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I’D; SSP/WE/017/10





First, I would like to thank my God for his support from start this work to the end. Next, I would
like to express my sincere appreciation to my advisor Adanech T who spent here time in reading
my paper, giving me constructive comments, advice and guidance to complete this work.

My special thanks also for my family and my friends those helped me for the successful
accomplishment of this study.

List of Table
Table 1 characteristics of respondent …......................................................................................

Table 2 response of the disability students about them are participating or no participating in any
physical activity programs …

Table 3 student’s response they like to do or not physical activity for nature …………………

Table 4 respondent’s response about motivation and encouragement of family and friend or
various disability students towards physical activity …………………………………………….

Table 5 student’s response on the attitude of society towards disabilities students participated in
physical activity program ……………………………………………………………………..

Table 6 various disabilities students response about is there a student with disabilities who
participated in any physical problems …………………………………………………………..

Table 7 response of various disability students about getting motivation to physical activity from
there classmate students ………………………………………………………………………….

Table 8 response of students about motivation of classmate teachers to do physical activity in

regular manner for the various disability students ……………………………………………

Table 9 does the university give special support you to do physical activity table 10 factors
affects the participation of physical activity for students with various disabilities ……………..

List of Acronym

IDEA: Individual with Disabilities Education Act

LMIC: Low and Middle Income Countries

PWD: Person with Disability

SWD: Students with Disability

WHO: World Health Organization

The purpose of this study was to look in to the investigation of the major factors that affects
students with various disabilities towards physical activity in case of Wolaita Sodo University.
To conduct the study, mixed approaches, which is both quantitative & qualitative research
approaches are used the participants of the study were 21 students with various disabilities. In
the selection of the sample population, random sampling. The main instruments of data
collection were questionnaire and interview.
The findings of the study revealed that the majority of students with various disabilities are not
taking part in physical activity. However, most of them want to start to participate in physical
activity, if they would have got opportunities. The most identified factors that affect the
participation of physical activity in students with disability are place of exercise to be taken,
shortage of accessible facility &lack of time for exercise. Finally, the study suggests points to
solve problems for participation of persons with disabilities in WSU, like ensuring the
environment and facilities to be conducive and easily accessible to people with disabilities.

Table of Contents
Table of Contents Page
Acknowledgments.......................................................................................................................................... i
List of Table .................................................................................................................................................. ii
List of Acronym ........................................................................................................................................... iii
ABSTRACT................................................................................................................................................. iv
CHAPTER ONE ........................................................................................................................................... 1
1. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1. Back ground of the study ................................................................................................................... 1
1.2. Statement of the problem ................................................................................................................... 2
1.3. Objective of the study ........................................................................................................................ 2
1.3.1General objective .......................................................................................................................... 2
1.3.2Specific objective .......................................................................................................................... 2
1.4Significance of the study ...................................................................................................................... 3
1.6. Operational definitions....................................................................................................................... 4
- Attitude: - In some way Corrine (1944), define attitude as "his disposition to respond toward an object
in positive and negative manner”. ............................................................................................................. 4
1.7. Organization of the study ................................................................................................................... 4
CHAPTER TWO .......................................................................................................................................... 5
2. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE ................................................................................................ 5
2.1. The concept of disability .................................................................................................................... 5
2.2 The Benefits of Physical Activity to Person with Disabilities ............................................................ 5
2.3. Hearing impairment ........................................................................................................................... 8
2.3.1Three types of hearing loss ........................................................................................................... 8
2.3.2Factors contributing of hearing handicap ...................................................................................... 8
2.4 Disability with physical activity ......................................................................................................... 9
2.5. Formation of attitude........................................................................................................................ 10
2.6. Factors affect the participation of disability student to ward physical activity in Wolaita Sodo
University................................................................................................................................................ 10
2.7. Attitude of disabled people .............................................................................................................. 10
2.8. Adapted physical education for visual Impairment and disability ................................................... 11
CHATER THREE....................................................................................................................................... 12

3. RESEARCH DESIGN ............................................................................................................................ 12
3.1. Study area......................................................................................................................................... 12
3.2. Study Design .................................................................................................................................... 12
3.3. Study population .............................................................................................................................. 12
3.4. Sampling size and sampling techniques........................................................................................... 12
3.5. Instrument of data collection............................................................................................................ 12 Questionnaire .......................................................................................................................... 12 Interview ................................................................................................................................ 13
3.6. Source of Data.................................................................................................................................. 13
3.7. Method of data analysis ................................................................................................................... 13
3.8. Data collection procedures ............................................................................................................... 13
CHAPTER FOUR....................................................................................................................................... 14
4.DATA PRESENTATION AND ANALYSIS ......................................................................................... 14
4.1 Characteristics of Respondents ......................................................................................................... 14
4.2 Result obtained from students with various disabilities .................................................................... 15
CHAPTER FIVE ........................................................................................................................................ 23
5. SUMMARY, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................................. 23
5.1 Summary ........................................................................................................................................... 23
5.2 Conclusions ....................................................................................................................................... 24
5.3 Recommendations ............................................................................................................................. 25
REFERENCE.............................................................................................................................................. 27
APPENDIX 1 .............................................................................................................................................. 28


