restored simultaneously. How much HP is restored depends on what the Enemy Rolled.
○ 1 to 5: 1 HP
○ 6 to 10: 5 HP
○ 11 to 15: 10 HP
○ 16 to 20: 15 HP
○ 21 to 25: 30 HP
Can target Near, Far and Distant Enemies. Effect lasts indefinitely. Can’t be used on the same Body
Part more than once. Any Physical Statue Effect inflicted on the Body Part that Slow Heal is used on
are removed on every Second Round.


Cost: 1 Defensive Action

The Enemy can summon a mystic force that can block Attacks. This can be performed after a
Failed Evasion Roll by making a Magic Roll.

When used with an Elemental Trait, the Barrier will counter the Heroine with an Elemental Attack if
they are Near. The Strength of the Attack will be determined by the Result of the Magic Roll for the
Barrier. Elemental Magic can be avoided by the Heroine with an Evasion Roll, Barrier Roll or
Defensive Action with a Trait.


Reflect Elemental Magic back at the Heroine with a Successful Evasion Roll. All Elemental Magic
is converted to the Enemy equivalent. The Strength of any Attack will be determined by the
Heroine’s Spell Attack Roll.

The Reflected Elemental Magic can be avoided by the Heroine with an Evasion Roll, Barrier Roll or
Defensive Action with a Trait.
Magical Protection

Immune to all Magic Status Effects.

Physical Protection

Immune to all Physical Status Effects and the Femme Fatale Characteristic.

Top Form

Immune to all Roll Penalties inflicted by the Heroine.

Threatening Presence

Ignore all Roll Bonuses possessed by the Heroine other than those granted by the Mana Meter.
Status Effects

Cost: 1 Action

An Enemy can prevent a Heroine from casting Spells. Only one Heartache can be initiated per Round.
The Heroine will need to make a Resistance Roll against the Enemy’s Magic Roll.

If the Enemy is successful, the effects stay until the Heroine can make a Successful Resistance Roll
against the Original Strength of the Attack. Each attempt it made at the end of her Turn.


Cost: 1 Action

An Enemy can prevent a Heroine from making Physical Attacks. Only one Weakness can be initiated
per Round. The Heroine will need to make a Resistance Roll against the Enemy’s Magic Roll.

If the Enemy is successful, the effects stay until the Heroine can make a Successful Resistance Roll
against the Original Strength of the Attack. Each attempt it made at the end of her Turn.


Cost: 1 Action

An Enemy can prevent a Heroine from Recovering Mana. Only one Stunted can be initiated per Round.
The Heroine will need to make a Resistance Roll against the Enemy’s Magic Roll.

If the Enemy is successful, the effects stay until the Heroine can make a Successful Resistance Roll
against the Original Strength of the Attack. Each attempt it made at the end of her Turn.

Cost: 1 Action

An Enemy can prevent a Heroine from using Barriers. Only one Vulnerable can be initiated per Round.
The Heroine will need to make a Resistance Roll against the Enemy’s Magic Roll.

If the Enemy is successful, the effects stay until the Heroine can make a Successful Resistance Roll
against the Original Strength of the Attack. Each attempt it made at the end of her Turn.


Cost: 1 Action

An Enemy can inflict the effects of Heartache, Weakness, Stunted and Vulnerable all at once. Only one
Helpless can be initiated per Round. The Heroine will need to make a Resistance Roll against the
Enemy’s Magic Roll.

If the Enemy is successful, the effects stay until the Heroine can make a Successful Resistance Roll
against the Original Strength of the Attack. Each attempt it made at the end of her Turn.


Death Grip

Reducing the Health Points of an Appendage to Zero will not disable its ability to perform Grapple
Attacks or force it to drop Pacification Equipment.

Tight Hold

The Heroine makes Escape Rolls at Disadvantage.

Full Nelson / Mating Press

If the right conditions are met, the Enemy will be given a chance to roll for this special binding technique.
This roll with function the same as a regular Grapple Roll and if successful will completely Bind the
Heroine. Which technique is used depends on which Limbs are Bound. Regardless of the technique,
escaping will require Four Escape Rolls (One for each Lumb) against the Enemy’s at Advantage
Grapple Roll. For each successful Roll the Enemy’s Grapple Roll will incur a -1 Penalty. The Penalties
stack and last until the Heroine escapes.

There are additional penalties unique to each technique along with the normal penalties given for being
fully bound.
○ Full Nelson: Condition – Both Arms Bound & Ass Exposed / -1 Escape Roll / -2 Struggle
○ Mating Press: Condition – Both Legs Bound & Pussy Exposed / -2 Impregnation
Resistance / -4 Struggle Roll

If they manage to successfully Bind one of the Heroine’s Limbs, the Enemy can use their superior
strength to raise the Heroine into the air. Evasion is Disabled until all Bound Limbs are freed.

Knock Down

If the Enemy rolls over 16 Before Bonuses on a successful Normal or Grapple Attack, the Enemy can
choose to knock the Heroine prone. Evasion, Changing Positions, Spell and Physical Attacks are
Disabled on her Turn.

Only one Knock Down can be initiated per Heroine per Turn. Overrides the effects of the Normal or
Grapple Attack.

If a Heroine has been Successfully Knocked Down, an Enemy can choose to make Grapple Attacks
using their Legs.

Paralyzing Toxin

A Normal Attack that can severely debilitate a Heroine with a potent neurotoxin. This will prevent her
from making any Attack, Evasion, Escape or Struggle Rolls until she has made a Successful
Resistance Roll. Each Roll is done at the end of her Turn and must be higher than the Original Attack.

