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Male Choice, Female Competition, and

Female Ornaments in Sexual Selection

Male Choice, Female

Competition, and
Female Ornaments
in Sexual Selection

Ingo Schlupp
Department of Biology, University of Oklahoma, USA


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© Ingo Schlupp 2021
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Preface ix
Glossary xi

1 Sexual Selection, Mate Choice, and Competition for Mates 1

1.1 Brief outline of the chapter 1

1.2 Sexual selection 1
1.3 Why choose or compete? 4
1.4 Mate choice 5
1.4.1 Female choice 5
1.4.2 Male choice 8
1.4.3 Male competition 10
1.4.4 Female competition 11
1.5 Definitions 11
1.6 Short summary 12
1.7 Recommended reading 12
1.8 Bibliographic information 12
1.9 References 15

2 Female and Male Mate Choice: Similarities and Differences 21

2.1 Brief outline of the chapter 21

2.2 The role of sex roles 21
2.3 Male mate choice based on female quality 26
2.4 From species recognition to mate choice 26
2.5 Female and male choice 27
2.6 Limitations of choice 27
2.7 Female choice 29
2.8 Female choice for direct benefits 29
2.9 Indirect benefits 31
2.10 Compatibility 32
2.11 Assortative mating 33
2.12 Sensory bias 34
2.13 Proximate mechanisms and sensory biology 34
2.14 Cost of mate choice 34
2.15 Rejection as choice 36
2.16 Social environment 36


vi Contents

2.17 Similarities and differences 38

2.17.1 Evolutionary outcomes  38
2.17.2 Mechanisms  39
2.18 Hermaphrodites 40
2.19 Short summary 41
2.20 Recommended reading 41
2.21 References 41

3 Examples of Male Mate Choice 53

3.1 Brief outline of the chapter 53

3.2 Limitations of this chapter 53
3.3 Male mate choice viewed taxonomically 53
3.4 Plants 54
3.5 Fungi 55
3.6 Animals 55
3.6.1 Vertebrates  55
3.6.2 Invertebrates  64
3.7 Short summary 68
3.8 Additional reading 68
3.9 References 68

4 What Males Choose: Differences in Female Quality 81

4.1 Brief outline of the chapter 81

4.2 Introduction 81
4.3 Direct benefits 81
4.3.1 Direct benefits: fecundity 82
4.3.2 Direct benefits: other than fecundity 83
4.4 Indirect benefits 89
4.5 Compatibility 89
4.6 Postpairing male mate choice: choosiness when having an affair 90
4.7 Short summary 90
4.8 Further reading 91
4.9 References 91

5 Male Investment and Male Choice 97

5.1 Brief outline of the chapter 97

5.2 Introduction 97
5.2.1 Investment prior to mating: does it count? 98
5.2.2 Male investment in offspring 100
5.2.3 Male investment in their partner 102
5.3 Male investment is relative 103
5.4 Life history tradeoffs and future reproduction 103
5.5 Three examples of male investment and male mate choice 103
5.6 Short summary 105
5.7 Further reading 105
5.8 References 105

Contents vii

6 Mechanism of Male Choice: Sex Ratios 109

6.1 Brief outline of the chapter 109

6.2 Introduction 109
6.3 OSR 110
6.3.1 What influences the OSR?  113
6.3.2 What is influenced by the OSR?  115
6.4 ASR 115
6.5 Short summary 116
6.6 Further reading 116
6.7 References 116

7 Ornaments in Females 119

7.1 Brief outline of the chapter 119

7.2 Introduction 119
7.3 Potential origins of female ornaments 120
7.4 Males exercise sexual selection and females evolve ornaments 124
7.5 Ornaments in females and what they might mean 127
7.6 Genetic correlation 130
7.7 Social evolution 131
7.8 Short summary 132
7.9 Further reading 132
7.10 References 132

8 Female–Female Competition 139

8.1 Brief overview of the chapter 139

8.2 Introduction 139
8.3 Costs of competition 141
8.4 Forms of competition 142
8.5 What females compete for 143
8.5.1 Access to mates  143
8.5.2 Access to reproductive resources  143
8.5.3 Access to male investment  144
8.5.4 Access to indirect benefits 144
8.6 Infanticide 144
8.7 Lower-­level competition: threats 144
8.8 The role of kinship 145
8.9 Reproductive suppression of other females 145
8.10 Within- and between-­species competition? 146
8.11 Armaments in females 146
8.12 Eavesdropping and audience effects in females, but not in males? 147
8.13 What does it all mean? 147
8.14 Short summary 148
8.15 Further reading 148
8.16 References 148

viii Contents

9 Synthesis and Outlook 153

9.1 Brief outline of the chapter 153

9.2 Introduction 153
9.3 Male mate choice is common 155
9.4 Differences in partner quality 156
9.5 Investment in reproduction 157
9.6 Sex ratios 158
9.7 Female competition 159
9.8 Female ornamentation 159
9.9 Short summary 160
9.10 References 160

Index 162


Writing this book was a deeply personal endeavor for of this leads to an imperfect product and an emotional
me. Books have their own personal history and an rollercoaster for the author. I am sure that
agenda, mainly because authors have them. Like I will notice errors and flaws in my book the day
many other projects, I started this book on a dark and after I submit it and lose control over it, but, eventu-
stormy night in the field many years ago. Without the ally, an author has to let go and live with the conse-
opportunity generously provided by my university quences. Just like most authors, I have a love–hate
to work on this during a sabbatical, I would have relationship with my book. It was great fun to write
never finished. I am very grateful for that. I am also it and to intellectually engage with a topic, but it is
grateful to several funding agencies that made also frustrating as I struggle for words (English is
­possible the work that I refer to throughout the book: not my first language, although that is not meant to
Caribaea Initiative, German Science Foundation be an excuse). Sometimes I fear I am producing an
(DFG), German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), unreadable word salad that no one will care to read.
Alexander v. Humboldt Foundation, National Of course, I worry about whether my ideas will be
Geographic, and the National Science Foundation well received or not. Or if people will laugh at the
(NSF). errors I made or the emphasis I choose. Putting
In addition to being personal, books are also writ- these anxieties aside is not easy. Yet, my biggest
ten at a certain time and inevitably must reflect this. dream and hope for the book is that it will be out-
As I was working on this book the climate change cri- dated and obsolete in a few years.
sis got worse by the day, with very little good news. Writing a book was primarily a process and the
Why even work on a book on mate choice when the ideas I had early on changed substantially over time.
planet is going down the drain? And how can I sit in This may be the best thing about the process of writ-
my office at home and work on this, with the world in ing this text. It was deeply gratifying to be able to talk
Covid-­19 turmoil around me? I have no good answer, to people about my ideas and thoughts. Most col-
but I am simply not ready to give up hope. leagues were very gracious with their time and
This book, like all books, I believe, reflects my limi- engaged in discussions about questions I had for
tations and biases. I feel, for example, more comfort­ them. Most academics are very friendly, kind, and
able writing about fishes, because that is the taxonomic have preserved the curiosity and open-­mindedness
group I mostly work with scientifically. That is part of that got them into research. I am very grateful for that.
the reason for my reliance on fish examples. But also, Maybe the worst thing about a book format is
fishes are the most speciose group of vertebrates and that it pretends to be linear, one page following the
more variable in almost all traits than other verte- other. But knowledge is not linear. Everything is
brates. I admit, though, that I am probably less well connected, sometimes in unexpected, even unpre-
informed about other taxa, although I tried very hard dictable, but always exciting ways.
to read and cite the literature widely. A book like the present one is always a long time
In addition to these intrinsic biases, there are in the making. I had support from countless people,
external constraints to what an author is doing. for which I am immensely grateful. I dedicate this
There are deadlines, word limits, and reviews. All book to my family, in particular my wonderful wife,


x P r e fa c e

Andrea. Her kind help and patience at every step of Ari Berkowitz J. P. Masly
the process made this project possible. Our four Niko Besnier Carolyn Mead Harvey
wonderful children supported me too, each in their Alexis Billings Tamra Mendelson
own unique way. Without them my life and my Warren Booth Marcela Méndez-­Janovitz
work would have a lot less meaning. I am also Stefan Bräger Manfred Milinski
grateful to my parents and to Andrea’s parents. Sarah Bush Tania Munz
Both Andrea and I lost our mothers while I was David Buss Hazel Nichols
working on this book, so this is for them too. Reagan Cannetti Sabine Nöbel
I was able to run ideas (including all the stupid Christa Chancellor Joyce Parga
ones), chapters, and thoughts by a lot of people. Rickey Cothran Heike Pröhl
They all helped me to think a little more clearly and Darren Croft Eveleen Richards
I am very grateful for their time and effort. I feel Claire Curry Mike Ritchie
honored and lucky to be part of such a great com- Innes Cuthill Rodet Rodriguez
munity. But of course, all errors and shortcomings Etienne Danchin Gil Rosenthal
of this work are solely mine. Karen deJong Christian Rutz
Maybe most importantly, I have to acknowledge Tobias Deschner Michael J. Ryan
the many great mentors I had. They helped me Nick DiRienzo Scott Sakaluk
through the many crises that accompany a career in Marcel Dorken Jutta Schneider
academia and gave me hope. Many come to mind, Claire Doutrelant Gordon Schuett
but four stand out: Jakob Parzefall, Manfred Schartl, Matt Dugas Kristina Sefc
Uli Reyer, and Michael J. Ryan. I hope I can pay a Melissa Emery Maria Servedio
little of this forward. Finally, I am grateful to all my Thompson seven anonymous
students, present and past. They all made in­cred­ Courtney Fitzpatrick reviewers for Oxford
ibly important contributions to my thinking and Doug Gaffin University Press
I often think that I am learning more from them Antje Girndt Ian Sherman
than they are from me. Cari Goetz Atsushi Sogabe
Oxford University Press has a fine group of edi- John Goodwin Montrai Spikes
tors and I am indebted to Ian Sherman, Bethany Johana Goyes Vallejos Staats- und
Kershaw, and Charles Bath for accompanying me Peter Grant Universitäts-
patiently as I missed deadline after deadline along Palestina Guevara-­Fiore Bibliothek Hamburg
the long road to the final book. Special thanks go to Piers Hale Carl von Ossietzky
Andrea Schlupp, who bravely read all chapters of Daniel Hanley Kyle Summers
the book and provided comments. Several others Rachel Hazlitt Lindsey Swierk
read at least one chapter and provided feedback: Rob Heinsohn Michael Taborsky
Claire Doutrelant, Amber Makowicz, Rudy Riesch, Jenn Hellmann Katie Taylor
and Michael J. Ryan. Christie Henry the great people at the
Some colleagues very kindly and generously Marielle Hoefnagels OU Bizzell Library
gave permission to publish their artwork: Theo Kerstin Johannesson Timo Thünken
Bakker, Anders Berglund, David Funk, Sarah Kristine Johnson Ralph Tiedemann
Lipshutz, Manfred Milinski, Florian Schiestl, Peter Kappeler Claus Wedekind
Andreas Svensson, Katherine Swiney, Kazunori Bethany Kershaw Gary Wellborn
Yoshizawa, and Rudy Riesch. Ellen Ketterson Klaudia Witte
More thanks are due to the many people listed Abby Kimmitt Kazunori Yoshizawa
here for fruitful discussion or help of some kind: Willow Lindsay
Ingo Schlupp
Sara Lipshutz
Professor of Biology
Deike Lüdtke
Department of Biology
Ingrid Ahnesjö Waldir Miron Berbel-­ Martine Maan
University of Oklahoma,
Theo Bakker Filho Constantino Macías
Charles Bath Anders Berglund Garcia


The glossary is intended to provide a quick definition of important terms used throughout the book. They are only meant
as an entry point.

Adult sex ratio (ASR) ratio of number of adult males to Operational sex ratio (OSR) ratio of number of males to
females in a population. females in a population ready to mate.
Anisogamy differences in size between gametes. Large Pleiotropy gene that affects multiple phenotypic traits.
gametes are typically eggs, small gametes are typically Potential reproductive rate (PRR) theoretical offspring
sperm. production in a period of time if unconstrained by
Bateman’s principle based on anisogamy males have more availability of mating partners.
mating partners than females and higher variance in Sex roles based on Bateman’s principle males are thought
reproductive success. to benefit from mating with multiple partners,
Binary choice test method to test for mating preferences while females benefit from selecting a few partners.
with one choosing individual that is given a choice There are four character states for this: a male with
between two stimuli. male-­like behavior, a female with female-­like behavior,
Kuhnian revolution a major shift in paradigms in a scien- a male with female-­like behavior, and a female with
tific discipline. ­male-­like ­behavior.
Lek small area where courters display to choosers with- Sexual conflict this can arise when the two mating part-
out providing any resources. ners have different reproductive optima.
Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) a group of genes Sexual dimorphism differences between two sexes.
that are important in immune defense. More diversity Sperm depletion male sperm availability can go down as
is thought to be beneficial. a function of multiple copulations.



Sexual Selection, Mate Choice,

and Competition for Mates

1.1 Brief outline of the chapter his all-­encompassing theory of natural selection, he
came across many examples of traits that were dif-
Well over a century ago Charles Darwin redefined ficult to explain within his new framework. They
biology and introduced the theory of natural selec- were mainly found in males and clearly were detri-
tion. One of the problems he encountered was the mental to their bearers. How could selection favor
existence of traits, mainly in males, that seemed to traits that did not contribute to survival? The solu-
defy the principles of natural selection: they did not tion he proposed in 1859 and then in much more
aid its bearers in survival and were often outright detail in another book, The Descent of Man, and
detrimental. Darwin solved this conundrum by Selection in Relation to Sex in 1871 (Darwin, 1871) was
introducing sexual selection. Other than in natural sexual selection. He suggested that males may leave
selection where all individuals compete with each behind more offspring if they had more mating
other for survival and reproduction, in sexual selec- opportunities than others, either because they are
tion individuals within each sex compete with each favored by females or because they succeeded in
other for reproduction. In the original formulation competition with other males. We all know impres-
of the principle, Darwin recognized two mechanisms sive examples of these two key mechanisms of
for this: males would compete with each other for sexual selection, female choice and male competi-
access to females, and females would choose mating tion. In an example of the latter, gigantic males fight
partners of their preference. over access to females in elephant seal (Mirounga
In this opening chapter I want to introduce the angustirostris) colonies. Males compete with each
topics to be covered in the book, define some basic other over harems of females (Leboeuf, 1972).
terms that we will need to understand the subject Owing to this, males have evolved a striking sexual
matter, and define the questions to be asked. My dimorphism and are several times the size of the
aim for this book is to summarize our growing, yet females. Intuitively, most biologists will likely
still comparatively limited empirical knowledge attribute the existence of ornaments and also sexual
and theory, and to provide suggestions for future dimorphism to sexual selection. Later in Chapter 7 I
research. What interest me most are the relation- will discuss a few examples where this is mislead-
ships between the four forms of sexual selection ing. Also, the sexual dimorphism in humans, which
and their consequences. is usually attributed to sexual selection, may also be
explained by hormonal and developmental effects
(Dunsworth, 2020). This idea is by no means widely
1.2 Sexual selection
accepted but provides an example that we need to
Sexual selection is one of the most important forces be cautious when we generalize. Male competition
in evolution. Charles Darwin introduced the theory plays out within one sex (intrasexual). On the other
in his revolutionary work On the Origin of Species in hand, in female choice, females in numerous spe-
1859 (Darwin, 1859). But as Darwin was working on cies pick their favorite males out of a line-­up of

2 M A L E C H O I C E , F E M A L E C O M P E T I T I O N, A N D F E M A L E O R N A M E N T S I N S E X UA L S E L E C T I O N

males who are displaying byzantine dances while

showing off ornamental traits, such as colorful
plumage, song, smell, and motion patterns among
others. Even the giant sperm found in some NS
Drosophila are considered an ornament (Lüpold et N
al., 2016). A classic example is the tail of the peacock
(Pavo cristatus). This particular example goes back
all the way to Darwin, who agonized over the pea- S
cock’s tail because it was impossible to explain its
evolution with natural selection alone. He com-
plained to Asa Gray in 1860 that the “sight of a Figure 1.1 Selection in the wild. N equals natural selection,
feather in a peacock’s tail . . . makes me sick” S equals sexual selection, NS equals combined natural and sexual
(Hiraiwa-­Hasegawa, 2000). While natural selection selection (redrawn from Andersson, 1994).
is somewhat blind to sex (Sayadi et al., 2019), female
choice is intersexual and plays out between the
sexes. This is all happening to allow individuals to selection can be viewed as a subset of natural selec-
reproduce. The peacock’s tail is also relevant as an tion. Natural selection works on both sexes,
example of indirect benefits (Petrie, 1994). Many although it can work on them separately (Sayadi
courtship displays are multimodal (Rosenthal, 2017), et al., 2019). To visualize the relationship of natural
and involve multiple sensory channels (Candolin, selection and sexual selection, perhaps one could
2003; Partan and Marler, 2005). A great example of think of natural selection as the outer layer of an
this is the courtship display of the Gunnison sage onion. Beneath lies sexual selection, with its four
grouse (Centrocercus minimus), which blends color, components, female and male mate choice, and
motion patterns, and sound (Gibson et al., 1991). male and female competition. These elements and
Clearly, finding a partner for reproduction is their interplay will determine the reproductive suc-
likely the most important decision any organism cess of an individual (Figure 1.1). One might think
ever makes. This is how genes are passed on to the that sexual selection theory has been studied
next generation. This applies to direct offspring, and enough and is becoming boring, but the opposite is
to some degree to offspring of close relatives via true (Lindsay et al., 2019).
inclusive fitness. And, unsurprisingly, mate choice is Within sexual selection, two components have
very complex and complicated (Rosenthal, 2017). It received much theoretical and empirical attention:
is also a highly interactive process with many differ- males competing over access to mating opportun­
ent phases, from recognizing a suitable mate to the ities with females and females choosing among
actual fertilization of gametes. Furthermore, it often competing males. This view, however, appears
seems like an agreeable, almost cordial process, but to leave out some important elements, such as
in actuality is usually fraught with conflict because female competition and male mate choice. Male
only rarely do the partners have identical fitness mate choice in particular has been “flying under the
returns (Chapman et al., 2003). radar” for a long time, but recent years have seen a
The original definition of sexual selection pro- small surge of studies that address what I call the
vided by Darwin has been subject to intense debate orphans of sexual selection theory: male choice and
and several other definitions have been suggested female competition (Figure 1.2). These two additional
(Alonzo and Servedio, 2019). All the definitions elements have been somewhat studied since
agree that the hallmark of sexual selection is that it Darwin’s time, but are far less well documented
has effects within a sex and highlight differential and understood than female choice and male com-
reproductive success as the key mechanism (Alonzo petition, the two major elements of sexual selection
and Servedio, 2019). A problem with many definitions introduced by Darwin.
is that they rely on binary sex roles and assume that Sexual selection theory has an interesting history
we can always assign a male and female role. Sexual that may provide some more general lessons to be

S E X UA L S E L E C T I O N, M AT E C H O I C E , A N D C O M P E T I T I O N F O R M AT E S 3

roles and the stifling effect this has had on the

development of the field has also been critiqued
(Ah-King, 2013a, 2013b; Ah-­King et al., 2014). A
­proposed solution to this is to use the term “chooser”
(Rosenthal, 2017) for any individual that is selective
in mate choice. It is important to note that the
emphasis is on individual behavior, not sex roles
that apply to populations or species. A recent
book on mate choice (Rosenthal, 2017) used this
­terminology and replaced male and female with
neutral terms, such as “chooser” for individuals
that select mates and “courter” for individuals that
Figure 1.2 Complete matrix of sexual selection.
compete for mates and display to choosers in some
form. This circumvents loaded terminology such as
learned. Male competition was relatively quickly “sex-role reversal” for mating systems in pipefishes,
accepted because this aspect apparently was a good where males are choosers (Berglund and Rosenqvist,
fit for Victorian scientists and society (Milam, 2010; 2003).
Richards, 2017). The notion of a mainly passive This struggle with terminology reflects a very
female and a knightly competition for them was general phenomenon. It is very important here to
easier to rationalize than active female choice. realize that language is very powerful, and in itself
Actually, from the very beginning female choice may influence how we understand important con-
was a tough sell, and Darwin experienced major cepts such as time (Boroditsky, 2001). For example,
pushback from his colleagues, including Wallace, mate choice is sometimes used as shorthand for
who was his ally on natural selection female choice (Dargent et al., 2019), effectively
(Richards, 2017). Even Darwin himself, perhaps removing male mate choice from consideration.
being a child of the Victorian era, had problems Generally speaking, there is always a very tight
with female choice: he conceived the idea of male connection between the science that is done and the
competition around 1842, but female choice was not current condition of society. This can take many dif-
formalized until over a decade later around 1856 to ferent shapes and forms, such as directly outlawing
1858 (Richards, 2017). Darwin uniquely also certain research, like stem cell research using cell
assigned human men the ability to choose females. lines originating from abortions in the United States
This was in contrast to other parts of his theory but based on moral and religious grounds mainly out-
has led to the peculiar situation that male mate side of the scientific community, but with clear
choice has been a natural topic for evolutionary input from the scientists (McLaren, 2001;
psychology for a long time—leading to a rich litera- Nisbet, 2005). In the United States, legislation ban-
ture on humans, while it was somewhat ignored in ning stem cell research was the outcome of an
other animals. intense public debate over these values (Ho et
Female choice finally took a central role in al., 2008). Other countries, based on their values
research much later—actually the delay was over a and laws, allow stem cell research. This shows how
century. To me the late blooming of female choice the values of societies, and the resulting govern-
is an important cautionary tale, showing how ments and administrations, set the framework and
­societal context influences research and can act as the limits for what scientists are allowed to do.
blinders for research. In an early paper, Zuk (1993) Some research, such as studies on gun violence in
summarizes a feminist perspective of sexual
­ the United States, is not outright forbidden but may
­selection research and points out how the growing not be funded by public monies. This ban goes back
number of female scientists has changed research to the so-­ called Dickey Amendment, which was
paradigms, interpretations, and language use to introduced by US House Representative Jay Dickey
better reflect societal changes. The concept of sex (Jamieson, 2013), a Republican from Arkansas, in

4 M A L E C H O I C E , F E M A L E C O M P E T I T I O N, A N D F E M A L E O R N A M E N T S I N S E X UA L S E L E C T I O N

response to a 1993 paper (Kellermann et al., 1993) the lunar cycle. One caveat here is that potentially
showing a connection between the presence of a choice may be cryptic and mate selection actually
gun in a home and the risk of homicide. Subtler and happens at the level of the gametes (Chapter 6).
always well intended, but no less consequential, are The majority of metazoans, however, exercise
the policies set by funding agencies that steer either choice or competition for mates, or both. In
research in certain directions by allocating or taking other words, the costs of choice or competition must
away funds. But even without outside influences be smaller than the benefits. In addition to the easily
the science actually conducted is obviously influ- observed costs of choice and competition, there is a
enced by the relevant societal context. This requires large difference in the initial investment into gam-
a constant engagement of scientists and society on etes. Essentially, the argument for choice and com-
many important issues. A recent example would be petition is an ecological one, but it is based on the
the use of cloning technology on humans (Liu evolution of anisogamy—gametes of different sizes
et al., 2018), or the ongoing debate on gene-­editing (Chapter 5). The traditional view holds that the sex
techniques using clustered regularly interspaced that invests more into gametes, females, usually
short palindromic repeats (CRISPR)-Cas9. These evolves to be the limiting resource for the other sex,
examples also highlight an important aspect of the males. Males, on the other hand, invest very little
feedback loop between society and the scientific into the gametes and are the limited sex. In a way
community, namely that oftentimes scientific dis- the two sexes we recognize use very different
covery happens a long time before a meaningful ­strategies and packaging to pass on almost equal
discussion of its implications can be held. While amounts of DNA (Scharer, 2017).
some of these discussions are held in public, and Early work in sexual selection focused much on
sometimes loudly, many discussions and disputes male competition (Milam, 2010), largely ignoring
are more internal and never reach a general female choice. Even the view of aggressive males
­audience. and coy females, and the associated stereotypical
Does this also apply to aspects of sexual selec- sex roles, are a relatively modern construct and did
tion? One reason for the relative lack of studies on not really originate until after World War II
male mate choice and female competition could be (Milam, 2012). Interestingly, male mate choice saw
that based on Darwin’s thinking and cemented some important early work because it was thought
by subsequent work, we arrived at a situation to be relevant in speciation, and species recognition.
where stereotyping of sex roles (Green and These studies were based on the view of the species
Madjidian, 2011) has prevented advances in theory as unit of selection and often found only weak sup-
and experimental work, as was suggested for other port for the predicted male preference of their own
aspects of sexual selection theory (Ah-­King et al., species (Milam, 2010). As just one example, Haskins
2014). But maybe the field is simply lacking a and Haskins published studies of male mate choice
better conceptual framework and adequate
­ in guppies and some close relatives and reported
­experimentation. evidence for male preferences for conspecific
females (Haskins and Haskins, 1949, 1950). Another
contemporary record of male mate choice in the
1.3 Why choose or compete?
context of species recognition was published by
Mate choice and competition for mates seem almost Hubbs and Delco (1960). In this paper the authors
ubiquitous, but there is a cheap alternative to choos- describe a conspecific preference in four species of
ing, which is simply not to choose and to mate at the genus Gambusia, a group of livebearing fishes.
random. This is, for example, widespread in marine They showed that most species indeed show the
invertebrates. One example is the palolo worm, predicted species preference, but that Gambusia
Palola viridis. This polychaete releases gametes affinis does not.
(Caspers, 1984) into the open sea and apparently However, the roots for modern sexual selection
the mating is random, although the release of gam- theory were put down by Hamilton in the 1960s
etes is highly coordinated and seems regulated by when he revolutionized the way we think about the

S E X UA L S E L E C T I O N, M AT E C H O I C E , A N D C O M P E T I T I O N F O R M AT E S 5

unit of selection. Until then biologists worked The notion of sex roles has an additional conse-
under the assumption that selection operates on the quence. It creates the impression of essentially
species, but Hamilton argued that it is the gene that binary sex roles. However, in humans we know
is under selection (Hamilton, 1964a, 1964b), leading very well that the situation is much more complex
to a Kuhnian revolution and a complete paradigm than that. In other animals we know about—for
shift (Kuhn, 1962). A precursor for Hamilton’s idea example—hermaphrodites and their sperm trading
was found in the works of Haldane, but Hamilton is (Michiels and Bakovski, 2000), about sex-­change in
the one who perfected the argument. fishes (Ross et al., 1983), and also same-­sex behavior
A little later, in 1972, Trivers presented his influ- in general (Poiani, 2010), but one wonders how
ential theory of parental investment (Trivers, 1972). much additional complexity we are missing in ani-
He noted that the sex that invests more in their off- mal sexuality.
spring usually evolves to be the choosier sex. Based
on Bateman’s earlier work (Bateman, 1948) on the
consequences of anisogamy in Drosophila, he argued 1.4 Mate choice
that females initially invest more into their gametes
compared with males, and typically benefit from As I said above, mate choice can be viewed as a sub-
carefully selecting the partner they have offspring set of sexual selection theory, which itself is a subset
with. Females are limited by the number of eggs or of natural selection as defined by Darwin, first in
reproductive events they have, whereas the male On the Origin of Species (Darwin, 1859) and in great
potential reproductive rate (PRR) is only limited by detail in The Descent of Man (Darwin, 1871).
the number of eggs they can fertilize. Theoretical
models have confirmed the role of anisogamy in the
1.4.1 Female choice
evolution of sex roles (Lehtonen et al., 2016). This
makes the ecology of investment in offspring a key It is widely accepted that females choose their mat-
element in sexual selection. The majority of the ing partners, but what is the basis for that?
research has since focused on female choice, Ultimately, the basis for our understanding of sex-
with less focus on male choice. The above line of ual selection is the assumption that ecology drives
argument firmly established the concept of sex the evolution of competition and choice. There are
roles, which has been used widely, but has also been two important facets to consider here. The argu-
criticized as hindering research into phenomena ment for females being the choosier sex is based
outside of these sex roles (Hrdy, 1997; Hoquet, 2020). on their very large investment into gametes.
Typically, females can maximize their reproductive Nonetheless, there are many species, including
success by carefully selecting the best available humans, in which males invest strongly into mate
male. By contrast, males are generally assumed to choice, courtship, or some aspect of raising their off-
be far less discriminatory and should be able to spring (Buss, 2015). Such investment can level the
maximize their reproductive success by mating playing field and might allow for male mate choice
with as many females as they can. This idea is cap- to evolve. This is particularly clear when consider-
tured in their often different PRR. While this view is ing the evolution of so-­called “sex-­role reversed”
empirically very well supported, it is also incom- species, such as pipefish (Rosenqvist, 1990; Mobley
plete, because it does not account for the possibility et al., 2011), or tropical birds like jacanas (Emlen et
of male mate choice and female competition. This al., 1989) and Nordic birds like phalaropes (Schamel
has been pointed out by several authors and obser- et al., 2004), but it applies to all species. This said, it
vations of male mate choice are now more abun- is also clear that females in many species continue
dant, as is theoretical literature (Krupa, 1995; investing into their offspring, potentially erasing all
Bonduriansky, 2001; Servedio and Lande, 2006; compensatory investment by males. Based on
Servedio, 2007; Barry and Kokko, 2010; Edward and investment relative to the other sex, a broad-­scale
Chapman, 2011; Fitzpatrick and Servedio, 2018) pattern of intersexual choosiness has evolved. On
(Chapter 3). the other hand, males compete with other males for

6 M A L E C H O I C E , F E M A L E C O M P E T I T I O N, A N D F E M A L E O R N A M E N T S I N S E X UA L S E L E C T I O N

reproductive opportunities and, if a male increases preferences) has been documented although males
his fitness by being more selective as compared provide no direct benefits to the females. This is a
with other males, male mate choice could evolve. conundrum because it is difficult to understand
What are the main reasons for females to choose? why females should be choosy, especially if choice
There are direct and indirect benefits. Females— is costly. Furthermore, how do male ornaments
and also males as I will argue later—often choose evolve under this scenario and what information do
partners that provide them with some form of a they provide for the females? Several theories have
direct benefit. Or they choose males that confer an been suggested to explain this. First, ornaments
indirect, genetic benefit to their offspring. could evolve to indicate good health to females
Direct benefits are relatively easy to understand. and/or the ability of males to resist parasites
Females select males that make a direct contribu- (Hamilton and Zuk, 1982). Individual female pref-
tion to their offspring. This can be a space that erences for males may aim at maximizing compati-
allows females to forage or nest. It is very common bility. This is different from a model where we
for males to provide a nuptial gift to the female, like assume that females have uniform preferences for
a prey item in scorpionflies (Panorpa cognata) more or less the same traits. Compatibility has espe-
(Engqvist, 2007) and other insects (Hayashi, 1998; cially been demonstrated in preferences based on
Karlsson, 1998), or a large spermatophore, which the major histocompatibility complex or MHC
may contain nutrients or water. This is common in (Wedekind, 1994; Kurtz et al., 2004). This complex
many insects, including katydids. Often, the time a of genes is important in immunodefense. Conse­
male is allowed to mate and transfer sperm to the quently, females often prefer to mate with a male
female is directly correlated with the time during that will give a female’s offspring the highest
which the female is consuming the nuptial gift. diversity for the MHC (Aeschlimann et al., 2003),
Longer copulations lead to increased paternity which plays a crucial role in immunodefense.
(Vahed, 2006). In extreme cases the male itself Interestingly, this is thought to operate in humans,
becomes the nuptial gift. This has evolved several too (Milinski and Wedekind, 2001; Milinski, 2006).
times independently and is adaptive in systems Second, they could simply indicate that the bearer
where the male has a very low probability to mate a of ornaments is a good survivor and may pass on
second time. This sexual cannibalism is found in viability genes to his offspring (Reynolds and
some spiders (Elgar and Schneider, 2004) and in Gross, 1990). Third, under models of “runaway sex-
many species of praying mantis (Barry et al., 2010). ual selection,” male traits and female preference
Other forms of direct benefits may include male become genetically coupled leading to sons that
parental care (Amundsen, 2003), provisioning of show the ornament of their father and daughters
offspring (Badyaev and Ghalambor, 2001), or that express their mother’s preference (Kirkpatrick
guarding eggs or nests (Reyer, 1984; Mol, 1996), and Ryan, 1991). Finally, under “chase-­away selec-
among many expressions of paternal care. In gen- tion,” females do not derive a benefit from choos-
eral, females can benefit from selecting males that ing, but the male ornament exploits a pre-­existing
show good parenting ability. This is also well docu- sensory bias in the females (Holland and Rice, 1998).
mented in humans, where females show prefer- Each of these hypotheses has some support, but it is
ences for mates with higher available economic much more limited than the evidence for direct
resources (Mulder, 1990) and many other personal- ­benefits. For example, in bitterlings (Rhodeus amarus),
ity traits including ambition or stability, as well as a a fish that lays its eggs in mussels, sperm is also
number of physical attributes (Buss, 2015). Not only regarded as an ornament, and female preferences
women appreciate men that can solve problems are based on small amounts of sperm released prior
and show cognitive ability: a similar preference was to actual matings (Smith et al., 2018), suggesting
found in a small bird, the budgerigar (Melopsittacus that chemical communication might the mechanism
undulatus) (Chen et al., 2019). for how females detect differences between males.
The role of indirect benefits is more difficult Smith et al. (2018) also suggested that the benefits
to study. In many cases female choice (or at least for females are indirect.

S E X UA L S E L E C T I O N, M AT E C H O I C E , A N D C O M P E T I T I O N F O R M AT E S 7

Preference (ideal mate)

Social environment
Sampling constraints
Predator threats Choice (influenced by local
Cognitive limitations constraints)
Internal constraints
Local composition of mating pool Reproduction (actual outcome
influenced by cryptic choice,
EPP etc.)

Figure 1.3 Flow chart of the process from preference to reproduction.

Furthermore, while many signals are fixed, some interactions that can influence mating decisions and
depend on the current condition of the signaler, have wide-­ranging effects. One example would be
reflecting current health, feeding ability, even an mate choice copying (Agrawal, 2001; Vakirtzis, 2011;
extended phenotype, as in, for example, the bower Witte et al., 2015). Mate copying occurs when
of bower birds (Ptilonorhynchidae) (Patricelli et females or males incorporate information about
al., 2006). Also, with experience they improve their decisions made by other individuals into their own
skills. decision-­making. First studied in guppies (Poecilia
How do preferences translate into actual choice reticulata) and based on initial models by Losey
and reproduction? This is not a trivial problem. et al. (Losey et al., 1986; Gibson and Höglund, 1992;
Having a measurable, even consistent, preference is Dugatkin and Godin, 1993), this phenomenon has
one thing, but does this actually translate into now been discovered in many different species,
choice and the production of offspring? The answer such as Drosophila, several fishes (Schlupp et al.,
is often a clear no. Mate choice is complex and com- 1994; Applebaum and Cruz, 2000; Alonzo, 2008),
plicated (Rosenthal, 2017). One can view this pro- birds (Galef and White, 1998), and mammals
cess as a cascade starting with a preference based on (Galef et al., 2008), including humans (Waynforth,
an inner template for an ideal mate (Figure 1.3). For 2007). The majority of these studies found mate
many reasons the actual choice is much more con- copying in females, but males have also been
strained. One such reason is that the actual pool shown to copy mate preferences (Schlupp and
of potential mates is spatially and temporally Ryan, 1997; Vakirtzis and Roberts, 2012). Social
restricted. Also, the female may not be able to wait influences on mate choice, and mate copying in
for a better mate, and eventually has to mate based particular, have important consequences for pro-
on internal constraints. This is especially important cesses like hybridization and speciation (Varela
in seasonal species, like explosive breeding amphib- et al., 2018).
ians. Many more factors influence mate choice. For Along the lines of social influence on mate choice,
example, another extremely important factor is sex- deceptive behavior has also been invoked. In a
ual conflict (Chapman et al., 2003). study using a livebearing fish, the Atlantic molly
Furthermore, mating decisions are often influ- (Poecilia mexicana) the authors found that males try
enced by the social environment (Danchin et to mislead other males to make a suboptimal mat-
al., 2004). In almost every species, mating and all ing decision (Plath et al., 2008).
pre-­mating interactions happen in a public setting, Finally, not just the current social environment,
where multiple types of audiences can have an but learning in general has important impacts on
influence on mating decisions or be influenced mate choice (Verzijden et al., 2012). Somewhat
by mating decisions (Valone, 2007). Sometimes related to this, I think there will be very interesting
called audience effects (Matos and Schlupp, 2004; data coming out of studies of epigenetics and sex-
Auld and Godin, 2015), there are a number of social ual behavior.

8 M A L E C H O I C E , F E M A L E C O M P E T I T I O N, A N D F E M A L E O R N A M E N T S I N S E X UA L S E L E C T I O N

Eventually, the cascade from preference via actual rare (Chapter 3). These mating systems are usually
mating leads to actual reproduction and maternity called sex-­role reversed.
or paternity. This final step is made complicated Male choosiness can also be viewed as relative to
again because often choosers exercise cryptic choice other males. If males benefit from being more selective
and bias paternity or maternity. Cryptic choice in than other males, male mate choice may evolve.
females happens via selecting sperm after the copu- Furthermore, male choice can also evolve when the
lation has ended (Firman et al., 2017). It is also benefit of choice supersedes the cost of choice and
found in pipefishes, where males brood the young when there are differences in the quality of females
in pouches and exercise some control over which (Edward and Chapman, 2011). Often this is the case
offspring is bred to birth via selective abortion when female quality differs. Then it may be adap-
(Paczolt and Jones, 2010) based on conditional sig- tive for males to evolve male mate choice. In other
nals reflecting female quality (Partridge et al., 2009). words, male mate choice can evolve even in the
Cryptic choice is widespread in species with internal absence of male investment (Schlupp, 2018), and
fertilization and allows females—at least in theory— also based on differences in sex ratios (Chapter 6).
to have social partners based on the resources or direct A corollary of this is that—if males choose—they
benefits they provide, but seek genetic paternity from should evolve to use cues and signals to determine
males that may provide indirect, genetic benefits. the quality of females, and females would benefit
Males may exercise cryptic choice by selectively from evolving such traits. Hence, females may
­allocating sperm. This has been documented for evolve ornamentation under male choice, although
example in insects (Reinhold et al., 2002) and in they are not expected to be as extreme as ornaments
fishes (Schlupp and Plath, 2005). in males (Chapter 7). Such cues and signals could be
measures of female fitness, but also ornaments and
armaments that evolve in females if they compete
1.4.2 Male choice
for males (Berglund et al., 1997; Roth et al., 2014).
Male choice is not simply the equivalent to female Even in species where males contribute nothing but
choice with the opposite sign. Female choice can sperm to their offspring it can be adaptive for them
lead to the evolution of traits that are detrimental to discriminate between different females and pre-
to their survival, especially when males contribute fer certain females if the benefits from male choice
little or nothing to the offspring. Because females outweigh the costs. Multiple mechanisms for this
always invest much more in the offspring via their have been suggested (Edward and Chapman, 2011),
eggs (this is how we define what a female is), it is but one easily understood pathway for how male
very difficult to conceive that males would benefit preferences can evolve is in response to differences
from such selection on females. Males, in that in female quality, especially fecundity (Chapter 3).
sense are more dispensable, most never reproduce In this case males should mate preferentially with
and die as virgins. However, the research methods more fecund females, or—if they mate with multiple
and programs that have been successfully used to females—mate with the most fecund female first.
study female choice can also be used to under- This idea is easily testable because in many species,
stand male mate choice. Interestingly, Darwin including in fishes with indeterminate growth,
mentioned male mate choice in The Descent of Man fecundity is indeed highly correlated with body
(Darwin, 1871), and thought that it was important size (Dosen and Montgomerie, 2004). Patterns that
in humans, but less so in animals (Richards, 2017) are in agreement with this hypothesis have been
(Chapter 3). found in many species (Chapter 4).
Considering the intersexual nature of Bateman/ Rowell and Servedio (2009) discuss some of the
Trivers sex roles, male choice can evolve when male theoretical conditions under which male choice can
investment supersedes female investment. This has evolve and highlight the fundamental difference
happened several times, for example, in jacanas and between female and male mate choice: for males
pipefishes, but compared with mating systems under many circumstances, females are a limiting
where the females exercise choice this situation is resource, but males are not a limiting resource for

S E X UA L S E L E C T I O N, M AT E C H O I C E , A N D C O M P E T I T I O N F O R M AT E S 9

Reproductive strategy
(Mating effort, parental
investment, OSR, PRR)

Availability Capacity to mate

of mates with available mates

Mate Capacity No
> to mate

Reject Accept all Intrasexual

some mates mates competition

Variation in female Yes

Benefit of Cost of
No choosing Yes
> assessing
between females

Random mate Male mate

rejection choice
TRENDS in Ecology & Evolution

Figure 1.4 Flow chart of conditions that may lead to male mate choice. Reprinted from “The evolution and significance of male mate choice” by
Dominic A. Edward and Tracey Chapman, Trends in Ecology & Evolution, Volume 26, Issue 12, pp. 647–654 (December 2011), DOI:10.1016
/j.tree.2011.07.012. Reprinted with permission from Elsevier.

females. This difference based on the early invest- the evolution of male choice is unlikely. This sets up
ment into gametes remains very important an interesting tension between theory and empirical
(Bonduriansky, 2001). For example, Fitzpatrick and studies. The review of male mate choice by Edward
Servedio (2017) used a population genetic model to and Chapman (2011) proposes a simple flow chart
argue that male choice will generate only weak sex- to predict under which conditions male mate choice
ual selection on females under limited circum- might evolve. The key parameters for this are a
stances, essentially saying that male mate choice ­limited capacity to mate with all available females,
seems inherently weaker as compared with female limited mate availability, and variability in the
choice. In a previous paper Servedio and Lande ­quality of females. Finally, the benefit of mating has
(2006) provided detailed models for the evolution to exceed the cost of choice (Figure 1.4). Especially
of male choice in general, also pointing out that the limited mate availability is an important factor that
parameter space for the evolution of male choice is will influence male choosiness. This limitation can
limited. for example be caused by spatial or temporal shifts
In yet another study (Barry and Kokko, 2010), the in the operational sex ratio (OSR). Shifts in OSR can
authors predict that especially with sequential mate make males the limiting sex either locally, or for a
choice (as opposed to simultaneous mate choice), certain time period.

10 M A L E C H O I C E , F E M A L E C O M P E T I T I O N, A N D F E M A L E O R N A M E N T S I N S E X UA L S E L E C T I O N

Finally, we have to consider that male choice may Sometimes the whole body becomes the weapon,
be a byproduct of female choice. Basically, the argu- for example when sheep ram each other head-­on at
ment would be that the genetic architecture associated full speed (Kitchener, 1988). In many cases the fights
with choosing in females is also expressed in males. look somewhat less forceful, for example, when
This idea, a genetic correlation and pleiotropy, is abso- fishes lock their jaws and push and pull on each
lutely plausible (Paaby and Rockman, 2013) and other (Bischof, 1996). Often, when weapons have
should not easily be dismissed. A similar argument is evolved, protective structures also evolve to miti-
debated for the expression of male-­like traits or orna- gate the potential damage inflicted by opponents.
ments in females (Amundsen, 2000) (Chapter 7). One example for that would be the mane of male
If both sexes in a given species choose, it is con- lions (West and Packer, 2002). This can also be used
sidered to be mutual mate choice (Johnstone et to illustrate the dual function that weapons and
al., 1996; Servedio and Lande, 2006). It has been protective structures can have: they may also be
hypothesized that females and males negotiate a sexual signals and ornaments that females respond
compromise that is acceptable to both sides to. Male competition is often a very visible and dra-
(Patricelli et al., 2011). Such mutual mate choice matic behavior and one has to wonder if that has
often leads to assortative mating, where partners biased studies and reporting of the phenomenon.
with trait similarity end up mating. This has been Female competition seems to be subtler and may
found—for example—in fishes (Myhre et al., 2012), have been overlooked more often (Rosvall, 2011).
birds (Nolan et al., 2010), and has been studied in Very often, large numbers of males would have
humans (Sendova-­Franks, 2013; Stulp et al., 2013) no chance in an open fight. Winning a conflict is
(Chapter 3). In zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata), mostly determined by size, as demonstrated for the
however, the notion that mutual mate choice leads green swordtail, Xiphophorus hellerii (Franck and
to assortative mating has been challenged (Wang Ribowski, 1989), and smaller males almost invari­
et al., 2017). ably lose. In some species males wait and grow
before they challenge another male, but often alter-
native mating strategies have evolved (Gross, 1996;
1.4.3 Male competition
Oliveira et al., 2008). In these cases, some males try
Male competition was the first mechanism of sexual to undermine the mating investment of other males
selection recognized by Darwin (1859, 1871). Males in various ways. They can mimic females and
compete over females because they can benefit from release sperm instead of eggs in the nest of another
mating with many females, and therefore excluding male (Gonçalves et al., 1996). Or they can try to
others from mating opportunities increases their sneak copulations with a female, avoiding the costs
own fitness. Dominant males in general seem to associated with courtship (Ryan and Causey, 1989).
have more mating opportunities (Cowlishaw and These sneakers can be distinct morphs, but in some
Dunbar, 1991). Potentially, female choice also has a species males can switch between roles (Kodric,
role in this, but dominance per se seems to be adap- 1986; Travis and Woodward, 1989). Finally, some
tive (Clutton-­Brock et al., 1989). Male competition males may be satellite males that try to intercept
can take the form of dramatic fights between two females as they are trying to approach other, court-
males, sometimes to the death, but often less ing males (Arak, 1988). This is very common in lek
­escalated forms of conflict can resolve the situation. breeding systems, where courters gather and dis-
On the other side of the spectrum would be sperm play to choosers. Often this is done in the same
competition, which occurs when sperm of at least place every year.
two males compete for fertilization of eggs, often Males may compete for direct access to females,
inside the female’s genital tract. but they can also compete over resources that will
Especially when open fighting occurs, males subsequently attract females. This is very prominent
often evolve formidable weapons, such as the ant- in many species of birds where males compete over
lers of red deer (Cervus elaphus) (Clutton-­Brock et al., breeding territories of varying quality, which are in
1989), or the horns of some beetles (Emlen, 1997). turn evaluated by females.

S E X UA L S E L E C T I O N, M AT E C H O I C E , A N D C O M P E T I T I O N F O R M AT E S 11

Sperm competition shows that female choice and

1.5 Definitions
male competition can intersect. While male compe-
tition can be used to explain why it may be benefi- Here I want to provide an operational definition of
cial for males to inseminate females multiple times what “mate choice” is. I am making reference to the
or with large amounts of semen as a response to definition recently suggested by Rosenthal (2017)
the possibility of other males also inseminating and also used by Schlupp (2018): “Mate choice can
the same female, the female may use cryptic female be defined as any aspect of an animal’s phenotype
choice to select sperm from a certain male. Because that leads to it being more likely to engage in sexual
armaments can also be ornaments and traits that activity with certain individuals than with others.”
are adaptive in fights may also be attractive to Note that this definition parts dramatically from
females, so female choice and male competition can the problematic traditional usage of sex roles (Ah-
be intimately intertwined (Berglund et al., 1996). King, 2013b). Consequently, Rosenthal (2017)
replaces female and male with the terms chooser
and courter, which can be of any sex. I agree with
1.4.4 Female competition
this definition, but in this book, I want to retain the
Females often compete with each other over usage of male and female as a heuristic tool, to
resources, although this can be less obvious as com- reflect the existing difference in the ecology of early
pared with males. Openly aggressive encounters investment into gametes, without acknowledging
between females are rare, but female competition is specific sex roles. Furthermore, I want to emphasize
probably widespread. However, documentation of that in my view both sexes can be chooser and cour-
female competition over males seems to be relatively ters at the same time. I think that we eventually
rare (Rosvall, 2013; Cain and Rosvall, 2014). There have to realize that mate choice is best understood
are, however, some studies like the one by Petrie as a continuum, with the traditional sex roles of
(1983) that clearly shows female competition for males male and female confined to the extreme ends. I
in a lek situation, concluding that “females compete propose that in reality in most mating systems,
for small fat males.” Most female competition, how- females and males both have preferences, exercise
ever, seems to be about resources rather than directly choice, and resolve the underlying sexual conflict
for males (Scharnweber et al., 2011a, 2011b). A field with some form of reciprocal mate choice.
study in a livebearing fish, the Atlantic molly (Heubel Similarly, the term “preference” needs to be
and Plath, 2008), pointed toward intensive species defined. Again, I use Rosenthal (2017): “a chooser’s
competition over males and other resources. This internal representation of courter traits that predis-
view is supported by recent experimental work on poses it to mate with some phenotypes over others.”
female aggression and competition (Makowicz and The difference between choice and preference is that
Schlupp, 2013, 2015; Makowicz et al., 2016, 2018, 2020) we can assess choice by measuring actual ­sexual
in Amazon mollies (Poecilia formosa), another livebear- behaviors and outcomes, while preferences can also
ing fish. This suggests that we need more work on be measured indirectly, for example, by using asso-
within-­species competition, as we seem to know rela- ciation times or preference functions (Wagner, 1998).
tively little about within-­species female competition. An ornament is a trait (or a combination of traits)
A string of papers has raised important questions that is likely to have arisen via sexual selection and
about female–female competition and its evolution- plays a role in mate choice by making the bearer
ary consequences. One especially important aspect attractive to choosers, often at a cost to survival.
here is the distinction between the roles of social Ornaments are often sexually dimorphic, but they
selection (Tobias et al., 2012) and sexual selection do not have to be.
(Cain and Rosvall, 2014) (Chapter 8). Another Finally, the terms male and female competition
important aspect is the potential evolution of arma- also need to be defined. Broadly speaking these are
ments and weapons in females. We have some phenomena where individuals of the same sex com-
knowledge of this in sex-­ role reversed species pete for access to members of the other sex. This is
(Watson and Simmons, 2010), but little beyond. most obvious in species where individuals of one

12 M A L E C H O I C E , F E M A L E C O M P E T I T I O N, A N D F E M A L E O R N A M E N T S I N S E X UA L S E L E C T I O N

sex actually fight with another, but the interactions 1.8 Bibliographic information
can be much more subtle.
Both within-­ sex competition and between-­ sex In February 2018 I conducted a search in the biblio-
choice lead to differential reproduction, which is graphic database Web of Science to find out how
then exposed to selection. many peer-­ reviewed scientific papers were pub-
lished in the areas that are the topic of this book. I
first searched very broadly for sexual selection, and
1.6 Short summary then conducted a narrow search for the other terms,
This chapter is introducing the key topics of the book— male and female choice, as well as female competi-
male mate choice and female competition—relative to tion and male competition. In Web of Science one
each other, and relative to the very established has many different options to filter results, but what
mechanisms of female choice and male competition. I did with my search for sexual selection was very
It is important to realize that although male mate simple: I used the core database and typed the
choice is common and likely more important than terms “Sexual” and “Selection” in the search win-
currently realized, it is unlikely to have the same dow in the rubric “Topic.” The time period covered
effects on females that female choice has on males. was from 1900 to 2017. This search will find papers
in the database that contain the words “Sexual” and
“Selection.” This simple search found roughly
1.7 Recommended reading 27,000 articles. The graph in Figure 1.5 indicates a
low number of papers per year until an explosive
The book by Rosenthal (2017) on mate choice is an growth occurs in the field around 1990. This seems
excellent and comprehensive account of mate choice. to coincide with the publication of Andersson’s
The short review by Edward and Chapman (2011) formative book (Andersson, 1994), but it is hard
captures a lot of the thinking on male mate choice. to pinpoint a single event that might explain this
Male mate choice in insects is covered by I conducted two much more narrow searches on
Bonduriansky (2001). the core terms relevant to this book. First, I studied
Important historical background is provided by female choice. This time I used all available databases
Milam (2010) and Richards (2017). in Web of Science but restricted the search to papers










1904 1914 1924 1934 1944 1954 1964 1974 1984 1994 2004 2014

Figure 1.5 Number of papers published per year that contain the words “Sexual Selection.”

