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Journal of Petroleum Geology, Vol.

27 (4), October 2004, pp 335-356 335



G. H. Lee*#, M. A. Eissa**, C. L. Decker**1, J. P. Castagna**,

D. J. O’Meara** and H. D. Marín***

The principal reservoirs in the Bermejo oilfield in the NW Oriente Basin of Ecuador are the
Cretaceous Hollín Formation and the basal sandstone in the Tena Formation (“basal Tena sand”).
Analysis of 3D seismic and wireline log data suggests that much of the Hollín Formation consists
of stacked fluvial channel deposits. In the overlying Napo Formation, the excellent correlation of
log signatures, continuous seismic reflections, and the absence of thick sandstone layers (except
for the coarsening-upward Napo “T” sand), suggest deposition from uniform processes, possibly in
a shelf environment. The upper Napo and lower Tena Formations are interpreted as a series of
transgressive deposits, punctuated by the basal Tena sand. Truncation in the Hollín Formation is
better observed on east-west seismic lines than on north-south seismic lines, suggesting a north-
south trending fluvial system. This, together with the northward thinning of the top Hollín shale
suggesting an east-west trending palaeo-shorezone, further predicts north-south oriented reservoir
distribution. The palaeogeography of the Oriente Basin was probably more complex than that
portrayed in previous depositional models which depict a north-south oriented palaeo-shorezone
and sediment supply from the east. Detailed depth structure maps reveal structural closures that
have not been tested.

INTRODUCTION from Cretaceous reservoirs, accounting for less than

1% of national oil output (US Energy Information
The Bermejo field is located in the NW corner of the Administration, 1998).
Oriente Basin of Ecuador, about 130 km ENE of the This study is part of a larger investigation,
capital city of Quito (Fig. 1). The field comprises conducted jointly by Tecpetrol and the Institute for
Bermejo North and South, each of which consists of a Exploration and Development Geosciences at the
low-relief, NNW-SSE trending hanging-wall anticline University of Oklahoma, to optimize the reservoir
associated with a large reverse fault (Fig. 2). The development at the Bermejo field. The primary
Bermejo field currently produces about 5,000 brl/d objective of this study is to interpret the depositional
environments of the Cretaceous reservoir rocks using
*Dept of Environmental Exploration Engineering, 3D seismic and wireline log data. Depositional
Pukyong National University, Busan 608-737, Korea. environment analysis can provide important
information regarding the origin and directional trends
** Institute for Exploration and Development
of reservoirs and thus help to optimize completion
Geosciences, University of Oklahoma, Norman,
Oklahoma 73019, USA. programmes and the placement of development wells.
Current address: Gas Technology Institute, Houston, Overview and previous work
Texas 77090, USA. The Oriente Basin is part of the Sub-Andean retro-
arc foreland basin system which extends from
*** Tecpetrol, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Venezuela to southern Chile (Christophoul et al.,
# Corresponding Author, email: 2002). The basin is contiguous northward with the
Putumayo Basin in Colombia and southward with the
336 Bermejo field, Northwestern Oriente Basin, Ecuador

1 N
0 1000







4 ∆







5 km

81 W 80 79 78 77 76 75

Fig. 1. Index map showing the distribution of major oilfields in the Oriente Basin, Ecuador (adapted from
White et al., 1995) and the location of the study area (Bermejo field). Inset at bottom right shows the
principal tectono-morphological provinces in Ecuador (adapted from Balkwill et al., 1995).

Marañon Basin of Peru (Fig. 1). The Oriente Basin production from the Tena Formation and the “M1”
produced over 3 billion brl of oil between the 1970s sandstone of the Napo Formation (Fig. 3) (Higley,
and the mid-1990s (White et al., 1995). Much of the 2000). The main source rocks are believed to be the
recoverable petroleum in the Oriente Basin is trapped Napo Formation marine shales and limestones
in low-relief anticlines formed by Andean faulting (Canfield et al., 1982; Dashwood and Abbotts, 1990;
(White et al., 1995). These traps consist of footwall White et al., 1995; Higley, 2000).
anticlines associated with normal faults, and hanging- The Hollín and Napo Formations have traditionally
wall anticlines associated with reverse faults been interpreted as fluvio-deltaic deposits that
(Dashwood and Abbotts, 1990). prograded westward into shoreline and shelf
Primary reservoirs in the Oriente Basin are the environments along the proto-Pacific margin
Cretaceous Hollín and Napo Formations, with lesser (Macellari, 1988; Canfield, 1991; White et al., 1995).
G. H. Lee et al. 337

Fig. 2. Distribution of 3D seismic data and location of wells used in this study. The two large reverse faults
bounding Bermejo North and South fields are modified from Marín et al. (2001). Solid lines indicate seismic
profiles and dotted lines well-log cross-sections shown in other figures.

