Seven Rules For Effective Publication - PDF

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Presented by-
CA Dr. Purva Shah
CA Dr Purva Shah- 2
1. Mute your mic during the session is very important.
2.Don't ask any question in between once the lecture is started.
3. Send your queries only through chat to organiser ,Dr Madhu Gupta. Last 10
minutes your question will be read with your name by her and the speaker will
4. PPT will be shared with you after the session to Shri JJT University website/ jjtu
youtube channel.
Your support and sincerity will be highly appreciated.

CA Dr Purva Shah- 3

 Stress
 Procastinate
 Don’t find the connect
 Don’t find the topic
 Difficulty to frame title
 Lack of concentration
 Brain work therefore we don’t find quality time

CA Dr Purva Shah- 4

 How does the writing process work ?
 How can you fit your writing into a daily schedule packed with other important
 What section should you start with ?
 What distinguishes a good research paper from a bad one ?
 How should you revise your paper?

CA Dr Purva Shah- 5

RULE # 1 6

CA Dr Purva Shah-

EMBALMING DEAD BODY Paul Silvia says in his Book

 , How to Write a Lot: A Practical

Guide to Productive Academic
 Said that for some, “it’s easier to
embalm the dead than to write an
article about it”

CA Dr Purva Shah- 8

 Hayes research on ‘Study of Writing’- it is generative
activity requiring motivation , and its an intellectual
activity requiring cognitive processes and memory

CA Dr Purva Shah- 9

[source: Interaction Design: Beyond Human-Computer Interaction
Generative Activity

 Selective Activity

 Structure Building

CA Dr Purva Shah- 10

[source: Interaction Design: Beyond Human-Computer Interaction
Intellectual Activity

CA Dr Purva Shah- 11

[source: Interaction Design: Beyond Human-Computer Interaction
 Process for selecting an object on
which to concentrate.

CA Dr Purva Shah- 12

 Process for capturing information
from the environment and processing

 Transformation of information into

perception of entities (such as
objects, words, tastes, and ideas).

 All representations of actions, events

and data (whether visual, graphical,
audio, physical, or a combination
thereof) should be easily
distinguishable by users.

CA Dr Purva Shah- 13

 Process for storing, finding, and
accessing knowledge. Enables
people to recall and recognize
entities, and to determine
appropriate actions.

 Do not overload user’s memory;

 Provide a variety of different ways for

users to encode information digitally.

CA Dr Purva Shah- 14

 Processes for understanding and
communicating through language via
reading, writing, speaking, and

CA Dr Purva Shah- 15

 Process for synthesizing new
knowledge and know-how. Involves
connecting new information and
experiences with existing
knowledge. Interactivity is an
important element in the learning

 Encourage exploration by new users;

link abstract concepts to concrete
representations to facilitate
CA Dr Purva Shah- 16
 Processes that involve reflective
cognition such as problem-solving,
planning, reasoning, decision-making

 Make it easy for users with higher

levels of expertise to access
additional information and
functionality to carry out tasks more
efficiently and effectively.

CA Dr Purva Shah- 17

Outline # 1

A. What is the topic of my paper ?

B. Why is this topic important ?
C. How could I formulate my hypothesis ?
D. What are my results ?
E. What is my major finding ?

CA Dr Purva Shah- 18

Outline # 2

Add context and structure

Group your ideas into sections - introduction, material and

methods, results, discussion and conclusion

CA Dr Purva Shah- 19

Outline # 2 Outline # 2

Introduction Materials and Methods

 Why is your research important ?  What material did you use?
 What is known about the topic ?  Who were the subjects of your study ?
 What are your hypothesis ?  What was the design of your research ?
 What are your objectives ?  What procedure did you follow ?

CA Dr Purva Shah- 20

Results Discussion and Conclusions

 What are your most significant results ?  What are the major finding of the
studies ?
 What are your supporting results ?
 What are the significance or
implication of the results ?

CA Dr Purva Shah- 21

 Getting feedback at early stages of your draft can save a lot of time

 Outlining –
 To exchange your thoughts
 to communicate your ideas – is the best way to decide – to which publication you
will submit your paper

 Come up with 3-4 choices and discuss with your peers

 List of journal priorities helps to quickly resubmit your paper

CA Dr Purva Shah- 22

RULE # 2 23

CA Dr Purva Shah-

A Starting with materials and methods
Be meticulous and accurate in describing the Materials and Methods. Do not change
the point of view within one paragraph.

