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Porto Alegre, July 13th, 2018

Dear Walt Disney World Recruiters,

My name is Felipe Aleixo Guedes, I’m 20 years old and I’m an Advertising student in Porto
Alegre, Brazil. I write this letter in order to present and explain my strong aspiration to be a Disney Cast
Member by participating in the Cultural Exchange Program.
Several traveling experiences abroad have made me more and more fascinated by different
cultures, I took every chance I had to communicate with people from the countries I visited. My impulse
to work, learn and improve myself added to my curiosity towards other cultures resulted in my ambition
to work all over the world. That has become possible with the Cultural Exchange Program since working
at Disney - this fantastic multicultural environment - is working everywhere in the world, all at once.
I believe the qualifications I’ve developed through my professional and personal life have made
me a perfectly suitable candidate for the program. My experience with advertisement - working for
individual companies or for multiple clients at an ad agency - has taught me a lot about how to effectively
handle many clients with different needs. To satisfy each of them, I had to adapt constantly while still
keeping the company’s culture and values in which I worked present in all of my tasks.
My career has been filled with teamwork experiences, dividing tasks and communicating to find
the best solution, and also working by myself, handling problems on my own and being responsible for
large projects. I’m very adaptable. I absorb rules and guidelines easily for I understand that only after
knowing exactly what you can and can not do, and how far can you go, you are able to achieve your
maximum capacity to go above and beyond.
In my life, I’ve also had experience as a volunteer, entertaining children and attending to their
needs at an institution, and as a Student Union Member, organizing and executing events for all students,
specially children. Right now, in my current position as Safeweb’s communication intern, I deal with
customers, branding and safety on a daily basis, three essential values for Disney.
The program will provide me with the opportunity to grow even more, using and enhancing the
skills I‘ve acquired in my professional life that relate directly to communication, contact with multiple
cultures, problem solving in fast paced environments and the chance to learn about customer service with
the finest teacher I could have: Disney. I am very grateful for this opportunity and your consideration.

Kind regards,

Felipe Aleixo Guedes

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