In the western Oriente Basin, the uppermost section stages of deposition for the Hollín Formation which
of the Hollín Formation grades upward into open were, from oldest to youngest: (i) a tide-dominated
marine strata (White et al., 1995). The overlying Napo estuary with minor fluvial channels; (ii) a well-
Formation in the eastern Oriente Basin has also been developed tide-dominated estuary; (iii) drowning of
interpreted as fluvio-deltaic deposits (Canfield et al., the tide-dominated estuary; and (iv) an open shelf.
1982; Smith, 1989; White et al., 1995). However, During Napo “T” and “U” deposition, stages ii, iii,
passing westward, the Napo Formation changes and iv were repeated. Based on cores and well-log
abruptly to marine shales and limestones and lowstand data, Hunter et al. (2000) suggested that mudstones
valley-fill sandstones (White et al., 1995). and rippled-to-laminated sandstones in the Napo
Unconformably overlying the Napo Formation is a Formation represent deposition in a shallow-marine
red-bed succession referred to as the Tena Formation environment with occasional tidal influence, whereas
(Canfield et al., 1982; Canfield, 1991). trough cross-bedded sandstones represented a high-
Shanmugam et al. (2000) and Shanmugam and energy fluvial channel environment. Higgs (2002)
Poffenberger (2002) reinterpreted the Hollín and Napo proposed a tidal shelf model for the Hollín and Napo
(“T” and “U”) sands as tide-dominated estuarine Formations, based on regional considerations and on
deposits, based on lithofacies analysis of conventional general sedimentological and sequence-stratigraphical
cores from the Sacha field in the north-central Oriente reasoning. Higgs (2002) argued that the great areal
Basin (Fig. 1), and an outcrop study of the basal Hollín extent and uniformity of the Hollín and Napo facies
Formation exposed at a road cut 70 km to the SW. association across the Oriente Basin, and the lack of
They suggested that east-west tidal sand bars oriented evidence for valley incision and intertidal sedimentary
parallel with the direction of tidal flows are the most structures, are more compatible with a shelf than with
important reservoir facies. They further proposed four estuaries or deltas.
338 Bermejo field, Northwestern Oriente Basin, Ecuador

Fig. 3. Stratigraphic column, Oriente Basin (from Smith, 1989). Hollín Formation “Main” and “Upper”
terminology is from White et al. (1995).

TECTONIC AND GEOLOGIC SETTING the Oriente Basin are related to this basement
Ecuador can be divided into three tectono- The wider Oriente Basin province can be divided
morphological provinces which are from east to west: into the Sub-Andean zone and the Oriente Basin
the Oriente, the Cordillera (Andes), and the Costa sensu stricto (Balkwill et al., 1995; Christophoul et
(Balkwill et al., 1995) (Fig. 1). The Cordillera al., 2002; Hungerbühler et al., 2002), separated by a
comprises the sub-parallel Western Cordillera reverse fault system (Fig. 1). The Oriente Basin is
(Cordillera Occidental) and Eastern Cordillera asymmetrical in cross-section and dips gently to the
(Cordillera Real) which are separated by the inter- west and south (Canfield, 1991). In the western
Andean Graben (Aspden and Litherland, 1992). During Oriente Basin, an upper Cretaceous unconformity
the Triassic (and Permian?), the region now occupied continues in the subsurface, truncating an
by the Cordillera Real experienced continental margin increasingly older section in a westward direction.
rifting along a passive proto-Pacific margin (Jaillard The Late Cretaceous transpressional convergence
et al., 1990). This rift regime resulted in a number of terminated the pericratonic sag history.
basement-involved half grabens, filled with coarse During the Eocene, Cretaceous and older rocks
clastic sediments and carbonate rocks (Balkwill et al., were uplifted and exposed along the western margin
1995). During the Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous, of the Oriente Basin (Smith, 1989). Major volcanic
intracratonic convergence within the western South activity began in the Miocene while uplift and erosion
American craton, caused by the accretion of of the older section continued. Since the Pliocene,
allochthonous oceanic rocks, folded and uplifted the thrusting has affected the exposed Cretaceous section
Triassic rift assemblages and older rocks (Aspden and (Smith, 1989).
Litherland, 1992).
A second phase of convergence in the Cordillera DATA BASE AND DATA ANALYSIS
Real began in the Late Cretaceous (Balkwill et al.,
1995) and lasted until the early Tertiary (Canfield, Data used in this study consist of (i) a 3D seismic
1991; Aspden and Litherland, 1992). This transpression data set covering both Bermejo North and South fields
created a network of low-relief basement reverse faults and (ii) wireline logs and stratigraphic tops from 45
and structural highs in the Oriente Basin (Balkwill et wells (16 and 29 wells from Bermejo North and
al., 1995), providing lines of basement weakness for South, respectively) (Fig. 2). Cores and
later reactivation. All of the major oil- and gasfields in biostratigraphic data remain proprietary and thus
G. H. Lee et al. 339

