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GAD-based iC CEBU
Lesson Exemplar
Grade Level: 7 Learning Area: Mathematics Quarter: III Duration: 50 minutes
DLP: 5 Date: March 20, 2024
Integration Approach Used: (Please tick.)
Multidisciplinary ✓ Interdisciplinary Transdisciplinary
✓ ✓

I.21st Century Skills to be developed (Please tick.)

✓ Communication Learning and Innovation Problem Solving
✓ Critical Thinking ✓ Information Media and Technology ✓ Life and Career

II. Focused Learning Competencies (Use Curriculum Guide)

III. Focused GAD principle/s to be integrated

All learners should practice equality in dealing with people regardless of gender.

IV. Intended Learning Outcomes

Knowledge Identify and apply the properties of equality

Skills Find the solution equation involving one variable by algebraic procedure
using the properties of equality.

Attitude Demonstrate determination in performing tasks.

Values Improve one’s mathematical ability by actively participating in the teaching-

learning process.

V. Learning Content/s Operation on polynomials, verifying a solution to an equation

Properties of Equality
Solving Word Problems Involving Equation in one Variable

Concepts Solving Linear Equations and Inequalities algebraically

Learning Materials PowerPoint presentation,TV, laptop/netbook, chalk board. chalk

Reference Mathematics Learmers Materials 7

VI. Learning Experiences (5 Es)

1. Engage ROUTINE

1. Prayer
2. Attendance and physical arrangement
3. Recapping

2. Explore Arrange the jumbled words

The students will pass around a rolled-up paper while the music is
playing. When the music stops, the person holding the paper will
have the chance to answer a set of jumbled letters.








1. From the jumbled words you have arranged, what do you think
are these words? How is this related from our topic today?

All answers may vary


To solve equation algebraically we need to use the various
property of equality
3. Explain
A. Reflexive Property of Equality

The reflexive property of equality states that each real number

is always equal to itself.
For any real number x, x = x.


3=3 -b = -b x+2 = x+2

B. Symmetric Property of Equality

By symmetric property of equality, the order of equality does

not matter.

For all real numbers x and y, if x = y , then y = x.


If 2+3 = 5, then 5 = 2+3

If X-5 = -2, then -2 = X-5

C. Transitive Property of Equality

By the transitive property of equality, two numbers that are

equal to the same number are also equal.

If p, q and r are real numbers such that p = q and q = r, then

p = r.

Example :

If 2+ 3= 5 and 5= 1+4, then 2+3 =1+4

If X – 1 = y and y =3, then x-1 =3

D. Substitution Property of Equality

For any real numbers a and b: if a = b, then a may be replaced

by b, or b may be replaced a in any mathematical sentence
without changing its meaning


If x + y = 5 and x = 3, then 3 + y = 5
If 6 – b = 2 and b = 4, then 6 – 4 = 2

E. Addition Property of Equality

When you add the same value to both sides of an equation,

the equation remains true. This concept is known as
the addition property of equality.

Mathematically, for real numbers a, b and c, we have

If a = b then a + c = b + c

Example :

10 + 3 = 13 is true if and only if 10 + 3 + 248 = 3 + 248

Is also true ( because the same number, 248, was added to

both sides of the equation)

F. Multiplication Property of Equality

When you multiply both sides of an equation by the same real

number, the equation remains balanced..

Let’s understand this mathematically. Consider any three real

numbers, a, b and c.

For all real numbers a, b, and c, where c is not equal to 0, a =

b if and only if ac = bc

Example :

3𝑥5 = 15 is true if only if (3𝑥5)𝑥 2 = 15 𝑥 2

Is also true ( because the same number, 2, was multiplied to

both sides of the equation )

Finding solution to equation in one variable using the

properties of equality.

Solving equation in one variable means finding the values of

the unknown such as (x)
Example: solve x – 4 = 8

Solution : x–4=8 given

X–4+4=8+4 APE (added 4 for both

sides) x = 12

Checking x = 12 x–4=8

12 – 2 = 8


Since 8 = 8 is true, then x = 12 is correct solution.

Try this

In example 1 to 3, we saw how the properties of equality

maybe used to solve an equation and to check the answer
Solving Word Problems Involving Equation in one
4. Elaborate Try this
𝑥 𝑥−2
1. 3 + =4

2. 3𝑥 = 75
3. John is 6 years older than his brother is. He will be twice as
old as his brother I 4 years. How old is John now?
4. find the largest 3 consecutive eve integers when six times
the first integers equal to five times the middle integer.

5. Evaluate Answer the following

VII. Learning Enablement:
(2 minutes) Individual
Please practice analyzing problem solving

Prepared by:

Name: Evelyn G. Colao School: Catmon Integrated

Position/Designation: Student Teacher Division: Cebu province

Contact Number: 09066335131 Email address:

Checked by:
Moises B. Sucalit

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