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Imperial families :

End of the Hantei dynasty :

 Hantei XXXVI (m)
o Hantei Yatoshin (m), crowned Hantei XXXVII, wed a Kakita who have
for sister Kakita Ryoku (writer of the fiction “winter”), aunt and
godmother of Hantei XXXVIII
 Hantei Jodan (m), crowned Hantei XXXVIII, had 4 spouses
(Hantei Hochiahime is the 4th), killed by Bayushi Shoju during the
Scorpion clan coup.
 A child to born from Hochiahime, officially killed by the
bloodspeakers (Daigotsu, see Lost line)
 Hantei Sotorii (m), from Hochiahime crowned Hantei
XXXIX, wed to Bayushi Kachiko, killed by the 7 thunders
after being possessed by Fu Leng. Sensei : Kakita
Toshimoko. In the clan wars book, it said that he was
having a relation with a young girl named Miya Yumika,
that will died to cover the escape of Otosan Uchi of the
imperial prince.
 A younger brother who take the Otomo name, wed to Matsu Jiko.
 Otomo Yoroshiku (f), officially niece and heir of Hantei
XXXVIII. Supposed to have been killed before the
Scorpion clan coup.
 Otomo Tamekago, then Togashi Abekuni (m), younger brother,
trained under Kitsuki Yasu before joining the Togashi.

 Minor branch (characters in this category are missing information to be include in

the Hantei line).
o Otomo Banu (m), cousin of Hantei XXXIX. Maybe son of Tamekago.
Claimed Toturi’s throne for himself during the Emperor’s disappearance.
o Hantei Arumihime (f), a young cousin to Hantei 38th. She wed Akodo
Kage, great sensei of the Lion clan and Kolat master. Officially died of the
plague after Sotorii’s birth, in fact killed by Kage because her usefulness
was outlived.
 Students of Kage : Akodo Toturi (m) see Akodo Line, Matsu
Hiroru (m) see Matsu line, Matsu Keicko (m) young of a noble
house who lost kickly his older brother, Asahina Dorai (m) kolat
master after the death of Kage, died during the War against the
o Ikoma Ujiaki’s wife (see Ikoma line).

Otomo family :
 Otomo Sorai (m), family daimyo under the Hantei.
o Otomo Hoketuhime (f), family daimyo under the Toturi dynasty. She had
a romance with Naseru, who ended with the death of Hantei XVI.
 Otomo Miyato (f), a nevrotic niece who married Kasuga Taman
(m), karo of Kasuga Taigen.
 Otomo Asami (f) a niece who wed Bayushi Norachai (m) the
Protector of the Imperial city appointed by Toturi Kurako (f)

Seppun family :

- Seppun Ishikawa (m) is the captain of the Miharu during the Hantei reign. He died in
mysterious circumstances during the day of thunder, after pledging alliance with the
- Seppun Kiaki (m) : Ishikawa’s younger brother joined Toturi’s army after Ishikawa
joined the Crane.
 Seppun Daiori (m), former officer of the Miharu until he get crippled. Family
daimyo under the Hantei. He is killed by Bayushi Shoju during the Scorpion clan
o Seppun Hotaitaka (m), officially son of Daiori, but not really. Family
daimyo under Toturi I

 (minor branch)
o Seppun Chisekai (m), cousin at the 3rd level of Hotaitaka, governor of the
imperial port of Kouketsukan

 Seppun Kiharu (m), daimyo under Toturi III and leader of the one thousand
 Seppun Toshiaki (m), leader of the Hidden guard, not sure of his position in the
family. He is said to be the daimyo of the Seppun before being executed for being
a Gozoku member.
o Illegitimate daughter, that was used to blackmail Toshiaki to join the

Yotsu vassal family of the Seppun :

The ronin Yotsu get the reward of creating his own family after saving Hantei Sotorii
from the Bloodspeakers by sacrificing his son Kyoden. He get also the first name
Yatoshin, name of Hantei XXXVIII’s father. They are descendant of a ronin Ise-zumi
who have get this prophecy : "When a man falls, he also rises. Remember this, and when
ten thousand men have fallen to your name, you will join the stars in the Celestial
Heavens, and your place will be among the Fortunes." During the winter court after
Naseru’s death, they joined as a vassal family the Seppun, but kept the right to tell their
 Yotsu Yatoshin (m), founder of the Yotsu family and the order of the blade of
o Yotsu Ureiko (f), family daimyo, governor of the Yatoshin district of
Otosan Uchi. Wed to the governor Hida Kosuga after the Scorpion clan
coup for political reasons. She have been trained with the Falcon clan.
o Yotsu Seou (f), trained with the Falcon clan. Daimyo under Toturi III.
o Yotsu Seiki (f), twin sister of Seou,, shugenja. She joined the armies of
Toturi when he was the Black Lion and her sister followed her. She have
been trained with the Centipede. Her death is around the battle of Beiden
pass and the attack of Shinden Asahina.
o Yotsu Shoku (m), wed to Yotsu Sabieru They are thugs and bullies.
o Yotsu Sumai (m) who get trained by the Scorpion. He stop sending news 2
years before the Scorpion clan coup after he said he was going to be
trained in a special Shosuro dojo.
o Utai (m)
o Ukeru (m)
o Kyoden (m), last son, took Hantei Sotorii’s place to save him. He get
corrupted by some Bloodspeaker’s ritual and became Goju Kyoden (from
the name of the killer of Daigotsu’s mother), Daigotsu’s obsidian
champion. He died to resurrect his master.
 Heir : Goju Kyojiro (m), the former Ikoma Hiromori corrupted at
Volturnum decided to emulate Kyoden and was acknowledged by
the former Obsidian champion.

Miya family :

 Miya Yoto (m), family daimyo under Hantei XXXVIII. He is forcefully retired by
his son and died around the day of thunder. He was a great friend of the ronins
and minor clans, including Koan the immortal priest.
o Miya Satoshi (m), trained by the Matsu family, make a coup to became
family daimyo under Hantei XXXIX. He is forced to return the position
under the Toturi, but is allowed to live and train students.
 A younger sibling:
o Miya Yumi (f), family daimyo under Toturi I and II.

After Yumi’s death, the daimyoship goes to :

 Miya Shoin (m), son of Miya Dosonu, a returned spirit who served under Hantei
XXVII. He help reconstructing the Imperial court with Ide Tadaji and Bayushi
Kaukatsu under Toturi III. He was also implied in the hunt of Gusai. Wed to
(Seppun) Ishihime (= stone princess).
 Miya Yoshimaru (m), cousin of Shoin. He has been killed and skinned up with 2
others heralds sent by Miya Shoin to the Dragon clan not long before the death of

Toturi family :
 Akodo Toturi (m), Lion clan champion, the ronin named the black lion, Lion clan
thunder and future Toturi the 1st, wed to Isawa Kaede (see the Isawa Bloodline).
Killed by Fushin the onisu of betrayal at the start of the Gold era. (see the Akodo
bloodline for more information about his relatives). Student of Akodo Kage and
Suana, the acolyte of water.
o Yojimbo : Mikio (m), a former Doji sent to Toturi by his friend Hoturi. He
was one of the students that trained with the Crane clan thunder under
Toshimoko. He died during the kidnapping of Toturi by the Shadow in
Hare 1130.
o Empress’s guard : Doji Haranobu (m) : returned spirit, founder of the
Empress’s guard. He recreated the guard when dieing during the spirit
wars protecting Kaede.
o Karo : Takuan (m), leader of the ronin city of Nanashi Mura, who joined
later the Toturi’s army and was designed Regent of the Empire during
Hidden Emperor. He makes seppuku in Horse 1132 after Toturi’s return
when he see the madness in his friend’s soul, unaware of the Shadow’s
influence. His second is Seppun Toshiken by order of the Emperor,
despite they both hates each other.
o Students : Ikoma Tsunari (f), see Ikoma line. Shotai (m), former Ikoma
diplomat who saved Hantei XXXVIII by taking the poisonous strike
directed to the emperor as Toturi was killing the assassin. He survived but
became mad, and followed Toturi until the day of Thunder but his fate is
unknown. He was considered to be a buffoon when Toturi was champion.
o Akodo Kaneka (m), the Shogun, illegitimate and older son, born from the
Geisha Hatsuko. Wed to Doji Yasuyo, she have been allowed to keep her
family name after nearly beating in a duel the one former know as the
 Karo : Shiba Danjuro (m), the champion of Ji and a talented
 Hatamoto : Akodo Yobi (m), a former strategist of the Toturi’s
army. He died during the attack of the ruins of the Otosan Uchi’s
library by Seppun Jin.
 Advisors : Heigai (m, former Ginawa, see Akodo line), Shosuro
Higatsuku, voice of the Shogun (m), the next ones have been sent
to the clans after the quest of Naseru. Kasumasa (m), the
adventurer; Naoharu (m), the advisor; Etsushi and Uchito (m), the
brothers; Masakazu (m), the bully; Qelsaurth (m) the naga jakla;
Fusami (f), the duellist; Sachina (f), the seductress; Rikako (f), the
shugenja (now Horiuchi, student of Moto Tsusung); Otoya (m), the
 Herald : Shosuro Higatsuku (m), a courtier knows to taunt.
o Toturi Tsudao (f), Toturi II. Died killing Daigotsu at the end of the Gold
era. Nicknamed the Sword. Believed to be the reincarnation of the Sun.
o Toturi then Isawa Sezaru (m), the voice of the Emperor, nicknamed the
Wolf. Wed to Isawa (former Soshi) Angai of the Kuroiban.
 Yojimbo : Toturi Koshei, former Akodo Koshei.
 Advisors : Miya Gensaiken, former Oni no Pekkle and now just a
Pekkle. Asako Ryoma (m), inquisitor who killed Kuni Utagu (see
Kuni line), killed by the onisu Yokubo.
o Hantei Naseru (m), Toturi III, wed to Akodo Kurako. Emperor of
Rokugan, nicknamed the Anvil and student of Hantei XVI, then Ide Tadaji
after killing Hantei XVI for attacking Otomo Hotekuhime. Killed in the
Tomb of the 7 Thunders, his last words was recovered by the Kolat
Tsuruchi Etsui (m) who used them to discover the testament of the fallen
Empire giving the right to rule as Toturi IV to Kaneka hidden in the
temple to Toku.
 Yojimbos : Seppun Isei (m), returned spirit. Die again protecting
Naseru in the City of Night. After, it’s Yotsu Irie (f), former Tonbo
Irie. Supposed killed along her master.
 Empress’s guard : Doji (Hitomi) Reju (m) : former duellist,
member of the order of the moon, favored of Hitomi. He died
protecting Asahina Sekawa from the Sons of Shadow during his
attempt to cleans the ruins of Otosan Uchi. Kakita Matabei (m)
tooks his place.
 Underhands : Bayushi Sunetra (f), see Bayushi line, and Yamainu
(m) a ronin assassin.
 Personnal attendant : Fuzake Haruka (f) (see Monkey clan).

DRAGON clan :

Togashi family :
 Togashi (m), founder and Champion of Dragon clan, wed to Bayushi Kuninoko,
daughter of Bayushi Oshiso, Scorpion clan champion. He was using Tamashii,
peoples with a special soul, as vessel. The latest one was Yokuni, but he shared
his doubts into another one, Kokujin, who became the shadowland prophet of
dark lotus. He died during the Day of Thunder, Hitomi ripping his heart to get the
12th black scroll.
o Togashi Hoshi (m), Dragon clan champion after Hitomi, who give him
back the clan to prepare her ascension as Lady Moon, wed to Hoshi Eisai
 Togashi Satsu (m, child name Yoshune), dragon clan Champion
under Toturi III, wed to Soshi Misuko. He takes the mantle of the
champion after his father ascends to the heaven to fight Fu-leng.
He later found Togashi’s daisho battling Kokujin, becoming the
scion of Togashi the Kami and inheriting a lot of his powers.
 A child.