Fig. 4. (A) Seismic reflection profile and (B) corresponding line drawing interpretation. Seismic reflections
within the Main Hollín and the lower part of the Upper Hollín are characterized by variable amplitude and
low continuity, whereas those within the upper part of the Upper Hollín are more continuous and uniform.
The Napo Formation is generally characterized by very continuous, parallel, moderate-to-high amplitude
reflections. See Fig. 2 for location.

were not available in this study. The 3D seismic data Data from the 45 wells include nine stratigraphic
consist of 540 inlines, trending NNW-SSE with an tops, time-depth tables, and various wireline logs (SP,
azimuth of 345°, and 809 crosslines. A subset of the gamma ray (GR), resistivity, sonic, neutron porosity,
survey (540 inlines and 595 crosslines) was analyzed and density). The well log curves were imported into
in this study. The bin size was 30 x 30 m; the data are GeoFrame for display and analysis. Well-log
32-fold over much of the area. ProMAX 2D/3D correlation and interpretation were based primarily
(version 7.2) and GeoFrame (version 3.8.1) were used on the GR log because it is the most consistent. The
for seismic data processing and for data interpretation time-depth relationship at each well was refined by
and mapping, respectively. synthetic-to-well tie using Hampson-Russell(version
340 Bermejo field, Northwestern Oriente Basin, Ecuador

Depth (m)

0 15' N



0 10' N


0 5' N

77 20' W 77 15' W

Fig. 5. Depth-structure map of top Main Hollín. A structural closure, defined by the 1,400m contour and the
reverse fault, is seen in Bermejo South. The depth of the crestal part of the anticline in Bermejo North reaches
about 1,470 m. Contour interval 10m.

2.0.3). To generate the synthetic seismograms, a other minor faults gradually die out upward into the
wavelet was extracted directly from a subset of the shallow part of the section.
seismic data and convolved with reflection coefficients We constructed depth structure maps for the top
computed from sonic and density log data. For wells of the Main Hollín interval (Fig. 5), the top of the
without a sonic log, data from nearby wells were used. Upper Hollín interval (or top Hollín) (Fig. 6), and top
The time-depth relationship at each well was further of the basal Tena (not shown), using the interval
refined for time-depth conversion, using the depths velocities estimated from well data and two-way travel
of stratigraphic tops and the two-way travel times of times from seismic data interpretation. These maps
the tops interpreted from the seismic data. show detailed structural features that would not be
recognizable from those constructed using 2D seismic
STRUCTURE AND STRATIGRAPHY reflection profiles and well data. The most prominent
structural features are the two anticlines corresponding
Structure of the Bermejo field area to Bermejo North and South, respectively, and the
Seismic data for pre-Cretaceous (pre-Hollín) rocks are reverse faults bounding the anticlines. These reverse
generally of poor quality (Fig. 4). Thus, although its faults trend NW in the south, but curve NE in the
top is well constrained, the internal structure of the north.
acoustic basement is not well determined and the The depths of the top Main Hollín (Fig. 5) in the
truncation of pre-Cretaceous beds, documented in mapped area range from less than 1,350 m over the
other parts of the Oriente Basin (Balkwill et al., 1995), anticline in Bermejo South to more than 1,700 m in
is not observed in this study. The eastward-dipping, the northeast. A NW-SE trending structural closure,
high-angle reverse faults forming the western defined by the 1,400 m contour and the reverse fault,
boundaries of Bermejo North and South together with is seen in Bermejo South. The main part of this closure
G. H. Lee et al. 341

Fig. 6. Depth-structure map of top Upper Hollín (top Hollín). Two closures are seen in Bermejo South. The
closure in Bermejo North is defined by the 1,450m contour and the reverse fault. Contour interval 10m.