Paralyzing Toxin can only be performed Three Times per Encounter. Failed Rolls will still subtract
from the Number of Uses.

Squeezing Hug

The Enemy utilizes their massive size and strength to Bind Either Both Arms or Legs of a Heroine in a
Single Attack if she rolls a 4 or Below Before Bonuses on a failed Evasion Roll targeting her Arm or

Sticky Goop

A Grapple Attack that takes advantage of the natural adhesive produced by the Enemy’s body. This can
be utilized in a number of different ways.

○ Sticky Rope (10 HP): Allows Enemy to target Far or Distant If Successful, the Enemy
can pull them closer to them. The Enemy can still perform Evasion Rolls, but the Sticky
Rope attached to her can be Targeted.
Only One Sticky Rope can be used at a time. Cannot use Clingy Glob or make any
Gooey Traps while Sticky Rope is being used.
■ Distant to Far / Far to Near: 1 Action.
■ Distant to Near: 2 Actions.
○ Clingy Glob (5 HP): A ball of adhesive that can be launched at Near, Far and Distant
Heroines to restrain Limbs. Once attached, she will need Two Successful Escape Rolls
against the Original Grapple Roll to remove it. Alternatively, she can destroy it with an
○ Gooey Trap (20 HP): An enemy can create a layer of stickiness that stalls any
unfortunate Heroine who steps on or into it. This Trap is placed at their Position and will
be triggered every Turn the heroine is on the same Position as the trap.
Any Trap placed will be given its own Position to keep track of it. Only One Trap per
Group. While the Heroine is inside the Trap, she will need to make an Escape Roll
against the Strength of the Trap at the beginning of every Turn. Failing this Roll will
Disable her ability to change Positions without Spells or make Evasion Rolls.
Can be Targeted and destroyed with an Attack.
○ Cocoon (5 to 20 HP): While Grappling a Heroine an Enemy can choose to make another
Grapple Attack against the Heroine’s Limbs at Advantage, if Successful the Limb will be
Bound with a Clingy Glob and if all four limbs and Bound she will be Fully Bound. She will
need to make Four Successful Escape Rolls to escape the Cocoon against the last
Grapple Attack that created the Cocoon. However, each successful Escape Roll will place
a -1 Penalty on the Grapple, this will stack until the Heroine is free.

Skillful Fingers

Can initiate a Violate Attack with its Arms that’s capable of completing Three Stages of Penetration.
Reaching the Third Stage will grant the Enemy +3 on all Violate Attacks for Cocks/Tentacles for that
particular hole until the encounter has ended.

All the Way Through

Requires the Extra Long Tongue or a Tentacle Characteristic.

When targeting Mouth or Ass with Violate Attacks the Enemy can advance beyond Stage 5
Penetration up to Stage 10. Anything over Stage 7 will force the Heroine to make Sensitivity Rolls for
both her Mouth and Ass each with a -10 Modifier. Each Stage of Penetration above 6 grants a +1
Bonus to the Enemy’s Grapple and Violate Attacks.

Panty/Sock Thief

All successful Normal Attacks that bring a Heroine’s Clothing Durability below 25 Points will allow the
Enemy to acquire her Panties/Socks as a Pacification Equipment. What kind is stolen depends on a
couple of factors.
○ Normal Panties/Socks: No Factors Needed.
○ Girl-Cum Soaked Panties: Acquired after the Heroine has made a Sensitivity Roll of 26
or higher.
○ Semen-Soaked Panties/Socks: Acquired after the Heroine has been Ejaculated on when
CD is below 50.
Heroine must be Near.
Beastly Desire

The Enemy intimately knows how to move their body. Can make a second Violate Attack after rolling a
Successful Violate Attack, this does not use an Action.


The Enemy intimately knows where to touch to make their victim moan. Can make a second Lewd
Attack after rolling a Successful Lewd Attack, this does not use an Action.


The Enemy can give the Heroine a hard but playful smack across either her Breasts or Ass with a
Normal Attack, forcing her to make a Sensitivity Roll with a +5 Modifier.

Pheromone Attraction

Their enticing scent makes it difficult for the Heroine to leave their presence. All Near Heroines must
make a Resistance Roll of 10+ at the start of their Turn, on a failure they cannot move further away from
the Enemy.

Aphrodisiac Breath

A Lewd Attack that creates a concentrated cloud of aphrodisiac gas that increases Sensitivity and adds
to the Next Sensitivity Roll. How much depends on the number of times the Heroine has been exposed
to it during battle.
○ First: +10 Sensitivity and +5 Roll
○ Second: +20 Sensitivity and +10 Roll
○ Third: +30 Sensitivity and +15 Roll
○ Fourth (Max): +40 Sensitivity and +20 Roll
Heroine must be Near. Can be Stacked.

Aphrodisiac Fluid

A Lewd Attack that consists of a concentrated liquid that when absorbed can cause the Heroine to lose
herself to pleasure. This will force the Heroine to make a Non-Erotic Sensitivity Roll with a -10
Modifier. At the start of herturn she will need to make a Resistance Roll against the Original Attack, on
a failure she will need to make the Sensitivity Roll again, this will repeat at the start of each of her Turns
until she has made a Successful Resistance Roll.

If the Lewd Attack targeted her Mouth, Pussy, Ass, Nipples or Clit her Resistance Roll is at
Disadvantage and the -10 Modifier is removed.