Mirumoto family :
 Togashi Gaijutsu (m), blind tattooed master.
o Student : Togashi Yama(m), former Agasha Yama. A shugenja that doubt
of his destiny.
o Mirumoto Kuojin (m), daimyo under Hantei XXXVIII, he will commit
seppuku not long after the funerals of his wife killed by sorrow after the
death of their son Satsu.
 Mirumoto Satsu (m), wed, killed in duel by Hida Yakamo at
Kyuden Bayushi.
 Mirumoto Hitomi (f), daimyo after her father’s death, Dragon clan
thunder, Dragon clan champion after the day of thunder, founder
of the order of the Hitomi and Lady Moon.
 Mirumoto Daini (m) wed to the naga The Mara, daughter of The
 Mirumoto Mareshi (m) who leads the Dragon clan army
over Kosaten Shiro and sealed an alliance with the Ratlings
of the Broken Shinbone. Half-naga, he has some links with
the Akasha. After the death of Rosanjin, he became the
Mirumoto daimyo and planned to marry Mirumoto Kei,
general of the War of the Rich Frog.

o Mirumoto Sukune (m), hatamoto, then Mirumoto family daimyo under

 Mirumoto, then Togashi Miyoki (f) have been forced to join the
Togashi as a punishment of Hitomi’s political mistake (for the
official reason, the true reason is that during a winter court under
Hantei XXXVIII at Kyuden Mirumoto, a Scorpion courtier
discovered Togashi Hoshi). She fought at the battle of Shinden
Osano-wo, retrieving the sacred sword “Courage” before going to
the battle of Shinden Asahina against Junzo’s horde.
 Student : Mirumoto Uso (m), became the daimyo after Sukune,
killed by Asako Tsukiro, a bloodspeaker under the influence of a

o From unknown parents, all cousins of Hitomi :

 Ikudaiu and Akuai’s older brother. Died naturally, making Ikudaiu
join the Brotherhood of Shinsei.
 Mirumoto Ikudaiu (m), monk of the brotherhood, Kolat. He will
give half of the true Tao to Daidoji Rekai.
 Mirumoto Akuai (m) became Hitomi Akuai, young brother of
Ikudaiu. He is the first to try Hitomi’s tattoos. He died killed on the
Anvil of despair to create one of Kokujin’s shameswords.
 Mirumoto Yukihira (m), swordmaster of the Mirumoto family.
 Student : Mirumoto Bunjun (m), then Hitomi Bunjun : ex-
heimin, Kaze-do master.
After Uso, the daimyoship goes to Mirumoto Rosanjin :
 Mirumoto Yuyake (m), mountaineer and Mirumoto Jinko (f), courtier and
o Mirumoto Rosanjin (m), Master sensei of the Iron Mountain dojo, daimyo
of the family under Toturi III. Reported dead during the battle of the tomb
of the 7 Thunders. At his death, the daimyoship goes back to Mirumoto
Mareshi (see main Mirumoto line).
 Student : Mirumoto Gonkuro (m), a bushi who found
enlightenment in his boundless fury in battle.
o Mirumoto Masae (f), sister of Rosanjin, keeper of air.

Kitsuki family :

- Kitsuki daimyo, killed, by the Scorpion clan if you believe his son Yasu.
o Kitsuki Yasu (m), family daimyo under Hantei XXXVIII
 Kitsuki Jusai (m), yojimbo and heir of his father, get killed by the
living Shadow after reading Kaagi’s journal.
 Karo : Kitsuki Hakada (m).

Yasu having no living heir, he choose :

 Mirumoto, then Kitsuki Mizuochi (m), wed to a sensei of the Kitsuki family.
Family daimyo under Toturi I and II. Student of Kitsuki Hachigoro.

Mizuochi choose before his death :

 Kitsuki Iweko (f), family daimyo under Toturi III, once magistrate in Fukurokujin
mura, the village near Fukurokujin Seido.
o Student : Kitsuki Hakahime (f)

Agasha then Tamori family :

The bloodline of Tamori stayed loyal to the Dragon clan after the act of Hitomi, the
others Agasha followed Agasha Gennai and joined the Phoenix. The family get named
Tamori as a part of Hantei XVI surrender.
 Agasha Tamori, (m), family daimyo under Hantei and Toturi I wed to Agasha,
then Tamori Tsutomu (she dies at Oblivion’s gate). Will became the Dark oracle
of Fire and start the Phoenix / Dragon clans wars. He leads the spirit armies to the
Phoenix’s children. He is destroyed afer killing Isawa Hochiu by his daughter and
Isawa Nakamuro.
o Agasha, then Tamori Shaitung (f), Tamori family daimyo under Toturi II
and III. Wed to Isawa (now Tamori) Nakamuro, master of air.
 Student : Tamori Emina (f), visited by Benten.
o Students : Agasha Hitaka (M, maho-tsukai) and Agasha Gennai (M),
elemental master of air (look at Phoenix clan), Ichiro Koturi (m) who
summoned the Hideo no Oni who nearly destroyed the Badger clan.
 Agasha, then Tamori Chosai (m), younger brother of Tamori, will became the
next Dark Oracle of fire before being banished of Rokugan.
o Student : Tamori Hayato (m)

Hitomi family :

- Hitomi (f) : see Mirumoto line.

- Hitomi Kagetora (m), the enforcer. He is born with the blessing of Lady Moon
and designed to rule the family after Hitomi’s ascension. He has been the regent
of the Dragon clan during Hoshi’s absence.
o Student : Hitomi Vedau (m), the enforcer of the Dragon, ambassador of
the Dragon to the imperial court.

Hoshi family :

- Togashi Hoshi (m) : see Togashi line.

- Hoshi Wayan (m) : he abandoned enlightenment to pursue the criminal Kokujin.


Hida family :
 Hida Atsumichi (m), Crab clan champion, wed to Hida Narumi
o Hida Kisada (m) “the great bear”, fortune of persistence. Wed to Hida
Tsuriko. Crab clan champion under Hantei XXXVIII. He died from his
wounds suffered during his battle with the vessel of Fu-leng at the end of
1129, then returned from Maigo No musha during a battle with the Legion
of blood through Oblivion’s gate.
 Armorer : Kaiu Bugati, keeper of Ketsuen the ancestral armor.
 Hida Yakamo (m), Crab clan thunder, Crab clan champion under
Toturi I, reincarnated Qatol. Became Lord Sun. Student of Hida
Kuman, revered sensei with Doji Kuwanan.
 Hida O-ushi (f), champion after her brother, wed to Shinjo
Yasamura (see Shinjo) who died during the battle of the Drowned
honor against the Spirits. Student of Hida Kuman, revered sensei.
O-Ushi was killed in a duel by Doji Kurohito to protect the retreat
of the Crab army during the second Yasuki war.
 Hida Kuroda (m), Crab clan champion during the end of
Toturi I’s reign. Killed by the Shadowland and resurrected
by Daigotsu as Kyofu, nightmare of the Crab. He stroke a
pact with Emma-o, fortune of death to regain control of his
 Hida Kuon (m), Champion under Toturi II and III, wed to
Hida no Kakeguchi Reiha (vassal family, she is the niece of
the Kakegushi daimyo)
 Hida Ichiro (m), the oldest, trained by the Otaku.
 Hida Ren (m)
 Student : Hida Benjiro (h), Reiha’s brother.
 Advisors : Kaiu Ryojiro (m) for logistics.
 Hida Sukune (m), died on the Terrible standard of Fu-leng at the
hands of Kuni Yori. Came back from the death as a shadow
 Have an adventure with a Crab samourai after the death of his wife
named Kita (f) Ashamed by the act of Kisada during the attack of
Otosan Uchi, she never told anyone who was the father. She died
during the day of Thunder.
 Kitsuki Yasuo (m), a magistrate that die fighting bandits.
 Kitsuki Yoritoko (f), a painter. Promised to a Doji.

o Hida Tsuru (m), brother of Kisada, founder of the Crab cavalry. He die at
Volturnum fighting the Shadow.
 Hida Rohiteki (f), one of the rare shugenja of the Hida family. She
is corrupted during the rain of blood as she protected Hida Isamu,
Hida Tsuneo’s son, from it as he killed the oni lord Tsuburu.
 Hida Tenshu (m), berserker at Razor’s edge dojo.
 Student : Hida Fujiyoko (f) the unique Hida shugenja of the
generation after Rohiteki.
 Hida Rohiteki’s twin (m), die during his Gempukku in the
o Hida Tampako (f), sister of Kisada.
 Hida Tampako (m), take the name of his mother. Killed at
Oblivion’s gate.
o Kisada’s younger sister (f)
 Hida Amoro (m), berserker. Killed by his own undead troops at the
battle of Beiden Pass and came back as an undead. He will found
peace with a tear of jade during the war against the Shadow after
helping the Crab.
o Unknown parents :
 Hida Shiroi (m), Yakamo’s cousin.

Kuni family :
 Kuni Kaiden (m), family daimyo, died in a mysterious explosion.
o Older son, died in a mysterious explosion.
o Kuni Yori (m), family daimyo, leader of the Shadowland horde, his name
have been taken of the imperial archives. He kills himself using a maho
ritual to be born anew as an undead, before being defeated by Otaku
Kamoko. He then was locked in a pearl with his Nemesis Iuchi Karasu,
before being released by Yajinden to lead the legion of blood in Maigo No
Musha, where he is defeated. He learned maho from Isawa Tayanama, the
necromancer, but had also a disguised Asahina Yajinden among his
teachers. The final influence in his fall was Tsukuro.
 Kuni Fujiko (f), illegitimate daughter of Yori, she died as the
ambassador of the Crab clan during the Scorpion clan coup.
 Students : Kuni Takige (m) ambassador of the Crab clan to the
Imperial court who reveals the Henshins, Kuni Nakiro (m), kolat
master of the dream sect and Kuni Wazinu (m), maho-tsukai who
destroyed the sacred bells of Kyuden Seppun.
 Yojimbo : Kyojin (m), former Doji Kyohin. He was the leader of
the Doji houseguard during the 1st Gozoku and have been sent to
the Crab after the fall of it as a punishment. He get tainted and
transformer and a 4 feet-creature.
 A brother, sensei of Kuni Yori.
 Younger sibling :
o Kuni Hiruko (f), wed to Iuchi Karasu, the doomseeker (see Iuchi line).
 Iuchi Yue (f), Iuchi family daimyo. She was protecting a Black
Scroll who have been stole by some Bloodspeaker Phoenix and
sent to recover it.

After the death of the infamous Kuni Yori, the daimyoship goes to :
 Kuni Utagu (m), master of the Tsukai-sagasu, family daimyo under Toturi I and
Jade champion. Killed by the Asako inquisitor Ryoma because he accused Toturi
Sezaru. Wed to Kuni Tansho, student of Kuni Masami, who became the next
daimyo as his death.
o Kuni Kiyoshi (m) Tsukai-sagasu. His real name is Kuni Shigeaki, but no
one remember him. The real Kiyoshi and son of Utagu have became
Omen, oracle of Jade after using a ratling ritual that took his name. The
ritual rearranged the reality by turning the favored student of Utagu into
his son and everybody forget the original Kiyoshi. The real parents of
Shigeaki have been killed during the battles of Oblivion’s gate.
 Student : Kuni Chuichi (m)

Hiruma family :
 Hiruma Yoshi (m), family daimyo before and after his son. He is killed by Kuni
Yori during the retaking of Hiruma castle. At his death, Hiruma Zunguri became
the daimyo during 5 years before being killed by an ogre.
o Hiruma Kage (m), family daimyo under Hantei XXXVIII, wed to Hiruma
Nikako who assume championship between Zunguri’s death and
Masagaro’s gempukku. Kage is killed during the second day of thunder.
 Hiruma Masagaro (m), family daimyo under Toturi II. He died
during the assault of Iuchiban’s armies on Hiruma castle.
 Hatamoto : Hiruma Tatsuya (m), trained by the Daidoji, he
has great respect for them and knows about subtility in
court. His father, Koharu, sent him to train with the Hida
instead of the Hiruma bushis.
After Masagaro’s death, the rulership goes to :
 Hiruma Todori (m), master sensei of first strike dojo, then family Daimyo under
Toturi III. Wed to an Hiruma.

 Hiruma father and Kaiu mother :

o Hiruma Zunguri (m), keeper of the road of the dark jade. Daimyo during 5
years after the death of Yoshi before being killed by an ogre.

Yasuki family :

 Yasuki Taka (m), family daimyo under Hantei and Toturi I. He officially died
during the War against the Shadow. Today master Jade of the Kolat : a
shadowspawn who have still control of himself thanks to a crystal cage.
o Fuzake Garou (m), former Yasuki, cousin of Yasuki Nokatsu and nephew
by alliance of Yasuki Taka.

