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Study File 7: ProfEd

Total questions: 100
Worksheet time: 2hrs 38mins
Instructor name: Claire Mana-ay

1. James noted that the preschoolers eagerly begin many new activities but are vulnerable to criticism and feelings of
failure, they are experiencing what particular crisis?

a) a. Identity vs. Role confusion b) b. Initiative vs. Guilt

c) c. Basic trust vs. mistrust d) d. Efficacy vs. Helplessness

2. What philosophy of education advocates that the curriculum should only include universal and unchanging truths?

a) a. Essentialism b) b. Idealism

c) c. Perennialism d) d. Pragmatism

3. Which statement is INCORRECT about computer conferencing?

a) a. It refers to live student interaction with an expert. b) b. It is also known as a discussion forum or bulletin

c) c. It also refers to online class discussions, forums, or d) d. It permits two or more individuals.

4. Miss Rita is an excellent Physical Education teacher. She started teaching volleyball to her Grade 2 class. Despite all
her efforts, her class does not seem to learn how to play the game. What law of learning was disregarded?

a) a. Law of Disuse b) b. Law of Effect

c) c. Law of Exercise d) d. Law of Readiness

5. Which of the following is used to measure the quantity and quality of learning? Assessment

a) a. of learning b) b. for learning

c) c. as learning d) d. any of the three

6. With a death threat over his head, Teacher Liza is directed to pass an undeserving student. If she is a hedonist,
which of the following will she do?

a) a. Don't pass him and live her principle of justice. She b) b. Don't pass him. She surely will not like someone to
will get a reward, if not in this life, in the next. give her a death threat in order to pass.

c) c. Pass the student; that will be of use to her, the d) d. Pass the student. Why suffer the threat?
student, and his parents.

7. In his theories of moral development, Kohlberg believed that only ___ of people actually achieved Stage 6: Universal

a) a. 10-15% b) b. 25-30%

c) c. 45-50% d) d. 60-65%

8. What is the element in extrinsic motivation used in giving big raffle prizes to teachers during annual Christmas

a) A. Praise device b) B. Value of rewards

c) C. High expectations d) D. Frequent rewards

9. Which philosophy approves a teacher who lectures most of the time and requires his students to memorize the rules
of grammar?

a) a. Existentialism b) b. Essentialism

c) c. Pragmatism d) d. Realism

10. Erickson advocated that children between 0-2 who experienced interactions with caretakers based on trust,
dependability, and consistency would develop and outcome of

a) a. hope b) b. integrity

c) c. productivity d) d. initiative

11. This is NOT among the examples of what Vygotsky suggests as scaffolding that assists a child in being able to
accomplish a task independently with judicious assistance from a more advanced peer or a teacher.

a) A. Demonstrating swimming strokes for the child to b) B. Closing a bottle for the child to open

c) C. Loosening the container a bit and letting the child d) D. Leading the straw to the hole and letting the child
open the lid by himself put the straw to the whole pack.
12. Which of the following is NOT an example of a communicative tool?

a) a. Chat b) b. Electronic mail

c) c. Teleconferencing d) d. Multimedia encyclopedia

13. Under the learning to do pillar, which of the following instruments must be acquired so that a person can perform
his work effectively?

a) A. Competence b) B. Insights

c) C. Compromise d) D. Communication

14. Which psychological theory states that the mind insists on finding patterns in things that contribute to the
development of insight?

a) A. Gestalt psychology b) B. Bruner’s theory

c) C. Piaget’s psychology d) D. Kohlberg’s psychology

15. What domain does this strand belong to?

Promotion of purposive learning

a) a. Domain 1 b) b. Domain 2

c) c. Domain 3 d) d. Domain 4

16. Pictures with minimal details are effective for children who have _________

a) A. High intellectual abilities b) B. Attention deficit

c) C. Creative and artistic talents d) D. Speech disorders

17. It is a difficulty in developing reading skills.

a) A. Dyslexia b) B. Dyscalculia

c) C. Dysgraphia d) D. Dyspraxia

18. Since students have different learning styles and multiple intelligences, the teacher must come up with ______ of
assessing learning.

