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Om shree ganeshaye namaha

How to Chant Mantras

How to plan the Mantras and Japa practice
You should set aside time daily to do your mantra practice. If you are doing yoga or
meditation, these can be added to them.
You should sit in a lotus or half lotus pose facing east in the morning or north in the evening.
The early morning or evening is the best time for this.
Weekly, you should do a planned japa, using any of the mantras and repeating them at least
108 times.
Make a commitment and stick to it. If you can commit to a daily japa, then do so. Otherwise
weekly is good.
The main thing to remember is to do them with devotion with your mind involved in the
practice. Focus on the clearing of your inner energy and slowly you will find that the blocks clear and
the light becomes stronger.
Do remember that it takes time. Do not expect instant results. Daan - Donation - Giving your
time, support and money.
Donation to the right causes is considered one of the most important remedial measures.
You can donate your time and give support and money to worthy causes. Making the world a better
place for others is an excellent way to cleanse your past karma and good remedy for Saturn.
If you cannot afford to give financially, give time. Supporting the poor and giving towards
education and knowledge are two very worthy causes. You must give often. Giving on your birthday,
the monthly tithi day and at important festivals is a good time. But donation must be done regularly
and should become part of your life. Also you cannot lead a negative life now and hope to absolve
everything through donation.
Path of Yoga - Mental, physical and spiritual clearing
Following the eightfold path of yoga teaches all the tools required to cleanse and enlighten
the soul. Some of the most important aspects of this path are speaking the truth, performing the
right actions, doing meditation, mantras and japa, following the discipline of yoga asana, a proper
diet, and a non- violent life dedicated to higher knowledge. This is a difficult path for most to follow
but even to follow a part of it helps with Saturn issues.

Mantra, and Japa - Reciting sacred sounds

This is one of the most important elements of the inner yagya. Mantras are sacred sounds or
prayers that are addressed to a deity or planet, and repeating them continuously is japa. The sounds
form an energy that burns away negativity from the subtle body.
Man also means the mind or thoughts and tra means to protect, so the mantra literally
protects the mind through chanting sacred hymns.
Mantras did not originally have any meaning. They were single words like Om or Ram, Lam,
Vam etc. The mantra has to reach the place to which it is directed. If you are praying to the deity,
you focus the mantra towards that; if you are unhappy, you ask to be made happy while chanting; if
you are creating light and purifying your panchanga, you must focus specifically on that.
Mantras are powerful but everything depends on how you chant them; they are recited in
different ways. Sometimes the vowels are stretched so they can reach where they are meant to go.
Sometimes mantras have just one word or a series of words. The importance and power of the
mantra lies in its vibration. The vibrations of the mantras reach different parts of the physical and
subtle body and beyond. As thousands of mantras have been chanted since time immemorial, we
also connect to this when we begin chanting.
Mantras repeated constantly become japa. Japa is used to cleanse the mental and higher
planes. You can also do japa by writing the mantras down in a note book 108 or 1008 times. This
becomes a meditative exercise.Mantras are either effective or ineffective. Their weakness or
strength depends on how they are chanted, pronounced and with what degree of faith. If done
properly it is called a strong mantra. If not, then it is weak and may not be potentUsually a mantra is
chanted either once, thrice, 28 times or108 times. Once should be enough but if you decide you
need to do more, you try for 108 times which is the ideal number. Sometimes people decide they
are going to perform 10,008 or 100,008
Mantras over a particular period in order to show their devotion to the deity. In my opinion,
if you do it right with the correct attitude, the mantra will be effective performed just once daily, but
it should be done regularly.
Japa can be done in greater numbers - 108 or 1008 daily. This is extremely helpful with any
of the difficult panchangas.
MANTRA: To be chanted on Saturday, two hours and forty minutes before sunrise, especially
during major or minor Saturn periods:
Remember always to chant Lord Ganesh sloka before chanting any mantra

Mantras to please Shanidev:

1. Beeja Mantra of Saturn

Aum Shum Shanaiyscharaaya namaha

Om sham shanayisharaaye namaha
Om Sham Shanishwaraya Namaha
Aum śam śanaiścārāya namaha

Recite 108 times daily and on Saturdays if possible between 6 – 7.00 a.m. with Rudraksha
The Shani Mantra: Get familiar with the Shani Mantra in order to revive during the testing
phase of time. For better results it is necessary to go for the Mantra 108 times each day. If you do
have a busy schedule and not have much time for it then it is strongly recommended to go for it at
least 8 times every day.
The name mantra for Saturn is “OM SHANAISCHARAYA NAMAHA” The seed mantra for
Saturn is “OM SHAM’ Pronounced as “Shum”. Regular chanting of the mantra for Saturn every day
with devotion and faith will also be good protection.

Om Sri Shanaischaraya Namaha (before age 30)
Om Sri Shanaischwaraya Swaha (after age 30)
Om Namaha Shivaya
Kleem (seed mantra)
Om Sham (pronounced like “chum”) (seed mantra)
Om Shanti Shanti
2. Shani Tantric moola mantra

Om Praam Preem Praum Sah Shanaiyshcharaaya Namaha

Om Hlim Sham Shanaye Namaha
Om Pram Preem Proum Sah Shanishcharaya Namaha
Om Prām Prīm Praum Sah Sanaiścārāya Namaha
Om Praam Preem Proum Sah Shanaye Namah
Om Kham Kheem Khom Saha Shanaye Namaha
Om Praang Preeng Proung Sah Shanaye Namah
Om Aing Hring Shring Shung Shanaishcharaye Namah
Om Ain Hrin Shraeen Shanaishcharaye Namaha
Om Aieem Hreem Shreem Shanaishcharaye Namaha
Om Praam Preem Prom Saha Shanaishcharaye Namaha
Om Hlim Sham Shanaye Namah"
Om Hem Hreem Shrim Sanaishcharaya namaha

This mantra is for those with Shani dosha.Depressions, work not completed on time,
struggles related to success, thoughts realted to leaving your home .All these are rectified when the
Mantra is uttered.
Whosoever is affected by the 'Dhaiya', he himself should enchant the below mentioned Tantric-
Mantra of Shani, to obtain the grace of Lord Shani -This mantra is for those with Shani dosha.
Depressions, work not completed on time, struggles related to success, thoughts realted to leaving
your home .All these are rectified when the Mantra is uttered.
Begin with a prayer, end with a prayer, and see how this settles with you.How to Enchant:
21 series of this Mantra is enchanted. Enchant them for continuous 40 days. Or Recite 108 x 7 times
daily and on Saturdays if possible between 6 – 7.00 a.m.The mantras for Saturn is for 9 days in a row.
Recite Saturn’s Mantra for 108 times everyday in the morning or evening. (Nitya Japa 23000 or
19000 times in 40 days)
Don’t break the chain while doing so. It should not be stopped in between. This is ideal, but
regardless never skip any days, regardless of the hour. It is important never to skip any days, as this
will cancel out the entire work. Enchant the Mantra sitting on the same place every day. Ideally,
each day, the mantra chosen for Saturn should be recited during the hours of Saturn for that day.
Begin the mantra when Saturn is strong in its home signs of Capricorn or Aquarius, or when it is in its
exalted sign of Libra. DO NOT begin this mantra when Saturn is in the signs of Aries [its fall] or
Cancer or Leo [its detriment].Begin the mantra on a Saturday during the hours of Saturn or shani
hora or shani rise time.
The Shani Mantra recited 108×3 times every day is also very helpful.
” 8 X 108 times per day for a period of 6 months.
Chanting of Saturn Mantra 10, 28 or 108 times (depending upon one's convenience) is very
beneficial. 108 chants are definitely better than 10 or 28. This mantra is a tantrik mantra and it
requires lot of rituals Observe celibacy and takes pure and vegetarian food only. Keep fasting on
Saturday and donate oil, urad, gram etc.


One can replace with NAMA with SVAHA ٠ [S-V-AH-HAH] ٠ when working for spiritual goals.
Pronunciation: AHH-UUU-MMM ٠ P-RR-AH – AH-MM ٠ P-RR-EE-MM ٠ P-RR-AH-UUU-MM ٠ SAH-
AH rhymes with Saw ٠ UUU rhymes with Too ٠ All R's need to be rolled

Om Hlim Sham Shanaye Namah

The word 'Hlim' in above mantra denotes Stambhana Shakti, the power of delaying, stopping,
holding, and terminating.
The following mantras are also considered very good for planet Saturn. You may opt to recite one of
the following mantra if you find it comparatively easy to remember.
The Saturn mantra when vibrated eases bad Saturn energies and transits, and directs and
sublimates the Saturn energies. Saturn when properly directed brings a positive sense of self-
discipline, endurance, and organization. Saturn also can bring success and advancement through
hard work, especially in the career.

