How Frontify Solves Your Biggest Branding Headaches

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How Frontify Solves

Your Biggest Branding


According to Gartner, 46% of consumers
can’t tell the difference between most
brands’ digital experiences. To build a
successful, recognizable brand that stands
out in the marketplace, companies must
achieve brand consistency and engage the
whole business with their brand mission.

Your brand management tools will either

help or hinder your brand-building progress.
Teams can use Frontify to tackle and
overcome some of the biggest challenges
your designers, creatives, and marketers
face when working on your brand.

2 How Frontify Solves Your Biggest Branding Headaches

Break Down Information Silos develop when one team (usually marketing)

Silos With a Brand Portal owns your brand in the early days and then later
tries to create a shared sense of brand ownership
by engaging the wider company in building the
Siloed information makes it difficult for companies brand. Unfortunately, by this time, people across
to encourage a shared process for managing their the business have come to think of Marketing as
brand across all teams in the business. When you’re the “brand team,” so you don’t have the mindset,
building a brand, silos tend to occur in two main infrastructure, tools, or knowledge-sharing
areas: processes in place to change that.

• Information silos: Only a handful of people, or For the Kuehne+Nagel Group, internal silos caused
one specific team, knows where to find different frequent problems for its marketing teams. With
brand elements or how your brand should look 74,000 employees across 1,400 locations in over
and sound. That information isn’t shared across 100 countries, keeping everyone aligned and on-
departments or readily accessible to all. brand was difficult.
• Asset silos: Not everyone can access your brand
assets and related materials, such as templates Dmytro Taran, Global Marketing Automation Expert,
or guidelines, to help them create their own brand explained: “Our intranet was being used for storing
assets. all our files and assets which obviously created a
very scattered ecosystem that only worsened over
time. ... This created growing inconsistencies and
work silos which our marketing team always ended
up having to firefight on a regular basis.”

But then Kuehne+Nagel started using Frontify,

initially as part of a rebranding project. Now it has
over 25,000 people using its brand portal and
experiencing its benefits firsthand. Taran explained
that “internal information exchange with smooth
communication flow and no silos” is one of the
biggest benefits the company has experienced
since using Frontify.

3 How Frontify Solves Your Biggest Branding Headaches

Frontify’s Brand Portal breaks down companies’ • People don’t have access to your brand
information and resource silos by providing a guidelines, so they can’t double-check their
centralized and accessible home for everything designs against your guidelines
related to your brand. It becomes your team’s single • Creative teams may be working from an old
source of truth, whether they’re looking for up-to- version of your brand guidelines rather than
date assets for social media or checking something the most recent version that contains your
in your brand guidelines. It connects your teams, updated brand messagingCreate their own
whether they’re co-located or spread around the brand materials.
world, giving them easy access to your brand • Your brand has evolved, but you haven’t been
information, resources, guidelines, and finished able to update your brand guidelines to reflect
assets – all in one place. its development

Many companies store their brand guidelines in a

Tackle Brand Consistency With PDF document and often work with external
agencies or partners to create them. Then, when
Centralized Brand Guidelines they need to update the guidelines, they have to
enlist the agency’s help to do so – even if it’s just
Inconsistent brand visuals and messaging make adding a sentence or two. This means updating your
it difficult to build brand recognition in the market, brand guidelines in-house is difficult, so companies
as customers don’t get a consistent impression of avoid making small iterative changes to develop
your brand. This inconsistent presentation of your their brand.
brand can occur for several reasons:

Deezer uses Frontify Brand Guidelines to help employees find and use the correct
brandelements, such as its logovariations for different plans.