 A younger brother, than died before Taka’s official death.

o Yasuki Oguri (m), family daimyo under Toturi I, die of a strange illness
during winter 1157.
 Yasuki Kamoru (m), family daimyo after his father’s death, die of
a strange illness during spring 1158.

After Kamoru’s death, the genealogic research give the daimyoship to the former Daidoji
Hachi, Emerald champion under Toturi II and III.

 Parents killed during the Spirit wars.

o Daidoji, then Yasuki Hachi (m), family daimyo and Emerald champion.
He leads a legion to Shinsei’s last hope to save it, and then return with 20
goblins’ head to swear fealty to both the Crab and the Crane. Reported
killed alongside the Emperor at the Tomb of the 7 Thunders.
 Hatamotos : Yasuki Jinn-Kuen (m), who leads the Crab Yasuki for
Hachi and also the Kolat Coin sect for Moshi Shanegon. Yasuki
Nanako (f) leads the Crane Yasuki for Hachi.
 Karo : Bayushi Norashai (m), a Scorpion magistrate who became
Protector of the Imperial City after the death of Toturi III and
Kitsuki Remata (m) who keep the Emerald Champion castle.
 (secret information) Bayushi Sunetra (f) (see Bayushi. She is Hachi’s lost sister).
Hachi knows he had a sister that was fostered to the Scorpion clan with him for
one year when the Scorpion clan returned from exile, but he never heard of her
again after he returned to the Crane clan.

Kaiu family :
 Kaiu Oshuda (m), family daimyo, retire at the age of 40 to join under the name
Tetsuya the brotherhood of Shinsei, became the shinpu of the four temples. He
died during the Day of thunder killing Kyojin, the former leader of the Gozoku’s
Doji House guard turned into a dangerous shadowland beast.

Then :
 Kaiu Utsu (m), siege master, family daimyo during the clans war. He died from
natural cause during the Spirit wars.
 A brother than assume the daimyoship during some time.
o Kaiu Umasu (m), siege master and family daimyo under the Toturi.
 A son.


Shiba family :

The champion title is not hereditary, the soul of Shiba choosing the actual champion.
They have been a time where the Soul was not available, but Aikune brought it back and
linked it to the bloodline. The latest families to have inherited of the Champion role :
 Shiba Burisagi (m), Phoenix clan champion, executed by Doji Hoturi after being
wrongly accused of attempt to rape Bayushi Kachiko by herself.
 A younger brother.
o Shiba Katsuda (m), daimyo of the north of the Kintani valley, he had a
child with Soshi Jomyako, who became later the Dark oracle of air.
 Katsu (m) : a maho-tsukai turned into a khadi by Daigotsu.

Then :
 Shiba Ujimitsu (m), Champion until the Day of thunder, where he died fighting
Isawa Tsuke, wed to Seppun Shimiko, daughter of Waritsu, she makes jigai (ritual
suicide of the woman) after her father’s execution for treason. He died during the
day of Thunder killing Isawa Tsuke with the help of Isawa Tadaka.
o Shiba Saija (f), executed by her father after the suicide of her mother for
doubting of the imperial justice. Her last words was a curse. Ujimitsu used
the power of the soul of Shiba to carry some of his daughter’s soul in

Then :
 Shiba Jimen (m)
o Shiba Norihatsu (m), died young.
o Shiba Tsukune (f), first chikai of Isawa Tadaka, Voice of the master then
Phoenix clan Champion. Leave at the start of the Four winds era to
became the Fortune of Rebirth. Wed to Shiba Kanjiro, who saved her
during the War of Spirits. He was one of the keeper of the Last Wish’s
shrine, and died protecting it during the assault of Hantei XVI’s forces.
Tsukune carry some of the soul of Saija, the daughter of Ujimitsu.
 Shiba Aikune (m), bearer of Isawa’s last wish. His destiny seems
to be the one to fill the void in the Wish’s soul. He was trained by
both his mother and Agasha Fujita, a shugenja knows for his
training of the bushi to understand the shugenja’s powers. He
given the Wish back before dying in the battle of the Tomb of the 7
 Yojimbos : Shiba Mirabu (m), see below, and Shiba Arai
o Shiba Ningen (m), elemental master of Void.
 Student : Isawa Kimi (f), enligthened Ishi. With her enlightened
yojimbo, Shiba Yoshimi (m) she found the Ruined Keep of Fu-
leng tracking the bloodspeaker Isawa Seiga (m) who linked
himself to the sinister dungeon.
o Isawa Uona (f), elemental master of Air and cousin of Tsukune. She died
during the day of thunder killed by Isawa Tsuke. Student of Isawa Eju.
o Shiba Yuya (f) : 2nd cousin of Ningen. A famous bushi.
 Student : Shiba Namika (f), Shiba bushi school sensei in iaijutsu.

Then :
 Shiba Mirabu (m), former Yojimbo of Shiba Aikune, he is the Phoenix clan
champion since Aikune left with the Last Wish. He is the bearer of the Soul of
Shiba thanks to the power of Aikune. After Aikune’s death, he bonded with the
Last Wish, but the madness of the creature forced him to fight Sezaru. Mirabu
killed himself to sent the Wish to oblivion during the winter of the attack of the
 Shiba Naoya (m), Mirabu’s twin brother. Wielder of the blade Kyoryoku and
commander of the Phoenix armies.

Isawa family :
 Isawa Nodari (m)
o Isawa Ujina (m) wed to Doji Ninube (f) (daughter of Doji Mikara,
corrupted by the shadow), then to Isawa Ieku (f). Master of void until the
clans war, then get corrupted by the shadowlands taint after retiring for the
Elemental Council to journey into the Shadowlands. The Living Shadow
turned him then into a Nameless one. He is killed not long before the day
of thunder by Isawa Tsuke.
 Isawa Kaede (f) born from Ninube, master of Void after her father,
then Oracle of Void. Wed to Toturi the 1st. (see Akodo line).
 Yojimbo : Shiba Shingo (m) (turn into Goju Shingo during
the battle of Volturnum and is now the sensei of the House
of Goju in the city of the lost)
 Toturi Tsudao (f) (Toturi II)
 Toturi then Isawa Sezaru (M), the voice of the emperor.
 Hantei Naseru (m)(Toturi III), emperor, wed to Akodo
 Isawa Tadaka (M) (born of Ieku), master of earth until the day of
thunder where he died fighting Fu-leng, Phoenix clan thunder.
 Students : Agasha Heizo (m) and Isawa Atsu (M, his
representative in Otosan Uchi).
 Isawa Tomo (m) (born of Ieku), Master of water, died during the
day of thunder, then came back during the race to Volturnum as a
spirit to take back his position and died after the war of spirits.
o Younger sibling :
 Isawa Taeruko (f), Ujina’s niece, student of Isawa Sachi, master of
earth until the rain of blood. She sacrified herself to put into
slumber the powerful oni knows as Kusatte Iru.
 Isawa Yaruko (f), killed during the Spirit wars to force the
Phoenix clan to join the Spirit armies. She is born the same
day as Toturi Tsudao and was promised to Aikune.
o A sibling :
 Isawa Akura (m), Uijina’s nephew.

 A sibling of Nodari :
o Isawa Tsuke (m), Ujina’s cousin, Master of fire until his corruption during
the clan wars. Died during the day of thunder by Shiba Ujimitsu and Isawa
Tadaka, his body his purified by Suana. He was a famous and cruel officer
of the Imperial magistrates who worked with Moshi Jukio.
 Isawa Hochiu (m), master of fire until he gets killed by Tamori the
dark oracle of fire. Killer of Goju Adorai and instigator of the
Phoenix / Dragon war.
o Isawa Muchito (M, also nammed Orimono), leader of a maho-tsukai cult
to Lord Moon under the name O-Sama.

Asako family :

No true genealogy since the leadership is given depending of the Path of Man :
 Asako Togama (m), daimyo until he gives the role to Toshi. Rumored killed
during the Day of Thunder by Isawa Tsuke but in fact he survived until the War
of spirits at wich time he stepped down to give the mantle to Toshi.

 Asako Toshi (m), daimyo after Togama. He was a ronin until Togama talk to him,
turning him into a powerful henshin.
o Yojimbo : Asako Unkei (m) a talented shugenja in the ways of summoning
and a member of Earthquake legion.
 Asako Megumi (f), Toshi’s sister. She is wed to Asako Munoto, minister of
ceremonies of Kyuden Asako.
o 6 childrens, at least 2 boys and 3 girls.
Phoenix clan Agasha familiy :
 Agasha Gennai (m), master of air under Toturi I. Former student of Agasha
Tamori, he retire to a monastery at the start of the Gold era before being killed by
the Dark Oracle Tamori.
o Student : Isawa, now Tamori, Nakamuro (m), master of air. Wed to
Tamori Shaitung.
 Younger brother
o A daughter

Then :
 Agasha Hamanari (m), seer and daimyo until his death after the Rain of Blood, in
Dragon 1166. He is killed by one of Sezaru’s hunter on the accusation of being a
bloodspeaker. The accusation is proven false. He has been the student of Isawa
Mitako, before she became the Oracle of Water.
o Student : Agasha Oshu (m), Kagaku school leader.

Under Toturi III :

 Agasha Hisojo (m), Shiba Ujimitsu’s confident, really famous Emerald
o Agasha Chieh (f), Emerald magistrate, former Moto Najmudin’s karo and
now family daimyo.


Moto family

Moto family daimyo before the return of Shinjo :

 Moto Terumori (m), died not long before the Scorpion clan coup.
o Moto Soro (m), died during the war against the Shadow.

After the return of Lady Shinjo :

 Moto Gaheris (m), Khan brought back from the Burning sands by Shinjo, wed to
Moto Kara, of one the 4th avatars used to free Shinjo. He died during the four
winds, and using Naga magic, his greatson, Moto Chen and Akasha saves his soul
from the Lords of death and start worshiping them again.
o Moto Gaheris (m), the second, killed by Hida Tsuneo during the Spirit
 Moto Chagatai (m), Unicorn clan Khan, wed to Matsu Rumiko.
 Moto Khadiu (m), merchant, Gaheris’ younger brother.
o Moto Ambaghai (m), a tall and strong leader of his tribe after Gaheris’s
 Moto Jochi (m), actual leader of the tribe.

 Cousin branch :
o Moto Chaozu (m), former Junghar lieutenant, former Kolat. He worked
with the Kolat to takes his brother’s place, not noticing that it was his own
failures that was responsible of his fate. His usefullness outlived, his is
hunted by the Kolat. He get caught in the Rain of blood and joined the
forces of Daigotsu.
o Moto Chen (m), ex- Junghar commander, Kolat hunter. After serving well
the Khan, he gets the Junghar commander position before being removed
by the Kolat on the behalf of his brother. He is wed with Akasha, the naga
girl born of the Golden Pearl and trained by the traitor Ghedai and then by
 Naleesh (f), means little precious treasure.
o Moto Hanzhi (f), Khan’s cousin.

Otaku family (renamed Utaku by Shiko after Kamoko’s death) :

 Otaku Kamoko (f) family daimyo, wed to Shinjo Kojiro, the stable master. She is
killed by Matsu Agetoki (m) to help some Kolat’s plots. Kojiro is killed by an
unknow assassin during the incendie of the Otaku stables.
o Otaku Kamoko (f), Unicorn clan thunder, fulfiller of the Burning of the
word prophecy and family daimyo until her death during the war against
the Shadow. Shinjo took her soul to the skies to create a constellation.
 7 sisters of Shinjo Kojiro, one of them wed Shinjo Yokatsu.
o Cousins of Kamoko, see Shinjo line.
 Otaku Tetsuko (f), imperial magistrate, daimyo during Kamoko’s childhood.
Kolat, she repent and give the name of all the Unicorn clan kolats she knows to
Shinjo before making seppuku.
o Otaku, then Shinjo Morito (m), ox clan founder. (see Ox clan).
o Otaku, then Morito and Naka Tokei (m), student of Naka Kuro, he is the
master of the elements.
 Asahina Nizomi (m) : spiritual son of Tokei, he holds half of his
 Student : Toturi Miyako (f) see Monkey line.
o Utaku Xieng-Chi (f), family daimyo under the Toturi.
 One of her daughter should wed Tsuruchi Ki (m)

Shinjo family :
 Before Yokatsu, it’s possible that the daimyo was Shinjo Gaemon (m).
 Shinjo Yokatsu (m), last Shinjo champion, Kolat master. He is wed to one of the 7
sisters of Shinjo Kojiro. When he heard of Shinjo’s return, he flee helped by the
monk Seishi, but he is caught by his son Shono who execute him.
o Shinjo Kojiro, his brother-in-law, wed to Otaku Kamoko senior.
 See Otaku line.
o Shinjo, then Hida Yasamura (m), the youngest son, wed to Hida O-Ushi
(see Hida bloodline). He died during the battle of the drowned honor
during the Spirit wars.
 Hida Kuroda (m)
 Hida Kuon (m)
o Shinjo Shono (m), family daimyo under the Toturi, wed to Shinjo Suren,
then to Moto Genki, adoptive daughter of Moto Chai. He bears a jade eye
created from night crystal by Moto Vordu.
 Two child killed with their mother Shinjo Suren.
 A daughter of Moto Genki. Supposed reincarnation of Shinjo.
 Karo : Shinjo Huang (m), childhood friend, he leads once per year
the caravans trading illegaly with the Burning Sands.
o Shinjo Haruko (f) (child name : Shonoko), shireikan of the imperial
 Shinjo Hanari (m), master sensei of Shinjo dojo and master archer.
o Shinjo Maku (m), master sensei of Shinjo dojo and master archer.
 Shinjo Tsuburo (m), youngest brother, great soldier but refusing to lead troops.

