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Lesson Plan


Topic: English
Form: IV th grade
Teacher: Bejan Laura-Arina
Topic: The United Kingdom
Sources: English Pupil's Book (pupil's book, 4th form)
Time available: 45 minutes
Specific competences:
 Communicative and pragmatic competence: producing oral message and interaction
(spoken interaction); producing written message and interaction (written interaction).
 Communicative competence: receiving written message (reading).
 Language competence: grammar notions.
Sub-competences: Questioning and answering /Present Simple versus Present Continuous
Operational objectives: Understanding the text and being able to put a question and to answer
to it.
Knowledge: Students will learn new vocabulary that relate with the United Kingdom
(geography, culture, traditions)
Skills: Students will participate with information and facts already known about the United
Kingdom. Students will learn about the United Kingdom's places, people, traditions and culture
by using the map found in the students book.
Attitudes: Students will gain a positive attitude toward English oral communication and about
the English culture and people.
Stages of the lesson Resources Strategies Evaluation Time
(materials) (methods,
forms of
A. Evocation Textbook Reading The ability to 7
Verifying the homework exercise: reading, Copybook Translation read and to minutes
translation, new vocabulary. English dictionary Vocabulary translate;
Blackboard Grammar Understanding
Chalk the use of the new
B. Realization of meaning Textbook Reading The ability to 15
Analyzing the map pag 62 and completing Copybook Grammar read and to minutes
with other elements Blackboard Translation translate the new
Reading the text page 62 and identifying the Chalk Explanations text;
new info found out; agree and disagree with Pen
the statements from exercise 4/62

C. Reflection Copybook Grammar Understanding 22

Individual work – answer the questions from Blackboard Discussion the grammar minutes
ex 5/pag 63 Chalk Work in pairs notions PS vs PC
Working in pairs – making a map with all the Pen Whole class Comparing the
United Kingdom's symbols. work two types of
D. Extention Copybook Individual work 1 minute
Homework – ex 8/pag 63 Pen

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