3. Recite the Navagraha Shani Stotra:

Om Neelanjana Samabhasam
Ravi Putram Yamagrajam
Chhaaya Martanda Sambhutam
Tham Namami Shanaischaram

When translated in English, it means:

1. Complexion that is blue, Son of Ravi ( Sun), Brother of Yama ( God of death ) Son of
alliance between Martanda ( another name for Sun) and Chayya ( His shadow wife) I say the name of
Shanaishvaram ( Saturn)
2. I bow to Shani who is as black as a black collyirum, who is the son of Surya born through
Chaya, whose brother is Yama and who moves slowly.
3. "I bow down to slow-moving Saturn, whose complexion is dark blue or black like nilanjana
ointment (black as a black collyirum). Whose elder brother of Lord Yamaraj, who is born from the
Sun god and his wife Chaya.
4. O Son of the Sun and the Imparter of Patience and Perseverance. I bow down to Thee!
5. I pray to Saturn, the slow moving, born of Shade and Sun, the elder brother of Yama, the offspring
of Sun, he who has the appearance of black collyrium.
"To recite 108 times on Saturdays and 11 times every day.You may also opt to chant
following Puranic mantra for propiating the Saturn (23,000 times) within 7 and 1/2 years. Thus, by
reciting this Shani Mahaamantra by doing 10 Maalaa per day, it will finish in 23 days.
If the person is young, then his parents can do it for him. While this praying is on, the person should
eat simple food; he must sleep on the floor on a bed sheet and live the life of a ‘Brahmachaaree’. It
should be remembered that the praying of the Shani Mahaamantra should be done at one stretch in
one sitting at one place.
You can chant this mantra for at least 7 times a day, because Shani is the 7th planet counted
starting from the Sun. However, if you are troubled by Shani it would be better to chant the above
mantra for 108 times a day.
On the positive side, you have to understand that the sufferings which you undergo are
merely wages and that Initiation is a process of intensive culture and accelerated evolution. Many
lessons will be learnt during this phase. It is said that the wise recognise Negativity as an inevitable
clearing process and maintain equanimity.
Get benefited with "Eka Sloka Navagraha Stotram" which is basically a small mantra for all
the nine grahas (planets) in the solar system. The chanting of this mantra will be highly effective
against not only the unfavorable Shani transit but also to fend off the negative influence of all the
other grahas.
Chanting Mantras reduces much evil. These mantras must be chanted during Sani hora or
sani rise time facing west

4. Shani Pidahara stotram written by Ved Vyasa

Also it is said that Shaneeswara Swamy is a very great devotee of Lord Shiva. As mentioned
in the "Navagraha Pidahara Sthothram" of "Brahmanda Purana", anybody who chants the following
sthothra is relieved from all the ill-effects of Shaneeshwara Swamy placed in bad houses. You can
chant the following sloka to ward off the negative radiation of Elarata Saturn.

Mantra for Shani

ससससस सससससस ससससस सससस सससससससससस सससससससससस

सससससससस सससससससससससस ससससस सससस सस सससस

Om Dwadashashtma Janmadi
Dwitheeyardheshu Rasishu
Ye Ye Sangathan Doshah
Sarve Nasynathu Vai Prabho

Om Suryaputhro Deerghadeho
Vishaalaakshah Shivapriyah
Mandachaarah Prasannathmaa
Peedam harathu me Shanih

Please destroy the accumulated karma signified by you being in the 12th, 1st and 2nd. O
Son of the Sun, with body elongated, lover of the Lord, ever moving slowly, ever blissful, please
destroy all my afflictions!
Son of Surya Dirghadehyo (long life giver) Vishalakh Favourite of Shiva Slow moving, Happy Soul or
can make souls happy, remover of pain is Shani.
To recite 11 times everyday. Chanting it 108 times is said to reduce saturnine
maleficence.Chanting Mantras needs the utmost purity of Body, Mind and Soul. This is difficult to
achieve during the Dark Age (Kali Yuga). Hence wearing of the appropriate Yantra is recommended
as we cannot keep up the purity of Body, Mind & Self.
The Yantra is silver or gold plate where in the Mantra is inscribed and given after 10 days
Puja by learned Brahmin scholars, who impart it with the necessary Pranic (Positive) Energy.

5. Complete Mantra (ससससससस ससस ससससससस):

Om Nilanjan Samabhasam
Raviputra Yamagrajam
Chhaya Martend Sambhutam,
Tam Namami Shanaishwaram

Om Shanaishwaray namaha

Suryaputhro Deerghadeho
Vishaalaakshah Shivapriyah
Mandachaarah Prasannathmaa
Peedam harathu me Shanih
Konastha Pingalo Brabhu
Krusho Roudro Dantako yamah
Sourih Shanaishwaro Mandah
Pippalodat sanstutah
Etani Dash Namani
Pratah Rutthay ya pathetah
Shanaishwar Kruta Pida
Na Kadachit Bhavishyati

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6. Mantra from navagraha stotra

In order to pacify the negative aspects of the planets and to augment their positive aspects, the
following mantra should berecited after this Navagharha Stotra

Ye Ye Graha Shubheshu Sthaneshu Sthitha

Thesham Grahanam Shubhaphalam Prarthayartham
Ye Ye Graha Shubheshu Sthaneshu Sthitha
Thesham Grahanam Anukoolyam Siddhayartham

O Nine Heavens! Please pacify Thy immanence in all that is bad and activate Thy immanence in all
that is good!

7. Shani Gayathri mantra

Om neelanjanaya vidhmahe
Chhayamartandaya dhimahi
Tanno shani prachodayat

Om Sanaischaraya vidhmahe
Sooryaputraya dhimahi
Tanno manda prachodayat

Om Kaaka Dhwajaaya Vidhmahe

Kadga Hasthaaya Dheemahi
Thanno Mandah: Pracho Dhayaath

Om shanaishcaraya vidhmahe
Chayaputraya dhimahi
Tanno mandah pracodayat

Aum krishanangaaye vidmahe

Raviputraye dheemahi
Tannaha saurihi prachodyaat

Om suryaputraay vidhmahe
Mratyurupaay dhimhi
Tanno Soureeh prachodyat

Sanaiscarya wiedmehe
Mehaadevaaje Dhiemehie
Tanno Sanidev Prachodayaat

Relationship within the nuclear family. An adverse placement of Saturn can cause a rift
between a person and his progeny, wife etc. If that happens the following Stotra called Shani Gayatri
gives immediate relief.

The first Shlok is Dhyan or reflection on the manifested form of Saturn.



An alternative to this is following Mantra. It has an additional benefit of removing problems

caused by Mars also. It is an extremely beneficial Mantra and in my view both should be part of daily



Chant daily 9 times the gaytri of Shanidev.

Chanting Mantras reduces much evil. These mantras must be chanted during Sani hora or
sani rise time facing west. This Gayatri mantra consists of three parts. The first is the chants to the
Saturn. The second is the mantra proper. The third is a summary of the mantra's energies.
The Gayatri mantra is chanted at sunrise, noon and sunset. At dawn it is called Gayatri, the
youthful form of the Goddess, consort of Lord Brahma, the creator. It is called Savitri, the mature
form, at noon, the consort of Lord Shiva. It is called Sarasvati, the elderly form, at sunset, the consort
of Lord Vishnu.
The following is the special name (Nama) mantra for the Saturn as preceded by its Shakti or
power mantra. It can be used to connect with the planetary deity and to energize all the higher
powers of the
Gayatri, kaafee laabhkaari hain, nitya 108 paath karnaa sab ke liye laabh kaari hai.

Chant daily (9X) the gaytri of Sani


This mantra is one of the best there is. Sani will be very pleased when you acknowledge him
as “mehaadevaaje”. Try it; you won’t regret it.Chant daily (9X)
Made By the Father of Ramchandra, Shri Dasratha, after making 108 Jaap per day, can recive
all the effects
One may chant this Mantra -

Om Kaak Dhwajaaya Vidmahe, Khadg Hastaaya Dheemahi, Tanno Mandah Prachodayaat.

Om Namo Yam, Brahm Samet Shree Shaneeshwaraaya Namah Om.
Om UmaaMaheshwaraabhyaam Namah Om;
Om LakshmiNaaraayanaabhyaam Namah Om.
Om VaaneeHiranyagarbhyaam Namah Om;
Om Anant Padmanaabhaaya Namah Om.

