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RMIT Prompt S.Q.

Part 2 (internal)

1. **How does social media affect personal relationships?**

"Social media has a complex impact on personal relationships; it can both bridge distances by
keeping us connected with loved ones, yet, if used excessively, it may lead to neglect of face-to-face
interactions. Finding a balance is key to leveraging social media positively in our lives."

2. **Why is learning a second language important?**

"Learning a second language opens up new avenues for cultural understanding and personal growth.
It's not just about enhancing communication skills but also about gaining a deeper appreciation for
different ways of life, which can enrich one's perspective and foster global empathy."

3. **What are the potential consequences of global warming?**

"Global warming threatens to alter our environment drastically, leading to severe weather events,
rising sea levels, and loss of biodiversity. These changes not only pose risks to natural habitats but also
challenge human societies by impacting agriculture, water resources, and health."

4. **How does travel influence a person's worldview?**

"Travel has the power to broaden one's worldview significantly, exposing individuals to diverse
cultures, traditions, and lifestyles. This exposure can challenge preconceived notions, encourage
adaptability, and enhance understanding and tolerance towards different people and practices."

5. **Can technology solve the world's environmental problems?**

"While technology offers innovative solutions to environmental issues, such as cleaner energy
sources and waste reduction techniques, it alone cannot solve all problems. Sustainable change also
requires global cooperation, policy reforms, and individual lifestyle adjustments."

6. **Should governments invest more in public transportation?**

"Investing in public transportation can lead to numerous benefits, including reduced traffic
congestion, lower pollution levels, and improved urban mobility. It not only makes cities more livable
but also contributes to environmental sustainability, making it a worthy investment for governments."

7. **Is a vegetarian diet better for health and the environment?**

"Adopting a vegetarian diet can have positive impacts on both health and the environment, reducing
the risk of chronic diseases and lowering the carbon footprint associated with meat production.
However, dietary choices should also consider nutritional balance and personal health needs."

8. **How important is it for individuals to engage in community service?**

"Engaging in community service is crucial for fostering a sense of solidarity and social responsibility.
It not only contributes to societal wellbeing but also enriches the volunteer's personal growth by
developing empathy, leadership skills, and a deeper understanding of community issues."

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