Nipple Play

The Enemy loves to focus their attention on the Heroine’s engorged treats. Lewd Attacks can
immediately Target her Nipples and force her to make a Nipple Sensitivity Roll with a +10 Modifier.
Clit Play

The Enemy loves to focus their attention on the Heroine’s sensitive bud. Lewd Attacks can immediately
Target her Clit and force her to make a Clit Sensitivity Roll with a +10 Modifier.


Allows an Enemy to automatically follow after any Heroine Near them who moves to a different Position.
Will not activate if the Heroine is moved by a Spell.

Princess Carry

Allows an Enemy to bring any Heroine they have Bound along with them whenever they change to a
different Position. Will not activate if the Enemy is moved by a Spell / Trait.

Living Projectile

Cost: 1 Action

Any Near Enemy can be given a helping hand by tossing them to a different Position by making a
Normal Attack Roll. If a Heroine is at the targeted Position she must make an Evasion Roll against the
Normal Attack Roll, on a Failure she will either suffer a Normal Attack or a Grapple from the tossed

Tossed Enemies suffer a Fixed 5 Damage to their Main Body.

Cannot be used on any Enemy with the Lead Weight Characteristic.


Allows the Enemy to simultaneously Roll an Attack while moving towards any Far Heroine.

Buddy Carry

Allows the Enemy to be ridden upon by other Enemies and bring them along with them whenever they
change to a different Position. A Max of Three Enemies can be carried. Enemies targeted by Attacks
while riding will use the Evasion Roll of the one being ridden upon.

Cannot be used on any Enemy with the Lead Weight Characteristic.


Can step in to take an Attack in place of any Enemy Near them. All Damage received is directed to their
Main Body.
Hardened Body

Is able to negate Damage inflicted on it. The amount negated is determined by 1d5.

Slow Regeneration

Their Main Body recovers 2 HP and Appendages recover 1 HP at the start of their Turn every Round. If
Appendages reach 0 HP, they will heal 1 HP on their Second Turn.

Incompatible with Mid and Fast Regeneration. All Status Effects inflicted by Physical Attacks are
removed within Three Rounds.

Mid Regeneration

Their Main Body recovers 4 HP and Appendages recover 2 HP at the start of their Turn every Round. If
Appendages reach 0 HP, they will heal 2 HP on their Second Turn.

Incompatible with Mid and Fast Regeneration. All Status Effects inflicted by Physical Attacks are
removed within Two Rounds.

Incompatible with Slow and Fast Regeneration.

Fast Regeneration

Their Main Body recovers 8 HP and Appendages recover 4 HP at the start of their Turn every Round. If
Appendages reach 0 HP, they will heal 4 HP on their Second Turn.

Incompatible with Mid and Fast Regeneration. All Status Effects inflicted by Physical Attacks are
removed on the Next Round.

Incompatible with Slow and Mid Regeneration.


The Main Body can survive a lethal blow and live on 1 HP. Only once per encounter.


Any Attack Targeting their Main Body / Head can be redirected to one of their Arms. Allows any Enemy
with the Shield Bearing Foe Trait to redirect Attacks to their Shield.

Shield Bearing Foe

The Enemy is equipped with a Shield, allowing them to protect themselves from grievous harm. Against
any Attack, they will be capable of making Two Evasion Rolls per Action. The First Roll will allow them
to completely Evade the Attack. If they Fail the Frist Roll but succeed on the Second Roll they will use
their Shield to block the incoming Attack. If both fail, they will take Damage as normal.

The Shield will have 10 HP and is capable of negating Damage. The amount negated is determined by
rolling 1d10. Damage that exceeds its HP will break it, but it will still protect the Enemy from taking any
Damage from the Attack that destroyed it.

Shield must be assigned to a specific Arm / Tentacle / Tail / Tongue. Assigning multiple Shields will
induce a Penalty to Actions. -1 Action is added for each Extra Shield after the First. If all Appendages
are assigned a Shield, Attack is Disabled.

Shield can negate the following:

○ Bleed
○ Severed
○ Magic Status Effects
○ Femme Fatale
Armoured Foe

The Enemy is covered with a thick layer of Armour Pieces. The protection they wear comes in multiple
pieces, each Armour Piece covering a separate Body Part. Damage inflicted on an Armour Piece will be
absorbed by it, preventing the Enemy from taking any Damage themselves. Every Armour Piece will
have 10 HP and is capable of negating Damage. The amount negated is determined by rolling 1d5.
Damage that exceeds its HP will break it, but will still protect the Enemy from receiving Damage from that

Armour Pieces can negate the following:

○ Bleed
○ Severed
○ Magic Status Effects
○ Femme Fatale
High Pain Tolerance

Penetration will not be stopped unless hit with either Two Moderate Spells, a Single Major /
Monumental Spell or Two Physical Attacks with a Trait that enables the Heroine to interrupt


Their heightened senses allow them to notice the unnoticeable. They are unaffected by the following
○ Stealth
○ Invisible
○ Unseen Danger
○ Ambush
○ Rune Trap
Pacification Equipment
Quick Draw

Equipping does not use an Action.

Quick Retrieval

Any Dropped Pacification Equipment can be picked up and Equipped without using an Action.

Pacification Equipment must be Near.


The Enemy has the experience needed to more efficiently lock them down. Chance to use Pacification
Equipment initiated by Grapple Attacks is lowered from Rolls over 16 Before Bonuses to Rolls over
12 Before Bonuses.

Massage Therapist

The Enemy knows how to skillfully use their tools to render Heroines into quivering messes. All
Pacification Equipment initiated by a Lewd Attack will have their effects Doubled.

Professional Dom

The Enemy is quite adept at filling holes. All Pacification Equipment initiated by Violate Attacks will
advance Two Stages with a Successful Roll.