S E X UA L S E L E C T I O N, M AT E C H O I C E , A N D C O M P E T I T I O N F O R M AT E S 13






1948 1953 1958 1963 1968 1973 1978 1983 1988 1993 1998 2003 2008 2013 2018

Figure 1.6 Number of publications per year for the term “Female Choice.”





1948 1958 1968 1978 1988 1998 2008 2018

Figure 1.7 Number of publications for the term “Male Choice.”


14 M A L E C H O I C E , F E M A L E C O M P E T I T I O N, A N D F E M A L E O R N A M E N T S I N S E X UA L S E L E C T I O N










1948 1958 1968 1978 1988 1998 2008 2018

Figure 1.8 Number of publications for the term “Male Competition.”






1958 1968 1978 1988 1998 2008 2018

Figure 1.9 Number of publications for the term “Female Competition.”

that had the terms “Female” and “Choice” next to graphs show an increase in number of studies pub-
each other. This ignores some papers but should lished per year, which is in agreement with the
give an overview of studies that were truly address- overall increase in studies in sexual selection.
ing female choice. This search yielded 5073 hits However, clearly, there is a lot less work done on
(Figure 1.6). A similar search for “Male Choice” male choice and female competition. As a conse-
yielded 401 records (Figure 1.7), not even 10 percent quence of the much lower absolute numbers the
of the papers on female mate choice. Using a simi- graphs for male choice and female competition
lar method, I extended this search to “Male seem to show less clear trends. It also seems as if the
Competition” (2826 records, Figure 1.8) and numbers of studies on male competition and female
“Female Competition” (440 records, Figure 1.9). All choice are reaching a plateau.

S E X UA L S E L E C T I O N, M AT E C H O I C E , A N D C O M P E T I T I O N F O R M AT E S 15

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with respect to height reflected in actual pairings? PLoS WITTE, K., KNIEL, N., & KURECK, I. M. 2015. Mate-
ONE, 8, e54186. choice copying: status quo and where to go. Current
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social selection, sexual selection and ecological competi- ior. Bioscience, 43, 774–8.


Female and Male Mate Choice:

Similarities and Differences

2.1 Brief outline of the chapter reproductively isolated from others (Mayr, 1940;
Mayr, 1963; Milinski, 2006). This is a great definition
Females choose mating partners for three main and most importantly a great heuristic tool (De
­reasons: direct benefits, indirect benefits, and com­ Queiroz, 2005), but it has limitations. For example,
pati­bil­ity, either genetic or social. the biological species concept relies on having at
In this chapter I am not trying to look at all angles least two sexes. What if an organism has only one
of mate choice, but to give a short overview of sex (Schlupp, 2005)? Furthermore, the biological
female choice to provide a basis for a comparison species concept is difficult to apply to microorgan­
with male choice. This will highlight what studies isms (Rosselló-­Mora and Amann, 2001). The bio­
are needed to reach a more complete picture of sex­ logical species concept also relies on mating
ual selection. I would summarize the chapter like behavior in its definition, but it is very hard to study
this: it’s the ecology, stupid. reproductive behavior in species that are already
extinct. Consequently, other species concepts have
been proposed and are used in other fields (De
2.2 The role of sex roles Queiroz, 2005). There is an ongoing and lively
Biology has a number of major concepts and organ­ debate around the species concept, which partly
izing principles. Sex is one of them. As a major con­ just reflects the complexity of living organisms, but
cept it also has an important heuristic value: it it does illustrate that organizing principles can steer
directs the way we think about questions and influ­ thinking and research. Among other things, the bio­
ences how we ask questions and how we interpret logical species concept emphasizes the cost of mat­
findings. This heuristic value is of great importance, ing with members of other species and consequently
but sometimes it can lead to problems. Species, for deemphasizes the role of hybridization in evolution
example, is an extremely important concept in biol­ and ecology. It took the field some time to realize
ogy. Without an at least tacit agreement of what a that hybridization between animal species is actu­
species is, biology would have trouble articulating ally more common than we thought and can also be
some of our major questions and interpreting some a driver of speciation (Grant and Grant, 1992;
of our most important findings. Yet, within biology Mallet, 2007; Lamichhaney et al., 2018; Edelman et
there are several competing species concepts, with al., 2019). One might argue that organizing prin­
different utility for different situations. The preva­ ciples can also turn into assumptions we don’t
lent species concept—the biological species con­ question anymore.
cept—has both history and baggage. It was Another important organizing principle is sex.
conceived and formulated by eminent biologists There is little doubt that the vast majority of meta­
including Ernst Mayr and Theodosius Dobzhansky zoans have either large gametes or small gametes.
in the 1920s and 1930s as part of the “modern syn­ Sometimes these are found in the same individual,
thesis” and defines a species as a group of organ­ but intermediate sizes of gametes essentially do not
isms that can reproduce with each other, but are exist. Some fungi may be the only outliers. Here,

22 M A L E C H O I C E , F E M A L E C O M P E T I T I O N, A N D F E M A L E O R N A M E N T S I N S E X UA L S E L E C T I O N

several mating types, which could otherwise be

viewed as sexes, can co-­exist. The dynamics and
evolutionary consequences of these mating types
are not well understood but extremely fascinating.

While in almost all metazoans gametes come in
only two kinds, in fungi many different mating Females
types can co-­exist (Billiard et al., 2012), leading to
thousands of “sexes” (Kothe, 1996). At the very
least these fungi challenge the notion that sex is a
binary or bimodal phenomenon (Billiard et al.,
# of Matings
2011). Another example in this context might come
from a species of bird. It has been argued that the Figure 2.1 Bateman gradients differ for males and females
white-­throated sparrow (Zonotrichia albicollis), has (redrawn after Morrow, 2015). First appeared in MORROW,
effectively four sexes, namely two male kinds and E. H. 2015. The evolution of sex differences in disease. Biology of Sex
two female kinds (Tuttle, 2003; Tuttle et al., 2016), Differences, 6, 5. Open Access article material reprinted under
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
but these may be more akin to mating types and
still only present either large or small gametes. This
is because of an inversion in one of their chromo­ gametes—essentially based on Bateman’s work
somes that prohibits crossing over and effectively (Bateman, 1948)—have been corroborated many
renders this chromosome a sex chromosome com­ times. On the other hand, though, male mate choice
parable with the mammalian Y chromosome. has evolved as a strong force in some species where
Furthermore, although we associate sperm with males make such a large investment in offspring
maleness, sperm are not always small. The giant that they become the limiting sex and females com­
sperm found in some species of Drosophila are an pete for mating opportunities with males. One has
example of this (Bjork and Pitnick, 2006; Lüpold to keep in mind, though, that investment in off­
et al., 2016). spring is only one path to the evolution of choosi­
A strictly binary view of sexes has important con­ ness. Alternatively, for example, the adult sex ratio
sequences at all levels of inquiry. This may be true (ASR) has been suggested as driving this change in
not just for sexual selection but for all of evolution­ sex roles (Liker et al., 2013). Females may be aggres­
ary biology (Ahnesjö et al., 2020). We typically asso­ sive among each other and evolve ornaments, traits
ciate a syndrome of traits, including behaviors and usually associated with males. Hence, such species,
a certain ecology, with small gametes and call them including pipefishes and jacanas are often classi­
males, while we call individuals with large gametes fied as sex-­role reversed. The traditional sex roles
females. The view that only two types of gametes are based on the idea of Bateman gradients
exist is well founded in theory and supported by (see Chapter 1) (Figure 2.1), where parental invest­
empirical evidence. However, the association with ment heavily influences which sex evolves to be the
sex roles may be far less clear. In this sense, the roles limiting, choosy one. Consequently, the traditional
these two sexes typically are thought to play may view of sex roles is historically fraught and, although
have led us to overlook some of the true complexity it has been critiqued in the past (Kvarnemo and
of female and male behavior and ecology. Females Ahnesjö, 1996), it persists as an essentially binary
are typically choosy of their mating partners, but concept. It appears to reduce the existing variability
not always, and males are often not choosy, but to just four conditions: male acting as male, female
sometimes they are. Have these patterns been over­ acting as female, female acting as male, and male
looked and underappreciated? Maybe not over­ acting as female. But there is more than either only
looked, but probably underappreciated, as I will female choice or only male choice, as has been
explore with a few examples later. pointed out by several authors (Bonduriansky, 2009;
The ascribed sex roles of choosy females and Ah-­King and Ahnesjö, 2013). There are many stud­
indiscriminate males based on investment in ies of mutual mate choice, which I will discuss later

F E M A L E A N D M A L E M AT E C H O I C E : S I M I L A R I T I E S A N D D I F F E R E N C E S 23

in Chapter 9. The view that female or male invest­ of parental investment is for the evolution of choosi­
ment leads to only binary sex roles (which can flip, ness. They are typically viewed as supporting evi­
based on investment) is therefore problematic. dence for the evolution of sex roles because in
Furthermore, using simple Bateman gradients has pipefishes the sex roles are reversed. But they also
recently been discussed as overestimating the seem to cement the view of fixed, binary sex roles
importance of traditional sex roles (Collet et al., (Vincent et al., 1992). In Syngnathids males have
2014), but there is also strong evidence that sexual evolved paternal care, and many have a unique
selection is indeed stronger in males (Janicke et al., brood pouch that is used to brood the offspring
2016). Bateman gradients can also be similar for (Wilson et al., 2001). While all species show paternal
males and females in some species (Ursprung et al., care, many are monogamous, with little female
2011). Finally, a comparison of measures of sexual competition going on. In some species, however,
selection—and the Bateman gradient is just one of males are polygamous, and females compete for
several—found that another index, the Jones index males (Rosenqvist and Berglund, 2011). They act
(Jones, 2009), is better than Bateman gradients at essentially as males would act in “traditional” spe­
predicting the strength of sexual selection (Henshaw cies (traditional used here as defined by Kvarnemo
et al., 2016). Overall, Bateman’s work and the influ­ and Ahnesjö, 1996). They are larger than males and
ence it had are now perceived much more critically size is important in male choice and female re­pro­
than in the 1980s (Hoquet, 2020). Yet the impact of duct­ive success (Braga Gonçalves et al., 2015), they
this paper and the one by Trivers (1972) on how we court and aggressively compete for males (Berglund
view and construct sex roles is still heavy and the et al., 1993), and show ornamentation (Berglund
debate on the role and utility of Bateman gradients et al., 1997; Berglund and Rosenqvist, 2001). Males
in interpreting sexual selection is still open select females carefully, based—among other
(Arnold, 1994; Wade and Shuster, 2005). things—on parasite load (Partridge et al., 2009),
In reality, in a large number of species both sexes which can also induce postcopulatory male choice.
invest more than just gametes in their offspring, Because all of this is parallel to female behaviors in
and the playing field may be more level than previ­ many “traditional” species, it is typically viewed as
ously thought. If investment into offspring selects powerful evidence for the generality of sexual selec­
for some degree of choosiness, we may be missing tion. It clearly shows that similar selection pres­
important aspects of sexual selection by only look­ sures can lead to comparable adaptations. One
ing at the traditional sex roles of choosy females species, Syngnathus typhle, the broadnosed pipefish,
and unselective males. Species where both sexes is especially well studied (Berglund and
invest, and both should be choosy to some degree, Rosenqvist, 2003), but the group as a whole is an
are the most interesting to me. In a seminal review important model system in evolutionary biology
paper, Bonduriansky used the term “partial sex role (Mobley et al., 2011; Braga Gonçalves et al., 2015). In
reversal” for such situations (Bonduriansky, 2001). one study of S. typhle, Jones and colleagues (2000)
But interestingly, species where only males choose measured the Bateman gradient, and provided evi­
and females compete for access to males are rela­ dence that sexual selection is indeed operating
tively rare (Petrie, 1983). I suggest we think of the strongly on females, but—somewhat surprisingly—
situation where one sex only chooses and the other also weakly on males (Jones et al., 2000). This sup­
only competes as the extreme ends of a continuous ports the notion that both sexes can be under sexual
distribution, with some degree of choice and com­ selection at the same time.
petition in both sexes in between. A central thesis of this book is that mate choice
To evaluate the importance of sex-­role reversal, can evolve also in the sex that invests less in any
I will take a look at the best-­understood examples of mating system, largely based on differences in
sex-­role reversal. These are probably the pipefishes, female quality, male investment, and sex ratio
a taxonomic group within the Syngnathids, which (Edward and Chapman, 2011). Likely, the ecology
are a family of marine fishes also including sea­ of investment can drive the evolution and main­ten­
horses. They exemplify how important the ecology ance of mate choice. Applied to pipefishes this

24 M A L E C H O I C E , F E M A L E C O M P E T I T I O N, A N D F E M A L E O R N A M E N T S I N S E X UA L S E L E C T I O N

predicts that not only males, but also females may et al., 2013), an argument we will revisit in Chapter 6.
be choosy—if the conditions are right. This was Consequently, they show male mate choice
actually found to be the case (Berglund et al., 1986) (Whitfield, 1990; Schamel et al., 2004) and females
in two species of pipefish, S. typhle and Nerophis compete for males (Colwell and Oring, 1988).
ophidion. In these species both males and females Females are somewhat more ornamented than
preferred larger partners. This was further males, but both sexes have a much more cryptic
supported—albeit a little indirectly—by Sandvik appearance when they are not breeding
and colleagues. In their study they found that both (Höhn, 1965). I will come back to female ornamen­
males and females pick partners that affect off­ tation in Chapter 8. In jacanas (Jacana jacana and
spring quality positively (Sandvik et al., 2000). Jacana spinoza)—and similarly to phalaropes—
Interestingly, size was not a significant factor in males take care of the chicks, and the larger females
female choice in this particular study. compete for males (Butchart, 2000; Emlen and
In amphibians the green poison frog, Dendrobates Wrege, 2004) (Figure 2.2). Female competition can
auratus, was suggested as sex-­ role reversed lead to takeovers of males and infanticide by the
(Trivers, 1972), but this was not confirmed new female (Emlen et al., 1989). The family
(Summers, 1989), although female–female competi­ Jacanidae has eight members, all of which are sex-
tion and very active female behavior during court­ role reversed, with one exception, the lesser jacana,
ship was found (Summers and Tumulty, 2014). Microparra capensis, which is not (Hustler and
Other important species that are considered to be Dean, 2002). It seems that within the Jacanidae sex-
sex-­role reversed are found among Nordic shore­ role reversal is ancestral and the traditional sex
birds (phalaropes) and tropical jacanas (Figure 2.2). roles are a derived character state (Whittingham
The two European species of phalaropes (Phalaropus et al., 2000).
fulicarius and P. lobatus) breed in the High Arctic and Eens and Pinxten (2000) reviewed cases within
live a largely pelagic life on the open ocean and are vertebrates for sex-­ role reversal and considered
thus somewhat difficult to study. However, the some fishes, amphibians, and birds to match the
Nearctic Wilson’s phalarope (Phalaropus tricolor) is description. Interestingly, reptiles and mammals are
widespread in the prairies of Canada and the north­ absent from the list (Eens and Pinxten, 2000),
ern United States. Phalaropes and jacanas are in the although it is not clear why. More importantly they
same suborder (Scolopaci) of birds in the order asked if there are hormonal mechanisms that unite
Charadriiformes, but sex-­role reversal seems to have the known examples of sex-­role reversal, such as
evolved at least twice independently (Gibson and high testosterone in females, but did not find a con­
Baker, 2012), potentially driven by the ASR (Liker clusive pattern.
In addition to vertebrates, there are several other
examples of apparent sex-­role reversal in inverte­
brates. One example is a group of small cave-­living
insects in the genus Neotrogla (Yoshizawa et
al., 2018b), where females are competing for males,
which provide sperm for nutritional purposes. In
addition to showing behavioral reversal of sex
roles, this insect has also evolved a penis-­like copu­
latory organ in females (Yoshizawa et al.,
2018a, 2019) (Figure 2.3). This may play a role in
coercing males to deliver sperm. In this case, too,
ecology is crucial to understanding the mating
system: the dry caves in Brazil that these insects
inhabit are low in food and females seem to
Figure 2.2 Male jacana (Jacana jacana) at the nest (photo credit: require nutritional sperm from multiple males to
Sarah Lipshutz). reproduce.

F E M A L E A N D M A L E M AT E C H O I C E : S I M I L A R I T I E S A N D D I F F E R E N C E S 25

kind of brood care. Actually, in fishes many taxa,

such as cichlids, show extensive male parental care,
but not sex-­role reversal. Perhaps we are not asking
the right questions.
Work on another group of small marine fishes,
gobies, illustrates further just how important the
role of ecology is for the evolution of male mate
choice and also demonstrates how dynamic male
and female choice can be (Kvarnemo and
Ahnesjö, 1996; Forsgren et al., 2004; Amundsen, 2018;
Heubel, 2018). In this case, the sex roles that often
seem so fixed turn out to be highly flexible. In the
two-­spotted goby Gobiusculus flavescens, a small
Figure 2.3 Female Neotrogla curvata penis (photo credit: Kazunori marine fish found along the west coast of Sweden
Yoshizawa). (Figure 2.4)—among other gobies—both females
and males can be choosy, based on the ecological
and social environment. The key variable that
seems to drive these decisions is the OSR. This con­
cept goes back to the 1970s (Emlen and Oring, 1977)
and has been important in understanding mating
systems. It was criticized as lumping too many indi­
vidual variables into just one (Kokko and
Johnstone, 2002), especially parental investment.
Overall, however, the concept is widely used in the
field. For male mate choice it means that whichever
sex is rare at a given time should be choosier than
the other one. As OSR can vary in space and time,
so can choosiness. In some gobies, for example, the
females start out choosy early in the season when
Figure 2.4 Two spotted goby (Gobiusculus flavescens) female more males are present than females, but toward
courting a male, a behavior called “hook and glow” as the female the end of the breeding season, females have to
bends her body and contracts melanophores on her back (photo compete for the increasingly rare males (Amundsen,
credit: Andreas Svensson).
2018). In the late season, consequently, males
become choosy. All of this happens within a few
In the bigger picture, male investment in off­ weeks, with fairly dramatic consequences for the
spring and an operational sex ratio (the ratio of mating system. A related, but separate, concept is
sexually receptive males to females; OSR) that exploring the role of the ASR (proportion of adult
makes males the rarer sex seems to set the stage for males in the adult population) in the evolution of
males showing fully developed, exclusive male mating systems and this also concludes that male-
choice. Yet, overall few species seem to fully fit the biased ASR favors the evolution of sex-­role reversal
bill of complete sex-­ role reversal. And the taxo­ (Liker et al., 2013) (Chapter 6). In the context of the
nomic distribution is difficult to interpret. What is studies on gobies, let me play devil’s advocate for
similar between Nordic phalaropes and tropical once: what if—for whatever reason—scientists only
jacanas that let those species evolve full male mate studied the goby mating system early in the breed­
choice? One would think that male parental care ing season? We would have missed a very im­port­
and the evolution of brood pouches in pipefishes ant aspect of sexual selection in gobies and might
set the stage for the evolution of male mate choice, firmly conclude that these gobies have a mating
but pipefishes are not the only fishes showing this system based on female choice only.

26 M A L E C H O I C E , F E M A L E C O M P E T I T I O N, A N D F E M A L E O R N A M E N T S I N S E X UA L S E L E C T I O N

2.3 Male mate choice based on males are selected not to waste their effort with
female quality females of a different species as mating with them
may result in no offspring. One could argue that
Females and males can differ significantly in qual­ often the cost for males of mating with the wrong
ity, and these differences are important in mate species is relatively small. Yet, sometimes—if we
choice. In the case of male mate choice this often stick with this analogy—the return is zero, and even
manifests itself as differences in female fecundity. if the cost is small, there should be selection favor­
At least it seems as if a fecundity benefit is the first ing individuals that avoid matings which provide
explanation that comes to mind when we detect a no fitness return. This is one ex­ ample of how
form of male mate choice, but is this really always important species recognition in mating behavior
the best answer or just the most widely accepted is. However, perfect choice is unlikely to evolve
one? Just like males, females can differ in other because it would be too costly (Kokko et al., 2008;
ways, too. We know from female choice that many Heubel et al., 2009). This is, for example, the case in
factors influence it, ranging from the abiotic and a number of species that reproduce via sperm-
social environment to the perceived quality of the dependent parthenogenesis (Dawley, 1989). They
mate, to the internal state of the chooser. And just are essentially sexual parasites (Hubbs, 1964). In
like female choice, male choice begins with deter­ these species females form eggs that require some
mining whether a potential mate is from a species kind of fertilization, but the male genes are typically
with which it is possible to pass on their genes. not incorporated into the germ line (Suomalainen
Mating is mostly local and, in reality, the pool of et al., 1987). The females depend on obtaining
available mates is limited in time and space. sperm, but the males typically gain nothing from
Humans, for example, seem to respond to such such matings, except indirectly via mate copying
limi­ta­tions in a number of ways: individual men (Schlupp et al., 1994; Heubel et al., 2008). Hence
can mate with less preferred partners, or they can males should evolve species recognition and avoid
increase the search radius—thus incurring higher mating with such females (Gabor and Ryan, 2001;
search costs—or they can wait for a more suitable Gabor et al., 2005).
partner (Jonason et al., 2019). All these strategies From the female perspective such a mating sys­
have their own costs, of course, and they are gender tem is combining the worst of both worlds: they
specific. face the costs of asexuality like the lack of re­com­bin­
ation and at the same time many of the costs of
2.4 From species recognition sexuality because they need to mate with males.
Both pure parthenogenesis (as found in many
to mate choice
invertebrates and some vertebrates) and pure sex­
Sometimes female choice is presented as a cascade ual reproduction (found in the vast majority
of decisions, starting with identifying the right spe­ of metazoans) are more common than sperm-
cies, and eventually exercising a preference for a dependent parthenogenesis. The latter seems to be
particular mate. Often there is no conflict between fraught with both the costs of asexuality, because
these domains of mate choice, and if there is a con­ they have no recombination, and the costs of sexu­
flict, it can be resolved if females evaluate between- ality, because they have to mate to obtain sperm.
species traits using different criteria as compared A mating system like this is found in Amazon mol­
with within-­ species traits (Rosenthal and Ryan, lies (Poecilia formosa), a gynogenetic fish (Hubbs and
2011). Indeed, some early work on male mate choice Hubbs, 1932). In gynogenesis male sperm is neces­
was conducted in the context of species recognition. sary to trigger embryogenesis, but the male DNA is
Some examples of this were reviewed by Schlupp not incorporated into the embryo. This fish is also of
(2018). Modern work is tackling this problem by hybrid origin and males of the two sexual and
looking at both female and male choice (Mendelson ancestral species provide sperm for the Amazon
and Shaw, 2012; Roberts and Mendelson, 2017; mollies (Schlupp, 2005). To complicate things fur­
Mendelson et al., 2018). It seems plausible that ther, Amazon mollies are livebearing fishes and

F E M A L E A N D M A L E M AT E C H O I C E : S I M I L A R I T I E S A N D D I F F E R E N C E S 27

have inner fertilization, which requires sperm cies is far more common than previously thought,
transfer from males using a modified fin, the gono­ and has led to massive gene flow between species
podium. For the males involved in this, there is a (Mallet, 2007; Cui et al., 2013). If hybridization is
choice between females of their own, sexual species less costly than we think, then maybe selection
and the Amazon mollies. Clearly, they should pre­ against heterospecific matings is less strong.
fer the conspecifics, and they often do. There are a
number of complicating factors, though. First, the­
2.5 Female and male choice
ory shows that perfect male choice is costly to
evolve (Kokko et al., 2008). Maybe surprisingly, it is Male mate choice is not simply the inverse of female
evolutionarily stable to allow for some mistakes in choice, but there are similarities. The main differ­
male mate choice. Second, even though matings ence is that male choice does not have the same
with Amazon mollies are a poor choice for the potential evolutionary outcomes as female choice.
males, they are essential for the Amazon mollies Male choice is much less likely to select for traits
and they have evolved to obtain the needed sperm. that negatively impact female survivorship, which
Evolutionarily speaking, this is reminiscent of the is one of the hallmark features of female choice.
“life-­dinner principle” introduced by Dawkins and Many of the exaggerated traits we consider orna­
Krebs (Dawkins and Krebs, 1979) to highlight the mental in males are detrimental to male survival
different selection pressures on prey and predators: but have evolved nonetheless, because they are
if a predator misses a meal, it may not be the end of advantageous in sexual selection. It seems less
it, but if the prey is the meal, it ends all future repro­ likely that females would evolve equally risky strat­
duction for the prey. Maybe because of this, Amazon egies and show equally costly traits simply because
mollies will, for example, interrupt an ongoing mat­ of their higher investment in gametes. Consequently,
ing of a male with a sexual female and try to be it seems as if male choice has different effects on
inseminated instead (Schlupp et al., 1992; Marler et females than female choice has on males (Fitzpatrick
al., 1997). Nonetheless, there is very solid evidence and Servedio, 2017, 2018). This argument is both
for male mate choice in this mating system intuitive and supported by theory. The same reason­
(Schlupp, 2009, 2018). Interestingly, this is a mating ing holds true for the evolution of female orna­
system in which social influences on mate choice, ments. While male ornaments often evolved to elicit
like mate copying (Schlupp et al., 1994; Schlupp and positive responses from females, and at the same
Ryan, 1997; Witte and Ryan, 2002) (see Chapter 1) time have costs for males, a similar evolutionary
and audience effects, are very strong (Plath et outcome for females seems unlikely. Because
al., 2008). Similar mating systems exist in a number females are bearing the costlier gametes, any trait
of other vertebrates and invertebrates (Suomalainen that would negatively affect their survival is much
et al., 1987). The example of the Amazon molly less likely to evolve. Despite this fundamental dif­
highlights that many conditions exist that predict ference, I argue in a later chapter that male choice is
the evolution of male mate choice, although it may not trivial, and female ornaments (and armaments)
not always be easy to detect it. Potential mating are more than pleiotropic effects of male ornaments.
partners can differ in many different aspects, not
just the binary correct or wrong species. I will return
2.6 Limitations of choice
to many of these aspects in separate chapters after
providing a taxonomic overview of where male Before addressing female and male choice in a little
mate choice has been reported in Chapter 3. more detail, I want to make clear that preference
Often species recognition and mate choice are and choice are not all that determines reproductive
viewed as a continuum (Ryan and Rand, 1993). One outcomes. Foremost, sexual conflict is interfering
of the arguments for an important role of species with choice. Members of the limiting sex are often
recognition is that hybridization can be very costly faced with adaptations in the limited sex used to
to females. Recent work on hybridization, however, undermine choice. The partners involved in mating
has shown that hybridization between animal spe­ may have vastly different optimal outcomes,

28 M A L E C H O I C E , F E M A L E C O M P E T I T I O N, A N D F E M A L E O R N A M E N T S I N S E X UA L S E L E C T I O N

generating sexual conflict (Chapman et al., 2003; Not only the conditions and the quality of the
Parker, 2006). Such conflict can be over the number choices vary with time and space, but also the inner
of matings, duration of mating, or other aspects. state of the chooser, as also demonstrated in detailed
After the choosing and mating phase, conflict can studies of the hormonal mechanisms of song learn­
be over subsequent investment in offspring. Males ing (Boogert et al., 2018). All of this leads to an ever-
can undermine female choice by forcing females to changing cost–benefit matrix for mating decisions.
mate with them. All of these manifestations of sex­ Consequently, we expect results from mate choice
ual conflict interfere with preferences and choice. experiments to reflect this complexity.
How big the mismatch between preference and Furthermore, the time of choice—for example
actual outcome is, is difficult to determine, but we relative to the mating season, if there is one—is
know there must be some mismatch. This imperfec­ important. Early in the season, a chooser may be
tion might be viewed as a reflection of the many more likely to reject poor-­quality mates. This can be
costs of choice and accepting a less than optimal influenced by several factors. The probability of a
mating partner as the resulting compromise. The better mate arriving may still be high, the OSR may
costs of female choice are well documented. Often still be in favor of the chooser, and the internal state
female choice is diminished when the female is of the chooser may not require mating yet. A related,
fa­cing a substantial risk, such as predation. There newer concept, looking at the ASR (Ancona et al.,
are fewer examples of males adjusting their choice 2017; Carmona-­Isunza et al., 2017), makes predic­
behavior relative to a cost. One example is males of tions based on the ratio of all adults present in a
the Pacific blue-­eye (Pseudomugil signifier), a small population (e.g., Grant and Grant, 2019). Using the
fish from the east coast of Australia, which show a ASR shifts the focus a bit from just looking at the
preference for larger females, but modify that pref­ breeders and sexual selection sensu stricto to
erence when they are forced to swim in a current. including all adults, with a more inclusive view as
Under those circumstances they are more likely to also proposed in social selection (Lyon and
associate with a smaller, less fecund female (Wong Montgomerie, 2012).
and Jennions, 2003). In addition to variation over time, there is also
Ideally, choice would be based on perfect infor­ important variation in the spatial distribution of
mation gathered by the chooser, but this is never the potential mating partners, which can lead to less
case. For example, choice is heavily influenced by than perfect choice. Furthermore, mate choice is
temporal factors, such as limited time to make a typically local, with mate assessment only possible
decision. Mating may be the most important thing a on that scale. For treefrogs (Hyla chrysoscelis) this is
chooser ever does, but it is not the only aspect of life a radius of about 2 m, for other animals this may be
that requires their attention at any given time. much smaller or much larger (Morris, 1989). In
Consequently, mating decisions are influenced by humans, however, increased mobility and the use
some inner state, such as hunger (often regulated of dating apps may be reshaping what is local
by hormones), health, or the presence of competi­ (Quiroz, 2013). Many other factors, such as for
tors and predators. The social environment in gen­ example hunger, can influence mate choice: hungry
eral is extremely important, sometimes locking in females show reduced choosiness and hungry
early experiences (Quintana et al., 2018). Also, mat­ males show reduced courtship vigor (Billings et al.,
ing preferences change over time and may have 2018). Furthermore, processing the information
innate and plastic components (Plath et al., 2019). needed to make mating decisions is likely to be
Furthermore, mate preferences in general often influenced by distractions and cognitive load issues
have a large learned component. This has been well (Sweller, 2011). Assuming that processing power is
documented in song learning and song preferences limited, mating decisions may be compromised by
in birds (Beecher and Brenowitz, 2005; Brenowitz attention paid to other aspects of an individual’s
and Beecher, 2005) with recent studies highlighting social environment. One potential example is dis­
the important role of the social environment traction by an audience, which was hypothesized to
(Lachlan et al., 2018; Searcy and Nowicki, 2019). negatively influence mate choice in fishes (Plath

F E M A L E A N D M A L E M AT E C H O I C E : S I M I L A R I T I E S A N D D I F F E R E N C E S 29

and Schlupp, 2008). This is also true with regard to that leads to more or better-­ equipped offspring
the abiotic environment. One has to highlight the would be in this category. Evidence for this is abun­
complexity of the situation and the interconnected­ dant and very convincing. Indirect benefits are
ness of factors. The red shiner (Cyprinella lutrensis), more difficult to document, and evidence for them
for example, a common fish inhabiting lowland is less clear than evidence for direct benefits.
rivers in the American Midwest, responds to
­ Indirect genetic benefits can be present when
increased turbidity with a red shift in the expres­ females gain a benefit for their offspring other than
sion of a visual pigment (Chang and Yan, 2019), a direct benefit. The argument is intuitive, and
which is in turn likely to influence the mating essentially says that attractive males will sire
behavior and social environment in this fish at­tract­ive sons that have a better chance at repro­
with strong red ornaments. Finally, one has to ducing in the next generation. This is often called
acknowledge that individuals may simply make the “sexy son hypothesis” (Weatherhead and
mistakes for various reasons and mate with a less Robertson, 1979).
than perfect partner. The third adaptive advantage, compatibility, is
Taken together, this means that the ideal mate conceptually a little different. This idea posits that
may simply not be available at the place and time females benefit from picking the best matching
when choice happens, and animals have evolved male, but not necessarily one that is preferred by all
decision rules to adapt to this. But, within these other females. The latter is an assumption for both
confines, preferences and choice are immensely direct and indirect benefits. One mechanism for
important for the reproduction of individuals. achieving compatibility is mating with a male that
has a matching genotype that leads to maximum
major histocompatibility complex (MHC) diversity
2.7 Female choice
in the offspring. On closer inspection, preferences
Mate choice is incredibly complex and complicated for MHC are actually quite complex (Milinski, 2006),
(Rosenthal, 2017). Yet, there are still a number of but the important difference to the previous two
fundamental questions to be resolved, such as mechanisms is that females do not have to show
whether mate choice is mainly rational and transi­ similar preferences within a population. Compatible
tive (Hemingway et al., 2019; Ryan et al., 2019), and mates, but this time socially compatible, are also
what role the ecological and social environment is important in species where pairs form long-­term
playing (Danchin et al., 2004; Ryan et al., 2007). relationships, such as in humans (Buss and
Consequently, it would be impossible to give more Schmitt, 2019).
than a somewhat partial overview in this chapter. Finally, females may choose certain males because
Instead, what I would like to do here is highlight they elicit a strong sensory response in them. A pre-
some of the core aspects of female choice with the existing bias can attract females to males that some­
purpose of trying to find mirroring aspects in male how match this bias (Ryan and Cummings, 2013).
choice. Females choose particular males because of This may not be for adaptive reasons, which distin­
at least one of three adaptive advantages. First, they guishes this mechanism from all the other ones. Of
may provide direct benefits to the female, second course, all of these mechanisms are not mutually
there may be indirect genetic benefits, and third, exclusive.
they may be most compatible with the females. In Below I will discuss these concepts in a little more
addition, males may evolve traits that trigger previ­ detail, to set up a comparison with male mate
ously untapped preferences and thus deliver none choice.
of these suggested advantages. This is basically
Darwin’s argument from sexual aesthetics.
2.8 Female choice for direct benefits
Direct benefits can come in many forms, for
example, as food items provided during courtship, Examples of direct benefits to females provided by
or access to other resources for the females such as males are abundant, and the effects appear to be
territories, nesting sites, shelter, and so on. Anything quite clear. But there is some debate about the

30 M A L E C H O I C E , F E M A L E C O M P E T I T I O N, A N D F E M A L E O R N A M E N T S I N S E X UA L S E L E C T I O N

magnitude of effects relative to that of indirect characteristics indirectly associated with this are
benefits (Møller and Jennions, 2001). I want to dis­ preferred by women (Buss, 1989).
cuss a few examples here, not only because of their Male investment in the mating partner and/or
importance in the context of female choice, but also the offspring is quite common. As discussed in
because they will be relevant later, when I discuss Chapter 1, there is a continuum in male investment
male choice. Direct benefits provide a material that reaches from no male investment beyond the
advantage for the female, increase the number or minimum consisting of sperm and the fluid that is
quality of the offspring, or increase their chance of used to deliver it, as found in many fishes and
survival. Clearly, quality and survival chances are amphibians, to male investment that is so heavy
more difficult to measure, but they may still be that it tilts the scale and makes males the rare sex,
relevant. Many species, for example, show some such as in pipefishes and jacanas (Figure 2.2). In
kind of nuptial feeding, in which a nutrient, food, or some groups, like cichlid fishes, several of these
water is provided to the female by the male. In sev­ strategies are found in closely related species. In
eral insects for example, the spermatophore is con­ cichlids, a speciose family of fishes, some species
sumed by the female and becomes the nuptial gift show no male investment beyond providing semen,
(Lehmann and Lehmann, 2016). Others bring gifts while others provide intensive biparental care or
for the female (Engqvist, 2007; Sakaluk et al., 2019), paternal care. For example, this can come in the
and in some cases parts of the male (Alexander and form of mouthbrooding, where the male forsakes
Otte, 1967) or the male itself are the nuptial gift feeding, and holds first the eggs and then the larvae
(Fromhage et al., 2003). in his mouth cavity (Balshine-­Earn and Earn, 1998;
In modern humans, men may invest heavily in Goodwin et al., 1998). This is a very efficient mech­
offspring and partner by providing various an­ism for providing protection for the offspring.
resources. However, not all men meet this societal For practical purposes, I distinguish between
expectation. In many societies this investment is investments made in the offspring via the female
nowadays measured in money, which somehow and direct investments in the offspring. Females
reduces the phenomenon to just one currency, can receive nuptial gifts as they are incubating.
while clearly nonmonetary contributions, such as These gifts can be food, or water, helping the female
time and affection are important, too. This leads to to survive and produce eggs. Such provisioning is
a situation, somewhat unusual in mammals, found in many insects, including some katydids
where both genders, women and men, make (Gwynne, 1986; Simmons, 1995), but may not be
investments. Yet on an individual basis, there are universal to provide direct benefits for females. In a
major differences in how and how much men study using dance flies (Rhamphomyia sulcate),
invest in their offspring. But overall, these invest­ LeBas and colleagues found that small males with
ments are substantial. Although difficult to quan­ small gifts are favored in sexual selection (LeBas et
tify, I think that on balance, women invest more in al., 2004), potentially owing to better maneuverabil­
any given offspring. In many societies, however, ity of males. In sexually cannibalistic species males
male investment is not only part of the ethical can benefit from becoming a food item themselves.
code, but also part of the legal system. Men, and This is common in some spiders and praying man­
more generally parents, are obliged to provide for tises (Maxwell et al., 2010). In these cases, the male
their offspring until they are deemed independ­ probability of finding a second mate is so small that
ent. This, of course, depends on the societal con­ they provide their own body as food for the female.
text and can lead to discrepancies between the These mating systems are also characterized by
legal age of independency and actual independ­ strong size dimorphism, with males typically being
ence. In many Western societies the age of legal much smaller than females. In several species the
adulthood begins at 18, whereas often financial size of the gift determines the amount of time for
independence comes at a later age. Because female which a male is copulating with a female, and cor­
choice often happens before the female can know relates with the amount of semen transferred, which
with certainty that her partner is a good provider, in turn correlates with paternity. Matching genitalia

F E M A L E A N D M A L E M AT E C H O I C E : S I M I L A R I T I E S A N D D I F F E R E N C E S 31

can have a similar effect (Holwell et al., 2010). All of tadpoles to their cannibalistic offspring (Schulte
these are examples of males providing a material and Lotters, 2013). This represents an interesting
benefit to the female and indirectly to the offspring. mix of female and male investment.
Actually, nuptial gifts can also be used to high­ In birds feeding of chicks by males is very wide­
light another important aspect of mate choice, spread. Often starting with shared brooding of the
namely sexual conflict. What if males used nuptial eggs, males of many species provide food for their
gifts or semen to manipulate female reproduction? offspring. Because it is relatively easy to quantify,
This would reflect the sexual conflict briefly dis­ this form of paternal care is well documented. One
cussed before. As males and females have different popular hypothesis is that males scale their effort
optima, for example, for the number of matings, according to their likelihood of paternity (Møller
this generates sexual conflict. Therefore, the gifts and Birkhead, 1993; Møller and Cuervo, 2000), but
from males may not be a kind contribution by the this view has not been supported by some analyses
male to lessen the burden for the female, but an (Schwagmeyer et al., 1999; Sheldon, 2002).
attempted investment in their own offspring. If Another mechanism how males can provide
there is an evolutionary path to manipulating direct benefits and care is to protect the offspring
females such a behavior may arise (Crean et al., from the environment, including predators. This
2016). Similarly, the ejaculate can provide im­port­ant type of behavior is very widespread and can range
substances for the female—in addition to sperm— from mouthbrooding in fishes, to providing and
but may also manipulate females. In fruitflies defending shelter in the form of cavities, to carrying
(Drosophila melanogaster), male ejaculates can lower the offspring on their back (Woodroffe and
the fitness of females (Chapman et al., 1995). For the Vincent, 1994; Tallamy, 2000).
males this is, however, adaptive because other Together, it is clear that direct paternal invest­
males are unlikely to mate with that particular ment is very common and has evolved many times.
female. They secure their paternity at the cost of the
female. Of course, if females can evolve to manipu­
2.9 Indirect benefits
late male investment that may also evolve (Holland
and Rice, 1999). Females may also choose in the absence of direct
In addition to providing nutrition for their mates, benefits, when males only provide fertilization for
males can also provide directly for their offspring. the females and nothing beyond. As discussed
Maybe one of the most obvious examples is feeding above, in some species with internal fertilization the
the offspring. But even this seemingly simple scen­ ejaculate may provide some direct benefit if the
ario is more complicated on a second look. Offspring female can somehow resorb it, but that benefit is
feeding is widespread among birds, and both males likely to be quite small. By contrast, there are poten­
and females can participate in this activity. From the tial costs to receiving ejaculates, for example infec­
standpoint of compensatory male investment, off­ tion with sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)
spring feeding can be important, but if females also (Knell and Webberley, 2004), or male attempts at
feed the offspring, the existing gap between male manipulation (Chapman et al., 1995). Indirect bene­
and female investment will remain open. In mam­ fits, on the other hand, come in the form of a genetic
mals, such additional female investment, lactation, contribution to the offspring and may be the adap­
is the hallmark of the group. In many species, tive advantage for exercising choice (Greenfield
females can provide unfertilized eggs, which are et al., 2014).
consumed by their offspring. Such trophic eggs are Plausible support for “good genes” was for
widespread, for example, in insects (Baba et al., example reported in gray treefrogs (Hyla versicolor)
2011) and some frogs (Dugas et al., 2016). Frogs are (Doty and Welch, 2001), but one of the best ex­amples
especially interesting in this context because they was presented by Petrie and her colleagues. In her
have also evolved a form of male parental care: studies on peacocks and peahens she found that
males of some dart poison frogs carry tadpoles females indeed gain from mating with highly orna­
on their back, sometimes even providing trophic mented, healthy males via higher offspring survival

32 M A L E C H O I C E , F E M A L E C O M P E T I T I O N, A N D F E M A L E O R N A M E N T S I N S E X UA L S E L E C T I O N

and growth (Petrie et al., 1991; Petrie, 1994). While intersects with work done in another field, namely
these results were independently confirmed (Loyau on cryptic choice. In humans there is evidence for
et al., 2008), one study was critical of the findings an interaction of sperm and cervical mucus and
and unable to repeat the results (Takahashi et al., com­bin­ations that differ the most in human leuco­
2008), leading to a debate over the generality of the cyte antigen (HLA) show the highest sperm viabil­
original findings (Loyau et al., 2008). Overall, it ity. This suggests that female choice for dissimilar
seems fair to conclude that indirect benefits may partners also happens after copulation (Jokiniemi et
play some role, but it seems rather limited (Achorn al., 2020). Some studies following up on the original
and Rosenthal, 2020). t-­shirt study have provided support for this MHC-
based female choice, but a meta-­analysis comparing
multiple studies at the same time found only weak
2.10 Compatibility
support for MHC-­based choice (Kamiya et al., 2014).
I started this section by pointing out that selection Another study points toward limited statistical
to mate with the right species is based on genetic power (Hoover and Nevitt, 2016) in the original
compatibility. Now I am going to look at genetic studies, a problem that might be more common
(and social) compatibility within a species. The than assumed. Interestingly, men can tell the differ­
indirect benefit and direct benefit concepts are uni­ ence between women of different MHC type, but
fied by assuming that there is a “best” partner that this information is not very important in mate
choosers can choose. This makes studying average choice (Probst et al., 2017). Overall, however, sup­
preferences for populations very useful and allows port for an important role of MHC in human mate
us to predict how selection would act on a popula­ choice may be somewhat limited (Havlicek and
tion. However, sometimes what is best for one Roberts, 2009).
chooser may not even be good for another chooser. Another form of choice for compatibility is select­
Sometimes females show preferences for the best ing against costly or detrimental genotypes. One
match. The best developed example is widespread example is the t haplotype in the house mouse (Mus
preferences for compatible genes of the MHC musculus), which—if homozygous—leads to in
(Milinski, 2006, 2014). This set of genes plays an utero mortality. Females prefer not to mate with
important role in immune defense of vertebrates such males, thus avoiding a fecundity cost (Manser
and there seems to be an optimal number of loci to et al., 2015). Male choice in such a context is
have. Females in some species are able to smell the unknown. Furthermore, in a hybridogenetic fish
MHC status of a potential mate (Jaworska et al., from the Iberian peninsula, Squalius alburnoides,
2017) and show preferences for mates with whom females seem to prefer males that are hybrids, and
their offspring will have the best possible MHC choice is partly based on the genome of the choos­
diversity. This has been documented for example in ing female (Morgado-­Santos et al., 2018).
fishes (but see Promerova et al., 2017), birds (Baratti Mate choice based on compatibility is interesting
et al., 2012), badgers (Sin et al., 2015), horses (Burger for a number of reasons, but to me the most in­tri­
et al., 2017), mandrills (Setchell et al., 2016), and guing part is that choosers are not necessarily pre­
humans (Qiao et al., 2018; Wu et al., 2018), to name dicted to all prefer the same individuals. While this
some of the taxa. is an underlying assumption for direct and indirect
The first study on MHC-­based choice in humans benefits, it is different for compatibility. Under
came from a Swiss research group (Wedekind et direct and indirect benefit scenarios, we would
al., 1995) using t-­shirts worn by men to determine expect some measurable trait to emerge that all
female preferences based on smell. The result sup­ preferences converge on. Compatibility does not
ported the idea that women unconsciously used exclude this, but also does not necessarily predict
smell to determine compatible men who would this pattern. A male that is a good match for female
produce offspring with high MHC variability. A may be less good for female B. This has important
This work on selection for matching genotypes consequences for the interpretation of data on

F E M A L E A N D M A L E M AT E C H O I C E : S I M I L A R I T I E S A N D D I F F E R E N C E S 33

(a) (b) (c) Strength of Preference (mean +/– s.e.)