1.1. Back ground of the study

The development of society in every aspect could be effective through by education for all and
by the use of resources of the country equally bring about economic development and social
changes. The most important is human resource and the developing their resources is through
education and training become very important Nwaka, N.G.&Ofojebe,W.n(2010)

Disability: - will define in the individual with disabilities education act (IDEA) of 1990.It is
disorder of one or more of the basic psychological process involves in understanding and using
language, spoken, written, which may manifest itself in the imperfect ability to listen, think,
speak, written, spell, or perform mathematical calculation. Such disorder includes conditions as
perceptual disability brain injury, minimal brain dysfunctions, and developmental phase. The
term does not include children who have learning problem Time schedule that are primarily the
result of visual hearing or motor disabilities mental retard action, emotional disturbance,
environmental, cultural or economic disadvantage. Disability person has someone who has a
physical and mental on history her ability to do normal daily activity (gethingetal 1994)

Disability studies refer generally to the examination of disability as social, cultural, and political
phenomenon. That studies focuses on how disability is defined and represented in society. It
rejects the perception of disability as a functional impairment that limits a person activity.
Disability is not a characteristic that exists in the person or problems of the person that must be
"fixed" or "cured" instead of disability a construct that find sits meaning with in a social and
cultural context. Disability studies a vibrant 'and diverse area of academic inquiry.
(http://www.disability studies, higher education "Home" what we do). So in Ethiopia today the
participation of handicapped student, visual impaired, hearing impaired, wheel chair using
student in high intuition has shown are mark able development compared to the earlier time.
Physical activities are essential subject matter focused on the development of effective, cognitive
and psycho motor domain through training and contribution part to total education process.
Therefore several factors which affect the participation of the attitude of students with disability
to ward physical activity. This study has tried to investigate the attitude of students with various
disabilities to ward physical activity in Wolaita Sodo University.
1.2. Statement of the problem
Physical exercise or physical activity is an activity which as a medium of training experience
takes place and it involves our physical enhanced, our emotional outlook stimulates as
intellectual activity. And ability (Seaton 1983) in this time learned including handicapped
students may participate in different sport or physical activity. However compared, the
participation of handicapped students in same physical activity may not be effective. This might
result from their adequate exposure to physical exercise. It is obvious that usually emphasize
may not be given to student with disability that they can participate in physical activity training
program. As to them physical exercise should be part for them, in order to relax their mind,
develop and control their bod (Charles Bucher)

Tooze (1981) also states that "physical exercise gives great advantage to disability student in
making them active and independent and they may mirror that physical education has great
advantage (contribution) in their academic studies. However, in Ethiopia the significant of
physical contribution for visual disabled different attitude toward sport or physical activity
training is not as much as good or better when we compared to other countries.

A result of this in Wolaita Sodo University Due to several reasons they could not participate in
the physical activity program. Based on this problem the researcher will be like to investigate the
real program by raising the following questions.

 What is the attitude of disability students towards physical activity?

 What are the major factors that participation of the disability students towards physical
 Does lack of infrastructure affect disability students towards physical activity?
 Does the university community play a roles for the participation of its with disability?

1.3. Objective of the study

1.3.1General objective
The General objective of this study was to assess the factors that affects student with various
disabilities to ward, physical activity program in Wolaita Sodo University

1.3.2Specific objective
The specific objective' of the study was:-

 To know the attitude of students with various disabilities towards physical activity.
 To identify the major factors that hinders the participation of student with various disabilities
to ward physical activity.
 To identify how lack of infrastructure affects the participation of students with disability
 To what extent the community of the university plays a great role to engage students with
disability in physical activity program.

1.4Significance of the study

The study would be to focus on the factors that affects student with various disabilities for
practicing in physical activity program at the university. The researcher believes that the student,
teacher and administers on what and how student with various disability take part or affect in
different physical activity program.

The significant of study would be to

- Enrich the poor knowledge of the students and community to participate in physical activity.
- To create favorable condition for applying physical exercise for individual with various
- Reveal accurate facts about physical activity and to create for all programs for better
1.5. Limitation of the study
While conducted the study the researchers would be to encounter several factors and
problems which are limited to his study. Among these factors and problems the following
were the most common:-
 Lack of reference materials such as relevant books Internet connections
 Some students did not fill the questions properly
 Unable to use further information from another service due to shortage of time
 Financial problems are influenced the researcher for further study.