has not been drilled. To the SE is a smaller closure, Fig. 7 shows a segment of seismic section traversing
outlined by the 1,400 m contour. The depth of the well BS-30 (location in Fig. 2), together with type (GR
crestal part of the anticline in Bermejo North reaches and resistivity) logs from this well. Also shown are
about 1,470 m; the closure here is defined by the 1,490 type logs for the Hollín Formation and a part of the
m contour and the reverse fault. Napo Formation from the Sacha field and a composite
The structure of the top Upper Hollín (Fig. 6) is log for the western Oriente Basin.
very similar to that of the top Main Hollín. However, The primary reservoirs at the Bermejo field are
the reverse faults and the axial regions of the anticlines the Hollín and basal Tena sands. Small volumes of
are offset slightly westward due to the eastward dip oil have also been produced from the “A” Limestone
of the reverse faults. The depth of the top Upper Hollín of the Napo Formation at the BN-02 well (Marín et
in the mapped area varies from less than 1,300 m in al., 2001). Unlike many other fields in the Oriente
Bermejo South to over 1,650 m in the NE part of Basin, the Napo sands in the Bermejo field are
Bermejo North. Two closures, outlined by the 1,350 generally either thin or nearly absent.
m contour, are seen in Bermejo South. The main part
of the larger closure has not been drilled. The closure Hollín Formation
in Bermejo North is defined by the 1,450 m contour The Hollín Formation overlies a pre-Cretaceous
and the reverse fault. basement consisting of granite, metamorphic rocks
The structure of the top basal Tena sand also and conglomerates (Beicip-Franlab, 1994). It is
reveals two closures corresponding to Bermejo North divided into the Main Hollín and the thinner Upper
and South. The main parts of theses closures have not Hollín (Fig. 7), separated by a thin shale layer. Seismic
been tested. reflections within the Main Hollín and lower part of
Reservoir description the Upper Hollín are characterized by variable
342 Bermejo field, Northwestern Oriente Basin, Ecuador

amplitude and low continuity, whereas those of the study area is a well-defined shale layer (Figs. 9, 10),
upper part of the Upper Hollín are more continuous corresponding to a very continuous reflector in seismic
and uniform (Fig. 4). Seismic profiles show numerous data (Fig. 4). This shale layer gradually thins
erosional surfaces in the Main Hollín and the lower northward from about 15 m to less than 2 m (Fig. 13).
part of the Upper Hollín (Fig. 8). These erosional
surfaces are more easily recognized on the east-west Napo Formation
lines than on the north-south lines. The top of the The Napo Formation conformably overlies the Hollín
Upper Hollín is represented by a very continuous Formation. Seismic reflections within the Napo
reflector. Formation are characterized by moderate-to-high
The GR curves of the Main Hollín are generally amplitude and good continuity (Figs. 4, 7). The GR
characterized by blocky or barrel-shaped sands. signatures of the Napo Formation contrast sharply with
Relatively high (> 120 API units) GR fingers or shales those of the Hollín Formation in that: (i) high (> 100
of various thicknesses are also present (Figs. 7, 9, 10). API units) GR shales are dominant; (ii) individual log
The individual sand units and interbedded shales in signatures can be easily correlated across the study
the Main Hollín cannot be correlated across the area. area; and (iii) very high (> 200 API units) GR readings
The textural and structural features of the Hollín are locally present (Figs. 7, 9, 10).
Formation in the study area, observed from core The Napo “T” generally exhibits a coarsening-
samples (Beicip-Franlab, 1994), are characterized by: upward log signature. The gross thickness (not shown)
(i) an upward decrease of sandstone percentage; (ii) varies from less than 8 m to 15 m. It is thick (> 12 m)
an upward increase of calcite fraction; (iii) an upward over much of Bermejo North and in the central part
decrease of the number and thickness of coal beds; of Bermejo South.
and (iv) a change of sedimentary structures from cross- Overlying the Napo “T” is the “B” Limestone,
bedding in the Main Hollín to flaser bedding in the characterized by irregular GR readings (Figs. 7, 9,10).
Upper Hollín. The “B” Limestone in turn is overlain by a thick (about
The gross thickness of the Main Hollín varies from 40–50m) unit of high and fairly uniform GR
less than 50 m to over 80 m across the Bermejo field signatures, similar to the shale layer underlying the
(Fig. 11A). Overall, the Main Hollín thins gradually Napo “T”.
to the south. The net sand thickness (Fig. 11B) was The interval between this shale and the “M1”
estimated from the GR data. Because the GR readings Limestone is characterized by relatively high and
of the blocky intervals are consistently less than 40 irregular GR readings, including some very high
API units, we used a 40 API cut-off for sand. Net values (> 200 API units). Within this interval, the Napo
sand thicknesses range from less than 10 m in the “U” and other sand units (M1 and M2 or San Fernando
central part of Bermejo South to over 60 m in the Members; Smith, 1989) (Fig. 7), which are important
northern part. The net-to-gross ratios of the Main reservoirs in other fields in the western Oriente Basin,
Hollín (not shown) range from 0.3 to 0.7. are apparently replaced by limestones and/or not
The GR curves of the lower part of the Upper recognizable. The “A” Limestone is about 25m thick
Hollín are characterized by a blocky and/or irregular and occurs throughout the study area.
signature (Figs. 7, 9, 10), similar to those of the Main The zone between the “M1” Limestone and the
Hollín. Correlation of the individual sand units is Tena Formation consists of a series of fining-upward
difficult but some sand units in the upper part of the cycles that can be correlated across the area. Minor
Upper Hollín appear to be correlatable over a few blocky or coarsening upward log signatures are also
kilometers (e.g. BN 7 to BN 17 in Fig. 9; BS 13 to BS seen locally.
19 in Fig. 10). High GR readings or shales become
more abundant towards the upper part of the Upper Tena Formation
Hollín. The logged interval of the Tena Formation is
The gross thickness of the Upper Hollín displays characterized by relatively high GR readings except
a pattern nearly opposite to that of the Main Hollín for the basal Tena sand, which is the uppermost
(Fig. 12A). The 40m isopach contour outlines a producing sandstone in the Oriente Basin. Fining-
WNW-ESE trending region of thicker Upper Hollín upward GR motifs occur, like those of the upper
in Bermejo South. Bermejo North shows two regions interval of the Napo Formation, although the overall
of thicker sand (> 40 m). The net sand distribution GR readings are higher.
(Fig. 12B) suggests a more-or-less north-south The GR curves of the basal Tena sand are
trending elongate feature, outlined by the 5m contour. characterized by one or more low GR peaks (Figs. 7,
The net-to-gross ratios of the Upper Hollín range from 9, 10) and by a sharp base and fining-upward signature
0 to 0.4, much lower than those of the Main Hollín. where it is relatively thick. In some wells, the basal
The uppermost part of the Upper Hollín in the Tena sand is very thin (< 1 m) or hardly recognizable.
G. H. Lee et al.