–0.1 0 0.1 0.2

nonmustached P. sphenops t15 = 2.380, p = 0.031


P. orri t13 = 0.099, p = 0.922

“short-fin” mollies
P. mexicana t34 = 1.344, p = 0.188
Strength of Preference scores (with P. mexicana male): t23 = 0.053, p = 0.958
aversion (< –0.01) P. formosa 29.2%

neutral (–0.01 < SOP < 0.01) (with P. latipinna male): t23 = –0.594, p = 0.558
weak (< 0.1) 20.8%

strong (> 0.1) P. latipinna t11 = 0.374, p = 0.715

“long-fin” mollies 41.7%

P. latipunctata t13 = 0.599, p = 0.559


Poecilia t14 = 0.322, p = 0.752

P. reticulata

L. sulphurophila t8 = 0.630, p = 0.546

Limia 11.1%

L. perugiae t13 = –1.098, p = 0.292


X. variatus t12 = 0.228, p = 0.824

Xiphophorus 30.8%

X. hellerii t12 = –0.968, p = 0.352


G. affinis t14 = –0.862, p = 0.403

G. eurystoma t11 = 0.153, p = 0.881

Figure 2.5 Individual variation in preferences for a novel trait in several species of livebearing fishes. Reprinted by permission from Springer
Nature. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 65, 1437–45. ‘Mustached males in a tropical poeciliid fish: emerging female preference selects for a
novel male trait’ by MCCOY, E., SYSKA, N., PLATH, M., SCHLUPP, I., & RIESCH, R. © 2011. Original artwork from Rudy Riesch.

preferences. If a whole population is expected to 2.11 Assortative mating

prefer the same trait values, individual variation is
mainly noise. If females have individualized prefer­ Somewhat related and also interesting is assortative
ences, population means for trait values and prefer­ mating, where choosers may choose partners that
ences become more difficult to interpret. In an share an important characteristic, such as size or
extreme case, individual preferences for traits may color. Assortative mating might be a consequence of
lead to binomial distributions of preferences and seeking socially compatible mating partners. While
cancel each other out on the population level. As a generally thought to be evolutionary important, a
side note, I want to mention that even in scenarios recent meta-­analysis in amphibians found relatively
where we assume uniform preferences, there can be little importance of assortative mating (Green, 2019).
considerable variation in female preferences. In a Another meta-­analysis also revealed that assorta­
study evaluating multiple species for their response tive mating may be less important, and that positive
toward a novel stimulus, McCoy and colleagues publication bias may contribute to the impression
found that in all species of livebearing fishes stud­ that assortative mating is important (Jiang et al.,
ied, some individual females had a preference for 2013; Wang et al., 2019).
the novel trait (a mustache; Schlupp et al., 2010), An interesting mechanism for assortative mating
even when the preference was not statistically sig­ is suggested by some theoretical work. Costs and
nificant on the population level (McCoy et al., 2011) benefits of mate choice are different for different
(Figure 2.5). individuals. This leads to an important question:

34 M A L E C H O I C E , F E M A L E C O M P E T I T I O N, A N D F E M A L E O R N A M E N T S I N S E X UA L S E L E C T I O N

should less competitive males prefer to mate with have been reviewed thoroughly (McGregor et al.,
lower-­quality females (Venner et al., 2010)? If so, 1999; Maynard Smith and Harper, 2003; Searcy and
this might be a mechanism for assortative mating. It Nowicki, 2005; Bradbury and Vehrencamp, 2011).
also raises another important question. If, for some Clearly, female choice involves much more than just
males, mate choice is too costly relative to the bene­ the ultimate, evolutionary outcome. There is a
fit, but not for others, we would predict populations whole, very important proximate side to it. In order
of males in which some males are choosy, but others to pick a mate, choosers must have mechanisms in
are not. Given the current methods we use to study place to sense and evaluate them just as the signal­
mate choice, it is quite possible we would miss ers must evolve ornaments that provide informa­
­documenting male choice in such populations. tion to the chooser. The ­choosers must be able to
Sometimes females prefer males from the same perceive the information provided by males, and
region, which can contribute to population isolation, process that information and come to a conclusion
which in turn can lead to speciation. Furthermore, if, concerning the quality of the mate. There is no a
for example, members of a population have diver­ priori reason to assume that males and females will
gent preferences for, for example, food plants, this can have much different sensory systems, although this
even be the starting point for ecological speciation seems possible and was suggested for tungara
(Nosil, 2012). This can work via direct preferences for frogs, Physalemus pustolosus (Hoke et al., 2010).
a mating partner, as shown in cichlid fishes from Lake Within any given species there may be differences
Victoria (Carleton et al., 2005; Maan et al., 2006), or via in how sensory systems are used. And there may be
a preference for a shared resource, such as a host changes over time, too.
plant in stick insects (Nosil et al., 2002). This relation­ One important outcome of studies of sensory
ship has been discussed in detail by Nosil and col­ biology is that sensory worlds can be fundamen­
leagues (Rundle and Nosil, 2005; Nosil, 2012). tally different between species. Even between and
within individuals, sensory input can differ a great
deal. Consider aging in humans: over time we lose
2.12 Sensory bias
the ability to hear certain frequencies, starting with
Finally, females may also prefer males for no adap­ higher frequencies and clearly correlated with age.
tive reason at all, or because a preference is adap­ A signal that is good for a young person may be
tive in another domain, such as exploiting sensory inaccessible for an older person.
and cognitive systems outside of mate choice. More importantly, between species there are
Animals may be prone because of pre-­existing sen­ major differences in how they perceive their en­vir­
sory biases to prefer some males over others, with­ on­ment. This allows the existence of private chan­
out deriving any benefit from this (Ryan and nels, in which animals can communicate within a
Keddy-­Hector, 1992; Basolo and Endler, 1995; Ryan species, while shutting out other species. Such pri­
and Cummings, 2013). It is plausible that signalers vate communication can also occur within species,
may exploit preferences in the receivers that but mostly sexual signals evolved to be easily
evolved in a different context, such as feeding recognized.
(Rodd et al., 2002), or for unknown reasons (Plath
et al., 2007; Makowicz and Schlupp, 2013). I believe
2.14 Cost of mate choice
that a potential role for sensory bias in male mate
choice has not been explored. The benefits of mate choice have been discussed
above. They must be greater than the many costs
2.13 Proximate mechanisms and associated with exercising preferences. Arguably,
this equation is different for choosers and courters.
sensory biology
The question now is how this dynamic is altered
Selecting a mate involves much communication. when males also choose, or solely choose. Choosers,
Both the proximate and the ultimate side of this often females, have much to lose when they mate

F E M A L E A N D M A L E M AT E C H O I C E : S I M I L A R I T I E S A N D D I F F E R E N C E S 35

with suboptimal partners, in the worst case their In addition, there are many more costs of a more
whole lifetime reproductive success. The key costs general nature. For example, the time spent on mat­
for females or choosers result from sexual conflict ing, courtship, and mate searching cannot be spent
(Johnstone and Keller, 2000). Assuming that mul­ on other activities, such as feeding or resting. There
tiple matings are more beneficial for males than might be a cost in the form of cognitive load (e.g., as
females, this can lead to many forms of harassment found for foraging decisions; Charalabidis et al.,
where females have to employ strategies to cope 2017; Hemingway et al., 2018), in the sense that mat­
with the male attention that goes beyond what is ing may divert attention away from other behav­
optimal for females. Such strategies can range from iors. There is also opportunity cost, because while
females allowing males to mate with them (con­ engaged in one mating another, better mating part­
veni­ence polyandry; Boulton et al., 2018) to aggres­ ner may go undetected. This, and cost associated
sively confronting males. Harassment can also be with searching and evaluating of mating partners,
costly because it detracts females from exercising is more associated with choosers. Furthermore,
behaviors that would be more beneficial to them, there is a risk and potentially actual cost from STDs.
such as feeding (Plath et al., 2007; Makowicz and In many species, females can suffer physical dam­
Schlupp, 2013). Generally, in addition to superflu­ age from mating with males, but this is extreme in
ous attention, mating can be costly by attracting cases of traumatic insemination, where males inject
attention from parties that are not part of the their sperm directly into the female (Tatarnic et al.,
dyadic interaction between the two mating partners. 2014). Such traumatic insemination has evolved
This cost can be conspecifics watching, or parasites several times in insects and at least once in spiders
and predators exploiting the signals exchanged and is mainly found in Hemiptera (Tatarnic et al.,
between the two partners. Most of that cost is 2014). In these species, males use needle-­like copu­
borne by the courter, but because of the physical latory organs to inseminate females into their body
proximity to the courter, the chooser can also be cavity. Traumatic insemination was first shown in
affected (Wing, 1988). One well researched example bed bugs (Cimex lectularius) by Carayon in 1966
is the tungara frog, P. pustolosus, where males call (Stutt and Siva-­ Jothy, 2001) and subsequently in
to attract females. The most efficient call, however, several more species (Tatarnic et al., 2014).
is also most likely to attract frog-­ eating bats All of these costs are well documented for
(Hemingway et al., 2018) and parasitic flies (Legett ­choosers and should—at least in principle—also be
et al., 2018). Similar phenomena are known for relevant to choosing males. Some male costs of mat­
many mating systems. ing are associated with a more active male mating
Generally, there seems to be a tradeoff between strategy, but many are independent of that.
attracting attention from potential mates and avoid­ Unfortunately, not many studies seem to address
ing attention from eavesdroppers, including para­ the costs and benefits of male mate choice. In a the­
sites and predators. Some species have evolved or­et­ic­al paper, Heubel and colleagues investigated
specific adaptations to this, such as “quiet song” in the evolution of male mate choice in the host spe­
birds (Dabelsteen et al., 1998) or private channels cies of the Amazon molly (P. formosa), a sexually
that allow communication between mates, while parasitic species, and found that male mate choice
excluding potential predators, parasites, and com­ did not evolve to perfectly recognizing conspecific
petitors (Cummings et al., 2003). Courters alone in and heterospecific females (Heubel et al., 2009).
many systems bear the cost of any premating ac­tiv­ This means that allowing a number of matings with
ities and courting, especially if the choosers only their sexual parasite is less costly for males of the
spend very limited time with the courter, as is com­ host species Poecilia latipinna and Poecilia mexicana
mon in lek breeding systems (Rowe, 1994). It is not than evolving perfect recognition of conspecific
clear if actual matings really are much more costly females. Overall, the costs associated with female
than other activities, but it is indisputable that there choice are fairly well understood, but costs associ­
are costs associated with the physical act of mating. ated with male choice are not.

36 M A L E C H O I C E , F E M A L E C O M P E T I T I O N, A N D F E M A L E O R N A M E N T S I N S E X UA L S E L E C T I O N

2.15 Rejection as choice et al., 2019). This matters also, because the most
common experimental technique to measure prefer­
Choosers typically have more potential mates than ences uses an assay that involves a chooser and two
they are going to mate with. Consequently, they alternative mates (or a representation of them, such
exercise mate choice not just by mating with the as a video clip), but no audience. The advantage of
partner they prefer, but also by not mating with the using this approach is a controlled experimental
males they do not prefer. Apparently, rejecting low- design that should lead to repeatable data, but it
quality mates is—at least in simulations—different lacks biological realism. As an aside: repeatability in
from choosing high-­ quality mates (Gomes and behavioral data is an issue in itself, and sometimes
Cardoso, 2018). Furthermore, choice by rejection difficult to obtain, but overall repeatability in the
has a number of consequences, in which the rejected field of animal behavior is high (Bell et al., 2009).
males try to circumvent female rejection. These Low repeatability may be due to actual differences
male behaviors are usually costly to females and between studies but could also reflect suboptimal
can affect female fitness negatively. Females, on the experimental design and data analysis. Viewing
other hand can counter costly male behaviors in mate choice with others looking on in a broader
many ways ranging from accepting superfluous social context points to a role of these onlookers in
matings to fleeing or aggressively rejecting male mating decisions (Agrillo et al., 2008). This has now
efforts. This dynamic sets the stage for sexual con­ been documented many times and we have many
flict and evolution of female traits that are adaptive great examples of the dynamics of these social net­
in countering attempts of male manipulation. works in which mating happens. In a scenario with
From the perspective of traditional sex roles, onlookers both the focal individual and the onlook­
males are not expected to forgo many mating ing individuals may modify their preferences and
opportunities. But even for males, matings can be behaviors based on the interactions they experi­
costly and if the costs exceed the benefits, males ence. I want to revisit a relatively straightforward
should decide not to mate. One important aspect of example for the importance of social information,
this is sperm depletion. Males may run out of sperm mate choice copying (Nordell and Valone, 1998). As
and, especially in cases of large ejaculates, males a concept first introduced in the 1980s (Losey
may need considerable time to replenish their sup­ et al., 1986; Höglund et al., 1990) and experimen­
plies for new ejaculates. This means that females tally used in fishes (Dugatkin and Godin, 1992, 1993;
may benefit from choosing males that are not Godin et al., 2005) in the 1990s and partly influ­
depleted (Hines et al., 2003), and that males may enced by theory stemming from economics
benefit from strategically using their resources (Bikhchandani et al., 1992), the basic idea is simple:
(Preston et al., 2001), if sperm really is limited females are influenced by the mate preferences of
(Swierk et al., 2015). One predicted behavior is that other females. This can be a subtle modification of
males forgo matings with less attractive females. a preference or even a full reversal from a previ­
Male mate choice by rejection may be underre­ ously shown preference. Overall, effects of social
ported, but some cases are known. In at least one information on mate choice are fairly strong (Jones
case, males continue mating with females despite and DuVal, 2019). Males also show mate copying,
being sperm depleted and interestingly females even in species where males are not very discrim­
were unable to detect this (Abe, 2019). inatory otherwise (Schlupp and Ryan, 1997). In one
case males were actually found to copy female mat­
ing decisions (Gonçalves et al., 2003). Some male
2.16 Social environment
pipefishes, where the sex roles are reversed, also
Furthermore—and maybe most importantly—mate show mate copying (Widemo, 2006), which in this
choice rarely happens in a social vacuum. In most case is the equivalent to female mate copying in
species there are other individuals present for mate other species. Interestingly, females (here the
choice and the subsequent actual matings, which equivalent to males) do not show mate copying
obviously applies to both females and males (Orfao (Widemo, 2006).

F E M A L E A N D M A L E M AT E C H O I C E : S I M I L A R I T I E S A N D D I F F E R E N C E S 37

In humans, mate copying can also be found Al-Kandari et al., 2002; Williams and Pike, 2002).
(Waynforth, 2007; Anderson and Surbey, 2014; Deng Arranged marriages are found, for example, in
and Zheng, 2015) and may be gender specific present-­ day Indian society (Sharangpani, 2010).
(Vakirtzis and Roberts, 2010). There is a large num­ Interestingly, it is still maintained to some degree in
ber of experimental studies, with somewhat mixed Indian immigrants in other countries, like the
findings (Uller and Johansson, 2003), yet the con­ United Kingdom and the United States (Pichler,
sensus seems to be that mate copying in humans is 2007). Clearly, arranged marriages are not restricted
common and an important mechanism in mate to a certain time or culture. Arranged marriages can
selection (Street et al., 2018), but there is an interest­ also be highly exploitative and be connected to
ing sex difference that was revealed in a meta- criminal human trafficking (Yakushko and
analysis: mate copying is common in women, but Rajan, 2016).
not in men (Gouda-­Vossos et al., 2018). In a bigger context it seems that the current
At least one example suggests that copying in­di­ Western model of free individual and rational
vid­uals are more likely to use information if it choice (Ryan and Cummings, 2013), which we also
comes from a more reliable source. Female guppies apply to animals, is relatively new for humans on
are more likely to copy the preference of larger an evolutionary time scale (Coontz, 2006). In many
females, which are also older (Amlacher and societies—past and present—not the person to be
Dugatkin, 2005). This is very suggestive; however, it married, but someone else decides about that rela­
does not establish a direct link between experience tionship. Arranged relationships do undermine
and usage of more reliable information. Another individual choice, but do not preclude a role of
example could be that in a sexual–asexual mating mate preferences in choice. What is exercised may
complex involving the Amazon molly, P. formosa, not be the preference of the individual brought into
sexual females are more likely to copy the mate a relationship, but that of older, more experienced
preference of sexual females as compared with individuals, often the parents (Lefevre and
asexual females (Hill and Ryan, 2006). Saxton, 2017). This is somewhat similar to the hori­
More generally, the information provided in a zontal mate copying discussed above. While the
social setting can be used by others and may pro­ offspring may not be allowed to exercise their own
vide valuable information for the observers. For preference, they have likely inherited that prefer­
example, males can obtain information about the ence from their parents, and will be able to exercise
behavior and the status of other males without the same preference when their children are getting
directly interacting with them. This can save the married. There may be benefits from this system, as
cost of—for example—an escalated fight. This was older individuals may be better able to assess the
found in males of the Siamese fighting fish (Betta prospective partner regarding physical traits,
splendens) watching other males fighting: they health, etc. On the flip side, this creates strong
adjust their hormone levels according to likely ­parent–offspring conflict (van den Berg et al., 2013).
future encounters (Oliveira et al., 1998, 2001). However, a side effect of this may be a societal
Another example comes from marmot’s alarm structure that leads to assortative mating, a pattern
calls—which evolved to be loud and detectable— that has been found in many societies. In humans
but also can betray the parasite status of the caller assortative mating often appears to be based on
(Nouri and Blumstein, 2019) to bystanders. socio-­economics, and that has maintained stratifica­
Another example of the role of the social en­vir­on­ tion for a long time. One example for this would be
ment is arranged marriages in humans. Historically, the caste system in India, where marriages between
in many cultures mate choice was exercised or at members of a different caste are at least frowned
least influenced by people other than the actual upon. Another example is arranged marriages in
mating partners. Arranged marriages were com­ European royal houses, which tolerated the nega­
mon in many human societies (Davidson, 2012; tive effects of inbreeding to maintain power within
Delameillieure, 2017) and are still widespread today their lineage (Ceballos and Alvarez, 2013), although
(Hussain, 1984; Hampshire and Smith, 2001; in the long run inbreeding may have contributed to

38 M A L E C H O I C E , F E M A L E C O M P E T I T I O N, A N D F E M A L E O R N A M E N T S I N S E X UA L S E L E C T I O N

their demise (Alvarez et al., 2009). This said, indi­ phenomena can have different evolutionary ori­
vidual preferences may still be exercised and sexual gins, and second, as outlined above, they may have
interactions outside of the marriage can circumvent different evolutionary consequences.
a choice made by others (Grebe and Drea, 2018).
In addition to directly determining mate choice in
2.17.1 Evolutionary outcomes
their children, human parents may influence more
subtly who becomes their daughter-­in-­law or son- Many species show differences between the sexes
in-­law by tacitly approving or disapproving of part­ that go beyond the primary sex organs. Often males
ners. Anecdotes and folklore about manipulative are under sexual selection and show traits that are
parents and in-­laws are plenty and may indicate a interpreted as ornaments or armaments that
deeply rooted conflict between generations about evolved under either female choice or male compe­
how to treat children and grandchildren. Cross- tition. This view is supported by a huge literature
cultural research shows that parents value very and universally accepted. One might view the
similar characteristics in sons-­in-­law and daughters- female phenotype almost as the default from which
in-­law. The traits that were ranked highest for both the male phenotype develops and evolves away.
were “Good character” and “Good family back­ This view of course is incomplete as many different
ground.” Physical traits summed up in “Good look­ selection pressures operate on females. In raptors,
ing” were at the bottom of the list (Apostolou, 2007). for example, natural selection is thought to cause
This seems to be in contrast to the many studies on differences in size between females and males
direct human mate choice that put more emphasis allowing them to exploit prey of different size. In
on physical traits like the hip to waist ratio, which this case it seems that natural selection may be
was found to be almost universal. While clearly mostly responsible for the dimorphism (Sonerud
documented in humans, it is not clear whether such et al., 2014; Perez-­Camacho et al., 2015) although
generational influences occur in other social ani­ some female preference for lighter males has been
mals. At least potentially they could occur in spe­ reported (Hakkarainen et al., 1996), whereas in
cies where overlapping generations live together, many other cases natural and sexual selection
and where parentage is known at least to some ­interact.
degree. Good candidates would be, for example, In humans, it appears that many male character­
chimpanzees and bonobos, or orcas. In the latter istics are both armaments and ornaments (Berglund
species research into this question is ongoing et al., 1996). They are likely to have evolved under
(D. Croft, per. comm., September 12, 2018). sexual selection. Often traits may have evolved
All of these effects of viewing mating in the under male competition, but female choice is also
proper social network are a powerful testament to invoked. Cleanly distinguishing between the two
the importance of social information in mate choice. forces is often not possible and may not be neces­
Although much of this information is transmitted sary. Male traits associated with masculinity such as
horizontally, some of that may become a compo­ muscularity and deep voices are preferred by
nent of nongenetic inheritance in the form of cul­ women and may be associated with male ability to
tural evolution, which may be viewed as part forage or protect women (Buss and Schmitt, 2019).
of the extended evolutionary synthesis (Laland The same traits of course are adaptive in male–male
et al., 2015). competition. This is also found in many other spe­
cies. If female choice influences the evolution of
male traits, does male mate choice influence female
2.17 Similarities and differences
traits? The answer seems to be yes: male prefer­
Many aspects of female and male choice are similar, ences for traits associated with youth, indicating
especially on the proximate side, but how is male reproductive potential, such as reduced body hair
mate choice mirrored in the elements of female and the distribution of body fat deposits, may be
choice discussed above? Male and female choice under sexual selection via male mate choice. The
can also differ in multiple ways. First, these two existence of body fat reserves is best explained by

F E M A L E A N D M A L E M AT E C H O I C E : S I M I L A R I T I E S A N D D I F F E R E N C E S 39

natural selection as body fat is necessary for suc­ authors point out that—as with all studies on
cessful ovulation and pregnancy. But the distribu­ humans—some caution in interpreting the findings
tion of the deposits in breasts and on the hips is best is advised because of potential cultural influences.
explained by male mate choice (Puts, 2010). It is Nonetheless, the message is clear: typical men and
noteworthy that this distribution does not appear to typical women are attracted to very different traits
give women an advantage in female–female com­ in the opposite sex. Clearly, an evaluation of same-
petition or natural selection. Curiously in modern sex attraction would be very valuable in this con­
Western society, surgery techniques have emerged text. Complicating things, both sexes may have the
to alter female bodies supposedly to make them same preference for a trait, but only apparently so.
more attractive to men. Other traits in females may One example is the widespread preference for
be interpreted as ornamental. The use of make-­up larger size, which may be beneficial as a direct bene­
may fall into this category, or alteration of the body fit in males and an indirect benefit in females
via plastic surgery. However, while these phenom­ (Komdeur et al., 2005; Schlupp, 2018). The argu­
ena may appear to agree with sexual selection the­ ment is simple: in many females, the number of
ory they should be viewed with great caution. It is eggs or embryos is positively correlated with size.
very likely that a large component of cultural influ­ Larger females have a higher fecundity and male
ence and bias contributes to this view. We know preference for larger females is easily explained.
that the ideal of beauty changes with culture and Males that successfully mate with a more fecund
time period. female have more offspring. The argument for
female preferences often typically involves indirect
benefits. In many species, males contribute nothing
2.17.2 Mechanisms
to the offspring other than sperm. In these cases,
Mate choice is not only influenced by external fac­ female preference for larger males cannot be
tors such as the social environment, there are many explained via direct benefits. At best, there may be
internal factors as well. Some of those have already weak effects because—for example—larger males
been discussed, but it is important to remember that produce more sperm. But in essence, females pre­
many physiological regulatory processes are rele­ ferring larger males must gain an indirect benefit,
vant to mate choice. This ranges from overall regu­ potentially because their large sons will also be pre­
lating seasonality of mating in males and females, ferred by females. The literature on such prefer­
as well as small-­scale adjustments to selectivity. At ences is overwhelming in reporting such female
the interface of external and internal factors we find preferences for larger males. It is not clear if this
responses, for example, to starvation. In fruitflies, might be a case of publication bias, where studies
D. melanogaster, both female choosiness and male not providing a confirmation of previous results
courtship vigor were reduced in hungry flies have a higher probability of being rejected. Indeed,
(Billings et al., 2018). Looking at the bigger picture there are very few published studies of a lack of
this raises the question of whether some studies on female preference for large males. These studies do
mate choice that were conducted on satiated show that an absence of a preference can be docu­
females and males might have given us an incom­ mented, but they also have a hard time interpreting
plete picture. their findings. Clearly, however, males and females
One especially interesting aspect we need to con­ differ fundamentally in the likely evolutionary
sider is that both sexes may be evaluating very dif­ bene­fit of a preference for large body size. Maybe
ferent traits when they exercise preferences. For the widespread female preference is a pleiotropic
humans this was tackled in a meta-­analysis of pref­ effect of the male preference for female fecundity.
erences (Conroy-­ Beam et al., 2015). The authors It must be said here that in many species prefer­
found that the two genders they recognize differ in ring larger males is providing direct benefits for
major ways in what they evaluate in mate choice. In females. Furthermore, larger male body size is
other words, humans are very dimorphic in their advantageous in many aspects of male competition,
mating preferences (Buss and Schmitt, 2019). The such as mate guarding, nest guarding, provisioning

40 M A L E C H O I C E , F E M A L E C O M P E T I T I O N, A N D F E M A L E O R N A M E N T S I N S E X UA L S E L E C T I O N

of mates and offspring, defense of mate and off­ to be 65,000 (Jarne and Auld, 2006), which is a very
spring, and most prominently in male fighting small fraction of all species. In higher plants a com­
(Tinbergen, 1936; Parker, 1974; Davies and parable situation is found where the sexual phase
Halliday, 1978; Clutton-­ Brock et al., 1989; Allen (the gametophyte) is monoicous, meaning that the
et al., 2017). Under both scenarios, natural and sex­ same individual plant carries male and female gam­
ual selection sexual dimorphism will increase. One etes. For humans the term hermaphrodite is also
could argue that competition for mates has recently used in the medical literature, sometimes inter­
received less attention than choice of mates, but its changeable with “intersex” and in the context of
important role in sexual selection is clear. human sex reassignment (Besnier, 2018). My discus­
How mate choice is exercised is also important, sion here is focusing on nonhuman animals.
and I want to briefly summarize a few aspects, Theory would predict that sequential hermaph­
including limitations of mate choice. Western so­ci­ rodites express one sex role while male and another
eties, where the majority of mate choice studies are while female. Quite a few species show such
conducted, emphasize freedom in choosing a mat­ sequential hermaphroditism, where an individual
ing partner, but this appears to be a relatively new may first be male, then female (protandry) or first
development, and is not universal across human female and then male (protogyny). This raises the
cultures. interesting question of consistency of preferences.
Arranged marriages also provide an example of Suppose an animal is first female and shows a pref­
social influences on mate choice found in different erence for larger males. It then changes into a male,
forms in many other animals (as discussed above). as found in many wrasses, but what happens to the
These social influences are important in several preference?
ways. First, when studied experimentally, mate Sequential hermaphrodites also provide an inter­
choice is often reduced to an interaction between esting perspective on the economy of sex and sex
only two individuals. In reality, though, mate choice roles. In these species the costs and benefits of hav­
is exercised in public, often with several onlookers, ing one sex can be compared with the other sex and
who may extract information about the mating animals change sex when the two curves intersect.
partners from the interaction. The onlookers may It is ecology that influences that decision.
then adjust their own behavior in several ways. In addition to natural sex change, sometimes hor­
Both female and male choice are thus exposed to mones (and their mimics) in the environment can
various audiences. One particular effect is called induce sex change in species that are normally
mate copying and refers to females and males bimodal in their sex expression (Bhandari et al.,
observing the mate preferences of others and chan­ 2015). This gives important clues as to the mech­an­
ging their own mating behavior accordingly. This isms underlying sexual development involving
has been observed in many species now, including steroid hormones (Nozu et al., 2009), which are also
humans. crucially important under natural conditions
(Frisch, 2004). Mainly in insects, the bacterial para­
site Wolbachia is also causing feminization (Werren
2.18 Hermaphrodites
et al., 2008).
So far, we have considered organisms where the In simultaneous hermaphrodites, because female
sexes are located in different individuals. This is not and male behaviors must be present in the same
always the case and many species are hermaphro­ organism at the same time, a number of very inter­
dites with both sexes present in the same in­di­vid­ esting questions arise regarding the regulation of
uals either at the same time or after a sex change interactions. This has been extensively modeled and
(Charnov et al., 1976). The taxonomic distribution is reported in a number of studies starting with seminal
biased toward invertebrates, with very few verte­ work by Charnov in 1979 (Charnov, 1979; Shiffer­
brates having evolved hermaphroditism, but in man, 2012; Jordan and Connallon, 2014; Parker, 2016;
general this is a very common situation. The num­ Parma et al., 2016; Koene, 2017; Larson, 2017). One
ber of hermaphroditic animal species was estimated interesting problem is that the male component of a

F E M A L E A N D M A L E M AT E C H O I C E : S I M I L A R I T I E S A N D D I F F E R E N C E S 41

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42 M A L E C H O I C E , F E M A L E C O M P E T I T I O N, A N D F E M A L E O R N A M E N T S I N S E X UA L S E L E C T I O N

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Examples of Male Mate Choice

3.1 Brief outline of the chapter that searched for male mate choice but did not find
any evidence for it. I also just list the studies I found
In this chapter, what interests me most is how often with no claim to resolving the question of how and
male mate choice has already been documented, why male mate choice evolved in these cases.
independent of the underlying mechanism. I am
not concerned with the origin of the description:
some authors express some degree of surprise that 3.3 Male mate choice viewed
they found male preferences; other studies are taxonomically
motivated by theory. I also want to highlight that
Research in general has a strong taxonomic bias,
there is a continuum from no male contribution to
and sexual selection and mate choice are no differ-
the offspring to male contributions that are larger
ent. There are many different reasons for these
than the female contribution. Furthermore, there
biases. One is that the scientific community often
are differences in female quality at different levels,
chooses so-­called model systems to study the ques-
which can contribute to the evolution of male
tions at hand. Much of the current biomedical
choice. There are many studies that infer differences
research is done on rats and mice, rodents that are
in female fecundity as underlying male choice, but
only somewhat similar to humans in many aspects,
females can differ in many more aspects—just like
but they can easily be held and bred in large num-
bers in small cages. A fish model system in develop-
mental biology, the zebrafish (Danio rerio) is
probably a model organism because it has translu-
3.2 Limitations of this chapter
cent eggs, a trait that is actually not common in
In this chapter I want to mainly review known fishes. Similarly, Drosophila melanogaster may be a
examples of male mate choice. I tried to find as model organism, not because they are typical for
many as possible. Most likely, my list is not com- insects, but because they are easy to keep in the
plete, but it will hopefully at least indicate where laboratory. Nowadays many resources are available
more research is needed. I am deliberately just list- for model systems such as Drosophila, making it
ing studies while providing limited details and even easier and ever more appealing to use a model
background. A brief discussion of the main putative system. However, just the notion that one or a few
avenues for the evolution of male mate choice can species can represent a whole group is problematic,
be found in the following chapters. I am providing especially for a group as speciose and diverse as
a list of examples (Table 3.1), which is not sorted insects. Once model organisms are established it
taxonomically but according to the putative benefit becomes increasingly easy to use them because so
to male mate choice according to the authors of the much is already known about them and the com-
studies. The chapter, however, is organized accord- munity of peers with the same interest is large. In
ing to taxon. Where possible, I also report studies the field of animal behavior the bias is heavily in

54 M A L E C H O I C E , F E M A L E C O M P E T I T I O N, A N D F E M A L E O R N A M E N T S I N S E X UA L S E L E C T I O N

favor of vertebrates (Rosenthal et al., 2017), presum- may be even more extreme in plants than in ani-
ably because formative early work in both ethology mals. Andersson suggested the lack of compensatory
and behavioral ecology used vertebrates. Yet male investment as the reason for this (Andersson,
another potential problem is that we are focusing 1994). Around the same time Arnold suggested a
on hypothesis-­driven research only, thereby run- unified theory and terminology for sexual selection
ning the risk of ignoring the natural history of the in plants and animals (Arnold, 1994b). Plants
species we work with (Travis, 2020). There is also ­produce male gametes that are mobile, pollen, and
geographic bias, with more research done in tem- female gametes that need to be found by male gam-
perate zones (Culumber et al., 2019). Clearly, there etes, ovules. It also seems clear that the investment
are several sociological, psychological, socioeco- in ovules is much larger than in pollen. The ground
nomic and political reasons for such biases, but it is for sexual selection to happen is laid and was
important to understand how they may limit which already worked out by Bateman (1948). Yet, the
questions we ask, how we ask them, and who asks effects differ markedly in animals and plants
them. Acknowledging these biases, however, helps (Marshall and Folsom, 1991; Arnold, 1994a). In
us put our research into perspective and identify plants nonrandom mating is found, but the mech-
important gaps and problems. Exploring the exist- anisms are difficult to document (Dorken and
ing literature according to taxonomic groups is Perry, 2017), partly at least because the fate of pol-
made possible by databases like Web of Knowledge, len is difficult to observe. This nonrandom mating
or Google Scholar, and aided by the Tree of Life is possibly the effect of some form of female
Project (Maddison and Schulz, 2007). These tools choice, but this is far from clear. The mechanisms
will retrieve records based on the keywords and behind this potential female choice are also not
search syntax used. This is of course also a potential clear (Marshall and Folsom, 1991). There seems to
weakness of such searches because poor keywords be agreement, however, that sexual selection is
will return poor data. For example, if a paper on occurring in plants (Willson, 1994; Skogsmyr and
male mate choice does use keywords pointing to Lankinen, 2002; Dorken and Perry, 2017).
male mating preferences, I may have missed it. Nonetheless, it is perplexing that the effects differ
However, a taxonomic overview is more limited by so strongly in plants and animals. While female
the nature of what has been explored scientifically choice and/or male competition lead to ornamen-
than the taxa that would be worth exploring. Hence, tal traits in animals, such effects are more difficult
my review is completely opportunistic. Nonetheless, to document in plants. Conspicuous and costly
I think the examples listed here can be useful in traits in pollinators are thought to be under sexual
documenting trends of what we already know and selection, but the evolution of these traits often
identify more clearly what we do not know. The happens via an intermediary, namely pollinating
species names referred to in the text are the ones animals with interesting effects on the plants
used by the authors and may not reflect the latest (Caruso et al., 2019). By producing traits that are
taxonomy. more attractive to pollinators male plants may be
able to increase their fitness (Skogsmyr and
Lankinen, 2002). This may be most conspicuous in
3.4 Plants
orchids that mimic female insects to attract insect
Sexual selection in higher plants is still a little enig- males to “mate” with them, which leads to the
matic but has received considerable attention soon pollination of the plant (Schiestl et al., 1999;
after the paradigm shift in biology that led to a gene Gaskett, 2011) (Figure 3.1). While there is some
selection view (Dawkins, 1976). In their book, evidence for female choice (Betts et al., 2015) and
Willson and Burley (1983) dubbed the field socio- male competition (Andersson, 1994), in particular
botany, a word-­play on the—then new—term socio- in some milkweeds (Cocucci et al., 2014), there is
biology (Wilson, 1975). The basis for sexual selection little to no evidence for male choice or female
to occur, that is, differential investment into gam- competition (Burd, 1994). However, there is evi-
etes, is clearly present in plants as well; indeed, it dence for Bateman gradients in an annual,

E X A M P L E S O F M A L E M AT E C H O I C E 55

group and is not meant to diminish the importance

of invertebrates.

Not much is known about mate choice in sharks,
and other elasmobranchids. One study looked for
mate choice in the spot-­tail shark, Carcharhinus sor-
rah, but no male mate choice for body size, parasite
burden, or mean heterozygosity was found (Almojil,

Teleost fishes

Figure 3.1 Andrena pilipes, a bee species, attempting copulation Teleost fishes provide a number of examples for
with an Ophrys garganica orchid, thereby pollinating the plant (photo male mate choice. This is not really surprising as the
credit: Florian Schiestl). diversity of sexual behaviors and mating systems in
fishes is enormous. They are also the most specious
group of all vertebrates (Betancur-­R et al., 2013),
­dioecious herb, Mercurialis annua, being much with an estimate of well over 30,000 species. An
steeper in males (Tonnabel et al., 2019). This early review of the literature on male mate choice in
suggests that sexual selection operates similarly to fishes was published by Sargent et al. (1986). The
­animals. relatively rich literature on livebearing fishes
(Poeciliidae) was reviewed in Schlupp (2018). In
this taxonomic group there is no male investment in
3.5 Fungi the offspring beyond the ejaculate, so likely male
Fungi are very different from plants and animals in choice evolved because of differences in female
many ways. Many fungi, like yeast, are single celled quality. In a study designed to specifically test for
and sexuality involves same-­sized cells, with no sex both female and male choice (Basolo, 2004) in a live-
roles distinguishable. In multicellular fungi, such bearing fish from Costa Rica, Brachyraphis rhap-
as filamentous ascomycetes or Agaricomycotina dophora, Basolo found female choice but not male
(mushroom-­ forming basidiomycetes), however, choice. Several studies on guppies (Poecilia reticu-
often mating types that resemble eggs and sperm lata) reported that males prefer larger females and
can be distinguished. Consequently, there is adjust their preference to the presence of rivals
potential for sexual selection to occur. Both female (Dosen and Montgomerie, 2004a, 2004b). Godin
choice and male competition have been reported, and several of his students explored many aspects
but no male choice and female competition yet of male mate choice in guppies and other species
(Nieuwenhuis and Aanen, 2012). One has to keep in (Herdman et al., 2004; Hoysak and Godin, 2007;
mind though, that fungi often have several mating Auld et al., 2015, 2017). In Xiphophorus malinche,
types, and do not necessarily conform to the con- another livebearing fish from Mexico, males pre-
cept of two sexes. ferred larger females. Interestingly, males of differ-
ent size classes differed in their strength of
preference. Also, in this mating system females of
3.6 Animals different sizes prefer different males: smaller
females prefer symmetrical males, while larger
3.6.1 Vertebrates
females prefer asymmetrical males. These two
Within the animals, I arbitrarily decided to start list- types of males, however, did not differ in their pref-
ing vertebrate examples followed by invertebrate erences (Tudor and Morris, 2009). In a small species
examples. This is partly because I think (hopefully flock of pupfish (Cyprinodon variegatus, Cyprinodon
correctly) that many of the examples stem from this desquamator, and Cyprinodon brontotheroides) from

56 M A L E C H O I C E , F E M A L E C O M P E T I T I O N, A N D F E M A L E O R N A M E N T S I N S E X UA L S E L E C T I O N

the Bahamas, both males and females preferred spring by providing paternal care (Chapter 5). This
conspecifics, thereby maintaining species bound­ar­ can take the form of males guarding and defending
ies (West and Kodric-­Brown, 2015). nests and broods, but also of mouthbrooding in
There are some special cases: in some species some species, where males raise the young in their
females use sperm from males of a different species mouth cavity. However, male mate choice has been
to trigger embryogenesis (Chapter 2). In males that reported mostly from species without major male
provide sperm for unisexual females, such as the investment in offspring. For example, Neochromis
Amazon molly (Poecilia formosa) and Poeciliopsis, omnicaeruleus, an African species from Lake Victoria,
another genus in which sperm-­ dependent par­ shows clear individual male preferences for female
theno­gen­esis evolved, male preferences for conspe- color morphs (Pierotti et al., 2009). This is inter-
cific, sexual females are common (Keegan-­Rogers, preted in the context of incipient speciation: if males
1984; Schlupp, 2018b). consistently and heritably prefer certain females,
Male choice can be influenced by personalities this may lead to new species. A preference for larger
and individual differences in a mosquitofish females was reported for another cichlid from east
(Gambusia affinis) (Chen et al., 2018). A study using Africa, the convict cichlid (Cichlasoma nigrofascia-
feral mosquitofish (Gambusia holbrooki) from tum) (Nuttall and Keenleyside, 1993), in this case
Australia found differences in male preferences for leading to assortative mating (Beeching and Hopp,
larger females based on the mode of presentation 1999). Interestingly, male preferences may be
(Head et al., 2015). Males showed stronger prefer- limit­ed by female aggression (Bloch et al., 2016). In
ences in simultaneous encounters, which is also another cichlid, Astatotilapia flaviijosephi, a male
predicted by theory because males can afford to be preference for larger females was found both when
less choosy in sequential encounters as there is no the females were presented simultaneously (Werner
opportunity cost (Barry and Kokko, 2010). and Lotem, 2003) and sequentially (Werner and
Furthermore, this seems to be a general phe­nom­ Lotem, 2006), providing congruent evidence for
enon that needs more exploration (Dougherty and male mate choice independent of methodology. In
Shuker, 2014). other examples, the way the stimuli were presented
In another freshwater fish, Percina roanoka, males led to differences in the results. This highlights the
did not show a preference for larger females, but importance of methodology for placing results into
neither did females (Ciccotto et al., 2014). Inter­ context.
estingly, males of the pygmy halfbeak (Dermogenys Male and female mate choice has been well
collettei), from the family Hemiramphidae, prefer explored in another cichlid from Africa, the small,
females with a larger orange ornament (the gravid cavity-­nesting Pelvicachromis taeniatus (slender
spot), but not larger females per se (Ogden et al., krib). In this species, females are very colorful, and
2019). their purple pelvic fins are classified as an orna-
In darters, a group of colorful and diverse fishes ment, which correlates with maturity and fecundity
from North America, male mate choice has been (Baldauf et al., 2011) (see Chapter 7). Both sexes
documented multiple times. In one species, the show choice (Scherer et al., 2018), which in this sys-
orangethroat darter (Etheostoma spectabile) males tem is known to be quite complex: both males and
did not prefer larger females (Pyron, 1996). Pyron females prefer larger partners (Baldauf et al., 2010),
speculated that the reason for this might be a lack of but also relatives (interestingly, they actively
differences in female quality. In Etheostoma caer- inbreed). These two preferences can be in conflict
uleum, the rainbow darter, however, a male prefer- (Thünken et al., 2012), and the two sexes resolve
ence for larger females was reported (Soudry et al., this differently. Reflecting an unusual tradeoff,
2020). In other species, male choice is relatively males value size more than females but females pre-
strong and plays an important role in speciation fer closer relatives (Thünken et al., 2012). Kin recog-
(Martin and Mendelson, 2016; Moran et al., 2017). nition is based on olfactory information (Thünken
In cichlids, a very species-­rich and ecologically et al., 2014). Males also choose females based on a
diverse family of fishes, males often invest into off- female ornament, the color and size of the female

E X A M P L E S O F M A L E M AT E C H O I C E 57

pelvic fins (Baldauf et al., 2011, 2010). However, a 1985; Bakker and Rowland, 1995). Ornamentation is
personality trait, boldness, was not important also relevant in male choice (Rowland et al., 1991;
(Scherer and Schuett, 2018). Furthermore, females Bakker and Rowland, 1995; Yong et al., 2018), but in
compete for males (Baldauf et al., 2011). Interestingly, a population from Canada, no male preference for
females lose color when nesting, which might be female throat color was detected (Wright et al.,
correlated with a reduction of testosterone akin to 2015). In a different species, the brook stickleback
what has been suggested in birds in researching the (Culaea inconstans), males also prefer females show-
challenge hypothesis (Wingfield, 2017). This ing nuptial coloration (McLennan, 1995). Male and
hypothesis posits that males should downregulate female G. aculeatus also show differences in cogni-
their testosterone levels while providing paternal tion. When confronted with spatial tasks, males and
care to mitigate potentially negative effects of high females respond differently (Keagy et al., 2019), but
testosterone such as aggressiveness against the more work on this is needed. Males also differenti-
mate (Wingfield, 2017; Goymann et al., 2019). Males ate—using olfaction—between females with and
of another cichlid, the St. Peter’s fish from Lake without experience with predators (Dellinger et al.,
Kinaret (Sarotherodon galilaeus), also show prefer- 2018), showing fewer courtship displays toward
ences for larger females, just like females prefer predator-­exposed and stressed females. This will be
larger males (Balshine-­Earn, 1996). covered in more detail in Chapter 8, which dis-
In males of a popular pet species, the Siamese cusses female ornamentation. Clearly in this system
fighting fish (Betta splendens), a preference for con- both partners choose (Kraak and Bakker, 1998).
specifics was found, and this preference is stronger Male Coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) prefer
than that of females (Justus and Mendelson, 2018). larger females, but their preference is influenced by
Another species that shows a male preference for their own size, leading to assortative mating.
females with more eggs is the Japanese medaka Furthermore, males prefer females that show more
(Oryzias latipes) (Grant et al., 1995). Because we have red body coloration (Foote, 1988; Foote and Larkin,
many genomic resources for this species, more 1988; Foote et al., 2004). Coho salmon show an inter-
research would be much warranted, maybe dis­ esting pattern of variability: there was strong evi-
cover­ing genes associated with male and female dence for a male preference for larger females but
choice. only in 1 of 2 years this was tested (Sargent et al.,
In a cyprinid fish, Puntius titteya, male preference 1986). Male mate choice for larger females was also
for female coloration was found (Mieno and Karino, found in a small fish from Australia, Pseudomugil
2019). Males prefer females that are redder than signifier (Wong and Jennions, 2003).
other females and redness can be interpreted as a Additionally, in annual fishes, male mate choice
potential indicator for female quality. In the same for larger females has been documented. In
species, females also prefer redder males (Fukuda Austrolebias reicherti, a small fish from South
and Karino, 2014). America, a visual male preference for larger females
In three-­spined sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculea- and a correlation between fecundity and size was
tus), Candolin and Salesto (2009) found that males found (Passos et al., 2019). Previous work had
prefer larger females and court them more vigor- already shown female preferences for larger males
ously, but this preference can break down under and a relationship with operational sex ratio (OSR)
male competition and also for low-­quality males. where early in the season with an even sex ratio,
Earlier studies came to the same conclusion and females showed a preference for larger males,
found a clear preference for larger females whereas late in the season as male numbers dwin-
(Rowland, 1982; Rowland and Sevenster, 1985; dle, this preference is not detectable anymore
Rowland, 1989; Kraak and Bakker, 1998), with a link (Passos et al., 2014). Weakly electric fishes from
between female size and fecundity (Sargent et al., Africa are morphologically very similar, but show
1986). Males also choose females based on informa- different electrical signals (EOD), which males from
tion related to “head up posture,” an indication that at least one species, Campylomormyrus compressiro-
females are ready to spawn (Rowland and Sevenster, stris, use in species recognition (Nagel et al., 2018).

58 M A L E C H O I C E , F E M A L E C O M P E T I T I O N, A N D F E M A L E O R N A M E N T S I N S E X UA L S E L E C T I O N

Several marine fishes have also been studied. females is also explained by fecundity. This species
Gobies have been well studied in terms of male shows sex change and it would be interesting to
mate choice (Amundsen, 2018; Heubel, 2018). In know if preferences expressed as one sex are
one species, Gobiusculus flavescens, a small fish, a retained when an individual changes its sex.
relatively weak preference for larger females was In a damselfish species (Stegastes leucosticus)
reported, which was attributed to limited variation males also prefer larger females (Itzkowitz et al.,
in female size (Pelabon et al., 2003). In other words, 1998). In this study, however, males that mated mul-
if females are providing a homogeneous fitness tiple times with smaller females produced an equal
return for males, selection on male choosiness is number of offspring, making it unclear why the
absent or weak. In the mangrove killifish, males have a preference for larger females. One
Kryptolebias marmoratus, with a very complex mat- could speculate that the preference for larger
ing system, male choice was also found (Ellison et females might create a sequence of matings with the
al., 2013). This is one of the few hermaphroditic ver- most beneficial females receiving the first matings.
tebrates and the only known one to be capable of
selfing. In addition to hermaphrodites, males are Amphibians
found in this species. While hermaphrodites are not Male parental care is widespread in frogs. It is not
choosy, males are and base their preferences on the surprising therefore, that male mate choice has
major histocompatibility complex (MHC) (Ellison been documented several times in amphibians.
et al., 2013). Interestingly, it is not only found in species with
A study looking at both male and female prefer- male parental care, but also in species where neither
ences in marine redlip blennies (Ophioblennius atlan- females nor males provide parental care, echoing
ticus) found that both sexes prefer larger mating some of the literature on fishes where male choice is
partners (Côté and Hunte, 1989). They also prefer found without male investment (Schlupp, 2018). In
older males (Côté and Hunte, 1993), although it is a large comparative study (Vági et al., 2019) many
not clear what the potential adaptive benefit of this transitions between male and female parental care
is. Preferences for older males have also been were found, suggesting that sex roles are actually
reported from other taxa, such as sparrows (Passer more fluid than usually considered and likely
domesticus) and humans (Homo sapiens) (Buss and driven by ecological factors. The only parental care
Schmitt, 2019). In another species of blenny, Salaria trait that was only found in females—for obvious
pavo, males are choosy in a population where breed- reasons—was providing eggs as food for tadpoles,
ing sites are rare (Almada et al., 1994, 1995). In this a trait that evolved several times independently
case OSR seems to be driving the dynamic. When (Fischer et al., 2019). Actually, given how often male
breeding males are rare, they show choosiness and parental care—and hence male investment—is
the females have to compete (Chapter 5). found in anurans, there are relatively few accounts
Males of the ocellated wrasse (Symphodus of male mate preferences. An example of male pref-
­ocellatus) sometimes refuse to mate with some erences in a species with no male investment is the
females when too many sneaker males are present wood frog, Rana sylvatica, where males prefer mat-
(Alonzo and Warner, 1999). This is male choice by ing with larger females, although this did not lead
rejection. to assortative mating (Berven, 1981). Also studying
One species of wrasse presents an interesting the American wood frog (renamed Lithobates syl-
situ­ation of polymorphism. Males of a reef dwelling vaticus), Swierk and Langkilde (2019) reported that
wrasse, Thalassoma bifasciatum, show two discrete males preferred larger females, but that offspring
spawning behaviors, group spawning and pair with preferred females were less fit than offspring
spawning. Males appear to express preference for from nonpreferred females (Swierk and Langkilde,
larger females in group spawning, but not in pair 2019). This might be an example of males being able
spawning (Van den Berghe and Warner, 1989). This to show choice in a system where males invest very
might point to a role for OSR in this context, little, but not always succeeding in making adap-
although the preference of larger males for larger tive choices. In a European species, Rana dalmatina,

E X A M P L E S O F M A L E M AT E C H O I C E 59

midwife toad, Alytes muletensis (Bush and Bell,

1997). Curiously, females also produce calls (Dyson
et al., 1998), and in Alytes cisternasii, females
approach males to initiate mating (Márquez and
Verrell, 1991). Males of A. muletensis show prefer-
ences for intermediate female calls (Bush et al.,
1996). As is common in anurans, females prefer
males with deeper voices (Márquez, 1995). Males
with a lower fundamental frequency are larger, but
this preference does not always lead to actual mat-
ings with larger males (Lea et al., 2003). Interestingly,
males are reported to not always be willing to mate
(Lea et al., 2003). This could, of course, be again
male choice by rejection.
In the neotropical poison frogs in the families
Dendrobatidae and Aromobatidae a majority of
species show some kind of paternal care, which is
otherwise not common in anurans (Summers and
Figure 3.2 Possible mating combinations and resulting offspring
Tumulty, 2014). Although mainly famous for their
(cells 1–4) in mixed populations of Rana lessonae (genotype LL) and
R. esculenta (genotype LR). Note the lethal combination. toxicity and bright coloration, Dendrobatids also
have an intriguing breeding behavior. Often, they
lay small clutches of eggs, then guard or even feed
with an explosive breeding mating system (Wells, them (Dugas et al., 2016), and subsequently trans-
1977), male mate choice was not detected, likely port the larvae on their backs to a stream upon
due to the intense scramble competition males are hatching. Commonly, this transport is done by
facing (Hettyey et al., 2005). In a species complex of males (Summers and Tumulty, 2014). A phylogeny
European frog (Rana esculenta complex; now revealed that terrestrial breeding and male care are
Pelophylax esculentus), which is characterized by a ancestral to the clade (Summers and McKeon, 2004).
very complex, hemiclonal mating system, female In the green poison frog (Dendrobates auratus)
choice was detected, but no male choice, although females show mate guarding of males they mated
one of the potential genetic combinations is lethal with, likely reflecting sexual conflict: males that
(Engeler and Reyer, 2001) (Figure 3.2). mate multiply do so at a cost to female fitness,
Male mate choice in some toads (genus Bufo) has which the females try to thwart by aggressively
been modeled by Krupa and colleagues (Krupa, guarding the male (Summers, 2014). Interestingly,
1995). Furthermore, in a subtropical Bufo species many species are monomorphic, showing very
from China, Bufo andrewsi, males also preferred simi­lar ornamentation in males and females. Of
larger females (Liao and Lu, 2009). There also course, this is likely warning coloration. Despite
seemed to be an effect of OSR on choosiness. this it seems that a majority of the literature sug-
Male parental care is the hallmark of midwife gests mainly female choice as the mechanism for
toads in the European genus Alytes. In Alytes spe- the evolution of ornaments in dendrobatids (Dugas
cies, males can carry eggs from several females, et al., 2016). So far, male mate choice has not been
strung around their legs and protected by a strong reported for this group.
toxin. Ecologically, it seems possible that this breed- In an amazing case of what looks like parallel
ing system evolved owing to a lack of waterbodies evolution, a tropical frog from Borneo, the smooth
for laying eggs. This is plausible because midwife guardian frog (Limnonectes palavanensis) shows
toads are usually associated with dry habitats. simi­lar behavior: males care for the eggs and trans-
Females compete for males in Alytes obstetricans port larvae to the water on their back (Vallejos et al.,
(Verrell and Brown, 1993) and also in the Majorcan 2017). In this species, females court males by ­calling.