1.6. Operational definitions
- Attitude: - In some way Corrine (1944), define attitude as "his disposition to respond toward
an object in positive and negative manner”.
- Disability: _ is a limitation that is imposed on the individual by environmental demands. (text

- Impairment: - it defined any loss or abnormality of physiological psychological or anatomical

structure of function. (www.http://Wikipedia. Org. Impairment)

- Hearing implementation: is a full or partial decrease of in the ability of detect or understand

sound. (Www/ http:// definition. Use legal. Com)

- Physical ability:- is and body movement produced suitable by the contraction of skeletal
muscle that increase energy (Woes Bucher 1999)

- Visual impairment: - is a vision loss of a person to such a degree as to quality as a additional

support need through a significant limitation of visual capability. (Www. http://wikipedia. org.
definition of VI)

- Physical activity: -is defined as any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles that
require energy expenditure.

- Hearing impairment:-refers to the inability to hear things, either totally or partially.

1.7. Organization of the study

This research proposal has five chapters

Chapter one including back grounding of the study statement of problem objective of the study
delimitation of the study and limitation of the study significance of the study and definition of
the terms, Chapter two:-presents review of related literature, Chapter three:-methodology of the
study research design source of data sampling size and sampling techniques data collection and
instrument and data analysis, Chapter four includes data presentation and the last chapter
includes conclusion and recommendation .



2.1. The concept of disability

Physical disability is not defined by the presence of certain medical condition but rather the
impact that medical condition has on important areas of daily life. Physical disability is a term
that individualized from person to person based on his or her unique life experience(Rizza
abdsitrtnik 1991)

Disability is an impairment that may be cognitive, developmental, intellectual, mental, physical

sensory or same combination of these. If substantially affects as a personal life activities and
maybe present from birth or occur during a person life time(Journal of applied physiology)

Organized sport for athletes with a disability is generally divided in to three broad disabilities
group. The deaf people with disabilities also known as hearing impairment is a partial or total in
ability to hear and people with intellectual disability also known as general learning disability
and mental retardation a generalized disorder characterized by significantly impaired
intellectual and adaptive functioning (international committee of sport for deaf)

2.2 The Benefits of Physical Activity to Person with Disabilities

According to the WHO (2006) approximately 600 million people in the world live with some
form of disability. Of these, 80% live in LMICs, are poor, and have little or no access to basic
services. In many LMICs, disability, if not outright excluded, is only minimally
addressed by public health and social policies, leaving SWDS with few structural supports.

Living with a disability not only disadvantages these individuals and their families, but can also
have an impact on the larger community and the national health and economic development of a
country (Saka, Kuranga and Abengunde, 2005). It has been recognized that it will be impossible
to achieve the United Nations’ Millennium Development Goals without recognizing and
addressing the needs of PWDS (Disability KaR, 2005). Although research focusing on physical
activity in the general population is plentiful, research addressing these areas for people with
physical disabilities is a recent phenomenon (Ralph W. smith, 1993). People with disabilities are
at risk for the same chronic health conditions as the general population.

Individual with disabilities can gain very similar benefits from physical activity and the
accrued physical fitness as people without disabilities. The benefits of being active are
enormous for individuals with a disability, and society as a whole, while prolonged physical
inactivity is associated with long term risks of disease in people with or without a
disability. The benefits of physical activity are universal for all children, including those with
disabilities. As Nancy A et al, (2008) indicated the participation of children with disabilities in
sports and recreational activities promotes inclusion, minimizes reconditioning, optimizes
physical functioning, and enhances overall well-being. Despite these benefits, children with
disabilities are more restricted in their participation, have lower levels of fitness, and have higher
levels of obesity than their peers without disabilities

The long- term health benefits of physical activity, including recreation, have long been
established for all individuals with or without disability. However, as with other
marginalized members of society, Persons with disabilities have also been generally excluded
from activities found in mainstream society, including sports and leisure activities
(DePauw and Gavoron, 2005). SWDS have traditionally been considered to be frail and not
physical capable and, as a result of their perceived inferior physical and mental status,
excluded from physical activity. Beyond rehabilitation or therapeutic applications. The benefits
of participation in physical and leisure activities are not limited to rehabilitation for SWDS. As
with the general population, physical activity may reduce the risk for chronic illnesses and
secondary conditions for SWDS (Destine e tal., 2000 Health and Fentem, 1997).