a) A. Varied ways b) B. Both qualitative and quantitative methods

c) C. Quantified method d) D. Great bulk

19. According to Kohlberg, a dutiful citizen who obeys the laws set down by society is at which level of moral

a) a. Pre-conventional stage one b) b. Pre-conventional stage two

c) c. Conventional d) d. Post-conventional

20. Whose role is being described in the statements:

Accommodate FSS's in their actual classroom teaching and are not duty-bound to mentor/coach

a) a. The Regional Director b) b. Teacher Education Institution Dean

c) c. Cooperating Teachers d) d. SDS

21. Which domain of PPST explains that teachers should know how to align learning outcomes with learning

a) a. personal and professional development b) b. assessing and reporting

c) c. curriculum d) d. content knowledge and pedagogy

22. ______ is a theory or philosophy of how people learn in general

a) a. Strategy b) b. Approach

c) c. Method d) d. Technique

23. Teacher Mimi sees to it that she checks for understanding as she teaches to ensure that every student can follow
the lesson. With what form of assessment is she occupied with?

a) A. Assessment OF Learning only b) B. Assessment FOR Learning only

c) C. Assessment AS Learning only d) D. Assessment FOR and AS Learning

24. Which encompasses the true essence of the term curriculum?

a) A. List of subject to complete a course b) B. List of courses for graduation

c) C. Sum total of all learning experiences d) D. Never-ending process in education

25. During which of the following stages did Piaget believe children develop object permanency?

a) a. Sensorimotor b) b. Pre-Operational

c) c. Concrete Operational d) d. Formal Operational

26. "It takes the whole village to educate a child." is an old proverb that came from

a) a. Africa b) b. Philippines

c) c. America d) d. China

27. The teacher who lacks clear direction and sequence of activities by going from one activity to another needlessly
displays ________ behavior in class.

a) A. Flip-flopping b) B. Thrusting

c) C. Truncating d) D. Dangling

28. In the scientific process, what thinking skill is referred as the process of mentally analyzing and evaluating data on

a) A. Constructive thinking b) B. Creative thinking

c) C. Problem-solving d) D. Interpretative thinking

29. The following is TRUE in the development of understanding in early childhood except

a) A. Sensory experiences b) B. Ability to reason & to see a relationship

c) C. Ability to ask questions d) D. Ability to explore their environment

30. According to Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Systems Theory, the interaction between a family and their child's school
is known as the

a) a. mesosystem b) b. microsystem

c) c. exosystem d) d. chronosystem

31. B.F. Skinner is a known psychologist and the one who was the first to describe operant conditioning. Which of the
techniques is an application of operant conditioning?

a) A. Mastery learning b) B. Process approach

c) C. Project method d) D. Computer-assisted instruction

32. Which reform in the Philippine Educational System advocates the use of English and Filipino as media of
instruction in specific learning areas?

a) a. Alternative Learning b) b. Bilingual Education

c) c. K-12 Program d) d. Multilingual Education

33. By being able to hold her anger even when provoked, Teacher Hannie shows her personal quality of ________.

a) A. Fairness b) B. Compassion

c) C. Cooperativeness d) D. Emotional stability

34. Alvin feels that his teacher knows what he is talking about. Which is illustrated?

a) a. Legitimate power b) b. Expert power

c) c. Coercive power d) d. Referent power

35. A document published by a school district identifies rules of behavior that must be followed by anyone using the
school district's computers, network, or internet connection.

a) A. Ethical internet use policy b) B. Classroom rules

c) C. Acceptable use policy d) D. Fair use

36. Which of the following career stages is exemplified by those who have reached an acceptable standard for all

a) a. Beginning b) b. Proficient

c) c. Highly Proficient d) d. Distinguished

37. Which of the following categories of CAI will you use in your class if your objective is to increase proficiency in a
newly learned skill or refresh an existing one?

a) a. Tutorial b) b. Simulation

c) c. Drill and practice d) d. Instructional game

38. Virtue as one component in the teaching of Rizal as a course focuses on the teaching of good and beauty in God.
What philosophy supports this?

a) A. Existentialism b) B. Idealism

c) C. Progressivism d) D. Social Reconstructionism

39. Which level is a test through identifying authors of given literary pieces?

a) A. Recall b) B. Understanding

c) C. Synthesis d) D. Application
40. These are elements for focus in the Exit Slip on student learning at the end of the class EXCEPT

a) A. Effective approaches b) B. Objectives achieved

c) C. Meaningful activities d) D. Teacher behavior

41. Developmental tasks that usually occur during specific times in a child's life

a) a. newborn b) b. milestones

c) c. parallel play d) d. tantrums

42. According to Jean Piaget’s cognitive concepts, which refers to cognitive structure, e.g. seeing a dog and forming an
initial idea of a dog?

