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2/17/24, 1:35 PM Gemini

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I am working on dbcs project I could see dbcs can use graphql to access an api. But expand_more
expand_more the project is also talking about fastapi , they are using oracle database. I am not sure
how the oracle db service is being exposed as api end point so that graphql in vbcs
chat_bubble_outline DBaaS API Expo… can connect it. Also I don't know use of fast api, when graphql from vbcs itself can …

chat_bubble_outline Choosing the Ri…

I'd be glad to help you understand how Oracle database services can be exposed

chat_bubble_outline AI Powering Dat…

as API endpoints and the potential roles of FastAPI and GraphQL in your DBaaS
project. However, I'll need more context to provide specific guidance.

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L A Project Details:

Could you please provide more information about the DBaaS project you're
history Activity working on, including its goals and objectives?
settings Settings What is the specific role of VBCS within the project? How does it interact with
the Oracle database?
Upgrade to Gemini Advanced Can you share relevant code snippets or documentation, especially regarding

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