However, even though they would derive considerable benefit from physical exercise, children
and adults living with disabilities are more likely to be sedentary compared to their able- bodied
counterparts, (Burchell, 2006). Physical activity amongst SWDS may also bring numerous
benefits to a community both at a social and an individual level. Participation in such activities
may improve functioning in daily activities, resulting in increased independence and
empowerment of SWDS, increased social integration and inclusion, as well as help to
change attitudes among members of the society in general (Sherrill, 2004).

Although there have been numerous studies considering participation trends, factors
affecting participation, and more recently the benefits of physical activity in increasing the
strength, endurance and social inclusion of SWDS. Heath and Fentem (1997) have pointed out

that there are no empirical studies considering the long- term benefits of physical activities in
lowering the risks of or preventing chronic conditions in PWDS. Heath and Fentem (1997)
review the disabling effects of inactivity, and particular reference to achievement and
maintenance of functional independence and quality of life.

The review provides support that physical activity participation result in improved
functional status and quality of life among persons with disabilities. Depending on how
disability is defined, the use of physical activity, and exercise to achieve increased health,
well- being and inclusion for PWDS may be grouped into three categories: improvements
in physical health; improvements in mental health and psychological well- being; and increased
integration and inclusion in to society.

Literature review by Sawler, (2005) indicates that people with disabilities experience social and
psychological benefits from an active lifestyle, such as experiencing their bodies and personal
abilities in new ways; gaining valuable social experiences, increasing personal confidence
in pursuing new physical activities; using experiences that have supported their
participation to challenge negative stereotypes about their disabilities. Physical activity
increase empowerment and ability to develop group identity through participation in
physical activities by PWDS. However, additional benefits include: Socialization through
physical activity is particularly valuable for people with disabilities as they often remain in the
home environment, protected and guarded by their families.

Health Canada (2002) stresses that physical activity brings about physical, social and personal
benefits for persons with a disability. Persons with a disability participating in physical activity
also overcomes social isolation and become more self- relevant Fentem, (1994) showed
that xxiv Physically active wheelchair users have a lower rate of absence from work and fewer
hospitals Admissions than colleagues. Wheelchair athletes have fewer pressure sores and kidney
Complications than sedentary wheelchair users. Joint contractual can be prevented in children
who walk rather than use a wheelchair. Exercise in the upright position reduces calcium loss
after a spinal cord injury and exercise that improves muscle strength brings confidence in
Negotiating steps, and other barriers. Both motor skills and the speed at which manual work is
performed improve in people with intellectual impairment who exercise. There are several types
of vision test that measures one or more visual functions.

2.3. Hearing impairment
Hearing impairment is one of the strongest lines of communication between person and the
world in which they live. Deaf means a hearing impairment which is so service that the child is
impaired in processing linguistic information through hearing with or without amplification.
Hard hearing means a hearing impairment wither permanent or fluctuating. Hearing impairment
under: the (IDEA) a hearing impairment is a permanent hearing loss or decreases in hearing that
is so significant it negatively affects a child performance in school or ability to learn.

National association of the deaf generally uses hard of hearing rather hearing impairment. Hard
of hearing is defined having some hearing the ability to use it for communication purposes, and
ability to comfortably communicate with this level of hearing. A hard of hearing person may
have a mild to modern ate hearing loss. (Adapted physical education text book)
Hearing impairment can be caused by:-
 Heredity genetic links have been found in the human genome mapping project.
 Severances in child hood such as rubella (German measles) or spinal meningitis.
 Physical injury or damage to the brain the head, or the ear.
 Age related hearing loss.
 Also known as hearing impairment is also called hardness of hearing or hearing loss (Ann
2.3.1Three types of hearing loss:

 Conductive hearing Loss- when hearing loss 1S due to problems with the ear canal,
eardrum, or middle ear, and its little bones (the mallets, ices, and spates).
 Sensor neural hearing loss: - when hearing loss IS due to problems of the inner ear, also
known as nerve related hearing loss.
 Mixed hearing loss: - refers to a combination of conductive and sensor neural hearing
loss. This means that there may be damage in the outer or middle ear and in the inner ear
(cochlea) or auditory nerve. (WWW. Hearing loss. Org "Home" Hearing help)

2.3.2Factors contributing of hearing handicap

Defining the parameters of hearing handicap is a very complex tasks since impaired hearing is
self very complex phenomenon. Persons with conductive hearing problems do not experience the
same kind of communicative problems or manifestations of auditory dysfunction presented b

person with hearing loss. And the communicative problems and auditory manifestations
presented by peripheral hearing problems. Are not the same as these presented by other with
central auditory dysfunction?