 Cousin branch :
o Shinjo Sanraku (m)
o Utaku Takai (m), wed to a cousin of the Shinjo daimyo line. His wife died
during the war of Spirits of a rare illness. He was the Ruby Champion
until the Khan’s march on Toshi Ranbo. He has sisters.

Ide family :
 Ide Tadaji (m), Unicorn clan imperial advisor, then family daimyo until his death
during the Four winds era in Goat 1165.
o Students : Ide Michisuna (m), a courtier in Ryoko Owari, Iuchi Xien (m) a
courtier known for his rhetoric, and Toturi III (see Toturi line).
o Yojimbo : Daidoji Tenkazu (m), who protect him until the Scorpion clan
coup, but his fate after is unknown.
o Ide Tamura (m), son of his first wife, died before the Scorpion clan coup.
o Ide Yoshiko (f), daughter of his second wife, is working in Shiro Ide. She
is having a relationship with Ide Jengiri and may wed him.

Then the daimyoship goes to :

 Ide Tang (m), family daimyo under Toturi III, officially son of Ide Buodin, a hero
of the battle over Matsu Palace. In fact it’s a Shosuro actor impersonating the son.
o His heir is supposed to marry a Mantis courtier.

Iuchi family :
 Iuchi Daiyu (m), family daimyo before the day of thunder. He died killed by his
own daughter.
o Iuchi Shahai (f), scripted of the imperial archives for joining the
bloodspeakers. Became the dark daughter of Fu-leng and Daigotsu’s
 A younger brother :
o Iuchi Karasu (m), the doomseeker, mutilated by Moto Soro, died fighting
Kuni Yori. Wed to Kuni Hiruko, Kuni Yori’s cousin (see Kuni lime). He
saw Daiyu’s death and became the Iuchi daiyo until he gets trapped in a
Naga pearl with his nemesis during the war against the Shadow.
 Iuchi Ietsuna (m), the son of Karasu was born a couple of weeks
before his father’s reported death. He left years later to the
Shadowlands to found his father, and was locked up in the Ruby of
Iuchiban, to be freed by Moto Akikazu (m) when he brokes it.
 Iuchi Yue (f), family daimyo under the Toturi. She was protecting
a Black Scroll who have been stole by some Bloodspeaker Phoenix
and sent to recover it. She never saw her father, born not long after
he get trapped in the pearl.
 Students : Iuchi Lixue (f), Baraunghar commander. Iuchi
Rei (f), sensei of Floating leaf dojo.
 Yojimbo : Iuchi Kenshin Sun ni (m), first daimyo of the
Kenshin vassal family after saving Yue’s life.
 A cousin branch :
o Iuchi Katta (m), joined the Lost after being corrupted during the race to
 At least two sons, both Lost.

- Iuchi Kamiko (f), powerful shugenja and sensei at Gatherer of the Wind dojo, she
rules the Iuchi family as daimyo between Karasu’s dissapereance and Yue’s

Horiuchi family :
 Iuchi, then Horiuchi Shoan (f), is granted a family after saving the children of
Shinjo Yokatsu, Shono et Shonoko. Became the leader of the Brotherhood of
Shinsei under the Toturi I and II, died during the attack of bloodspeakers on the
ten thousand temples.
o More than 20 adopted children from the spirits war.
o Isawa then Horiuchi Junichiro (m), adopted, died during the spirits war.
o Moto then Horiuchi Shem-Zhe (m), adopted, family daimyo under the
Toturi. He have been trained by Moto Vordu (m) with Moto Kubulai (m),
and have been given instructions to study the City of the Night after his
master’s death until the Rain of blood.
 Horiuchi Shoko (f)
o Shem-Zhe’s seven brothers. Adopted.
o Horiuchi Nobane (m), bushi and commander of the 8th imperial legion. He
is also the bearer of the Daisho of water.


Doji family :
 Doji Chuai (m)
o Doji Satsume (m), the grinning crane, wed to Kakita Teinko (see Kakita
line), Emerald champion and Crane clan champion until his death. He has
been wounded severly during the Scorpion clan coup, but survived only to
be assassinated a few days later by a Scorpion clan shinobi.
 Doji Hoturi (m), wed to Kitsune Ameiko (student of the famous
autor Kakita Shugu, died of sorrow during the Clans war. She was
a Kitsune spirit), Crane clan thunder and champion until his death
during the Day of thunder. His sensei was Kakita Toshimoko.
 Doji Kuwanan (m), promised to Shiba Norisuko (found dead,
Kuwanan blamed Matsu Hiroru. The Lion was interested by the
girl and disappeared just afte the suicide), wed to Kakita Narumi,
became the champion until his death during the Spirit wars. He
was the student of Hida Kuman with O-Ushi and Yakamo, and
under Akodo Kage with Matsu Hiroru. He died during the Spirit
wars fighting the Hantei’s armies.
 Doji Kurohito (m), wed to Isawa Akiko, the daughter of
Isawa and the master of water. He commits seppuku after
executing his wife for her allegiance to the Gozoku during
the first Topaz championship of the Lotus edition. On the
day of his birth, the waters rised by the Great Sea spider
left Chukandomo, the blade he carried until he breaks the
curse and offered it to the Lion.
 Hatamoto : Kakita Nanami (f)
 Doji Domotai (f), (child name : Sakura), win the
Topaz championship and wed to Ikoma Kusari, son
of Ikoma Korin, Ikoma family daimyo. She became
the new champion after her parents’ death during
the 1st Topaz Championship of the Lotus edition.
Her senseis was Matsu Atasuke (m, who was in
love with the bloodspeaker Asahina Kikui) and
Kakita Noritoshi (Kakita dueling academy master
sensei), since she have been trained by both schools.
 Doji Shizue (f), adopted niece of Satsume, famous storyteller. She
get turned into a Kolat sleeper agent, backstabbing her love Matsu
Hiroru. She die protecting Akodo Kage from the Shadow and
making understand that the Kolat need this time to help the empire.
Her soul have been sent to Gaki-do but saved by Hiroru.
 Yojimbo : Akodo Harubi (m). Supposed to have be
removed from position by some Kolat action.
 Doji Noburo (m), sensei of the Doji courtier academy, uncle by
law to Doji Kurohito. Wed to a daughter of the Kakita line (sister
of Kakita Narumi), who died he then wed his yojimbo, Daidoji
Akane, 25 years younger.
o Doji Ichihara (m), killed during a skirmish with the Crab, wed to a
scorpion wife.
 Doji Shizue (f) (see up).
 A younger brother :
o Doji Mikara (m), Shiro Ukara, daimyo.
 Doji Ninube (f), wed to Isawa Ujina, Master of Void.
 Isawa Kaede (f), master of Void, wed to Toturi the first.
See Akodo and Toturi lines.
 Yojimbo : Shiba Shingo (then Goju Shingo)
 Toturi Tsudao (f), Toturi II
 Toturi then Isawa Sezaru (m)
 Hantei Naseru (m), Toturi III, wed to Akodo
Kurako, empress.
 Doji Yoringu (m), student of the Kenku Kozue, first bearer of Naishi
o Unknown.
 Doji Yasuyo (f), wed to Kaneka the Shogun and student of the
kenku Kozue. She used Naishi to help break the curse of
Chukandomo. (See Toturi Line)
 Doji Nagori (m), twin brother, famous storyteller. Wed to his karo,
Doji Jorihime (f), niece of Doji Seishiro the Crane clan
ambassador in Toshi Ranbo who died during the Khan’s attack.
 Younger sibling :
o A daughter, that will be Hantei XXXVIII’s 4th wife.
 Hantei Sotorii (Hantei XXXIX)
 Doji Kimura (m), distant cousin of the Champion, he is a member of the
kenshinzen. He was awaiting to be nominated among the senseis of the Kakita
duelling academy after the Scorpion clan coup.

Kakita family :

 Kakita Toshimo (m) master sensei of the Kakita dueling academy.

o Kakita Toshimoko (m), the grey crane, master sensei of the Kakita dueling
academy and Emerald champion. He is declared dead after the kidnapping
of Toturi 1st because his armor his found near a cliff. In fact, he is now the
ronin named the Grey Crane. He died killed by the ronin Dairya as they
was both fighting the Shadow.
 Students : Doji Mikio (m), sent to Toturi as a ronin to be his
Yojimbo by Hoturi. He died during the kidnapping of Toturi by the
Shadow in Hare 1130. Doji Hoturi (m) the Crane clan Thunder.
 Kakita Ichiro (m). Died killed by his half-brother after trying to kill
his father.
 Kakita Noritoshi (m) (look down.)
 Seppun then Kakita Toshiken (m), wed to Seppun Jifuhime, then
Seppun Kossori. A famous duellist who wanted to best the father
he hated after learning from his half-brother the truth. He gets
named as the Emerald champion by the Shadow-tainted Toturi I
and started to doubt about his emperor after killing the imperial
court. He will then forgive his father and will die killed by the Lost
Daidoji Megumi possessed by the soul of Dairya.
 Seppun Ishiko (f), from a first wife, died corrupted by the
 Seppun Sajiro (m), from a first wife, died corrupted by the
 Kakita Atoshi (m), from a second wife. A young courtier.
 Kakita Noritoshi (m), Ichiro’s son, adopted. Master sensei
of the Kakita academy, wed to Kakita Mai. He lost his eye
fighting Daidoji Megumi and get trained by the spirit of
 A baby, who born as the doors of Kyuden Kakita
was close, so cursed.
 Student : Doji Domotai (f) of the Doji bloodline.
o Kakita Yoshi (m), born as the doors of Kyuden Kakita was close, so
cursed. Family daimyo. He died during the massacre of the Imperial court
by Seppun Toshiken and came back as spirit during the Spirit wars.
Supposed to have jumped from the Golden cliff after the war at Toturi’s
 Student : Kakita Munemori (m), member of the Gozoku.
o Kakita Teinko (f), wed Doji Satsume, suicide by throwing herself from a
cliff. (See the Doji bloodline).
o A younger brother (m)
 Kakita Kaiten (m), Crane clan regent during the Spirit wars, Kakita
family daimyo until his death in a duel with Kaneka during the
second Yasuki war.
 A sibling :
 Kakita Kyruko (f), Silk sect Kolat master.

Asahina family :

Tamako’s father was the youngest brother of a family of 7 sons, and so Tamako is the 7th
son of the 7th son.
 4 brothers of Tomo (m)
 Asahina Tsunemura (m), Tomo and Tamako’s cousin, Morning sun temple’s
 Asahina Tomo (m)
o Asahina Hanuko (f)
 Asahina Tamako (m), family daimyo. Corrupted during the race to Volturnum, he
died fighting Hakai during the Jade championship.
o Asahina Tsukiyoka (f) founder of Tsangusuri Daigaku, the Tsangusuri
 A son that die during the Spirits war.
 Asahina Roukai (m), cursed and blessed by the moon because he is
born the 1st of the 27 days of darkness.
 Asahina Koji (m)
o A son
 Asahina Kimita (f), killed by Hakai during the jade championship.
 Asahina Handen (m), also Sekawa’s hatamoto.
 Asahina Sekawa (m), Jade champion, Asahina family daimyo,
keeper of the 5 rings. He is doubtfull of all the responsabilities he
is carrying.
 Hatamoto : Asahina Handen (see up).
 First students of the Jade magistrates : Asahina Keitaro
(m), sensei of Nizomi and in love with Kimita ; Daidoji Tae
(f), harrier (killed in 1667 during the attack of Daigotsu’s
forces to get control of the Lost that joined the Asahina).