4 How Frontify Solves Your Biggest Branding Headaches

Then, your marketing team spends a lot of time Empower Everyone to
distributing the PDF brand guidelines. First, when they
get the new version back from the agency. And then Find Their Own Brand Assets
countless times in the following weeks and months, (So You Don’t Have To)
when other departments can’t find the latest version.
People from all across the company will need to use
The traditional PDF brand guidelines are difficult to or create branded assets from time to time. If they
maintain, and it’s impossible to be certain that think of the marketing department as the “brand”
everyone’s working from the same (correct!) version. team, they’ll be the ones on the receiving end of
Frontify’s cloud-based Brand Guidelines provide a lots of ad-hoc requests, such as:
centralized, online home for your guidelines. For
example, Deezer uses Frontify for its brand • Asking for specific brand assets, like for
guidelines. It provides guidelines for using its logos, your most recent marketing campaign
fonts, and color palette, and users can download its • Requesting help from your designers to create
brand elements directly from the platform. new brand assets
• Asking them to check over (i.e., fix) brand assets
Everyone gets a single link they can bookmark so that designed by different teams that don’t follow
they can access your guidelines at any time. And as your brand guidelines
it’s easy to update on the front-end, you can
regularly adapt it so that it remains an accurate If your marketing team are the gatekeepers of your
representation of your brand. In addition, any brand, they’ll spend hours every week fielding these
changes you make automatically update all your requests from other teams and creating brand
users, so every team can access the correct assets assets or sending files back and forth. These
and information without asking your marketing requests come in when companies don’t manage to
department for the latest version. create a shared sense of brand ownership within

5 How Frontify Solves Your Biggest Branding Headaches

the business and don’t enable employees to find Frontify’s DAM enabled sports brand Borussia
and use brand assets by themselves. A lack of brand Dortmund (BVB) to expand internationally while
ownership means employees don’t have the maintaining the visual consistency and strong brand
confidence to create their own brand assets identity that its fans associate with their team.
because they don’t feel empowered to represent BVB explained, “Frontify helps us bring our globalized
the brand without marketing approval. brand identity to life. ... [It] allows anyone – with or
without design skills – to quickly access our brand
But with the right tools, your marketing team can world, download brand logos, fonts, and assets, and
shift their roles from brand policing to team create brand visuals all on their own.”
empowerment. A Digital Asset Management (DAM)
platform provides a centralized hub where employees We commissioned a study by Forrester to
can find and download brand assets without needing understand the value our customers get from using
to ask marketing. Frontify’s DAM connects with our the Frontify platform. One of the biggest benefits
Brand Guidelines and other parts of the platform, so was time savings for the design and marketing
people can find the assets they need – but also departments. The report found that having a single
adapt them, use them to create new assets, and source of truth for brand assets saves design and
download them in different formats. marketing teams up to 16 hours per week.

Want to learn more about the Total Economic

Impact of Frontify’s Brand Management Platform?
Download the full report.

Borussia Dortmund uses Frontify's DAM to provide its global team and external partners with
the tools and assets they need to create marketing collateral quickly and easily.

6 How Frontify Solves Your Biggest Branding Headaches

Bridge the Gap Between For example, your marketing designers use the
Brand & Product Teams With Adobe suite for creating marketing assets for their

a Design System campaigns. The UX designers on your product team

use Figma for creating wireframes and product
interfaces. And your software engineers prefer
Brand building is often thought of as something that Sketch for its easy developer handover. This means
only relates to your marketing campaigns, website, it’s difficult for marketing and product creatives to
and social media activity. As a result, there’s little collaborate effectively, as they’re working from
consideration given to how your products – and your different tools, platforms, and documentation.
customer or user experience – contribute to building
your brand. Frontify’s brand management platform helps to
bridge the traditional gap between marketing and
Companies have a gap between their marketing and product teams without needing anyone to ditch
product teams. While you’ll find designers and their favorite tools. Its Design System brings
creatives working in both departments, you’ll likely together all the relevant components needed for
find them using different tools, following different both digital and UX design projects:
guidelines and best practices, and working toward
different goals. • Guidelines
• Documentation
• Visual assets
• Live components (not just code snippets)
• Code generation for design elements

7 How Frontify Solves Your Biggest Branding Headaches

Frontify’s Design System connects UX docu- Holger Castritius, Head of UX, explained, “Whatever
mentation directly with other parts of its platform, sits on Frontify is the standard and reference for all
including Brand Guidelines and elements in its DAM. marketing and communications activities across E.
Additionally, the Frontify platform provides a ON. What has been true for UX is also true for the
centralized space for teams to share draft assets brand: our brand guidelines are always up-to-date
and get feedback and approvals, which improves and they’re easy to use – to share and to
cross-team collaboration and communication. This collaborate on.”
enables greater creative consistency across all
teams, tools, and touchpoints and ensures alignment E.ON has built out a full design system on Frontify.
between marketing and product teams. It documents its UI components, so they’re
accessible to all users – not just its UX team. The
Energy company E.ON has built a comprehensive Design System is used by all their designers and has
brand portal and design system on Frontify’s helped streamline cross-team collaboration and
platform. This has helped the company provide handovers between design and development teams.
customers with a cohesive brand experience across
different touchpoints.