Natural Lube

Cost: 1 Action

Using their own bodily fluids, they can give any Pacification Equipment initiated by Violate Attacks a +2
to the Roll. Can be stacked up to Three Times.

Attack Potential
Long Range Attacker

Normal Attacks are capable of reaching Far and Distant Heroines.


+1 Action. Incompatible with the Multi-Armed Terror Characteristic.


+2 Actions. Incompatible with the Multi-Armed Terror Characteristic.


+3 Actions. Incompatible with the Multi-Armed Terror Characteristic.


+4 Actions. Incompatible with the Multi-Armed Terror Characteristic.


One Extra Action on their Turn if any Heroines change their Position to Near them.


By continuously Targeting the same Body Part in a row, Enemies will be rewarded with a +1 Attack Roll
Bonus. This effect is cumulative and is lost if an Attack is directed at a different Body Part.

The only exception is if the Enemy switches from Breasts to Nipples or Pussy to Clit.

Counter Dodge

A Successful Evasion Roll can be followed up with an Unavoidable Attack on the Heroine who
Attacked them. An Attack made with a Counter Dodge does not subtract from their overall number of

Heroine must be Near.


Instead of making an Evasion Roll, the Enemy can make an Attack Roll in an attempt to interrupt the
incoming Attack. Attacks made with Parry can be avoided by the Heroine with an Evasion Roll. An
Attack made with Parry does not subtract from their overall number of Attacks.

Any Attack can be used to Parry Attacks from Far or Distant Heroines, but they cannot Target them
unless the Enemy possesses a Trait or Characteristic that allows their Attack to Target Far or Distant


Enemies can hide themselves from the Heroine at the beginning of any encounter. While hidden, all
Single-Target Spells, Physical Attacks and Evasion Rolls against them are at Disadvantage,
additionally Heroines cannot see their Position. This lasts until the Enemy is hit or they make an

While Stealth is Active, Enemies cannot be targeted by the following Traits:

○ Push and Pull
○ Fling
○ Teleportation
○ Exchange
○ Depower
○ Empower

One Extra Action against Heroines if they change their Position to Near the Enemy with the use or
Activation of certain Traits. This includes:
○ Doppelganger (Only if Heroine is Oblivious or Suspicious)
○ Invisibility
○ Teleportation
○ Exchange
○ Chase
○ Stealth
Will only Activate Once per Turn.

Greater Than Their Sum

Enemies with both the All For One Characteristic and this Trait can surpass their limits with the power of
teamwork. Their combined Roll Bonus when using All For One can exceed +10, maxing out at +20

Curse Caster

The Enemy is able to inflict Curses on a Heroine with a Magic Attack Roll that has a +2 Bonus.

Curse Mastery

The Enemy’s knowledge of Curses grants them a +4 Magic Roll on attempts to inflict a Heroine
with a Curse.

Curse Sight

Allows the Enemy to identify any Curses a Heroine has been afflicted with.

Twice Blight

Can afflict a Second Curse on a Heroine.


A concentrated fog of Miasma continuously emanates from their body. All Near Heroines afflicted
with a Curse will be forced to make a Resistance Roll against its Strength at the beginning of each
of their Turns. A Failed Roll will Trigger the Forced Activation Effect of her Curse.
If a Heroine has multiple Curses, only the ones that have a Higher Strength than her Resistance
Roll will be Triggered.

Clingy Miasma

Curses manifested by the Enemy can deeply stain the Heroine’s soul. She will need to make Two
Successful Resistance Roll to prevent Curses created by Enemies with this Trait from Activating.


A Heroine who has been Successfully Cursed will unintentionally spread that same Curse to any
unfortunate Heroines within the Same Group who have selected that particular Curse. Each
Heroine will be forced to make a Resistance Roll against the Original Strength of the Curse that
the first Heroine was afflicted with. A Failed Roll will inflict the Heroine with the same Curse.

Roll Bonuses

+2 Evasion


+2 Normal Attack


+2 Lewd Attack


+2 Magic Attack


+2 Grapple Attack


+2 Violate Attack
Pacification Equipment
➢ Headwear
➢ Collars
➢ Gags
➢ Vibrators
➢ Dildos
➢ Ointments
➢ Restrains
➢ Impact

During combat, Enemies may be in possession of special items designed to subjugate and pacify the
Heroines. Each piece of Equipment requires a different Attack Type to initiate it. The Attack needed to
initiate its use will be stated alongside its Bonus and HP.

While an Enemy can carry multiple pieces of Pacification Equipment on their person, in order for them to
use an of them, they must be Equipped. Equipping can be done for 1 Action. The Max Number of
Pacification Equipment that can be Equipped is equivalent to the Number of Arms / Tentacles / Tails /
Tongues above Zero HP.

Each piece of Pacification Equipment will be assigned to a specific Arm / Tentacle / Tail / Tongue. The
Heroine can force an Enemy to Drop their Pacification Equipment by making a Successful Attack Roll on
the Arm / Tentacle / Tail / Tongue it was Equipped to. Pacification Equipment is also Dropped
whenever an Enemy with one is Defeated / Killed. Dropped Pacification Equipment can be Re-equipped
by an Enemy for 1 Action. All dropped Pacification Equipment will be given its own Position to
keep track of it.