8. Shani Shodasanama stotra by King Dasaratha

Saturn enters the star constellation of Rohini once in every 30 years. This is one of the most
dreaded transits of the kings and his kingdom. The scriptures say “Kings will die and kingdomes will
fall when Shani enters Rohini”. It is said that during the reign of king Dasaratha when Shani was
about to enter Rohini Nakshatra, king Dasaratha worshipped Shani and pleased with his prayers
Saturn did not enter Rohini during the reign of king Dasharatha. Hence the Dasaratha Shani stotras
are considered an excellent remedy for Saturn related troubles.The following is from Skanda Purana
It is best to chant Shani Shodasanama stotra of Raja Dasharatha .Chanting Mantras reduces much
evil. These mantras must be chanted during Sani hora or sani rise time facing west
For all Saturn related troubles the following Shani Shodasanama stotra of Dasharatha is an
excellent remedy

Maargandaja sudhaasouri
Abrahmanah kroora kroora
Karmaatangi grahanaayaka
Krishnodharmaanujah shantah
Shushkodara varapradah”

9. Shani Dasanaama Stotra

Apart from this reciting the following Dasanama stotra of Shani by Dasharatha near a Peepal
tree is also a highly recommended one. Read the Shani Stuti after lighting a Til oil lamp under a Pipal
tree on Saturdays. Below here is the Shani Stuti.

Konastha pingalo babhruhu

Krishno roudraantakoyamah
Sourih, shanaischaro mandhah
Pippaladishu sansthitah


Konastha Pingalo Brabhu

Krushno Roudro Dantako yamah
Sourih Shanaishwaro Mandah
Pippalodat sanstutah

10. The 10 Names of Lord Shani

Water the peepal tree (Fig tree) on Saturdays while chanting the ten names of Saturn
The following ten synonyms of Saturn should be chanted.
The ten names are

Vabhru /Babhru
Manda /mand Pippla
Pippalad /Pinglo

11. Pipplaad Uvaach

Recitation of Pipplaad Uvaach, a six line Sanskrit hymn in praise of Lord Saturn is very helpful
in overcoming the problems caused by him.
Daily recitation of Pipplad Uvaach (sayings of Rishi Pipplad) is a potent remedy.
Pipplaad Uvaach is an especially helpful Stotra of only six lines. It is easy to remember and can be
chanted at will throughout the day
Pipplaad Uvaach is an especially helpful Stotra of only six lines. It is easy to remember and
can be chanted at will throughout the day.
Ancient Rishis have left us a long list of measures that can be adopted to reduce the adverse
results of Saturn's transits. Daily recitation of Pipplad Uvaach (sayings of Rishi Pipplad) is a potent
Saturn can cause physical accidents and injury during his unfavorable transits and planetary
periods. To get over the problems like this, recitation of Pipplaad Uvaach is a very effective.

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Stotram for Sani

Konastaha pingalo bhabhurhu Krishno roudrantako yamaha

Sowrihi sanaischro Mandhaha pippaladeva samstuthaha
Namastee kona samsthaya pingalaya Namostute
Namaste Bhabruroopaya krisnayacha Namostute
Namaste Roudradehaya Namaste Santakayacha
Namaste yama sanjaya Namaste Sowrayevibho
Namaste Manda sanjaya Sanaischara Namastute
Prasadam mama devesa Deenasya pranatasyacha

Please recite the above stotram during Sade sati sani period to relieve the suffering.U need
not worry much as this happens to be the "Pongu" sani which will give benifits as explained above
with best wishes.
Chanting Mantras reduces much evil. These mantras must be chanted during Sani hora or
sani rise time facing west

12. Shani Stvaraj.

The best remedy is to chant the Shani Stvaraj.

This was given by Narad Muni to Maharaj Yudhishthir. The Stotra starts with a prayer to Lord
Ganesh. The first two Shlok are given below for identification purpose only.

If Saturn is in 5th or 8th

The best remedy is to chant the Shani Stvaraj. This was given by Narad Muni to Maharaj Yudhishthir.
The Stotra starts with a prayer to Lord Ganesh. The first two Shlok are given below for identification
purpose only.



13. Ast Shani or combust Saturn

If Saturn is placed in close proximity to Sun in a horoscope, he loses his capacity to give
favorable results. This however does not reduce his inauspicious results. As a consequence of this,
Saturn becomes unreliable. A person with Ast Shani is buffeted by the ups and downs of life
frequently. The remedy for this is the daily recitation of Shani Vajrapanjar Stotram given in
Brahmand Puran. The Stotra starts with this Shlok.



Saturn can cause physical accidents and injury during his unfavorable transits and planetary
periods. To get over the problems like this, recitation of Shanaishchar-ashtak Stotra AND Pipplaad
Uvaach is a very effective.



14. Dasaratha Shani Stotram

Om. Asya shree shanaishchara stotrasya dashratha rishi

shanaish-charo-devatat rishtup chandahah
shanaish-chara preety-arthe jape viniyogah dasharatha uvacha

Om. Sri Shani Stotra, Dasharatha is the Rishi (seer of the mantra). Shanaishchara is god (related to
this hymn). Trishtup is metre. Enjoined is repetition (of this hymn) for the appeasement of
Shanaishchara (Saturn).

Kono-antaka roudra-yama-tha babhruh

krishnah shanih pingala manda sourih
nityam smrito yo harate cha peedam
tasmai namah shree ravi-nandanaya

Prostrations to Sri Ravinandana (Saturn), who when regularly remembered as (the ten names listed
in the first and second line of this verse) steals away the suffering (misfortune of the devotee).

Sura asurah kim purusha ragendra

gandharva vidyadhara panna-gash cha
peedyanti sarve vishama-stitena
tasmai namah shree ravi-nandanaya

Prostrations to Sri Ravinandana, by whose unfavourable position, gods, demons, celestial beings,
celestial musicians, celestial masters of various wisdom-teachings and even celestial snakes succumb
to sufferings.

Nara narendra pashavo mrigendra

vanyas-cha ye keeta-patanga-bringah
peedyanti sarve vishama-stitena
tasmai namah shree ravi-nandanaya

Prostrations to Sri Ravinandana, whose unfavourable position brings agony to laymen, emperors,
common animals, huge animals, forest creatures, insects, flies and humming bees (irrespective of
their status).

Desah-cha durgani vanani Yatra

sena-nivesah pura-pattnani
peedyanti sarve visham-stitena
tasmai namah shree ravi-nandanaya

Prostrations to Sri Ravinandana, whose unfavourable position brings about suffering to countries,
citadels, forests, war-camps, houses and cities.

Tilairya-vair-masha gudanna danaih

iohena neelambara danato va
preenati mantrair-nijavasare cha
tasmai namah shree ravi-nandanaya

Prostrations to Sri Ravinandana, who is appeased by giving in charity things like sesame, paddy,
black-gram, molasses, rice pudding, iron, blue cloth etc., and by chanting mantras on his own day

Prayaga-koole Yamuna tate cha

sarasvati punya-jale guhayam
yo yoginam dhyana-gatopi sookshmas
tasmai namah shree ravi-nandanaya

Prostrations to Sri Ravinandana, who manifests in subtle form before the yogis who meditate on him
at any holy bank of prayag (confluence) of two rivers; Yamuna and Saraswati, or in a cave.
Anya-pradeshat swagriham pravishtas
tadeeya-vare sa narah sukhe syat
grihad gato yo na punah prayati
tasmai namah sri ravi-nandanaya

Prostrations to Sri Ravinandana, who bestows happiness to a person when He enters His own house
(constellation); (though) when He leaves the house, does not return for a long time.

Srashta swayam-bhoor bhuvana trayasya

trata hareesho harate pinakee
ekas tridhah rig yajuh Sama murtis
tasmai namah sri ravi-nandanaya

Prostrations to Sri Ravinandana, who is the creator of three worlds, who is the self-manifested being,
who is Hari the protector and Pinakin (Siva, bearer of the three pointed spear or pinaka), the
destroyer, all in one, as well as the embodiment of the three-fold Vedas; Rig, Yajus and Saman.

Konasthah pingala babruh

krishno roudroantako yamah
sourih shanaish-charo manday
pippalandena sam stutah

Thus, Pippalada praises Thee by chanting your ten names as contained in lines 1-3

Etani dasha-namani
pratar-uthaya yah pathet
shanaishchara-krita peeda
Na kadachid bhavishyati
Harih Om

He, who chants these ten names, getting-up early in the morning, will never suffer from the pain
caused by Saturn. Harih OmThe following is the Dasaratha Shani Stotra from Padma Purana

Chant: Do a complete recitation of Dashrath Uvaach at least once a day.

You can chant the following sloka to ward off the negative radiation of Elarata Saturn.
15. Shani evan shani-bharya-stotra
Is mantra ka nity tin path karane se ‘shani-grah′ kee pida nishchay kee door hoti hai.