60 M A L E C H O I C E , F E M A L E C O M P E T I T I O N, A N D F E M A L E O R N A M E N T S I N S E X UA L S E L E C T I O N

Just like males in many other species, the females clear signs of mating preferences and increased
form leks near males, which remain silent. After female aggression (W. Lindsay, pers. comm., March
laying eggs, the females leave the males to care for 22, 2019). In this species male copulation is short, but
the eggs. Although seemingly a good candidate males are limited in copulation opportunities because
for the evolution of male choice, there are no they guard females for a long time.
data for this, or for female–female competition for In collared lizards (Crotophytus collaris) from
males. Oklahoma, males (Figure 3.3) respond selectively to
In most newt species, males make heavy invest- female ornaments (Baird, 2004) by courting orna-
ments in their spermatophores. These are depos- mented females more.
ited—often after elaborate courtship—in the path of In Platysaurus broadleyi, male preferences for
a female, which may or may not elect to pick up the larger females were detected (Whiting and Bateman,
spermatophore. Males may only be able to produce 1999; Wymann and Whiting, 2003). Interestingly—
a certain number of spermatophores, providing a as in some other systems—males preferred larger
basis for the evolution of male mate choice. In the females of an allopatric, but closely related species
small salamander Desmognathus santeelah, males (Platysaurus capensis) over conspecific females. This
showed a preference for larger females when demonstrated an important interaction between
encountered simultaneously, but not when they information used in species recognition and mate
met sequentially (Verrell, 1995). A similar result was preference. Apparently, size is more important here
obtained for Desmognathus ochrophaeus (Verrell, than species identity (Wymann and Whiting, 2003).
1989) and Desmognathus fuscus (Verrell, 1994). Yet Male mate choice in fence lizards, Sceloporus
again, this raises interesting questions about the undulatus, uses multiple cues in mate preferences
way methodology may influence behavioral out- including body condition, and behavioral traits
comes, and interpretation of choice experiments. A (Swierk et al., 2013). It is noteworthy that in the same
study on another species of newt, Notophthalmus system, females also show mate choice (Swierk
viridescens, also found a preference for larger et al., 2012). In a different species of fence lizard,
females using a Y-­maze. In this case the relevant Sceloporus virgatus, males show preference for a
information was either visual and/or olfactory color ornament in females, but not for female size or
(Verrell, 1985). The same author also reported male reproductive state (Weiss and Dubin, 2018).
mate choice in the European smooth newt Triturus The widespread green anole, Anolis carolinensis,
vulgaris (Verrell, 1986). A different species from the shows a preference for unfamiliar (and likely
same genus (now renamed Ichthyosaura), I. alpestris unmated) females (Orrell and Jenssen, 2002). In the
was investigated for male choice for the red belly brown anole (Anolis sagrei), a lizard from Cuba and
that is characteristic for females in this species.
Males prefer redder females, but also females that
were more responsive, even if less red. This seems
to be a case where males trade off traits in females,
redness and activity to maximize their reproductive
success (Lüdtke and Foerster, 2018).

Male mate choice has been reported in a number of
reptile species. In European Lacerta agilis, male prefer-
ence for female size was documented in a la­bora­tory
experiment (Olsson, 1993). Lindsay studied male
mate choice, female competition, and ornamentation Figure 3.3 Collared lizard (Crotophytus collaris) male (photo credit:
in an island population and found that males showed Ingo Schlupp).

E X A M P L E S O F M A L E M AT E C H O I C E 61

the Bahamas (and elsewhere invasive), males were that both males and females exercise mate choice
found to prefer familiar females, but not larger ones (Wynn and Price, 1993). In another set of studies
(Tokarz, 1992). zebra finch males showed a preference for more
Female ornaments and male responses to them fecund females after those had received a dietary
were studied in the Australian dragon lizard supplement (Monaghan et al., 1996; Jones and
Ctenophorus maculosus. Males respond to the color Avise, 2001). This result, however, could not be
ornaments of females but do not base their prefer- repeated by others (Wang et al., 2017a, 2017b).
ence exclusively on them (Chan et al., 2009). Some studies looked for effects of artificial orna-
Overall, it seems interesting that in lizards female ments on male preferences. For example, a male
ornaments have been studied intensively and play preference for a female with a new ornament was
an important role in male mate choice. There could influenced by the social environment (Kniel et al.,
be some taxonomic bias underlying this pattern. 2016). When exposed to novel and artificial orna-
ments, females showed signs of imprinting, but
Snakes males did not (Witte and Sawka, 2003; Caspers and
Male garter snakes (Thamnophis sirtalis) show a Witte, 2006). In another bird, the Javanese manakin
preference for larger females. In this system the (Lonchura leucogastroides), males rejected females
preference is based on skin lipids and in an experi- that showed an artificial, new ornament (Witte and
ment, males courted larger females (Shine et al., Curio, 1999). Furthermore, male Bengalese finches
2006) and also skin extracts from larger females (Lonchura striata domestica) show preferences for
more often (LeMaster and Mason, 2002). Male mate individual females and adjust their courtship effort
choice was also suggested as a species-­ isolating accordingly (Heinig et al., 2014).
mechanism in some species of Thamnophis (Shine In great tits (Parus major) from the Czech Republic,
et al., 2004). females with more pronounced plumage ornamen-
tation, especially a larger black breast stripe and a
Dinosaurs white cheek, have heavier fledglings that survive
Although somewhat speculative, and not based on better (Remeš and Matysioková, 2013). The authors
direct observation, sexual selection (Knell et al., suggest that this might be the basis for male mate
2013) and male parental care has been suggested to choice.
exist in dinosaurs (Varricchio et al., 2008), dating Male dark eyed juncos, Junco hyemalis, distin-
the evolution of this behavior well before the evo- guish between migrant and resident females during
lution of modern birds. If male parental care is a seasonal sympatry (Kimmitt et al., 2018). This seems
condition that favors the evolution of male mate to be adaptive through higher male reproductive
choice, that too might have been present in dino- success. One important effect is that male prefer-
saurs. Interestingly there is discussion of mutual ences are important in maintaining population dif-
sexual selection as the origin of ornaments in ferences, likely avoiding the cost of less fit hybrids.
females of dinosaurs and other ancestors of birds This is also found in other species, where males pre-
(Hone et al., 2012), but of course it is difficult to fer a certain morph leading to assortative or disas-
come to firm conclusions based on the fossil record. sortative mating and playing a role fairly similar to
species recognition. Maybe this is the ancestral state
Birds for male choice: it is adaptive in the context of spe-
Birds are of great relevance here because many spe- cies and population recognition initially and then
cies show strong male investment, female ornamen- evolved into male preferences for other traits. In the
tation (including female song), and signs of both polymorphic Gouldian finch, for example (Erythrura
males and females choosing their partners gouldiae), both sexes choose. Males show prefer-
(Komdeur et al., 2005). One would generally predict ences for their own morph (Pryke and Griffith,
the evolution of male mate choice in this group. 2007).
Zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata) are widely In a series of studies Amundsen and colleagues
used in animal behavior studies. Some work found investigated the role of female ornaments in

62 M A L E C H O I C E , F E M A L E C O M P E T I T I O N, A N D F E M A L E O R N A M E N T S I N S E X UA L S E L E C T I O N

­bluethroats (Luscinia svecica) from Europe and driving force—male mate choice would not evolve
found that males prefer more ornamented females often.
(Amundsen et al., 1997). Interestingly, females also A study on domestic merino sheep (Ovis aries),
preferred males with more symmetrical leg bands, revealed that rams allocated ejaculates unequally
which are widely used to mark individual birds and preferred certain females, but showed little
(Hansen et al., 1999). A similar preference was also sign of sperm depletion (Synnott et al., 1981). This
detected in females (Fiske and Amundsen, 1997). seems to be cryptic male choice. In feral Soay sheep
This is an interesting result showing how human (Ovis aries) from St. Kilda larger males preferred
activities can unwittingly influence mate choice and larger females, contributing to assortative mating
evolution. (Preston et al., 2005). One interesting consequence
House sparrows, Passer domesticus, also show of this assortative mating is that lighter females end
signs of male mate choice (Veiga, 1990) via preferen- up with more matings by inexperienced, lighter
tially investing in the offspring of some females. rams. Something similar has been reported for
There is also an interesting difference between older mountain goats, Oreamnos americanus, in which
and younger males in terms of investment in ejacu- males seem to prefer older females (Mainguy and
lates. Older males deliver three times more sperm Cote, 2008; Mainguy et al., 2008). The underlying
as compared with younger males (Girndt et al., observations are from a field study, and association
2019). In house finches (Carpodacus mexicanus) males patterns may be caused by multiple factors, with
also prefer older females, but plumage coloration male mate choice being just one of them. A study
may play a role (Hill, 1993). investigating mate copying in a species of gazelle
In a study looking at female mate choice, male from Saudi Arabia, Gazella marica, found male mate
mate choice and also male–male competition, and choice and short-­ duration male mate copying
female–female competition, Johnson investigated (Wronski et al., 2012).
pinyon jays (Gymnorhinus cyanocephalus) and found In a study using bison (Bison bison), males were
strong female choice for male coloration and testes found to evaluate females based on reproductive
size (Johnson, 1988a). Males, by contrast, preferred potential and females of higher potential were pre-
females that were heavier (Johnson, 1988b). She also ferred (Berger, 1989) (Figure 3.4).
noticed female competition for resources, while In laboratory mice, males were found to actively
males competed for females, despite a generally avoid females infected with parasites (Gourbal and
monogamous mating system. Interestingly—and Gabrion, 2004). This is one of the few examples that
similar to the observations in house sparrows— investigated male choice in a context other than
males may exercise choice by simply ignoring fecundity. Also, male mate choice based on olfac-
females that want to mate with them (K. Johnson, tion has been reported as a mechanism to avoid
pers. comm., February 21, 2019). Finally, in crested
auklets, Aethia cristatella, a monomorphic, but orna-
mented Nordic bird, both sexes prefer mating part-
ners that are more ornamented (Jones and Hunter,
1993) and interestingly the preferences in females
were stronger than in males. The ornaments were
manipulated experimentally and the experiment
was conducted using dummies.

Male mate choice has been reported for a number of
mammals (Clutton-­Brock, 2007, 2016), but for most
species this appears not to have been investigated
to date. Male parental care is relatively rare in mam-
mals and consequently—assuming that this is a Figure 3.4 Bison (Bison bison) (photo credit: Ingo Schlupp).

E X A M P L E S O F M A L E M AT E C H O I C E 63

hybridization between two subspecies of the house (Megaptera novaeangliae) based on association data
mouse, Mus musculus musculus and Mus musculus (Pack et al., 2012; Orbach et al., 2014). This prefer-
domesticus (Ganem et al., 2008). Not much is known ence is likely leading to assortative mating and
about mate choice, let alone male mate choice, in larger calves, which have a higher probability of
the extinct Rhinogradentia (Stümpke, 1975). surviving (Craig et al., 2002).
A study using horses (Equus ferus caballus) found In an early study of male mate choice,
that males adjust the composition of their ejaculate Schwagmeyer and Parker (1990) found evidence for
relative to the reproductive status of the teaser mares male preferences in thirteen-­lined ground squirrels
they had smelled just before ejaculation (Jeannerat et (Spermophilus tridecemlineatus) based on costly male
al., 2017) and based on MHC (Jeannerat et al., 2018). sperm production (Schwagmeyer and Parker, 1990)
This is another example of cryptic male choice. and avoidance of sperm competition. In this case
Some studies exist from carnivores. The situation males avoid females that have already been mated,
could be especially interesting in cooperative presumably to avoid sperm competition.
breeders, where only a small number of individuals Male mate choice is relatively well documented
reproduce. For example, in the banded mongoose in primates. Kappeler provided a general overview
(Mungus mungo), male mate choice was docu- of female and male mate choice, and also covered
mented, likely driven by the fact that few mating female competition (Kappeler, 2012). He argued
partners are available at any given time and that that male mate choice is adaptive owing to the cost
females differ in reproductive output (Nichols et associated with production of sperm and searching
al., 2010). This highlights again the role of the OSR for receptive females. Generally speaking, it seems
in male mate choice. Male mate choice is expressed that males prefer females that have higher fe­cund­
as selective mate guarding. Also, in this species, ity, which often is associated with female rank
males were found to prefer less related females, (Keddy-­ Hector, 1992). However, in mandrills
apparently to avoid inbreeding depression (Mandrillus sphinx) males selectively guarded
(Sanderson et al., 2015). This indicates that factors females with a dissimilar MHC genotype (Setchell
other than fecundity can be important in male mate et al., 2016) and generally prefer high-­ ranking
choice. females. Exercising preferences through mate
In wolves (Canis lupus), both males and females guarding seems to be a common mechanism in
show mating preferences (Rabb et al., 1967). Here, mammals (Setchell and Jean Wickings, 2006).
social rank is an important driver of the mating sys- In a free-­ranging population of ring-­tailed lemurs
tem and both sexes prefer higher-­ranking mating (Lemur catta) from St. Catherines Island in Georgia,
partners. USA, males preferred older females with high
In invasive racoons (Procyon lotor) in Germany, fecundity and females from an age cohort
male and female preferences for dissimilar MHC (4–9 years), which are also associated with high
were reported (Santos et al., 2017). This is one of the fecundity and infant survival (Parga, 2006). This
relatively few examples for male mate choice not mating system is otherwise characterized by female
credited to fecundity. choice and strong male–male competition, which
Spotted hyenas (Crocuta crocuta) live in complex manifests itself with adaptations and counter-
social formations characterized by matrilines adaptations like mating plugs (Parga, 2003).
(Holekamp et al., 2012). Males prefer females of However, males invest strongly in mate guarding
high rank, but also females close to the time of con- (Parga, 2010).
ception (Szykman et al., 2007). High-­ranking males Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) also show signs of
are known to consort with preferred females, help- male mate choice. Males have a preference for older
ing them to defend against other males (East and females, but the adaptive benefit of that is not clear
Hofer, 2001). yet (Muller et al., 2006). This is also relevant because
Marine mammals are generally more difficult to it contrasts with the well-­documented preference in
study than other mammals, but male mate prefer- human men for younger women, which conse-
ences were suggested in humpback whales quently might be a derived trait in humans.

64 M A L E C H O I C E , F E M A L E C O M P E T I T I O N, A N D F E M A L E O R N A M E N T S I N S E X UA L S E L E C T I O N

In humans, Homo sapiens, there is ample evidence erences are consistent across cultures, suggesting an
for male mate choice. It seems likely that both pater- adaptive evolutionary origin of these preferences.
nal investment in children and variability in repro- This does not necessarily imply that these traits are
ductive potential (or fecundity) play a role in its currently still adaptive, some of which may have
evolution. Many men invest heavily in their children, changed into evolutionary traps (Schlaepfer et al.,
which should allow choosiness to evolve in humans. 2002), but they could be.
Yet, mothers seem to invest much more than most Women prefer partners that are good providers
fathers based on the duration of pregnancy and for their children. This, too, can be modified by soci-
­relatively long childcare, which is often done pre- etal conditions. Much of modern sexual selection
dominantly by mothers. The literature on human theory has been tested in humans, and generally
behavior comes from a variety of fields, including there is confirmation of theory and concordance
humanities and social sciences, alongside with evo- with observations in other animals, but mate choice
lutionary psychology (Buss, 2015). This provides us in humans is exquisitely complex (Buss, 2015).
with an especially rich understanding of the evolu- Another important feature of mate choice in
tion and consequences of human behavior but has humans is that it tends to lead to assortative mating.
also been a source of controversy (Confer et al., 2010), This is the case for physical traits, but also for traits
and prolonged discussions of the roles of nature and like the education of prospective partners, high-
nurture. Yet, humans are a great model organism for lighting the role of schools as a venue where people
looking simultaneously at female and male choice, meet potential future partners (McClendon, 2018).
and male–male and female–female competition. In
humans we have excellent information on all of these 3.6.2 Invertebrates
elements of sexual selection. Furthermore, for no
other organism do we know this much about the role Acanthocephela
and consequences of social behavior in mate choice, Parasitic worms may not be the first place to look
and we are on the cusp of understanding the for male mate choice, but in a study by Lawlor and
additional role of epigenetics in human sexual selec- colleagues, a mating pattern in Moniliformis monili-
tion and evolution. In addition, we know that mating formis was detected that was most consistent with
preferences translate into actual mating decisions male mate choice for more fecund females (Lawlor
(Conroy-Beam and Buss, 2016), which is not the case et al., 1990). These unpleasant animals infect a num-
for all other animal models. ber of species, including rats, humans, and cock-
From what we know it is clear that women and roaches, sometimes altering the behavior of the
men emphasize different traits in mate choice hosts (Gotelli and Moore, 1992; Poulin, 1994).
(Conroy-­Beam et al., 2015). Men seem to prefer a set
of traits in their partners that emphasize female Rotatoria
reproductive potential. This includes indicators of Rotifers are another taxon for which only few
youth, which strongly correlate with the number of ex­
amples of male mate choice are described. In
future children, roughly the equivalent of fecundity Brachionus plicatilis males prefer younger females
in many studies of other animals. This has led—for (Gómez and Serra, 1996), a pattern that might be
example—to preferences for clear skin, and a good widespread.
muscle tone in women. These preferences make
sense from an evolutionary point of view (Conroy- Mollusca
Beam et al., 2015), but we also know that many of Many snails are simultaneous hermaphrodites (see
the preferences are additionally shaped by culture, Chapter 2) making them particularly great subjects
and societal fads and fashions. One only has to to study mate choice (Leonard, 2006; Anthes et al.,
compare the prevailing fashion ideals in Europe 2014), especially sperm trading. In several species
over the past decades or centuries to see that they of periwinkles (genus Littorina) and their relatives,
seem to change randomly. However, as much as widespread snails common to many coastal
cultures may differ and quickly change, many pref- ­habitats, males prefer larger females under certain

E X A M P L E S O F M A L E M AT E C H O I C E 65

circumstances (Ng et al., 2013), likely for a fecundity quality (the Dipteran examples are dominated by
benefit. For example, in the species Littoraria studies on Drosophila), whereas the driving factor in
ardouiniana larger males prefer to follow the mucus Orthoptera, Hemiptera, and Homoptera is large
trails of larger females (Ng and Williams, 2014). male investment in—among other things—
Assortative mating has been reported several times, spermatophores. Of course, this is painting the pic-
and male preferences for larger females might be ture with broad strokes, and closer inspection
the mechanism behind this pattern (Erlandsson and reveals much more nuance. Perhaps more interest-
Rolan-­Alvarez, 1998; Pal et al., 2006; Avaca et al., ing are cases that are not as easily predicted by the-
2012; Ng and Williams, 2014, Saltin et al., 2013). ory. In many cases, males are choosy despite high
Studies of mating behavior in cephalopods are costs for mate searching and no investment in the
not abundant. There is evidence for open and cryp- female or the offspring. In such cases it would be
tic female choice (Franklin et al., 2014; Sato et al., good to investigate other pathways for males to
2014, 2017; Squires et al., 2014, 2015; Schnell et al., develop choosiness, such as differences in female
2015; Morse et al., 2017), though no evidence for quality and sex ratio. Indeed, this pattern seems to
male mate choice. Yet, conditions like the consump- be quite common and Bonduriansky suggests that
tion of male spermatophores in Sepiadarium austri- male mate choice is widespread in butterflies
num seem to predict male mate choice. Males of the (Bonduriansky, 2001).
southern bottletail squid, Sepiadarium austrinum, There are some additional examples of male mate
were more likely to provide spermatophores for choice. Monogamous bark beetle (Dendroctonus
females that were larger and carried more eggs valens) males show preferences for individual females
(Wegener et al., 2013). based on odor. The pairs formed this way have higher
reproductive fitness as compared to pairs formed
Clitellata with nonpreferred females (Chen et al., 2012). In
Earthworms are also simultaneous herm­ aph­ro­ another species of bark beetle, Bolitotherus cornutus,
dites. In Eisenia andrei individuals seem to prefer males preferred larger females both in a laboratory
larger partners and invest more sperm when a part- study and in the field (Formica et al., 2016). In the
ner is more fecund (Velando et al., 2008). mealworm beetle (Tenebrio molitor), males show a
preference for virgin and mature females by adjust-
Insects ing their ejaculate (Carazo et al., 2004). In this species
Male mate choice in insects was extensively c­ overed both sexes choose (Reyes-Ramírez et al., 2020). The
by Bonduriansky (2001). In his influential review he mechanism for this is chemosensory. A comparable
listed 58 species with some form of male mate finding was reported for stick insects, Timema (Riesch
choice. In this germane paper, he also defined key et al., 2017), and the mechanism is also chemosensory.
conditions influencing the evolution of male mate In a praying mantis, Pseudomantis albofimbriata,
choice, potential mechanisms, and the relationship males did not respond to differences in female qual-
with sex roles (see Chapter 2). Given that there are ity in an experimental approach, although they
an estimated 1 million species of insects, 58 is not were predicted to do so (Barry et al., 2010). Another
even scratching the surface. The 58 ex­ amples species of praying mantis, Tenodera angustipennis,
Bonduriansky reported come from 37 families and shows male preference for well-­fed females (Kadoi
11 orders within the insects (Bonduriansky, 2001). et al., 2017). Apparently, in this sexually cannibalis-
Despite the haphazard collection of these examples tic group, this preference is not because of a fe­cund­
a few patterns emerged in the reviewed taxa rela- ity benefit, but reflects a higher probability of male
tive to the likely adaptive benefits of male choice. In escape from a well-­fed female after copulation. This
Coleoptera (beetles), most cases of male mate choice situation seems rather similar to the one found in
seem to be associated with low search cost, which sexually cannibalistic spiders.
favors male choosiness in tight female associations. Using Drosophila melanogaster (Edward and
By contrast, in flies (Diptera), male choosiness Chapman, 2012) showed that male mate choice has
seems to arise owing to large variability in female strong fitness benefits for males. Interestingly, Long

66 M A L E C H O I C E , F E M A L E C O M P E T I T I O N, A N D F E M A L E O R N A M E N T S I N S E X UA L S E L E C T I O N

and colleagues found that male preferences and the have been found (Thrasher et al., 2015) (Chapter 6).
resulting persistent mating efforts with high-­quality In an assassin bug, Rhinocoris tristis (or Rhynocoris),
females, can impose heavy costs for those females, male choice via differential mate guarding was
and have significant evolutionary consequences via reported. This is one of the few insects that provides
a fertility reduction for large, preferred females paternal care and shows male mate choice. Finally, I
(Long et al., 2009). want to provide another example for mutual mate
In some species of Drosophila, e.g. Drosophila bifur- choice in an insect (Chapter 9). In the stinkbug,
cata, male sperm are very large. In these cases male Acrosternum hilare, females and males both prefer
investment in sperm can be almost as large as larger mates (Capone, 1995), which has been pro-
female investment in eggs (Bjork and Pitnick, 2006). posed as mutual mate choice. The benefit for males
This leads to intensive male mate choice with pref- in this study was increased fecundity with increased
erences for mated and larger females (Lüpold et al., female size.
2010), also in D. melanogaster (Byrne and Rice, 2006).
The extremely large sperm of some species are con- Spiders
sidered ornamental traits (Lüpold et al., 2016). Spiders have amazingly complex mating behavior.
Another insect, a parasitoid wasp, Spalangia Males are generally thought of as choosy, often pre-
endius, shows male preferences for virgin females. ferring virgin females, and with chemical commu-
Virgin and nonvirgin males did not differ in their nication as a major sensory channel (Gaskett, 2007).
preference (King et al., 2005). Furthermore, in a spe- Males use pedipalps to transfer sperm (Foelix,
cies of thrips (Frankliniella occidentalis), an agricul- 2011), an interesting parallel to some cephalopods,
tural pest, males prefer to mate with virgin females, which use specialized tentacles. In orb-­ weaving
but only when they themselves are experienced and ­spiders, male mate choice might be relatively easy
not virgins (Akinyemi and Kirk, 2019). This points to evolve because males can visit females at their
to an interesting role of learning and ontogeny in nest and compare them. In many species of spider
male mate preferences. males are limited to a maximum of two matings in
In some Heliconius butterflies males show mate their life. Even if most males will never mate, a limit
guarding of pupae and mate with the eclosing of the maximum success seems odd to evolve. To
females right after they emerge. They provide large transfer sperm, they insert their specialized copula-
spermatophores and also cyanide, a toxic substance tory organ, the pedipalp, into the female receptacle,
that protects the eggs and the female (Cardoso et al., the epigynum, where it breaks off and prevents the
2009). In pupal mating female choice is effectively female from receiving additional matings. Males
undermined as a male mates with the female as soon must insert their left pedipalp into a left receptacle
as she emerges (Thurman et al., 2018). Male competi- and the right pedipalp into a right receptacle. Even
tion for pupae is intense (Deinert et al., 1994). though males invest a lot less in sperm than females
Another mechanism for mate choice is found in a in eggs, the scarcity of mating opportunities seems
bush cricket, Isophya rizeensis, where males allocate to predict choosiness in males. The lack of add­
fewer sperm per spermatophore in a female-­biased ition­al mating opportunities may also have been
sex ratio. This shows again how important OSR is. important in the evolution of widespread sexual
And this seems to come close to a form of cryptic cannibalism (Foellmer and Fairbairn, 2003, 2004,
male mate choice (Yiğit et al., 2019). In a sex-­role 2005). After the second copulation, a male may as
reversed butterfly from Africa, Bicyclus anynana, well invest in his offspring by becoming food for
males choose females based on wing ornaments, and their mother. In a series of studies on mate choice in
spend more time with the preferred female, likely annual orb-­weaving spiders, Zygiella x-­notata, Bel-
increasing time to transfer sperm (Ng et al., 2017). Venner and her team found that male mate choice
Heteropterans provide a few interesting ex­amples drives assortative mating in this species. Larger
of male mate choice. In giant water bugs, Belostoma males preferred larger females, whereas smaller
lutarium, male mate preferences for female size males prefer smaller females (Bel-­ Venner et al.,

E X A M P L E S O F M A L E M AT E C H O I C E 67

2008; Venner et al., 2010). The authors betrayed Crustaceans

their surprise at their own finding in the title of In crabs of the genus Uca, where males advertise to
their paper, calling it “unexpected.” In another spe- females by waving their claws, males preferred
cies, Micrathena gracilis, males preferred females larger females, and rejected a few of the females
that were unmated (Bukowski and Christenson, that passed them by, all of which appeared to be
2000; Agnarsson et al., 2006). A somewhat similar unreceptive (Reading and Backwell, 2007). In this
pattern was found in another orb-­weaving spider, case females differed along two axes of female qual-
Gasteracantha cancriformis, (Bukowski et al., 2001). In ity, size (reflecting fecundity), as a continuous trait,
yet another orb-­weaving spider, Trichonephila clavi- and receptivity, a categorical trait.
pes, from Brazil, males preferred larger and recently Unsurprisingly, mate choice is relatively well
unpaired females (Pollo et al., 2019). Interestingly, documented in Amphipods, the small crustaceans
sexual cannibalism has also been reported from a found in saltwater and in many ponds and streams.
sex-­role reversed wolf spider from Uruguay, Because mate guarding is so prominent in their
Allocosa brasiliensis, and a few other sex-­ role mating behavior, they are easily studied in this
reversed species (Aisenberg et al., 2011). Male mate respect. The evidence points to male preferences for
choice for larger female body size was also docu- larger females in the European Gammarus pulex
mented in a jumping spider, Phidippus clarus (Elwood and Dick, 1989; Dick and Elwood, 1990). A
(Hoefler, 2007; Hoefler et al., 2009, 2010). theoretical argument, however, predicted the
In a wolf spider, Schizocosa oreata, males choose op­pos­ite (Härdling et al., 2004). Males may also
females based on their mating history and their for- guard and hold on to females close to molting,
aging history, with males courting virgin females potentially to minimize the time they invest in mate
more vigorously. There is also evidence that male guarding (Ward, 1988). While male preferences
experience can influence male mate choice (Meyer seem to play a role, female resistance can also influ-
and Uetz, 2018). In a funnel-­web spider, Agelenopsis ence the patterns of mating (Bollache and Cézilly,
aperta (Riechert and Singer, 1995), a preference for 2004). In Gammarus roeselii an interesting relation-
older, unmated females was detected. ship with density (and hence encounter rates
In a nursery web spider, Pisaura mirabilis, males pre- between potential partners) and male choosiness
fer larger nuptial gifts to present to females, presum- exists, with the latter being reduced in low-­density
ably buying longer copulations. But the preference conditions (Lipkowski et al., 2019).
was condition-­dependent and smaller males took part In Hyalella azteca, a North American species, mate
of the nuptial gift for themselves (Prokop, 2019). guarding and pair formation were influenced by
Less is known about mate choice in other the OSR, and a female-­biased OSR seems to provide
Chelicerata. For example, one scorpion, males more opportunity to exercise preference.
Centruroides vittatus, shows female choice, with When males are more abundant, competition is
hints of male choice via differential attention to more intense, and choice is diminished (Wen, 1993;
females (Nobile and Johns, 2005). Sexual canni- Cothran, 2008).
balism was suggested for several species, but it In a crayfish, Procambarus clarkii, both sexes pre-
was argued that the observations of females eat- ferred larger mates, and males also preferred virgin
ing males are due to accidents, and not akin to the females (Aquiloni and Gherardi, 2008).
sexual cannibalism found in ­spiders and praying In this chapter I reviewed many studies that
mantises (Peretti et al., 1999). Horseshoe crabs, report some kind of male mate choice. Yet, com-
Limulus polyphemus, have been well studied pared with the number of papers reporting female
(Brockmann, 1990), but with a mating system mate choice, this number is not very impressive.
resembling that of explosive breeding amphibians The fact that I must have missed many examples
(Brockmann, 2002) and intensive scramble does not change this, because there are many
­competition among males, there are no signs of thousands of studies focusing on female choice
male mate choice. (Chapter 1). Clearly, this calls for more studies of

68 M A L E C H O I C E , F E M A L E C O M P E T I T I O N, A N D F E M A L E O R N A M E N T S I N S E X UA L S E L E C T I O N

male mate choice. Nonetheless, there are a few pat- predicted it, but as a—sometimes surprising—
terns that emerge from this overview. First, as pre- side effect. Nonetheless, the many examples show
dicted by theory, males seem to show choosiness that male mate choice is on its way into the
when they invest in the mating interaction. This ­scientific mainstream. The majority of the studies
investment can range from investment in mating identify female fecundity as the adaptive benefit
partners, offspring, or in the mating itself. Second, for male mate choice and size as the trait males
the sex ratio is important. When females are abun- use to identify differences in female quality. I
dant and males rare, males can show choosiness. think, however, that we are overlooking other
This is especially striking in systems that are mechanisms. They will be discussed in the following
dynamic and where males track the current sex chapters.
ratio, which can change either locally or temporally.
This is the case in gobies (Chapter 6). Furthermore,
female differences in quality favor male choosiness. 3.8 Additional reading
The most obvious trait in which females can differ There are not many systematic reviews of male
is fecundity, with size as the likely correlate evalu- mate choice, but they are worth reading. This is in
ated by males. It is highly unlikely that size is the part to see how the treatment of underlying theory
only trait for which female variability can be has changed (Sargent et al., 1986; Krupa, 1995;
detected, albeit it is clearly important. It might also Bonduriansky, 2001; Schlupp, 2018).
be the most intuitive to look for and the easiest to
study. All of these factors will be covered further in
the following chapters. 3.9 References
3.7 Short summary MADDISON, W. P. 2006. Sociality in Theridiid spiders:
repeated origins of an evolutionary dead end. Evolution,
Male mate choice is actually quite common and 60, 2342–51.
taxonomically widespread. This is not really sur- AISENBERG, A., COSTA, F. G., & GONZÁLEZ, M. 2011.
prising, but what is noteworthy is that male mate Male sexual cannibalism in a sand-dwelling wolf spider
choice is often discovered not because researchers with sex role reversal. Biological Journal of the Linnean
were actively trying to detect it or because theory Society, 103, 68–75.

Table 3.1

Species Taxon Male preference for Putative benefit

Isophya rizeensis Insect Sex-ratio dependent Avoid cost for sperm production
Campylomormyrus compressirostris Fish Conspecific Avoiding heterospecific matings
Cyprinodon sp. Fish Conspecific Avoiding heterospecifc matings
Poecilia latipinna Fish Conspecific Avoiding heterospecific matings
Poecilia mexicana Fish Conspecific Avoiding heterospecific matings
Poeciliopsis sp. Fish Conspecific Avoiding heterospecific matings
Spermophilus tridecemlineatus Mammal Size Avoiding sperm competition
Lonchura striata Bird Individual females Best fit?
Pisaura mirabilis Spider Larger nuptial gifts Copulation time
Tenodera angustipennis Insect Well-fed partner Direct benefit
Mus musculus Mammal Freeness of parasites Direct benefit
Sceloporus undulatus Reptile Body condition Direct benefit

E X A M P L E S O F M A L E M AT E C H O I C E 69

Species Taxon Male preference for Putative benefit

Oncorhynchus kisutch Fish Size, color Fecundity

Moniliformis moniliformis Acathocephala Size Fecundity
Bufo andrewsi Amphibian Size Fecundity
Desmognathus fuscus Amphibian Size Fecundity
Desmognathus ochrophaeus Amphibian Size Fecundity
Desmognathus santeelah Amphibian Size Fecundity
Notophthalmus viridescens Amphibian Size Fecundity
Rana sylvatica (Lithobates sylvaticus) Amphibian Size Fecundity
Triturus vulgaris Amphibian Size Fecundity
Gymnorhinus cyanocephalus Bird Weight Fecundity
Taniopygia guttata Bird Size Fecundity
Eisenia andrei Clitellata Size Fecundity
Gammarus pulex Crustacean Size Fecundity
Gammarus roeselii Crustacean Size Fecundity
Uca Crustacean Size Fecundity
Astatotilapia flaviijosephi Fish Size Fecundity
Austrolebias reicherti Fish Size Fecundity
Cichlasoma nigrofasciatum Fish Size Fecundity
Etheostoma caeruleum Fish Size Fecundity
Gambusia holbrooki Fish Size Fecundity
Gobiusculus flavescens Fish Size Fecundity
Ophioblennius atlanticus Fish Size, age Fecundity
Oryzias latipes Fish More eggs Fecundity
Pelvicachromis taeniatus Fish Size, relatedness Fecundity
Poecilia reticulata Fish Size Fecundity
Pseudomugil signifer Fish Size Fecundity
Sarotherodon galilaeus Fish Size Fecundity
Stegastes leucosticus Fish Size Fecundity
Thalassoma bifasciatum Fish Size Fecundity
Acrosternum hilare Insect Size Fecundity
Belostoma lutarium Insect Size Fecundity
Bolitotherus cornutus Insect Size Fecundity
Drosophila bifurcata Insect Size Fecundity
Drosophila melanogaster Insect Size Fecundity
Rhinocoris tristis Insect Size Fecundity
Bison bison Mammal Reproductive potential Fecundity
Homo sapiens Mammal Size and other Fecundity
Lemur catta Mammal Age Fecundity
Megaptera novaeangliae Mammal Size Fecundity
Ovis aries Mammal Size Fecundity

(continued )

70 M A L E C H O I C E , F E M A L E C O M P E T I T I O N, A N D F E M A L E O R N A M E N T S I N S E X UA L S E L E C T I O N

Table 3.1 Continued

Species Taxon Male preference for Putative benefit

Pan troglodytes Mammal Older age Fecundity

Littoraria ardouiniana Mollusc Size Fecundity
Sepiadarium austrinum Mollusc Size Fecundity
Lacerta agilis Reptile Size Fecundity
Platysaurus broadleyi Reptile Size Fecundity
Thamnophis sirtalis Reptile Size Fecundity
Phidippus clarus Spider Size Fecundity
Xiphophorus malinche Fish Size Fecundity
Gasterosteus aculeatus Fish Size and ornaments Fecundity and readiness
Ichthyosaura alpestris Amphibian Color Fecundity?
Passer domesticus Bird Older females Fecundity?
Hyalella azteca Crustacean Density dependent Fecundity?
Canis lupus Mammal Social rank Fecundity?
Crocuta crocuta Mammal Rank Fecundity?
Zygiella x-notata Spider Assortative Fecundity?
Agelenopsis aperta Spider Older or unmated Fecundity/Paternity assurance
Trichonephila clavipes Spider Size/unmated Fecundity/paternity assurance
Junco hyemalis Bird Population Hybrid avoidance
Betta splendens Fish Conspecific Hybridization avoidance?
Luscinia svecica Bird Bigger ornament Indicator for fecundity?
Crotophytus collaris Reptile Ornament Indicator for fecundity?
Ctenophorus maculosus Reptile Ornament Indicator for fecundity?
Parus major Bird Color ornament Juvenile survival
Tenodera angustipennis Insect Well fed females Male escape
Kryptolebias marmoratus Fish MHC Matching partner
Equus ferus caballus Mammal MHC Matching partner
Mandrillus sphinx Mammal MHC Matching partner
Procyon lotor Mammal MHC Matching partner
Dendroctonus valens Insect Odor Matching partner?
Limulus polyphenus Chelicerate No choice No benefit
Brachyraphis rhabdophora Fish No choice No benefit
Carcharhinus sorrah Fish None found No benefit
Percina roanoka Fish No preference No benefit
Pseudomantis albofimbriata Insect No choice No benefit
Etheostoma spectabile Fish None None
Rana esculenta Amphibian No choice No discrimination
Rana lessonae Amphibian No choice No discrimination
Carpodacus mexicanus Bird Older/color Not clear
Culaea inconstans Fish Color Not clear
Dermogynis colletti Fish Ornament Not clear

E X A M P L E S O F M A L E M AT E C H O I C E 71

Species Taxon Male preference for Putative benefit

Gazella marica Mammal Not clear Not clear

Oreamnos americanus Mammal Age Not clear
Mercurialis annua Plant Not clear Not clear
Sceloperus virgatus Reptile Color ornament Not clear
Aethia cristatella Bird Enhanced ornament Novelty?
Lonchura leucogastroides Bird New ornament Novelty
Mungus mungo Mammal Relatedness Outbreeding
Anolis carolinensis Reptile Familiarity Outbreeding
Anolis sagrei Reptile Familiarity Outbreeding?
Erythrura gouldiae Bird Morph Own morph
Symphodus ocellatus Fish Social context Paternity assurance
Frankliniella occidentalis Insect Virgin females Paternity assurance
Heliconius spec. Insect Virgin females Paternity assurance
Spalangia endius Insect Virgin females Paternity assurance
Tenebrio molitor Insect Virgin females Paternity assurance
Gasteracantha cancriformis Spider Virgin females Paternity assurance
Micrathena gracilis Spider Virgin females Paternity assurance
Schizocosa oreata Spider Virgin female Paternity assurance
Puntius titteya Fish Coloration Quality indicator
Neochromis omnicaeruleus Fish Color morph Speciation?
Alytes cisternasii Amphibian Calls Unclear
Alytes muletensis Amphibian Calls Unclear
Brachionus plicatilis Rotatorian Age Young females

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What Males Choose: Differences in

Female Quality

4.1 Brief outline of the chapter differ in quality, they might advertise these differ-
ences. This will be covered in Chapter 7.
In female choice, differences in male quality are
very important. Males display to females to provide
information often via costly ornaments. Females
4.3 Direct benefits
also differ in quality, but what they display to males
is less clear. Also, how males evaluate differences in Unsurprisingly, there is strong support for male
female quality is not well understood. From the lit- choice for female quality. Males—just like females—
erature on male mate choice one might conclude surely derive benefits from mating with higher-
that female fecundity is the most important feature quality partners as predicted by theory. The def­in­
a female can display to a choosy male. But I argue ition of quality is not always clear, but for the
that there must be many more features of females ­purpose of this book it could be any trait that posi-
that are important in male mate choice, maybe even tively influences male fitness. Females are thought
indirect benefits. to benefit from choosiness in three different ways:
direct benefits, indirect benefits, and compatibility.
In principle this should also apply to male mate
4.2 Introduction
choice. The evidence for direct benefits is quite
When females evaluate partners as potential mates, strong, while indirect benefits and compatibility
many different traits of males have been identified have barely been explored.
as meaningful in that decision process. However, The original idea that larger females have a
based on our review of examples from Chapter 3, fe­cund­ity advantage goes back to Darwin’s original
males seem to pay attention most often to one thinking about sexual selection (Darwin, 1871).
aspect, female fecundity with body size as the actual Although almost universally accepted, the concept
trait evaluated. While this may be true, I find it has been criticized as too broad by Shine (1988). He
more likely that more research will reveal that males pointed out that one needs to investigate lifetime
use relevant information about females just like reproductive success, which may be less influenced
females use all kinds of information about males. by body size than individual clutches. Also, repro-
Female choice seems to happen under at least one ductive output by females is clearly not only influ-
of three scenarios: (i) there is a direct benefit to the enced by female size but vice versa, female size may
female, (ii) there is an indirect (genetic) benefit to influence many offspring related traits. Offspring of
the females, or (iii) they select a partner who is a larger females may be larger, for example, but not
good genetic or social fit for them. It seems reason- more numerous. They may, of course, be of better
able to assume that males evaluate their partners “quality.” Research on cave mollies, a population of
along the same lines. An important question in this the Atlantic molly (Poecilia mexicana), for example,
context is whether male mate choice can drive the has shown that females from different populations
evolution of female ornaments. After all, if females can have significantly different numbers of offspring

82 M A L E C H O I C E , F E M A L E C O M P E T I T I O N, A N D F E M A L E O R N A M E N T S I N S E X UA L S E L E C T I O N

at the same female size (Riesch et al., 2009, 2010). thought to be governed by direct benefits, whereas
But within a population, the relationship between female preferences are often attributed to indirect
female size and offspring number is still positive, benefits (Schlupp, 2018).
although the slopes are different (Riesch et al., 2016). Furthermore, the expression of male preferences
In other words, male choice for larger females might be a pleiotropic effect of the evolved prefer-
would still be beneficial, but the fitness return might ences found in females. This is an interesting argu-
differ by population. Male preferences for female ment because it could lead to the situation described
size in these populations did not reflect this, how- above: the female preference for larger males is
ever. Males preferred larger females, but did not thought to yield indirect benefits for the females,
respond to the differences in fecundity (Arriaga and whereas a preference for more fecund females
Schlupp, 2013). Perhaps, because the correlation would result in a direct benefit. A shared genetic
between female size and fecundity is generally so preference for “large” may also have been selected
strong, this is one of the most obvious explanations for in males and is expressed in females as a pleio-
for why males should prefer certain females. In tropic effect. If indeed the preference for “large”
other words, males may benefit from preferring represents a pleiotropic effect, it should be adaptive
larger females in more ways than just a fecundity in one of the sexes, while it does not have to be in
benefit. But clearly, there must be other aspects of the other sex. This can be tested directly by study-
female quality that males might pay attention to. ing the fitness consequences of mate choice in both
sexes of the same species.
The observed preferences could also be byprod-
4.3.1 Direct benefits: fecundity
ucts of existing sensory biases that generally lead
A very large number of studies found male prefer- animals to prefer larger alternatives (Ryan and
ences for female size. This is usually interpreted Keddy-­Hector, 1992). This has been hypothesized
as a fecundity benefit because female size is for females and might also apply to males
almost always positively correlated with fecundity. (Chapter 2).
However, there are other interpretations for this Finally, we should also consider that relatively
pattern as well. First, a preference for larger may be few studies have investigated male preferences for
trivial, as bigger is generally better (Barry and other traits than a fecundity benefit because it is
Kokko, 2010). Barry and Kokko argue that finding such an obvious explanation for male preferences.
male preferences in simultaneous mate choice trials This may lead to other adaptive explanations being
could be almost trivial because a larger female is overlooked or ignored in the formation of hypoth-
practically always more fecund and hence more eses and the design of experiments. A result of this
valuable for a male, but a simultaneous choice situ- could be a biased literature. In addition, there are
ation may not be realistic under natural conditions. likely unpublished studies of male preferences that
This calls for more studies of preference functions were inconclusive, or did not find male preferences
(Wagner, 1998; Schlupp, 2018). Furthermore, almost for female size, potentially adding to any publica-
all studies of male preferences only state that there tion bias. Most importantly, fecundity is only one
is a preference for larger females, but actual fitness way—albeit an obvious one—females can differ in
benefits are not documented. Also, few studies quality. They can also differ in several other ways,
examine the mating preferences for both males and for example in age, health status, degree of experi-
females in one mating system. This would be very enced sperm competition, mating status, or general
useful to better understand the potential role of condition. Nonetheless, of course, the relationship
genetic correlations. It would be of great interest to of size and fecundity is strong. In red king crab,
study species where, for example, females have a Paralithodes camtschaticus, for example, a strong
preference for larger males, but males do not show relationship was found over several years (Swiney
a preference for larger females. I will note again that et al., 2012) (Figure 4.1).
the default explanation for preferences for larger In addition to better understanding the ultimate
partners differs based on sex: male preferences are consequences of male mate choice, we also need to

W H AT M A L E S C H O O S E : D I F F E R E N C E S I N F E M A L E Q UA L I T Y 83

2007 & 2000

Fecundity (thousands of embryos)

400 2007 & 2009



80 100 120 140 160 180
Carapace Length (mm)

Figure 4.1 Size–fecundity relationship in the red king crab, Paralithodes camtschaticus, over several years (Swiney et al., 2012). Original artwork:
Katherine Swiney. First appeared in SWINEY, K. M., LONG, W. C., ECKERT, G. L., & KRUSE, G. H. 2012. Red king crab, Paralithodes camtschaticus,
size–fecundity relationship, and interannual and seasonal variability in fecundity. Journal of Shellfish Research, 31, 925–33. Reprinted by kind

look into the mechanisms and discover how males same time—provided they have internal fer­til­iza­
assess differences in female quality. In field crickets tion, leading to both sperm competition (Parker,
(Teleogryllus oceanicus) for example, female fe­cund­ 1970; Birkhead and Hunter, 1990) and cryptic
ity is correlated with certain chemicals from the female choice (Firman et al., 2017). There are several
cocktail of cuticular hydrocarbons many insects explanations as to why such multiple matings may
display (Berson and Simmons, 2019). Males and be adaptive for females. Also, and maybe more
females differ in their cuticular hydrocarbons and importantly, in many systems the order in which
males show preferences for more fecund females, males mate with females does influence the likeli-
using chemical information as information source hood of successfully having offspring with a female.
(Thomas and Simmons, 2010). In some cases, the last male has a higher probability
to sire offspring, in others it is the first male.
In those cases, the order in which males inseminate
a female becomes potentially important and males
4.3.2 Direct benefits: other than fecundity should choose based on information on which other
Future reproductive value males have mated with the female before or will
likely mate with her after. Often such information
While in some mating systems, mating may be a
will be transmitted socially (Chapter 2). Females,
one-­time decision for the mating partners, in others
of course may benefit from concealing previous
it is not. If males mate multiple times, they face a
matings and from misleading about future matings.
tradeoff between current and future investment,
Furthermore, from a male perspective it might be
leading to more complex decision making pro-
adaptive to manipulate the information other
cesses. For example, this is the case in monogamous
males have about a mating and try to deceive com-
mating systems.
peting males.
Timing Differences in mating status: unmated females
Many females mate multiple times with different In many species, males prefer to mate with females
males and consequently sperm of several males that have had no previous matings, sometimes
may be present in the female’s genital tract at the called virgin females. In species that mate only

84 M A L E C H O I C E , F E M A L E C O M P E T I T I O N, A N D F E M A L E O R N A M E N T S I N S E X UA L S E L E C T I O N

once, the benefit is obvious as the successful male for mating with virgin females. Also, in meal-
will have reproductive success, whereas other worm beetles (Tenebrio molitor) males prefer virgin
males will not. This might be the case in pupal females (Carazo et al., 2004). The same is true for
mating in some butterflies where males guard some ­spiders (Riechert and Singer, 1995; Gaskett,
females prior to eclosion and mate with them as 2007). Females may potentially benefit from adver-
soon as they emerge from their cocoon. An tising their mating status. They would benefit the
ex­ample for this can be found in some species of most if they could manipulate male perception of
the tropical genus Heliconius (Mendoza-­Cuenca their status. This might be the case in a spider
and Macias-­Ordonez, 2010). Single matings can be (Schizocosa malitiosa), where male mate choice was
because of male manipulation, which forces females hypothesized but not found (Baruffaldi and
into just single matings. This sexual conflict can Costa, 2014).
play out with several mechanisms ranging, for In humans (Homo sapiens), men’s preference for
example, from mate guarding via extended mat- virgin women is well documented (Buss, 2007; Buss
ing duration to mating plugs that evolved to and Schmitt, 2019) and is likely influenced by
mechanically prevent other males from mating paternity assurance. As always with humans, how-
with a female. Males may even add a chemical ever, strong cultural influences on this preference
that repels other males from mating with a female are likely, too.
(Andersson et al., 2000). From a male point of In addition to being virgin or not, females can dif-
view mating with a virgin is especially beneficial if fer in their mating status based on a reproductive
this is the only mating this female ever experiences, cycle. Independent of the length of the cycle and
in particular, as this also avoids any sperm competi- how it is regulated, it will lead to a situation where
tion. Even in species that mate multiple times, the females may be inseminated with resulting pater-
first sperm may be stored and used again for more nity or not. The time window during which an egg
fertilizations. Males should typically allocate rela- can be successfully fertilized is often rather short,
tively small ejaculates to virgin females, but not whereas survival of sperm in the female genital
under all circumstances: if female mating rate is tract is often much longer. In humans, for example,
high, males should invest larger ejaculates (Engqvist eggs live for less than a day, whereas sperm lasts for
and Reinhold, 2006). several days. Humans—like many other species—
In other species a preference for virgins is less seem to be able to adjust ejaculate size, and increase
easy to understand. In guppies (Poecilia reticulata), the number of sperm present after being physically
for example, males prefer virgin females, but need separated from a partner (Goetz et al., 2007).
close-­range information to determine which female Interestingly, in horses (Equus caballos), stallions
is virgin (Guevara-­Fiore et al., 2009). This is some- provided ejaculates with more motile sperm and
what puzzling because female guppies keep grow- higher volume when they mated with a mare that
ing—actually indefinitely—and older females are was in estrus (Jeannerat et al., 2018).
therefore more fecund. However, since the females
store sperm, mating with larger females also means Ejaculate adjustment as cryptic male choice
stronger sperm competition. Consequently, pater- Just like female choice, male choice does not have to
nity assurance and avoidance of sperm competition be overt. Instead it can be hidden from the female
seem to be important, but on the other hand sperm and serve primarily the male. Cryptic male choice
competition is ubiquitous and the intensity of it can be exercised for example by allocating sperm
seems to be difficult to accurately assess for males. and ejaculates differentially based on perceived dif-
Only old females that are showing signs of senes- ferences in female quality. Allocating sperm stra­
cence should be rejected by males. tegic­al­
ly may also protect males from becoming
In a parasitoid wasp, Spalangia endius, virgin sperm depleted. In guppies, males change their
females were preferred by both virgin and nonvir- behavior after being stripped of their sperm (which
gin males (King et al., 2005). In this species mated is the equivalent to maximal sperm depletion) and
females rarely mate again, providing a clear bene­fit seeking fewer mating opportunities and decreasing