a) A. Accommodation b) B. Assimilation

c) C. Schema d) D. Equilibrium

43. Miss Alona would like to cover a wide variety of objectives in the quarterly examination in her History class. Which
of the following types of test is the most appropriate?

a) A. True-False b) B. Multiple Choice

c) C. Matching Type d) D. Essay

44. Every school is a community. It is composed of several stakeholders who influence what school curriculum
implementation would be. In considering all the stakeholders, who should the teacher consider with primary

a) a. Parents b) b. Teachers

c) c. Principals d) d. Learners

45. In order to emphasize higher order thinking skills, what can be done?

a) A. Give oral examinations b) B. Do less formative assessment

c) C. Give students problems to solve d) D. Do not avoid paper-and-pencil tests

46. According to Information-processing theorists, which of the four types of attention is most concerned with action
planning and dealing with novel or difficult circumstances?

a) a. Executive b) b. Sustained

c) c. Divided d) d. Selective
47. Ms. Teodora is always guarded by the principle that she has a foremost responsibility as a teacher. Which do you
think is the main responsibility of Ms. Teodora?

a) A. Asks a challenging question b) B. Guides students in the learning process

c) C. Shares responsibility in counseling d) D. Inspires students with interesting lessons

48. Which domain of PPST expects that teachers should be knowledgeable of using ICT positively?

a) a. Content knowledge and pedagogy b) b. Personal and professional development

c) c. Diversity of learners d) d. Learning environment

49. Each learner has differentiated learning styles and so with the teachers. However, each one has a preferred style
that is more often utilized. What would be the implication of this fact to your implementation of the curriculum?

a) a. As a teacher, use your own teaching style b) b. Adjust to the learning styles of the learners and
unmindful of the learning styles of the students. provide differentiated approach.

c) c. Just focus on the learner's styles even if you do not d) d. Go back to the traditional teaching styles that were
have any skill in delivering it. used by teachers in the past.

50. The main contribution of the Arroyo Administration to education is Republic Act No. 9155. This provision

a) A. Started the national scholarship program b) B. Renamed DECS to DepEd

c) C. Conceptualized the K-12 Education Program d) D. Established the study now-pay later system

51. Which instructional application will you introduce to your class if your objective is to help them find and use
information resources available on the internet?

a) a. Web quests b) b. Hybrid course

c) c. Scavenger Hunt d) d. Distance education

52. According to Vygotsky, ___ allows a child to first develop self talk which can eventually evolve into inner speech.

a) a. language b) b. play

c) c. scaffolding d) d. mediation

53. Which is a proactive management practice?

a) A. Tell them that you enforce the rules on everyone, b) B. Set and clarify your rules and expectations on Day
no exception 1

c) C. Punish the misbehaving pupils in the presence of d) D. Stress on penalty for every violation
their classmates
54. A Prelim test was administered twice to 3rd year BEED students and the test results are consistent. What type of
reliability was used?

a) A. Pearson-R test b) B. Kuder-Richardson Formula

c) C. Split-half Method d) D. Test-Retest Method

55. An aid in presenting large two-dimension materials is hung on the wall is the

a) A. flip chart b) B. pocket chart

c) C. diorama d) D. overhead projector

56. Which is the first step in planning periodic tests?

a) A. Select the type of test to be used b) B. Construct a table of specifications

c) C. Go back to the instructional objectives d) D. Determine the group for whom the test is intended

57. Which correctly describes Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs theory, from the lowest to highest level?

a) a. Self-actualization, Esteem, Social, Security, b) b. Self-actualization, Security, Esteem, Social,

Physiological Physiological

c) c. Physiological, Security, Social, Esteem, Self- d) d. Physiological, Social, Security, Esteem, Self-
actualization actualization

58. These are characteristics of formal instructional planning EXCEPT ________.

a) A. Task-oriented b) B. Structured

c) C. Haphazard d) D. Outcome-based

59. A developmental disability significantly affecting verbal and non-verbal communication and social interaction. This
disability is usually evident before the age of three.

a) A. Autism b) B. Impairment

c) C. Down Syndrome d) D. Handicap

60. What is the best explanation of Piaget’s concrete operational thought to describe the school-age child’s mental
health ability?

a) a. A child can reason logically about things and b) b. A child’s ability to think about how he thinks.
events he or she perceives.

c) c. Can understand that certain characteristics of an d) d. Can understand that moral principles may
object remain the same when other characteristics supersede the standards of society.
are changed.

