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first middle :house of YourLast, a man/woman

c/o 12345 YourStreet Avenue

on YourCity, on YourState/Province/Territory

hereinafter claimant,

Estoppel by Acquiescence Notice


Notice to Respondeat Inferior is Notice to Respondeat Superior

Notice to Respondeat Superior is Notice to Respondeat Inferior

Bob Smith By: Registered Mail Number: RE 000 000 000 US

123 Duress Road
DebtCity, DebtState/Territory/Province; near [12345]


In Re: YOURFIRST YOURLAST, Alleged Account Number 0123456789

This instrument is a Notice of Estoppel By Acquiescence in regards to the following instruments

tendered by the claimant:

1) Claim: claimant's Offer to Perform upon Debt Validation, dated June First (1st), Two Thousand
Thirteen, 2 leaves;
2) Debt Collector Disclosure Statement, to be completed by RESPONDEAT INFERIOR, 3 leaves;
3) Notice of Fault in Dishonor - dated July Second (2nd), Two Thousand Thirteen, 1 leaf;
4) Notice of Default in Dishonor - dated July Fifteenth (15th), Thousand Thirteen, 1 leaf

hereinafter claim, to the RESPONDEAT INFERIOR at the address above; under the face and custody of
the Post Office;

Let it be known by these presents, RESPONDEAT INFERIOR's failure to perform under the
terms and conditions set forth in claim, has created a permanent and irrevocable estoppel by
acquiescence, forevermore barring RESPONDEAT INFERIOR from bringing any and all claims, legal
actions, orders, demands, lawsuits, costs, levies, penalties, damages, interests, liens and expenses
whatsoever, against YOURFIRST YOURLAST;

Furthermore, RESPONDEAT INFERIOR's dishonor of claim is RESPONDEAT INFERIOR's

agreement to the following terms and conditions:

1) The balance due on alleged Account Number 0012345678 is Zero and 00/100 dollars ($0.00); and
2) Any and all rights, titles and interests in and on any and all collateral in the association with or the
security for the above-referenced alleged Account Number 0012345678 is irrevocably conveyed to
claimant; and
3) RESPONDEAT INFERIOR is with the grant of a specific power-of-attorney to claimant for the
acquisition, procurement and/or production of any and all records, documents, and/or communications
necessary for the securing of any and all rights, titles, and interests in or pertaining to any and all
collateral associated with or secured by the above-referenced alleged Account Number 0012345678; and
4) RESPONDEAT INFERIOR's waiver of any and all claims, rights, immunities and defenses; and
5) RESPONDEAT INFERIOR does not possess the legal right or lawful authority enforce collection of
RESPONDEAT INFERIOR's claim and will not do so in the future; and
6) RESPONDEAT INFERIOR lacks standing in law to adversely affect the credit rating of claimant and
that any negative remarks made to any credit reporting agency will be removed posthaste; and
7) RESPONDEAT INFERIOR lacks standing in law to assign, transfer, or negotiate the alleged liability,
pass it back to its client and/or appoint an agent to act on its behalf in this matter;

By my hand and seal this _________________ day of ___________________, two thousand thirteen,


Underwriter/Surety Notice: this instrument is non-negotiable unrebuttable instant claim for Claimant's lawful lien, seizure, and liquidation (as
required) of full penal value of all Debt Collectors bonds and other security assets, to be escrowed, by and for the resulting breach of trust by
Debt Collector;
UPU Treaty Notice: This instrument constitutes “Official Mail” under regulations and jurisdiction of Universal Postal Union including the duties,
obligations and penalties of Private Mail Carriers.

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