E.ON includes comprehensive UX guidelines in its

brand portal to improve collaboration between
its brand and design teams.

8 How Frontify Solves Your Biggest Branding Headaches

Streamline External Agency 1,900 of them are external partners. Before the
company started using Frontify’s brand manage­
Collaboration With a ment platform, the MAN team found it difficult to
­Dedicated Partner Portal work with external partners efficiently. Marina
Wamboldt, Corporate Design Lead, explained,
Your full-time employees aren’t the only people who “[T]he collaboration between our service and sales
need to use your brand resources. Agencies, free- partners, regional markets and HQ needed to be
lancers, contractors, and even the press will need to faster, better and more transparent.” She added,
use some of your brand assets from time to time. “We can now work faster, more efficiently, and most
importantly, more together.”
Companies often manage their brand partners
by manually sending individual files or creating As the MAN team has experienced, it’s easy to add
dedicated shared folders to give to the agencies external partners to your Frontify brand portal,
they work with. This is manageable when you’re just just like your internal team. You can set up a
working with one agency or freelancer. But as your separate portal specifically for external partners or
company grows and you’re working with multiple add them to your existing one. If you take that
types of agencies on different projects at the same approach, you can set permissions on a company,
time, it becomes hugely time consuming and team, or individual basis to ensure your partners
difficult to keep track of. only get access to the brand materials and
guidelines they need.
Relying on manually sharing files and brand assets
with external partners can hold up key projects, This makes collaborating with external agencies
cause delays on other internal work, and ultimately and other partners easier and more efficient. Both
damage your relationships with the agency. parties can spend less time emailing back and
forth, requesting access to various brand assets or
But there is an easier way to collaborate with your guide-lines. Frontify helps reduce common roadblocks
external partners without sacrificing brand when working with external partners while improving
consistency. For example, MAN Truck & Bus has brand consistency across your externally managed
12,000 users on its brand platform – and more than projects.

9 How Frontify Solves Your Biggest Branding Headaches

Manage More Than One regional offices all use different tools rather than
having a standardized creative toolkit. Telefónica
Brand at Once With a used to struggle to manage all of its brands in
Multi-Brand Portal different regions. It has a portfolio of more than
10 managed brands across 16 regions, including
As companies grow, they often have multiple global telecom brands Movistar, Vivo, and O2. The
brands or sub-brands to manage, each with its own Telefónica team used to manage its brands across
assets, guidelines, and use cases to follow. You may separate, siloed tools.
have always been a multi-brand company, but if
not, there are several ways to scale up a brand: Cristina Terrón Moreno from Telefónica’s Brand team
explained, “Previously, some of Telefónica’s larger
• Launching sub-brands for new audiences or markets were using their own local platforms [for
product ranges managing their brands].”
• Acquiring additional brands under their original
brand umbrella Frontify’s Brand Portal has enabled Telefónica to
• Creating regional or localized brand variations manage all its brands within one platform. “This is
actually the first time we’ve been able to implement
The more brands you manage and the more people a solution globally covering all larger markets and
you have working on your brand, the harder it is to their brands,” shared Moreno.
maintain consistency across every team and
channel, which is essential for building recognition Frontify’s Multi-Brand Portal means teams can
and awareness for each brand. manage, view, or share the guidelines, assets, and
digital components for several owned brands all in
It’s hard to ensure everyone has access to the one place. This means that even as you scale your
correct guidelines, creative assets, and brand brand, you don’t need to worry about finding
resources – especially when you have global and different platforms to manage each of your brands.
local variations of your brand, and you need to be
sure specific teams have access to the correct
materials. It gets even more challenging if your

10 How Frontify Solves Your Biggest Branding Headaches

Get Everything You Need
to Grow & Manage Your Brand
in One Place
Growing a brand is a long-term process that requires
a lot of collaboration from your team. You need to create
an internal culture that encourages all employees to
play their part in contributing to your brand and
communicating it to customers and prospects alike.

Make it as easy as possible for your whole team –

plus your external agency partners – to contribute to
building your brand. Give them a shared, centralized
platform where they can find everything brand related
and collaborate effectively.

Frontify’s Brand Portal can be the new home for

your brand. Try Frontify for your company with a free
14-day trial.


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