Daidoji family :

Daidoji Uji died without any heir, the daimyoship goes to Daidoji Rekai. A new Daidoji
Uji appeared under the reign of Toturi III. It’s the shadow of the original Uji that come
from KYOD through Maigo no musha.
 Daidoji Yurei, nicknamed "the bloody ghost" (m). He died fighting to recover
Toshi Rambo from the Lion clan.
o Unknown. Uji’s father have been killed by the Scorpion clan. Supposedly
at the start of the Scorpion clan coup.
 Daidoji Uji (m), family daimyo during the Clans’ war. He die from
his wounds after killing all the assassins sent by Hantei XVI during
the Spirit wars.
 Student : Hakumei (f), a gaijin that work on explosives
with the harriers under Shiro Giji.
 Daidoji Tekigun (m), died before his brother.
 Daidoji Chutei (m), crippled trying to recover Kotoku, the
ancestral Daidoji yari, retired in a monastery.

 (cousin branch)
o Daidoji Kisu (h)

New ruling bloodline :

 Daidoji then Daigotsu Rekai (f), succeed to Daidoji Uji as the daimyo, wed to
Daidoji Kyobu. He was ordered to wed Uji’s favored student to stop a political
wedding with Rekai. He died during the Spirt wars. Rekai get corrupted by the
Rain of blood to offer a purpose to her son to resist to the Rain. She is acting
somewhat for Daigotsu and the Shadow Dragon, but her real objectives are
o Daidoji Kikaze (m), daimyo under Toturi III and harrier.

Yasuki family :

After the death of Yasuki Komura (see Crab Yasuki line) :

 Parents killed during the Spirit wars.
o Daidoji, then Yasuki Hachi (m), family daimyo and Emerald champion.
He leads a legion to Shinsei’s last hope to save it, and then return with 20
goblins’ head to swear fealty to both the Crab and the Crane.
 Hatamotos : Yasuki Jinn-Kuen (m), who leads the Crab Yasuki for
Hachi and also the Kolat Coin sect for Moshi Shanegon. Yasuki
Nanako (f) leads the Crane Yasuki for Hachi.
o (secret information) Bayushi Sunetra (f) (see Bayushi. She is Hachi’s lost
sister). Hachi knows he had a sister that was fostered to the Scorpion clan
with him for one year when the Scorpion clan returned from exile, but he
never heard of her again after he returned to the Crane clan.


Shosuro family
 Shosuro Koshurin (m), family daimyo.
o Shosuro, then Bayushi Kachiko (f), the Lady of the Scorpion, wed to the
Champion Bayushi Shoju, then Hantei XXXIX, Scorpion clan thunder,
disappear in the lake under Kyuden Bayushi with Shosuro.
 Yojimbo : Bayushi Tasu (m), former last son of a really important
family of the Bayushi (in fact a cover for his job for Soshi Bantaro,
see Soshi line), everything have been took from him after the
Coup. As a ninja Yojimbo, he followed Kachiko and he destroyed
the undead Bayushi Shoju summoned by Bantaro.
 Bayushi Dairu (m), officially son of Shoju, but in fact son of
Hoturi. Killed by his birth father during the Scorpion clan coup.
 Handmaiden : Yogo Asami (f), a girl that look liked to Kachiko a
lot during her young and so acted as her impersonator until she join
by wedding the Yogo family and had a child with Aramoro (see
Bayushi), and took the identity of Akiyoshi (f) who joined the
Toturi’s army as a man to help both Toturi and Kachiko.
o Shosuro Hametsu (m), family daimyo until the exile, wed to Shosuro
Mikiko. He died during the exil of the Scorpion clan in the burning sands.
 Student : Shosuro Tage (f), one of the 4th avatars that will help free
Shinjo from her prison in the Black Earth. She was a member of
the Ivory fan theater troop.
 Hatamoto : Shosuro Taberu (m) see Bayushi Line.
 Shosuro Yudoka (m), family daimyo. Born three years before the
Scorpion clan coup, he is a really talented ninja who hunt the Goju
when he can, especially his former love Nishiko. Student of
Bayushi Aramoro. Killed by Bayushi Shinzo after he choose to
pledge allegiance to Kokujin as Yudoka was trying to eliminate the
Dark Prophet.
 Students : Shosuro Toma (m), Bayushi Shinzo (m) (who
killed him), Bayushi Tai (m), who infiltrated the
Shadowed Tower for Bayushi Yojiro and Sunetra, working
as a double agent.
 Shosuro then Toku Inao (f), wed to Toku, captain of the imperial
guard and founder of the Monkey clan. (see Monkey line)
 Toturi Miyako (f), leader of the 1st legion. (see Bayushi
 Toku Kiyuko (f)
 Toturi Kyoji (m)
 Toku Koto (m)

Bayushi family :
 Scorpion clan champion :
o Bayushi Shoju (m), master of secrets, wed to Shosuro Kachiko, died killed
by Toturi in duel during the Scorpion clan coup. He will be then
resurrected as an undead by the use of the Black scroll “return of the dark
lord” by Soshi Bantaro and then destroyed by Bayushi Tasu as he was
protecting Kachiko.
 Bayushi Dairu (m), officially son of Shoju, but in fact son of
Hoturi. Killed by his birth father during the Scorpion clan coup. It
is said to have a crush on a young maiden named Kakita Konoko.
o Bayushi Aramoro (m), wed to Yogo Asami, Kachiko’s maiden and a
former geisha wed to an old Yogo. At the Battle of Oblivion's Gate, he
noticed a weakness in the Shadow’s ninja position that he could not
exploit. He committed seppuku with his entire unit, then moments later
emerged from Oblivion's Gate to attack it.
 Bayushi, then Yoritomo Aramasu (m), former Kolat, betray the
scorpion before being adopted Yoritomo, became Mantis clan
champion and led the Mantis into a war in the Ivory Kingdom. He
is assassinated by Bayushi Kamnan with the help of Yoritomo
 Student : Shosuro Yudoka (m), see Shosuro line.
 A brother, abandoned by his Shosuro wife, with their toddler child.
o Shosuro Taberu (m), Scorpion clan ambassador at the Imperial court and
master sensei of the Dojo of lies. He was also Hametsu’s hatamoto.
 Younger brother
o Shoju’s cousin (m)
 Bayushi Tetsuo (m), Shoju’s right hand (in the Scorpion novel).
 Younger sibling
o Bayushi Uchinore (m), daimyo of Shiro no Uragiru, who was lover to
Akodo Tameko (see Tsuruchi bloodline). They have been both killed by a
Scorpion assassion as a punishment for their son.
 Tsuruchi (m), "the little wasp", founder of the Wasp clan.

 (cousin branch, from Bayushi Tangen’s bloodline)

o Bayushi Tangen (m), the fallen martyr, founder of the dark sword of the
bitter lies. Retired in a monastery of the Scorpion lands until his death.
 Student : Bayushi Kwanchai (m), who founded the school of the
dark sword of the bitter lies. He wed Moshi Nao. See below.
 Younger sibling
o Bayushi Hisa (m) cousin of Shoju, he was assigned at the South wall
during the Scorpion clan coup. He cowardly flew and then started to have
nightmares about the ghosts of the Scorpion samourais dead by his
cowardice. He was asked to prepare an army for the return of his clan and
helped the remaining Scorpions until the restoration of his clan. He was
last seen fighting with hatred against the Shadow ninjas.
 Younger sibling
o Bayushi Sugai (m), nephew of Shoju and Kachiko. He kill the Ichiro
daimyo during a Topaz championship during the last years of Hantei
XXXVIII’s reign.

The bloodline of Shoju is extinct after the death of Kachiko and all the next champions
are designed by their predecessors.

 Bayushi Yojiro (m), son of Bayushi Noburu, legendary magistrate and the “only
honest scorpion”. He was a junshin, he left to go fight the Shadowed tower. Then
faked his death after Sunetra was revealed as the Clan Champion, so that he could
become a ninja and hunt Iuchiban's cult. He has been killed as he was
impersonnating Bayushi Moyotoshi by Moto Shikenji (m, cousin of Moto Ogedei
(m) who was killed by the real Moyotoshi) during the Winter Court at Kyuden
o Underhand : Bayushi Rokugo Toru (m) : officially a Scorpion clan ronin,
he works in fact for the Master of secrets.
 Indirect parental line :
o Bayushi Masae (f), young samourai-ko.

- Bayushi Sunetra (f), took position under the identity of Yojiro until she reveals herself,
then leave her post to became the Underhand of Naseru and hunt his enemies. (see
Yasuki Hachi, of the Crab)

- Bayushi Paneki (m), the defender of the empire is chosen by Sunetra before she leaves.
Wed to Toturi Miyako, daughter of Toku (see Monkey bloodline).
 Shosuro Nyoko (f) : a scorpion assassin who makes believe she was dead so she
could occupy the post of Master Lotus of the Kolat. Cousin of Paneki.

Without direct relationship with the daimyo of the Scorpion clan, but interesting:
 Bayushi Goshiu (m), manipulator during the Scorpion clan coup.
o A child
 Bayushi Kaukatsu (m), imperial chancellor under Toturi III. He
passed his gempukku shortly before the coup.
 Bayushi Ogura (m), maho-tsukai of the Shadowed tower,
who banned the King of troll. He is sent to Traitor’s grove
at the destruction of the Shadowed tower.
 Soshi Natsuo (m), cousin of Ogura, maho-tsukai of the
shadowed tower. Supposed to have been killed after the
destruction of the Shadowed tower.
 Bayushi Seiryo (m), cousin of Ogura, magistrat.
 Bayushi Kuemon (m), cousin of Seiryo and Natsuo,
responsible of the death of Bayushi Shamate, sister of
Bayushi Eitaru the keeper of Shamate pass, and love of
Matsu Hataki. Kuemon have been killed by Hataki and the
pass renamed Shamate in the honor of Hataki.
 Bayushi Kwanchai (m), cousin of Ogura and nephew of
Kaukatsu. He is the student of Bayushi Tangen, founder of
the Bitter lies dojo, wed to Moshi Nao. He killed Fushin,
onisu of betrayal.
- Student : Bayushi Hisako (f)

Soshi family :
 Soshi Wachigai (m), family daimyo’s shugenja , get married two times, executing
the first wife after she gave him 5 girls. He died killed by Bayushi Tasu.
o 5 daughters of the first wife, sell or wed.
o 3 daughters of the second wife.
o Soshi Bantaro (m), advisor of the daimyo, became the daimyo after
wedding his daughter. He died around the day of thunder killed by
Bayushi Tasu after using the Black scroll “Return of the Darl lord” to
bring back an undead Bayushi Shoju.
 Student : Soshi Hamuko (f), who get executed for trading Scorpion
secrets to escape to the exil in the burning sands.
 Underhand : Bayushi Tasu (m), who was given for mission to
execute those opposing Bantaro. His cover was being a stupid and
useless noble. He will later became Kachiko’s bodyguard.

After the return of the Scorpion clan from the Burning sands :
 Soshi Taoshi (m), family daimyo, wed to Soshi Mutsumi, who give him triplet.
Taoshi hidden the existence of Miroko to everyone. They trade roles and places to
lure their enemies :
o Soshi Uidori (f), family daimyo. She tooks the mantle around the War of
Spirits when her father left to join the war. Wed.
 2 childs, include one son.
 Soshi Nahoko (f). Wed at 21, she killed her husband at 27.
Courtier and Shosuro champion dojo sensei.
 At least one other son, younger than Nahoko.
o Soshi Yukimi (f), sensei of Closed Eye dojo.
o Soshi Miroko (f), raised in secret to take her sisters place.
Yogo family :
 Yogo Junzo (m), oldest son of his predecessor, he became family daimyo not long
before the scorpion clan coup. His name get erased from the Imperial archive after
he open the black scrolls. He dies of the use of the wasting disease, then turn into
an undead and his destroyed with the rest of the Junzo’s horde during the day of
thunder by Otaku Kamoko and the forces of the Thunders, and his spirit banished
to Jigoku by Iuchi Karasu.