W H AT M A L E S C H O O S E : D I F F E R E N C E S I N F E M A L E Q UA L I T Y 85

their choosiness (P. Guevara-­ Fiore, pers. comm., experiencing some form of sperm competition, or
September 18, 2020). This whole line of argument as a direct response to perceived female quality.
assumes that sperm and ejaculate production are Mostly, however, it seems that adjustments to ejacu-
actually not as cheap as traditionally assumed. lates or spermatophores are viewed as adaptations
Sperm depletion has been identified as a significant in the context of sperm competition (Larsdotter-
problem for males, and especially attractive males Mellström and Wiklund, 2009). Adaptive adjust-
are at risk. Such high-­quality males should conse- ments can be either an increased number of sperm
quently be especially under selection to allocate per ejaculate, or a modified composition. The latter
sperm. Males have been known to modify their is, for example, found in an Australian field cricket,
ejaculates adaptively relative to sperm competition Teleogryllus oceanicus, where males provide a sperm­
(Birkhead et al., 2008). This selects for males to ato­phore with more viable sperm to females that
adjust sperm numbers and ejaculate sizes, as well as had previously mated with another male (Thomas
for specialized structures and behaviors to remove and Simmons, 2007). In another species of cricket
sperm of competitors, but can also favor male (Isophya rizeensis), a bush cricket from Turkey, males
choosiness. There is a large literature on sperm were found to invest less in spermatophores when
competition from a sexual conflict point of view the operational sex ratio (OSR) was more female
(Birkhead et al., 2008), showing that males have biased (Yiğit et al., 2019).
evolved a number of traits that can be understood The situation in the sexual/asexual mating com-
in light of sperm competition including mate guard- plex of Amazon mollies (P. formosa) is relevant to
ing, copulation length, and the release of compo- this question. Amazon mollies are sexual parasites
nents in the ejaculate that are harmful to females. that need to mate with males of a sexual species,
Ultimately, of course, it is the interaction of cryptic mainly P. latipinna and P. mexicana (Schlupp and
female choice and male ejaculate adjustment that Riesch , 2011) but the male DNA is not incorporated
determines who is reproducing successfully, as for into the genome of the offspring. Consequently,
example shown in Drosophila (Lüpold et al.) or gup- males are confronted with a choice between females
pies (Poecilia reticulata) (Cardozo et al., 2020). of their own species or the sexual parasite and
Faced with sperm competition, males may not should avoid matings with the Amazon molly.
only increase the number of sperm they use, but However, if they do mate with Amazon molly
also evolve behaviors that avoid sperm competition females, they might reduce their cost by providing
altogether, or deceive other males to mate with less fewer sperm to the sexual parasite. This was indeed
desirable females (Plath et al., 2008). Furthermore, found in both an experimental (Schlupp and Plath,
males can show adaptive and anticipatory sperm 2005) and a field study (Riesch et al., 2008). This
priming, a mechanism that adjusts sperm produc- seems to be the only example of adaptive sperm
tion based on the social environment and antici- allocation in heterospecific matings. Interestingly,
pated mating opportunities. This was shown in the males can gain a small benefit from mating
guppies, where males that were in contact with with Amazon mollies via mate copying: mating
females primed more sperm and faster sperm with a heterospecific female makes them more
(Cardozo et al., 2020). A similar mechanism was attractive to conspecific females. But the benefit
also reported for sailfin mollies (Poecilia latipinna), comes from being seen to mate with a heterospe-
which primed more sperm when exposed to females cific female and, consequently, the males could
of their own species, as compared with males that avoid the cost of actually transferring sperm by
were exposed to females of the sperm parasitic not doing so, or by transferring fewer sperm.
Amazon molly (Poecilia formosa) (Aspbury and Indeed, males prime more sperm when presented
Gabor, 2004a, 2004b; Robinson et al., 2008). with a conspecific female as compared with a het-
Clearly, males can express preferences by altering erospecific Amazon molly female (Aspbury and
or adjusting the ejaculate they provide for females Gabor, 2004a). This clearly seems like an adaptive
(Wedell et al., 2002). Such alterations can be viewed response to protect the male’s sperm reserves.
either as an adaptive response to the probability of A similar response is found relative to female size:

86 M A L E C H O I C E , F E M A L E C O M P E T I T I O N, A N D F E M A L E O R N A M E N T S I N S E X UA L S E L E C T I O N

more sperm is primed in the presence of larger con- of sperm competition and choose females where
specific females (Aspbury and Gabor, 2004b) and by their sperm is most likely to obtain paternity.
smaller males, which may be at the highest risk of Although sperm or ejaculate production is
sperm competition. undoubtedly energetically less expensive than the
Another example connects male age with adjust- production of eggs, this does not mean that sperm
ment of sperm. In house sparrows, Passer domesti- or ejaculates are in unlimited supply (Dewsbury,
cus, older males deliver much larger ejaculates than 1982; Wedell et al., 2002). The cost of sperm pro-
younger males, possibly as a response to competi- duction was first recognized by Dewsbury (1982),
tion (Girndt et al., 2019). and has since been documented for many species.
For example, if males become highly sought after
Sperm competition because they are of high quality (or just popular),
The biology of sperm has been an important topic they may become sperm limited and thus bene­fit
in evolutionary biology for several centuries from being choosy. This choosiness can be expressed
(Birkhead and Montgomerie, 2008). Sperm compe- as a certain timing, for example trying to be the last
tition can occur when sperm from at least two males male mating with a female in a species with last
are present and competing for fertilizations is both male precedence, but it can also mean to forgo mat-
very common and important (Parker, 1970, 1984). If ings with low-­quality females.
sperm from more than one male is present to fer­til­
ize an egg, males should evolve adaptations that Differences in sperm competition risk
favor their own sperm over the sperm of other Depending on the mating system and on informa-
males. Such adaptations range from removing tion males have about any given female males
sperm of other males before providing their sperm, should try to maximize the probability of their
to ejaculates and individual sperm competing— sperm fathering any offspring with that female.
often inside a female—to males attempting to limit They may increase the number of sperm transmit-
the ability of other males to provide sperm. Males ted, for example. A potential cost to that may be a
compete with each other, but females also evolved higher risk of sperm depletion. Or they may not
to cryptically choose among the sperm from mul­ mate with females where the cost of mating is not
tiple males, setting the stage for sexual conflict outweighed by a sufficient benefit. One male strat-
(Eberhard, 1996; Firman et al., 2017), including in egy to account for sperm competition is found in
humans where eggs seem to be able to exercise cabbage white butterflies (Pieris rapae), where males
independent choice using chemical attractants use larger ejaculates with more sperm to inseminate
(Fitzpatrick et al., 2020). On the side of conflict, females that have previously been mated (Wedell
however, for example, in Drosophila melanogaster, and Cook, 1999). A similar pattern has been found
males may use harmful substances as part of their in several species of damselflies, where males mate
ejaculate thereby causing a fitness cost to the much longer with females that have previously
females to ascertain that other males have a com- mated (Uhia and Rivera, 2005). In many insects
petitive disadvantage. The content of the ejaculate adaptive allocation of ejaculates seems especially
beyond sperm is a wide field for sexual conflict, and acute because they eclose with all the sperm they
is well documented in insects (Sirot et al., 2014; can spend in their lifetime, as opposed to the many
Sirot, 2019). Sperm competition is more easily species that can replenish their sperm supplies
studied in organisms with internal fertilization or throughout their lifetime. Males may also try to
discrete sperm packages but does also occur in manipulate the situation in their favor using decep-
organisms with external fertilization. There are two tion. This had been suggested for males of a fish, the
important aspects that intertwine sperm competi- Atlantic molly (Poecilia mexicana). Here males were
tion with male mate choice. First, males may experi- thought to feign a preference for a less valuable
ence sperm depletion, which should cause them to female mating partner to mislead other males into
allocate sperm in the most beneficial way they can, mating with her (Plath and Schlupp, 2008; Plath
and second, males may experience different degrees et al., 2008).

W H AT M A L E S C H O O S E : D I F F E R E N C E S I N F E M A L E Q UA L I T Y 87

Experience, age, and performance Age also plays a major role in human mate choice.
Not all females are equally good at raising offspring. Human men tend to prefer younger women as part-
Thus, males can benefit from choosing mothers that ners, whereas women tend to prefer somewhat
can and will provide for the offspring they sire with older men (Conroy-­Beam and Buss, 2019). But age
the female. Experience often comes with age, which is not the only factor that is important to men (Buss
means that older females may be better at raising and Schmitt, 2019). In women, self-­perceived mate
offspring. This argument is interesting for at least value and body mass index (BMI) are important and
two reasons. First, in some organisms there is a cor- also implicated in female competition (Fernandez
relation between age and size. This could mean that et al., 2014). Preferences for older men can create
in some of the examples where males choose larger tradeoffs. They may be better and more experienced
females, they automatically choose older and more providers, but bodily functions decay with age,
experienced females. Second, this goes against the including the quality of sperm (Johnson et al., 2015).
prediction that virgin females should be preferred. For men, the peak “market value” in Western so­ci­
In female choice male age is often used as an indi- eties is around 30 years of age. At that time, they
cator. Often younger males are preferred, but this should also be most selective as to whom they mate
preference may be confounded with male mating with. Interestingly, this seems to also be the case in
history (Wedell and Ritchie, 2004). In the bush an insect. In a hide beetle, Dermestes maculatus,
cricket Ephippiger ephippiger the quality of sper­ma­ middle-­aged males produce the largest number of
to­phores declines with male age, but this reflects offspring (Jones and Elgar, 2004).
male decline rather than actual age as older virgin Choosers can also respond to subtle differences in
males are able to produce high-­quality sper­ma­to­ quality of displays. What is meant here are for
phores. In male choice, age and mating history are example small differences in the execution of motor
also confounded. In another cricket, Acanthoplus patterns. These differences may not be related to
discoidalis, males also produce large sper­ ma­ to­ ornament size or anything else that is easily meas-
phores, and—likely because of that—are selected ured. Because performance is difficult to capture in
to forgo matings with nonvirgin females, but they easy and quantitative measurements, it is not often
do not tailor their spermatophores (Bateman and studied. In general, though, it seems that females
Ferguson, 2004). like better motor performance (Byers et al., 2010). In
The complexity of male choice is highlighted by a humans, for example, kissing is an important part
study on guppies (Poecilia reticulata) (Guevara-­Fiore of pair bonding and foreplay, especially for women
and Endler, 2018): male mating history modified (Hughes et al., 2007). They prefer a “good kisser”
their preference for female size and the mating tac- (Meston and Buss, 2009), but this trait is difficult
tic used (courtship or sneaky mating attempts). In to quantify.
this case males with prior mating success had an In other animals, too, females can differ in per­
increased preference for larger females. form­ ance, but we know little about if and how
In a different context, older females are con­ males evaluate female performance. One example
sidered to provide more reliable information in could be female performance in aggressive inter­
mate copying. Female guppies (P. reticulata) were actions (see Chapter 8), or in synchronized behav-
more likely to copy the mate choice of larger (and iors with their male partner. Such synchronized
older) females (Amlacher and Dugatkin, 2005). behaviors are found in duetting (Hall, 2009). This
Presumably, older females have more experience behavior is found in some birds, but also insects
and provide better information. This could predict (LaRue et al., 2015) and is not limited to acoustic
male preferences for more experienced and older signals (Ręk and Magrath, 2016). In some species,
females as partners. The optimal age would likely males and females sing in a highly synchronized
depend on the individual experience a female has. fashion, but the function of this behavior is not
If very young females are less good as mates and entirely clear (Hall, 2004). One hypothesis implicates
older females, too, this predicts an inverted U-­shape territorial defense as the function (Seibt and Wickler,
for a resulting preference function. 1977), but another potential function for this behavior

88 M A L E C H O I C E , F E M A L E C O M P E T I T I O N, A N D F E M A L E O R N A M E N T S I N S E X UA L S E L E C T I O N

might be mutual mate assessment. It might also docu­ment­ing a preference do not estimate the fit-
lead to increased stability of partnerships. ness consequences of choice (Barber et al., 2000).
This is especially important because we know that
Parasites and diseases parasites often manipulate their hosts, so that a
Parasites are immensely important in evolution. behavior may reflect an adaptation for the parasite,
They are thought to play a strong role in the evolu- not the host (Moore, 2002). For mate choice this
tion of recombination via the “Red Queen hy­poth­ means that parasites may not only alter the pheno-
esis” (Van Valen, 1973; Lively, 2010; Neiman and type and behavior of infected individuals, but
Koskella, 2010). Support for this idea is strong, but also the decision making of the chooser (Barber
not universal (Tobler and Schlupp, 2008; Kotusz et al., 2000). For example, in guppies (P. reticulata),
et al., 2014). Parasites also directly affect mate choice. females infected by a parasite, Gyrodactylus turn-
Avoiding parasitized and sick mating partners is bulli, are less choosy than uninfected females
well established in female choice (Hamilton and (López, 1999). Female guppies in general are avoid-
Zuk, 1982; Zuk, 1992). It seems intuitive for females ing parasitized males (Kennedy, 1987). The same is
and males to avoid partners that are visibly sick, found in pipefish males, where infected males are
but as always, the situation is not so simple. For less choosy (Mazzi, 2004). The complexity of this is
ex­ample, if a potential mate does not show symp- revealed in a study on a small amphipod (Gammarus
toms of a disease, are they good mates because insensibilis), where male mate choice is driven by the
they have already overcome the disease (potentially time females need to molt. Yet, they can distinguish
showing promising immune genes, which pro- between parasitized and unparasitized females. On
vides an intersection with major histocompatibility top of that, male mate choice is slower when the male
complex-­ based preferences; Wegner et al., 2003; itself is infected (Thomas et al., 1996). While we have
Milinski, 2006, Wegner et al., 2003), or are they bad many examples of female choice under the threat
mates that have just been lucky so far and should of parasites, male mate choice under the threat
be avoided? In general, however, predicting that of parasites is poorly understood (Knell and
parasitized or sick individuals should be avoided Webberley, 2004). In humans it seems that in cul-
seems reasonable. For sexually transmitted dis- tures with more prevalent pathogens, mate choice is
eases, however, one could argue that strong choice more pronounced and more em­phasis is given to
for uninfected partners will likely select for strains physical appearance (Gangestad and Buss, 1993).
of a disease that are more cryptic (Knell and In general, investigating parasites and mate
Webberley, 2004). In this fascinating field of com- choice is a good approach as parasites often have a
plex interactions, mate choice decisions may be relatively clear fitness cost (Heins et al., 2004; Heins
equally complex. A review found that most often and Baker, 2008). This is especially important for
nonparasitized mating partners are preferred male mate choice, as parasites have been found to
(Beltran-­Bech and Richard, 2014). Most of the stud- reduce fecundity in females, thus diminishing the
ies reviewed were on female choice, but the authors most important benefit males seem to be seeking.
list nine studies on male mate choice, where either
healthy males were choosing between an infected Condition
or uninfected female as in a study on the mos- The vast majority of females can and will repro-
quitofish, Gambusia affinis (Deaton, 2009). There are duce. For example, lifelong absence of reproduction
also effects of being infected: In one study males only occurs in about 5% of all insect populations
of the corn earworm butterfly, Helicoverpa zea, were (Rhainds, 2019). However, females can differ in
artificially infected with a virus, and were slower in many other traits, including condition. One simple
approaching healthy females (Burand and Tan, 2006). argument for male mate choice based on condition
Males of the prairie vole, Microtos ochrogaster, with a would be that males choose females that appear to
simulated infection showed no preference for spe- be able to have offspring and provide for them. This
cific females (Bilbo et al., 1999). In a review paper is related to fecundity, of course. The key point here
Barber and colleagues noted that most studies is that condition is more ephemeral than other

W H AT M A L E S C H O O S E : D I F F E R E N C E S I N F E M A L E Q UA L I T Y 89

traits. Some female fishes for example prefer males preferences for healthy- or unhealthy-looking
that look well-­fed over hungry-­looking males (Plath BMIs, but it seems the same general logic applies
et al., 2005). As with parasite-­free mating partners, (Tovée et al., 1999).
condition may or may not be a good indicator for
fitness, but generally, it seems—again—good to Mating with the right species
choose a mating partner in good condition. Of In general, mating with members of another species
course, also as in parasites, the chooser’s own con- is considered to be costly. Male mate choice is there-
dition can influence the choice. This was studied in fore at least partly also trying to identify the best
field crickets, Teleogryllus commodus. Females on a species to mate with (Gaskett, 2007). Some earlier
higher-­quality diet were more sexually responsive work on male mate choice was focusing on this
as compared with females on a poorer diet (Hunt question. A few examples have been summarized by
et al., 2005). Wolf spider females (Schizocosa ocreata me (Schlupp, 2018). Generally, mating with another
and Schizocosa rovneri) did not show strong effects species is viewed as costly, especially for females.
on mate choice based on the diet they were raised Consequently, strong selection is thought to favor
on, but high-­food females mated more often with reproductive barriers. There are, however, some
high-­food males (Hebets et al., 2008). These studies cases where heterospecific matings can be favored.
point toward a potentially very interesting link In some swordtails, Xiphophorus, a group of fishes
between epi­gen­et­ics and mate choice: diet is often from Mexico, females prefer males from a different
thought to induce maternal (and paternal effects) species (Ryan and Wagner, 1987). This is attributed
that persist over multiple generations, including in to sensory bias. In spadefoot toads (Spea bombifrons
humans (Veenendaal et al., 2013). Male condition is and Spea multiplicate), hybridization is adaptive
also a factor in female choice in sticklebacks under specific circumstances and for some females.
(Gasterosteus aculeatus) (Bakker et al., 1999) Consequently, the females alter their preference
(Figure 4.2). from conspecific to heterospecific (Pfennig, 2007).
In humans (H. sapiens), men’s preferences for a These are rare phenomena for females, and ex­amples
certain waist-­to-­hip ratio in women (Singh, 1993) could for males showing similar behavior would be
be viewed as condition dependent, as de­vi­ations in interesting.
both directions could be indicative of lower repro-
ductive fitness. Changes in waist-­to-­hip ratio do occur
4.4 Indirect benefits
over time, but the timeframe may be too long for
this to be called based on “condition.” Waist-­to-­hip Studies that provide good support for indirect bene­
ratio-­based preferences may be intertwined with fits in female choice are not abundant (Chapter 1
and 2), and this concept has not really been applied
to male mate choice yet, although the argument
would essentially be the same for females and males.
This is an area where future research would be quite
fruitful. Many questions are open here. For ex­ample,
is there an equivalent to the ”sexy son hypothesis,”
maybe the “sexy daughter hypothesis”? How could
indirect benefits work in male mate choice and, if
they exist, how can we detect them?

4.5 Compatibility
Although somewhat controversial, we do have a
growing list of examples of MHC-­ based female
Figure 4.2 Courting three-­spined stickleback (Gasterosteus mate choice (Milinski, 2006). If males choose, find-
aculeatus) pair (picture credit: Manfred Milinski and Theo C.M. Bakker). ing a fitting partner should also be beneficial for

90 M A L E C H O I C E , F E M A L E C O M P E T I T I O N, A N D F E M A L E O R N A M E N T S I N S E X UA L S E L E C T I O N

males. Indeed, there are a few examples of male mate females (A. Girndt, pers. comm., February 14, 2019),
choice for matching MHC in females (Wedekind, presumably because they are sperm limited (Birkhead
2018). In humans the data are suggesting that men et al., 1994).
also recognize MHC and prefer dissimilar partners Although the prevailing patterns seem to support
(Wedekind and Füri, 1997). female choice for indirect benefits, a meta-­analysis
Social compatibility might lead to assortative challenged this notion (Akçay and Roughgarden,
mating (Chapter 2). In some species partners form 2007). Like within-­pair paternity, extra-­pair pater-
long-­term partnerships that allow pairs to raise off- nity requires two partners. Although still debated,
spring more effectively. This is found in humans, there are clear benefits to females from extra-­pair
but also in geese. In Canada geese (Branta canaden- copulations (Evans and Magurran, 2000) and
sis) for example, breeding partners were found to choosi­ ness associated with that. But how about
have similar intensities of nest defense behavior males? For males to engage in extra-­pair matings is
(Clermont et al., 2019). in agreement with the traditional view of sex roles
In addition to picking a mate based on MHC or where males are limited by the number of their mat-
social compatibility, it can also be beneficial to avoid ings and should consequently seek mating oppor-
mating with partners that confer genes that would tunities whenever possible. But are they also choosy
lead to reduced fitness. These are often selfish elem­ when engaging in such matings and should they be
ents that can alter the sex ratio or even be lethal to (Lyu et al., 2017)? The only theoretical model rele-
some of the offspring. One example for this is the vant to the topic finds that male mate choice for
t-element in mice, which causes t/t homozygote off- costly female signals can indeed evolve and can,
spring to die in utero (Manser et al., 2015, 2017). This interestingly, be cyclical (Lyu et al., 2017). The sig-
reduced fitness is detrimental to mothers, but also to nals evolved in females could be egg color, which
fathers. There is evidence that females avoid mating has been suggested as correlated with female qual-
with males that carry the t-haplotype, but it would be ity (Moreno and Osorno, 2003). This would, of
worthwhile to investigate the male side of this, too. course be limited to species with visible eggs.
In humans extra-­pair paternity is also well docu-
4.6 Postpairing male mate choice: mented but seems to be less common, with an aver-
age of 2% of offspring resulting from extra-­ pair
choosiness when having an affair
copulations (Grebe and Drea, 2018). Note that extra-
Females and males of many species engage in extra- pair copulations are a mechanism for both genders
pair copulations. For females one widely accepted to thwart potentially negative effects of arranged
hypothesis is that females can gain direct or indirect relationships (Grebe and Drea, 2018) (Chapter 2).
benefits from this that are unavailable to them But clearly, the costs and benefits of extra-­pair mat-
other­ wise. There are many examples of females ings are different for women and men. Also, the
mating with “attractive” males supposedly for in­dir­ genders differ in the choosiness and the criteria
ect benefits, while retaining direct benefits from a used (Buss, 2015). Men interested in short-­ term
less “attractive” male. One example is provided by matings (at least potentially extra-­ pair matings)
Kempenaers and colleagues in their studies on blue assessed potential partners less based on facial
tits (Parus caeruleus, now Cyanistes caeruleus), which characteristics, but more based on their body, sup-
shows female preferences for high-­ quality males posedly to assess fertility (Confer et al., 2010).
(Kempenaers et al., 1992, 1997). Extra-­pair paternity Overall, mate choice relative to extra-­pair matings
is widespread in monogamous birds and evolution- is not well understood, and especially male mate
arily important as—on average—more than 10% of choice is barely documented.
all offspring are the result of extra-­pair copulations
(Griffith et al., 2008). At least in birds this seems to
4.7 Short summary
be largely driven by female choice, including cryp-
tic female choice (Girndt et al., 2018). Interestingly, Females clearly differ in many characteristics that
in this study, males sometimes refuse to mate with could be relevant to males evaluating females—just

W H AT M A L E S C H O O S E : D I F F E R E N C E S I N F E M A L E Q UA L I T Y 91

like males. As in female choice, there is solid evi- BARRY, K. L. & KOKKO, H. 2010. Male mate choice: why
dence that males select mating partners for direct sequential choice can make its evolution difficult.
benefits, but the majority of studies focus on fe­cund­ Animal Behaviour, 80, 163–9.
BARUFFALDI, L. & COSTA, F. G. 2014. Male reproductive
ity. Fecundity is clearly important, but male mating
decision is constrained by sex pheromones produced by
preferences for other traits must be important too.
females. Behaviour, 151, 465–77.
Much more work is needed in these areas. Male BATEMAN, P. W. & FERGUSON, J. 2004. Male mate choice
mate choice for indirect benefits remains largely in the Botswana armoured ground cricket Acanthoplus
unexplored, as is male mate choice of compatible discoidalis (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae; Hetrodinae). Can,
females. Adaptive adjustment of male ejaculates and how, do males judge female mating history? Journal
emerges as an interesting area. Most importantly, of Zoology, 262, 305–9.
the question remains if male mate choice can drive BELTRAN-BECH, S. & RICHARD, F.-J. 2014. Impact of
the evolution of female ornaments? infection on mate choice. Animal Behaviour, 90, 159–70.
BERSON, J. D. & SIMMONS, L. W. 2019. Female cuticular
hydrocarbons can signal indirect fecundity benefits in
4.8 Further reading an insect. Evolution, 73, 982–9.
The comprehensive book on mate choice by R. J. 1999. Lipopolysaccharide facilitates partner prefer-
Rosenthal is a great text to follow up on the general ence behaviors in female prairie voles. Physiology &
topic covered in this chapter (Rosenthal, 2017). Behavior, 68, 151–6.
BIRKHEAD, T. & HUNTER, F. 1990. Mechanisms of sperm
competition. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 5, 48–52.
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Male Investment and Male Choice

5.1 Brief outline of the chapter posits that whoever invests the most is choosing.
Because of the strong early investment by females,
In this chapter I revisit the role that male investment which is often continued, it is both unlikely and
might play in the evolution of male mate choice. ­difficult for males to catch up with and compensate
Simply put, with more male investment in repro­ for female investment and even more unlikely for
duction one might expect them to be more se­lect­ them to surpass it. One of the issues with sex roles,
ive regarding with whom they mate. If the male however, is that they are viewed as mostly binary.
investment is larger than the female investment sex In my opinion this introduces a dichotomy that may
roles are expected to flip. This is, however, not not actually be that important. Essentially a binary
­common. But even if males almost never invest as view of sex roles makes it seem as if either females
much or more than females, in many species they or males choose. However, female and male choice
do invest somewhat, or even heavily. Should this can occur simultaneously, as discussed in the rich
lead to choosiness in males? I will provide a few literature on mutual mate choice (Johnstone et al.,
examples where choosiness may be linked to invest­ 1996; Johnstone, 1997; Kokko and Johnstone, 2002)
ment in males. (Chapter 9). I am not arguing that the differential in
investment should not lead to female choice, how­
5.2 Introduction ever, if males do invest somewhat, should they also
Male investment is at the core of understanding evolve choosiness, especially if they can invest dif­
male mate choice. This is because we view the ferentially into some mating partners or offspring?
evolution of female choice as relative to female
­ Should choosiness be proportional to the invest­
investment in their gametes, and consequently an ment in some way? If a male—for example—invests
important pathway toward male mate choice is via 60% of what a female invests, should his choosi­
investment in the offspring. Of course, other path­ ness—maybe measured as strength of preferences—
ways for the evolution of male mate choice are be 60% of female choosi­ness? Furthermore, what do
known to be relevant, too, such as variation in we reasonably count as investment? Based on the
female quality (Chapter 4) and a female-­biased sex assumption that investment in reproduction may
ratio (Chapter 6). Nonetheless, it seems that male be determining choosi­ness we need to tally such
investment is important because of the importance investments by males and females. More im­port­
of sex roles. Indeed, as discussed in Chapter 1 and 2, ant­ly, I think that even limited male investment pre­
the whole concept of sex roles rests mainly on the dicts some choosiness in males. It should be noted
huge differential in investment in gametes. And that this is different from the concept that males
consequently, a key argument put forward against choose based on differences in female quality
more relevance of male mate choice is based on (Chapter 4) or owing to sex ratio (operational sex
the traditional view of sex roles (Bateman, 1948; ratio [OSR] or adult sex ratio [ASR]) (Chapter 6),
Trivers, 1972). In essence this is an argument based but these three mechanisms are not mutually exclu­
on the economy and ecology of investment and sive (Chapters 6 and 9). Parental investment and

DOI 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199566570.001.0001

98 M A L E C H O I C E , F E M A L E C O M P E T I T I O N, A N D F E M A L E O R N A M E N T S I N S E X UA L S E L E C T I O N

OSR/ASR are connected, of course (Kokko and makes, however, an important point: behaviors are
Jennions, 2008) as both concepts are related to sex very individual and sometimes population param­
roles. The pathways for the evolution of male mate eters like median or mean values do not capture
choice based on these two concepts are disassoci­ the cost–benefit matrix an individual may face. In
ated from male investment in reproduction and humans we know about individual circumstances
Bateman gradients and should be able to evolve and how they influence behavior, but our attempts
even in species with no male investment beyond to understand behavior in other animals on a more
sperm (Schlupp, 2018). In this chapter I briefly look individual basis are a little bit behind.
at male investment not only in the offspring, but Generally speaking, it would be useful to be able
also in the mating partner and how they may be to quantify such investments easily, but unfortu­
related to mate choice. And finally, I look at invest­ nately the currencies of investment can be very dif­
ments that are needed for a male to obtain matings ferent and may change over time. In mammals, early
and ask if they could predict choosiness. on the currency may be energy, but there is also time
Clearly, at first sight the notion that males invest invested, opportunities missed, and—in humans—
very little in their gametes compared with females money and social capital invested. Large differences
is obvious and correct (Bateman, 1948; Trivers, 1972). in the amount of investment along any of these axes
Yet, to be fair, this view has also been criticized exist in men, but very clearly most men make sub­
(Gowaty et al., 2012) (Chapter 2). Obviously, how­ stantial investments in their relationship, partners,
ever, comparing one egg with one sperm is hardly and offspring. How should that affect their behavior,
an appropriate comparison. If we agree that this especially their mate choice? We know from many
is probably not the best metric, what should be studies in humans that women prefer men who
included in the comparison? Quite clearly, males in show indicators that they will be good providers.
many species invest considerably beyond the sperm
cell. On the other hand, of course females also invest
5.2.1 Investment prior to mating: does it count?
beyond the egg cell and in many species the imbal­
ance persists, and females make a much bigger One aspect to bear in mind in this context is that
investment compared with males. Consequently, males (or courters) can make investments before
they evolve to be choosy. But I think a slightly more they engage in matings, or after they have mated
fine-­grained view of forms of male investment would with a partner. These two phases can be inter­
help us understand the potential for male investment twined, but I find it helpful to consider them sep­ar­
in male mate choice. ate­ly here. The flipside is that females (or choosers)
For example, in humans, with the—sometimes may have to make decisions based on potential,
limited—monogamy our species shows, women not actual performance. Consequently, in humans,
invest in a long pregnancy, followed by lactation women choose based on indicators of male poten­
and then a long time raising a child to adulthood. tial, and in birds nuptial feeding has been correlated
Men, on the other hand, start investing beyond the with subsequent paternal behavior and females
sperm once the pregnancy begins by investing in have been shown to base their preference on this
their partner and continue to invest in their children (Wiggins and Morris, 1986), to mention but two
until they become independent. Men can also invest examples. As a corollary, in humans understanding
in a relationship before a reproductive event occurs. the emotion of jealousy has been framed in this con­
However, in men there are large differences in this text. Simply put, men are jealous when their part­
investment. ners have sex with other men because it increases
Morally and legally, women and men are both the uncertainty of paternity. Women on the other
expected to invest in their children (Chapter 2). This hand are thought to be jealous when other women
is expected by society and also codified in the law of jeopardize their access to paternal investment
many countries. As always, however, in humans, (Oberzaucher and Grammer, 2009).
much of the documented variability between so­ci­ Since males of different species differ widely in
eties is under a strong cultural influence. This both how and how much they invest in mating and


offspring, there is a continuum in how much males and Alatalo, 2014). Those males are likely to be
invest from practically nothing in species where sperm limited rather quickly, which in turn should
males only provide sperm (or an ejaculate in the result in those males being selective in whom they
case of internal fertilization) to males that invest a mate with.
great deal, to the point that they become the pri­ As I said before, males invest in obtaining mating
mary source of care for the young. In some cases, opportunities before they even come close to an
this has led to what we call sex-­ role reversal actual mating. Many such traits—which we usually
(Chapter 2). However, in this section, I want to consider ornaments—have a fixed cost. Once the
focus on the potential role of male investment in the structure for an ornament is built, the investment
behaviors and structures needed to obtain matings. has been completed and may have to be main­
As we know now, most males produce many, yet tained, but often it does not need to be built all over
relatively inexpensive gametes. When they deliver again. Of course, signals can be seasonal, like the
them, they typically bundle them into packages breeding coloration in birds, or nuptial coloration in
containing large numbers, often millions, of indi­ fishes (Bradbury and Vehrencamp, 2011). Male deer,
vidual sperm cells. These sperm cells are ac­com­ for example, invest heavily in antlers season after
pan­ied by seminal fluid, and together they comprise season and these antlers are important in female
the ejaculate. Clearly, an ejaculate is much more mate choice (Clutton-­Brock et al., 1989), just as they
costly to produce than a single sperm cell, but in are armaments (Berglund et al., 1996). One espe­
almost all cases the physiological cost for this is not cially dynamic system with seemingly heavy
nearly on the same level as an individual egg cell. investment in male ornaments is found in bower
There are interesting exceptions, though. Individual birds (Diamond, 1986), although Borgia (1993)
sperm is usually very small (Birkhead et al., 2008), argued that bowers are actually not very costly to
but in some species of Drosophila, individual sperm males. Often viewed as an extended phenotype
have evolved to be very large. Consequently, such (Dawkins, 1982), the bowers built by males are
sperm is considered to be an ornament, and—prob­ nonetheless an impressive investment in orna­
ably based on this investment—males are choosy ments that does not seem to lead to any choosi­
(Lüpold et al., 2010, 2016). Furthermore, in many ness in males, and only the females are selective
insects, the packages or spermatophores to deliver (Borgia, 1995).
the sperm can be very large and contain substances Overall, this highlights that the investment of
that are considered as direct benefits to either the males in matings is typically substantially higher
female and/or the offspring (Sakaluk et al., 2019). than the investment in germ cells. However, these
These and other examples highlight that sperm is male investments are somewhat difficult to evalu­
not always cheap and that males can be sperm ate and measure. One could argue that investments
limit­ed. Especially in such cases high-­quality males in the infrastructure needed to obtain matings,
can evolve to be choosy, whereas low-­quality males like ornaments, should count because without that
may drop out of the reproductive race completely. investment males would not obtain matings. Indeed,
This is the case in some Australian bush crickets, there are many species with polymorphisms in
where under harsh conditions only a few males are male ornaments, or, in other words, male strategies
able to produce costly spermatophores (Chapter 6) to obtain matings. To provide just one example, in
(Gwynne and Simmons, 1990). This leads to a sunfish some males are ornamented and court
female-­biased sex ratio, which in turn leads to male females, whereas other males are not ornamented
choice and female competition. But the underlying and attempt to sneak copulations. These alternative
mechanism is male investment in spermatophores. strategies can be maintained in the population as
Sperm competition may be especially important balanced polymorphisms (Oliveira et al., 2008).
in those situations where females seek matings with How these alternative strat­egies affect male mate
a few highly attractive males owing to their prefer­ choice is not well known. Because males invest dif­
ences converging on the same males, such as for ferently in ornaments that serve as signals to
example in leks (Bradbury et al., 1985; Höglund females, one would predict that males with a high

100 M A L E C H O I C E , F E M A L E C O M P E T I T I O N, A N D F E M A L E O R N A M E N T S I N S E X UA L S E L E C T I O N

investment might be choosier than males that make Other investments by males might tell a different
a small investment. They might, for example, be story: some relevant investments are not structural
more likely to forgo matings with lower-­ quality and can therefore be adjusted and provide a mech­
females, especially if they are limited in some way, an­ism for males to exercise choice. One example of
such as by the amount of sperm they can invest. this is the composition of the ejaculate, which is
This general idea has been tested at the species level usually interpreted in the context of sexual conflict
in the fish genus Limia. These fishes are endemic to (Torres-­Vila and Jennions, 2005; Gwynne, 2008;
the Greater Antilles and species differ strongly in South and Lewis, 2011; Lehmann, 2012, Lewis and
the degree of ornamentation (Figure 5.1). Spikes South, 2012; Macartney et al., 2018; Sirot, 2019).
and colleagues (2021), compared species with uni­ There seems to be, however, substantial individual
form low investment in ornaments and species variation between individuals that might indicate
where some males show very high investment in some form of cryptic male mate choice (see
ornaments. Ornamentation had already been inde­ Chapter 4). More work looking into the dynamic
pendently classified by another study (Goldberg nature of cryptic female and male choice (Magris
et al., 2019). The prediction that more ornamented et al., 2017; Cardozo et al., 2020) would be useful.
males are choosier was not confirmed, but also In particular, the female × male and male × male
males and females of this particular genus seem to interactions in species with internal fertilization,
be less choosy than almost all other livebearing such as guppies (Poecilia reticulata) and Drosophila
fishes. Overall, however, there seems to be little evi­ melanogaster, are important emerging fields of
dence for male investment in ornaments being research (Gasparini et al., 2012; Evans et al., 2013;
­coupled with choosiness. Firman et al., 2017; Lüpold et al., 2020).
One problem with considering investments made
prior to matings is that they are difficult or im­pos­
sible to separate from investments in multiple other
functions. For example, the muscle and ATP used to
produce a motion pattern in the courtship of a bird,
or mammal, can also be used in general locomotion
and may be critically important for survival, not only
courtship. On the other hand, the cost and effort
invested in a nuptial gift or in feeding offspring is
much more easily classified as such and measured.
Another difficult currency to measure is time. Time
used for courtship could also be used for foraging.
This creates opportunity cost and significant trade­
offs: a well-­fed male that successfully avoids pred­
ators and parasites but never courts a female will
nonetheless die as a well-­fed, healthy virgin.

5.2.2 Male investment in offspring

Parental investment theory is based on a classical
paper by Trivers (1972). Male investment usually
comes as some form of paternal care. Males can
feed offspring, protect or defend them in some way,
manipulate the environment to their benefit, or
Figure 5.1 Differences in male size and investment in the sailfin
­contribute in any way to raising them. For example,
molly (Poecilia latipinna). Similar patterns are also found in some in birds males can build a nest, feed their partners—
species of Limia (photo credit: Ingo Schlupp). either during courtship or during incubation—


incubate the eggs and offspring, defend them behaviors in fishes include mouthbrooding, which
against predators, and provision the offspring. is found in cichlids. In some frog species, males
Paternal care has evolved many times in many carry eggs and tadpoles. Motherhood is known to
different taxa. It can be a shared responsibility with change the behavior of females and make them
others, or the sole form of parental care. The time more risk averse. Interestingly, the opposite has
males spend caring for offspring can vary from a been reported for fathers in a species of glass frog
short fraction of their life to a longer commitment as (Hyalinobatrachium cappellei), where males accept a
found in some primates (Wright, 1990) including higher mortality risk to attract additional females
humans (Homo sapiens), where paternal care can (Valencia-­Aguilar et al., 2020). The question remains
span more than two decades. This is only one as to whether changes in parental care, as found
ex­ample for the many species where both females several times in cichlids, are associated with
and males provide parental care, and in some cases changes in mate choice. In a study at the species
of social animals even male helpers may provide level, this was found to be the case: in Galilee
care, as for example in Florida scrub jays, Aphelocoma St Peter’s fish, Sarotherodon galilaeus, a cichlid from
coerulescens (Skutch, 1935; Woolfenden, 1975). Israel, both maternal and paternal mouthbrooding
Male care is the only form of parental care in is found, and choosiness is associated with parental
pipefishes (Vincent et al., 1992) and many other care and OSR (Balshine-­Earn, 1996; Balshine-­Earn
fishes, including cichlids (Blumer, 1979; Goodwin and Earn, 1998).
et al., 1998), but rarely in arthropods (Zeh and As stated above, temporally, paternal investment
Smith, 1985; Tallamy, 2001). In pipefishes the in offspring can vary from lasting a short period of
reversed sex roles are correlated with male mate time during development to very long periods in
choice. But how about the many other cases where long-­lived species. In humans, for example, paren­
males also invest significantly in the offspring? tal investment can happen over a very long part
Do males show signs of choosiness based on invest­ of the average life expectancy of an individual
ment? One of the few better known examples from (Geary, 2015). According to the Centers for Disease
insects is found in heteroptera in the family Control and Prevention, in 2018 on average men in
Belostomatidae, including in the genus Belostoma, the United States had a life expectancy of 78.7 years.
where males carry eggs on their back until they Assuming their children become independent at
hatch (Ichikawa, 1989). It is known that females age 18, they may have spent a substantial part of
choose males (Smith, 2019), but also—in Belostoma their life investing in their children. Paternal invest­
lutarium—that males exercise preferences for heav­ ment occurs in many taxa, but its distribution is not
ier females (Thrasher et al., 2015). It seems that both even. For example, it is very rare in mammals, but
sexes choose in this group. relatively common in fishes. One suggested ex­plan­
In fishes the evolution of biparental, maternal, ation for this pattern is that the partner that can
and paternal care has been investigated at different leave after mating will often do so, thus saddling
taxonomic levels. In cichlids, for example, paternal the partner who stays with the cost of additional
care in the form of mouthbrooding is hypothesized investment in the offspring. In many fishes, for
to have evolved only once, whereas maternal care example, the male provides sperm after the eggs are
has evolved many times (Goodwin et al., 1998). laid by the female and she has left. In mammals, on
While the majority of fish species show no parental the other hand, with internal fertilization and lacta­
care at all, both maternal and paternal care have tion representing massive female investment, it is
evolved several times in bony fishes (Benun Sutton easy for males to leave and not make additional
and Wilson, 2019). Interestingly, evolutionary tran­ investments in the offspring. This argument applies
sitions from no care to either female or male care are in principle to all livebearing organisms, not just
relatively common, while transitions from male to mammals. For example, this argument makes it
female care or vice versa are very rare (Benun ­difficult to understand male investment in mam­
Sutton and Wilson, 2019). Another example for mals, where males might benefit more from seek­
the latter would be fanning eggs in fishes. Other ing add­ition­al mating opportunities, as compared

102 M A L E C H O I C E , F E M A L E C O M P E T I T I O N, A N D F E M A L E O R N A M E N T S I N S E X UA L S E L E C T I O N

with investing in offspring. In humans, ecological females can benefit from choosing, mutual mate
changes during the evolution of our species have choice may evolve. Of course, and to say it again,
been suggested to be important in the evolution of paternal investment is only one path to the evolu­
paternal care (Alger et al., 2020). tion of male mate choice, with OSR and differences
Furthermore, male investment is often fine-­tuned in female quality being the others. One question
and relative to the perceived probability of pater­ that in my opinion could benefit from more research
nity. If paternity is highly likely for a male, invest­ is whether male choosiness is in any way scaling
ment should be high; if paternity is less likely, males with male investment. This seems to be the case in
may reduce their effort. In species with obligatory humans, but more examples would be helpful.
paternal investment, males that decrease the invest­
ment too much risk a total loss of their investment.
5.2.3 Male investment in their partner
Both females and males should adjust their invest­
ment in offspring based on the likelihood that they In addition to directly investing in their offspring,
are the actual parents. For females this is virtually males can invest in the mother of their offspring.
certain if they give birth to live young. In egg-­laying Such investment is much more indirect, and more
species, however, even females cannot be certain prone to doubts regarding paternity, but this type of
of maternity if and when they care for their eggs. investment is very widespread and will often bene­
In many species of fishes and birds, for example, fit the offspring sired by the male in question. This
females lay eggs in the nests of other females, a type of investment, however, allows females to
behavior called egg-­dumping. In almost all species receive an investment, often in the form of a nuptial
fatherhood is always uncertain. gift, without awarding paternity to the males pro­
In humans, phenotype matching can be used to viding the gift. This can lead to intensive sexual
assess paternity. Children who look and smell like conflict.
their putative father in a polygynous culture in Males in many species feed their mating partners,
Senegal receive more investment and are healthier either during courtship with a nuptial gift or later,
(Alvergne et al., 2009). The likelihood of paternity during maternal care. The opposite, females feed­
can also influence the investment by grandfathers. ing (or caring for) a mating partner, is rare, even in
Whereas maternal grandmothers can be certain that sex-­role reversed species. Maybe the most extreme
their grandchildren are actually closely related to form is found in sexual cannibalism, where the
them, the same is not true for paternal grandfathers. male becomes the nuptial gift for the female
They are facing paternity uncertainty twice. Very (Andrade and Kasumovic, 2005). In other systems,
few species show grandpaternal investment, but males can present food items or a large spermato­
they would be worth looking at in terms of differ­ phore to the female (Sakaluk et al., 2019). Such nup­
ences in investment. This uncertainty might pre­ tial gifts may contain nutritious substances, amino
vent the evolution of male investment, but models acids, water, or other components that help the
focusing on ecological conditions support the mother and are sometimes passed on to the off­
evolution of male investment in humans (Alger
­ spring (Figure 5.2). They are sometimes used to
et al., 2020). manipulate females, giving rise to sexual conflict.
If male investment in mating is a continuum, Interestingly females sometimes reject nuptial gifts
why does it often look like (or is presented as if) a as a mechanism to exercise female choice. Because
binary situation, with one sex being the limited and the time she spends consuming the nuptial gift is
the other the limiting sex? If males invest, they correlated with the amount of sperm transferred,
could benefit from selecting a female partner who is females may have to reject the gift to avoid in­sem­in­
also investing. If a male invests strongly in the off­ ations with nonpreferred males (Sakaluk et al.,
spring, this makes him a desired mate, and at the 2019). Interestingly, nuptial gifts have evolved many
same time this may turn a high-­quality male into a times independently.
rare commodity, which allows him to benefit from Nuptial gifts are widespread in insects but are
being choosy. In those cases where both males and also found in other taxa. In many species of birds,


dent about the optimal investment in any given


5.5 Three examples of male investment

and male mate choice
I want to end this section with three examples of
male investment that have led to the evolution of
male mate choice, but to different degrees. In the first
example, giant water bugs of the genus Belostoma,
males appear to make significant investments, yet
they show limited male mate choice. In the second
Figure 5.2 Male decorated cricket, Gryllodes sigillatus (bottom), example, sticklebacks, males also invest strongly,
transferring a spermatophore to a female (top) during copulation, and they exercise clear choice, as do females. This
which includes a spermatophylax provided as a nuptial gift (photo example also highlights mutual mate choice. Finally,
credit: David Funk). pipefishes show strong investment in parental care,
and in this case, male choice has emerged as the
the male feeds the partner in addition to feeding the almost exclusive mating behavior and we consider
offspring. the mating system sex-­role reversed. With this final
example, I will also highlight the potential role of
5.3 Male investment is relative the OSR in the evolution of mate choice.
First to giant water bugs. Parental care has evolved
Male investment can be modified based on the per­ several times in insects, but overall it is very rare
ceived probability of paternity. Similarly, females (Smith, 1997). It is found, for example, in assassin
can adjust their effort when maternity is uncertain. bugs (Thomas and Manica, 2005), but also in giant
This happens, for example, in the burying beetle, water bugs of the genus Belostoma, where male mate
Nicrophorus vespilloides (Richardson and Smiseth, choice has been detected in at least one species, but
2020). Females sometimes share the same carcass has not been reported in others. There are several
but cannot recognize their own offspring. Thus, potential reasons for this. Giant water bugs are
when co-­breeding they lay bigger and more eggs, relatively large aquatic heteropterans and prey on
but provide less care. In males, adjustment of pater­ various other species, including snails (Crowl and
nal care relative to the probability of paternity has Alexander Jr, 1989; Armúa de Reyes and Estévez,
been shown in many birds. One of the many 2006) and fish (Crowl and Alexander Jr, 1989; Tobler
ex­amples is the collared flycatcher, Ficedula albicol- et al., 2007; Plath et al., 2011, ). Males carry eggs on
lis, where males were experimentally manipulated their back, thus providing paternal care. In Belostoma
(by removing them from the nest) to experience lutarium a species from North America, this is asso­
reduced paternity. This was followed by reduced ciated with male mate choice, although it appears
male effort (Sheldon and Ellegren, 1998). to be relatively weak. In other species of Belostoma,
such as Belostoma flumineum also from North America,
5.4 Life history tradeoffs and future only female choice has been reported (Kight and
Kruse, 1992; Kight et al., 2011). Although it is pos­
sible that male mate choice still awaits detection in
A hallmark of Trivers’ parental investment theory more species of Belostoma, it is possible that the ecol­
and the parent offspring conflict theory ogy and partly the OSR prevent male mate choice
(Trivers, 1972, 1974) is that investment in any given from occurring. This is probably because, despite
current offspring usually comes at a cost of future male parental care, the sex ratio still seems to be
reproduction or present siblings, which can trigger male-­biased because females need a relatively long
several conflicts. Parents should therefore be pru­ time to prod­uce clutches (Kruse, 1990) and there is

104 M A L E C H O I C E , F E M A L E C O M P E T I T I O N, A N D F E M A L E O R N A M E N T S I N S E X UA L S E L E C T I O N

intense sexual conflict (Härdling and Kaitala, 2001), female-­biased. Early in the season, however, it can
as modeled for the golden egg bug (Phyllomorpha be even, or male-­biased. Over the season however,
laciniata). I suggest that an experimental approach because males take so long to brood a clutch, the
creating a more female-­biased OSR might push this OSR becomes strongly female-­ biased (Vincent
system to showing male choice (Chapter 6). et al., 1994). In another pipefish mating system the
The second example I want to examine in this sex ratio is also influential: in Corythoichthys haema-
context is mutual mate choice in sticklebacks. This topterus, males and females have relatively similar
group of fishes has long been used as models in ani­ potential reproductive rates, but monogamy and
mal behavior (Tinbergen, 1952) and ecology and a female-­biased sex ratio lead to sex-­role reversal
evolution (Wootton, 1984), and is known for both and female competition for males (Sogabe and
parental care and male choice. I introduced stickle­ Yanagisawa, 2007). Finally, the black-­striped pipe­
backs back in Chapter 3. In several species in this fish, Syngnathus abaster, a widespread but southern
group males provide intensive paternal care, and species, was found to respond to changes in the sex
in the three-­spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculea- ratio in a rather fine-­tuned way and move back and
tus) males show a preference for larger females forth from male-­like to female-­like behavior (Silva
(Rowland, 1982; Rowland and Sevenster, 1985; et al., 2010). Combined, these examples suggest that
Rowland, 1989; Kraak and Bakker, 1998; Candolin in addition to investment in the offspring, the sex
and Salesto, 2009). Furthermore, males prefer orna­ ratio plays an important role. I find it especially
mented females (Rowland et al., 1991; Bakker and intriguing that there seem to be cases where—either
Rowland, 1995; Yong et al., 2018). Together, this is
an example of mutual mate choice, with both sexes
showing distinct preferences (Kraak and Bakker,
1998): males for larger and more fecund females
and females for males that are redder. Males often
breed only once and hence a more balanced OSR
seems possible, or OSRs—which are theoretically
predicted to be male-­biased—vary over the season
sufficiently to allow male mate choice to evolve
(Smith et al., 1995).
Finally, in pipefishes, as in several other species
that are considered sex-­role reversed, male invest­
ment surpasses female investment and males
become choosy, while females compete for males.
For pipefishes, the Bateman gradient for males and
females should be reversed and the gradient should
be steeper for females. While this seems to be gener­
ally true, in a study on dusky pipefish (Syngnathus
floridae), Mobley and Jones found that the gradients
for males and females were remarkably similar
(Mobley and Jones, 2013). This, together with some
doubt cast on Bateman’s results in general (Gowaty
et al., 2012), presents a challenge for the role of
investment in shaping mate choice. As in Belostoma
and sticklebacks, other factors may be important
too. One of them could be the OSR again. In one of
the best studied pipefish species, Syngnathus typhle
(Figure 5.3), from Scandinavia, the OSR changes Figure 5.3 Courting pair of broadnosed pipefish (Syngnathus
over the breeding season, but remains essentially typhle) (photo credit: Anders Berglund).


