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The purpose of this report is to make some suggestions of how the school could
improve the place for students and teachers. Firstly, it is necessary to know that
the library has two floors, in the first one, students can search for books that they
need for classes and in the second-floor students have a space for reading in
I strongly recommend investing in ten computers to make easier the searching of
books, in this way students are going to waste less time finding books and there
will be a shorter queue on the first floor.
On the other hand, I believe school should change chairs of the cafeteria, on the
second floor because chairs are so old and uncomfortable. If students have twenty
better chairs, it would be cozier.
Reception area
Finally, I suggest the school to decorate with fifteen plants to create a more
pleasant environment in the welcome area, so in this way the place would not feel
To sum up, the school need to invest in library for helping students in his scholar
experience and create a more friendly atmosphere.
Words: 189
Health and fitness
First, we must know that obesity is one of the most important problems today. We
need to change our habits and start exercising. I have been exercising myself one
year and all my life change a lot, my emotional state is better, I can walk more time
and I feel better with myself.
Moreover, people do not need too much time of exercising to be a fit person, if we
are only exercising ten minutes every day, our life can change a lot. For example,
students that study all day, it is probable that if they exercise for only ten minutes,
they can memorize better their studies and be healthier.
In my opinion, we must inform people of the importance of exercising even for five
minutes a day, we must also encourage the practice of sports to make exercise
less tedious.
To sum up, keeping healthy is an important issue for people, so we must remind
that ten minutes of exercise everyday can help everybody. If we do not care about
our health now, we will face some consequences in the future such as a serious

Words: 190

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