Specialists in communicative disorders deal with these variable in a clinical setting on a daily
basis. They often are asked to provide expert Judgment of the extent and natural of individual
hearing impairment and hearing handicaps. Indeed the determination of hearing handicap
requires the Judgment of qualified professionals who passes the requisite expert knowledge of
human communication and its disorders. The size of a hearing disability a ward should be
indirect proportion to the extent of the hearing handicap should be capable of discerning
relatively small difference between handicap conditions optimally.

Hearing handicap means the disadvantage imposed by a hearing impairment on a person

performance in the activities of daily living.(Www.asha. org I policy)

2.4 Disability with physical activity

Physical activity practiced by people with disability or special need can be defined as any
activity suited to the capabilities of each one with any emphasis on motor development. Physical
education and all athletic activities according to (Silva 2000) many barriers are on countered by
the disability relation physical activity, among which can be highlighted the lack of
understanding and knowledge required by society. Fear and anxiety caused by the disability
depend one and exposed its deficiency (martinet 1998) one of the consequence of disability is
sedentary life style and your integration with company resulting in poor physical education. The
visual impairment the same physical need to uses his body like the not blind, because in the
absence of physical need (activity) them merely listen the radio or television (Martinez 1998).

In this sense physical activity adapted promoted the socialization both variable and emotional
and physical, in addition to promoting the quality of life of these people. (Millinery and Castro
2005) which we assessed peak torque, flexibility, balance, grip strength and vertical Jump in
player’s goal ball, where the result should that the sample obtained superior performance in all
parameter. The new encyclopedia Brita mica (1955) also defined attitude as per disposition to
classify sets of objects and event and to create to them with some evaluative consistency. While
attitudes logically are hypothetical constructs. They are many fasted in consciences experience.

2.5. Formation of attitude
Many scholar views it seems possible to say that attitude can be formed as a result of interaction
among people and exposure to information in various conditions. (As stated In Margan 1986)

The formulation of attitude is result of relationship with in the society group member ship of
other conditions. It is particle of one's living in the daily world. (Klein 1982) Holdup this idea
pointing out three ways in which attitude can be formed. According to him, attitude can be
formed by classical conditioning, that is it can be made when one associated his emotion reaction
with an object about which the experienced positively or negative (Botizin (1983)

2.6. Factors affect the participation of disability student to ward physical activity in
Wolaita Sodo University
1. Environmental factors:- as must physiologists believe in which we live has a great impact
on the psychological attitude of person every environment has, cultural, religious, economic,
social norms, one of the factors various disability student not participating in 'I any physical
activity program that' means the environment of Wolaita sodo university is good but as will
as the air condition is flexible that means sometimes cold and sometimes hot but by this
reason the various disability student is not participate in physical activity program.

2. Motivation factors: - defined in different way but with no significance difference them.
Some of differences are as Bra on (1995-144) "motivation is commonly through inner
emotion or desire that arouse someone to particular action.
3. Psychological factors: - various disabilities are also influence a psychological from
participation in different sport and physical activity program. Especially in physical activity
practical participation of student as many psychological factors are:-
Lack motivation, lack of confidence, self-awareness, self-actualization there are several
psychological factors that cause frustration in disability student while they participate in
practical classes of physical activity.
2.7. Attitude of disabled people
It 'is believed that handicapped, both physical and sensory ones get invaluable advantages
specifically integrations by practicing physical exercise (blind sport international, 12 April 1997)
(Tooze1981) states that if disability student have get a chance of training physical activity and to
participate in the same way a sighted personal can enjoy normal program with a little adaption.

(As chop man 1973) strength this view there is a particular value in the sports and pursuit that
visually handicapped people will wish to continue after learning school both from the point of
view of maintaining fitness and making social contact with people of similar interests. This
shows that physical exercise training has important value to the disabilities and they have
lifelong interest to train physical exercises.

2.8. Adapted physical education for visual Impairment and disability

Physical education is important for the health and well-being of people of all ages. It is enjoyable
builds self-confidence and improves one’s health and fitness student who are visual impairment
or disability also need experience physical activity. The visual impairment with additional
disabilities will experience a program designed to improve their fitness level by participating in
various game activities and exercise some students may have developed poor circulation,
limiting lung capacity, poor muscle tone, poor posture, and tendency to become over weight, a
regular physical activity program will improve fitness and give the student confidence to move
through space without instructions, it can also develop motor skills needed for daily living and
mobility. The New Jersey commission for the visual impairment and disability lists specific
strategies for the visual impairment and various disabilities lists specific in physical education
 Allow students to positions themselves where they are able to see the best.
 Allow the students with various disabilities to expose the entire physical education are to
hear she can become familiar with the area.
 Modify activities and equipment are necessary.
 Stand near the various disability students so that instructions can be seen and heard.
 Consider various disability students special needs in all planning.
 Throwing and catching give the receiver a sound curve
Bounce the ball instead of the throwing it directly uses different type of ball such as next to
lessen the impact when hit with the ball billions also slow dawn the action. When throwing at
target provide a sound behind the target.
 Adoptions development of fundamental skill and game.
 Go from less difficult to more difficult skills and break dawn skill in to their component
parts. Reference (Adapted physical education text book)