Male choice likely

Investment in reproduction
Area of behavioral flexibility

Female choice likely

Figure 5.4 Hypothetical relationship between reproductive investment and probability of mate choice.

based on investment or sex ratio—species, popula­ male choosiness. Combined with sex ratio, how­
tions, or individuals can alternate between male- ever, investment seems to be quite important.
like and female-­like behavior. This is depicted as
the area of behavioral flexibility in Figure 5.4. I will
expand on the role of the sex ratio in Chapter 6. My 5.7 Further reading
suggestion is quite similar to the switch point the­ The papers by Bateman (1948) and Trivers (1972)
orem (Gowaty and Hubbell, 2009; Ah-­ King and are classics in this context. A careful discussion of
Gowaty, 2016), which predicts flexibility in mating the complexity of male investment in female part­
strategies based on ecological conditions. The ners is provided by Sakaluk et al. (2019).
review by Ah-­King and Gowaty (2016) provides a
large number of examples of such flexibility.
In summary, male investment seems to be a ne­ces­ 5.8 References
sary, but not sufficient condition for the evolution AH-KING, M. & GOWATY, P. A. 2016. A conceptual
of male mate choice. The role of differences in review of mate choice: stochastic demography, within-
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to provide the basis for the expression of male ALGER, I., HOOPER, P. L., COX, D., STIEGLITZ, J., &
KAPLAN, H. S. 2020. Paternal provisioning results from
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Sciences of the United States of America, 117, 10746–54.
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Mechanism of Male Choice: Sex Ratios

6.1 Brief outline of the chapter At later points in life, however, sex ratios are
often biased owing to a number of factors that
In this chapter I want to discuss the role of sex ratios se­lect­ive­ly affect either males or females (Kvarnemo
in choosiness. So far, we have mostly reviewed intrin- and Ahnesjö, 1996; Székely et al., 2014). To charac-
sic reasons for male choosiness to be expressed, such terize the part of a population that can potentially
as male investment and female quality. However, sex reproduce, two measures are widely used. One is
ratios may also be important drivers of choosiness. the adult sex ratio (ASR) (Mayr, 1939), the number
Sex ratios are important in population biology and of individuals of one sex relative to the number of
influence the evolution and structure of mating sys- the other sex. The second measure is the operational
tems. Most important for the purpose of this book is sex ratio (OSR) (Emlen and Oring, 1977), reflecting
that they can change quickly in time and space. Male the numbers of each sex ready to mate. This concept
and female choice are sensitive to such changes and is intertwined with the concept of the potential
can lead to situations where females are choosy when reproductive rate (PRR), which is defined as the off-
they are rare in a population but change to courtship spring production relative to time for each sex
and competition when males are rare. There are not assuming unconstrained mate availability. This rate
many ex­amples for this process, but there are likely often differs between males and females and can
some that have been overlooked. Interestingly, the be used to predict mating competition (Ahnesjö
majority of data on preferences are collected using et al., 2001). Although clearly related, OSR and ASR
binary choice tests, which almost always represent a measure different aspects of a population and do
2:1 sex ratio. Furthermore, sex ratios do not take into not provide the same information.
account differences in mate quality, as all adult indi- Intuitively, one can relate to the argument that
viduals are classified as either male or female without whichever sex is rarer can be more selective in mate
making any further distinction. choice, simply because there are more candidates to
choose from. Indeed, limitation of access to mates is
an important element of sexual selection. Arguably,
6.2 Introduction sex ratios alone can drive choosiness, but a more
Sex ratios are important in ecology and evolution. complete view includes sex ratios and investment
Typically, they are balanced and even at conception in gametes. Both the sex ratio and investment in
(primary sex ratio) and birth (secondary sex ratio), gametes are used to measure and predict direction-
but they can shift to either male- or female-­biased as ality and strength of sexual selection (Kvarnemo
cohorts of individuals sexually mature. The bal- and Ahnesjö, 1996). They can be especially power-
anced 1:1 sex ratio is often referred to as Fisher’s ful when combined (Kokko et al., 2012). A third fac-
principle and represents an evolutionarily stable tor influencing the directionality and strength of
strategy (ESS). If producing male and female off- male mate choice (or mate choice in general) is the
spring has the same cost, deviations from a 1:1 sex quality of the partner, or for male mate choice,
ratio are not evolutionarily stable (Hamilton, 1967), female quality (Chapter 4). These factors can interact
an example of frequency-­dependent selection. in multiple ways (Figure 6.1).

110 M A L E C H O I C E , F E M A L E C O M P E T I T I O N, A N D F E M A L E O R N A M E N T S I N S E X UA L S E L E C T I O N

males has also been suggested as the backdrop for

violence in humans (“more men, more violence”),
Reproductive investment
but Schacht et al. (2014) argue that this explanation
is too simplistic. In their review they also point to
the usefulness of ASR as an alternative way of
understanding sexual selection in humans.
We have already encountered a number of
choice ex­amples from the literature that make reference to
the role of OSR in male mate choice in previous
Sex ratio Partner quality chapters. ASR, on the other hand, has been used less
to understand mate choice (Grant and Grant, 2019),
but has been suggested to be generally important
(Székely et al., 2014; Kappeler, 2017) (but see
Figure 6.1 Possible interactions of three variables influencing mate Jennions and Fromhage, 2017) and, for example,
choice, partner quality, sex ratio, and reproductive investment.
drive sex-­role reversal in shorebirds (Liker et al.,
2013). The OSR, on the other hand, is heavily influ-
enced by the time individuals are not able to repro-
6.3 OSR
duce after a mating event. For various ­reasons, after
One common way to characterize the sex ratio in a mating, individuals of many species are unable to
population is to calculate how many individuals of engage in another mating for some time, taking
one sex are ready to reproduce (or mate) relative to them out of the mating pool. This timeout period is
the other sex (Emlen and Oring, 1977; Kvarnemo often associated with caring for offspring because
and Ahnesjö, 1996) at a given time and place. typically an individual that is caring for offspring is
Defined as the ratio of males ready to mate relative unable to engage in additional matings. An example
to females ready to mate, often the OSR is male-­ of this would be mouthbrooding in female cichlids,
biased. The stronger the bias, the more likely males where females are not only out of the pool of breed-
will compete for females. The OSR is also thought ing females, but will not even eat while they provide
to be important in the evolution and strength of for the young (Schürch and Taborsky, 2005).
female choice: the more males, the choosier a female Consequently, even with a balanced ASR, the OSR
can be, as was shown for example in guppies can be strongly biased. In a bush cricket from
(Poecilia reticulata) (Jirotkul, 1999). In other words, if Australia, Kawanaphila mirla, the timeout period for
the sex ratio is male-­biased, males should compete females was six times longer than that for males
with males, but if it is female-­biased, females should (Lehmann and Lehmann, 2007), making the OSR
compete for males. As I will argue below, however, male-­biased, even when the ASR was even. In this
this approach ignores that certain, high-­ quality group of crickets, males produce very large sper-
mating partners may be rare, even when partners in matophores and the males are only able to produce
general are abundant. This could mean that some these large spermatophores under good environ-
choosers have to settle for lower-­quality mates. A mental conditions. As the environmental conditions
highly biased sex ratio can also come with costs worsen, ASR and OSR will approach even values
(Magurran and Nowak, 1991): if males, for ex­ample, and the OSR can then flip, which has been shown in
are very abundant, competition may become fierce a related species, Kawanaphila nartee (Gwynne and
and lead to increased rates of injury, and—maybe Simmons, 1990). In another group, mammals, the
more importantly—males may benefit from under- females are out of the pool of individuals ready to
mining and thwarting female choice. This form of mate owing to pregnancy and lactation, which is
sexual conflict can lead to males showing harass- relatively long and here too the OSR becomes male-­
ment (Magurran and Seghers, 1994; Schlupp et al., biased, while the ASR can remain even (Kappeler,
2001; Plath et al., 2007) and alternative mating 2017). Of course, males can also be away from
­strategies (Oliveira et al., 2008). An abundance of the pool of individuals ready to mate and take a

M E C H A N I S M O F M A L E C H O I C E : S E X R AT I O S 111

timeout. Calling, for example can be energetically that almost all of the experimental data on female
demanding for males in a frog chorus, and males choice are collected under a 2:1 sex ratio. After
may have to leave a chorus to replenish their energy all, in a typical binary choice test, one chooser
(Runkle et al., 1994). This will then alter the OSR selects among two courters. Creating other sex
locally and temporally and make it less male-­biased. ratios in choice experiments might be difficult,
The timeout period can be short or long relative to because experimentally it might then be difficult to
life ex­pect­ancy. In men, the refractory period after take attraction to groups into account. But using the
an ejaculation ranges from a few minutes to an hour same sex ratio for most experiments might also be
(Jones and Lopez, 2013), which is negligible given problematic. More generally, experimental manipu-
the life span. The same might be true for most mam- lations of sex ratios to study its effects on mate
mals. In species, however, where males show paren- choice are relatively rare. One example is provided
tal care, they can be removed from the pool of by a study on Jamaican field crickets (Gryllus assimi-
reproducing individuals for a long time. This inter- lis), which created even, male-­biased, and female-­
sects with ideas relevant to male investment: as biased sex ratios and tested both males and females
males invest time and energy in their offspring, they under the three different sex ratios (Villarreal et al.,
face tradeoffs and may miss opportunities to mate. 2018). This study partly supported the switch point
This in turn could favor males that are choosier. theorem (Gowaty and Hubbell, 2009; Ah-­King and
Quite often females are the rarer sex. And often Gowaty, 2016). This idea explicitly suggests that
females also invest more in offspring as compared mating decisions by individuals should be flexible
with males. Consequently, the choosiness predicted based on ecology (Chapter 5). Another example is a
based on sex ratio (OSR) and investment in gametes study by Hayes using robotic crabs (Hayes et al.,
(Bateman gradient) will often show the same direc- 2016). Another example is a study in domestic
tionality and both may be used to explain the preva­ pigeons, Columba livia, where a male-­biased ASR
lence of female choice. However, as Kokko et al. was created during part of the breeding season.
(2012) argue, this does not always have to be the During that time divorces went up and more
case. If the OSR is balanced, one would predict rela- clutches failed (Marchesan, 2002). This is in agree-
tively weak sexual selection (Owens and Thompson, ment with general predictions that a male-­biased
1994). However, the sex ratio is only one of several sex ratio can lead to male behaviors such as harass-
factors to influence choosiness. ment of females or increased aggression between
There are two aspects of OSR and ASR that are— males with adverse effects on the females.
in my view—not well understood. The first one has This dynamic nature of OSR in mate choice has
to do with how we generate data on mate choice; been identified as an issue before (Hayes et al.,
the second has to do with partner quality. OSR and 2016), but is still mostly not incorporated into the
ASR can fluctuate considerably in nature and these design of choice experiments. As Hayes et al. (2016)
fluctuations can be important to the evolution or elaborate, the situation can actually be even more
expression of male mate choice. Yet, the common complex. Mating itself can influence the local OSR:
method to collect preference of choice data does not if an individual picks a mating partner, this mating
capture the variability we observe in OSRs. We
often, maybe typically even, measure mate prefer-
ences and choice in an experimental setting that
involves one chooser and two stimuli. This type of
choice test, a binary choice test, provides data on
mating preferences in many different contexts and
using most sensory channels (Rosenthal, 2017), Chooser
Stimulus 1 Stimulus 2
ranging from visual choice tests to acoustical and
chemical information. In a way, binary choice tests Figure 6.2 Cartoon of a binary choice test set-­up. The chooser can
are the workhorse of mate choice research pick between two stimuli that differ in the trait of interest, in this
(Figure 6.2). One consequence of this is, however, hypothetical example, size.

112 M A L E C H O I C E , F E M A L E C O M P E T I T I O N, A N D F E M A L E O R N A M E N T S I N S E X UA L S E L E C T I O N

partner is then removed from the mating pool for may not. In many other areas too, a more individu-
some time, thus altering the OSR. Just like males alized approach to mate choice would be useful.
dropping out to replenish their resources, this pro- Overall, however, what makes OSR as a concept
cess can change the sex ratio quickly, albeit useful and attractive to me is the fact that the OSR
­temporarily. Hayes et al. (2016) use a study on tun- can change quickly and reflects the ecology of the
gara frogs (Ryan, 1985) to illustrate this point: 20 given species at a local spatial scale and on a rela-
females encounter 100 calling males. If the females tively short temporal scale. Spatial and temporal
arrive asynchronously at the breeding site, the first variation in OSR or ASR is often detected in long-­
female that selects a male and removes him from term studies (Grant and Grant, 2019), and has also
the mating pool for that night alters the sex ratio to been reported for humans (Stone et al., 2007).
19 females to 99 males, and so on. For the 20th Generally, OSR can be used to make predictions
female the sex ratio is 1:81. To be clear, this scenario on competition and courtship behavior (de Jong
assumes, of course, that the males are removed et al., 2012; Myhre et al., 2012). If the sex ratio pre-
from the pool for at least as long as the 20 females dicts which sex is more likely to choose, changes in
are choosing. Such a pattern is, however, fairly com- sex ratio should predict changes in choosiness.
mon. It is especially the case in explosive breeding Hence, for situations where the OSR can signifi-
species. For example, in common toads from Europe cantly change or flip over the course of a reproductive
(Bufo bufo), males arrive earlier than females at any season or a limited area, flexible behavioral strategies
given breeding site. A female that arrives is typ­ic­ are predicted (Gowaty and Hubbell, 2009; Villarreal
al­ly in amplexus with one male for the remainder of et al., 2018). We have already briefly encountered an
the breeding season, which often lasts for several example for that in Chapter 1: male and female two-­
more days. Thus, early on the ratio of males to spotted gobies (Gobiusculus flavescens), a wide-
females may be less biased than later in the season. spread European species with a coastal distribution,
It seems that males respond to this in an adaptive can adjust their mating behavior based on seasonal
way and, early in the season when male density is changes in OSR (Forsgren et al., 2004; Amundsen,
low, they court females (Höglund, 1988). They 2018). These gobies have a short breeding season in
change their behavior later to scramble competition the northern part of their distribution and after
when male densities are much higher and the OSR about half of the season the OSR changes from
is more male-­biased (Davies and Halliday, 1978). male-­biased to female-­biased. With the change in
The second interesting issue with using OSR to OSR male and female behavior also switches:
characterize mating systems is that OSR looks females start the season being choosy, but then as
strictly at numbers. To a researcher measuring OSR, the OSR changes, they start courting males as those
all males and females are equal. Yet, clearly females become rare. And males start out courting and com-
and males also differ in quality. Consequently, peting but switch over to being choosy as they
removing individuals of different quality may influ- become increasingly rare. In this system females
ence the mating pool differently. If the most “at­tract­ also have ornaments, as discussed in Chapter 7.
ive” mates are removed from the mating pool first, What is especially important about this example is
the remaining individuals may adjust their prefer- that a relatively short-­term, yet predictable, tem­
ences. For example, if the top-­ranked males are out poral ecological change is altering the dynamics of
of the pool for a relatively short time—for example, mate choice. Importantly, behaviors typically asso-
because they are sperm depleted—it might be pref- ciated with one sex role are expressed by both sexes,
erable to females to wait for the top males to return, indicating again how flexible sexual behavior can
as compared with mating with other males. Even if be and that sex roles may not be a good descriptor
males in general are abundant, this is not true for in these cases.
high-­quality males. They are—by definition—rare. On a spatial scale there can also be population
From a male point of view, this creates an interest- variation for OSR. This means that under this scen­
ing scenario where, even with a male-­biased OSR, ario, the ability of males to choose may be expressed
some males may exercise choice, whereas others in some individuals or populations, but not in

M E C H A N I S M O F M A L E C H O I C E : S E X R AT I O S 113

­thers. In a widespread coastal fish from the

o sequence, under low-­ food conditions, males are
Mediterranean, the peacock blenny (Salaria pavo), choosy, and females compete for the few males that
males usually compete for females when breeding can provide a spermatophore (Simmons and
opportunities are abundant and the sex ratio is Bailey, 1990). Interestingly, as conditions become
male-­biased, but in the Ria Formosa mudflat in the more adverse not only male quality shows high
Portuguese Algarve, where breeding sites are rare, variance, but female quality too. This in turn inter-
the sex ratio changes and few males are ready to acts with male mate choice (Kvarnemo and
mate (Almada et al., 1994). As predicted based on Simmons, 1999). Furthermore, this example high-
ecology and OSR, males of that population are lights the intersection of male investment (Chapter
choosy and females compete for males (Almada 5): males become limiting for females because of
et al., 1995). Peacock blennies nest in natural rock their significant investment in their offspring via a
crevices throughout their Mediterranean range, but large spermatophore.
those are naturally absent in the soft mud flats of a Overall, these examples show how changes in the
stretch of coastline in Portugal, the Algarve. OSR can dynamically lead to adjustments in “sex
However, in the Algarve clam culturists use cored roles,” based on the underlying ecology and conse-
building bricks to delimit their fields (Almada et al., quently lead to male mate choice, whether on a spe-
1994). This provides a substitute for the rock crev- cies level or much more flexible on a population
ices males use elsewhere throughout their range. level. It is noteworthy again that male choice is
Nonetheless, in the Algarve usable nesting sites for expressed immediately when the conditions are
males remain rare and become a limiting resource. favorable. However, in general, surprisingly few
This leads to strong competition for nesting sites examples are known where OSR-­based male mate
among males, but also changes the OSR to female-­ choice is found (Chapter 2), even when we include
biased and allows males to be choosy. Thus, it is a the sex-­role reversed species. Some examples may
recent human change to the habitat—eco­ logic­
al be overlooked, but overall it seems that being rare,
engineering—that allows peacock blennies to breed especially locally and for a short time, is not enough
there. The breeding behavior, however, apparently to allow for the evolution of male mate choice.
adjusted very quickly from female choice to male
choice and from male courtship to female court-
6.3.1 What influences the OSR?
ship. This suggests again that male and female
strategies are more flexible than often assumed. In The OSR is influenced by many factors and in turn
another potential example, in the Neotropical frog, influences many others. Considering these factors
Thoropa taophora, a somewhat simi­ lar ecological may not seem directly important to understanding
­scenario was reported. In this species males also the connection between OSR and male mate choice,
monopolize rare breeding sites and show site fidel- but because a female-­biased OSR may select for
ity (de Sá et al., 2020). Whether males are choosy, male mate choice, knowing how biases in OSR arise
however, is not clear yet. can be important. For example, combined with
Yet another example of the important role of the information on the PRR, the OSR allows predictions
sex ratio—this time related to male investment—is of the direction and intensity of sexual selection
provided by an Australian bush cricket. In (Kvarnemo and Ahnesjö, 1996). Differential mortal-
Kawanaphila nartee, males provide a costly, energy-­ ity of the sexes is one of the many factors that influ-
rich spermatophore to females (Gwynne et al., 1998; ence the OSR. In sailfin mollies (Poecilia latipinna), a
Gwynne and Simmons, 1990). Under conditions livebearing fish from Florida, sex-­specific predation
where males find abundant food, they have no was detected against a complex background of
problem providing a spermatophore to females and mortality not related to predators (Trexler et al.,
the OSR is male-­biased. In harsher conditions, how- 1992, 1994). In these fishes females are on average
ever, the OSR flips because fewer males are able to bigger than males, and are preferred by some pred-
forage well enough to obtain sufficient energy to ators, while others seem to prefer males (Trexler
build a spermatophore (Simmons, 1992). As a con- et al., 1994). Generally, however, males, with their

114 M A L E C H O I C E , F E M A L E C O M P E T I T I O N, A N D F E M A L E O R N A M E N T S I N S E X UA L S E L E C T I O N

showy ornamental traits and behaviors, are gener- the other sex is predicted. With males often reach-
ally more likely to attract predators and be eaten ing maturity earlier, again a male-­biased sex ratio is
(Sommer, 2000; Boukal et al., 2008; Han et al., 2015). predicted. It should be noted, however, that in
Even in a cave environment, fish predation by a many species maturation takes a long time; in
giant water bug, Belostoma sp., can be male-­biased humans this is a multi-­ year process (Jones and
(Tobler et al., 2008). This is surprising as males are Lopez, 2013). Furthermore, not all individuals of
on average smaller in the prey, a cave-­ dwelling one sex have to mature at the same time. In some
form of the livebearing fish Poecilia mexicana. livebearing fishes of the family Poeciliidae, for
Somewhat surprisingly, this example of male-­ ex­ample, some males mature smaller (and younger),
biased predation is not associated with risky male while others mature larger (and older) (Ryan et al.,
behavior. Finally, humans can be an agent of sex-­ 1990; Schartl et al., 1993; Erbelding-­Denk et al., 1994;
specific mortality by targeting predominantly males Ptacek and Travis, 1996).
in hunting and harvesting (Clark and Tait, 1982). Finally, the sexes often differ in how long a re­pro­
Despite male specific predation, both ASR and duct­ive event takes them out of the population
OSR often count more males than females. Also in before they can breed again. The outcome of this is
humans mortality is male-­biased, in this case prob- heavily influenced by which sex is providing care
ably owing to risky behaviors shown by adolescent for the offspring. In the case of female mammals, for
men, leading to accidents, homicide, and suicides example, this would include at a minimum the time
(Mohler and Earls, 2001). Some of these behaviors of pregnancy and lactation. If males are the sole
may be meant to impress potential mates providers of parental care, the same reasoning
(Pianka, 2000). However, men at any age are more applies to them, but in birds and mammals, they
likely to die than women (Case and Paxson, 2005). may seek extra reproductive events on the side.
Therefore, it seems counterintuitive that sex ratios This is not possible for females as they have to wait
are often male-­ biased although males are more until they ovulate again in many species; the sex
likely to die. However, there are several mech­an­ ratio can also be influenced by immigration or emi-
isms that can account for this, including earlier mat- gration of individuals. On a very short timeline, it
uration of males. Aside from risky behavior can change quickly in fission–fusion societies.
associated with male courtship and mating, orna- Alternatively, after a loss of offspring, for ex­ample
ments per se are thought to make males more vul- owing to clutch loss, females can return quickly to
nerable to predation. Ornamentation in females the pool of reproductive individuals. This mech­an­
might also increase predation (Chapter 7). ism is thought to be behind infant killing in some
In addition, the sexes may show different pat- species such as lions and several other species
terns in migration and dispersal. Sex-­specific migra- (Pusey and Packer, 1994). Males kill the offspring of
tion is very common in birds, often with the males other males to induce estrus in the females and sire
migrating earlier (Briedis et al., 2019). Interestingly, their own offspring. Thus, effectively males are
sex-­specific migration has also been suggested as shortening the timeout period of the females to the
the cause for male-­biased sex ratios in rural East males’ benefit.
Germany, where women were more likely to leave Another important aspect in this context is how
after the German unification in 1990 (Leibert, 2016). synchronized the sexes are in their reproduction. If
Sex-­specific dispersal is also common, with many both sexes are ready to mate at the same time, the
driving factors behind it (Li and Kokko, 2019). For OSR will be relatively balanced, but if individuals
humans (Homo sapiens) variation in ASR and disper- of one sex are asynchronous in their availability, an
sal of the globally rarer sex has been suggested unbalanced OSR will result (Kappeler, 2017). One
as important in the evolution of sociality (Kramer consequence of a more biased sex ratio is usually
et al., 2017). intense competition among the more common sex,
As I said above, differences in the time to reach- sometimes with negative feedback for the less com-
ing sexual maturity may also impact the OSR. If one mon sex: if for example males are more common,
sex takes longer to develop, an overabundance of they may evolve behaviors not only to compete

M E C H A N I S M O F M A L E C H O I C E : S E X R AT I O S 115

with other males, but also to thwart female choice, 2007). The direction of the skew was more in agree-
such as sexual harassment. ment with a scenario in which this manipulation is
The OSR may also be impacted by climate change, driven by natural selection, not sexual selection.
as was suggested for fishes (Geffroy and Wedekind, Under sexual selection and a male-­biased sex ratio,
2020). This is especially pertinent for species with it would be beneficial to produce more daughters,
temperature-­dependent sex de­ter­min­ation (TSD), assuming they would have many males to choose
like many turtles. Theoretically, rising temperatures from, but Warner and Shine (2007) found that more
should drive the sex ratios in the direction of the sex males were produced. This can be explained by
that is produced at higher temperatures. This was assuming that males have a survival benefit and it
found for sea turtles, but the temperature at the pays to produce more sons. In a cichlid fish,
nesting site would have to rise by 5°C to lead to Sarotherodon galilaeus, a relative of the widespread
population extinction (Hays et al., 2017). African genus Tilapia from Lake Kinneret in Israel,
both sexes can show mouthbrooding in the same
population. Brooding males were more likely to
6.3.2 What is influenced by the OSR?
abandon their brood in an experiment that created a
Sex ratios in general have important effects on female-­biased sex ratio, probably owing to more
popu­la­tions, but most of them are not the focus of opportunities to remate. Females showed a similar
this book. They are viewed as an organizing principle pattern and were more likely to desert a brood
for mating systems (Shuster and Wade, 2003). under a male-­biased sex ratio (Balshine-­Earn and
One example shows how sex ratios, both OSR and Earn, 1998). In a pipefish from Europe, Syngnathus
ASR, can be important for the social environment, typhle, choosiness of males was also dependent
which I have already identified as critical: a study on OSR: in a female-­biased situation, males pre-
using mice (Mus musculus), shows that high male ferred larger females in a binary choice test
density can trigger adaptive female stress, which (Berglund, 1994). This is the normal situation for
leads females to upregulate the number of daugh- this sex-­role reversed fish. In an experiment, how-
ters (Firman, 2020). These daughters will then likely ever, males were given the impression that the sex
experience an environment with many males to ratio was male-­biased, which led to a loss of the
choose from. Generally, strongly male-­biased sex preference and random mating (Berglund, 1994).
ratios are likely to increase sexual conflict, includ- This is an especially important finding because this
ing sexual harassment and male mating strategies also indicates that choosers can adjust their choosi-
that attempt to thwart female choice. In addition, ness on a local level and at short notice, including in
the presence of many males in the population can sex-­role reversed species.
lead to increased male competition, and alternative Overall, and much simplified, a male-­biased OSR
mating behaviors (Oliveira et al., 2008), including is not conducive to the evolution of male mate
polyandry. On the population level, male-­ biased choice in general, although a few high-­ quality
sex ratios also increase the asymmetry in re­pro­duct­ males may still be choosy.
ive success as fewer males actually reproduce.
However, in a study using the European common
6.4 ASR
lizard, Lacerta vivipara, a manipulation of the ASR
revealed that sexual selection on male size was not One problem with trying to capture the direction
predicted by ASR, suggesting that the costs of and strength of sexual selection in just one number
breeding were important, but not OSR (Fitze and Le is that nonbreeding individuals can play important
Galliard, 2008). roles without breeding. Some may serve as help-
Another response to changes in OSR can be ers or play a role in the social environment in
adjusting parental investment. For example, an which mate choice happens. Additional, non-
Australian species of lizard, Amphibolurus murica- breeding males may for example influence mating
tus, was found to respond to biased OSRs by modi- by sexually harassing females, a very common
fying their offspring sex ratio (Warner and Shine, behavior.

116 M A L E C H O I C E , F E M A L E C O M P E T I T I O N, A N D F E M A L E O R N A M E N T S I N S E X UA L S E L E C T I O N

The ASR has been suggested as driving the evo- 6.6 Further reading
lution of mating systems in birds (Donald, 2007)
and beyond also in other taxa (Székely et al., 2014), A general and accessible overview of OSR is pro-
including the evolution of sex-­role reversed mating vided by Kvarnemo and Ahnesjö (1996) and a good
systems (Liker et al., 2013). The association of sex introduction to ASR by Székely et al. (2014). An
roles and ASR is strong in shorebirds and predicts interesting review on sex ratios was published by
whether or not males should provide for offspring Jennions and Fromhage (2017). A review of flexibil-
or not. This makes ASR a viable alternative to other ity of mate choice based on ecological conditions
explanations for sex-­role reversal (Liker et al., 2013) was published by Ah-­King and Gowaty (2016).
that are based on mating effort and male invest-
ment. Furthermore, ASR has been found to have a
role in mate choice in Darwin’s finches (Grant and
6.7 References
Grant, 2019). In these birds from the Galapagos AH-KING, M. & GOWATY, P. A. 2016. A conceptual
Islands, harsh environmental conditions and sex-­ review of mate choice: stochastic demography, within-
specific mortality can lead to a male-­ biased sex sex phenotypic plasticity, and individual flexibility.
ratio, providing females the opportunity to choose Ecology and Evolution, 6, 4607–42.
and also secure multiple males and show polyan-
Using potential reproductive rates to predict mating
dry. In addition the number of extra-­pair matings competition among individuals qualified to mate.
and matings with another species—and hence Behavioral Ecology, 12, 397–401.
hybridization—increased (Grant and Grant, 2019). ALMADA, V. C., GONÇALVES, E. J., OLIVEIRA, R. F., &
However, the importance of ASR is not universally SANTOS, A. J. 1995. Courting females: ecological con-
accepted (Jennions and Fromhage, 2017). straints affect sex roles in a natural population of the
Overall, maybe the biggest practical concern with blenniid fish Salaria pavo. Animal Behaviour, 1995, 1125–7.
OSR and ASR is that they are not easily quantified. ALMADA, V. C., GONÇALVES, E. J., SANTOS, A. J., &
BAPTISTA, C. 1994. Breeding ecology and nest aggrega-
In many species one or both sexes are cryptic, mak-
tions in a population of Salaria pavo (Pisces: Blenniidae)
ing reliable counts difficult. If only one sex is con-
in an area where nest sites are very scarce. Journal of Fish
spicuous it is possible that some bias in counting Biology, 45, 819–30.
may occur. In many species, it can be hard to deter- AMUNDSEN, T. 2018. Sex roles and sexual selection: les-
mine which individuals are at least potentially sons from a dynamic model system. Current Zoology, 64,
reproducing, especially if some individuals are 363–92.
nonbreeding and may be missed in counts easily. BALSHINE-EARN, S. & EARN, D. J. 1998. On the evolu-
Nonetheless, sex ratios are important for our under- tionary pathway of parental care in mouth-brooding
standing of the ecology and evolution of mate cichlid fishes. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London—
Series B: Biological Sciences, 265, 2217–22.
BERGLUND, A. 1994. The operational sex ratio influences
choosiness in a pipefish. Behavioral Ecology, 5, 254–8.
6.5 Short summary BOUKAL, D. S., BEREC, L., & KŘ IVAN, V. 2008. Does sex-
selective predation stabilize or destabilize predator-
Most importantly from my point of view, the OSR is prey dynamics? PLoS ONE, 3, e2687.
fairly dynamic and can change quickly and locally. BRIEDIS, M., BAUER, S., ADAMÍK, P., ALVES, J. A.,
This makes it likely that choosiness based on OSR is COSTA, J. S., EMMENEGGER, T., GUSTAFSSON, L.,
not fixed but can be modified rather quickly. KOLEČEK, J., LIECHTI, F., & MEIER, C. M. 2019. A full
annual perspective on sex-biased migration timing in
In essence, we are saying that if males are rare,
long-distance migratory birds. Proceedings of the Royal
they might benefit from being choosy. What makes
Society of London—Series B: Biological Sciences, 286,
this argument different from the others we looked 20182821.
at before is that sex ratio can be a very dynamic CASE, A. & PAXSON, C. 2005. Sex differences in morbid-
population parameter. This suggests that prefer- ity and mortality. Demography, 42, 189–214.
ences based on the sex ratio should not be fixed CLARK, C. W. & TAIT, D. E. 1982. Sex-selective harvesting
strategies, but flexible. of wildlife populations. Ecological Modelling, 14, 251–60.

M E C H A N I S M O F M A L E C H O I C E : S E X R AT I O S 117

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Ornaments in Females

7.1 Brief outline of the chapter mutual mate choice. This will also be addressed
separately (Chapter 9).
In this chapter I want to explore the role of orna­ Males have traits that are considered ornaments, or
mental traits in females. They pose a bit of a conun­ “conspicuous secondary sex traits” (Andersson,
drum, as they are not really predicted to exist—at 1994), which are often or mainly under sexual selec­
least until recently. From a simple sexual selection tion, but can be counter-­selected by natural selec­
point of view, female ornaments should be selected tion. In other words, these traits are costly to males
against by males because inconspicuous females and can best be understood if we assume the cost is
suffer less predation and are more likely to care suc­ balanced by an advantage to males via sexual selec­
cessfully for their offspring. Yet, countless species tion. This connects the concept of ornaments tightly
show ornaments in females. Are they adaptations of to the idea of traditional sex roles and it only works
some kind or just the side effect of a genetic cor­rel­ if we assume that the bearer of ornaments is some­
ation? And what information do female ornaments what dispensable. To cite a classic example, male
convey to males? peacocks risk being eaten by a fox, but those that
survive have more offspring. In a way, males are
7.2 Introduction dispensable. This is not the case for females, which
By now I have hopefully established that males often in some species take care of the young and are not
choose their mates, as do females. Consequently, dispensable. Consequently, arguing that male mate
females might be expected to have ornaments that choice drives female ornaments is difficult.
evolve under male mate choice and compete for A somewhat related phenomenon might be the
males whenever this increases their fitness. However, puzzling fact that males sometimes harm the females
actually ornamentation in females is not that easy to they mate with (Chapman et al., 1995), which is
understand. Females are predicted to benefit from found for example in Drosophila. In this species,
being inconspicuous, and males should benefit males transfer components in their seminal fluid
from preferring dull females. Yet, females of many that are costly to females. This has been interpreted
species have traits that must be considered orna­ as negative pleiotropic effects linked to other traits
mental. What can explain this? One general idea is that are otherwise adaptive (Morrow et al., 2003),
that female ornaments play a role in female–female but the bottom line seems to be that males could be
competition, which I will cover in more detail in freer to evolve costly ornaments because they are
Chapter 8. In the current chapter I will instead not crucially important to raising the offspring.
focus on female ornamentation. As I argued in Females, on the other hand are in many species
Chapter 1, male mate choice, female ornamenta­ indispensable to the offspring. This would predict
tion, and female competition interact and influence that females should be selected to survive, but not
each other. Another consequence of the co-­existence to have ornaments. Yet, in principle the same mech­
of male and female choice is that these processes anisms identified for the evolution of ornaments in
happen at the same time and lead to some form of males may operate in females (Clutton-­Brock, 2009).

120 M A L E C H O I C E , F E M A L E C O M P E T I T I O N, A N D F E M A L E O R N A M E N T S I N S E X UA L S E L E C T I O N

Clearly, there are ample examples of “conspicu­ evolution in females (Lyon and Montgomerie, 2012;
ous secondary sex traits” (Andersson, 1994) or Tobias et al., 2012).
“decorative traits” (Amundsen, 2000) in females.
This is a somewhat serious conflict between a gen­ 7.3 Potential origins of female
eral prediction and reality. Intuitively, females
should be better off investing the energy spent on
an ornament in their offspring, and this is captured Although their function and origin may not be
by the different Bateman gradients found in males entirely clear, there can be no argument that females
and females (see Chapter 2) (Bateman, 1948). In of many species have traits that look like ornaments
principle the same argument would hold for males, or showy traits. Many bird species for example,
but here we understand that males need to adver­ show spectacular color ornaments. Consider the
tise their quality to females. Females, on the other bright yellow crest in males of the sulphur-­crested
hand, should be drab and inconspicuous, but often cockatoo (Cacatua galerita). The crest stands out in
they are not. What if ornaments evolve in females this all-­white bird. It seems reasonable to assert that
because they too benefit from advertising to the the crest is an ornament and might have evolved
choosing sex, in this case males? Consequently, if under sexual selection. This assertion, however, is
females advertise with their ornaments, the fitness made more complicated by the fact that females
gain of doing so must be greater than the cost of have a similar crest. Indeed, in many bird species
signaling (see Chapter 1). This is not easy to demon­ both sexes are very colorful, but monomorphic.
strate and often we still know little beyond the Much to the frustration of ornithologists and bird­
existence of what looks like an ornament in females. ers, for example most seabirds are monomorphic,
Even studies of male responses to such ornaments yet often quite colorful. Take the puffin, Fratercula
are rather rare. And for such studies one could arctica, a very colorful bird, with an especially
predict that males should reject showy females,
­ brightly colored beak. If one would see only one
as they might be less likely to survive to actually exemplar, one would be tempted to ascribe the
raise the offspring. But of course, the ornament colorful beak to sexual selection, but the sexes are so
observed may not only play a role in mate choice, similar that a statistical technique, discriminatory
but also double as an armament in female competi­ function analysis, is needed to help sex the birds
tion (Chapter 8). (Bond et al., 2016). There are differences—mainly in
Several hypotheses have to be considered regard­ size—between males and females, but they are very
ing the evolution and adaptive value of ornaments subtle (Doutrelant et al., 2013). Puffin beaks also
in females and they are discussed in the sections have a fluorescent color component to them (Dunning
below. First, they may not really be ornaments and et al., 2018) that humans completely miss, because
have evolved under natural selection. Males and we are unable to see in the ultraviolet (UV) spec­
females may experience different selection regimes trum. But this UV fluorescence is also mono­morph­ic.
leading to differences between males and females In general, as more species are investigated, subtle
that are not related to male mate choice. Second, differences between the sexes may be discovered in
there might be some genetic correlation between an more species (Morales et al., 2020), but overall, a
ornament expressed in males and a version of that good number of bird species are monomorphic.
in females. In this case, the ornament may not be Similar patterns are found in other groups, as unre­
advantageous to the female, but females may still lated as penguins (Figure 7.1) and shorebirds: the
bear some of the cost of displaying the ornamental sexes are monomorphic, but colorful. One example
trait. Third, males may favor ornaments in females is the gentoo penguin, Pygoscelis papua, which has a
and cause sexual selection on females, akin to the red beak and a white stripe on the head.
sexual selection caused by female choice (Clutton- In another species of penguin, the yellow-­eyed
Brock, 2009), but probably weaker. Finally, social penguin (Megadyptes antipodes), which is also mono­
selection (West-­Eberhard, 1979, 1983; West-­Eberhard, morph­ic, the color of the eye was positively cor­rel­
1989) provides a framework for understanding trait ated with parental ability (Massaro et al., 2003). One


forest habitat. Unless this actually is the function of

the red chin, it is difficult to imagine what the bene­
fit of being so conspicuous is for a small bird.
Indeed, in birds the phylogenetic mix of patterns
is amazing. In many ducks, males are highly orna­
mented while females are relatively dull and incon­
spicuous, and presumably less detectable by their
predators. They may, however, have some traits
that resemble ornamental traits in males, like a few
blue feathers in female mallards (Anas platyrhyn-
chos) (Figure 7.3). In the closely related geese and
swans, most species are quite monomorphic, but
Figure 7.1 Gentoo penguin (Pygoscelis papua) (photo credit: Ingo can be surprisingly colorful like the Egyptian goose
Schlupp). (Alopochen aegyptiaca) or have conspicuous mark­
ings like the bar-­ headed goose (Anser indicus).
Again, this is not to say that there is absolutely no
sexual dimorphism, as in bar-­ headed geese, for
example, males are slightly larger (Lamprecht, 1986),
although similar in coloration. Overall, however, if
both sexes appear to be relatively cryptic, most
likely this is because of natural selection, and easily
explained. Similarly, in cases where males are color­
ful and females not, we invoke sexual selection,
often via female choice. If males lack ornamenta­
tion, but females are colorful, this may be associated
with sex-­ role reversal such as in Phalaropes. The
cases that require explanation are the ones where
both sexes are ornamented and especially cases
where females show ornamental traits unique to
them. As a mechanism for dichromatism loss of pig­
mentation owing to small genetic differences has
been suggested (Gazda et al., 2020). So far, we have
only considered bird examples, but similar patterns
are found in many other taxa.
Before we turn to a more detailed analysis, how­
ever, we need to consider a few corollaries. First, the
examples presented so far are based on human per­
ception. And most examples include only visual
signals, ignoring all other sensory systems. By
doing this we run the risk of arriving at wrong con­
Figure 7.2 Jamaican tody (Todus todus).
clusions. Even considering only visual communica­
Source: Wikimedia Commons (
File:Todus_todus_cropped.jpg; photo credit: Dominic Sheroni. tion, we know that most species have visual systems
Reproduced under Creative Commons Attribution-­Share Alike 2.0 that are different from human vision. In birds a key
Generic license). difference is that most species are tetrachromatic
with four color cones (Vorobyev et al., 1998) allow­
further example is the Jamaican tody (Todus todus), ing them to perceive the large number of colorful
where both sexes sport a bright red chin and beak bird plumages (Stoddard and Prum, 2011), whereas
(Figure 7.2). They are easily spotted in their typical humans have three cones. One of the color cones in

122 M A L E C H O I C E , F E M A L E C O M P E T I T I O N, A N D F E M A L E O R N A M E N T S I N S E X UA L S E L E C T I O N

Figure 7.3 Mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) (photo credit: Ingo Schlupp).

birds is sensitive in the UV spectrum, a part of the spectrum between frequencies of 10 and 400 nm
spectrum that humans cannot perceive. In other and many organisms respond to UV light. Humans,
words, it is very possible that some of the species for example, cannot see in the UV but respond to
we consider to be monomorphic have differences UV with an increase of melanin in skin cells when
that are just not visible to humans. Another ex­ample stimulated by UV. Many other animals can see in
has been reported in a jumping spider, where only the UV. Perhaps best known are the classic experi­
males show UV reflectance (Lim and Li, 2006). ments by Nobel Laureate Karl von Frisch on bees
Furthermore, color needs to be considered in an (Munz, 2016). But well before von Frisch, actually
ecological and sensory context. A yellow reef fish in 1882, UV vision in insects had been reported
may appear very colorful to humans when seen in (Lubbock, 1882; Clark, 1997). That some vertebrates
a glass aquarium, but may be perfectly camou­ have UV vision has also been known for a long
flaged in its natural environment, depending on time, based on experiments by Schiemenz on min­
the visual conditions there. The environment of nows (Phoxinus phoxinus) (Schiemenz, 1924). This
our reef fish might be dominated by yellow corals made it likely that UV vision was present in other
(Marshall, 2000), making bright yellow perfectly vertebrates as well. Yet, it took a long time until UV
cryptic. There is an interesting story associated with vision in birds was discovered by two groups inde­
the discovery of UV vision in birds. In a review pendently in May (Wright, 1972) and October of
paper Bennett remarked in 1994 that “almost with­ 1972 (Huth and Burkhardt, 1972). One study, by
out exception, such studies have ignored the major Wright, used pigeons (Wright, 1972); the other, by
differences between human and avian color vision” Huth and Burkhardt, a hummingbird (Huth and
(Bennett et al., 1994). Ultraviolet light occurs in the Burkhardt, 1972). UV vision was detected using


elegant behavioral experiments; in Wright’s case visual contrast in various situations, Heinsohn et al.
much to the surprise of the author. However, these (2005) found that males are conspicuous to other
important findings were unknown to or ignored by males when it matters, but cryptic to raptors. Male
scientists in behavioral and sensory ecology and color appears to be a compromise of multiple func­
many behavioral experiments were conducted on tions. It seems as if the scarcity of nest cavities led to
color-­ based mate choice without including UV a polygyandrous mating system with female com­
vision in the experimental design (Bennett et al., petition for nesting opportunities (Heinsohn, 2008).
1994). Eventually, this was criticized as problematic Females appear to have evolved to be more colorful
and anthropomorphic in a seminal review in 1994 because they spend most of their time inside a
(Bennett et al., 1994) and since then studies have nest cavity, and their color may be important in
taken a more animal-­ focused approach (Tanaka, intra- and interspecific competition for nesting cav­
2015). This story leads to several conclusions: first it ities. But a role for male or female choice appears to
is important to pay attention to what colleagues in be unknown (LeBas, 2006). Such female competi­
neighboring disciplines publish, hard as it may be. tion is probably widespread—not just for nesting
A second conclusion is that findings will be ignored opportunities—and will be discussed in more detail
if not published in the lingua franca of the time. The in Chapter 8.
paper by Huth and Burkhardt was published in a Similarly, physical differences between habitats
prominent journal, but in German. At that time can select for differences in ornaments. In a fish
English had already replaced German as the lingua from the Amazon region, the sailfin tetra (Crenuchus
franca of science. spilurus), differences in the light conditions in dif­
In essence, color—and any other potentially ferent types of water predict the degree of ornamen­
ornamental trait—can be under selection for many tation (Pires et al., 2019). Taken together, this shows
different reasons and there is no a priori reason to that sexual dimorphism is often, but not always
assume that such selection has to work uniformly driven by sexual selection. Conversely, a sup­
on both sexes. Indeed, dichromatism can evolve posed­ly classic example for crypsis, the ability to
either by males losing color or females gaining color change color in chameleons, may have a component
(Price and Birch, 1996). In other words, natural of sexual selection. In a group of chameleons, the
selection and not only sexual selection can lead African dwarf chameleons (Bradypodion) signaling
to differences between the sexes (Badyaev and in a sexual selection context has been found to drive
Hill, 2003). An especially good example is provided the evolution of color change, but not crypsis
by another parrot, Eclectus roratus, which has a very (Stuart-­Fox and Moussalli, 2008).
distinct sex difference in coloration, but in this With regard to color, many other functions and
case—at least to the human eye—the males appear resulting selection pressures are known, including
green, and more cryptic, whereas the females are aposematism, mimicry, and crypsis, as well as color
bright red and blue and very conspicuous. This being an indicator of parasites and health in general
kind of reversed dichromatism is often associated (Hamilton and Zuk, 1982). A similar multitude of
with sex-­role reversal, but this is not the case here adaptive functions can be assumed for other traits,
(Heinsohn et al., 2005). Instead it appears that males as well. Color is hardly unique in this way. All of
and females are under completely different selec­ these functions, of course, can drive selection simul­
tion pressures leading to their coloration (Heinsohn taneously. Just one example is the role of dichro­
et al., 2005). This is also found in other parrots and matism relative to nest predation (Martin and
this guides us to the more general conclusion that Badyaev, 1996). Another example is the finding that
ecology is driving this mating system. This means bird coloration seems to follow large-­scale biogeo­
that the underlying genetic architecture for col­or­ graphical rules, which predict that birds are darker
ation is not coupled and evolves independently. in warmer and wetter areas (Gloger’s rule) but also
There seems to be no genetic correlation. Modeling in colder areas (Bogert’s rule) (Delhey et al., 2019).
how male and female are seeing each other and In a few cases females have evolved to resemble
how they are seen by potential predators based on male phenotypes. In a damselfly from Europe,

124 M A L E C H O I C E , F E M A L E C O M P E T I T I O N, A N D F E M A L E O R N A M E N T S I N S E X UA L S E L E C T I O N