61. Some supporters of Vygotsky's development theories may have issues with Erickson's psycho-social theories
because they may feel that Erickson

a) a. underestimates the effects of culture b) b. based his theories largely on anecdotal evidence

c) c. was too biased because his theories were largely d) d. was too biased because his theories were largely
based only on men and boys based only on his own children and those of his

62. Teacher Anna set 85% accuracy in a test on predicting the kind of weather given 5 different atmospheric conditions.
May obtain a score of 82%. This can be interpreted as

a) A. She is 3% short of the set percentile score b) B. She did not meet the set standards by 3%

c) C. She obtained 82% percentile score d) D. She is higher than 82% of the group

63. _______ is an example of fish. What makes the test item poor?

a) A. The test item is very easy b) B. The test item is not significant

c) C. The question is short and incomplete d) D. The blank is at the beginning of the sentence

64. What developmental task best displays adolescence (13-18 years)?

a) A. Learning social modesty b) B. Achieving masculine/feminine role

c) C. Assuming civic responsibility d) D. Learning to get along with peers

65. “Knowledge is true if it is workable”. What philosophical foundation supports this statement?

a) a. Idealism b) b. Realism

c) c. Pragmatism d) d. Essentialism
66. Which subject in the elementary and likewise in the secondary schools are similar to the goal of Rome to train the
students for citizenship?

a) a. Communication Arts b) b. MAPEH/PEHMS

c) c. Science d) d. THE/TLE

67. To ensure that all Filipino children are functionally literate, which mechanism is meant to reach out to children who
are far from a school?

a) A. Multi-grade classroom b) B. A school in every barangay

c) C. Mobile Teaching d) D. Sineskwela

68. For young Filipino learners studying English as a second language, which of the following can best generate
language learning?

a) A. Simple exercise by use b) B. Listening activity

c) C. Drills d) D. Study of grammar

69. Which is a limitation of a matching type test?

a) A. It measures lower order thinking skills b) B. It can only be used for homogenous content

c) C. It is ideal only for lower grade levels d) D. It is prone to guessing

70. These are the elements for the choice ways for assessments of learning EXCEPT _____.

a) A. Learning styles of students b) B. Instructional objectives

c) C. Nature of the lesson topics d) D. Logistical support

71. A test item has a difficulty index of 0.51. What should the teacher do?

a) A. Make it a bonus item. b) B. Retain the item.

c) C. Revise the item. d) D. Reject the item.

72. Teacher D strives to draw participation of every student into her classroom discussion. Which student need is she
trying to address? The need to___.

a) A. show their abilities to the rest of the class b) B. feel fulfilled

c) C. feel significant and be part of a group d) D. be creative

73. Computers can be classified according to the roles they play namely communicative tool, informative tool, and
constructive tool. What is the other role of computers not mentioned in this item?

a) a. Instructional tool b) b. Situating tool

c) c. Utility tool d) d. Application tool

74. Based on Edgar Dale’s Cone of experience, which activity is farthest from the real thing?

a) A. Watch a demo b) B. View images

c) C. Listening to radio d) D. Attend exhibit

75. What is the main source of emotional support for most young people who are establishing independence from their

a) a. Older adolescents of the opposite sex b) b. Older sibling

c) c. Teachers d) d. Peer groups

76. Which of the following group of score distribution is less spread?

a) A. sd = 1.5 b) B. sd = 1.65

c) C. sd = 1.75 d) D. sd = 2.0

77. When asked about her order, a little girl tells the waiter “yong kagaya kahapon." With Piaget’s theory in mind, what
is the little girl’s behavior called?

a) A. Egocentrism b) B. Conservation

c) C. Reversibility d) D. Transductive reasoning

78. How do you classify the objective “to summarize the salient features of a good essay” in terms of Bloom’s hierarchy
of educational objectives at the cognitive level?

a) A. Analysis b) B. Application

c) C. Knowledge d) D. Synthesis

79. A teacher, who is a recognized expert in carpentry works, taught his students how to prepare and construct good
and aesthetic furniture from local resources. What cultural transmission process is this?