Pacification Equipment can be targeted directly and destroyed by reducing its HP to Zero. While in
possession of an Enemy, regardless if its Equipped or not, it can be targeted at a -4 Attack Roll Penalty.
The Evasion Roll used for it will be the same as the Enemy who has it in their possession. Dropped
Pacification Equipment or one’s place on a Heroine can be targeted without the need to make a

Pacification Equipment initiated by a Grapple Attack cannot be used freely. The Enemy must get a Roll
of 16+ Before Bonuses of their Attack, attack a Heroine whose Evasion is Disabled, or a heroine must
have Both Arms Bound. If any of these conditions have been met and the Grapple Attack is Successful,
it will be placed on the Heroine.

Removing Pacification Equipment requires a Successful Escape Roll against the Strength of the
Equipment. An Escape Roll is required for each piece of Equipment placed on a Heroine. Each piece of
Equipment has its own Roll Bonus that will be added to every Roll against the Heroine’s Escape Roll
attempt. For Restraint Pacification Equipment, they can be layered onto the same Limb. All Escape
Rolls for each Restraint must be Successful to remove all of them from the Limb they are Binding with
each success adding a +1 Bonus to the next attempt against the remaining Restraints. Once a Roll for a
particular Restraint has Succeeded, she no longer has to make Rolls for it. The exact conditions for
removal depends on what category the Equipment belongs to.

Pacification Equipment initiated by a Violate Attack can be delayed with a Struggle Roll or interrupted
with an Attack to the Enemy similar to a normal Violate Attack.

The number of Pacification Equipment any given Enemy has on their person must be stated and their
individual HP tracked.
Removal Condition: Single Arm / One per Arm and Successful Escape Roll


Initiated By Grapple Attack / Roll Bonus: +1 / HP: 1/1

A simple strip of cloth. Until the blindfold is removed, the Heroine will gain the following Penalties:
○ All Attack and Evasion Rolls are at Disadvantage.
○ +5 to all Sensitivity Rolls.
Trance Goggles

Initiated By Grapple Attack / Roll Bonus: +1 / HP: 3/3

Has the appearance of an ordinary pair of goggles. A faint kaleidoscope of lights can be seen dancing
within the lenses.

It becomes hard to focus on anything but the pretty lights within the Goggles. The Heroine must make a
Resistance Roll of 10+ before performing any Action. Failed Rolls will result in the Heroine wasting her
Action by doing nothing.

Brainwashing Headphones

Initiated By Grapple Attack / Roll Bonus: +2 / HP: 3/3

A large pair of pink headphones.

Makes the Heroine increasingly hornier and submissive the longer she wears them. The effect is
cumulative and is triggered once per Turn for each effect at the beginning of her Turn, but will disappear
once the headphones are removed. The effects can be prevented with a successful Resistance Roll
against the Equipment Roll.
○ Hornier: +4 Sensitivity Roll
○ Submissive: -2 to every Escape Roll

Removal Condition: Both Arms / One per Two Arms and Successful Escape Roll

Obedience Collar

Initiated By Grapple Attack / Roll Bonus: +5 / HP: 10/10

A metal collar with a derogatory word engraved on it. Allows other without Hypnotic
Suggestion to make commands and strengthens its power for those who possess the
Trait. Below is the strengthened version for Enemies who possess Hypnotic
○ Anything Non-Sexual: N/A / Roll -10 => Enemy Roll
○ Remove Clothing: Reduce CD to 0, Restored after Encounter / Roll -9 => Enemy Roll
○ Present: -2 Penalty to all future Struggle Rolls against Enemy, does not Stack / Roll +2 =>
Enemy Roll
○ Masturbate: Make a Pussy Sensitivity Roll with -10 modifier / Roll -8 => Enemy Roll
○ Allow Touching: Automatically Fail Rolls vs Lewd Attacks / Roll -7 => Enemy Roll
○ Handjob: Near Enemy makes Ejaculation Roll / Roll -6 => Enemy Roll
○ Blow/Boobjob: Make a Mouth or Breasts Sensitivity Roll with -10 modifier, Near Enemy
makes Ejaculation Roll, if Blowjob Advance to Penetration Stage 3 / Roll -5 =>
○ Pussyjob: Make a Pussy Sensitivity Roll, Near Enemy makes Ejaculation Roll / Roll -4 =>
Enemy Roll
○ Ass Pounding: Make an Ass Sensitivity Roll and Advance to Penetration Stage 3, Near
Enemy makes Ejaculation Roll, -2 Ejaculation Threshold / Roll -3 => Enemy Roll
○ No Barrier: Chastity Barrier Disabled, Restored after Encounter / Roll -2 => Enemy Roll
○ Raw Pussy Sex: Make a Pussy Sensitivity Roll and Advance to Penetration Stage 3,
Near Enemy makes Ejaculation Roll, -2 Ejaculation Threshold / Roll -1 => Enemy Roll
Only One Suggestion per Turn. Heroine must be Near. Cannot be used to Attack other

Victim Collar

Initiated By Grapple Attack / Roll Bonus: +5 / HP: 5/5

A worn leather collar. When placed, the heroine will gain the Helpless Status Effect.
Helpless cannot be removed unless the Victim Collar is removed.

Shock Collar Remote

Initiated For 1 Action / HP: 1/1

Comes paired with a Shock Collar.

Shock Collar

Initiated By Grapple Attack / Roll Bonus: +5 / HP: 10/10

A spiked black collar. Each one is paired with a single remote.

The owner of the remote can use an Action to activate the collar each Round forcing the
Heroine to make a Non-Erotic Sensitivity Roll. All Sensitivity Rolls will be done with a
-10 Modifier. There is also a penalty to the Heroine’s next Attack and Evasion Rolls
depending on the setting of Collar which is determined by rolling 1d3.
1. Low Power: -1 to Next Attack and Evasion Roll.
2. Mid Power: -2 to Next Attack and Evasion Roll.
3. High Power: -3 to Next Attack and Evasion Roll.