Ischnura elegans, for example, some females resem­ Bennett, 1999), and suggests a role for social selec­
ble males, likely to reduce sexual harassment tion. As Price pointed out, sexual dimorphism is
(Cordero et al., 1998; Svensson and Abbott, 2005; just a measure of difference between sexes and one
Gosden and Svensson, 2009). The opposite case, has to be careful about making assumptions how
males benefiting from resembling females, is much this difference evolved (Price, 2015) (Figure 7.4). As
more common, usually as a strategy to avoid male illustrated above for instance with the parrot
competition and obtain sneaky matings (Oliveira ex­ample, many possible scenarios for this di­morph­
et al., 2008). In essence this leaves us with multiple ism do not involve sexual selection, and natural
pathways for interpreting male and female orna­ selection and social selection may play a role. Price
mentation (Figure 7.4). (2015) also remarks that our understanding of male
Female song is another example of ornamental and female song may reflect yet another bias, this
traits in females—again looking mainly at birds. time for studying temperate passerine birds, many
Somewhat overlooked for a long time (Riebel, 2003; of which are indeed dimorphic for song (Price, 2015).
Odom et al., 2014), it is increasingly clear that Another example might be female song in black­
females of many bird species sing. Although I focus birds (Whittingham et al., 1992, , 1996). In at least
on birds here, I assume that female song is also one species, the Australian magpie (Gymnorhina
found in other taxa that communicate acoustically, tibicen dorsalis), females actually sing more than
such as for example whales, frogs, and insects. males (Dutour and Ridley, 2020). In a wider context,
There are some intriguing examples from female the fact that we overlooked female song and its
fishes that also sing (Bussmann et al., 2020). The potential functions for a long time might be another
sheer existence of female song makes it unlikely example of gendered science (Ahnesjö et al. 2020).
that all male song has evolved solely under sexual An overview of female bird ornaments can be found
selection. Generally, more and more studies find in Doutrelant et al. (2020).
that females of many birds actually do sing. In fact, With these cautionary notes in mind I want to
the long ongoing debate about the functional role of discuss a few scenarios that could explain the
duetting has highlighted the role of female song in evolution of female ornaments.
many species (Langmore, 1998; Langmore and
7.4 Males exercise sexual selection and
females evolve ornaments
If males are choosy, they may induce the evolution
of ornaments in females (Clutton-­ Brock, 2009).
sexes monomorphic sexes dimorphic This would in essence mirror the process known to
both cryptic males showy/females cryptic select for ornaments in males via female choice.
Natural selection Sexual and natural selection
Consequently, females should advertise their qual­
ity to the choosing males. But this might create a
tradeoff for the females. The investment in their
ornament is lost as an investment in offspring or
other traits, raising the question of how ornaments
evolve (see Chapter 1). In principle, of course,
sexes monomorphic sexes dimorphic
a similar argument could be made for males, but in
males and females showy males cryptic/females showy
many species their contribution beyond sperm is
Social selection Social selection small. Consequently, females are predicted not to
have ornaments, or very weak ones. Given this the­
oretical prediction, it is somewhat surprising that
females of many species have quite conspicuous
traits that could be ornaments and presumably
Figure 7.4 Possible explanations for the origin of female ornaments. come with some cost. In this context, ornaments


that are found in females only, and not in males, Consequently, in species with internal fertilization
are of particular interest. Testing this hypothesis is and more than a single offspring, mixed broods are
essentially done in the same way we test the evolu­ possible and often occur. In many primates, where
tion of male ornaments: preference tests can estab­ typically a single offspring is born and they exist in
lish which traits are under selection and ideally the multi-­male/multi-­female mating systems, females
fitness consequences of choice are also investigated. advertise their ovulation via well-­developed genital
In a review of 43 studies in vertebrates looking at swellings. According to one of several evolutionary
the relationship of offspring quality and ornamen­ hypotheses (reviewed by Zinner et al., 2004), these
tation, Nordeide and colleagues (2013) found a swellings have apparently evolved into an impre­
somewhat mixed pattern: 20 studies reported a cise signal that provides males with some, but not
posi­tive relationship (potentially rendering the perfect information (the graded signal hypothesis)
ornament an honest signal), 9 showed a negative (Nunn, 1999). The expression of the swellings is
relationship, and 14 found no relationship. The under hormonal control (Heistermann et al., 1996;
sample was strongly biased toward studies using Dixson, 2015) and interestingly olfactory signals do
birds (Nordeide et al., 2013), but the findings are not seem to play a role in detecting ovulation
telling nonetheless: there is no clear pattern and we (Zinner et al., 2004). This leads to uncertainty
may be missing something important about the among males over paternity, which may serve to
evolution of ornaments in females. Maybe mothers impede male harm to offspring that they did not
with stronger ornaments have offspring—male and sire. If a female copulates with multiple males
female—that are more attractive to their mates. This around the time of ovulation, none of the males
would be an extended version of the “sexy son” knows exactly who has sired the offspring if the sig­
hypothesis (Prokop et al., 2012; et al., 2015), and nal is vague and ambiguous. If the ovulation adver­
could be dubbed the “sexy daughter” hypothesis. tisement was quite precise, the male that mated
One interesting trait that is found only in females with the female right before ovulation could be cer­
is the genital swelling in some primates, such as tain to be the father. Consequently, if there is a
chimpanzees and several baboons. This is not only chance (a probability larger than zero, but much
a fascinating example of a female trait that males smaller than one) that any given male of a group
may use to obtain information about a potential could be the father, the offspring is better protected
mate, it also highlights the complexity of the co- against male aggression or infanticide. At the same
evolution of trait and preference. Motherhood is time the male who is most likely to be the father is
certain in all livebearing species. The individual also likely to invest in the offspring. Sperm longev­
that gives birth to the offspring is the mother. This is ity in the female genital tract will also contribute to
such a strong relationship that it is even codified in this uncertainty. This is different for example in
law, for example in paragraph §1591 BGB of German lions (Panthera leo), where males taking over a pride
law. This is not an unimportant distinction as in of females can be certain that none of the offspring
egg-­laying species a female can be duped into present at the time of takeover is theirs. Males then
investing into offspring that are not her own. This usually kill the young offspring, thereby inducing
is exemplified in the many studies of inter- and estrus in the females of that group (Pusey and
intraspecific brood-­parasitism, such as egg-­dumping Packer, 1994). In humans, ovulation is concealed
in water pipits (Reyer et al., 1997), geese (Weigmann and evidence for the ability of men to recognize
and Lamprecht, 1991), some insects (Loeb, 2003), ovulation in women is circumstantial (Buss, 2015).
and many fishes with parental care (Taborsky, 1994). In other primates, such as baboons, there is some
But in all livebearing species motherhood was evidence that the size of swellings correlates with
always perfectly clear until the arrival of re­pro­duct­ female quality (Domb and Pagel, 2001), but this
ive medicine and surrogate mothers in humans, argument is disputed by others (Zinner et al., 2002).
and only in humans. Fatherhood, on the other side, Phylogenies show that a majority of anthropoid
is not, as captured in the old Latin proverb “Pater primates have female genital swellings (Sillén-
semper incertus est” (fatherhood is always uncertain). Tullberg and Moller, 1993). They have evolved and

126 M A L E C H O I C E , F E M A L E C O M P E T I T I O N, A N D F E M A L E O R N A M E N T S I N S E X UA L S E L E C T I O N

been lost several times and it appears that the with them (Patricelli et al., 2003). In at least one spe­
absence of swellings is associated with the absence cies of bowerbird the bowers are constructed in
of male–male competition. There is also con­sid­er­ such a way that they use an optical illusion, the
able variability in the trait and how precisely it indi­ Ebbinghaus illusion, to attract females (Kelley and
cates ovulation between closely related species like Endler, 2012). Interestingly, although some male
bonobos (Heistermann et al., 1996; Douglas et al., bowerbirds are strongly ornamented, in other spe­
2016) and chimpanzees (Deschner et al., 2003, 2004). cies, males are relatively drab, and their ornament
Looking at the bigger picture, this shows again how seems to be mainly or solely their bower. This may
relevant ecology and mating systems are in the evo­ reduce the risks associated with bodily showy
lution of male mate choice and female ornaments. It ­ornaments, while retaining an ornamental trait to
is also important to note that there is a lively debate attract females, the bower. An example for this is
around the function of genital swelling among pri­ McGregor’s bowerbird (Amblyornis macgregoriae),
matologists (Zinner et al., 2004). The main message where males have a colorful crest that is only visible
for this book, however, is that genital swellings are while courting. I am not aware of examples of
a signal and ornamental trait that has evolved in females producing extended phenotype ornaments
females and to which males generally respond in like males. However, females are often building
a meaningful way (Zinner et al., 2004; Emery structures such as nests that might qualify.
Thompson and Wrangham, 2008). The critical ques­ Somewhat related, several species have been
tion is whether male mate choice has driven the shown to respond to novel ornaments that normally
evolution of the swellings. This is absolutely pos­sible, are not found in that species and that have been
but far from clear. artificially added by human experimenters. One
In modern humans it is fairly obvious that example are zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata), in
women show traits that are attractive to men. These which females sometimes prefer males with certain
traits are thought of as ornamental and may relay leg bands used for identifying individual birds
information that men use to estimate fecundity, (Burley et al., 1982). Later studies used this para­
such as the waist to hip ratio (Buss, 2015) and digm to study the role of artificial ornaments in
related measures (Tovée et al., 1999; Fan et al., 2004). social influences on mate choice (Kniel et al., 2015a,
The skin tone and the color of the lips have also been 2015b, 2016, 2017).
suggested as ornaments (Thornhill and Grammer, As a tangent, in fishes a number of studies inves­
1999), but whether these traits really are ornaments tigated female, but not male, preferences for artifi­
is not clear. Lip color, for example, can be enhanced cial traits that are not completely outlandish, but
or altered artificially by using lipstick, and—maybe might have evolved or were present in an ancestral
most profoundly—women and men can change species. The context for this is the pre-­existing bias
their physique using plastic surgery or tattoos concept (Ryan, 1990; Ryan and Keddy-­Hector, 1992;
either permanently or by temporarily adding com­ Ryan and Rand, 1998; Endler and Basolo, 1998).
pletely novel and artificial traits to their phenotype. Some of this work was done in livebearing fishes,
Cosmetics are not only used to attract men, but also but other examples exist. Starting in 1990, Basolo
to compete with other women (Mafra et al., 2020). The investigated how females respond to male traits
cosmetics and fashion industries are based on this. found in some species, but not in others. Concretely
Artificial ornaments are very popular in humans, she investigated the evolutionary sequence of how
but not unique to us. They are also not restricted to the sword in some members of the genus Xiphophorus
ornaments using vision, but also occur in the form evolved, testing the hypothesis that the evolution
of perfumes, using chemical senses. In fact, quite a of female preferences for the trait is predating the
few species have evolved the use of artificial orna­ evolution of the trait (Basolo, 1990, 1995, 2002;
ments, perhaps displaying an extended phenotype Makowicz et al., 2016). In two species she also
(Dawkins, 1982). This is the case in bowerbirds, looked at male responses to the male ornament in
where males not only use objects from nature but females. Male Xiphophorus hellerii, a species that
also manmade objects to attract females to mate naturally shows a sword in males, did not prefer


females of their own species artificially displaying a size, which may be indicative of female fitness
sword. By contrast, males of Priapella olmecae, repre­ (Amundsen et al., 1997). Another study, however,
senting a genus that is the sister taxon to Xiphophorus, did not find a correlation of female plumage and
did prefer females with an artificial sword. This maternal quality (Rohde et al., 1999). Another orna­
indicates that males may have a pre-­existing prefer­ ment only found in females is known from a marine
ence for ornamental traits in females (Basolo and duck, the common eider (Somateria mollissima). In
Delaney, 2001). Another study explored this trait this case it is a white stripe on their cover wind
and preferences for it in more distantly related spe­ feathers and the expression of the stripe is cor­rel­
cies, the mollies of the genus Poecilia, and found ated with indicators of female quality like mass
preferences in some, but not all (Makowicz et al., loss. Clutch size and whiteness were also correlated
2016). Most interestingly, they studied the Amazon (Hanssen et al., 2009).
molly (Poecilia formosa), which is a sperm-­dependent In tanagers (Thraupidae), female ornamentation
unisexual hybrid (Schlupp, 2005). The question was studied in a phylogenetic context (Burns, 1998).
asked was whether the Amazon mollies would While sexual selection was clearly a possible path­
show the ancestral preference of the paternal or the way to female ornaments, this was by no means the
maternal ancestor. Instead they found that Amazon only one.
mollies show the preferences of the host species Interestingly, in a hummingbird, the amethyst-
they live with (Makowicz et al., 2016). Looking at throated sunangel (Heliangelus amethysticollis)
another trait, a mustache-­like growth found in some (Bleiweiss, 1992, 1997), female coloration seems to
mollies (Schlupp et al., 2010), using a phylogenetic have evolved relative to female competition for nec­
approach (McCoy et al., 2011), we found that some tar. Female coloration in other hummingbird spe­
species show a preference for the novel trait, but cies seems to be because of factors other than sexual
more importantly, in many species some in­di­vid­ selection (Bleiweiss, 1992). Males and females are
uals prefer the novel trait, which is a sufficient start­ colorful in many species but occupy different
ing point of a novel trait to spread through a pheno­type spaces.
population. While all of the existing research is on In yet another bird, the red-­ winged blackbird
female responses to novel and artificial ornaments, (Agelaius phoeniceus) from North America, males
I think some work on male responses to artificial and females have colored epaulets. The male red
and novel female ornaments would be very useful. ornament is expressed much stronger and very
Also, more work on potential traits that may meet bright, but in females brightness is correlated with
the definition of extended pheno­types (Dawkins, condition, and possibly plays a role in female
1982) would be very important. competition for nest sites (Johnsen et al., 1996).
However, a study using dummies in red-­winged
7.5 Ornaments in females and what they blackbirds found no correlation between epaulette
coloration and any fitness relevant trait (Muma and
might mean
Weatherhead, 1989).
There are some taxon-­specific trends that I want to In barn swallows (Hirundo rustica) males and
address below. We have many examples for orna­ females have elongated tail feathers. Manipulating
mental traits in birds. Birds are a great group to these streamer feathers in females leads to assorta­
address questions about female ornaments because tive mating (Cuervo et al., 1996), but in unmanipu­
we know so much about ornaments in males and lated females the length of the streamers was not an
about birds in general. indicator of fecundity or ability to provide for the
A prominent example of male preference for offspring. Furthermore, an earlier study had already
female ornaments is found in bluethroats, Luscinia shown that female ornaments in barn swallows
s. svecica, a northern European bird with distinct are correlated with female reproductive potential
blue and red ornaments in both sexes. Males pre­ (Moller, 1993).
ferred females that were more colorful. In turn col­ Another example comes from house finches
or­ation in females was correlated with female body (Carpodacus mexicanus), where females can show a

128 M A L E C H O I C E , F E M A L E C O M P E T I T I O N, A N D F E M A L E O R N A M E N T S I N S E X UA L S E L E C T I O N

less intense version of male coloration. Males prefer hormones were suggested as the proximate cause
females with brighter coloration, but female age is (Tella et al., 1997). Finally, in dotterels (Charadrius
more important (Hill, 1993). Because there was no morinellus) females are more intensively ornamented
correlation with several traits that might be indica­ than males, and although the species appears to be
tive of individual female quality, such as overwin­ sex-­role reversed, there is no clear indication of
ter survival, reproductive success, or condition, Hill male mate choice (Owens et al., 1994).
concluded that the male preference might be a cor­ Overall, it appears as if colorful plumages in
rel­ated response, and reflect the well-­known prefer­ female birds have evolved under a number of scen­
ence in females for colorful males in house finches arios, and sexual selection is just one of them. One
(Hill, 2015). In the rock sparrow, Petronia petronia, obvious, but somewhat trivial, conclusion from the
males and females both have a colorful patch on the available studies is that not every dimorphism
breast. Males prefer females with bigger ornaments, found is always due to sexual selection on males.
without a clear benefit (Griggio et al., 2005, 2009), More detailed studies are needed to understand the
which may be explained by indirect benefits. adaptive value of female ornaments in birds
In zebra finches, Taeniopygia guttata, both males (Doutrelant et al., 2020).
and females show red beaks, but the color is much Another group where some work has been done
more intense in males. Another study found that on female ornaments is reptiles, especially lizards.
males and females both show preferences for beak In this group we also know a little more about
color, but while female preferences were directional mechanisms, partly because of the great tradition
and they preferred the brightest beaks, male prefer­ of studying hormones and behavior in this group
ences were stabilizing and favored mid-­ range (Hews et al., 1994; Adkins-­Regan, 2005). For ex­ample,
colored beaks (Burley and Coopersmith, 1987). In female common chameleons (Chamaeleo chamaeleon),
this species redder bills are advantageous for males, change color patterns in synchrony with their
but for females, redness comes with a cost. For reproductive status throughout the breeding sea­
example, they experience earlier mortality (Price son, rendering their color display into a trait that
and Burley, 1994). This is an interesting case of males may use as indicator (Cuadrado, 2000). Males
opposing selection on what might be a correlated in this species preferentially guard larger females
ornament. Males choose females that are more (Cuadrado, 1998).
fecund (Monaghan et al., 1996). In the red jungle­ A study investigating an agamid lizard
fowl, Gallus gallus, males prefer females with bigger (Ctenophorus ornatus) found that female throat color
ornaments, which are correlated with higher was not correlated with female quality per se, but
fe­cund­ity (Cornwallis and Birkhead, 2007). Males with female laying date and hence may indicate
also invested more sperm in females that had bigger female receptivity. Males strongly preferred females
ornaments. with higher throat color chroma (LeBas and Marshall,
Crested auklets have been found to show mutual 2000), although the indicator value of it is unclear.
sexual selection (Jones and Hunter, 1993; Jones and In fence lizards, Sceloporus undulatus, females can
Hunter, 1999). In northern cardinals (Cardinalis car- show reduced versions of male ornaments. This
dinalis), a finch from North America, where females ornament is a male-­like ventral color pattern that
show a spectacular red plumage—which again is gave them the nickname “bearded ladies.” Males
not as bright as male plumage but still quite con­ rejected these ornamented females (Swierk and
spicuous—female plumage was found to be an Langkilde, 2013; Swierk et al., 2013). Furthermore,
indicator of female feeding activity (Linville the ornamented females were found to have lower
et al., 1998). Yet another example comes from a bird reproductive output, and their eggs were laid later
of prey: in lesser kestrels, Falco naumanni, a small and hatched later (Swierk and Langkilde, 2013).
raptor from southern Europe and Asia, females can I believe these findings are in agreement with the
show male plumage traits such as gray rumps. Male idea of a cost to having an ornament owing to a
coloration in females is not correlated with female genetic correlation. But there may be compensatory
fitness and because it increases with age, changes in advantages for ornamented females, as they were


found to show higher sprint speeds, which may be

an advantage in predator escape behavior (Assis
et al., 2018).
In tropidurid lizards (Microlophus occipitalis),
females can have red throats, which are reminiscent
of male ornaments (Watkins, 1997). In this case
throat color correlated with reproductive state and
females that were about to lay eggs or had recently
laid a clutch showed more coloration. Watkins sug­
gested that females might signal to males that they
are not interested in mating. This was supported by
behavioral data showing that males preferred less
ornamented females (Watkins, 1997). Figure 7.5 Alpine newt female (right) (Ichthyosaura alpestris). Male
By contrast, there is a correlation between off­ on the left (photo credit: Deike Lüdtke).
spring quality and ornamentation in another fence
lizard, Sceloporus virgatus (Weiss et al., 2009; Weiss Alytes, but there are more examples (Emerson and
and Dubin, 2018). Males respond to female orna­ Boyd, 1999). In the few cases reported, it seems that
ments in various ways, all in agreement with the female calls are produced under the influence of
notion that ornamented females are preferred. For male hormones and around the time when females
example, males compete stronger for ornamented have to lay their eggs. Instead of losing their invest­
females (Weiss and Dubin, 2018). ment, they might be trying to actively attract males.
There are a few amphibian examples of female One wonders how many examples of female vo­cal­
ornamentation. Just as in birds, amphibian females iza­tions have been overlooked. How easily this
can be very colorful. Sometimes this is easily happens can be seen in this example: common wis­
explained, for example in Dendrobatids, where nat­ dom held that males of the common toad (Bufo bufo)
ural selection confers an advantage of displaying do not call, and simply wait for females at the mar­
warning coloration to both sexes. A similar argu­ gins of breeding ponds to first intercept and then
ment has been proposed for the yellow and black breed with them. However, males do call, but only
pattern found in European fire salamanders at low density (Höglund, 1988), which is easily
(Salamandra salamandra), which are also toxic and missed by field researchers (see also Chapter 6).
distasteful, and some toads (Bombina bombina). In There are some additional vertebrate examples
many species of the genus Ichthyosaura (formerly coming from fishes. As predicted ornaments are
Triturus), a group of European newts, both males found in females of sex-­role reversed species (Bernet
and females have colorful undersides, which are et al., 1998), but that is not the focus here. More rele­
normally not visible and may be flashed to poten­ vant is that also males of sex-­role reversed species
tial predators in what is called the “Unkenreflex.” may have ornaments (Matsumoto et al., 2010).
In the Alpine newt, Ichthyosaura alpestris both sexes A particularly interesting ornament was found in
have a bright red to orange belly and females males of a pipefish species from Japan, Corythoichthys
with more orange are preferred by males and have haematopterus. This species is sex-­ role reversed
higher fecundity (Lüdtke and Foerster, 2018, 2019) (Matsumoto and Yanagisawa, 2001; Sogabe and
(Figure 7.5). In a study on wood frogs (Lithobates syl- Yanagisawa, 2007), so an ornament in a male is
vaticus), males showed a preference for females in a viewed as the equivalent of an ornament in a female
binary choice test, but when mated to their nonpre­ in a non-­sex-­role reversed species. In this particular
ferred females those offspring had higher fitness case, the males show a number of blue and yellow
(Swierk and Langkilde, 2019). In an interesting par­ spots in the head and thorax region. The spots seem
allel to song in female birds, there are a few anurans to be condition dependent (Matsumoto et al., 2010),
with female calls. We already encountered this in but how females respond to them is not known.
Chapter 3, when we talked about midwife toads, The fishes form lifelong pairs with no extra-­pair

130 M A L E C H O I C E , F E M A L E C O M P E T I T I O N, A N D F E M A L E O R N A M E N T S I N S E X UA L S E L E C T I O N

copulations, hence there may be little opportunity reversed, but females show a distinct color orna­
for mate choice (A. Sogabe, pers. comm., June 20, ment, not found in males, a bright orange belly.
2019), although mutual mate choice seems possible. Males strongly prefer females that display more
A comparative study of two closely related fam­ colorful bellies, because these bellies are possibly
ilies of fishes revealed that sexual selection is correlated with female fecundity (Amundsen and
involved in the evolution of dichromatism in one Forsgren, 2001, 2003). In a goby species from Japan,
group, but not the other (Méndez-­ Janovitz Rhinogobius sp., nuptial coloration as an ornament
et al., 2019). The authors used two families of fishes, in females was described, but its role is not clear
Poeciliinae and Goodeinae, both of which show (Takahashi, 2000).
ornamental traits in males and females. They found The final group I want to look at is insects. In a
that dichromatism, the difference in coloration dance fly, Rhamphomyia tarsata, females honestly
between the sexes, is likely driven by female choice advertise fecundity to males with pinnate scales
in Poeciliinae, but suggest that male choice played (LeBas et al., 2004). In this mating system males pro­
a role in the evolution of female coloration in vide nuptial gifts, and females are usually orna­
Goodeinae. A previous study had already reported mented, whereas males are drab. In this situation
male mate choice for female size and coloration in females might actually benefit from deceiving
a goodeid fish, Girardinichthys viviparus (Méndez- males about their fecundity and thus obtain more
Janovitz and Macías Garcia, 2017). nuptial gifts, but this is not what they do. Although
Sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) males and this species is not sex-­ role reversed, females do
females display red coloration, and males show a compete for males and their nuptial gifts, and their
preference for redder females (Foote et al., 2004). It ornaments may play a role in female competition.
is not clear if female redness is correlated with traits In a relative, an undescribed fly of the same genus,
that indicate female quality. However, the idea that Rhamphomya, females appear to show lekking
the expression in females is based on a genetic cor­ behavior, have ornamented legs, and males seem to
rel­ation with expression in males has been chal­ choose females (which makes this species sex-­role
lenged by a study in Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus), reversed), yet interestingly males also provide nup­
mainly because expression of carotenoid-­based col­ tial gifts, the equivalent of an ornament (Alcock,
or­ation as a mere side effect would be so costly to 2016). Female competition for nuptial gifts in this
females that it would be likely to become un­coupled group is widespread (Hunter and Bussière, 2019).
in evolution (Skarstein and Folstad, 1996). In a study using wild stalk-­eyed flies (Teleopsis dal-
In brook sticklebacks, Culaea inconstans, females manni) eyespan was found to be a good indicator
have multiple ornaments (McLennan, 1994), and for female and male reproductive quality (Cotton
males seem to base their preferences for females on et al., 2010).
those (McLennan, 1995). In the European stickle­ A study of male mate choice for a potential female
back, Gasterosteus aculeatus, females display red ornament in an Australian butterfly (Aeschynomene
­bellies, which is used in male mate choice. Because indica) found only weak preferences. In this case the
the carotenoids used in this ornament have to be female trait is a wing patch that reflects in the UV
acquired through food, they are limited, and (Rutowski and Kemp, 2017). Male choice has also
females have to tradeoff investing carotenoids in been described in Australian field crickets
either eggs or in their ornament at the base of the (Teleogryllus oceanicus). Here males can base their
spines of the pelvic fins (Nordeide et al., 2006). This preference on a cocktail of cuticular hydrocarbons
is interesting and somewhat counterintuitive (CHC), and some components correlated with
because males that choose more colorful females female fecundity (Berson and Simmons, 2019).
fertilize eggs that have fewer beneficial carotenoids
(Nordeide et al., 2006).
7.6 Genetic correlation
In Gobiusculus flavescens, a small marine fish
found in Sweden, Amundsen and Forsgren studied Another reason why females might be ornamented
male preferences. This species is not sex-­ role is some form of genetic correlation. Clearly, the idea


that ornaments show up in females because they also showed male-­ like behavior (Schlupp et al.,
evolved in males is very intuitive and quite possible 1992). Other studies have begun to look into the
(Lande, 1980). For example, in a mate choice study genomic basis of the retention of apparently obso­
using dummies to find out if males and females pre­ lete genes in this fish (Zhu et al., 2017; Schedina
ferred the colorful epaulettes in red-­winged black­ et al., 2018; Warren et al., 2018). This lends indirect
birds (Agelaius phoeniceus), a genetic correlation was support to the possible existence of genetic cor­rel­
proposed as the most likely basis for the existence ations between male and female ornaments. Yet, as
of the ornament (Muma and Weatherhead, 1989). argued by Dale and colleagues, such a correlation
The knowledge on the genetic architecture under­ should be easily overcome under selection (Dale
lying expression of ornaments in females has been et al., 2015).
summarized by Kraaijeveld (Kraaijeveld, 2014). Finally—after criticizing the concept of a genetic
A large-­scale study of bird color ornamentation correlation as explanation for female ornaments—
found that selection on both male and female plum­ one could use the same logic to explain female pref­
age can operate additively and also differentially on erences for larger males in cases where there is no
both sexes (Dale et al., 2015). Although a genetic clear benefit to females (Ryan and Keddy-­Hector,
cor­rel­ation cannot be ruled out, it can clearly be 1992). This could be because of a genetic correlation
overcome and broken up by selection. Several pat­ with the well-­documented strong preferences found
terns detected in this context are worth further con­ in males for larger females. This preference is rela­
sid­er­ation, for example that cooperative breeding tively easy to understand and is supported by the
and living in the tropics may select for female widely assumed fecundity benefit (Schlupp, 2018)
coloration, likely tied to strong resource competition (see Chapter 3). Males choosing larger females will
(Dale et al., 2015). have more offspring because larger females are
There is very strong evidence for the expression more fecund. To my knowledge the idea of a genetic
of male genes in females from hormone treatment correlation as explanation for the widespread
studies. It seems relatively easy to reach a male female preference for larger males still awaits test­
pheno­type from a female phenotype. Feminization, ing. To be clear, in many cases there is a clear benefit
the expression of female genes in males, is also pos­ to mating with larger males, but in other cases there
sible and sometimes associated with hormone mim­ is no clear benefit and good genes arguments have
ics as environmental pollution (Hayes et al., 2002), to be invoked (Achorn and Rosenthal, 2019).
as reported for several amphibians. In some species
the hormonal basis of the expression of male-­like
7.7 Social evolution
coloration and behavior in females has been investi­
gated. For example, in the eastern fence lizard, It can be difficult to assign a single mechanism of
Sceloporus undulatus, treatment with testosterone natural selection or sexual selection as the sole one
was able to induce male-­like coloration in juvenile driving trait evolution. For example, many traits
females (Cox et al., 2005). function in more than one context. They can simul­
An extreme example comes from a livebearing taneously be ornaments and armaments in males
fish, the all-­female Amazon molly (Poecilia formosa) (Berglund et al., 1996). Male traits that are used by
(Schlupp, 2005), where male genes were thought to females in mate choice can also be used in male
be obsolete, because only females are known from competition, but more importantly can play a role
this species. However, treatment with male hor­ in competition for other resources, such as food or
mones, in this case methyltestosterone, revealed access to breeding sites. The same is likely true for
that in this all-­female species male traits could be females. This complexity was realized in a series of
expressed. Hormone-­treated females showed male- papers by West-­Eberhard (1979, 1983, 1989), who
like color patterns, growth of a male-­specific modi­ proposed using the concept of social selection
fied fin, the gonopodium, which is used for sperm as a more encompassing concept (Lyon and
transfer, and spermatogenesis (Schartl et al., 1991; Montgomerie, 2012; Tobias et al., 2012). This frame­
Schlupp et al., 1998). Such masculinized females work allows us to consider sexual selection and

132 M A L E C H O I C E , F E M A L E C O M P E T I T I O N, A N D F E M A L E O R N A M E N T S I N S E X UA L S E L E C T I O N

natural selection in a united way. An interesting test seems to be a strong bias toward visual ornaments,
of the predictions made by social selection was pro­ with a little bit known about acoustic communica­
vided using African starlings (Sturnidae). These tion, but almost nothing on other sensory systems.
species are breeding cooperatively and are pre­ Likely we are not recognizing many female orna­
dicted to show less sexual dimorphism. In a com­ ments because we are not looking for them. Finally,
parison of cooperative and noncooperative species, more studies utilizing a phylogenetic framework
selection acted differently on females and males. are needed.
This highlights the importance of ornamental traits
for female–female interactions (Rubenstein and 7.9 Further reading
Lovette, 2009; Rubenstein, 2012a, 2012b). Another
study looked at plumage evolution in New World Several papers provide excellent further reading,
blackbirds and found that differences in plumage but the most recent one by Doutrelant et al. stands
are more likely owing to females evolving more out (Doutrelant et al., 2020). Other works are by
drab plumages (Irwin, 1994), not males increasing Amundsen (2000) and Nordeide et al. (2013).
ornamentation. Yet another study compared mono­
morph­ic and dimorphic lekking species and con­ 7.10 References
cluded that social selection is likely caused by social
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et al., 2015). Further support comes from a study of AHNESJÖ, I., BREALEY, J. C., GÜNTER, K. P.,
dewlaps in Anolis lizards (Harrison and Poe, 2012). MARTINOSSI-ALLIBERT, I., MORINAY, J., SILJESTAM,
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Female–Female Competition

8.1 Brief overview of the chapter competition is such an important force, it is some­
times difficult to single out the particular competi­
There is no denying that males compete over access tion over mating partners from the background of
to reproductive opportunities. This competition can general competition for any other resources. In add­
be covert or take the form of physical fights, which ition to direct competition over mates there is also
are easily observed in many species. Males take competition over resources that play a role in repro­
considerable risks when they fight, presumably duction. For example, competition for nesting sites
because the price—access to reproduction—is so could be considered in the context of sexual selec­
high. But how about females? They also often com­ tion. However, competition for food, which is also
pete for males, but in less risky ways. They also important to reproduce, may not be considered in a
seem to compete less directly for individual males, sexual selection context, because food is also essen­
but more indirectly for resources that males can tial to survival, illustrating how blurry the distinc­
provide. Nonetheless, female competition is more tion can be.
important in shaping sexual selection than Male competition for access to females is the first
currently thought. hallmark of Darwin’s theory of sexual selection, in
addition to female choice. Immediately accepted by
the scientists and public of the Victorian era, it
8.2 Introduction
attracted much early attention. After the rise of
Competition is a ubiquitous feature of ecology and female choice, however, fewer studies on male com­
evolution. It is so deeply engrained in everything petition have emerged. The core principles are well
that it clearly is one of the major organizing prin­ understood, however. Males benefit from excluding
ciples of life and one of the biggest forces driving other males from access to females. In this type of
evolution. Organisms compete over all types of competition, traits can be adaptive as weapons and
resources either directly or indirectly (Hardy and simultaneously function as ornaments for female
Briffa, 2013). choice (Berglund et al., 1996; Emlen, 2008). Weapon
Competition and one other extremely important size in males has been linked with sexual selection
driver of evolution, the need to reproduce, meet in (Bro-­Jørgensen, 2007). For example, in African
sexual selection theory. Darwin firmly established ungulates in many species—but not all—both sexes
the role of competition in sexual selection, but have horns. Males use them in fighting, but females
mostly focused on males competing over access to too (Packer, 1983). However, fighting in females is
females. The examples for this are abundant, and both less common and less severe, and their horns
there is no question that this is a major force behind might be more specialized as defense weapons
male traits that are adaptive in competition. At the against predators.
same time some of these traits can be under selec­ But why should females compete over males,
tion via female choice. But that males compete does especially given that they are often able to choose?
not rule out that females may also compete for And if they fight, females should be selected not to
resources, including males. However, because risk harm, certainly not to the degree males may

140 M A L E C H O I C E , F E M A L E C O M P E T I T I O N, A N D F E M A L E O R N A M E N T S I N S E X UA L S E L E C T I O N

harm each other in open competition. This would be where males are predicted to mate with the most
in line with the traditional view of sex roles. In a attractive females first, and with less attractive
2009 popular science book, Meston and Buss said females later. It is becoming clearer now that female
that female competition has been “the blind spot competition and aggression can have a direct adap­
among generations of researchers” (Meston and tive benefit for females. In tree swallows (Tachycineta
Buss, 2009, p. 68)—at least for studies in humans. bicolor), for example, females aggressively compete
Actually, scientists—going back to Darwin (1871)— for resources (Rosvall, 2008). Furthermore, in this
have known for a long time that females do fight. An particular system, the role of steroid hormones is
early example is provided by Tinbergen, who particularly important (Rosvall et al., 2012; Rosvall
reports of several species of birds with escalated and Peterson, 2014; Bentz et al., 2019). This also
fights (Tinbergen, 1936). But what are the evolution­ shows that the standard association of different
ary consequences of female competition? Does it steroids with typical sex roles needs to be evaluated
generate sexual selection analogous to that resulting along with the sex roles per se (Lipshutz et al., 2019).
from male competition? Do ornaments and arma­ What seems important to me is that the quality of
ments arise from female competition? In a review a male can change quickly over time as he is inter­
paper, Rosvall lists several scenarios (Rosvall, 2011b) acting with other females, introducing a more
for when and why females should compete. dynamic, temporal aspect into the decision-­making
First, males may be rare based on the operational matrix. As a male mates, his status changes and he
sex ratio (OSR). This has been described in small may go from high quality to low quality and back
fishes, gobies, and is indeed associated with a flip in again. Research into the effects of mating history is
choosiness and competition: early in the breeding increasing (deJong et al., 1998; Alavi et al., 2016;
season females choose among the more abundant Guevara-­Fiore and Endler, 2018), but more work
males, but later in the season males become rare would be useful.
and choosy, and females compete (Amundsen, 2018) Furthermore, based on which male sires the most
(Chapter 6). Second, females may compete for high-­ offspring, the best sequence for males mating with a
quality partners. Practically by definition they are female will vary. With first male precedence, where
rare in the pool of available mating partners. A dis­ a majority of the offspring are sired by the first
tinction can be made between males that provide males to mate with a female, males should prefer to
more or better direct benefits, and males that pro­ mate with a given female first, while the opposite
vide better indirect benefits. Finally, female compe­ would be true for last male precedence, where most
tition may simply be a byproduct—again based on offspring are sired by the last male to mate (Squires
a genetic correlation—of male competition. Stockley et al., 2015). Last male precedence, for example,
and Bro-­Jørgensen reviewed the literature on female might select for mate guarding, to ensure paternity.
competition in mammals and found that competi­ Of course, assessing when best to mate is a chal­
tion for mating partners and related resources is lenge for males, and an opportunity for females to
widespread (Stockley and Bro-­ Jørgensen, 2011). exercise cryptic choice (Firman et al., 2017).
They noted, however, that a clear distinction Correspondingly, females should compete for high-­
between natural and sexual selection was difficult. quality males to be either the first or last to mate
They also highlighted that the role of female com­ with them, depending on sperm precedence. Within
petition for sperm of preferred males needs more a social network, sperm competition and depletion
exploration. In essence the fact that males can be predict for example if and how males and females
sperm depleted predicts that females might benefit should respond to information on other individuals
from being the first female to mate with a male that mating. If, for example, last male precedence pre­
is preferred by multiple females. In addition to a vails it might be adaptive to let other males mate
preference for males with certain traits, this argu­ first, because mating last is beneficial. Furthermore,
ment predicts a certain sequence for matings as a manipulating social information and trying to
mechanism for male mate choice. Of course, some­ deceive males about copulations might be adaptive
thing similar might be found in male mate choice from a male point of view (Plath et al., 2010).


Consequently, sperm depletion may play an wren (Troglodytes aedon). Here, females that are
important role for females. Females should avoid more aggressive have more eggs and feed the off­
mating with males that have little or no sperm. But spring more (Krieg and Getty, 2020). Interestingly,
this is likely to happen to males that are preferred their partners are also feeding more.
by many females. Several studies show that there In this context it is quite important to note that
may be sperm depletion, but not all studies find competitive interactions are not limited to inter­
that to be the case (Swierk et al., 2015). Female gup­ actions within just one sex, are not limited to binary
pies (Poecilia reticulata) have been found to avoid interactions, and are also not limited to within-­
recently mated males (Scarponi et al., 2015) and species interactions. As with other aspects, selection
seem to use chemical cues to recognize such males pressures shaping competition may fall within sex­
(Scarponi and Godin, 2018). In a moth (Lobesia ual selection, but also natural selection. Thus, prob­
botrana), nonvirgin males produce significantly ably the best way to understand female competition
smaller spermatophores and females prefer virgin and also connect it with female ornamentation is
males because their spermatophores provide more via the concept of social evolution (Tobias et al.,
direct benefits to the female (Muller et al., 2016). 2012).
Male mice (Mus musculus) seem to be able to exer­
cise cryptic choice by adjusting their ejaculate to the
8.3 Costs of competition
number of matings they experience (Edwards and
Cameron, 2017). How they might do this, however, As in male competition, there are costs associated
is not clear. Altogether this indicates that access to with female competition. As I argued before, males
the best sperm may facilitate the evolution of direct are risking injury, even death in competition to a
female competition for males. In addition, females higher degree because their likelihood of obtaining
may compete for resources provided by males. The a mate (or another mate) is often relatively low.
latter mechanism is easier to detect and document. Most males die as virgins without ever having
Female competition has long been studied, but reproduced. The cost vs. benefit relationship for
not often in the context of mate choice, but relative females must look different, and there are few
to maternal care and or maternal aggression examples of females damaging each other in
(Moyer, 1968; Scaia et al., 2018). Sometimes, female ­competition.
competition is quite similar to that of males, such as In female baboons (Papio cynocephalus anubis)
in the cichlid, Cichlasoma dimerus, where males and high rank in females is associated with several
females show comparable behaviors (Scaia et al., bene­fits, such as improved infant survival, but there
2018). In Julidochromis regani, another cichlid spe­ are also costs in the form of a higher probability of
cies, females display more mouth fighting than miscarriage and reduced fertility (Packer et al.,
males (Ito et al., 2017). Female superb fairy-­wrens, 1995). Also, in baboons, females have been
Malurus cyaneus, a bird from Australia, show ­physically injured by other females (MacCormick
aggression in the context of resource defense and et al., 2012). In another species, Papio ursinus, cost
have a more pronounced aggressive response to of open aggression is associated with female
female intruders in low-­quality territories than in reproduction (Huchard and Cowlishaw, 2011)
higher-­ quality territories (Cain and Langmore, (Figure 8.1). Another example is the increased rate
2016). Relatedness is also important in competition: of senescence that meerkats (Suricata suricatta)
for example in a solitary ectoparasitoid wasp, experience (Sharp and Clutton-­ Brock, 2011a).
Eupelmus vuilleti, egg-­laying females show increased Overall, however, it seems that physical damage to
aggression toward unrelated females (Mathiron et al., females is less common and less severe as compared
2018, 2019). Together this indicates that competi­ with males. Of course, competition need not mani­
tion—and aggression—in females is as complex fest itself in open fights, and many other forms of
and probably as important as in males (Stockley competition are known. In a comparative study
and Bro-­Jørgensen, 2011). Benefits of female compe­ of several species of baboons (Papio spp.), female
tition have, for example, been documented in a competition for males was suggested to reduce

142 M A L E C H O I C E , F E M A L E C O M P E T I T I O N, A N D F E M A L E O R N A M E N T S I N S E X UA L S E L E C T I O N

1.0 cycling without an actual, escalated fight. This can make it

N. aggressive interactions / h

difficult to observe competition in action.
0.8 pregnant
Nonetheless, we can study the effects resulting
0.6 from competition. Direct fights and their tactics are
best known in males, but females sometimes do
0.4 engage in such escalated fights, although it seems
that the associated cost makes escalated fights with
risk of damage or even death less likely and less
0.0 severe. But clearly, female fighting has been
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 reported in many species, including humans. In
Female reproductive state (%) mammals, competition between females over
breeding resources can be intense and—for
Figure 8.1 Relationship between the rate (number per hour) of
ex­ample—female ring-­tailed lemurs (Lemur catta)
aggressive interactions exchanged among females and the mean
proportion of females in a given reproductive state in Papio ursinus can take the lead in fights (Jolly and Pride, 1999). In
(Huchard and Cowlishaw, 2011) (reproduced from Huchard, E. and some cooperative breeding mammals, intense
Cowlishaw, G. 2011. Female-­female aggression around mating: an fights take place once the breeding female dies
extra cost of sociality in a multimale primate society. Behavioral (Sharp and Clutton-­Brock, 2011b). In this case the
Ecology, 22, 1003–11.
stakes are very high, as the follower will be sole
© 2011. Reprinted by permission of Oxford University Press).
reproductive female for some time. This is also
found in queenless ants, where, after an egg-­laying
individual birth rate (Dunbar and Sharman, 1983). female worker (a gamergate) dies, intense fighting
In tree swallows (T. bicolor) more aggressive females among the other workers breaks out (Baratte et al.,
incubate less, which translates to a direct cost for 2006). Interestingly, the competing females are
females and males (Rosvall, 2010b). In this case, often sisters, apparently violating the general rule
males should probably prefer to mate with less that kin should be kind to each other. Related to
aggressive females. Indeed, males can mitigate the this, females of spotted hyenas (Crocuta crocuta)
costs of female aggression (Rosvall, 2010a). This may engage in siblicide (Hofer and East, 2008),
illustrates that female competition can be costly to which is also widespread in birds (Mock and
females, maybe even comparable to the cost faced Parker, 1997).
by males in male competition. In humans (Homo sapiens), fights between women
may be less common than fights between men, but
they are not absent. It is not entirely clear if many
8.4 Forms of competition
fights are over mating partners, but conflicts can
Competition can come in various shapes and forms. turn violent and lead to injuries (Campbell, 1986),
It can be obvious in direct and open competition, although typically less so than conflicts among men
like in fighting male deer (with subsequent female (Campbell, 2013). Carrying a weapon, for example,
choice; McComb, 1991) or toads (Davies and increases the likelihood of involvement in physical
Halliday, 1978), where individuals physically inter­ altercation in adolescent men, but even more so in
act, often risking injury or death (Stuart et al., 1987). women (Lowry et al., 1998).
But it can also be more subtle, and conflicts can be Individuals can avoid the costs and risks of a full-­
resolved without an escalated fight. Importantly, blown aggressive interaction by issuing credible
fighting is governed by the costs and benefits asso­ threats. This is widespread in animals with social
ciated with it (Parker, 1974). Proximately, often size rank order systems. In humans, threats of some
is a strong predictor of the outcome of an aggressive kind of violence are extremely widespread and play
encounter, with larger individuals often winning an important role in organizing human society.
(Franck and Ribowski, 1989). Individuals size each Threats of punishment are common in our legal sys­
other up and the outcome of a fight becomes so tem, in many religions, in personal relationships,
predictable that the smaller individual gives up and—more recently—on social media.