B Writing results section

i. results should be organized into different segments
ii. Exclude data explanation
iii. Data commentary includes meaningful summary of the data
iv. Aims to create comprehensive and supported argument

CA Dr Purva Shah- 24

Copy your outline to a separate file – expand your ideas on each point
Do not go for quick editing
Do not slow down to choose better words
Pour your ideas on paper and leave revision and editing for later
Scrutinize all the pieces collected , put them together into a comprehensive paper
Take continuous feedback to improve and find missing links

CA Dr Purva Shah- 25

Research Find a Occupy
Territory Niche Niche
Outline the nature of
General research area present research
is important, Reflect the gap in
List research question
interesting, problematic previous research work
in some way Announce principle

State the value of

Introduce and review Extend previous present research
previous research work research work Indicate structure of the
research work

CA Dr Purva Shah- 26

Source-Swales and Feak
 Heart of the paper

 Represents your years of daily

 Direct sentences
 Concise
 Clear

CA Dr Purva Shah- 27

RULE # 4
 Update your outline
 Reread your methods and result section and change your outline to match your
research focus
 These are the traffic signals
 It should not be too long
 Though its most difficult part due to its impotance –
 Limit it to 250 – 600 words

CA Dr Purva Shah- 29

Study’s major Research Closing the
finding context paper
Compare and contrast your
List the major findings findings with other
published results Summaries the answers to
Explain- meaning and the research question
importance of finding Explain- unexpected

Indicate importance of the

State- work-
Consider- alternative
explanations of finding Limitations, weakness and By stating application,
assumptions of your study recommendations and

CA Dr Purva Shah- 30

Swales , Feak, Hess
RULE # 5 31

CA Dr Purva Shah-

Every paper is unique because of results and findings this section differs due to
length, shape and structure
Comprehensive interpretation of results
Explain the meaning of the findings and why they are important, without appearing
Present the principles, relationships, and generalization in a concise and convincing
Zoom out – summary of your findings to research context

CA Dr Purva Shah- 32

Start with
 Study’s major finding that provide the answer to the research question in your
“Our findings demonstrate .
“in this study, we have shown that
“our results suggest …
 Digesting the findings and their importance to your reader is as crucial as stating your
research question
 Show how your findings fit into the general picture of the current research and how you
contribute to the existing knowledge on the topic
 Outlining the scope of your research by showing the limitations, weaknesses, and
assumptions is essential and adds modesty to your image as a scientist.

CA Dr Purva Shah- 33

RULE # 6 34

CA Dr Purva Shah-

 Despite your attempts to present your ideas in a logical and comprehensive way,
first drafts are frequently a mess

Just as the best and most precious

diamond is no more than an
unattractive stone recognized only by
trained professionals, your ideas and
your results may go unnoticed if they
are not polished and brushed

CA Dr Purva Shah- 35

Macro level Micro level

 Revision of content, organization and  Individual words

 Sentence structure
 Grammar
 Punctuation
 Spelling

CA Dr Purva Shah- 36

 Review and revise each section – keeping outline in mind
 Times of revision
 Reading and listening to your paper will help
 Wrong connectors
 Work with hard copy and pencil
 Read line by line

CA Dr Purva Shah- 37

RULE # 7 38

CA Dr Purva Shah-

 Submit your paper regardless of the outcome, , you know that you can do it
 If one journal does not take your paper, you will take advantage of the feedback
and resubmit again
 you have your scheduled writing time that you are going to keep for your future
 You are not going to lose stamina this time as you are going to be more productive

CA Dr Purva Shah- 39

Let’s celebrate the
end of the paper.

CA Dr Purva Shah- 40

 Hayes research on ‘study of writing’- it is generative activity requiring
motivation , and its an intellectual activity requiring cognitive
processes and memory
 Practice regularly
 Physical workouts- writing sessions
 1-2 hours as non cancellable appointments
 Time works best for you
 Hardest task first
 Sense of positivity , accomplishments, energies the whole day

CA Dr Purva Shah- 41

CA Dr Purva Shah- 42
 Hayes JR. A new framework for understanding cognition and affect in writing. In:
Levy CM, Ransdell SE, editors. The Science of Writing: Theories, Methods,
Individual Differences, and Applications. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum; 1996. p.1-
28. 2.
 Silvia PJ. How to Write a Lot. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association;
 Swales JM, Feak CB. Academic Writing for Graduate Students. 2nd edition. Ann
Arbor: University of Michigan Press; 2004.
 Hess DR. How to Write an Effective Discussion. Respiratory Care. 2004;29(10):1238-

CA Dr Purva Shah- 43

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