a) a. Acculturation b) b. Enculturation

c) c. Indoctrination d) d. Observation
80. Marga, a six year old, always asked her playmates to sit in front of her small black board and she plays teacher.
Her mother is a teacher. What theory explains Marga's behavior?

a) a. Classical Conditioning b) b. Operant Conditioning

c) c. Social Learning d) d. Information Processing

81. In your computer subject, you allow your class to chat as part of your motivation before discussing with them the
roles of the computer as a tool. How is chat used in this context?

a) a. Information tool b) b. Application tool

c) c. Communicative tool d) d. Situating tool

82. Which characteristics of a good curriculum highlights the psychological nature of the learner?

a) a. Provisions are made for the smooth transition and b) b. Curriculum plans in areas which extend over
continuing achievement of pupils. several years are developed vertically.

c) c. Classroom practices give attention to the maturity d) d. Cooperative planning and teaching provide for
and learning problems of each pupil. exchange of information about pupil’s learning

83. When asked, students of Teacher Joel described him as someone who is in authority to discuss thoroughly a
subject in Research. Teacher Joel therefore exhibits a power known as _____.

a) A. Expert power b) B. Reward power

c) C. Referent power d) D. Legitimate power

84. Setting up the criteria for scoring a test is meant to increase its

a) A. Objectivity b) B. Reliability

c) C. Validity d) D. Usability

85. The students of Teacher Corazon feel that their teacher has an “eye behind her head”. This characteristic of the
teacher is known as

a) A. Referent Power b) B. Withitness

c) C. Pygmalion Effect d) D. Rosenthal Effect

86. Which statement about the subject-centered curriculum is NOT true?

a) a. There is a high level of cooperative interaction b) b. It covers much content in a short period of time

c) c. The teacher has full control of the classroom d) d. The main task is mastery of learning
87. What is the most appropriate reason for the teacher’s engagement in the process of assessment?

a) A. To find out if the lesson was presented well b) B. To find out if proper teaching methods were used

c) C. To find out if lesson objectives were attained d) D. To find out if the teacher was effective in teaching

88. The students are taking a biology class that is entirely taught in English. The teacher goes over key vocabulary and
language structures before moving on to a hands on experiment with the students.

a) a. Cooperative Learning b) b. Content-Based Language Teaching

c) c. Strategies -Based Instruction d) d. Corpus-Based Teaching

89. What main factor contributed to the great demand for teachers during the American colonial regime?

a) A. Nationalist spirit for the next generation b) B. American literacy modeling

c) C. Democratic tutoring of the country d) D. Opening of free public education

90. A cookie

a) a. Stores the password of the user b) b. Stores information about the user’s web activity

c) c. Stores the commands used by the user d) d. Stores software developed by the user

91. Mrs. Lim wants to measure the variability of her students’ scores. Which among the following measures would be
the most practical?

a) a. Mean b) b. Range

c) c. Mode d) d. Median

92. It refers to the integration of the students with special needs into the general classroom for all or part of the school

a) A. Mainstreaming b) B. Integrating

c) C. Incorporating d) D. Reinforcing

93. In Social Science, a global teacher has a wide appreciation of ________ drawn from the concept of unity-in-variety
of people around the globe.

a) A. Multiculturalism b) B. Education for all

c) C. Values education d) D. Education for sustainable development

94. Choose among the following Career Stages
___ is when a teacher manages to learn programs and has strategies that promote learning based on the learning
needs of their students.

a) a. Stage 1 b) b. Stage 2

c) c. Stage 3 d) d. Stage 4

95. Which is implied by “skewed to the left” scores distribution?

a) A. Most of the students are academically challenged b) B. Most of the students are remarkable

c) C. Most of the students are thick-witted d) D. Most of the teachers are passive and spend more
time in administrative than instruction tasks

96. Piagetian stage characterized by the development of abstract systems of thought that allow them to use
propositional logic, scientific reasoning, and proportional reasoning.

a) A. Concrete operations b) B. Formal operations

c) C. Pre-operations d) D. Post-conventional

97. Which portfolio enables you to determine if you realized your intended learning outcomes?

a) A. Assessment portfolio b) B. Showcase portfolio

c) C. Process portfolio d) D. Evaluation

98. Which is NOT a description of the learner-centered curriculum?

a) a. Emphasis is on the total growth and development b) b. Controlled and cooperatively directed by learners,
of the learners teachers and parents

c) c. Education is a means to develop socially creative d) d. Emphasis upon facts and knowledge for future use

