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Performance Task

Impact of Computing Technologies

At the end of the exercise, the students should be able to:
▪ Identify the impacts of the works of notable figures in computing

▪ Internet Connection
▪ MS Word
▪ Video Conferencing Tools (Zoom, Teams, Google Meet)

Instructions: (50 points)

1. Interview a professional in any industry about the impacts of computing. The interview can be
personal or in any video conferencing tool.
2. Base your questions on any four (4) of the following pointers:
▪ Specific computing devices they use
▪ Difficulties in using a computing device o Role of computing devices in their industry
▪ Benefits of using computing devices
▪ Adverse effects of computing devices, if any
▪ Status of their company if computing devices do not exist
3. Submit a transcript of the interview, including the questions and answers. Video recording is
an option.
4. Summarize the interview in a detailed 10-sentence essay highlighting the impact of computing
in their industry using the pointers above.

The transcript of the Interview:

Specific computing devices they use?

▪ Well, we mainly use personal computer at work, we also use our cellphone for communication
especially we're now working from home due to the pandemic.
Difficulties in using a computing device?
▪ When it comes to the difficulty, hmm, I think the difficulty is not really use the actual device
itself, it's more like sometimes especially when there are system updates the software doesn’t
really work as to how it should be, it takes time to load, sometimes there are error messages,
and it kind of delay things that needs to be done, it also impacts performance, but overall it’s
manageable and we understand that it’s necessary, especially that we are dealing with client
What's the role of computing devices?
▪ Well, the role, is of course it makes the work possible because without those tools we’re not
going to be able to work. And it makes things easier like computation due to excel, retention due
to the database being used by the company.
Adverse effects of computing devices, if any?
▪ I think health related because you sit 8 hours a day while navigating into the PC at the same
time the company did adapt ergonomically to allow us stand up, if ever we want to mitigate that.
The status of their company if computing devices do not exist.
▪ The status, umm, well I think without the device the work will not really be possible. So, these
devices or the technology brought, helps us to work from home also it makes things easy.
Generally, without computers I don't think BPO would exist, that's all.
As a call center agent, we use computing devices such as computers and cellphones for
communication. We use this especially now that work from home is implemented due to
pandemic restrictions. The difficulty is not how to use the computing device, rather it’s
problematic during software updates when the software isn’t working properly as intended, it
delays things needed to be done. This also impacts performance. Still, software update is
necessary for security reasons especially when handling client information. The presence of
computing devices makes our work possible, and it makes things easier to compute due to excel,
useful apps, and retention due to the database being used by the company. The adverse effects of
computing devices are mainly health related. When using a computer and answering calls you’re
sitting 8 hours a day at the same time. Fortunately, the company did adapt ergonomically to
lessen the risk of developing health issues related to prolonged sitting. If computing device don’t
exist, work will not be possible. These computing devices allowed us to work from home as well
as made things easy. Generally, without computing devices BPO wouldn’t exist.

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