Natural Law

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St. Thomas Aquinas

The " Angelic Doctor"
Presented By
Jade R. Jovenal - Instructor
Thomas Aquinas

The two books are combinations of

philosophy and theology where he
discussed about the role of natural
laws, virtues and happiness in moral
philosophy. (De Guzman, 2018)

Summa Theologica

Summa Contra Gentiles

The basic idea that in natural law thics is that reason is the
source of the mroal law that directs us towards the" GOOD"

"Moral Code"
The term Natural law is derived from the belief that human
morality comes the nature. Aquinas described natural law
as a moral code existing within the purpose of nature,
created by God.

The Aquinas’ basic moral law can be best described by the

following, “Good is to be done and pursued… and evil to be
avoided. All the other precepts of the law of nature are based on
For Aquinas:
The first is that, when we focus on God’s role as the giver
of the natural law, law, the natural law is just one aspect
of divine providence; and so the theory of natural law is
from that perspective just one part among others of the
theory of divine providence.

The second is that, when we focus on the human’s role as

recipient of the natural law, the natural law constitutes
the principles of practical rationality, those principles by
which human action is to be judged as reasonable or
unreasonable; and so the theory of natural law is from that
perspective the preeminent part of the theory of practical
St. Thomas Aquinas

Eternal Human

Divine Natural
refers to the rational plan of God by which all creation is ordered

is that aspect of the eternal law which is accessible to human reason.

is a law of revelation, disclosed through sacred text or Scriptures and the Church
which is also directed toward man’s eternal end”

Human law also includes the civil and criminal laws as formulated in the light of proper
and practical reason and moral laws. Human laws that are against the natural law are
not binding and not real laws, and people are not obliged to obey those unjust laws.
According to Aquinas’s theology, natural law is integral to divine
providence. “Eternal law” is the overarching law, established by God, which
gives order to the chaos of creation. The portion of eternal Law
pertaining to human beings is, to Aquinas, natural law.

Furthermore, Aquinas agreed with Aristotle that as

human reason dictates (natural law), happiness or
eudaimonia is our natural telos. In order to achieve
true happiness, humans must follow certain natural
Happiness as Constitutive of Moral and Cardinal Virtues
St. Thomas Aquinas “believes that all actions are directed towards ends and thateternal
happiness is the final end. He also thinks that happiness is not equated with pleasure,
material possessions, honour or any sensual good, but consists in activities in accordance
with virtues. A person needs a moral character cultivated through the habit of choice to
realize real happiness” (De Guzman, 2018).
Moral virtues are divided into four basic kinds, namely:


How happiness becomes constitutive of
moral and cardinal virtues?

Man’s ultimate fulfilment of his nature is to live

as being God’s creature through the exercise of
virtues and in accordance to man’s final

The Divine plan of God is for man to act to his ultimate

purpose/end. Manshould not hinder his future union with
God in heaven. (Gallinero, 2018)
 For Aristotle, a virtuous act is the “golden mean” between two extremes –
by which these extremes are considered as undesirable actions or
commonly termed as vices.
For Aristotle, happiness or “eudaimonia” is the summum bonum or the
supreme good. Happiness as the supreme good is ultimately interpreted as
our telos.
Aquinas agreed with Aristotle that as human reason dictates (natural law),
happiness or eudaimonia is our natural telos. In order to achieve true
happiness, humans must follow certain natural laws.

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