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Nume _______________

Data __________

Clasa a IV-a ____


1. Traduceti urmatoarele expresii / cuvinte: (10 x 0,20 p = 2 p)

Ground floor =

To do sums =

To oversleep =

To feel sorry for him =

To have milk for breakfast =

To plant flower seeds =

Raise your hand! =

Be respectful! =

To come to school on time =

Playground =

2. Completati cu varianta corectă: (10 x 0,20 p = 2 p)

You can find friends __________offline/online.

My favourite subject is ___________science/sciance.

I _________usually / usualy go to the park on __________Sunday / sunday afternoon.

She is ________sed/sad because she is _____late/leit.

John has a salad for ______lanch/lunch.

What is your __________favourite/favorite book?

My ________ancle/uncle likes _______apples/aples.

3. Alegeti varianta corecta: (5 x 0,30 p = 1, 50 p)

Mark ___________washes/wash his face and ___________brush/brushes his teeth every morning.

English ______________help/helps me to talk to people from different countries.

Does she _________has/have many lessons tomorrow?

________is/are there any books at the school library?

4. Puneţi am/is/are (forme ale verbului ‘’to be‘’) în locul potrivit. (5x0.2p=1 p)

o You at school now.

o I a beautiful girl.
o He an intelligent boy.
o We in the house now.
o They in the classroom now.

5. Traduceți în limba română următoarele propoziții: (5x 0,50 p = 2,50 p)

1. Alice was very tired and she wanted to sleep.

2. My school has only a ground floor and a first floor.
3. Are there any books in German?
4. There are some beautiful pictures in this book.
5. All summer he planted the apple seeds along the road.

1 punct din oficiu (pentru scris citeț).

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