Yah pura rajy-bhrashtay,

Nalay pradado kil.
Svapne shaurih svayan,
Mantran sarv-kam-fal-pradam..1

Krodan nilangjan-prakhyan,
Namasyami shanaishcharam..2

Om namo-a-rk-putraaay shanaishcharay,
Smritva rahasyan bhuvi manushatve,
Fal-prado me bhav soory-putra..3

Namo-a-stu pret-rajay,
Krishn-varnay Te namah.
Shanaishcharay krooray,
Siddhi-buddhi pradayine..4

Y ebhirnamabhih stauti,
Tasy tushto bhavamyaham.
Mamakanan bhayan tasy,
Svapneshvapi n jayate..5

Gargey kaushikasyapi,
Piplado mahamunih.
Shanaishchar-krita pida,
N bhavati kadachan..6

Krodastu pingalo babhruh,

Krishno raudro-a-ntako yamah.
Shaurih shanaishcharo mandah,
Pipladen sanyutah..7

Etani shani-namani,
Pratarutthay yah pathet.
Tasy shaureh krita pida,
n bhavati kadachan..8

Hvajani dhamani chaiv,

Kankali kalah-priya.
Kalahi kantakee chapi,
Aja mahishi turaganma..9

‘Namani shani-bharyayah,
Nityan japati yah puman.
Tasy duhkha vinashyanti,
‘Sukh-saubhagyan varddhate..10

16. Story of Raja Dashratha

There are a couple of stories behind the King of Ayodhya- Raja Dashrath and Shani Bhagwan. The
first one goes thus;

Emperor Dasaratha was the only person who called Lord Shaniswara for duel as he was to cross his
country bringing drought and poverty. Lord Shaniswara extolled Dasaratha’s virtues and replied to
him that “I can’t skip my duties but I’m pleased with your courage. Great sage Rishyasringa can help
you. Wherever Rishyasringa lives, that country will have no drought and dryness”. Dasaratha after
receiving the blessings from Lord Shaniswara wisely resolved the difficult situation by making
Rishyasringa as his son-in-law. ‘Santha’, known to be daughter of Dasaratha, was married to
Rishyasringa so that he is always present in Ayodhya.

The second story and mythology says so;

Saturn enters the star constellation of Rohini once in every 30 years. This is one of the most dreaded
transits of the kings and his kingdom. The scriptures say “Kings will die and kingdoms will fall when
Shani enters Rohini”. It was during the reign of Raja Dashrath of Ayodhya Shani Dev was to do his
Rohini Shakat Bedan and the outcome would have been a 12 year period of drought and famine in
his kingdom of Ayodhya.

Raja Dashrath initially tried to defeat Lord Shanidev, but failed and as Shani Dev is well-known as the
Nyay Devta and the dispenser of Justice, Dashrath tries to appeal to him in all humility not to do
Rohini Shakat Bedan. The ideal king realizes that the only way to avert the catastrophic drought and
famine in his land is to evoke the kindness of Shani.

Raja Dashrath then composed a Stuthi or Couplets praising Shanidev, pleading for his kripa and
benevolence. Widely known as Dashrath Uvach also known as Dashrath Stuti, the lyrical and
evocative appeal of Dashrath pleased and moved to tears the Dispense of justice- Lord Shanidev,
who then gave Raja Dashrath the vardaan or vow not to do the Rohini Shakat Bedan.

The Dashrath Uvach or Dashrath Uvach or the Dashrath Krit Shani Mantra/Stotra as the Sherlock is
called, has its own purifying effect when viewed, read or heard on a Saturday. The devotee who
repeats or sings the Dashrath Shani Uvach seated under a Peepal tree and donates black gram, iron,
oil and black sesame to the poor will get relief in the trials he is put through in the shani dasas. He
who repeats or recites the shlok will be blessed with abundance and well being and will never know

Hence the Dasaratha Shani stotras are considered an excellent remedy for Saturn related troubles.
(Brlow Strota taken from "Padam-Purana",as Japa made By The Father of Ramchandra,Shri
Dasratha,after making 108 Jaap per day,can recive all the effects
17. Dasaratha Shani Stotra from Padma Purana

Version 1

Namaha Krishanaya Neelaaya,

Shiti Kantha Nibhaya Cha/
Namha Kaalaagni, Roopaaya,
Kriti Antaaya, Cha Vai Shani-Strotam

Namha Nirmaans Dehaaya,

Deergha Samshru Jataaya Cha/
Namha Vishal Netraaya,
Shusk, Udar, Bhyakrite//

Namha Pushkal Gaatryaaya,

Sthool Romne Atha Vai Namha/
Namha Deerghaaya, Shuskaaya,
Kaal Dransta Namha Astu Te//

Namste Kotrakchhaya
Durnireekchhaaya Vai Namha/
Namha Ghoraaya,
Raudraaya, Bheeshanaaya Kapaaline//

Namste Sarva Bhakchhaya,

Valeemukha Namha astu Te/
Surya-Putra Namste Astu,
Sanvartaka Namha Astu Te//

Adhodristhe, Namaste Astu,

Sanvartaka Namha Astu Te/
Namo Mandagate,
Tubhyam Niha Trinsaaya Namha Astu Te//

Tapasaa Dagdha Dehaaya,

Nityam Yoga Rataaya Cha/
Namha Nitayam Chhudhaartaaya,
Atrptaaya cha Vai Namha//

Gyaan Chkchhuhu, Namste Astu,

Kasyap-Atamaj Soonave/
Tusto Dadaasi Vai Raajyam,
Rusto harasi Tat Chhadaat//

Devasur Manushyaah Cha

Sidha Vidhyaadharo-Ragaa/
Twayaa Vilokitaaha Sarvai,
Naasam Yaanti Samoolataha//

Prasaadam, Kuru Me Dev,

Varaho Aham, Upaagataha/
Avam Stutaha Tadaa,
Saurihi Graharajha Mahaabalaha//

(Above Strota taken from "Padam-Purana",as Japa made By The Father of Ramchandra,Shri
Dasratha,after making 108 Jaap per day,can recive all the effects.


Dhyaathwa Saraswatim Devim Gananatham Vinayakam.

Raja Dasharathah sthothram Saureridhamathakaroth.

Namo Neela mayukhaya Neelothpala nibhaya cha,

Namo Nirmaansa dehaaya Deergha shmashru jataaya cha,
Namo Vishaala nethraaya Shushkodhara bhayaanaka
Namah parushagathraya sthularomaaya Vai namah
Namo nithyam Kshudhaarthaaya Nithyathapthaya Vai namah
Namah Kaalaagni rupaaya Krthaanthaka namoshthuthe,
Nameste Kotaraakshaaya Durnireekshyaaya Vai namah
Namo Ghoraaya Raudraaya Bheeshanaaya Karaaline
Nameste Sarva bhakshaaya Valeemukha namosthuthe
Surya putra namestesthu bhaskare bhaya dhayaka
Adho-drushte namasthubhyam vapuhshyaama namosthuthe
Namo Manda-gathe thubhyam nisthrinshaaya namo namah
Thapasa dagdha-dehaya nithyam yogarathaya cha
Namesthe gyaana nethraya kashyapathmaja sunave
Thushto dadasi Vai raajyam rushto harasi Thathkshanaath
Devaasura manushyaashcha pasupakshisareesrpaah
Thvaya vilokithaah saure dainyamaashu Vrjanti cha
Brahmaa shakro yamashchaiva rishayah saptha-tharakaah
Rajya bhrashtaashcha t’e sarve thava drishtyaa vilokithaah
Deshaa nagara graamaa dweepashechai vaadrayasththaa
Raudra Dhrushtyaa t’u ye drushtaah kshayam gacchanti thath kshanaath
Prasaadam Kuru me saure varaartheham thavaashrithah
Saure kshamasvaaparaadham sarvabhutha hithaayacha
The ‘Dashratha stotra’ or Shani Stotra of Saturn should be recited 11 times
Chant: Do a complete recitation of Dashrath Uvaach at least once a day.
Shanaishwar Kruta Pida Na Kadachit Bhavishyati
18. 108 names of lord shanidev
Begin with a prayer, end with a prayer, and see how this settles with you.108 names of lord shanidev

Chanting Mantras reduces much evil. These mantras must be chanted during Sani hora or sani rise
time facing west

Chanting regularly Visnu sahasranamam especially on Saturdays is highly beneficial

(The 108 names of Shani)