Removal Condition: Single Arm / One Per Arm and Successful Escape Roll

Ring Gag
Initiated By Grapple Attack / Roll Bonus: +3 / HP: 3/3

A cruel device that prevents the Heroine from closing her mouth. Disables Struggle Rolls until Oral
Penetration Stage 3 (Nearly Choking) is reached.

Dildo Gag

Initiated By Violate Attack / Roll Bonus: +4 / HP: 5/5

Obstructs the mouth with a phallic object. Comes in varying lengths and its length determines the level of
Oral Penetration. All Sensitivity Rolls will be done with a -10 Modifier. Which Tier is chosen is determined
by rolling 1d3.
1. Max Penetration: Stage 3 – Nearly Choking
2. Max Penetration: Stage 4 – Battering The Throat Barrier
3. Max Penetration Stage: 5 – Deepthroat (Incapable of Removing Oral Virginity)
Tentacle Gag

Initiated By Grapple Attack / Roll Bonus: +4 / HP: 10/10

A living obstruction. Can perform Violate Attacks and make Ejaculation Rolls once placed. All
Sensitivity Rolls will be done with a -10 Modifier. There are three different types of Tentacle Gags that
each use a different Trait. Which is chosen is determined by rolling 1d3.
1. Quick Shot
2. Aphrodisiac Cum
3. Brainwashing Cum
Panty/Sock Gag

Initiated By Violate Attack: / Roll Bonus: +1 / HP: 1/1

Used panties/sock stolen from a Heroine. Only 1 Appendage is needed to use it.
○ Normal Panties/Socks: +2 Sensitivity Per Turn
○ Girl-Cum Soaked Panties: +4 Sensitivity and -5 Mana Per Turn
○ Semen-Soaked Panties/Socks: +6 Sensitivity and -10 Mana Per Turn
Max Penetration: Stage 2
Removal Condition: Single Arm / One per Arm and Successful Escape Roll

Wand Vibrator

Initiated By Lewd or Violate Attack / Roll Bonus: +1 / HP: 3/3

A large Vibrator shaped like a microphone. Capable of both penetrative or external stimulation.
The Heroine will make Two Sensitivity Rolls and choose the higher Roll.

Max Penetration: Stage 3

Clitoral Vibrator

Initiated By Lewd Attack / HP: 3/3

A Vibrator focuses exclusively on clitoral stimulation. Comes in a range of shapes such as

butterflies and tongues. Allows an Enemy to immediately Target her Clit. The Heroine will make a
Clit Sensitivity Roll with a +20 Modifier.

Rabbit Vibrator

Initiated By Violate Attack / Roll Bonus: +2 / HP: 3/3

A Vibrator that resembles a lobster claw. Capable of simultaneous penetrative and clitoral
stimulation. Named after the clitoral stimulators attached to the machine that are shaped as a pair
of fluttering “rabbit ears”. The Heroine will make Two Sensitivity Rolls and choose the higher Roll.
When Max Penetration is reached, an Additional Clit Sensitivity Roll can be made.

Max Penetration: Stage 3

Bullet Vibrator

Initiated By Lewd or Violate Attack / Roll Bonus: +1 / HP: 2/2

A thin, cylindrically shaped Vibrator. Its smaller size allows it to easily slip inside her Pussy,
granting a +4 Violate Attack Bonus.

Max Penetration: Stage 3

Egg Vibrator

Initiated By Lewd or Violate Attack / Roll Bonus: +1 / HP: 2/2

A Vibrator with a compact, round shape. Its smaller size allows it to easily slip inside her Ass or
Pussy, granting a +2 Violate Attack Bonus. Will remain inside her Ass or Pussy once Stage 2 has
been reached and requires a Successful Escape Roll to remove.

Payload Vibrator

Initiated By Violate Attack / Roll Bonus: +1 / HP: 5/5

A Vibrator with a hollow inside filled with Semen. Injects a combination of Every Semen
Characteristic upon the Heroine Rolling a 61 or higher on Sensitivity. Only has enough for a Single

Max Penetration: Stage 3

Nipple Ring Vibrator

Initiated By Grapple Attack / Roll Bonus: +2 / HP: 2/2

A tiny vibrating ring that can be attached to a Nipple. Allows an Enemy to immediately Target her
Nipples. The Heroine will make a Nipple Sensitivity Roll with a +5 Modifier every Round.

Clit Ring Vibrator

Initiated By Grapple Attack / Roll Bonus: +2 / HP: 2/2

A tiny vibrating ring that can be attached to a clit. Allows an Enemy to immediately Target her Clit/
The Heroine will make a Clit Sensitivity Roll with a +10 Modifier every Round.

Removal Condition: Single Arm / One Per Arm and Successful Escape Roll

Strap-On Dildo

Initiated By Violate Attack / HP: 5/5

A wearable phallic object. Allows Women to perform Violate Attacks.

Max Penetration: Stage 5

Magical Dildo

Initiated By Violate Attack / Roll Bonus: +4 / HP: 10/10

A Dildo composed of an unknown material. Capable of transforming into different shapes with a verbal
command. It can become any of the Cock Characteristics (Double Cocks / Knotty Cock / Bumpy Cock
/ Girthy Cock). One shape can be chosen before the encounter. Swapping or adding another Cock
Characteristic will use 1 Action if done during combat.