After the return of the Scorpion clan from the Burning sands :
 Yogo Matsuhiro (m), family daimyo. Killed by Moon cultists.
o Unknow older brother, who died without heir.
o Yogo Koji (m), family daimyo during the Toturi, leader of the Kuroiban.
His father, wife and sons have been killed by the cultists of the Moon
because of his family curse. He is also the head of the Kuroiban.


Kitsu family :

The Kitsu family daimyo are always of pure bloodline and so Sodan-senzo, with the
exception of Kitsu Motso.
 Kitsu Agunori (m), family daimyo.
o Many children.
o Kitsu Motso (m), born without any link to ancestors, he turned to be a
great general and the only Lion clan champion of the Kitsu family during
the Spirits war. At the end of the Spirit Wars, during the battle at Beiden
Pass where the Scorpion won by collapsing the pass on to the Spirit
armies, Kitsu Motso's unit was about to be captured. Rather than be
captured, Motso decapitated himself with a no-dachi during the year 1150.
 Karo : Kado (m), a ronin unable to lie. Even with this default, he is
one of the best kolat agent ever seen, able to became the karo of
Motso and furnishing information to the sects. His fate is unknown
after he get discovered by Ikoma Sume.
 Chief magistrat : Akodo Tohaku (m), who get casted out as a ronin
because he tried to prove Kado was a thief. He follow Togashi
Mitsu and learn from the Mirumoto before joigning the Toturi’s
o Kitsu Toju (m), last son, family daimyo. He died from old age as a monk
after retiring in 1150.
 Student : Kitsu (Akodo) Okura (m), first Jade champion of the new
era, summoner of the Okura no oni, the oni guardian of the gates of
Tengoku. He died when his oni stole his name in Dog 1132.
o Cousin branch :
 Kitsu Juri, take Toju’s place as family daimyo after his retirement
in 1150. Die mysteriously in the Kitsu Tombs after the war of the
Rich Frog.
 Kitsu Sui (f), wife of Kaiu Kuma (Iuchi Kamatari’s half-
brother) killed with her husband after being used as pawns
by Shahai to free Iuchiban from his tomb.
 Kitsu Katsuko (f), family daimyo in Lotus. The oldest of
the three.
 Kitsu Juniko (f), was supposed to wed Ikoma Kusari, son of
Ikoma Korin, but she died during the war with the Unicorn.

Akodo family
 Lion clan Champion (m)
o Many children
 Kitsu (Akodo) Okura (m) : see the Kitsu bloodline.
 Student : Kitsu Gongsun (m), who leads the Tainted Kitsu
for Okura, before joigning the Bloodspeaker under Jama
Suru when they killed Ryoshun. He died killed not long
after by his younger brother Huiyuan.
o Akodo, then Matsu Daio (m), wed to Matsu Sodohime, younger daughter
of the Matsu daimyo.
 Akodo Toturi (m), Lion clan champion, the ronin, Lion clan
thunder and future Toturi the 1st, wed to Isawa Kaede (see the
Isawa Bloodline). Killed by Fushin the onisu of betrayal at the start
of the Gold era. For more information about his line, look at the
Toturi line. The main characters are copied here.
 Yojimbo : Mikio (m), a former Doji sent to Toturi by his
friend Hoturi. He was one of the student that trained with
the Crane clan thunder under Toshimoko. He died during
the kidnapping of Toturi by the Shadow in Hare 1130.
 Karo : Takuan (m), leader of the ronin city of Nanashi
Mura, who joined later the Toturi’s army and was designed
Regent of the Empire during Hidden Emperor. He makes
seppuku in Horse 1132 after Toturi’s return when he see
the madness in his friend’s soul, unaware of the Shadow’s
influence. His second is Seppun Toshiken by order of the
Emperor, despite they both hates each other.
 Students : Ikoma Tsunari (f), see Ikoma line. Shotai (m),
former Ikoma diplomat who saved Hantei XXXVIII by
taking the poisonous strike directed to the emperor as
Toturi was killing the assassin. He survived but became
mad, and followed Toturi until the day of Thunder but his
fate is unknown. He was considered to be a buffoon when
Toturi was champion.
 Akodo Kaneka (m), the Shogun, illegitimate and older son,
born from the Geisha Hatsuko. Wed to Doji Yasuyo.
 Toturi Tsudao (f), Toturi II. Died killing Daigotsu at the
end of the Gold era. Nicknamed the Sword.
 Toturi then Isawa Sezaru (m), the voice of the Emperor,
nicknamed the Wolf.
 Yojimbo : Toturi Koshei, former Akodo Koshei.
 Hantei Naseru (m), Toturi III, wed to Akodo Kurako.
Emperor of Rokugan, nicknamed the Anvil and student of
Hantei XVI.
 Yojimbo : Seppun Isei, returned spirit. Die again
protecting Naseru in the City of Night.
 Yojimbo : Yotsu Irie, former Tombo Irie.
 Akodo Arasou (m), Lion clan champion before his younger brother
Toturi, fiançé to Matsu Tsuko, die killed in Toshi Ranbo.

After Toturi became emperor, the daimyoship goes to :

 Akodo Ginawa (m), former ronin and famous follower of Toturi. First daimyo of
the reinstituted Akodo family after the war with the Shadow. He is now know as
Heigai, the Shogun’s monk advisor.
o Students : Akodo Kobi (f), see Shigetoshi. Akodo Minako (f) see Monkey

Ginawa retire without heir, but choose as successor :

 Akodo Shigetoshi, family daimyo under Toturi III. Son of Akodo Quehao,
returned spirit that was a Lion under Akodo One-eye. He was killed during the
Khan’s attack of Toshi Rambo by Yoritomo Naizen (m)
o Yojimbo : Akodo Kobi (f), a candidate to the post of Protector of Imperial
city, veteran of the wars of the Rich Frog and Thunder and silk.

Ikoma family :

 Ikoma Anakazu (m), family daimyo, make seppuku after giving his daughter to
raise to Akodo Toturi.
o Ikoma Tsanuri (f), Akodo Toturi’s pupil, then Matsu Tsuko’s one. Became
the Lion clan Champion after Tsuko’s seppuku. Die fighting Akuma no
oni in the shadowlands during the race to Volturnum.
 Ikoma Kaoku (m), family daimyo and historian after Anakazu.

 Ikoma Soko (f), Tsanuri’s cousin, member of the imperial guard, Kolat master.

This bloodline is told to be close to the daimyo’s one, but no more information about it :
 Ikoma Ujiaki (m), province governor and Lion clan ambassador at the Imperial
court. He is wed to a spouse of the Hantei line, like many of his ancestors.
o Ikoma Ken'o (m), tactician, die fighting Okura no Oni and make her
realize what honor is. He came back during the Spirit wars to die again
fighting for Hantei XVI.
 Ikoma Fudai (m), omoidasu, Naseru’s partisan.

Daimyo’s bloodline during the Gold era :

 Ikoma Sume (m), family daimyo after Tsanuri. Retire and die of old age after the
war of the rich frog. He became an important member of the family after luring
some Shadow spawns during the war against the Shadow and get the daimyo’s
role when he discovered that Motso’s hatamoto Kado was a kolat.
 Ikoma Otemi (m), an omoidasu wed to an Akodo.
o Ikoma Otemi (m), named from his father. Became the Lion clan champion
for the Lotus era after the official death of Matsu Nimuro during the War
of the Rich Frog. He stepped down to give it to Matsu Yoshino during the
quest for enligthenment of the Emperor. Wed to Shosuro no Tokagure
Yasuko, he was the governor of Shiranai Toshi as a wedding gift before
taking the champion’s position. He is know for also being the captain of
the Deathless. He has been the Protector of the Imperial city until the
destruction of Otosan Uchi.
 Ikoma Chikao (m), the karo of Otemi that rules the city of Shiranai
Toshi for him.

After the death of Sume, the daimyoship is rewarded to Ikoma Korin :

 Ikoma Fujimaro (m), Lion clan general, champion of Gi, goes with a few soldiers
into the Phoenix land to free Korin of the Phoenix armies during the Dragon /
Phoenix war.
 Younger brother :
o Ikoma Korin (m), family daimyo. He was lost in the Phoenix’s lands after
Shiba Aikune killed Matsu Shinya and broke the Lion / Phoenix alliance.
He gets the daimyo position after brokening an accord with Ikoma Yasuko
about some informations on the War of thr Rich Frog.
 Ikoma Kusari (m), former assistant of the Okura district of Toshi
Rambo’s former governor Akodo Ieshige. Fiance to Kitsu Juniko,
daughter of Juri (dead), wed to Doji Domotai, daughter of

Kaeru family, Ikoma vassal :

The Kaeru family ruled the City of the rich frog during centuries, until the joined the
Lion as Ikoma vassals.
 Kaeru Tomaru (m), killed by his son Meiji during the war of the rich frog.
o Kaeru Meiji (m), take shortly the rulership before being killed.
 Younger sibling :
o Kaeru Shioko (f), family daimyo under Toturi III.

Matsu family :
 Matsu family daimyo :
o Matsu Yunaki (f), family daimyo, wed to Matsu Uniri, lion clan general,
both killed during the battle of fate’s gorge.
 Matsu Tsuko (f), the lady of the Lion, fiancée of Akodo Arasou.
Became the Lion clan champion after the Scorpion clan coup,
make seppuku not long before the day of thunder.
 Matsu Hiroru (m), student of Akodo Kage, disappears before
taking his place as the keeper of the Ancestral halls of the Lion.
His disappearance happened just after the suicide of Shiba
Norisuko, promise of Doji Kuwanan. Died sometimes around the
Spirits war, walking the Amaterasu’s furnace for the soul of his
love Doji Shizue. He get sent to Gaki-do where he helped Naka
o A sister among the Lion’s pride.
 Matsu Ketsui (f), family daimyo after Tsuko, wed first to Ikoma
Koetsu, and then Isawa Kokei. Koetsu died 3 years after their
wedding and one week before the birth of Domotai. Kokei wed
Ketsui on the order of Ikoma Tsanuri. Her sensei was Matsu Yufu,
who also trained her childs.
 Matsu Nimuro (m), the golden Lion of Toshi Rambo,
became the Lion clan champion after Motso. He officially
die at the hand of Chagatai during the war of the Rich frog.
In fact it was the copy of himself created by the Egg of
Pan’ku. The real Nimuro is now a ronin under the name
Tamago. Trained by Matsu Yufu.
 Matsu Yoshino (m), the oldest. He takes the mantle
of the Clan champion during the quest of
enligthnment. Trained by Matsu Yufu (f) for the
Matsu bushi school, and by Ikoma Hiroshi (m) for
the court skills.
 A second son.
 Matsu Domotai (m), keeper of the ancestral halls. Make
seppuku to teach Matsu Turi what is it to be a Lion.
 Matsu Satomi (f), joined Matsu Turi the dark oracle of
water as her apprentice after the rain of blood.
o Matsu Yasau (m), keeper of the ancestral halls. Died without heir when
Tsuko was 8.
o Matsu Ochiman (m)
 Matsu Gohei (m), the butcher, died executed by the Senpet during
the Scorpion clan’s exil.
 A child
 Matsu Aioko (f)
o Matsu Sodohime (also found under the name Kojike) (f), wed to Akodo
Daio (son of the Champion) who take the name Matsu : their sons would
be Akodo, and their daughters Matsu.
 Akodo Toturi (m), Lion clan champion, the ronin, Lion clan
thunder and future Toturi the 1st, wed to Isawa Kaede (see the
Isawa Bloodline). Killed by Fushin the onisu of betrayal at the start
of the Gold era.
 See the imperial line and the Akodo line.
 Akodo Arasou (m), Lion clan champion before his younger brother
Toturi, fiançé to Matsu Tsuko, die killed in Toshi Ranbo.

 Cousin of Gohei : Kitsu Koji (m), a lion shugenja trained in the

way of battle by his father and his cousin. He was in love with
Tsukune, who said no. Uona was in love with him, but he never
knew. When Matsu Agetoki attacked the Crane during the Clans
war, Tsukune stepped to defend them. Agetoki said even one of his
shugenja could beat the Shiba, and Tsukune was forced to duel her
childhood friend. Uona, using the Black Scroll “dark divination”
seen the duel, and casted a spell to save her love. The spell missed,
and as Tsukune was trying to deal a non-mortal blow, the spell
forced her to kill Koji.