Version .1

Aum shrimate namah

Aum shasha-dharaya namah
Aum candraya namah
Aum tara-adhishaya namah
Aum nisha-karaya namah
Aum sugha-nighaye namah
Aum sadaradhya namah
Aum sat-pataye namah
Aum sadhu-pujitaya namah
Aum jitendriyaya namah
Aum jayodhyogaya namah
Aum jyotish-cakra-pravartakaya namah
Aum vikartananujaya namah
Aum viraya namah
Aum vishveshaya namah
Aum vidusham pataye namah
Aum doshakaraya namah
Aum dushta-duraya namah
Aum pushtimate namah
Aum shishta-palakaya namah
Aum ashta-murti-priyaya namah
Aum anantaya namah
Aum kashta-daru-kutharakaya namah
Aum sva-prakashaya namah
Aum prakash-atmane namah
Aum dyu-caraya namah
Aum deva-bhojanaya namah
Aum kala-dharaya namah
Aum kala-hetave namah
Aum kama-krite namah
Aum kama-dayakaya namah
Aum mrityu-saharakaya namah
Aum amartyaya namah
Aum nityanushthana-dayakaya namah
Aum ksapa-karaya namah
Aum ksina-papaya namah
Aum ksaya-vriddhi-samanvitaya namah
Aum jaivatrikaya namah
Aum shucaye namah
Aum shubhraya namah
Aum jayine namah
Aum jaya-phala-pradaya namah
Aum sudha-mayaya namah
Aum sura-svamine namah
Aum bhaktanam-ishtha-dayakaya namah
Aum bukti-daya namah
Aum mukti-daya namah
Aum bhadraya namah
Aum bhakta-daridhya bhanjanaya namah
Aum sama-gana-priyaya namah
Aum sarva-raksakaya namah
Aum sagarodbhavaya namah
Aum bhayanta-krite namah
Aum bhakti-gamyaya namah
Aum bhava-bandha-vimocakaya namah
Aum jagat-prakasa-kiranaya namah
Aum jagad-ananda-kiranaya namah
Aum niraharaya namah
Aum nirvikaraya namah
Aum niramayaya namah
Aum bhu-cchaya-cchaditaya namah
Aum bhavyaya namah
Aum bhuvana-prati-palakaya namah
Aum sakalarti-haraya namah
Aum saumya-janakaya namah
Aum sadhu-vanditaya namah
Aum sarvagama-jnaya namah
Aum sarva-jnaya namah
Aum sanakadi-muni-stutaya namah
Aum sita-chatra-dhvajopetaya namah
Aum sitangaya namah
Aum sita-bhusanaya namah
Aum sveta-malyambara-dharaya namah
Aum sveta-gandhanulepanaya namah
Aum dasasva-ratha-samrudhaya namah
Aum danda-pananye namah
Aum dhanur-dharaya namah
Aum kunda-pusyojjvalakaraya namah
Aum nayanabja-samudbhavaya namah
Aum atreya-gotra-jaya namah
Aum atyanta-vinayaya namah
Aum priya-dayakaya namah
Aum karuna-rasa-sampurnaya namah
Aum karkata-prabhave namah
Aum avyayaya namah
Aum catur-ashrasanarudhaya namah
Aum caturaya namah
Aum divya-vahanaya namah
Aum vivasvan mandalajneya-vasaya namah
Aum vasu-samrddhi-daya namah
Aum mahesvara-priyaya namah
Aum dantaya namah
Aum meru-gotra-pradaksinaya namah
Aum graha-mandala-madhyasthaya namah
Aum grasitarkaya namah
Aum grahadhipaya namah
Aum dvija-rajaya namah
Aum dyuti-lakaya namah
Aum dvibhujaya namah
Aum dvija-pujitaya namah
Aum audumbara-nagavasaya namah
Aum udaraya namah
Aum rohini-pataye namah
Aum nityodayaya namah
Aum muni-stutyaya namah
Aum nityananda-phala-pradaya namah
Aum sakalahladana-karaya namah
Aum palashedhma-priyaya Nama

Version .2

Om shanaescaraya namah
Om shantaya namah
Om sarvabhistapradayine namah
Om sharanyaya namah
Om vagenyaya namah
Om sarveshaya namah
Om saumyaya namah
Om suramvandhaya namah
Om suralokaviharinenamah
Om sukhasonapavishtaya namah
Om sundaraya namah
Om ghanaya namah
Om ghanarupaya namah
Om ghanabharanadharine namah
Om ghanasaravilepaya namah
Om khadyotaya namah
Om mandaya namah
Om mandaceshtaya namah
Om maha-niyaguna-atmane namah
Om martyapavanapadaya namah
Om maheshaya namah
Om dhayaputraya namah
Om sharvaya namah
Om shatatuniradharine namah
Om carasthirasvabhavaya namah
Om acamcalaya namah
Om nilavarnaya namah
Om nityaya namah
Om nilanjana-nibhaya namah
Om nilambara-vibhushaya namah
Om nishcalaya namah
Om vedyaya namah
Om vidhi-rupaya namah
Om virodha-dhara-bhumaye namah
Om bhedaspadasvabhavaya namah
Om vajradehaya namah
Om vairagyadaya namah
Om viraya namah
Om vitarogabhayaya namah
Om vipatparampareshaya namah
Om vishva-vandyayanamah
Om gridhnavahaya namah
Om gudhaya namah
Om kurmangaya namah
Om kurupine namah
Om kutsitaya namah
Om gunadhyaya namah
Om gocaraya namah
Om avidhya-mula-nashaya namah
Om vidhya-avidhya-svarupine namah
Om ayushyakaranaya namah
Om apaduddhartre namah
Om vishnu-bhaktaya namah
Om vishine namah
Om vividhagamavedine namah
Om vidhistutyaya namah
Om vandhyaya namah
Om virupa-akshaya namah
Om varishthaya namah
Om garishthaya namah
Om vajram-kushagharaya namah
Om varada bhayahastaya namah
Om vamanaya namah
Om jyeshthapatni-sametaya namah
Om shreshthaya namah
Om mitabhashine namah
Om kashtaughanashakartre namah
Om pushtidaya namah
Om stutyaya namah
Om stotra-gamyaya namah
Om bhakti-vashyaya namah
Om bhanave namah
Om bhanuputraya namah
Om bhavyaya namah
Om pavanaya namah
Om dhanur-mandala-samsthaya namah
Om dhanadaya namah
Om dhanushmate namah
Om tanu-prakasha-dehaya namah
Om tamasaya namah
Om asheshajanavandyaya namah
Om visheshaphaladayine namah
Om vashikritajaneshaya namah
Om pashunam pataye namah
Om khecaraya namah
Om khageshaya namah
Om ghana-nilambaraya namah
Om kathinyamanasaya namah
Om aryaganastutyaya namah
Om nilacchatraya namah
Om nityaya namah
Om nirgunaya namah
Om gunatmane namah
Om niramayaya namah
Om nandyaya namah
Om vandaniyaya namah
Om dhiraya namah
Om divya-dehaya namah
Om dinartiharanaya namah
Om dainyanashakaraya namah
Om aryajanaganyaya namah
Om kruraya namah
Om kruraceshtaya namah
Om kama-krodha-karaya namah
Om kalatraputrashatrutvakaranaya pariposhita- bhaktaya namah
Om parabhitiharaya namah
Om bhakta-sangha-manobhishta-phaladaya namah
Version .3
Shanidev ससससससससससससससससससस.

Snashcray Namah.
Shantay Namah.
ससससससससससससससससससस Namah.
Srnyay Namah.
Vrenyay Namah.
Srveshay Namah.
Sumyay Namah.
Survndyay Namah.
Surlokviharine Namah.
Sukhasnopvishtay Namah.
Sunderay Namah.
Gnai Namah.
Gnrupi Namah.
Gnabrndharine Namah.
Gnsarvilepi Namah.
Kdyotay Namah.
Mnday Namah.
Mndcheshtay Namah.
Mahniygunatmne Namah.
Mrtypavnpday Namah.
Maheshay Namah.
Chhayaputray Namah.
Sharway Namah.
Sttunirdharine Namah.
Crsthirswbaway Namah.
Acसchlay Namah.
Nilvarnay Namah.
Nityay Namah.
Neelaसgnnibay Namah.
Neelambervibhusnay Namah.
Nisclay Namah.
Vedyay Namah.
Vidhirupi Namah.
Virodadharbhumaye Namah.
Bedaspdswbaway Namah.
Vjradehay Namah.
Varagyday Namah.
Namah Viray.
Vitrogbyay Namah.
Viptprmpreshay Namah.
Biswvndyay Namah.
Gridhnwahay Namah.
Guday Namah.
Kurmaसgay Namah.
Kurupine Namah.
Kutsitay Namah.
Gunadyay Namah.
Gocray Namah.
Avidhyamulnashay Namah.
ससससससससससससससससससससस Namah.
Ayushykarnay Namah.
Apduddhartre Namah.
Vishnubktay Namah.
Vsine Namah.
Vividhagmvedine Namah.
Vidhistutyay Namah.
Vndyay Namah.
Virupacshay Namah.
Vrishtay Namah.
Grishtay Namah.
Vjraसkusdharay Namah.
Vrdabyhstay Namah.
Wamnai Namah.
ससससससससससससससससससस Namah.
Sreshtay Namah.
Mitbhashine Namah.
Kshtugnashkrtre Namah.
Pustiday Namah.
Shutyay Namah.
Stotrgmyay Namah.
Bktivshyay Namah.
Banve Namah.
Banuputray Namah.
Bwyay Namah.
Pavnai Namah.
ससससससससससससससससस Namah.
Dnday Namah.
Dnushmte Namah.
Tnuprkashdehay Namah.
Tamsay Namah.
Aseshjnvndyay Namah.
Biseshfldayine Namah.
Vshikritjneshay Namah.
Psunan Ptye Namah.
Kecray Namah.
Kgeshay Namah.
Gnneelamberay Namah.
Katinyamansay Namah.
Arygnshutyay Namah.
Nilchctray Namah.
Nityay Namah.
Nirgunay Namah.
Gunatmne Namah.
Niramayay Namah.
Nindyay Namah.
Vndniyay Namah.
Dhiray Namah.
Diwydehay Namah.
Dinartihrnay Namah.
Danyanashkray Namah.
Aryjngnyay Namah.
Kruray Namah.
Krurcheshtay Namah.
Kamkrodkray Namah.
सससससससससससससससससससससससस Namah.
Priposhitbktay Namah.
Prbitihray Namah.
सससससससससससससससससससस Namah.
. H ससससससससससससससससससस Sampuarnm Sat.

