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Today, I stand before you to speak about a festival that holds immense significance in

the hearts of millions of people in India, a festival known as Dussehra. Dussehra, also
spelled as Durga Puja in some parts of the country, is a celebration that marks the
victory of good over evil, righteousness over unrighteousness, and light over darkness.
This festival is observed with great enthusiasm and devotion throughout India.

Dussehra falls on the tenth day of the Hindu lunar calendar month of Ashwin, which
usually falls in September or October. The festival extends over nine days, known as
Navaratri, during which people worship the goddess Durga and her various forms. These
nine days are dedicated to different aspects of the divine feminine, symbolizing the
power and strength of women.

The climax of the festival is the tenth day, which is celebrated as Dussehra or
Vijayadashami. It is on this day that we commemorate the victory of Lord Rama over the
demon king Ravana, as depicted in the epic Ramayana. Effigies of Ravana, his brother
Kumbhakarna, and his son Meghnad are burnt in open fields or grounds, signifying the
triumph of good over evil. This event is often accompanied by vibrant processions,
fireworks, and cultural performances.

But Dussehra is not just about the legend of Lord Rama; it has deeper meanings and
significance in our lives. It teaches us valuable lessons that are relevant even today. The
victory of good over evil reminds us that no matter how powerful the forces of darkness
may seem, righteousness and truth will eventually prevail. It instills in us the belief that
we should always stand up for what is just and virtuous.

Moreover, Dussehra is a time for introspection and self-improvement. It is a time to

reflect upon the negative qualities within us and strive to overcome them. The burning
of the effigies of Ravana, Kumbhakarna, and Meghnad symbolizes the destruction of our
own inner demons like anger, jealousy, and ego. It encourages us to become better
individuals and contribute to a more harmonious society.

Dussehra is not just a religious festival; it is a celebration of unity, diversity, and culture.
People from various backgrounds come together to participate in the festivities,
exchange greetings, and share sweets. It promotes social cohesion and mutual respect
among people of different faiths and beliefs.

In conclusion, Dussehra is a festival that encompasses a multitude of meanings and

values. It reminds us of the eternal battle between good and evil, the importance of
righteousness, and the need for self-improvement. It fosters unity, cultural exchange,
and the spirit of togetherness. As we celebrate Dussehra, let us not only enjoy the
festivities but also reflect on the profound messages it imparts to us. Let us strive to be
better individuals, work towards a more just and virtuous society, and continue to
uphold the ideals of truth and righteousness.

Happy Dussehra to all of you! May the light of goodness always shine in our lives. Thank

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