Another form of competition is “mate poaching.” lions (Panthera leo) (Chakrabarti and Jhala, 2017),
This occurs when an individual attempts to break but also many primate species (Freeman et al., 2016;
up an existing relationship and to replace one of the Sicotte et al., 2017; Surbeck et al., 2017), and other
partners. This is well known in humans (Parker and species such as dolphins (Connor et al., 2017).
Burkley, 2009), and occurs in both genders (Schmitt Female coalitions, on the other hand, are also well
and Shackelford, 2003). known, sometimes serving as defensive alliances
against male aggression (Seyfarth, 1976; Silk et al.,
2004; Newton-­ Fisher, 2006). They can also be a
8.5 What females compete for mechanism for social advance (Strauss and
Holekamp, 2019), but I did not find reports of
8.5.1 Access to mates
female coalitions serving to access males.
We have already seen a few examples of how males
may differ in quality, especially sperm. This sets the
8.5.2 Access to reproductive resources
stage for female competition for high-­quality males.
Generally, however, female competition for males is Males are an indispensable resource for female sex­
not well understood (Rosvall, 2011b; Stockley and ual reproduction, but not the only crucial one. In
Bro-­Jørgensen, 2011). Females seem to directly com­ species where males contribute nothing beyond the
pete for mates mainly in two scenarios. First, in sperm, females could evolve to select for males that
direct competition, they may compete for mates in are not sperm depleted. Males, of course, might
general, or they can compete for access to high-­ benefit from hiding sperm depletion from females.
quality males. The second scenario has a number of One has to be careful, though, because in species
interesting implications. If females compete for the with internal fertilization, components of the male
best males, how do they, for example, avoid mating ejaculate can be either detrimental, or beneficial to
with a sperm-­depleted male? Sometimes males can females. In Drosophila melanogaster, ejaculates con­
be scarce in a population and they may become a tain substances that reduce female fertility in subse­
limiting resource for females. This shift in OSR is quent matings, benefiting the male at the expense of
known to lead to male mate choice. This is well the female (Chapman et al., 1995; Chapman, 2001),
studied in a fish, the two-­spotted goby (Gobiusculus but in the same species a sperm peptide has been
flavescens) (Amundsen, 2018) (Chapter 6). Over the found to enhance long-­ term memory in females
breeding season the OSR changes from male-­biased (Scheunemann et al., 2019).
to female-­biased. Choosiness was correlated with We briefly discussed coalitions above, but females
OSR: early in the season females were choosy, but can also cooperate with a mating partner to secure
late in the season, after the OSR had flipped, males important resources. This has been a common
were choosy. There was also a corresponding explanation for duetting in birds and might be an
increase in female propensity to show agonistic advantage of a monogamous mating system.
behavior, while the male propensity went down Duetting is best studied in birds but is also found in
(Amundsen, 2018). Female competition for access other taxa. The concept has also been expanded
to males may be over access to males per se, but beyond song to other signaling modalities (Ręk and
especially to high-­quality males (Venner et al., 2010). Magrath, 2016). In one species of bird, the spec­
In addition, females may also compete indirectly tacled parrotlets (Forpus conspicillatus), for example,
for resources held by males. An overview of female males and females pair up to defend nest sites.
competition in mammals was provided by Clutton-­ These birds are tropical cavity breeders and nesting
Brock and Huchard (2013). cavities are rare (Wanker et al., 2005). It seems adap­
Males of some species form coalitions to gain tive for pairs to cooperate and work as a team to
access to mating partners (Van Schaik et al., 2006). secure and defend nesting sites. Such behavior has
One example is groups of males, sometimes closely interesting consequences and the competition
related, fighting with resident males over a group of between couples appears to also select for the
females (Packer and Pusey, 1982). This is known in ability of individual recognition (Wanker and

144 M A L E C H O I C E , F E M A L E C O M P E T I T I O N, A N D F E M A L E O R N A M E N T S I N S E X UA L S E L E C T I O N

Fischer, 2001). A study on eastern bluebirds (Sialis 8.5.4 Access to indirect benefits
sialis) also suggests that female song is important in
Female choice for indirect, genetic benefits is gener­
individual recognition (Rose et al., 2020).
ally rare (Achorn and Rosenthal, 2019), but none­
Furthermore, female Formicarius moniliger, a song­
theless there are some well-­documented examples
bird from Mexico, show a fine-­scaled response to
for this. If males with “good genes” are rare in a
male song playback and seem to respond with ter­
population, it might be beneficial for females to
ritorial defense only to males that are presumably
compete for access to these males. For example, if
weaker than they are (Kirschel et al., 2020).
many females converge on mating with a few or
An additional dimension of fighting in pairs is
even a single male in a lek, that male may be sperm
illustrated by the interactions shown in acorn
depleted after some time and be a less attractive
woodpeckers (Melanerpes formicivorus). These
resource for the females (Chapter 4). Consequently,
socially breeding birds are limited by trees, in which
it might be advantageous to be among the first
they store acorns. These trees become hotly con­
females to mate with that particular male.
tested and lead to openly aggressive interactions
between groups of woodpeckers, which include
males and females. Interestingly, these fights also 8.6 Infanticide
provide public information about the involved
Infanticide is a behavior where juveniles are killed
individual and attract large numbers of uninvolved
by adults of their own species. It is a very common
individuals as an audience (Barve et al., 2020).
behavior found in a large number of taxa, including
While evidence for female competition over
humans (Hausfater and Hrdy, 2017). Often, but not
resources is relatively common, direct competition
always, such infanticide is conducted by males.
for males is not observed often. In moorhens,
A common example is infanticide by male lions
Gallinula chloropus, a widespread Old World water­
(Panthera leo). They can benefit from killing the pre­
bird, females compete aggressively for males.
sent offspring of another male as females will reach
Heavier females win more of the fights and associ­
estrus soon after the killing, allowing the male to
ate with males that are heavier (Petrie, 1983).
mate with the female and sire offspring of their
Another study confirmed that male weight influ­
own. This behavior is met with several female coun­
ences breeding success via territory size
terstrategies (Packer and Pusey, 1983). Importantly,
(Gibbons, 1989), pointing toward direct benefits for
females also kill offspring of other females. This can
the females. The fights in females involve jumping
be viewed as a rather extreme form of competition.
up and trying to reach each other with their clawed
The cost to the mother of the killed offspring is very
feet, leading to a relatively high risk of injury and
high, and often they resist the infant killing (Agrell
probably also predation because the very conspicu­
et al., 1998). Females are thought to commit infanti­
ous behavior is likely to attract predators.
cide for a number of reasons. If they eat the off­
Interestingly, both males and females in this species
spring of other females, this provides them with
are ornamented with a red head plate, and it seems
nutrition, they may acquire access to key resources,
possible that this plate is both ornament and arma­
or they may eliminate competition for their own
ment (Berglund et al., 1996).
offspring (Agrell et al., 1998; Hausfater and Hrdy,
8.5.3 Access to male investment
In many mating systems males make considerable
8.7 Lower-­level competition: threats
investments in reproduction beyond providing
sperm. Given that there is variance in male quality, Reproductive suppression and infanticide may be
there might be female preferences for and female fairly extreme forms of competition, but more gen­
competition over the males that provide the most or erally, threats can have similar effects. They can also
best resources. We have already discussed this in have negative effects on the health, immune status,
Chapter 5. or stress level in subordinate females. This may


cause them to leave a group, often facing high costs 8.9 Reproductive suppression
for this, even including death (Clutton-­Brock and of other females
Parker, 1995). A series of studies in fishes showed
the cost of female competition between and within Maybe the most radical way for females to compete
species. Size was a very important factor, but not with each other is to prevent other females from
the only one (Makowicz and Schlupp, 2015b; having offspring, causing reproductive skew. Such
Makowicz et al., 2018a, 2018b, 2020). In primates, reproductive suppression is a key feature of social
threats can be acoustic and visual; in the fish studies animals. It is a hallmark of eusociality (Ross and
cited above the threats were apparently visual. This Keller, 1995), where one or a few individuals repro­
highlights the complexity of female interactions. duce, but not others (Lukas and Clutton-­
Brock, 2018). In eusocial insects, typically one queen
and very few males reproduce, and all other indi­
8.8 The role of kinship viduals do not. This has interesting implications for
While competition is universal, not all competitors female choice (Baer, 2014) and probably limited
should be treated equally in the face of competition. opportunities for male choice to evolve.
Hamilton’s theory of kin selection predicts that Haplodiploidy as known from eusocial hymenop­
close kin should be less competitive with each other tera, provides an elegant kin selection-­based mech­
than distant relatives or nonkin. However, when anism for the evolution and maintenance of
important resources can only be gained at the eusociality, but similar mating systems have also
expense of kin, tradeoffs show up and lead to a evolved in systems without haplodiploidy, such as
reduced role of kinship. This was found in a patho­ in termites and naked mole rats. In all cases there
genic bacterium, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, where seems to be considerable conflict over opportunities
kinship plays an important role in the evolution of for reproduction and often reproductive females
iron-­scavenging siderophores. In high-­competition seem to suppress other females so that they do not
environments the role of kinship is reduced (Griffin reproduce. In social insects one mechanism for this
et al., 2004). is via hormones emitted by the queen (Shimoji
The role of kinship was also studied in a system et al., 2017). In termites, a candidate gene for this,
with extreme kinship. In Amazon mollies (Poecilia Neofem2, has been identified. Silencing this gene
formosa), a clonal fish, relatedness within clones is triggers worker females, which are otherwise re­pro­
close to 1, just like we would expect with full twins duct­ively competent, to behave as if the colony
in other animals. Another clone may still be highly were queenless (Korb et al., 2009). These hormones,
related, but somewhat less than 1. This is different however, may also indicate the fertility of the dom­
from sexual organisms where relatedness with their in­ant females (Oi et al., 2015).
own offspring is typically 0.5. Based on this situ­ Not only insects have evolved eusociality but
ation one can generally predict that Amazon mol­ mammals, too. One of the best understood ex­amples
lies should be less aggressive with full clonal sisters, is naked mole rats (Heterocephalus glaber) (Faulkes
more aggressive with other clones, and most aggres­ and Bennett, 2001; Lukas and Clutton-­Brock, 2018),
sive with sexual females. Although the situation is a one of the few eusocial mammals. In mammals,
little more complex, this is what is empirically sup­ such reproductive suppression is also found in sev­
ported. Interestingly, such fine-­ tuned aggression eral cooperative breeders that are not eusocial. In
requires that Amazon mollies can distinguish Kalahari meerkats (Suricata suricatta), for example,
between full clonal sisters and others, which they the degree of suppression seems to depend on the
apparently do based on several sensory systems, costs and benefits of reproduction of subordinates
including vision (Makowicz et al., 2016, 2018a). In to the dominant females (Clutton-­Brock et al., 2010)
another system with clonal kinship, polyembryonic with many factors such as relatedness, group size,
wasp (Copidosoma floridanum), relatedness was a and the reproductive status of the dominant female.
better predictor of aggression than resource compe­ The suppression, when it happens, takes very phys­
tition (Giron et al., 2004). ical forms, such as eviction of females and killing

146 M A L E C H O I C E , F E M A L E C O M P E T I T I O N, A N D F E M A L E O R N A M E N T S I N S E X UA L S E L E C T I O N

their offspring (Clutton-­Brock et al., 2010). Other with females paying attention to them in female
examples include marmoset monkeys (Callithrix choice. The same trait may also serve males in male
jacchus) (Barrett et al., 1990), where suppression competition as an armament (Berglund et al., 1996).
works via pheromones. Other examples include This has been shown, for example, in white-­tailed
canids (Moehlman and Hofer, 1997), and many deer (Odoceilus virginianus), where females pre­
more (Wasser and Barash, 1983). Overall, this inten­ ferred males with larger antlers independent of age
sive female competition does not seem to interact (Morina et al., 2018). Of course, armaments and
much with competition for males, or reproductive ornaments can be connected and often not only
resources. Reproductive suppression is also found have multiple functions, but also evolve into each
in males, of course, for example in male marmots other. For example, in fishes of the genus Poecilia
(Marmota marmota) (Arnold and Dittami, 1997). and Limia, male traits that are now considered
courtship evolved first in the context of male com­
petition (Goldberg et al., 2019). The same might be
8.10 Within- and between-­species
true for the sword in green swordtails, Xiphophorus
competition? hellerii, which have an extension of their tail fin—
Typically, competition for access to males is a the eponymous sword. The sword adds length to
within-­ species affair, but competition for other, the male body and size, which is decisive in male
more general resources, like food or shelter can also ag­on­is­
tic interactions (Franck and Ribowski,
be between species. This is especially clear in spe­ 1989, 1993). The sword is also important in female
cies that breed in spaces also used by other species. choice, where longer swords are often preferred
The resulting conflicts can be resolved in many (Basolo, 1990; Johnson and Basolo, 2004), probably
ways, from sharing a resource—even to the level of in interaction with other traits (Rosenthal et al.,
parasitism—to aggressively fighting over it. An 1996), but not always (Wong and Rosenthal, 2006).
example is cavity nesting in birds and insects. Clearly, size can be also important in female compe­
Competition can be within species, but also inter­ tition, where for example in some social species the
specific. For example, in tree swallows (T. bicolor) size of the dominant female allows her to evict other
(Leffelaar and Robertson, 1985) females compete females owing to physical dominance. This is also
very aggressively for nesting sites. As is often the relevant in light of an argument we made earlier: if
case, cavity nesters rely on other species to build the females are selected to be larger because female size
structures they use. The edible dormouse in Eurasia is bene­fi­cial in female competition, this provides an
(Glis glis), for example, uses naturally occurring alternative explanation for the widespread male
cavities, bird-­made holes, and also nestboxes, and preference for larger females. There might be more
sometimes competes with birds (Marteau and to this preference than a fecundity benefit.
Sarà, 2015). An example of shared cavities is the co-­ One important question in this context is—
existence of prairie dogs (Cynomys ludovicianus) and assuming they do compete for males—why do
burrowing owls (Speotyto cunicularia) in the plains females have relatively few armaments (Berglund,
of North America, where the prairie dogs serve as 2013)? There is some debate over the dual function
hosts for the owls (Desmond et al., 1995; Lantz of traits that are used both in competition and
et al., 2007). In some of these systems a mutualistic choice (Berglund et al., 1996; Rubenstein, 2012),
relationship arises, while others are competitive. In and sometimes even the distinction seems difficult
all of these cases females may compete over breed­ (Amundsen, 2000). There are some taxa with
ing sites as a critical resource for their reproduction. armaments, such as some African antelopes
(Packer, 1983), but overall, if female competition is
important, not only ornaments, but also armaments
8.11 Armaments in females should be found. This is clearly another area for
In males, sexually selected traits can serve multiple future research. Alternatively, of course, a genetic
functions. They can be sexually selected ornaments correlation might also be responsible for the


expression of armaments in females, just as it might mating complex, Amazon mollies need to obtain
be for ornaments. sperm from males of closely related species to trig­
I am providing only a few examples here: in a ger embryogenesis. This sperm-­ dependent par­
species of dung beetle, Onthophagus sagittarius, theno­gen­esis is called gynogenesis. The male DNA
females compete for resources. Horns, which are does not contribute to the offspring, and males
female-­specific, are considered to be weapons, should be under selection to prefer their conspecific
and—controlling for size—females with bigger females. Consequently, males of the donor species
horns had higher reproductive fitness than females are in a position to choose between their conspecific
with smaller horns. It is interesting that all females females and Amazon mollies. But would they be
experience reduced fitness as compared with a situ­ susceptible to audience effects? In a series of experi­
ation without competition, and that smaller females ments Makowicz and colleagues addressed this
suffer the most (Watson and Simmons, 2010). In question and found overwhelming evidence for
some decapod crabs (Aegla sp.) both males and adjustment of male mate choice depending on the
females fight within their sexes. Interestingly, the audience present (Makowicz et al., 2010b, 2020;
absolute size of their weapons was larger in males, Riesch et al., 2012). At the same time it seems that
but—at least in one species—not the relative size the clonal females have evolved a very sensitive
(Dalosto et al., 2019). This seems to be in agreement mechanism to recognize other clones of the Amazon
with the notion that armaments are relevant to molly (Makowicz and Schlupp, 2015a), and com­
female competition, but that the evolution of pete with other clonal and sexual females
them—just as discussed for ornaments—seems (Makowicz and Schlupp, 2015a; Makowicz et al.,
influenced by the avoidance of physical harm to 2018a), while the males of the host species show no
females. recognition of the different clones (Makowicz et al.,
2018b). As we study more systems for male mate
8.12 Eavesdropping and audience effects choice, including studies on the social environment
and audience effects will be very important. Male
in females, but not in males?
mate choice and female competition is likely also
Fighting provides social information that bystand­ influenced by the social conditions, just like male
ers can use. Females are known to observe male competition and female choice.
interactions and use the public information pro­
vided by the males in future interactions with the
8.13 What does it all mean?
males. Often, they subsequently prefer the winner
of a fight as a mating partner (Danchin et al., 2004). Male competition is extremely visible and very well
In most studies on social information females are understood. Its role in sexual selection and how it is
watching males interact. There are a few examples intertwined with female choice to lead to orna­
of male responses to social information. One of ments and armaments in males is also fairly well
them looked at the response of males to female understood. However, on female competition, our
Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica) mating (White understanding is rather limited. As with ornamen­
and Galef Jr., 1999) and found that males avoid tation in females we seem to be just waking up to
places where they have witnessed matings, and their existence and fully understanding their evolu­
another one found deceptive behavior in male tion and function will take us a while. How female
fishes (Poecilia mexicana). These males led observing competition evolved is still a fairly open question.
males away from their actually preferred female to Although I think that a genetic correlation is
a less attractive alternative (Plath et al., 2010). In unlikely, I also think it cannot be ruled out. That
guppies (Poecilia reticulata), this deceptive behavior females fight less costly than males is intuitive, but
was not found (Makowicz et al., 2010a), although much more work on this is needed. Somewhat
they also show some response to the audience. unsurprisingly, females not only compete directly
In the all-­female and clonal Amazon molly (P. for- for mates, but maybe more so for resources pro­
mosa) male mate choice is very important. In this vided by males. Overall, female competition is

148 M A L E C H O I C E , F E M A L E C O M P E T I T I O N, A N D F E M A L E O R N A M E N T S I N S E X UA L S E L E C T I O N

clearly present, important, and adaptive. But many of Insect Mating Systems. Oxford: Oxford University
details require much more attention. Press.
BARATTE, S., COBB, M., & PEETERS, C. 2006.
Reproductive conflicts and mutilation in queenless
8.14 Short summary Diacamma ants. Animal Behaviour, 72, 305–11.
BARRETT, J., ABBOTT, D., & GEORGE, L. 1990. Extension
Competition is a hallmark of many interactions. of reproductive suppression by pheromonal cues in
Male aggression is very well studied and under­ subordinate female marmoset monkeys, Callithrix jac-
stood, but female aggression has not received as chus. Reproduction, 90, 411–18.
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Synthesis and Outlook

9.1 Brief outline of the chapter very detailed understanding of female choice, and a
simple first step would be to apply some of the
In this final chapter I want to briefly recap what I pre­ same paradigms we use in female mate choice for
sented in the previous chapters and provide a few ad­van­cing research into male mate choice.
ideas of what might be done in the future to move Historically, female mate choice was ignored at
the field forward. All three factors I discussed as rele­ the expense of male competition (Milam, 2010).
vant in male mate choice, male investment in repro­ This situation has now flipped and a majority of
duction, sex ratios, and variability in partner quality, studies in sexual selection focus on female choice
are still emerging fields in sexual selection research (Chapter 1). I think more studies on male competi­
and need more theoretical and empirical work. I sug­ tion would also provide a better framework for
gest that variability in female quality is more im­port­ understanding competition in females. It seems
ant and more complex than currently known. The clear that female competition comes in different
same is true for sex ratios. On the other hand, I sug­ forms as compared with male competition, but it is
gest that sheer investment in gametes may be a little not necessarily less important. I contend that female
less important than currently assumed. Most im­port­ aggression has been neglected in sexual selection
ant­ly we need to explore the interactions of these and mainly studied in contexts other than sexual
three pathways to male mate choice. Female compe­ selection, such as maternal care.
tition and also female ornamentation are still some­ Closely related to the two topics of female com­
what enigmatic and both topics are likely to grow in petition and male mate choice is the presence of
importance for our understanding of sexual selec­ ornamental traits in females (Chapter 7). We are
tion. I think considering male and female choice starting to understand what role they might play in
together, as well as female and male competition will evolution, but the picture is far from clear.
ultimately provide a more complete picture of Furthermore, what we know is often taxonomically
Darwinian sexual selection. biased: female ornaments are relatively well
described in birds (Doutrelant et al., 2020), with
some interesting experimentation in lizards, but
9.2 Introduction
beyond this, there is little knowledge. The same is
In this book I tried to cover and summarize some of also true for male mate choice. Even considering the
what we know about two additional aspects of many examples compiled in Chapter 3 we know
­sexual selection that in my view are critical to our very little, especially compared with the many
understanding of it. I suggest that we do not know studies on female mate choice. Indeed, the field is
enough about male mate choice, and that the so small that individual groups or people leave
knowledge we have is still patchy and in need of important marks: Paul Verrell, to name just one,
more good theory. There are some excellent the­or­et­ almost single-­handedly conducted the studies that
ic­al studies, but more is needed to guide and evalu­ led to our knowledge about male mate choice in
ate empirical research (Courtiol et al., 2016; salamanders (Verrell, 1985, 1986, 1989, 1994,
Fitzpatrick and Servedio, 2017, 2018). We have a 1995). Furthermore, female song is just now being

154 M A L E C H O I C E , F E M A L E C O M P E T I T I O N, A N D F E M A L E O R N A M E N T S I N S E X UA L S E L E C T I O N

recognized as important in birds (Riebel, 2003), ­ ifferences. More advances or changes like this can
with limit­ed knowledge of many other taxa where be expected.
males vocalize. I expect this phenomenon to be From comparisons of binary choice tests and
important in other groups as well, including absolute preference functions it is clear that how we
­anurans, some insects, and even fishes. experimentally measure preferences can lead to dif­
How can we move forward? One of the most ferent findings. I have already mentioned that the
powerful frameworks to organize hypotheses in operational sex ratio (OSR) used in most binary
biology was created by Niko Tinbergen in 1963 choice test is typically 2:1. This probably gives us a
(Tinbergen, 1963). He outlines four questions that distorted view of the importance of OSR in mating
should to be asked by biologists, all of which are decisions. More importantly, preferences and mat­
still relevant and widely applied. In relation to male ing decisions can be highly individualized, yet we
mate choice we have partial answers to one of them. typically consider them as population means. The
But all four questions need to become the focus of established two main factors driving female choice
more theoretical and empirical research. The second are direct benefits and indirect, genetic benefits.
of Tinbergen’s questions, the one about “survival This predicts great concordance of preferences, but
value,” is the one this book is mainly concerned there is an alternative. In some cases, we know that
with. We now have some theory and empirical data mate choice is for the best fit in a mating partner,
on how male mate choice, female competition, and and for those cases population means may not be
female ornaments can be adaptive. We know little, the best descriptor of mate choice. This is high­
however, about what the mechanisms for male lighted in studies of mate choice for a matching
mate choice are. For example, in female choice we partner, e.g. based on major histocompatibility
have a fairly good picture of the hormonal and complex (MHC), where the best match depends on
neuro­bio­logic­al mechanisms (DeAngelis and the chooser’s own MHC, not a mean preference for
Hofmann, 2020); this is not the case for male mate a certain trait.
choice. Can we assume the same mechanisms are Also, such individualized preferences can of
involved? How sex specific are hormones, really course interact either synergistically or an­tag­on­is­
(Lipshutz et al., 2019)? Equally, we know little about tic­al­
ly with population-­ wide preferences. For a
the evolutionary history of male mate choice or its male, a small female may be a better match in terms
ontogenetic development. Is it really almost univer­ of MHC, but he may sire many more offspring with
sal, as I suggest? Is it a byproduct of female choice? a larger female. What is the best decision in this
Although I am a bit critical of this idea, it is a viable scen­ario? Such tradeoffs deserve more experimen­
hypothesis that needs more tests, both for a genetic tal work and theoretical consideration.
correlation of male and female choosiness, and as It is now abundantly clear that the social environ­
an explanation for female ornaments. The logic ment and social evolution (Araya-­Ajoy et al., 2020)
might also apply to aggressive behavior in males is of key importance for mate choice (Scauzillo and
and females. The framework proposed by Tinbergen Ferkin, 2019). I have already highlighted the im­port­
(1963) and his four questions can guide future ance of the social environment several times. Many
research. studies are now taking this into account, but almost
In addition to more theory we also need to reeval­ all are doing so from a female choice perspective.
uate some of our methods. Methods for studying There are very few examples of looking at male
animal behavior have not changed much over the mate choice in a social context (Schlupp and
past few decades and rely heavily on direct obser­ Ryan, 1997). Also, female competition is rarely stud­
vation of animal interactions. This is changing with ied in a social context (Makowicz et al., 2020). More
the data revolution and the advance of AI and studies along those lines would be useful.
video-­based machine learning. Just one example is Fortunately, there are quite a few animal mating
the software DeepLabCut (Mathis et al., 2018; Nath systems where we can easily test new hypotheses.
et al., 2019), which uses machine learning to train In sticklebacks, for example, male and female mate
a neural network to identify subtle behavioral choice is simultaneous and male choosiness is based


on female fecundity (Kraak and Bakker, 1998). In this complexity should be reflected in the textbooks
this species we also have a good idea of the role of we use to train our students. Furthermore, and
MHC in female mate choice. In several lizard spe­ troub­ling to me, the trad­ition­al view of sex roles has
cies we have good data on male mate choice and its permeated into human culture and the image of coy
relationship with female ornaments. And in some women and pushy men is as ubiquitous as it is sim­
amphibians and fishes, we know that males choose plistic. I worry that such an incomplete view is
although they make no investment in the offspring sometimes used to excuse unacceptable bad human
(Schlupp, 2018). Such species would be good candi­ behavior in a “sciency” sounding way. Sex roles
dates to study the role of female quality in male might, for example, provide excuses for the main­
choice. A large number of studies currently con­ ten­ance of patriarchal systems, where “science” may
clude that fecundity is behind male choice. then be used to justify the oppression of women. If
Arguably, fecundity is extremely important and we modify our understanding of sex roles, we can
may even be the most important direct benefit to rethink stereotypes like “boys will be boys” or
males, but it also is clearly not the only one. Why, “women are coy.” The traditional view seems to take
for example, would males mate with a parasitized away agency and responsibility from both men and
or sick female? We know that females avoid para­ women. I think that mating interactions should not be
sitized males, but more studies on male choice reduced to the sex roles proposed by Bateman (1948)
would be useful. and Trivers (1972). After all, Darwin developed his
ideas in the Victorian era, and it seems likely that the
prevailing view of gender roles at that time influ­
9.3 Male mate choice is common
enced not only his own thinking, but also how his
It turns out that male mate choice is relatively com­ ideas were perceived and when and how they were
mon—once we start looking for it. It is even found in translated into scientific questions. I also hope that
species that have no paternal investment and a we will explore how binary sex really is in the ani­
male-­biased sex ratio (Schlupp, 2018). It seems that mal kingdom. We are realizing that in humans gen­
in these cases differences in female quality alone can der is not completely binary and that gives us tools
lead to the expression of male mate choice. and a framework for exploring this in all of the ani­
Nonetheless, male mate choice still seems like a mal kingdom.
somewhat overlooked phenomenon. We have some History aside, there are a few interesting patterns
good theory for the evolution of male mate choice that arise from the studies reviewed in this book.
and the related female competition and female orna­ When males choose, they seem to be choosing
ments, and limited but solid empirical evidence that mainly based on direct benefits, especially fe­cund­
needs to be interpreted in the light of new theory. ity—or so we think based on the studies we have.
For me a few important things emerge and I have But females differ in many more characteristics
tried to organize the chapters of this book roughly than just fecundity. Based on the long list of traits
along those lines. The first thing to look at more that females use in mate choice, it would be inter­
closely is the role of investment in gametes and sex esting to look at similar traits and their role in male
roles and the general characteristics we ascribe mate choice (Table 9.1). I think evidence for male
them. I suggest that we should consider them to be choice for indirect benefits is absent, probably diffi­
less rigid than currently often portrayed. Clearly the cult to collect, but studies—both theoretical and
traditional approach introduced by Darwin that empirical—on this subject would be extremely
males compete and females choose is correct, but the interesting.
idea that these are the only two components in sex­ Finally, we know that female choice has a number
ual selection might be wrong. Culturally, the trad­ of effects outside of sexual selection sensu stricto.
ition­al view of sex roles has somewhat dominated For example, sexual selection seems to have an
the way we ask questions in science. Yet there are important role in speciation. Could this also be said
additional, new questions to be asked to match the for male mate choice? Can it drive speciation or
complexity we actually find in nature. Certainly, too, other important processes?

156 M A L E C H O I C E , F E M A L E C O M P E T I T I O N, A N D F E M A L E O R N A M E N T S I N S E X UA L S E L E C T I O N

Table 9.1 Predicted male preferences for female traits. either genetically or socially, is not well known. Is
this because it is truly rare, or because we have not
Female trait Predicted male preference
been looking for it yet? I suspect it is the latter.
Fecundity Larger females preferred Table 9.1 provides a few ideas of what might be
Female resources Females with more resources preferred fruitful to investigate. For example, predicting male
preferences for female ornamentation is not com­
Health Healthy and parasite-­free females preferred
pletely straightforward. If the ornament predicts
Condition Well-­fed females preferred
female quality in any way, males should prefer
Age Generally younger females preferred; senescing more ornamented females, but if the ornament is
females rejected
present owing to a genetic correlation, and provides
Parenting Females that invest in offspring (good mothers) no valuable information to the choosing male, the
more inconspicuous female should be preferred
Experience More experienced females preferred
because consorting with her means a lower risk of
Compatibility Genetically (major histocompatibility complex) predation. Luckily, these questions can be addressed
or socially compatible females preferred
empirically. Finally, males should also prefer
females that are compatible mates. This can be
either genetic compatibility (via MHC) or social
I devoted three chapters to the likely underlying compatibility, leading to stronger duos that can
causes of male mate choice. These are differences in acquire more or better resources. If this is the case,
female quality, male investment in reproduction, and both sexes should choose, and their mutual choices
OSR. All three causes are predicted to have some would be in the same direction. The results of this
influence on male mate choice. Most im­port­ant­ly I could look very much like assortative mating. This
think they can interact in interesting ways and have should be important for species with some form of
synergistic or antagonistic effects on mate choice. For monogamy. There is a rich literature on costs and
example, in bush crickets, strong male investment in benefits of monogamy and also on the mechanisms
large spermatophores forces some males to drop out regulating it. There are two especially important
of reproduction in adverse en­vir­on­men­tal conditions aspects to that. First, often pairs get better over time
(Gwynne and Simmons, 1990). This in turn can lead at raising offspring. This suggests that they learn
to a female-­ biased OSR. Together this favors the about their environments and avoid mistakes, but
expression of male mate choice. they may also become more compatible with each
other. Showing compatibility might be the function
of duetting in birds, for example. What this means,
9.4 Differences in partner quality
though, is that mate choice for compatible partners
We have a very detailed understanding of female is very different from mate choice for the largest or
choice. Both the mechanisms and evolutionary con­ most aesthetically pleasing mate and may lead to
sequences of female choice are well documented. completely different mating patterns.
Compared with that, male mate choice is yet poorly Equally important is a closer look at the cost of
understood. We know, however, from female choice male mate choice (Härdling and Kokko, 2005). The
that many traits can be the target of female prefer­ cost may be holding back the evolution of female
ences. Similar studies on male mate choice are often competition and ornamentation, but how costly is
lacking. A majority of male choice studies are male mate choice really? It seems the biggest cost to
detecting fecundity as the direct benefit for males. males is missed opportunities as they reject certain
This may be owing to some bias in the published females. With mating opportunities generally being
literature, but may also be the best pathway for rare for males, this may be a substantial cost. Also,
male mate choice to evolve (Servedio and can males reap indirect benefits like females? Does
Lande, 2006). something like a “sexy daughter” effect exist? Do
Males may also choose for other reasons. In par­ choosy males not only have more daughters but
ticular, male mate choice for compatible females, also better-­quality ones?


However, this may not be true for high-­quality resources (Cain and Rosvall, 2014). The authors
males that have multiple mating opportunities. advocate for a better understanding of the role of
They may face a very low cost of choice and may be ecological resources and social evolution in female
selected to carefully allocate their potentially competition.
limit­ed mating resources, ranging from sperm to If both sexes have preferences and exercise some
nuptial gifts and beyond. This idea has been mod­ kind of choosiness, mate choice becomes mutual
eled using game theory (Härdling and Kokko, 2005; (Johnstone et al., 1996; Johnstone, 1997; Bergstrom
Härdling et al., 2008) showing that higher male cost and Real, 2000). This can for example be on an indi­
for sperm can lead to males and females being more vidual level, as if partners negotiate an agreement
choosy. (Bergstrom and Real, 2000), but can also support
Finally, one interesting consequence of male speciation (Lande et al., 2001). Although there are
choosiness may be that, contrary to the standard many examples of mutual mate choice the relation­
paradigm, not all females find a mate. In insects the ship with only male or female choice is not clear
rate of lifelong virginity of females is around 5% (Figure 9.1), and mutual mate choice is actually not
(Rhainds, 2019), but clearly this deserves more that common (Kokko and Johnstone, 2002)—or not
attention. Rates of lifelong virginity for males are, of that often recognized. In gobies, for example, it
course, thought to be much higher. seems that the OSR is a driving force of the mating
system, but it is mainly female choice early in the
season, when males are abundant and then male
9.5 Investment in reproduction
choice later in the season, when males are rare
Based on investment in the gametes alone, females (Amundsen, 2018). Both sexes are choosy, but at dif­
are predicted to be choosy. But males, which invest ferent times. Is this still a system with mutual mate
far less in their gametes, can invest in their partners choice?
and offspring in other forms. Even if they do not Maybe a good example is mutual mate choice in
catch up completely, they may narrow the gap and, humans. In our own species we can be fairly certain
as they do so, they should benefit from being se­lect­ that women and men both have preferences, which
ive about with whom they breed. Furthermore, as tend to be complex and may or may not be im­port­
we already discussed, even in cases where males ant in actual matings (Courtiol et al., 2010). Also,
invest very little they may be selected to be choosy they may pay attention to somewhat different traits,
because of differences in female quality or availabil­ but each gender is trying to mate with the best pos­
ity. What seems to be puzzling at first can be sible mate. Mate preferences for height are a good
resolved once we step away from the traditional example. Here, differences in preferences tend to
view of sex roles. Again, another consideration is lead to a compromise (Sendova-­Franks, 2013). What
the role of sex roles. This concept is based on invest­ are the relative roles of conflict and cooperation in
ment of males and females in their gametes and has
been used to broadly predict behavioral patterns of
choosy females and promiscuous males. Those pat­ Ornamentation Competition
terns have been studied often and have mostly been
confirmed. But has this prevented us from asking
questions beyond the traditional sex roles? Do we
know so little about female competition and male Female or Male
mate choice because the Bateman–Trivers concept Mate Choice
of sex roles has dominated the field and influenced
the questions to be asked? Are Bateman gradients
maybe only predictive of the strength of choice, not Mutual Mate Choice?
binary roles? In an opinion paper, Cain and Rosvall Figure 9.1 Potential interaction of female choice and male choice,
argue that a conceptual weakness of Bateman gradi­ when it occurs simultaneously. The resulting mutual choice is the
ents is that they ignore ecology and access to critical result of the interaction of both.

158 M A L E C H O I C E , F E M A L E C O M P E T I T I O N, A N D F E M A L E O R N A M E N T S I N S E X UA L S E L E C T I O N

would be good to clarify the generality of this phe­

nomenon. I imagine there will be more examples
Reproductive investment
once we start looking more carefully. Variation in
sex ratios and the associated male mate choice can
play out at various levels either on the population
or the species level. Based on breeding ecology,
male mate choice can be found on the population
choice level as shown, for example, in the peacock blenny,
Salaria pavo (Almada et al., 1994, 1995) (Chapter 6).
Sex ratio Partner quality Male mate choice and female competition are
found in the populations of the Portuguese Algarve
because breeding sites are rare. What would hap­
pen if we experimentally provided ample breeding
Figure 9.2 Interaction of sex ratio, reproductive investment, and opportunities for this population? Likely they
partner quality. The center field is where mate choice is strongest.
would flip to female choice and male competition.
Besides, the Algarve is a wonderful area and field
finding mutually agreeable mating partners? Of work there is great fun! The opposite experiment
course, humans are a somewhat difficult example could be done in a habitat where breeding sites are
as culture plays such an important role in our mat­ abundant. These populations might be in the “Area
ing system. of behavioral flexibility” depicted in Figure 5.1. Sex
Clearly, mutual mate choice is key to understand­ ratios can also be relevant to the evolution of male
ing the simultaneous nature of male and female mate choice on the species level as suggested for
mate choice. How do we view and model the inter­ sex-­role reversed shore birds (Liker et al., 2013).
actions that lead to matings and reproduction Finally, as seen in the example of Scandinavian
(Figure 9.2)? What are the processes that lead to a gobies (Forsgren et al., 2004; Amundsen, 2018),
situation where both partners (females and males, (Chapter 6), males and females may switch from
under the old paradigm) have agency and input being choosy to competing based on the seasonally
into the outcome of the mating interaction? How changing OSR. Together this tells us again that nei­
much is this governed by sexual conflict and social ther male nor female choice are as fixed a strategy
evolution? What are the relative roles of male and as we currently think. I argue that choosiness based
female choice and how do they lead to mutual mate on sex ratios may vary on the level of the individ­
choice (Figure 9.3). ual, where some males that are perceived as “high-­
quality” or are especially “attractive” may be selective,
while other males may not. A similar argument for
9.6 Sex ratios
individual-­ based mating decisions and flexible
The conditions that lead to male mate choice are switches between behaviors was already made
heavily driven by ecology including the ratio of before, for example, by Ah-­ King and Gowaty
choosers to courters. This ratio—either captured as (2016). It seems important to understand the under­
OSR or adult sex ratio (ASR)—is a dynamic charac­ lying individual costs and benefits of choosiness to
teristic of populations, which predicts that male predict when to expect expression of this trait.
mate choice should be shown under some condi­ More generally, I think the role of the individual is
tions, but not others. Choosiness varies with OSR, underestimated in behavior, where the focus still
as demonstrated by several examples in Chapter 6, lies on characterizing population means.
including in gobies. Reflecting the OSR, female Finally, I am wondering about the potential bene­
choosiness is high early in the breeding season and fits of preferences for socially compatible mates. As
then eventually flips toward the end of the breed­ in preferences for a matching MHC, there may be a
ing season when males are rare. Such conditions good partner available for any given individual
are likely not limited to gobies, and more examples based on compatibility, not uniform preferences for


Resultant Selection seems moot, as it leads to a simi­lar outcome. But if

or Mutual Choice Selection via Male Choice indirect competition is prevalent in females, we
would not predict the many traits associated with
direct, active, and combat-­like competition found in
Selection via Female Choice
males. Similarly, dual-­function traits that serve as
ornaments and armaments are predicted to be less
Figure 9.3 Visual model of how male and female choice might
interact. common. Finally, indirect competition may also help
explain the relative paucity of evolved female orna­
a “best” mate. This phenomenon may come as ments that might be signals to other females.
assortative mating for certain traits, like size, or—in Alternatively, females may advertise their quality to
humans—for socioeconomic stratum, but would males with traits that are less conspicuous than the
also predict that certain behavioral types (or per­ corresponding traits in males. Here I suspect that
sonalities) are a better match for some individuals much more research is needed to understand the
than for others. Behavioral types have been dis­ mechanisms and evolutionary pathways of female
cussed for a long time and have been implicated as ornamentation. The field of social evolution is
important traits in mate choice; often not in relation probably going to make substantial contributions
to compatibility, but rather as a complex indicator here (Lyon and Montgomerie, 2012).
trait in female choice (Munson et al., 2020).
I have not discussed mechanisms very much.
9.8 Female ornamentation
This is not because I think that mechanisms are
unimportant. I strongly believe that the genetic and Ornamental traits in females have been hiding in
epigenetic basis of behavior, neurobiology, and hor­ plain sight for some time. Visual ornaments are best
mones are actually incredibly important in under­ studied in birds (Doutrelant et al., 2020) and more
standing mate choice both in females and males. work is needed looking for such ornaments in other
My hope is that as we make progress in theory and taxa. Female song as an ornamental trait is also an
empirical studies of the adaptive value of male emerging field, again with most data available for
mate choice, colleagues will start investigating birds (Riebel, 2003; Odom et al., 2014). Lizards are a
more of the mechanistic side, so that we can develop group in which ornaments are also relatively com­
research programs true to Tinbergen’s four ques­ mon and in lizards some experimental work has
tions (Tinbergen, 1963). One could even ask if with been done, for example on fence lizards, Sceloporus
the view of, for example, sex hormones as sex spe­ sp. (Assis et al., 2018). There are many open ques­
cific (Lipshutz et al., 2019), we unnecessarily main­ tions associated with female ornaments. Are they
tain a gendered view of mechanisms underlying really all ornaments? Are they a byproduct of selec­
behavior. In reality we now know that the role of tion on male ornaments? The latter seems unlikely
testosterone is highly complex and very important to me, but this is nonetheless a reasonable hypoth­
in both males and females. esis. If they are ornaments, what role do they play in
male choice and female competition? Why are there
relatively few armaments in females? It is also inter­
9.7 Female competition
esting that female ornaments (and female competi­
Understanding female competition seems even more tion) do not resemble male ornaments and
difficult. Females clearly compete with each other, competition. While males may risk injuries and
but it is less clear if they compete directly for males in their life during aggressive encounters, that is not
the way males compete for females. Instead it seems common in females. Intuitively, that makes sense
that in general females compete more in­dir­ect­ly for based on their investment in large gametes. Also,
resources associated with males. In a way the distinc­ whether much mortality through predators is asso­
tion between those two ways of female competition ciated with female ornaments is not clear.

160 M A L E C H O I C E , F E M A L E C O M P E T I T I O N, A N D F E M A L E O R N A M E N T S I N S E X UA L S E L E C T I O N

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A Bradypodion, 123 Desmognathus ochrophaeus, 60, 69

Acrosternum hilare, 66, 69, 73 Bufo andrewsi, 59, 69, 76 Desmognathus santeelah, 60, 69
adult sex ratio, xi, 22, 43, 45, 97, 109, Bufo bufo, 43, 112, 117, 129, 135, 149 Diptera, 46, 65, 132
117–118, 158 Drosophila, 2, 5, 7, 15, 22, 31, 42–43, 53,
Aegla, 147 C 65–66, 69, 72–74, 76, 85–86, 93–94,
Agaricomycotina, 55 Cacatua galerita, 120 99–100, 106–107, 119, 133, 143, 148,
Agelaius phoeniceus, 127, 131, 138 Campylomormyrus compressirostris, 68 151, 160
Agelenopsis aperta, 70 Canis lupus, 63, 70 Drosophila bifurcata, 69
Allocosa brasiliensis, 67 Carayon, 35 Drosophila melanogaster, 31, 43, 53,
Alopochen aegyptiaca, 121 Carcharhinus sorrah, 55, 70–71 65, 69, 73, 86, 106–107, 133,
Alytes, 59, 71–72, 74, 76, 80, 129 carotenoids, 130, 136 143, 148
Alytes cisternasii, 59, 71, 76 Carpodacus mexicanus, 62, 70, 127
Alytes muletensis, 59, 71, 76 Centrocercus minimus, 2 E
Alytes obstetricans, 59, 76, 80 Centruroides vittatus, 67, 77 Eclectus roratus, 123, 134
Amblyornis macgregoriae, 126 Chamaeleo chamaeleon, 128, 133 Eisenia andrei, 65, 69
amphibians, 24, 30, 33, 58, 67, 80, 131 Cichlasoma dimerus, 141 Ephippiger ephippiger, 87
Anas platyrhynchos, 121–122 Cichlasoma nigrofasciatum, 69 Equus caballos, 84
anisogamy, xi, 4–5, 15, 17, 42, 72 cichlids, 25, 30, 43, 56, 72, 101, Erythrura gouldiae, 71
Anolis, 60, 71, 77, 79, 132, 134 110, 151 Etheostoma caeruleum, 69, 79
Anolis carolinensis, 60, 71, 77 Cimex lectularius, 35 Etheostoma spectabile, 56, 70
Anolis sagrei, 60, 71, 79 Coleoptera, 16, 51, 65, 149 Eupelmus vuilleti, 141
Anser indicus, 121, 135, 138 Columba livia, 111, 118
Aromobatidae, 59 Copidosoma floridanum, 145 F
assortative mating, v, 10, 16, 33–34, Corythoichthys haematopterus, 136 Falco naumanni, 128
37, 45–46, 50, 56–58, 62–66, 72, 74, Coturnix japonica, 16, 147, 152 Formicarius moniliger, 144
76–77, 156, 159 Crocuta crocuta, 63, 70, 74, 142 Forpus conspicillatus, 143, 152
Astatotilapia flaviijosephi, 56, 69 Crotophytus collaris, 60, 70, 72 Frankliniella occidentalis, 66, 71
audience effects, vii, 7, 27, 147 Ctenophorus maculosus, 61, 70 Fratercula arctica, 133–134
Austrolebias reicherti, 57, 69, 77 Ctenophorus ornatus, 128, 135
Culaea inconstans, 57, 70, 76, 130, 136 G
B Cyanistes caeruleus, 90 Gallinula chloropus, 144, 149
Bateman gradients, 22–23, 41, 54, 98, Cynomys ludovicianus, 146 Gallus gallus, 128
120, 157 Cyprinella lutrensis, 29, 43 Gambusia affinis, 56, 88, 92
Belostoma, 66, 69, 79, 101, 103–108, 114 Cyprinodon brontotheroides, 55 Gambusia holbrooki, 56, 69
Belostoma flumineum, 103, 107–108 Cyprinodon variegatus, 55 Gammarus pulex, 67, 69, 73–74, 80
Belostoma lutarium, 69 Gammarus roeselii, 67, 69, 76
Betta splendens, 57, 70, 75 D Gasteracantha cancriformis, 71
Bicyclus anynana, 66, 77 Danio rerio, 53 Gasterosteus aculeatus, 15, 70, 78, 80,
binary choice test, xi, 41, 111, 115, 129 Dendrobates auratus, 59 89, 107, 130
Bison bison, 62, 69 Dendrobatidae, 59 Gazella marica, 62, 71
body mass index, 87 Dendroctonus valens, 70 Girardinichthys viviparus, 130
Bolitotherus cornutus, 65, 69 Dermestes maculatus, 87 Glis glis, 146, 150
Bombina bombina, 129 Dermogenys collettei, 56 Gobiusculus flavescens, 25, 58, 69,
Brachionus plicatilis, 64, 71, 74 Desmognathus fuscus, 60, 69, 80, 161 112, 130


Index 163

good genes, 31, 41, 44, 131–132, Luscinia svecica, 62, 70 P

144, 148 Palola viridis, 4
Green Swordtail (see also Xiphophorus M Pan troglodytes, 63, 70, 133–134, 152
hellerii), 10, 148–149 Major Histocompatibility Complex, Panorpa cognata, 6
Gymnorhinus cyanocephalus, 62, 69 (see also MHC) xi, 6, 18, 29, 51, 58, Panthera leo, 125, 143–144
75, 93–94, 156 Papio cynocephalus anubis, 141
H Malurus cyaneus, 141 Papio ursinus, 141–142
Heliangelus amethysticollis, 127 Mandrillus sphinx, 49, 63, 70, 78 Paralithodes camtschaticus, 82–83, 94
Heliconius, 66, 71, 73, 79, 84, 93 Marmota marmota, 146 parthenogenesis, 26, 50, 93
Helicoverpa zea, 88, 91 mate copying, 7, 15, 26–27, 36–37, Parus caeruleus, 90, 93
Hemiptera, 35, 65, 73 40–41, 62, 85 Parus major, 61, 70, 78
Heterocephalus glaber, 145 meerkats, 141, 145, 151 Passer domesticus, 62, 70, 91
Hirundo rustica, 127, 136 Megadyptes antipodes, 120 passerine birds, 124, 136
Homo sapiens, 58, 64, 69, 84, 101, Megaptera novaeangliae, 63, 69, 73 Pavo cristatus, 2
114, 142 Melanerpes formicivorus, 144 Pelvicachromis taeniatus, 56, 69, 79
Homoptera, 65 Mercurialis annua, 55, 71 Percina roanoka, 56, 70, 73
Hyalella azteca, 67, 70, 80 metazoans, 4, 22, 26 Petronia petronia, 128
Hyalinobatrachium cappellei, 101 MHC (see also Major Phalaropes, 5, 24–25
hybridogenetic, 32, 74 Histocompatibility Complex), xi, 6, Phalaropus lobatus, 50
Hyla chrysoscelis, 28, 47 15, 18, 29, 32, 42–43, 45–46, 48–51, Phalaropus tricolor, 24, 43
Hyla versicolor, 31, 44, 118 58, 63, 70, 78, 89–90, 95, 154–156, Phidippus clarus, 67, 70, 75
158 Phoxinus phoxinus, 122
I Micrathena gracilis, 67, 71–72 Physalemus pustolosus, 34
Ichthyosaura alpestris, (see also Triturus Microlophus occipitalis, 129 Pieris rapae, 86
alpestris), 70, 129 Microparra capensis, 24, 45 pipefish, 5, 15, 18, 23–24, 42–43,
Ischnura elegans, 124, 133 Microtos ochrogaster, 88 46–49, 51, 88, 93, 104, 107–108,
Isophya rizeensis, 66, 68, 85 Moniliformis moniliformis, 69 115–116, 129, 133, 136–137
moorhens, 18, 144, 151 Pisaura mirabilis, 67–68
J Mungus mungo, 63, 71 Platysaurus broadleyi, 60, 70, 80
Jacana jacana, 24, 44 Mus musculus, 63, 68, 115, 141 Platysaurus capensis, 60
Jacana spinoza, 24 pleiotropic effects, 27, 119
Jacanas, 5, 8, 16, 22, 24–25, 30, 44, 51 N Poecilia, 7, 11, 16–17, 19, 26, 33, 35,
Julidochromis regani, 141, 149 Neochromis omnicaeruleus, 71 44–45, 49, 51, 55–56, 68–69, 73, 75,
Junco hyemalis, 61, 70 Neofem2, 145 81, 84–87, 91, 93–94, 100, 106–108,
Neotrogla, 24–25 110, 113–114, 118, 127, 131, 135,
K Nicrophorus vespilloides, 103 137–138, 141, 145–147, 149–151, 161
katydids, 6, 30, 45, 49 Notophthalmus viridescens, 69 Poecilia formosa, 11, 17, 26, 45, 49, 56,
Kawanaphila mirla, 110, 117 nuptial gift, 6, 30, 46, 67, 95, 100, 85, 127, 131, 137, 150
Kawanaphila nartee, 110, 117 102–103 Poecilia latipinna, 19, 33, 35, 49, 51, 68,
Kryptolebias marmoratus, 58, 70 85, 91, 94, 100, 113, 118, 137, 161
O Poecilia mexicana, 7, 16, 33, 35, 68, 81,
L Odoceilus virginianus, 146 86, 94, 107–108, 114, 137, 147, 151
Lacerta agilis, 60, 70, 77 Oncorhynchus kisutch, 57, 69 Poecilia reticulata, 16, 44, 69, 73, 75, 84–85,
Lacerta vivipara, 115 Oncorhynchus nerka, 74, 130 87, 100, 110, 118, 141, 147, 150–151
Lake Victoria, 34, 43, 56 Onthophagus sagittarius, 19, 147 Poeciliopsis, 56, 68, 75
lek, xi, 10–11, 17–18, 35, 138, 144 Operational Sex Ratio (see also OSR), potential reproductive rate, xi, 5
Lemur catta, 63, 69, 77, 142, 149 xi, 9, 25, 43, 57, 77, 85, 116–118, 154 Priapella olmecae, 127, 133
Limia, 15, 33, 100, 108, 117–118, 146 Ophioblennius atlanticus, 69 Procyon lotor, 63, 70
limited sex, 4, 27 Oreamnos americanus, 62, 71, 76 Pseudomantis albofimbriata, 65, 70
limiting sex, 9, 22, 27, 102 Orthoptera, 45, 49, 65, 91, 107, Pseudomugil signifier, 28
Limnonectes palavanensis, 59 117–118 Ptilonorhynchidae, 7
Limulus polyphemus, 72 Oryzias latipes, 57, 69 Puntius titteya, 57, 71, 74, 76
Lithobates sylvaticus, 69 OSR (see also Operational Sex Ratio), Pygoscelis papua, 120–121
Littoraria ardouiniana, 70 vii, xi, 9, 25, 28, 57–59, 63, 66–67, 85,
Lobesia botrana, 150 97–98, 101–105, 109–116, 140, 143, R
Lonchura leucogastroides, 61, 71 154, 156–158 Rana dalmatina, 58, 75
Lonchura striata domestica, 61 Ovis aries, 62, 69 Rana esculenta, 59, 70, 74

164 Index

Rana sylvatica, 58, 69 79, 84–86, 100, 102, 104, 106–107, Thalassoma bifasciatum,
repeatability, 36, 42, 75 110, 115, 117, 137, 158 58, 69
reproductive success, xi, 5, 15, 35, 42, sexually transmitted diseases, 31 Thamnophis sirtalis, 61, 70
60, 81, 84, 92, 128, 149 sexy daughter hypothesis, 89, Thoropa taophora, 113
Rhamphomyia sulcate, 30 125, 156 Tilapia, 115
Rhamphomyia tarsata, 130 sexy son hypothesis, 29, 89, 125 Timema, 65
Rhinocoris tristis, 66, 69 sneaker males, 58 Todus todus, 121
Rhinogobius sp., 130 social selection, 28, 47, 124, 131–132, Trichonephila clavipes, 70
Rhodeus amarus, 6 135, 152, 161 Triturus, 60, 69, 80, 129, 161
Somateria mollissima, 127 Triturus vulgaris, 69, 80, 161
S Spalangia endius, 71, 75, 84, 93 Troglodytes aedon, 141
Salamandra salamandra, 129 Spea bombifrons, 89 Tungara frog (see also Physalemus
Salaria pavo, 16, 71, 113, 116, 158, 160 Spea multiplicate, 89 pustolosus), 34, 45, 137
Salvelinus alpinus, 130 Speotyto cunicularia, 146, 149
Sarotherodon galilaeus, 57, 69, 101, 115 Spermophilus tridecemlineatus, 63, 68 U
Sceloporus, 60, 68, 128–129, 131, 133, Squalius alburnoides, 32 Uca, 67, 69
138, 159 Stegastes leucosticus, 58, 69
Sceloporus undulatus, 68, 128, 131 Sturnidae, 132 W
Sceloporus virgatus, 60, 129, 138 Suricata suricatta, 141, 145 waist-to-hip ratio, 94
Schizocosa malitiosa, 84 Symphodus ocellatus, 71 Wolbachia, 40, 50
Schizocosa ocreata, 76, 89 Syngnathids, 23
Schizocosa oreata, 67, 71 Syngnathus abaster, 104 X
Schizocosa rovneri, 89 Syngnathus floridae, 104 Xiphophorus, 10, 16, 19, 33, 43, 55,
selfing, 41, 58, 74 Syngnathus typhle, 23, 104, 133 70, 79, 89, 118, 126–127, 133, 146,
Sepiadarium austrinum, 65, 70 148–149, 151
sex roles, v, xi, 2–5, 8, 11, 15–18, 21–25, T Xiphophorus hellerii, 10, 126
36, 41–42, 44–46, 48, 58, 65, 71, 90, Taeniopygia guttata, 10, 61, 126, 128 Xiphophorus malinche, 55, 70
97, 101, 105, 112, 116–119, 138, 140, Teleogryllus commodus, 89
148, 155, 157, 160 Teleogryllus oceanicus, 83, 85, 94, 130 Z
sexual conflict, xi, 11, 15–16, 18–19, Tenebrio molitor, 65, 71, 73, 84, 91 Zonotrichia albicollis, 22
27–28, 31, 35, 43, 46, 48–50, 59, 71, Tenodera angustipennis, 65, 68, 70, 75 Zygiella x-notata, 70

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