Fig. 7. From left to right: (i) a segment of seismic profile traversing the Hollín-Napo-Tena interval in the BS-30 well in the Bermejo field; (ii) GR and resistivity logs
from this well; (iii) GR and resistivity logs from a typical well in the Sacha field (from Shanmugam et al., 2000); and (iv) a composite log for the western Oriente Basin
(White et al., 1995). Datum for the logs is top Hollín. See Fig. 2 for the seismic line location.
BS-20 BS-03 BS-06 BS-17 BN-07 BN-13


2 km



TOP "M2"
0.8 TOP "A"

Bermejo field, Northwestern Oriente Basin, Ecuador




Fig. 8. (A) Seismic reflection profile flattened on top Upper Hollín with well logs superimposed and (B) line drawing interpretation showing numerous irregular
surfaces in the Main Hollín and the lower part of the Upper Hollín. Log traces at each well are GR (left) and resistivity (right) curves. No resistivity log is available at
BN-13. See Fig. 2 for location.
G. H. Lee et al. 345


0.0 200.0 0.0 200.0 0.0 200.0 0.0 200.0 0.0 200.0 0.0 200.0 0.0 200.0 0.0 200.0 0.0 200.0

Fig. 9. NNW-SSE stratigraphic GR log cross-section A-A´ across Bermejo North. Gamma-ray curves in the Main
Hollín and the lower part of the Upper Hollín are characterized by blocky or barrel-shaped signatures, and by
poor correlatability. Gamma-ray signatures of the Napo Formation are characterized by good correlation.
The interval between the “M1” Limestone and top basal Tena consists of a series of fining-upward cycles.
Datum is top Upper Hollín. See Fig. 2 for location.
The isopach and net-sand maps (Fig. 14) suggest a Hollín Formation
NE-SW trending elongate feature. An area isolated The textural and structural features of the Hollín
by the 5m contour is seen in the central part of Bermejo Formation in the study area, observed from the core
South. The cored intervals of the basal Tena sand samples (Beicip-Franlab, 1994), may reflect upward
consist of fine- to medium-grained quartz sandstones increasing marine/tidal influence and the deterioration
with cross-stratification and intercalations of shales of reservoir quality toward the later part of Hollín
(Beicip-Franlab, 1994). deposition. However, it is difficult to determine how
extensive marine/tidal processes would have affected
RESERVOIR FACIES INTERPRETATION Hollín and Napo deposition because of very brief
AND DISCUSSION published descriptions of the core data and the lack
of biostratigrahic information.
Reservoir facies interpretation The numerous erosional surfaces in the Main
Facies interpretations for the Hollín and Napo Hollín and the lower part of the Upper Hollín may
Formations by White et al. (1995), Shanmugam et al. not be compatible with the tidal shelf model of Higgs
(2000), and this study are summarized in Table 1. (2002) because erosion would not be widespread and
346 Bermejo field, Northwestern Oriente Basin, Ecuador

Table 1. Facies interpretations for the Hollín and Napo Formations by White et al. (1995), Shanmugam et al.
(2000), and this study.