Version .4

Aum tara-adhishaya namah

Aum nisha-karaya namah
Aum sugha-nighaye namah
Aum sadaradhya namah
Aum sat-pataye namah
Aum sadhu-pujitaya namah
Aum jitendriyaya namah
Aum jayodhyogaya namah
Aum jyotish-cakra-pravartakaya namah
Aum vikartananujaya namah
Aum viraya namah
Aum vishveshaya namah
Aum vidusham pataye namah
Aum doshakaraya namah
Aum dushta-duraya namah
Aum pushtimate namah
Aum shishta-palakaya namah
Aum ashta-murti-priyaya namah
Aum anantaya namah
Aum kashta-daru-kutharakaya namah
Aum sva-prakashaya namah
Aum prakash-atmane namah
Aum dyu-caraya namah
Aum deva-bhojanaya namah
Aum kala-dharaya namah
Aum kala-hetave namah
Aum kama-krite namah
Aum kama-dayakaya namah
Aum mrityu-saharakaya namah
Aum amartyaya namah
Aum nityanushthana-dayakaya namah
Aum ksapa-karaya namah
Aum ksina-papaya namah
Aum ksaya-vriddhi-samanvitaya namah
Aum jaivatrikaya namah
Aum shucaye namah
Aum shubhraya namah
Aum jayine namah
Aum jaya-phala-pradaya namah
Aum sudha-mayaya namah
Aum sura-svamine namah
Aum bhaktanam-ishtha-dayakaya namah
Aum bukti-daya namah
Aum mukti-daya namah
Aum bhadraya namah
Aum bhakta-daridhya bhanjanaya namah
Aum sama-gana-priyaya namah
Aum sarva-raksakaya namah
Aum sagarodbhavaya namah
Aum bhayanta-krite namah
Aum bhakti-gamyaya namah
Aum bhava-bandha-vimocakaya namah
Aum jagat-prakasa-kiranaya namah
Aum jagad-ananda-kiranaya namah
Aum niraharaya namah
Aum nirvikaraya namah
Aum niramayaya namah
Aum bhu-cchaya-cchaditaya namah
Aum bhavyaya namah
Aum bhuvana-prati-palakaya namah
Aum sakalarti-haraya namah
Aum saumya-janakaya namah
Aum sadhu-vanditaya namah
Aum sarvagama-jnaya namah
Aum sarva-jnaya namah
Aum sanakadi-muni-stutaya namah
Aum sita-chatra-dhvajopetaya namah
Aum sitangaya namah
Aum sita-bhusanaya namah
Aum sveta-malyambara-dharaya namah
Aum sveta-gandhanulepanaya namah
Aum dasasva-ratha-samrudhaya namah
Aum danda-pananye namah
Aum dhanur-dharaya namah
Aum kunda-pusyojjvalakaraya namah
Aum nayanabja-samudbhavaya namah
Aum atreya-gotra-jaya namah
Aum atyanta-vinayaya namah
Aum priya-dayakaya namah
Aum karuna-rasa-sampurnaya namah
Aum karkata-prabhave namah
Aum avyayaya namah
Aum catur-ashrasanarudhaya namah
Aum caturaya namah
Aum divya-vahanaya namah
Aum vivasvan mandalajneya-vasaya namah
Aum vasu-samrddhi-daya namah
Aum mahesvara-priyaya namah
Aum dantaya namah
Aum meru-gotra-pradaksinaya namah
Aum graha-mandala-madhyasthaya namah
Aum grasitarkaya namah
Aum grahadhipaya namah
Aum dvija-rajaya namah
Aum dyuti-lakaya namah
Aum dvibhujaya namah
Aum dvija-pujitaya namah
Aum audumbara-nagavasaya namah
Aum udaraya namah
Aum rohini-pataye namah
Aum nityodayaya namah
Aum muni-stutyaya namah
Aum nityananda-phala-pradaya namah
Aum sakalahladana-karaya namah
Aum palashedhma-priyaya namah

19. Remedy for Kantaka Shani

The remedy to Kantak Sani is to chant the 3rd anuvaka of the Chamaka Prasna of Yajurveda, 11
times, in the morning at the brahma muhurtha.

3rd Anuvaka of Chamaka Prasna is given below:

śam ca me mayaśca me priyam ca me'nukāmaśca me

kāmaśca me saumanasaśca me bhadram ca me śreyaśca me
vasyaśca me yaśaśca me bhagaśca me dravinam ca me
yantā ca me dhartā ca me kśemaśca me dhritiśca me
viśvam ca me mahaśca me samvicca me jñātram ca me
sūśca me prasūśca me sīram ca me layaśca ma rtam ca me
amrtam ca me'yakśmam ca me'nāmayacca me jīvātuśca me
dīrghāyutvam ca me'namitram ca me'bhayam cha me sugam ca me śayanam ca me sūshā
ca me sudinam ca me

20. Shanaishcara kavacam

Version .1

OM a sya shrI sha nai shca ra ka va ca ma hA man tra sya kA shya pa ru Shi hi
‫ ׀‬a nu ShTu pchan da ha ‫ ׀‬sha nai shca rO dE va tA ‫ ׀‬shaM bI jam ‫ ׀‬naM sha kti hi
‫ ׀‬maM kI !a kaM ‫ ׀‬ma ma sha nai shca ra pra sA da si ddhyar thE ja pe vi ni yO ga
ha ‫׀׀‬
(ka ra nyA sa ha) shAM an gu ShThA bhyAM na ma ha ‫ ׀‬shIM tar ja nI bhyAM na ma
ha ‫ ׀‬shUM ma dhya mA bhyAM na ma ha ‫ ׀‬shaiM a nA mi kA bhyAM na ma ha ‫׀‬
shawM ka ni ShThi kA bhyaM na ma ha ‫ ׀‬shaha ka ra ta !a ka ra pru ShTA bhyaM na
ma ha ‫׀׀‬
(an ga nyA sa ha) shAM hru da ya ya na ma ha ‫ ׀‬shIM shi ra sE swA hA ‫ ׀‬shUM shi
khA yai va ShaT ‫ ׀‬shaiM ka va cA ya huM ‫ ׀‬shawM nE tra tra yA ya vaw Sha T ‫׀‬
shaha as strAya phaT ‫ ׀‬bhU rbhu va ssu va rO mi ti dig ban dha ha ‫׀׀‬
(dhyA naM) ca tu rbhu jaM sha niM dE vaM cA pa tu NI kru pA Na kai hi ‫ ׀‬sa hi
taM va ra daM bhI ma dan ShTraM nI !O tpa !A kru tiM ‫ ׀‬nI !a mA !ya nu !E paM
ca nI !a ra tnai ra !an kru taM ‫ ׀‬jvA !Or dva ma ku TA bhA saM nI !a gru dra ra ThA nvi
taM ‫ ׀‬mE rUM pra da kShi NaM yAn taM sar va !O ka bha yA va haM ‫ ׀‬kru ShNAM
ba ra dha raM dE vaM dvi bhu jaM gru dhra saM sThi taM ‫ ׀‬sar va pI DA ha raM nru
NAM dhyA yEd graha ga NO tta mam ‫׀׀‬
(a Tha ka va caM) sha nai shca ra shshirO ra kShE nmu khaM bha ktAr thi nA sha
naha ‫ ׀‬kar Naw kru ShNAM ba rah pA tu nE trE sar va bha yan ka ra ha ‫ ׀‬kru ShNAn
gO nA si kAM ra kShE tkkan ThaM mE shi ti kan Tha ka ha ‫ ׀‬bhu jaw mE su
bhu jah pA tu ha staaw nI !O tpa !a pra ma ha ‫ ׀‬pA tu mE hru da yaM kru
ShNah ku kShiM shu ShkO da ra statha ‫ ׀‬ka TiM vi ka Tah pA tu O rU mE ghO
ra rU pa vAn ‫ ׀‬jA nu nI pA tu mE dhIr ghO jan ghE man ga !a pra da ha ‫ ׀‬gu
!paw gu NA ka rah pA tu pA daw mE pan gu pA da ka ha ‫ ׀‬sar vA Ni ca ma
mAn gA ni pA tu bhA ska ra nnan da na ha ‫׀׀‬
(pha !a shru ti hi) ya i daM ka va chaM di vyaM sar va pI DA ha raM nru NAM ‫׀‬
pa Tha ti shra ddha yA yu ktah sar vA nkA mAn vA ptu yAt ‫ ׀‬i ti shrI pa dma pu rA
nE sha nai sca ra ka va chaM sam pU rnaM ‫׀׀‬

