Episode 15

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Name: _______________________________ Date of Observation: ___________

Year & Section: _______________________

Episode 15: Learner’s Linguistics, Cultural, Socio-Economic, and Religious Backgrounds

A. Ask your Cooperating teacher for a copy of his or her School Form 1 (School Register). Paste
a copy of the School Form 1 in the box below and answer the following questions.

1. What is the grade and section that you have observed?

2. How many boys and girls are there?

3. What is the religion of the majority of the students?

4. What is the common mother tongue of the students?
5. Does the class have a student who belongs to ethnic group?
B. List down 10 strategies your cooperating teacher can use to address the individual differences
(linguistic, cultural, socio-economic, and religious backgrounds) of the students.
Strategy 1: ____________________________________________________________________
Strategy 2: ____________________________________________________________________
Strategy 3: ____________________________________________________________________
Strategy 4: ____________________________________________________________________
Strategy 5: ____________________________________________________________________
Strategy 6: ____________________________________________________________________
Strategy 7: ____________________________________________________________________
Strategy 8: ____________________________________________________________________
Strategy 9: ____________________________________________________________________
Strategy 10: ____________________________________________________________________
C. Ask the cooperating teacher about how he or she gives importance to differentiated instruction
in his or her classes.
Other comments and observations:
Read carefully and answer the following questions.
1. Does the number of boys and girls affect the classroom instruction? How?
2. Does the religious background of the students affect the preparation of the lesson? How?
3. Does the mother tongue of most of the students affect the medium of instruction?
4. Do the socio-economic differences of the students affect their learning? How?
5. Are contextualization, localization, and indigenization of the curricula being done to fit the
cultural background of the students?
Complete the following:
1. I realized that
2. I believe that
3. I feel that
4. When I become a teacher, I will

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