extensive in a tidal shelf where thick sands are White et al. (1995) interpreted the stacked cross-
deposited mainly as sand bars and broad sand flats bedded sandstone with interbedded mudstone in the
(Dalrymple et al., 1992, p. 1136). Moreover, bar-like Main Hollín in the western Oriente Basin as braid-
or smooth and mounded seismic facies, characteristic plain deposits. We also propose that the Main Hollín
of tidal sand bars, are not seen in the Hollín Formation and the lower part of the Upper Hollín in the Bermejo
in the Bermejo field. field represent stacked or amalgamated channels,
The tide-dominated estuary model of Shanmugam deposited in a multiple-channel system probably in a
et al. (2000) is based mainly on lithofacies analysis braid-plain environment. The apparently north-south
of conventional cores (> 150 m) from the Sacha field. trending erosional truncation in the Hollín Formation
The fluvio-deltaic model of White et al. (1995), on further suggests that the channels trend more-or-less
the other hand, is based on an extensive data set north-south. The lack of continuity in seismic
including seismic, well logs, and over 1,100 m of cores reflections, however, makes it difficult to map the
from various fields in the western Oriente Basin. The truncation. Seismic attribute maps for the Hollín
sedimentary features observed from the Hollín and Formation do not clearly reveal individual channels
Napo Formations in the Sacha field, such as mud either.
drapes on bed forms, bidirectional cross-bedding and The transgression during the later part of Hollín
sandy and muddy rhythmites, strongly suggest tidal deposition gradually drowned the study area. The good
influence. However, because the Sacha field occupied continuity and uniform nature of the seismic
only a very small area along the outer margin of an reflections in the upper part of the Upper Hollín are
apparently large estuary or embayment (Shanmugam possibly due to increasing marine influence (Brown
et al., 2002, p. 675), it may not be appropriate to and Fisher, 1985). The flaser bedding in the Upper
generalize the depositional environments in the Hollín probably suggests tidal influence. The areas
Oriente Basin on the basis of the Sacha field study of thick net sand in the Upper Hollín, outlined by the
alone. Tide-related sedimentary structures can also 5m contour (Fig. 12B), may be part of a fluvio-tidal
occur in fluvially-dominated deposits because tidal channel system. The distinct shale layer with very high
processes can significantly influence fluvial GR values that caps the Hollín Formation probably
environments several tens of kilometers from an open marks fully marine conditions at the end of Hollín
estuary or coeval shoreline (Shanley et al., 1992; deposition, as marine flooding events are
Shanley and McCabe, 1993). Thus, flaser bedding characterized by widespread shale deposition
observed in the cores from the Upper Hollín in the (Galloway, 1989) and high GR readings. This shale
Bermejo field does not necessarily indicate that tidal layer thins northward, suggesting a northward marine
processes dominate over fluvial processes. In addition, transgression and thus an east-west trending palaeo-
channels in a tide-dominated estuary would be much shorezone. The orientation of the palaeo-shorezone,
muddier than fluvial channels (Brownridge and the north-south trending truncational features in the
Moslow, 1989) and thus may not be as blocky as the Main Hollín and the lower part of the Upper Hollín,
sands in the Hollín Formation in the Bermejo field. and the southward thinning of the Main Hollín further
BS-01 BS-22 BS-05 BS-03 BS-06 BS-07 BS-14 BS-30 BS-04 BS-21 BS-02 BS-13 BS-12 BS-19
DEPTH 0.0 200.0 0.0 200.0 0.0 200.0 0.0 200.0 0.0 200.0 0.0 200.0 0.0 200.0 0.0 200.0 0.0 200.0 0.0 200.0 0.0 200.0 0.0 200.0 0.0 200.0 0.0 200.0










G. H. Lee et al.









Fig. 10. NW-SE stratigraphic GR log cross-section B-B´ across Bermejo South. Log signatures are very similar to those from Bermejo North (Fig. 9). Datum is top
Upper Hollín. See Fig. 2 for location.
Bermejo field, Northwestern Oriente Basin, Ecuador

Fig. 11. (A) Gross-thickness and (B) net-sand thickness maps of the Main Hollín. The net-sand thicknesses range from less than 10 m in the central part of Bermejo
South to over 60 m in the northern part. Contour intervals for (A) and (B) are 2 m and 5 m, respectively.
Gross Thickness (m) Net Sand Thickness (m)

0 15' N 0 15' N


0 10' N 0 10' N



G. H. Lee et al.


km km
0 5' N 0 5' N
(A) 0 5 (B) 0 5

77 20' W 77 15' W 77 20' W 77 15' W

Fig. 12. (A) Gross-thickness and (B) net-sand thickness maps of the Upper Hollín. The Upper Hollín is thinnest in the northern Bermejo South and in Bermejo North,
and becomes thick in the SW and east. The net sand distribution suggests a north-south trending elongate feature. Contour interval 2 m.
350 Bermejo field, Northwestern Oriente Basin, Ecuador

Fig. 13. Isopach map of the shale layer forming the topmost part of the Upper Hollín. The shale layer gradually
thins northward. Contour interval 1m.

