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Group 1:

Nguyễn Bảo Nam Phương

Ngũ Thị Khánh Huyền
Trần Ngọc Phương
Nguyễn Đình Dũng
Nguyễn Hoàng Mai Anh
Nguyễn Hồng Nghi

Scholarships are a very valuable thing in the educational path, help solve financial problems,
and open many opportunities for development for each individual. However, the scholarship
application process will seem difficult at first, but careful preparation and planning will help you
increase your chances of getting what you need. This essay will guide everyone through each
step below

First, you must describe your personal background. It is important to choose your point of view.
Consider your strengths and how you can distribute them around the community. Then, tell
them about your successes and what makes you most proud. Remember to describe why and
how hard you worked to get it. Next, demonstrate to the person who will give you the
scholarship that you are unique and deserving of receiving it.

The next step is to focus on building a strong application. Gather your transcripts and test
scores seriously. Then, write essays highlighting your achievements and goals, and the reason
why you apply for that scholarship. Another step is to try to get recommendation letters from
teachers or mentors who know your personal background. If you have a certificate of
extracurricular activities or community service, prepare it for your application

The third step to applying for a scholarship is to find out the criteria of the field of study for which
you are applying for a scholarship, along with why you need the scholarship as well as other
achievements to let them know why they need to choose you. Next, find out the scholarship
criteria through the following ways: learn about that field of study, state the reasons you chose
that field of study, and the qualities that the school requires for the scholarship. Then, clearly
and convincingly state the qualities that the scholarship requires. Finally, select information
intelligently, stating the necessary achievements for the field of study.

The last step that we have to prepare for the interviews carefully. Not only you should practice
popular interview questions to answer them fluently but also you make sure that you keep your
energy positively and psychological stability. So, you can answer all the questions and discuss
your goals, achievements in the best way.

In a nutshell, we can easily see a few factors such as personal background, documents, extra-
activities and interview preparation have influenced the scholarship application process. In
recent years, more and more students want to join these educational opportunities to support
family finances and gain more experiences in career and life.

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