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The students will gather and represent data from google forms.

In your learning task for this week, you are tasked to create a
survey using the Google form.

Note: This activity is triad. Please fill out this table.

Names Contribution of the member in the activity




Note: Collect 15 participants from G7 to G10.

Grade G7 G8 G9

Number of

Choose only one category. Questions are provided for you, input
these questions based on the category assigned in your group
through Google form.
Different Social Media platforms
Demographic Information:
1. What is your age range?
a. 18-24 b. 25-34 c. 35-44 d. 45-54
e. 55 and above
2. What is your gender?
a. Male b. Female c. Non-binary d. Prefer
not to say
General Social Media Usage:
3. How frequently do you use social media platforms?
a) Never b. Rarely c. Occasionally d.
Frequently e. Very Frequently
4. Which social media platforms do you currently use?
a) Facebook
b) Twitter
c) Instagram
d) LinkedIn
e) Snapchat
f) TikTok
g) Other (please specify)
5. On average, how much time do you spend on social
media per day?

Preference and Purpose:

6. My preferred social media platform meets my needs and
a) Strongly Disagree b. Disagree c. Neutral
d. Agree e. Strongly Agree
7. I primarily use social media for:
a) Personal connections b. Professional networking
c. Both
8. I choose a social media platform based on its features and
a) Strongly Disagree b. Disagree c. Neutral
d. Agree e. Strongly Agree
9. I engage the most with the following type of content on
social media:
a. Text posts b. Images c. Videos d. Articles
e. Others (please specify)
10. I take measures to protect my privacy on social media.
a) Strongly Disagree b. Disagree c. Neutral
d. Agree e. Strongly Agree

1. What is your current educational level?
a. G7 b. G8 c. G9 d. G10
2. How would you rate your overall experience in your
current educational institution?
a. Very Poor b. Poor c. Neutral d. Good e.
3. Are you involved in any extracurricular activities?
a. Not involved b. Minimally involved c. Moderately
involved d. Very involved
d. Extremely involved
Academic Environment:
4. The curriculum at my school adequately meets my
educational needs.
a) Strongly Disagree b. Disagree c. Neutral
d. Agree e. Strongly Agree
5. The teaching methods used by my teachers are effective
in helping me understand the subjects.
a) Strongly Disagree b. Disagree c. Neutral
d. Agree e. Strongly Agree
6. The school facilities (such as libraries, labs, etc.) are
sufficient for my academic requirements.
a) Strongly Disagree b. Disagree c. Neutral
d. Agree e. Strongly Agree
Support and Interaction
7. I feel supported by my teachers in my academic
a) Strongly Disagree b. Disagree c. Neutral
d. Agree e. Strongly Agree
8. The level of interaction and collaboration among students
in my school is encouraging.
a) Strongly Disagree b. Disagree c. Neutral
d. Agree e. Strongly Agree
9. The school administration is responsive to the concerns
and needs of students.
a) Strongly Disagree b. Disagree c. Neutral
d. Agree e. Strongly Agree
10. The school provides adequate resources for mental health
and well-being support.
a) Strongly Disagree b. Disagree c. Neutral
d. Agree e. Strongly Agree

1. What is your current family structure?
a. Nuclear family(mother, father and children)
b. Extended family (parents and their children with
immediate family members)
c. Blended family (family, the children may be step-
siblings, and the parents may be step-parents to some
of the children)
d. Single-parent family (one parent is the sole caregiver
and provider for the children.)
2. Communication within my family is open and honest.
a. Strongly Disagree b. Disagree c. Neutral
d. Agree e. Strongly Agree
3. Family members actively listen to each other's opinions
and concerns.
a. Strongly Disagree b. Disagree c. Neutral
d. Agree e. Strongly Agree
4. Conflict resolution within my family is handled
a. Strongly Disagree b. Disagree c. Neutral d.
Agree e. Strongly Agree
5. I feel supported by my family in pursuing my personal
a. Strongly Disagree b. Disagree c. Neutral d.
Agree e. Strongly Agree
6. Family members are considerate of each other's well-being
and mental health.
a. Strongly Disagree b. Disagree c. Neutral d.
Agree e. Strongly Agree
7. There is a sense of unity and togetherness in our family.
a. Strongly Disagree b. Disagree c. Neutral
d. Agree e. Strongly Agree
8. Roles and responsibilities are clearly defined and shared
within the family.
a. Strongly Disagree b. Disagree c. Neutral
d. Agree e. Strongly Agree
9. Family members contribute equally to household tasks and
a. Strongly Disagree b. Disagree c. Neutral
d. Agree e. Strongly Agree
10. Decision-making in the family is a collaborative process.
a. Strongly Disagree b. Disagree c. Neutral
d. Agree e. Strongly Agree

1. How would you describe the size of your close friend
a) Small (1-3 friends)
b) Moderate (4-6 friends)
c) Large (7 or more friends)
2. I feel comfortable expressing my thoughts and feelings
with my friends.
a. Strongly Disagree b. Disagree c. Neutral
d. Agree e. Strongly Agree
3. I can trust my friends with personal information and secrets.
a.Strongly Disagree b. Disagree c. Neutral
d. Agree e. Strongly Agree
4. Communication with my friends is frequent and meaningful.
a. Strongly Disagree b. Disagree c. Neutral d.
Agree e. Strongly Agree
5. My friends actively listen and show interest in my life.
a. Strongly Disagree b. Disagree c. Neutral d.
Agree e. Strongly Agree
6. We make an effort to spend quality time together regularly.
a. Strongly Disagree b. Disagree c. Neutral d.
Agree e. Strongly Agree
7. Disagreements and conflicts are handled constructively in
my friendships.
a. Strongly Disagree b. Disagree c. Neutral d.
Agree e. Strongly Agree
8. I feel comfortable addressing issues or concerns with my
a. Strongly Disagree b. Disagree c. Neutral d.
Agree e. Strongly Agree
9. My friends and I can bounce back from disagreements and
maintain our friendship.
a. Strongly Disagree b. Disagree c. Neutral d.
Agree e. Strongly Agree
10. Our group includes a diverse range of individuals with varied
a. Strongly Disagree b. Disagree c. Neutral d.

Exceeding Meeting Approaching

Below Standards
Standards Standards Standards

The questions
The questions The questions The questions
are properly
Proper Encoding are properly are not spelled are not properly
spelled but the
spelled and well but properly spelled and not
of Questions in choices were not
properly encoded in the properly
the google form properly
encoded in the google form. encoded in the
(5 points) encoded in the
google form. google form.
google form.
5 points 3-4 points 1 point
2 points
Brief Introduction The introduction
and description of the survey is The introduction The introduction
about the topic. well explained is explained but appears to be It is unoriginal.
(3-6 sentence) and discussed. not discussed rushed.
well. 1 point
2 points
3-4 points
(5) 5 points

The data The data The data The data

gathered is valid gathered is gathered is valid gathered is
Data gathered and reliable. It is slightly valid and but incomplete. incomplete.
presented thru a slightly reliable.
(10) 3-4 points 1-2 point
chart. It is presented
thru a chart
8-10 points
5-7 points

The explanations
The explanation The explanation The explanations
Interpretation per do not exist.
is complete and lacks one don't explain well
question follows its content. the gathered
intended data
(Explanation) content.
9-10 points 6-8 points 3-4 points
1-2 points
(10 points)

Agree e. Strongly Agree

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