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Heavenly Father, as we come to the end of our 3 days Enhanced

Community Immersion Program activities, we, the members of Public
Safety Basic Recruit Course 2023-01, class Alpha and Bravo, thank
you for what has been accomplished and for your unwavering
support throughout this endeavour. We give thanks and rejoice in
the hard work, fun, and generosity that our participants, guest,
tactics and co trainees , and all those unknown to us played in
making our event a wonderful experience for all.

May the matters discussed and skills learned, serve as a catalyst to

move us forward and cause us to advance and see growth in all areas
of our lives.

May we find gladness and satisfaction in all of our successes, and

even in our challenges and lessons and May we also leave here
recognizing you are the God of all wisdom and you are willing to lead
us forward. This we pray in the name of the Lord Jesus. Amen

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