99. To what domain does the pre-school lesson objective “to color the fruits correctly apply?”

a) A. Affective b) B. Behavioral

c) C. Psychomotor d) D. Cognitive

100. To manage behavior, the teacher needs to be able to identify the mistaken goals of students. What is the hidden
goal of students who refuse to cooperate or participate?

a) A. Goal is to isolate self b) B. Goal is to get revenge

c) C. Goal is to seek power d) D. Goal is to get attention

Answer Keys

1. b) b. Initiative vs. Guilt 2. c) c. Perennialism 3. a) a. It refers to live student

interaction with an expert.

4. d) d. Law of Readiness 5. a) a. of learning 6. d) d. Pass the student. Why

suffer the threat?

7. a) a. 10-15% 8. b) B. Value of rewards 9. b) b. Essentialism

10. a) a. hope 11. b) B. Closing a bottle for the 12. d) d. Multimedia encyclopedia
child to open

13. a) A. Competence 14. a) A. Gestalt psychology 15. b) b. Domain 2

16. b) B. Attention deficit 17. a) A. Dyslexia 18. a) A. Varied ways

19. c) c. Conventional 20. c) c. Cooperating Teachers 21. c) c. curriculum

22. b) b. Approach 23. b) B. Assessment FOR 24. c) C. Sum total of all learning
Learning only experiences

25. a) a. Sensorimotor 26. a) a. Africa 27. a) A. Flip-flopping

28. c) C. Problem-solving 29. b) B. Ability to reason & to see a 30. a) a. mesosystem


31. d) D. Computer-assisted 32. b) b. Bilingual Education 33. d) D. Emotional stability


34. b) b. Expert power 35. a) A. Ethical internet use policy 36. b) b. Proficient

37. c) c. Drill and practice 38. b) B. Idealism 39. a) A. Recall

40. d) D. Teacher behavior 41. b) b. milestones 42. c) C. Schema

43. b) B. Multiple Choice 44. d) d. Learners 45. c) C. Give students problems to


46. a) a. Executive 47. b) B. Guides students in the 48. a) a. Content knowledge and
learning process pedagogy

49. b) b. Adjust to the learning 50. b) B. Renamed DECS to 51. c) c. Scavenger Hunt
styles of the learners and DepEd
provide differentiated
52. a) a. language 53. b) B. Set and clarify your rules 54. d) D. Test-Retest Method
and expectations on Day 1

55. a) A. flip chart 56. c) C. Go back to the 57. c) c. Physiological, Security,

instructional objectives Social, Esteem, Self-

58. c) C. Haphazard 59. a) A. Autism 60. c) c. Can understand that

certain characteristics of an
object remain the same when
other characteristics are

61. a) a. underestimates the effects 62. b) B. She did not meet the set 63. d) D. The blank is at the
of culture standards by 3% beginning of the sentence

64. b) B. Achieving 65. c) c. Pragmatism 66. d) d. THE/TLE

masculine/feminine role

67. c) C. Mobile Teaching 68. a) A. Simple exercise by use 69. d) D. It is prone to guessing

70. d) D. Logistical support 71. b) B. Retain the item. 72. c) C. feel significant and be part
of a group

73. b) b. Situating tool 74. c) C. Listening to radio 75. d) d. Peer groups

76. a) A. sd = 1.5 77. a) A. Egocentrism 78. d) D. Synthesis

79. b) b. Enculturation 80. c) c. Social Learning 81. b) b. Application tool

82. c) c. Classroom practices give 83. a) A. Expert power 84. a) A. Objectivity

attention to the maturity and
learning problems of each

85. b) B. Withitness 86. a) a. There is a high level of 87. c) C. To find out if lesson
cooperative interaction objectives were attained

88. b) b. Content-Based Language 89. d) D. Opening of free public 90. b) b. Stores information about
Teaching education the user’s web activity

91. b) b. Range 92. a) A. Mainstreaming 93. a) A. Multiculturalism

94. a) a. Stage 1 95. b) B. Most of the students are 96. b) B. Formal operations

97. a) A. Assessment portfolio 98. d) d. Emphasis upon facts and 99. c) C. Psychomotor
knowledge for future use
100. a) A. Goal is to isolate self

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