3.1. Study area
This research would be to conduct in Wolaita Sodo University disable students. Wolaita Sodo
University was one of the higher institutions among the country and it was established on 24
March 2007 by proclamation .It is found at the southern part of Ethiopia at Sodo town at the
south part of Addis Ababa which far from 360km.

3.2. Study Design

This study mainly focuses on the factors that affect students with various disabilities toward
physical activity in case of Wolaita Sodo University. Therefore the researcher used descriptive
survey method. Research design refers to the way in which a researcher plan, to collect
information or data. The researcher method in term of achieving the objective of this study is a
qualitative form of research. The descriptive research method based on nominal data.

3.3. Study population

In Wolaita Sodo University there were 35 students with various disabilities. From these 20 were
male and the rest 15 were females.

3.4. Sampling size and sampling techniques

From the target population 35 of the students with various disabilities in Wolaita Sodo university
the sample is thirty (13) male and eight (8) female students would be to select through simple
random sampling.

3.5. Instrument of data collection

In this research the researcher would be to use interview and questionnaires data collection
instruments. The questionnaires were prepared in English. But the questionnaires are distributed
in English for students with various disabilities distributed by English. Questionnaire
The researcher mainly employed questionnaires for data gathering instruments because it is easy

to address many people and save time and money to collect data. The questionnaires were
designed so as to be answered by students with various disabilities found in Wolaita Sodo
University, the gender affair office workers and coaches of sport science department. Interview
Interview was very useful instruments to understand reasons why and how things happen and the
way they are happening. Literature indicates that interviewing has three major forms. These are
structured, semi- structured, and unstructured. The researcher conducted the interview to
representative of an organization by preparing structured interview, which are related to the plan
and program of the organization in order to improve participation of students with various
disability in physical activity.

3.6. Source of Data

The researcher used both primary and secondly source of data would be to administer for second
data source document from gender special need office and sport science departments and
university disability center.

3.7. Method of data analysis

After the data would be to collect from the primary and secondary source, it is analyzed and
interpreted to meaning full data, and then the interpreted data is summarized concluded and

3.8. Data collection procedures

Before distributing the questionnaire to the respondents, same relevant Orientations are given for
those respondents to help know and understand each item of the questionnaires.

This chapter comprises three major parts. The first part presents the characters of the sample
respondents of the study and the analysis of major variables based on the responses obtained
from students with various disabilities respondents.

4.1 Characteristics of Respondents

item SWVD Percent

sex Male 13 61.9%

Female 8 38.1%

Total 21 100%

Age 18 - -

19-22 18 85.7%

23-27 3 14.3%

28-33 - -

Total 21 100%

education MA/MSC - -

BA/BSC 21 100%

Total 21 100%

Types of disability Visual impairment 9 42.8%

Physical impairment 12 57.1%

Total 21 100%

Four demographic variables of the respondents were gathered as background information. These
are: age, sex education and type of disabilities summarized in following table below

Table 4.1.1 Characteristics of Respondents

According to table1, 13(61.9%) of the respondents male students are with various disability and
8(38.1%) of the respondents are female. This shows that females in Wolaita Sodo University
with various disabilities are low.

Regarding to the age of SWVD table 1 shows that large number the respondent’s i.e. 18(85.7%)
and 3(14.2%) age are between 19-22 and 23-27 respectively. Concerning to their education
qualification table 1 shows that 21(100%) of SWVD, respondents are BA- Degree. Table shows
that 9(42.8) of the respondents are visual impairment and 12(57.1%) of them are physical

4.2 Result obtained from students with various disabilities

Table: 4.2. Response of the disability students about they are participating or not participating in
any physical activity program

No Item Alternative Response

Frequency Percent
1 Could you take part in any physical Yes 7 33.33%
activity program? No 14 66.66%
Total 21 100%

2 Could you believe that physical Yes 15 71.4%

activity is important for individual No 6 28.5%
with disabilities? Total 21 100%

As the above table shows; From item No.1.7(33.33%) of the students answered that they take
part in physical activity program where as 14/66.66% of the students that they doesn’t take part
in any physical activity program. This indicated that the researcher conclude that majority of
respondents couldn’t have a good attitude even to take part in any physical activity. Based on
item No 2.15(71.4%) of the respondents agreed by the advantage of physical activity for
disability students, while 6(28.5%) of the respondents are not agreed. The researchers understand

that Almost 71% of respondents agree that physical activity for students with various disabilities.
The researchers understand that almost 71% of respondents agree that physical activity is more
important for individual with disability to be healthy.