Version. 2

OmAsya shrishanaichara kavacha stotra

Maha mantrasya kashyapa rushihi I
Anushtup chandaha I shanaishchara devataa I shim shaktihi I
Shoom kiilakam I
Shanaishchara priityartham jape viniyogaha II
Niilaambaro niilavapuhu kiriiTii
Grudhrasthitas traasakaro dhanuShmaan I
Chaturbhujaha suryasutaha prasannaha sadaa
Mama syaadvaradaha prashaantaha II 1 II
Brahmovaacha ShruNoodhva mruShhayaha
Sarve shani piidaaharam mahat I
Kavacham shaniraajasya soureri damanuttamam II 2 II
Kavacham devataa vaasam vajrapanjara samdnyakam I
Shanaishchara priitikaram sarva soubhaagya daayakam II 3 II
Om shrishanaishcharaha paatu bhaalam me suryanandanaha I
Netre chaayaatmajaha paatu paatu karnou yamaanujaha II 4 II
Naasaam vaivasvatha paatu mukham me bhaskaraha sadaa I
Snigdha kanThashcha me kanTham bhujou paatu mahaabhujaha II 5 II
Skandhou paatu shanishyashchaiva karou paatu shubhapradaha I
Vakshaha paatu yamabhraataa kukshim paatvasi tastathaa II 6 II
Naabhim grahapatihi paatu mandaha paatu katTim tathaa I
UUru mamaantakaha paatu yamo jaanuyugam tathaa II 7 II
Paadou mandagatihi paatu sarvaangam paatu pippalaha I
Angopaangaani sarvaanNi rakshenme suryanandanaha II 8 II
Ityetatkavacham divyam paThetsuryasutasya yaha I
Na tasya jaayate piidaa priito bhavati suryajaha II 9 II
Vyayajanma dvitiiyastho mrutusthaana gatopi vaa I
Kalatrastho gato vaapi supriitastu sadaa shanihi II 10 II
AshTamasthe suryasute vyaye janma dviitiiyage I
Kavacham paThato nityam na piidaa jaayate kvachit II 11 II
Ityetatkavacham divyam sourerya nnirmitam puraa I
dvaadashaashTama janmastha doshhaan naashayate sadaa I
janma lagnaa sthitaan doshhaan sarvaan naashayate prabhuhu II 12 II

II iti shrii brahmaanda puraaNe brahma naarada sanvaade shanaishchara kavacham

sampurNam II

Shani Kavacham meaning

Shani Kavacham is in Sanskrit. It is from Brahmananda Purana.

Kashyapa is the rushi, Anushtup is chanda, Shanaishchara is Devata, shiim is shaktii, shooma is
kiilakam and it is recited for Shanaishchara devata.

1 He has worn blue clothes, his body is also blue and he has a crown on his head shining in blue rays.
He is desirous of causing fear to those who are after money. He has four hands, he is son of Surya
and he is always happy. He who is calm and quiet is requested for blessing to me.

2 Brahma said. O! All rushies listen, originated from Surya, a very auspicious kavacha of shani which
makes us free from all type of troubles from shani.

3 This kavacha is loved by shani himself and this kavacha is the place where shani devata likes to live.
It gives us all type of happiness i.e. wealth, health and anything we desire and makes us/our body
very strong like a weapon called vajra.

4 Om I bow to shanaichara. Let my forehead be protected by suryanandana (son of surya). Let my

eyes be protected by Chayatmaja (born from shadow). Let my ears be protected by Yamanuja
(younger brother of God Yama).

5 Let my nose be protected by Vaivaswata. Let my mouth be protected by Bhaskara, Let my throat
be protected by SnigdhaKantha. Let my arms be protected by Mahabhuja.

6 Let my shoulders be protected by Shani and my hands be protected by Shubhaprada. Let my breast
be protected by Yamabhrata. Let my kukshi be protected by Asita (who is unbounded).

7 Let my navel be protected by Grahapati. Let my loins be protected by Manda. Let my breast be
protected by Antaka. Let my knees be protected by Yama.

8 Let my feet be protected by Mandagati. Let all other parts of my body be protected by Pipala. Let
my middle part of the body, Private parts of the body be protected by Suryanandana.

9 Whosoever recites this auspicious kavacham of son of Surya (Shani Kavacham), will be free from
any troubles by Shani.

10 Even if in any horoscope if Shani happens to be in Twelfth house, First house, Second house or
eighth house or in Seventh house will give good results on reciting this Kavacham every day.
(Otherwise in the above described houses Shani becomes unfavorable and bad results are seen.)

11 Eighth house, Twelfth house, first house, Second house

are considered very bad houses for Shani and very bad results are seen, observed and experienced.
However anybody having Shani in the above houses in his horoscope if recited this Shani Kavacham
daily becomes free from all troubles.

12 This is a very auspicious and spiritual Shani Kavacham is very ancient (old) creation. This removes
all the bad effects of Shani when it occupies 12th, 8th or 1st house in the horoscope at the birth time
which are evil houses for Shani.

Prabhu Shani always destroys all evil effects arising from the time of birth.

Here completes this Shani Kavacham which is from Brahmananda Purana and discussed By God
Brahama with Narada Rushi.


Hanuman tantric mantra

Aum ham rudrāya hanumate namah

Hanuman Bija Mantra

Aum aeem bhreem hanuman shree ram dootaaya namaha.

The Hanuman Mantra

Lord Hanuman is a very popular God in Hindu Religion.We all know Hanuman as the devoted and
dedicated disciple of Shri Rama, an avatar of Lord Maha Vishnu. He is also popular as ‘Pavan Putra'
and there is also a story of Hanuman meeting mighty Bheem in Mahabharat. He is also known by
names Maruti and Anjaneya. He is also called Mahaveera (the great hero) or Pavan-suta (son of air)
or Bajarangbali. He is also referred to as the 'Monkey God'.
Sri Hanuman is considered to be the eleventh incarnation of Lord Shiva. He is a celibate god who is
symbolic of strength, divinity, courage, knowledge and devotion. Reciting the Chalisa or Mantra
helps to overcome fear and bless with courage and wisdom. Special Pujas of this monkey God is
done on the occation of Hanuman Jayanthi.

Maarutatulyavegam Jitendriyam
Buddhimataam Varistham,
Vaataatmajam Vaanarayoothmukhya
Sriramdootam Saranam Prapadhye

I surrender to Lord Hanuman whose pace is rapid like wind and quick as the mind, who is
very intelligent, who has constrained his sense organs and who is the son of Vayu (Pawan), the chief
of monkey tribe and the messenger of Shri Rama. His pace is as rapid as the wind and as quick as the
Hanuman Gayatri Mantras

Om Aanjaneya Vidhmahe
Maha balaya Dheemahe
Thanno Hanuman Prachodayath.

Om Aanjaneya Vidhmahe
Vayu puthraya Dheemahe
Thanno Hanuman Prachodayath.