suggest that much of the Hollín Formation was of Napo deposition. The very high GR peaks probably
sourced from the north. The north-south well-log represent periods of flooding.
cross-section traversing the Sacha field (Shanmugam Higgs (2002) noted the extensive distribution of
et al., 2000, p. 676), however, shows only a hint of a the Napo “T” and “U” facies association in the Oriente
thin shale layer in the topmost part of the Hollín Basin. He further argued, based on the composite log
Formation. This makes it difficult to interpret the for the Napo “T” (Fig. 7) shown by White et al. (1995),
direction of marine transgression during Hollín that the sharp base of the Napo “T” suggests
deposition in the Sacha field, although the tide- eustatically-forced regressions, emplacing inner-shelf
dominated estuary model indicates a north-south sands (bars and sheets) on outer-shelf muds. The
trending palaeo-shorezone. composite log for the Napo “T” is generally blocky
and is characterized by a sharp base and a fining- or
Napo Formation deepening-upward top (Fig. 7). White et al. (1995)
The most conspicuous features of the Napo Formation interpreted the Napo “T” as incised-valley fill and
in the Bermejo field are: (i) the excellent correlation estuarine deltaic deposits. The Napo “T” in the Sacha
of log signatures; (ii) very continuous and uniform field also shows evidence for deepening or drowning
seismic reflections; and (iii) the absence of thick sand (Shanmugam et al., 2000). In contrast, the log
layers except for the Napo “T”. These suggest that character of the Napo “T” in the Bermejo field is
the Napo Formation represents deposition from characterized by a coarsening-upward textural profile,
widespread sedimentary processes probably in a suggesting progradation/regression. The gradational
shallow marine environment. The lack of thick sand base of the Napo “T” in the Bermejo field further
layers, compared to many other fields in the western suggests a gradual transition probably from shelf muds
Oriente Basin, may suggest that the Bermejo field was to coarser-grained deposits. We interpret the Napo “T”
located further from terrigenous sources during much as deltaic deposits. The fluvial system responsible for
Gross Thickness (m) Net Sand Thickness (m)

0 15' N 0 15' N

0 10' N 0 10' N

G. H. Lee et al.



km km
0 5' N 0 5' N
(A) 0 5 (B) 0 5

77 20' W 77 15' W 77 20' W 77 15' W

Fig. 14. (A) Gross-thickness and (B) net-sand thickness maps of the basal Tena sand. The 5m gross-thickness contour suggests a NE-SW trending
elongate feature. The net sand map also shows the elongate feature. Contour interval 1 m.
352 Bermejo field, Northwestern Oriente Basin, Ecuador

Fig. 15. Distribution of GR signatures (Type 1 and Type 2) of Napo “T”. Type 1 is characterized by well-defined
coarsening upward with a sharp top, and dominates in Bermejo North and the northern part of Bermejo South.
Type 2 is characterized by gradational top and basal contacts, and mainly occurs in the southern part of the
study area.

the Napo “T” may have resulted from a sea-level fall zonal distribution of Napo “T” GR log types may
and/or gradual migration of fluvial facies into the area. suggest more-or-less southward progradation.
Hunter et al. (2000) correlated the Napo “T” with the
late Albian (98 Ma) sea-level lowstand. The thin, Tena Formation
blocky topmost part of the Napo “T”, seen in some of The logged interval of the Tena Formation is
the GR logs, may represent distributary channels characterized by a series of fining-upward sequences
cutting through the top of the distributary mouth bars. similar to the upper part of the Napo Formation,
The GR signatures of the Napo “T” in the Bermejo suggesting transgression. However, the GR values for
field can be grouped further into two types: these sequences are higher than those of the upper
Type 1, characterized by well-defined coarsening part of the Napo Formation. The sharp base and fining
upward with a sharp top; and upward signatures (Figs. 9, 10) of the GR logs of the
Type 2, characterized by gradational top and basal basal Tena and the abrupt transition from black
contacts (Fig. 15). calcareous shales to sand across the Napo-Tena
Type 1 dominates in Bermejo North where the boundary observed in the cored samples (Beicip-
Napo “T” is generally thick (compare Fig. 9 and Fig. Franlab, 1994), indicate an erosive event over much
10) and the northern part of Bermejo South, whereas of the area. This erosive event may be due to an abrupt
Type 2 mainly occurs in the southern part of the study sea-level fall and/or to a sudden shift of a channel
area where the Napo “T” is thinner (Fig. 15). system into the area. The NE-SW trending elongate
Types 1 and 2 may represent distributary mouth feature in the basal Tena sand may represent fluvial
bars and bar-fringe deposits, respectively. Thus, the facies deposited during this event. The area isolated
G. H. Lee et al.

