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Bahasa inggris SMP/MTs

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Jenjang : SMP/MTs

1. Isilah identitas Anda ke dalam Lembar Jawaban yang tersedia.
2. Naskah soal terdiri dari 35 butir soal Pilihan Ganda dan soal isian.
3. Soal pilihan ganda dijawab dengan memberikan tanda silang (X) pada salah satu huruf A, B, C atau D yang
anda anggap benar pada lembar jawaban.
4. Periksa dan bacalah soal-soal sebelum anda menjawab.
5. Laporkan kepada pengawas apabila terdapat lembar soal kurang jelas atau kurang lengkap.
6. Mintalah kertas buram kepada pengawas bila diperlukan.
7. Waktu yang tersedia untuk mengerjakan Naskah Soal adalah 120 menit.
8. Dilarang membuka buku catatan dan Handphone.
9. Periksalah pekerjaan anda sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas.
10. Lembar soal tidak boleh dicoret, difotocopy atau digandakan.


Berdoalah sebelum mengerjakan soal.

Jangan takut menghadapi masa depan,

hadapi dan perjuangkanlah

1. How do the students in the picture greet each other?
A. Good morning
B. Good evening
C. Good afternoon
D. Good night

2. Isabela : How old are you ?

Yulan : …………………………
A. I am fine
B. My brother
C. I am twelve
D. I’m in the seventh grade
The following dialog is for questions no. 3 and 4
Aldo : Let’s stop the game and go home now.
Rehan : OK. Bye, Aldo. See you tomorrow.
Aldo : (3) …. Don’t forget to invite Wira to join us tomorrow.
Rehan : Sure, I will invite (4) … soon.

3. …………………
A. See you
B. Good bye
C. Thanks
D. Sorry

4. ........................
A. Him
B. You
C. Her
D. She

5. What is the picture below ?

A. Tiger
B. Monkey
C. Lion
D. Frog

6. What is the picture below ?

A. Chicken
B. Butterfly
C. Tiger
D. Caterpillar

7. What is the following picture ?

A. Cow
B. Elephant
C. Crocodile
D. Buffalo

8. This animal can go for a long time without drinking water. It is very tall. It can reach the tender leaves at
the top of a tree, because it has a long neck. What animal is that

Fill in the blanks in questions 9-18 with the correct use of TOBE
9. Peby………….sad when her cat’s loss?
A. Is
B. are
C. am
D. was
10. I……. a student in junior high school?
A. Am
B. Is
C. Are
D. Has

11. She…….. My English teacher?

A. Am
B. Is
C. Are
D. Were

12. Jingga and sapira……… happy ?
A. Am
B. Is
C. Are
D. Was

13. You……. Shocked when the fireworks are blamed?

A. Am
B. Are
C. Is
D. Has

14. Joko Widodo…….. the seventh president of Indonesia?

A. Is
B. Am
C. Are
D. Had

15. He………. My young brother?

A. Is
B. Am
C. Are
D. Has

16. We….. happy to her birthday party?

A. Is
B. Am
C. Are
D. Were

17. The cat….. so cute and adorable ?

A. Is
B. Am
C. Are
D. Has

18. They……supportive and kind hearted?

A. Is
B. Am
C. Are
D. Were

19. Aldo : Beni, can you write the message in English?

Beni : I…. think I can, but I will try.
A. Not
B. Doesn’t
C. Don’t
D. Am not
20. Dina : Why are you looks weak?
Ari : I’m sick.
Dina :…..
What is your suggestion?
A. You should go to the library
B. You should go to the doctor
C. You should go to the market
D. You should go to the school

21. There … many motorcycles in the road now.

A. Are
B. Am
C. Is
D. Was

22. There … a car in the garage.
A. Are
B. Am
C. Is
D. Was

23. Lina : Come to my party?

Edo : .................. (23)
Lina : See you in my party!
Edo : ................. (24)
A. I’m afraid i’ve already promised
B. Unfortunately, i can’t
C. I’m very sorry
D. Thank you very much for inviting me

24. …………………………
A. See you
B. I’m very sad
C. You’re right
D. Wow man

25. Lina Says,I have agree with you,what does it mean ?

A. He disagree
B. She agrees
C. He is doubt
D. He is disappointed

26. Why should we have breakfast?

A. To have stronger lungs
B. To have strong muscles
C. To stay healthy
D. In order to get rid of dirt

27. Dayu : I don’t feel well. I’m catching a cold

Udin : You should go to the doctor
Beni : I don’t think that’s a good idea
The underline word means
A. Disagreement
B. Agreement
C. Advice
D. Suggestions

Read this conversation to answer the question number 28– 29

Dayu : “Riri, ………………….?

Riri : “For eight years now, my father died when I was a baby

and my mother died eight years ago!”

28. The correct sentence for Dayu to ask information from Riri is…
A. Riri, how long have you been an orphan?
B. Riri, how old are you?
C. Riri, why you have been an orphan?
D. Riri, who was the orphan?

29. These are the correct statements based on the conversation above except…
A. Riri has been an orphan for eight years
B. Riri’s father died when she was a baby
C. Riri is an orphan
D. Riri has stepfather after her father died

The following picture is for question no. 30

Hello, what is ....

your hobby?

30. ……………..
A. I like swimming
B. I am a good student
C. I live in village
D. I like fried rice

The following dialog is for questions no. 31 to 32.

Aurel : Oh, look at the pen on the floor! Is it yours?

Nisa : Yes, it is. It’s from my sister.
Aurel : Wow, it’s very nice! Here is your pen, Nisa.
Nisa : Thanks a lot, Aurel.
Aurel : You’re welcome.

31. What is the topic of the dialog above?

A. Nisa’s sister.
B. Aurel’s pen.
C. Aurel’s sister.
D. Nisa’s pen.

32. What does Aurel see on the floor? It is a ….

A. Pen
B. Person
C. Sister
D. B r o t h e r

33. Here is your pen, Nisa.” The underlined word refers to ….

A. Nisa
B. Nisa’s
C. Aurel
D. Aurel’s

The following picture is for questions no. 34 and 35

34. There are … in the classroom.

A. A table
B. Three table
C. A tables
D. Three tables

35. There is … on the classroom wall.

A. A clock
B. Aclocks
C. Three clocks
D. Three clock

Fill in the blanks with the correct words

“Good luck”

Kunci jawaban soal
No soal jawaban No soal Jawaban
1 A 26 d
2 C 27 a
3 B 28 b
4 B 29 b
5 c 30 c
6 a 31 a
7 b 32 a
8 a 33 b
9 d 34 b
10 c 35 b
11 c 36 a
12 c 37 d
13 b 38 d
14 c 39 a
15 c 40 a
16 a 41 d
17 c 42 c
18 c 43 b
19 d 44 d
20 a 45 d
21 a 46 a
22 b 47 b
23 b 48 b
24 d 49 a
25 a 50 c

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