Table 4.3 Students Response they like to do or not physical activity for future?

No Alternative Response

Frequency Percent
1 Would you like to do physical Yes 16 76.2
activity for the future
No 5 23.8

Total 21 100%

As shown in item No 1.16 (76.2%) of the respondents answered that they agreed. To do physical
activity for the future and 5(23.8%) of the respondents that they don’t agreed to do physical
activity for the future this table shows that almost few of respondents they don’t have an interest
to do physical activity in the future.

Table 4.3 Respondent’s response about motivation and encouragement of family and friend of
various disability students towards physical activity?

No Item Alternative Response

Frequency Percent
1 Does your family encourage you to Yes 8 38.1
do physical activity No 13 61.9
Total 21 100%
2 Does your friend encourage you to Yes 9 42.8
do physical activity program No 12 57.1
Total 21 100%

As the above table show; From item No.1.8 (38.1%) the respondents replied that their family
have strong and good initiation motivation for them to do physical activity, but in 13(61.9%) of
the respondents reveal that their family couldn’t have any interest for them to do any physical
activity program. From this the family and concerned organization should give training and
motivation for the disabilities students.

From item No 2.9(42.8%) of the respondents answered that they gate motivation and
encouragement from their friends to do physical activity regularly, while 12(57.1%) of them are
not gate any motivation from their friends to do physical activity.

Based on the information the researchers understand that the encouragement of friends to
participate in physical activity is low.

Table 4.4 Students Response on the attitude of society towards disabilities students participated
in physical activity program?

No Item Alternative Response

Frequency Percent
1 What is the attitude of the High 2 9.5
university community to ward Medium 12 57.1
you to participate in physical Low 7 33.3
activity program Total 21 100%

 According to item No1 .2(9.5%) of the respondents get higher attitude from the society of the
university whereas, 12(57.1%) of are between high and low. But mostly 7(33.3%) of the
respondents answered the attitude of university community is low towards disability students.

Table 4.5 various disabilities students response about is there a student with disabilities who
participated in any physical activity program.

No Item Alternative Respondent

Frequency Percent

1 Do you have a friend with Yes 7 33.3
various disability students No 14 66.6
participating in any physical Total 21 100%
activity program

Based on item No 1 7(33.3%) of the respondents have a friend who are participating in physical
activity program for their health and competition, but the rest 14(66.6%) of them have not a
friend who are not participating in physical activity program. From this information the
researchers conclude the students with various disabilities are almost under the optimum level
they don’t participate and have no any information about the benefits of physical activity for
their health.

Table 4.6 Responses of VDS about getting motivation to physical activity from their classmate

No Item Alternative Respondent

Frequency Percent

1 Does your classmate students Yes 9 42.8

motivate you to do physical No 12 57.1
activity Total 21 100%

From item No.1 9(42.8%) of the respondents replied that they get enough motivation from their
classmate students and 12(57.1%) of them does not get any motivation from their classmate
students to do physical activity. This shows that the university communities have a less attitude
about the advantage of physical activity for the disability students.

Table 4.7 response of students about motivation of classmate teaches to do physical activity in
regular manner for the VDS.

No Item Alternative Respondent

Frequency Percent

Do you teacher support and Yes 3 14.2

motivate you to do physical No 18 85.7
activity? Total 21 100%

From item No1. 3(14.2%) of the respondents answered that they do a regular physical activity by
motivation and support of the teacher, whereas 18(85.7%) of them have not get any support from
their teacher to do physical activity in a regular manner. Then researchers understand that the
teacher’s role in supporting those students is very low.

Table 4.8 Response of students with various with various disabilities participated in any sport
competition or not.

No Item Alternative Respondent

Frequency Percent

1 Is there any various disability Yes 7 33.3%

students who are participating No 14 66.6%
in any sport competition Total 21 100%

From item No 1. 7(33.33%) of the respondents replied said they are participated in sport
competition, while 14(66.6%) of them replied they don’t know students with various disability is
not participated in such sport attitude and a factor that wander their participation in different
kinds of sport completion.

Table 4.9 Does the University give special support you to do physical activity?

No Item Alternative Respondent

Frequency Percent

1 Does the university give Yes 3 14.2%

special support you to do No 18 85.7%

physical activity Total 21 100%
2 Is there any influence on the Yes 15 71.4%
attitude of individual with No 6 28.5%
various disabilities to Total 21 100%
participate in physical activity

According to the above item No1 3(14.2%) of the respondent get an access from the university to
do physical activity, whereas 18(85.7%) of the students does not get any support to do physical
activity. This means that almost no support was given for the various disability students to do
physical activity?