 Cousins of the Matsu line :

o Matsu father and Kitsu mother :
 Matsu Imura (m), famous beastmaster that died during the day of
thunder facing Kyojin with his pride of lions.
 Older brother and younger sister of Matsu Imura.
o Matsu Toshiro (m), that have been captured by a maho-tsukai and
tortured. After killing the maho-tsukai, Toshiro started to be know for his
terryfying howls that scared his ennemies.

The leadership of the Matsu family under the reign of Toturi III is Matsu Kenji (f),
daughter of Matsu samourai and a Yoritomo samourai (supposed Yoritomo Kenji). The
sons of this wedding would be Mantis and the girls would be Matsu. Kenji later made an
arrangement for her own wedding, that her sons would marry to the Toritaka.


Yoritomo family :

 Yoritomo Kitao (f) is the champion after Aramasu’s assassination and before
being defeated by Yoritomo Kumiko. Ambitious member of the Storm legion,
agent of Yoritomo Leshanu, she is the captain of the Bitter flower. She negotiated
the death of Aramasu with the Scorpion clan. She get hit by the Rain of Blood and
became tainted and create the Dark wave fleet to harass the Mantis clan.
Supposed killed during the war of fire and thunder.
o Hatamoto : Moshi Mogai (m), master of pain, is the new Hatamoto of
Kitao after the Rain of blood. See Moshi bloodline. Supposed killed
during the war of fire and thunder.
 Yoshitsune (m), wed to Kirei. He officially throw himself from a cliff the day of
Yoritomo’s gempukku. In fact, the real Yoshitsune died with his wife and sons
killed by Bishan the vigilant, a greater Rakasha that took Yoshitsume’s place and
raised Yoritomo as his son. The creature is still alive and looking at the clan he
worked for.
o Honzo (m), assassinated during his Coup for the daimyoship.
o Yoritomo (m), founder of the Yoritomo’s alliance of the minor clans, he
turned the Mantis clan into a great clan during the day of thunder. He wed
Moshi Wakiza, Centipede clan daimyo and die during the battle at
Oblivion’s gate at the hands of Goju Adorai.
 Bayushi then Yoritomo Aramasu (m), adoptive son (see Bayushi
bloodline). He is the Champion during the Spirit wars where he
fight in the Ivory kingdoms.
 Yoritomo Kumiko (f), daughter of the storms. She born no long
after Oblivion’s gate. Her mother give her the taint she get fighting
at Volturnum and so Kumiko hide herself until she learn under
Yoritomo Komori’s tutelage to resist to the taint. She get purified
by defeating Settozai, onisu of Larceny. Die killing Kitao during
the war of fire and thunder.
o Younger brother, assassinated by Honzo’s mercenaries.
 A sibling :
o Suana (m), acolyte of water of the Brotherhood of Shinsei.
 Student : Akodo Toturi (see Toturi line)
 Cousin branch :
o Hsi Tsu (m), supposed to became a courtier at the Doji family, he leaves
the Mantis to join the Brotherhood of Shinsei.

After the death of Kumiko :

 Yoritomo Naizen (m), hatamoto de Kitao before becoming Kumiko’s general. He

was a pirate before being offered a position among the Mantis, turning into a great
general. He has the helm of thunder.

Usagi family of the Hare clan :

- Usagi Takeshi (m), Usagi Oda’s karo

- Usagi Takeshi (m), son of the previous, sensei at Reichin’s refuge.
- Usagi Seiki (m) Ozaki’s « yojimbo »
- Usagi Muso (m)(leader of the Hare ronins that protect the ruins of Shiro Usagi before
the reinstatement of their clan).
 Usagi Oda (m), Hare clan daimyo killed during the Scorpion clan attack of
Bayushi Tomaru.
o Usagi Ozaki (m), Hare clan daimyo.
 Usagi Kashira (m), Ozaki’s eldest son.
 Usagi Oteko (f)
o Usagi then Kitsu Tomoe (f), trained with Kitsu, fiançée to Yasuki
Nokatsu, then Bayushi Tomaru. Married to a Kitsu it seems. She is also
the one who found the Anvil of Earth in the ruins of Shiro Usagi, using it
to help the Hare and Crane clans to defeat the Bloodspeakers.
 Students : Usagi Yasuko (f) and Usagi Koretada (m).
o Usagi Kinotu (m), officially dead during Shiro Usagi’s siege. (in fact
evacuated after the serie of duels with the Scorpion)
 Usagi Masashi (m), Hare clan ambassador to the Unicorn clan.
Either son of Kinotu or of a sibling of Ozaki’s wife.

Ujina family of the Hare clan :

 Ujina Tokimasa (m), founder of the family by Takuan’s word during Hidden
emperor, he is later discovered to be a criminal and executed.
 Ujina Tomo (m), former Kitsuki ronin, he became the daimyo after Tokimasa.
 Ujina Yoshimitsu (m), family daimyo under Toturi III.

Suzume family of the Sparrow clan:

 Suzume Mukashino (m), former daimyo and famous storyteller.
o Suzume Kashira (m), family daimyo under Hantei XXXVIII
 Suzume Yugoki (m), family daimyo under Toturi III
 Oldest son trained by the Kakita academy. He supposedly
killed Yoritomo Chimori in a duel, but Chimori was saved
by the ronin sensei Chiang-Tsu.
 Many children.
 Suzume Mochiko (f), youngest child of Yugoki and sensei
of Kyuden Suzume’s dojo.
o Suzume Turai (m)

Kitsune family of the fox clan :

 Kitsune Oshirin (m), daimyo before the battle of Kyuden Kitsune.
o Kitsune Ryoden (f), trained with the Mirumoto, killed by Kakita
Toshimoko because of the night of the hundred deaths.
o Kitsune Gohei (m), family daimyo, he use a black scroll after talking with
Yogo Junzo and became the immortal walking horror of Fu-leng.
 Kitsune Ryosei (f), daimyo under Toturi I and II, killed by the
Shadow Dragon during Iuchiban’s rise.
o Cousin branch
 Kitsune Ryukan (m), daimyo under Toturi III. He is a bushi.

Tonbo family of the Dragonfly clan :

 Tonbo Toryu (m), family daimyo during the clans war. Became the Oracle of
thunder, then the first Dark oracle of Void because of Kaede’s imbalance.

Then :
 Tonbo Dayu’s father, killed during the attack of the Dragonfly’s lands by the Lion
during the War of Fire and Snow. He was warned by the young seer Tonbo Euiko
of the attack of the Lion clan, and used this to send half of the clan out of their
ancestral lands so they wouldn’t be killed.
o Tonbo Dayu (m), family daimyo under Toturi II and III.

kizoku of the Tortoise clan :

The kizoku is a title hold by somebody acting like a daimyo when the daimyo is not
available. Until the death of Hantei XXXIX the daimyo of Tortoise is the Emperor itself.
 Kemmei (m), merchant and kizoku.
o Hyobe (m), ship captain and Kizoku during the Clans wars.

Then :
 Kasuga Shiriko (f), hidden dagger dojo’s sensei, she refuse the daimyo role to
give it to her brother.
 Kasuga Taigen (m), actual daimyo of the Tortoise clan and representative of the
minor clans at the Imperial court. Wife dead.
o Kasuga Mino (f), bethroed to Kaiu Sugimoto (m), keeper of earth and
cousin of Kaiu Tasuku. He was before wed to Kaiu Rina and had a child
named Kaiu Taikan, but both are dead.
o Younger daughter.
o Karo : Kasuga Taman (m) wed to Otomo Miyako (niece of Hoketuhime),
a smuggler and con artist. Send to take care of the infamous painter Otomo
Taro (m)
 Kasuga Eizan (m), captain of the Fortune’s coin.
o A son, working on his father’s ship.

Ichiro family of the Badger clan :

 Ichiro Akitomo (m), family daimyo, killed by Bayushi Sugai during the last
Topaz championship Hantei XXXVIII attended.
o Ichiro Hideo (m), heir of the Badger clan, wed to Agasha Momuko,
student of Kaiu Osuki. He is used by his brother to summon the Hideo no
oni, but with Agasha Momuko the three faced the demon, and Koturi hold
it long enough for Hideo to commit seppuku and banish the monster.
o Ichiro Koturi (m), student of Agasha Tamori, he summon the Hideo no oni
who is the responsible of the nearly destruction of their Clan. He commit
seppuku after the death of his brother.
 Ichiro Chuga (m), take the daimyo rule under his nephew Hideo can take his
place. He is killed by the Hideo no oni.

 Cousin branch :
 Father of Kihongo, who died fighting Yojo Junzo’s horde.
o Ichiro Kihongo (m), actual family daimyo.
 Student: Ichiro Tashimi (m), Fallen mountain dojo’s sensei. Dead,
the dojo have been renamed Heart of the mountain dojo.
 Karo : Ichiro Jinzaburo (m). His twin brother Zinjuro is the sensei
who tooks Tashimi’s place.
 A child
 Ichiro Ryozan (m)

Moshi family of the Centipede clan then of the Mantis clan :

Formerly the Centipede clan, they became the shugenja family of the Mantis clan after
his ascension as a great clan.
 Moshi Jukio (f), family daimyo and great priestess of the Sun. She worked under
the orders of Isawa Tsuke in the imperial legions. She get cursed at Amaterasu’s
death to live until she accept her grand-daughter Kumiko.
o Moshi Wakiza (f), wed to Yoritomo.
 Yoritomo Kumiko (f), the daughter of the Storm (see Yoritomo
o Moshi Utamaro (m)
 Moshi Mogai (m), courtier, became the shugenja master of pain
and Kitao’s hatamoto after the Rain of blood.
 Moshi Kalani (m), kemari’s champion and bushi.

 Jukio’s younger sibling.

o Moshi Amika (f), family daimyo under Toturi III after Grandmother
Jukio’s death.
 Moshi Kyoko (f), the heir. Trained by the Seppun.
 Moshi Kiyoko (f), the eldest niece. Sent to be trained with her
cousin Kyoko.
 Moshi Amiki (m), Kiyoko’s only brother among sisters, have been
sent to the Ten Thousands temples as an assistant of Seppun
Kiharu and may wed to the Monkey clan.

 Moshi Maiyomi (f), Amaterasu Seido’s sensei.

Tsuruchi family of the Wasp clan then Mantis clan :
 Bayushi Uchinore (m), daimyo of Shiro no Uragiru (see Bayushi bloodline)., who
was lover to Akodo Tameko, daughter of Akodo Ranabe. Both die assassinated by
a Scorpion clan assassion as a punishment for the shame created by their son.
o Tsuruchi (m), founder of the Wasp clan and family daimyo, retire under
the name Tanari in the temple to Kaze-no-Kami in the Moshi provinces,
before ruling the brotherhood after Shoan’s death.
 Students : Mukami (m), a childhood friend and the first Wasp to
join him. Ton (m), a lieutenant that will help Tsuruchi unite his
men into the Wasp clan.

 Tsuruchi (Ashigabanashi) Ichiro (m), became daimyo after Tsuruchi’s retirement.

He died not long after the Rain of blood.
o Tsuruchi Hiro (m), Ichiro’s son, tainted by the Rain of blood he betray the
clan to join the Dark wave.
 Tsuruchi Hikari (m), cousin of Ichiro. He is in love with the pirate lady and
former Doji, Sachiko.

After the betrayal of Hiro, the Emerald wasp is designed as the new daimyo :
 Tsuruchi Nobumoto (m), family daimyo, named the Emerald wasp. Wed to Kuni
Jiyuna (f), a jade magistrate who worked with Moto Najmudin (m). Expect their
first child, the childs with the gift of kami should be trained by the Kuni.
 Tsuruchi Fusako (f), Nobumoto’s sister and emerald magistrate.

Toritaka family of the Falcon clan, then of the Crab clan :

The falcon clan daimyo is named the Yotogi. They get the Toritaka family name after
joining the Crab clan under Toturi I. The Yotogi rule with the help of the council of
 Toritaka Genso (m), Yotogi of the Falcon clan, then daimyo of the Toritaka
family of the Crab clan. He died during the battle of Oblivion’s gate killed by an
ogre fighting along side his cousin.
 Toritaka Tatsune (m), Sunda Mizu Dojo sensei, Genso’s cousin and wed to
Toritaka Koiso. Born on the day Hantei XXXVIII get coroned. He is the family
daimyo under Toturi II and III. He retired not long after Naseru’s death, giving his
katana to Matsu Kenji.
o Childs
 Grandchilds. One of the girl is to be fostered to Shiro Matsu.