Sri Panchamukha Hanuman Dhyana Sloka

Panchasyachutamaneka vichitra veeryam ||

Sri Shanka chakra ramaniya bhujagra desam ||
Peethambaram makara kundala noopurangam ||
Dhyayethitam kapivaram hruthi bhvayami ||

Hanumat Bhujang Stotra

This is an extremely powerful and energy packed Stotra that destroys all evil of every kind.
One can feel the buildup of energy while chanting.
As always the first Shlok of this Stotra is



I surrender to Lord Hanuman whose pace is rapid like wind and quick as the mind, who is
very intelligent, who has constrained his sense organs and who is the son of Vayu (Pawan), the chief
of monkey tribe and the messenger of Shri Rama. His pace is as rapid as the wind and as quick as the
Hanuman Gayatri Mantras

May Shani Dev with his water like visage be beneficial for us. May he increase our growth,
progress and prosperity. May he make our enjoyment of life a certainty, and open the doors to our
all round development

The Hanuman Chalisa

The Chalisa of Hanuman is really one of the best remedies for Shani transit on an individual's
birth chart. The best day to go for it is Tuesday and it is also advisable to visit the Hanuman temple
on Saturdays during the phase of Shani Dasha. The influence of lord Hanuman is extremely effective
against Shani basically because of the promise given by Saturn after the lord rescued him from the
demon king Ravana. From the same day it is believed that whoever is under the shelter of Lord
Hanuman will be spared from the negative influences of Shani.

Recite Hanuman Chalisaa or any other Hanuman Stotra daily

22. Moksha Mantra and Maha Mrityujaya Mantra

Om Thrayambhakam Yajamahe
Sugnadhim Pushtivardhanam
Oorvarukamiva Bandhanan
Mrithyor Moksheeya Mamrithath Om

We worship the three-eyed one (Shiva) who is fragrant and nourishes all beings. Just as a
cucumber falls from its creeper and is detached from bondage, so Shiva will help us liberate the soul
from death and find moksha (self-realisation) and amrita (the nectar of immortality).

This is also known as the moksha mantra and chanted by those who are seeking self-
realisation and moksha. It is one of the best mantras for panchanga shuddhi as it bestows long life,
peace, wealth, prosperity, satisfaction and immortality. It helps those who are ill, or who suffer from
fears, depression and worry.This is one of the mantras constantly given by Parashara for remedial
measures. Especially good for all Shani upaya. This mantra is heavily used to ward off Saturn's
attacks and is heavily used during the malevolent Elarata Saturnine phase.

Remedial measures: It is better to recite maha mrutyunjaya mantra every day, minimum 18
times. No shanti, japa, recitation etc., are required.
Chant MahaMirtyujaya Mantra (Sani like This VeryMuch) .Doing the moksha mantra regularly is the
best remedy.
If one feels threatened about life or limb, an accident or grievous illness, one should take
recourse to Mrityunjaya Mantra. This is very effective remedy against great fear and untimely death.
One also escapes diseases that could cause death.
First of all make sure that water is dripping constantly over the Shivling in a Shiva Temple.
Then facing east chant the Rishi Markandey given Mrityunjaya Stotra every day. (Literally meaning
victorious over death)

The first Shlok of the Stotra is



The Mrityunjaya Mantra:

 If you are under the clutches of severe Shani Dasha then chances are high that you will
encounter untimely accidents. Here the application of Mrityunjaya Mantra can play a very decisive
role as Shani remedy. It is important that you read and call of this Mantra at least once before
commencing your day.

125,000 times recitations of Mahamrityunjaya mantra should be done (daily 10 malas for 125 days).

23. The Shaneeswara Mantra in Telugu:

ससससससससससस ससससससससस सससससससससस ससससससससस

ससससससस सससससससससससस सससस सससस सस ससससस

24. The shaneeswara mantra in Tamil

Sangadangal Theerpai Shani Bagavane

Mangalam Ponga Manam Vaitharul Vai
Sacharavindri Saaga neriyil
Icchagam Vaazha Innarul Thaa Thaa

25. Prayer to Saturn from Rig Ved


May Shani Dev with his water like visage be beneficial for us? May he increase our growth, progress
and prosperity. May he make our enjoyment of life a certainty, and open the doors to our all round
26. Other Shani Mantra

Dwadashashtma JanmadiDwitheeyardheshu RasishuYe Ye Sangathan DoshahSarve

Nasynathu Vai Prabho Soorya Putra Deergha DehoVishalaksha Shiva
PriyahMandachara PrasannatmaPeedam Harathu Me Sanih

Shanno deveeti Mantrasya Sidhudweep Rishih Aapo Devataa, Shani

preetiyarthe Jape viniyogha.


Kosthak main likhe Gaye sabhi angon KO unglee se chhuyen.

Shanno shirasi(Sir) Deveeh Lalaate(Maathaa) Abhistay ukhe(Mukha) Aapo
Kanthe(Kantha)Bhavantu Hridaye(Hridaya)Peetaye Nabho(Naabhi) Sham
Kattyaam(Kati-Kamar)Yoh Oorvoh(Chhatee)Abhi Jaanvoh(Ghutane) Stravantu
Gulfayoh(Gulfa)Nah Paadayo(Pair)


Shanno Devih Angusthaabhyaam namaha/ Abhishtaye Tasrjaneebhyaam

namaha/Aapo bhavantu madhyaambhyaam namaha/Peetaye Anaamikaambhiyaam
namha/Shnyorabhi kanisthkabhyaam namaha/Stravamntu Naha karatalkar
pristhabhyaam namaha//


Shanno Deveeh Hridyaaya namha/Abhiristaye Shirse swaha/Aapo

bhavantu Shikhaaye voshat/Peetaye Kavachay hum/Sanyorabhi netra triyaaye
vokshat/Stravantu Naha astrayaye phat/


Neelambaraha Shooldharaha kireetee Graddha sthiti straas karo

dhanusmaan/ Chaturbhujaha Suryasutaha Prashantaha sadaastu mahyam

Shani Gaayatree:-
Aum krishanangaaya vidmahe raviputraya dheemahi tannaha saurhi prachodyaat//

Shani Ved Mantra:-

Aum Pram Preem Praum Saha BhoorBhuvaha Swha Aum Shanno

Deveerbhisthya aapo Bhavantu peetaye Shanyorbhistravantu Naha/Aum Swha Bhuvha
Bhooha Praum Preem Pram Aum Shanishcharaaya Namha//

27. Sadhana of Saturn

1. The day you start Sun Sadhana the same night start Sadhana of Saturn. Start at 9 pm.

2. Have a bath and wear black or dark blue clothes. Cover yourself with Guru Pitambar (special shawl
with the power of Guru Mantra). Sit facing the East.
3. Before yourself on the ground draw a triangle with lamp black and on it place a copper plate. In
the plate draw an eight petalled lotus with lamp black and on it place the Shani Yantra

.4. Offer rice grains dyed black with lamp black on the Yantra chanting

Om Sham Om.
After this chant the following Mantras.

(Energising fingers through Mantra)
Chant each time joining the fingers indicated.
Shaneishcharaay Angushtthaabhyaam Namah
(Both thumbs).
Mandgataye Tarjaneebhyaam Namah
Athoksh-jaay Madhyamaabhyaam Namah
(Middle fingers).
Krishnnaangaay Anaamikaabhyaam Namah
(Ring fingers).

Sushkodaraay Kanishtthikaabhyaam Namah

(Small fingers)
Chaayaatmajaay Kartalkar Prishtthaabhyaam Namah
(Backside of both palms)

Chant thus touching the body part indicated.
Shaneishcharaay Hridyaay Namah
Mandgataye Shirase Swaahaa
Athoksh-jaay Shikhaayei Vashat
(Crown of head).
Shushkodaraay Netratrayaay Voushat
Chhaayaatmajaay Astraay Phat

5. Then with a Shani Saafalya rosary chant 5 rounds of the following Mantra.

Praam Preem Proum Sah Shanishcharaay Namah.

6. After the Mantra chanting offer three black or blue flowers on the Yantra. If black flowers are not
available then offer white flowers smeared with lamp black.

7. After Sadhana pray to Saturn chanting thus -

Konnasthah Pingalo Vabhruh
Krishnno Roudraantako Yamah Sourih Shanishcharo
Mandah Pipplaaden Sanstutah. Etaani Dash Naamaani Praatruthaay Yah Patthet Shanishchar Kritaa
Peedaa Na Kadaachit Bhavishyati.
I.e. Konnasth, Pingal, Vabhru, Krishnna, Roudra, Antak, Yam, Shanishchar, Souri and Mand are the
ten names of Saturn and whoever chants these names is protected from Saturn’s wrath. Chant the
above verse 11 times.

8. Join both palms and then chant thus -

9. After the Sadhana let the Yantra and rosary remain at the same place. Do the Sadhana for 11
nights, after completion of Sadhana tie the Yantra and rosary in a black cloth and drop the bundle in
a river or pond.

The following mantras are also considered very good for planet Saturn. You may opt to recite one
of the following mantra if you find it comparatively easy to remember.
The best remedial measure against the wrong effects of Sade Sati is to learn what the period of Sade
Sati is trying to teach you.

The Saturn's mantra may be recited for 24,000 times within 40 days and puja performed with blue
flowers and sandal wood. Begin recitation on a Saturday during the

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