Fig. 16. Cretaceous depositional model for the Bermejo field. During Main Hollín and lower Upper Hollín deposition, the area was a braid plain. The area was
drowned by the ensuing marine transgression from the south or SW, which was interrupted by a regression that deposited the deltaic Napo “T”. As the sea level
rose again, carbonate and fine-grained sedimentation prevailed. Increasing clastic input and/or greater water depths terminated carbonate sedimentation, followed
by a series of transgressive events. These transgressive events were punctuated by an abrupt sea-level fall and/or a sudden shift of fluvial facies into the area,
depositing the basal Tena sand.
354 Bermejo field, Northwestern Oriente Basin, Ecuador

by the 5m contour in the central part of Bermejo South Hollín in the Bermejo field are interpreted as fluvial
may be an abandoned channel segment. deposits. The numerous erosional surfaces in the Main
Hollín and the lower part of the Upper Hollín may
Reservoir body orientation indicate multiple channel erosion and switching. The
An important aspect of this study is that the reservoir truncation is better observed on east-west lines than
sands in the Hollín Formation in the Bermejo field on north-south lines, suggesting a north-south trending
are predicted to trend north-south. The conventional fluvial system.
fluvio-deltaic model (Macellari, 1988; Canfield, 1991; The distinct shale layer with very high GR values
White et al., 1995) would predict that the primary that caps the Hollín Formation may mark fully
reservoirs are east-west trending channels and more- transgressive conditions. The northward thinning of
or-less north-south trending distributary mouth bars. this shale unit suggests northward marine
The tide-dominated estuary model (Shanmugam et al., transgression and thus an east-west trending palaeo-
2000), on the other hand, predicts that east-west shorezone. The orientation of the palaeo-shorezone,
trending tidal sand bars are the principal reservoirs. the north-south trending truncational features in the
We interpret that the palaeogeography of the Oriente Main Hollín and the lower part of the Upper Hollín,
Basin was more complex than that of the existing and the southward thinning of the Main Hollín suggest
depositional models that depict a north-south oriented that much of the Hollín Formation was sourced from
shorezone and sediment supply from the east. The the north. Thus, the channel sands in the Hollín
isopach maps for the Hollín and Napo reservoirs for Formation are predicted to be oriented in a north-south
the entire Oriente Basin (Dashwood and Abbots, 1990, direction.
p. 93) suggest that sediments were supplied from the The Napo Formation is interpreted to have been
east and NE for the Hollín and Napo Formations. The deposited by uniform and widespread processes,
individual isopach contours, however, are quite probably in a shallow marine environment. The Napo
variable, suggesting more complex sediment-transport “T” is generally coarsening-upward, indicating
directions and intra-depositional hiatuses. Information progradation/regression, and has a gradational base
on the origin and directional trends of depositional suggesting a gradual transition from shelf muds to
systems is very important to understand reservoir coarser-grained deposits.
orientation, connectivity and directional permeability, After Napo “T” deposition, carbonate and fine-
all of which are factors which are used for optimizing grained sedimentation became dominant in the area.
completion programmes and the placement of During the later part of Napo deposition, increasing
development wells. clastic input and/or greater water depths terminated
carbonate sedimentation. These relatively fine-grained
Depositional model deposits were punctuated by the basal Tena sand. The
The depositionl model proposed for the Bermejo field NE-SW trending elongate feature in the basal Tena
is illustrated in Fig. 16. During Main Hollín and lower sand probably suggests that sediments were supplied
Upper Hollín deposition, the study area was a braid from the NE.
plain. Ensuing marine transgression, probably from The palaeogeography of the Oriente Basin was
the south or SW, gradually drowned the area. probably more complex than that described by
Continued marine transgression during Napo previous depositional models which depict a north-
deposition completely inundated the area, resulting south oriented palaeo-shorezone and sediment supply
in a shelf environment. The marine transgression was from the east.
interrupted by the deposition of the deltaic Napo “T” Depth structure maps, based on 3D seismic data,
sand. As the delta was abandoned with a sea-level reveal that the main parts of the structural closures
rise, carbonate and fine-grained sedimentation have not been tested.
prevailed in the area. The carbonate deposition was
terminated by increasing clastic input and/or greater ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
water depths during the later part of Napo deposition.
A series of transgressive events characterized the We thank Tecpetrol (Argentina) for permission to
upper Napo and lower Tena deposition. These publish this work. We also thank Jan Dodson and Tim
transgressive events were interrupted by an abrupt sea- Kwiatkowski for assistance in computer work.
level fall and/or a shift of a channel system into the Schlumberger and Hampson-Russell are appreciated
area that deposited the basal Tena sand. for granting educational licenses and technical
support. R. Higgs and M. Keeley provided thorough
SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS reviews; their comments significantly improved the
paper. This study was completed while G. H. Lee was
The Main Hollín and the lower part of the Upper visiting the Institute for Exploration and Development
G. H. Lee et al. 355

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