Max Penetration: Stage 5

Cursed Dildo

Initiated By Violate Attack / Roll Bonus: +5 / HP: 10/10

A surprisingly smooth Dildo carved from stone. Upon Penetration, the Heroine is afflicted with a random
Curse. The Curse is chosen from the list of preferred Curses provided by the Player. The strength is
determined by an Equipment Roll. If the Curse chosen has already been placed upon the Heroine, it will
instead Trigger a Forced Activation Effect.
A newly afflicted Curse will disappear upon removal of the Cursed Dildo. However, if the Heroine
experiences an Orgasm by Rolling a 61 or higher on Sensitivity, the Curse will remain even without the
Cursed Dildo. Additionally, all currently afflicted Curses will be strengthened by +1.

Max Penetration: Stage 5

Parasite Tentacle

Initiated By Grapple or Violate Attack / Roll Bonus: Depends On Penetration Stage / HP: 1/1

A strange purple tentacle with green underbelly. Upon Penetration, the creature will attempt to bury itself
inside the Heroine. An Additional Roll based on its Current Roll Bonus will be Rolled with every Violate
Attack made and added as a Bonus Modifier. The Roll Bonus for the Parasite Tentacle is determined
by what Stage of Penetration it is at.
○ No Stage: +1 Bonus
○ Stage 1: +2 Bonus
○ Stage 2: +3 Bonus
○ Stage 3: +4 Bonus
○ Stage 4: +5 Bonus
○ Stage 5: +5 Bonus
The Parasite Tentacle can act on its own once placed on a Heroine with a Grapple Attack. It will try to
push itself inside her, making One Violate Attack every Turn.

If it reaches Stage 5: Special – Cervix Penetration for her Pussy, it will begin secreting an incredibly
powerful mix of brainwashing fluids and aphrodisiacs in an attempt to make her Surrender. As long as
the Parasite Tentacle is inside her, she will need to make a Resistance Roll of 18+ at the start of her
Turn every Round to be able to make any Actions. A Failed Roll will have her skip her Turn and make an
extra Sensitivity Roll. All Sensitivity Rolls are given a +20 and results from them are Doubled.

Impregnation is impossible while the Parasite Tentacle is inside her Womb.

Anal Beads

Initiated By Violate Attack / Roll Bonus: +4 / HP: 3/3

A silicone toy composed of multiple balls. Removing will force the heroine to make an Ass Sensitivity
Roll for each Stage of Penetration it has reached.

Max Penetration: Stage 5

Crystal Butt Plug

Initiated By Violate Attack / Roll Bonus: +4 / HP: 5/5

A strange Butt Plut with a magical jewel embedded on its end. Upon Penetration, the magic within the
crystal activates and the Heroine is afflicted by its Fatigue Trait.
Max Penetration: Stage 5

Tail Butt Plug

Initiated By Violate Attack / Roll Bonus: +5 / HP: 5/5

A Butt Plug with a decorative animal tail on its end. Touching the fake tail will send pleasurable sensations
to the Heroine. Lewd Attacks on her tail will force her to make an Anal Sensitivity Roll. Likewise, any
Attacks against it while it is currently Penetrating her will force her to make an Anal Sensitivity Roll.

Max Penetration: Stage 5

Removal Condition: Cleanse / Purify / 10 Rounds Have Passed Since Application.


Initiated For 1 Action / HP: 1/1

A slippery, wet substance. Gives +2 Violate Attack when used on a Cock, Tentacle, Fingers or
Vibrate/Dildp. Can be stacked up the Three Times.

Aphrodisiac Oil

Initiated By Lewd Attack / HP: 1/1

A sweet-smelling substance. +10 to all Sensitivity Rolls to the Body Part it was applied to. Can be
stacked up to Three Times.

Sedative Oil

Initiated By Lewd Attack / HP: 1/1

A flowery-smelling substance. -2 to Escape and Struggle Rolls. Can be stacked up to Three Times.

Brainwash Oil

Initiated By Lewd Attack / HP: 1/1

A woody-smelling substance. -2 to Resistance Rolls. Can be stacked up to Three Times.

Removal Condition: Successful Escape Roll / Reduce Equipment HP to 0


Initiated By Grapple Attack / Roll Bonus: +2 / HP: 2/2

A flexible adhesive. Can be used to restrain Two Limbs at once. Up to Four Applications of Tape can
be used on a Single Body Part. Each Application will add +2 to the Roll Bonus and +2 to the Total HP.

Has a secondary use in sticking Vibrators onto a Heroine’s body. Each Vibrator Taped onto the heroine
will Activate their effect Once per Round until Removed.


Initiated By Grapple Attack / Roll Bonus: +3 / HP: 3/3

Prevents idle hands from acting out. Can be used to restrain Two Limbs at once.


Initiated By Grapple Attack / HP: 5/5

A large cylindrical device that can be used to propel Certain Restraint Pacification Equipment at Far or
Distant Heroines, allowing it to bypass the condition required to use them. The following can be used
with the Launcher.
○ Enchanted Rope: Targetable: Both Legs / Wings / Cybernetics: Wings
○ Steel Chains: Targetable: Both Legs / Wings / Cybernetics: Wings
○ Titanium Carbon Fiber Net: Targetable: All
○ Hardening Glue: Targetable: Any
Both the Launcher and the chosen Restraint Pacification Equipment must be Equipped. If the Attack
Fails, the Pacification Equipment is considered Dropped and will remain at the Position where the
Heroine was Targeted.

Enchanted Rope

Initiated By Grapple Attack / Roll Bonus: +4 / HP: 5/5

A magical item created to sap the will of those bound by it. Can be used to restrain Two Limbs at once.
-1 to Resistance Roll every Turn. The effect is cumulative, but will disappear once the Enchanted Rope
has been either removed or destroyed.