 Cousin branch :
o Toritaka Kitao (m), wed to Kuni Hiruko, have a seat at the Council of
 Toritaka Itanko (f), shugenja, Flacon spirit dojo’s sensei.
 6 others children.
Toku family of the Monkey clan :
 Toku (m), captain of the Imperial guard, died against Yajinden during the attack
against Gisei Toshei, became the fortune of vertu by edict of Toturi III. Wed to
Shosuro then Toku Inao, sister of Yudoka (see Shosuro bloodline). Inao retired
soon after the death of Toturi III
o Toturi Miyako (f), leader of the 1st legion. Wed to Bayushi Paneki (see
Bayushi bloodline) and student of Morito Tokei (see Ox clan line).
o Toku Kiyuko (f)
o Toturi Kyoji (m). The future daimyo of the clan after his mother’s death,
in love with Fuzake Haruka. But he married Akodo Minako, Ginawa’s
favorite student.
o Toku Koto (m)

Fuzake family of the Monkey clan :

 Fuzake Garou (m), former Yasuki, cousin of Yasuki Nokatsu and nephew by
alliance of Yasuki Taka. He was granted his family name under Toturi I, and then
vowed allegeance to Toku, turning his family into a vassal. The name returned as
a major family when Toturi Kurako named Fuzake Haruka her personnal
attendant. Garou died during the battle of Oblivion’s gate.
 Fuzake Haruka (m), a young shugenja of the Monkey clan, with interests toward
Toturi Kyoji. She get named personnal attendant to Toturi Kurako, and got her
family name raised from vassal to great family.

Komori family of the Bat clan :

 Komori (m), founder of the Bat clan, former Yoritomo. His bloodline share the
blood of many Komouri, the bat spirits.
o Student : Yoritomo Kumiko (f), Mantis clan Champion (see Yoritomo
line) and Komori Junsaku (m), a young and talented shugenja.

Morito family of the Ox clan :

o Morito (m), former Otaku and Shinjo, son of Otaku Tetsuko. Ox clan
founder and daimyo. He is also the Kolat master of the steel sect.
 At least two sons.
o Otaku, then Morito and Naka Tokei (m), student of Naka Kuro, he is the
master of the elements.
 Asahina Nizomi (m) : spiritual son of Tokei, he holds half of his
soul. They was shared after the trip to the spirit realms of Tokei by
the Dragons to prevent him to get mad. Student of Asahina
 Student : Toturi Miyako (f) see Monkey line.
o Utaku Xieng-Chi (f), Utaku family daimyo under the Toturi.

Tsi ronin family :

The Tsi ronin family was later granted the minor clan status. See Oriole clan bloodline.

 Tsi Xing Guo (m) : the fortune of steel, who created the celestial swords after
ascending under the gaze of Yakamo and Hitomi.
o Tsi Shodu (m) : gifted shugenja, he was a bit forgotten by his parents and
sent to train with the Agasha. Bitter, he joined the Blood-red Moon
Bloodspeaker cult of Jama Suru and supposed killed during the Blood
o Tsi Tianlin (m) : a great mastersmith and daimyo under the four winds.
 Tsi Zutaka (m) : daimyo and mastersmith of the Tsi family under
Toturi III, he has been hold prisonner during a year by the Sons of
Shadow in the ruins of Otosan Uchi with his wife and daughter.
 A daughter
 Students : many of them prisonners of the Sons of Shadow,
Tsi Xiao (m) a dishonnored smith who helped Daidoji
Shihei to use the Anvil of Despair.

Oriole clan :

The origin of the Oriocle clan was the Tsi ronin family. The bloodline start with the first
daimyo of the clan, but the rest of the know family can be found in the Tsi ronin family

 Tsi Zutaka (m) : daimyo and mastersmith of the Tsi family under Toturi III, he
has been hold prisonner during a year by the Sons of Shadow in the ruins of
Otosan Uchi with his wife and daughter.
o Tsi Jeiza (f)
o Students : many of them prisonners of the Sons of Shadow, Tsi Xiao (m) a
dishonnored smith who helped Daidoji Shihei to use the Anvil of Despair.

Firefly clan :

 Shinjo Hotaru (m) : imperial magistrate.

o Hotaru (Shinjo) Jainu (m) : former imperial magistrate, founder of the
Firefly clan after fighting back a Yobanjin invasion in 1152.
 Karo : Hotaru Oshio (m) : a former ronin swordman who was
Jainu’s yoriki.

Boar clan :

 Heichi Chokei (m) is the actual only person to claim to be related to the Boar
clan. He join the forces of Hida Kisada during his assault on Otosan Uchi in an
attempt to help the Empire. He foreseen his death after the day of thunder, and
walked into the Twilight mountains with his friend Togashi Mitsu to beg
forgiveness from his ancestors. Mitsu say he left him here and never seen him
again. He died during the battle of Oblivion’s gate.
 Heichi Jianzhen (f) is the only know member of the Boar clan seen after Chokei’s
death. Her true nature is unknown, some say she is ghost. She explained that the
Shakoki Dogu took her clan in a special spirit realm where they are protected
from the First Oni’s curse but are trapped here. Jianzhen as a shugenja is the only
one allowed to have interaction with the mortal realm.

Snake clan :

 Chuda Reikado (m) : ronin bushi, he is the legitimate daimyo of the Snake clan,
from the line of Isawa Chuda. He try to save the honor of his clan by hunting
Maho-tsukai with the ancestral wakizashi of the Snake clan. He died of old age
after failing to kill Mishime.
o Student : Utagawa (f) : ronin from a vassal family of the Isawa, she have
been trained to be a duelist by Reikado, and he offered her the ancestral
wakizashi of the Snake and looking to avenge her mentor by killing

 (Chuda) Gorobei (m) : officially a merchant of the Mantis clan, he was trained in
the ways of the corrupted shugenja of the Snake clan.
o (Chuda) Tenkazu (m) : After casting a powerfull spell with the help of
Asako Kaushen that allowed the corrupted ghosts to take control of
members of the Falcon clan and sent them to attack the Phoenix (his
attempt failed thanks to a group of magistrates and Reikado), he used the
offer to all ronin shugenjas to join the Phoenix clan to became a member
of the Asako family.
 Chuda Mishime (m) : powerful bloodspeaker, shugenja advisor of
Daigotsu, daimyo of the Chuda family of the Snake clan. He was a
bloodspeaker, but was able to became a famous inquisitor of the
Asako family. When he met Daigotsu, he joined him by giving him
the dagger used to kill Hantei XVI, and get allowed to recreate the
Chuda family.
 Students : Chuda Akorou (m) a former angry ronin
shugenja who was one of the first pupil of Mishime. Kitsu
Norinaga (m), a talented former sodan-senzo who knows
how to bind ancestors like kamis against their will.

The Lost

 Hantei XXXVIII (m) and Hantei Hochiame (see Hantei bloodline). The Empress
have been killed by a bloodspeaker named Kyoden.
o Daigotsu (m) : son of the Hantei line, he is the dark Lord of the
Shadowland and founder of the Daigotsu family. He is wed with Shahai.
 Advisors : Omoni (m), the man with a goblin soul and Chuda
Mishime (m), see Snake clan.
 Yojimbo : Goju Kyoden (m), see Yotsu line.
 A son.
 Protector : Kayomasa (male ogre), of the Mitaka (free
Ogres), student of Kayosai and leader after the death of

Tsuno championship :

 Tsuno Kishenku (m) : powerful shugenja and warrior, he is told to have been the
champion of Jigoku. He destroyed the alliance of the fives races leading the Kitsu
order of the Tsuno. He is destroyed not long after by Soli Izumo, leader of the
Kitsu order of the Soli. He is resurected by Moto Vordu (controlled by Nintai) in
the city of night before being cremated by Hantei Naseru and his followers.
o Tsuno Nintai (m) : powerful shugenja and warrior, one of the firsts
soultwitsers, he tooks his father’s place as the leader of the Tsuno. He gets
turned back into a Kitsu after his defeat facing the Ratlings. He now help
the One tribe.

The actual leader of the Tsuno is actually unknow.

Ninube family :

 Founded by Doji Ninube (f) (see Isawa Bloodline) ?

 Goju Hoseki, the former ninja mystic (f), absorbed by the Shadow. Raised by the
o Ninube Eisai (f) : former nun named Giri, she get corrupted by the
Shadow during the war between the Brotherhood and the Dragon because
of her love for Hoshi and her jealousy for Hoshi Eisai.
 Karo : Ninube Ogoku (f), a talented actress.
 Ninube Shochu (f ?) : leader of the Ninube after Eisai (?), she leads
the organisation of the Sons of Shadow in the ruins of Otosan
Uchi. She is destroyed by Asahina Sekawa.


1st period : start of the XII century.

Master of Void : Isawa Ujina (m)

Master of fire : Isawa Nesan (f), killed by his son Dairya.
Master of water : Isawa Kaiyoko (f), she fought at the battle of Fate’s gorge.
Master of earth : Isawa Rujo (m), beaten by Isawa Tadaka for the place of Master of
Master of air : Isawa Eju (m), Uona’s sensei.
2nd period : before the Scorpion clan coup.

Master of Void : Isawa Ujina (m), became the Nameless and disappear during Time of
the Void.
Master of fire : Isawa Tsuke (m), former imperial legionnaire.
Master of water : Isawa Tomo (m), Ujina’s son.
Maître of earth : Isawa Tadaka (m), Ujina’s son.
Maître of air : Isawa Uona (f)

3rd period : time of the Void

Master of Void : Isawa Kaede (f), Ujina’s daughter, will became the Oracle of Void.
Master of fire : Isawa Tsuke (m), tainted and turned mad by the Black scrolls, killed by
the sacrifice of Ujimitsu, Isawa Tadaka and purified by Suana.
Master of water : Isawa Tomo (m), tainted, killed by Isawa Tsuke.
Master of earth : Isawa Tadaka (m), Phoenix’s clan thunder, killed by Fu-leng.
Master of air : Isawa Uona (f), tainted, killed by Isawa Tsuke.

4st period : Hidden Emperor

Master of Void : Shiba Ningen (m), Shiba Tsukune’s brother.

Master of fire : Isawa Hochiu (m), Isawa Tsuke’s son.
Master of water : Isawa Tomo (m), returned spirit through Oblivion’s gate.
Master of earth : Isawa Taeruko (f), Isawa Ujina’s niece.
Master of air : Agasha Gennai (m), Agasha family daimyo of the Phoenix clan, former
member of the Dragon clan.

5st period : Spirit wars

Master of Void : Shiba Ningen (m)

Master of fire : Isawa Hochiu (m)
Master of water : Isawa Riake (f), fallen in love with Isawa Hochiu, killed by Agasha
Master of earth : Isawa Taeruko (f)
Master of air : Isawa Nakamuro (m)

6st period : Four winds era.

Master of void : Shiba Ningen (m)

Master of fire : Isawa Hochiu (m), killed by Agasha Tamori in duel.
Master of water : Doji Akiko (f), Isawa’s daughter and bride of Doji Kurohito, returned
spirit who joined the Heroes of Rokugan.
Master of earth : Isawa Taeruko (f)
Master of air : Isawa Nakamuro (m)

7st period : reign of Toturi III

Master of void : Shiba Ningen (m)

Master of fire : Isawa Ochiai (f), Isawa Nakamuro’s younger sister.
Master of water : Doji Akiko (f), killed by her husband because she was Gozoku, during
the 1st Topaz championship of the Lotus edition, from the revelations of Ikoma Masote.
Master of earth : Isawa Sachi (m), Gozoku member, Isawa Taeruko’s sensei and
confident. Die during the war of fire and thunder.
Master of air : Isawa Nakamuro (m), wed to Tamori Shaitung.

8st period : after the war of fire of thunder

Master of void : Shiba Ningen (m)

Master of fire : Isawa Ochiai (f), Isawa Nakamuro’s younger sister. Wed to Mirumoto
Master of water : Asako Bairei (m), founder of the temple of the moon.
Master of earth : Isawa Emori (m)
Master of air : Tamori Nakamuro (m), wed to Tamori Shaitung .

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