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Online Discussion Tips and Grading Criteria ‘When participating in an online discussion, try to interact with your peers as if you were having a face-to-face discussion, Imagine that you are all sitting together in a traditional classroom setting discussing the given question. Here are some tips for communicating courteously. ‘Construct your contributions to the discussion as suggestions: © “Itseemsto me...” © “Ithink..” © “The way I seeit..” © “feel.” Try to avoid absolute and definite statements: © “Clearly.” © “Weall know.” © “Itis obvious.” Challenge ideas in a respectful way. If possible, try to offer a positive comment before a negative one. © “Isee what you are saying, but...” © “Tunderstand where you are coming from, however..." © “You make a good point here, but I wonder if you have considered..." Read your contribution carefully before posting. Remember that your post will be read and not spoken. Choose your words carefully. Use correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Use humor carefully. It can be easily misunderstood and cause unintended offense. Here are some tips for communicating effectively. ‘Be moderate in your contributions. Overly long posts will likely be skipped over, and can be {intimidating to others. Stay focused on discussing the given topic/question, Make sure to address ALL of the aspects of the given topiclquestion. Ifthe topic/question asks for specific examples, make sure to give those. Be aware of your audience and the range of beliefs and attitudes they may hold. Here are some tips for responding to your peers’ posts. Donot judge, evaluate, or grade their post. Avoid saying “good job” or “well done”. If you like something about their post then be specific and tell them exactly what you liked. ‘Simply saying, “Lagree” isnot sufficient, You should explain what you agree with and why. Consider giving examples or evidence to support thet ideas. Consider giving a“yes, but” statement where you partly agree but offer a further perspective, Consider asking them to explain, elaborate, or justify their position. Consider summarizing or finding patterns in the contributions so far. Consider asking a question, Here are the criteria that will be used to. yur discussion, Y Original Post (60%) Post thoroughly addressed all aspects ofthe given topic/question, Post gave specific examples/evidence for support. Post used correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Content of the post was appropriate. Post was on time. Peer Response Posts (40%) Responded to a minimum of two peers. Responses were thoughtful and thorough. Responses were written asi the student were participating ina conversation. Responses did not judge, evaluate or grade their peer. Responses were appropriate and respectful. oc000 oc0000 Please note: No late posts will be accepted. The board will close at the end of the discussion period, and 1no further posts will be allowed. Please make every effort to participate in the discussion in a timely manner, Some information on this handout was recreated from: heep://www.unisa.edi lents/discussion/tiy Criteria Address the Entire Prompt for the Original Post Grammar/Mechanics/Spelling for Original Post ‘Support for Original Post Peer Response Posts Grammar/Mechanics/Spelling, for Response Post 20pts Full Marks Allareas ofthe promptare addressed. 10pts Full Marks Thewriting responsels generally freeof grammatical 2opts Full Marks There are two specific examples sivenas support 20pts Fall Marks ‘Thoroughly bails upon the posts of two peers. 10s Full Marks ‘The writing responses senerally freeot ‘rammatical Ratings Pts 2apts 18pts Opts Partial Marks Partial Marks No Marke Mostareasofthe | Someareasofthe | Thepromot a9 pts prompt are prompt are wasnt ‘adéressed addressed answered. Bots ots. opts Partial Marks | Partial No Marks The writing Marks ‘There are many response ‘Thewrting | clstracting containssome | response | mechanicalfgrammatical grammaticalor | contains | errorsandstudent syntactical several | needsto proofread 10pts cerrore;however, | errorethat | before submitting. errors distract distract rom the | fromthe coverailpuraose. | overall purpose 16s 12pts Opts: Partial Marks | Partial Marks | No Marks ‘Thereizone ‘Thereisageneral | No 2opts | specifcexample | examples) given | supporting Bivenassupport. | as support evidence, 2apts | s8pts s5pts_ | opts Partial Partial marks Partial | No. Macks Taksaboutthe | Mats | Marks Builds | postsofpeers.but | Only | Nopeer uponthe | doesnot build responds | response 30 pts postsof | upontheirpost. | toone | posts two peer. peers. pts. bots. Opts: PartialMarks | Partial | No Marks The writing Marks | Therearemany response The distracting containssome | writing | mechanicalgrammatical grammaticalor | response | errors andstudent syntactical contains | needstoproofread topts cerrorsihowever, | several | before submitting, or roerrorsdistract | errorsthat | there were nopeer fromtheoverall | dlstract | responseposts. purpose. fromthe overall purpose. Total Points: 100

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