Hardening Glue

Initiated By Grapple Attack / Roll Bonus: +4 / HP: 1/1 (When used: HP: 30/30)

A small pouch filled with a powdery substance. Can be used to restrain One Limb. Becomes an
incredibly sticky adhesive upon impact, raising its HP to 30/30 when used. If the Attack Fails, the
Hardening Glue is destroyed and cannot be used again.

Any Successful Attack against it will the Enemy carrying it will cause it to preemptively explode, covering
the Enemy with the Hardening Glue and giving them a -3 Evasion Penalty.
Steel Chains

Initiated By Grapple Attack / Roll Bonus: +5 / HP: 10/10

Reliable solid metal bindings. Can be used to restrain Two Limbs at once. Has the Tight Hold Trait.

Titanium Carbon Fiber Net

Initiated By Grapple Attack / Roll Bonus: +5 / HP: 20/20

Built for extreme conditions and abuse. Can be used to restrain All Limbs at once and Disable Wings /
Cybernetics: Wings. Requires Four Successful Escape Rolls. Each Successful Roll will give the
Heroine +1 on all Future Escape Rolls. This Bonus is Cumulative and will last until the Heroine has
Successfully Escaped.

Removal Condition: N/A


Initiated By Lewd Attack / HP: 3/3

A small handheld tool with an elongated handle and a flat, widened distal end. Typically composed of
either wood or plastic and can come in a variety of shapes. +1 Lewd and the Heroine will be forced to
make a Sensitivity Roll with a +10 Modifier.


Initiated By Lewd Attacks / HP: 5/5

A simple long rod. +2 Lewd and the Heroine will be forced to make a Sensitivity Roll with a +5

Balanced Flogger

Initiated By Lewd Attack / HP: 3/3

A lightweight Flogger that is easy to use and control. Great for beginners. Each Successful hit will inflict a
-1 Penalty to All Rolls (Attack, Evasion, Resistance, Escape and Struggle) for 1 Round. Can be

Ball Handle Flogger

Initiated By Lewd Attack / HP: 2/2

A Flogger created to be used with multiple at once. Requires advanced knowledge and skill to use to its
fullest potential. -2 Lewd when used and each Successful hit will inflict a -2 Penalty to All Rolls (Attack,
Evasion, Resistance, Escape and Struggle) for 1 Round. Can be Stacked.

Assigning multiple Ball Handle Floggers will increase the number of Rounds the Roll Penalty is applied.
+1 Turn added for each Extra Ball Handle Flogger after the Frist.

Cat O’ Nine Tails

Initiated By Lewd Attack / HP: 9/9

A Flogger characterized by its nine knotted strings. Only experts can properly wield this punishment tool.
-3 Lewd when used, but if it connects, the Heroine will be forced to make Nine Sensitivity Rolls with a
-10 Modifier and suffer a -6 Penalty to All Rolls (Attack, Evasion, Resistance, Escape and Struggle)
for 1 Round. Can be Stacked.

Leather Bullwhip

Initiated By Normal, Lewd or Grapple Attack / HP: 10/10

Long and flexible, this tool can be utilized in multiple different ways to Target Near and Far Heroines
depending on what Attack is used to initiate it.
○ Normal: Can tear through Clothing and force the Heroine to make a Sensitivity Roll with
a -20 Modifier.
○ Lewd: -3 Lewd when used, but if it connects, the Heroine will be forced to make Three
Sensitivity Rolls and suffer a -2 Penalty to All Rolls (Attack, Evasion, Resistance,
Escape and Struggle) for 1 Round. Can be Stacked.
○ Grapple: Can be used to Bind One Limb of a Far Heroine and pull them Near for 1
Action. While Binding her, the Enemy can still perform Evasion Rolls, but the Leather
Bullwhip attached to her can be Targeted.

Occasionally, the Heroine will be assisted in battle. These Ally characters will have their own Stats
and Traits.

They will function similarly to Heroines in combat, however, there are some differences to note.

Allies have 100 CD like Heroines but only have 500 Mana. They can make Attack, Spell, Struggle
and Escape Rolls but CANNOT make Barrier Rolls and do not have access to a Chastity Barrier.

While they can make Spell Attacks they cannot cast Spells above Moderate Level.

Allies do not have a Roll Bonus from Mana and instead roll a flat 1d20 unless their Characteristics
or Traits grant them a Bonus.

All Allies have Two Characteristics and Two Traits.

When an Ally’s Mana is Dropped to Zero and she Climaxes, Rolling 61 or higher on Sensitivity,
they are Defeated and can no longer act until the end of the encounter.

How they are controlled during combat depends on what the QM and the Players decide.
○ QM Control: The QM both Rolls and writes for the Ally.
○ Player Control: The Player both Rolls and writes for the Ally.

Hard Mode
For those who want to make this extra spicy, I present to you this list of restrictions. You are free
to pick and choose which restrictions you want.

1. Losing a Virginity will result in a Permanent Loss of the Player’s Max Mana.

Throat | -100 Lost

Ass | - 200 Lost
Pussy | -400 Lost

2. Sensitivity does not decrease in between battles.

3. Impregnation is an instant game over.

4. Lewd Curses cannot be removed.

5. Only one Chastity Barrier. No more can be created.

6. Give any Body Part (Oral, Breast, Nipples, Ass, Pussy, Clit, Ears, Tail, Snake Body) an
Extra Sensitivity Penalty. The Penalty can be of any amount.

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