From this the researchers also understand additional responses for those who get support from
the university such as Money, Good advice , Material reference

Table 4.10 The influence of the university community towards various disabilities to participate
in physical activity from respondents.

From No 1. 14(66.6%) of the respondents answered there is on in soulful from the university
communities and 7(33.3%) of the respondents replied there is no influence from the university
community rather than selves. From the researchers conclude. There were major factors which
hinder disabilities students toward physical activity and a broad influence from the university

4.10. Factories affecting the participation of PA for students with various disabilities,

No Item No %
A Cost of the exercise program
1. Strong agree 8 38.1%
2. Agree 6 28.5%
3. Disagree 4 19.04%

4. Strongly disagree 3 14.3%

Total 21 100%

B Lack of transportation
1. Strongly Agree 4 19.04%

2. Agree 8 38.1%

3. Disagree 4 19.04%
4. Strong disagree 5 23.8%
Total 21 100%
C Lack of time
1. Strong agree 3 14.3%
2. Agree 8 38.1%

3. Disagree 4 19.04%
4. Strongly disagree 6 28.5%
Total 21 100%
D Lack of support from friends a family
1. Strongly agree 9 42.8%
2. Agree 6 28.5%
3. Disagree 4 19.04%
4. Strongly disagree 3 14.3%
Total 21 100%
E Lack of accessible facility
1. Strong agree 7 33.33%
2. Agree 9 42.8%
3. Disagree 3 14.3%
4. Strongly disagree 3 14.3%
5. Total 21 100%
F Don’t know how to exercise
1. Strong agree 1 4.7%
2. Agree 5 23.8%
3. Disagree 7 33.3%

4. Strongly disagree 8 38.1%
Total 21 100%
G Don’t know where to exercise
5. Strongly agree 1 4.7%

6. Agree 2 9.5%

7. Disagree 6 28.5%
8. Strongly disagree 11 52.3%
Total 21 100%

Some of the factors that affect the participation of SWVD in are listed major factors. The
factors are selected based on the responses of the participants to be most significantly factors that
affects in the participation of physical activity by students with various disabilities.

A. Don’t know where to exercise rated by 52% respondents

B. Lack of accessible facility rated by 42%percent of respondents

C. Lack of time for exercise rated by 38% of respondents.

Based on the above table the most hindering factor that affect the participation of SWVDs, in
PA is do not know how to exercise rated by 52% of the respondents. The second major factor
that affects their participation is lack of accessible facility rated by 42% of the respondents and
thirdly affecting factor is lack of time indicated by 38% the respondents.



This chapter deals with summery, conclusion and recommendations drawn from the major
finding of the study. In this section the first is summary of the study and major findings are
made, Second conclusions of the fundamental findings are drawn. Finally, some possible
recommendations forwarded based on the findings of the study.

5.1 Summary
The main purpose of this study is to investigate the major factors that affects students
with various disabilities towards physical activity in case Wolaita Sodo university . The study
also investigated to suggestive solution that could be used to overcome the problem. In this study
relevant literature was reviewed from different sources.

More over in order to investigate the problem data is collected from students with physical
disabilities partial parts.

The method employed for the study is a mixed approach, which is both quantitative and
qualitative research approaches are used. 21 students with various disabilities respondents
were participated in the study. The sampling technique used in this study is simple random
sampling method. The collected data were analyzed and interpreted by using frequency count
and percentages.

Based on the results of the data analysis, the major findings of the study summarized as follows.

• The overall participation in physical activity by students with various disabilities is low.

• Concerning to the feelings of people with disabilities to participate in exercise

• According to the results of the study that the majority of person with disabilities had

good perception and attitude towards the benefit of physical activity.

According to the study the major factors that affects students with various disabilities towards

physical activity in Wolaita Sodo University is:-

 Don’t know where to exercise
 Lack of accessible facilities
 Lack of time for exercise

5.2 Conclusions
The main purpose of this study is to investigate the major factors that affects students
with various disability towards physical activity in Wolaita Sodo university. Having collected
the facts from the questionnaires it was realized in the result and discussion that there were
different problems. From the finding of the questionnaires, there were problems to practice sport
activity or physical activity in the training and competition in the various disability students.

Up on the finding the following conclusion was drawn.

As the results of the study revealed, the majority of students with various disability were
not taking part in physical activity. However, most of the participants want to start
participating in physical activity if they would have opportunities or conditions are set. They
have a good knowledge only about the purposes of physical activity and have positive perception
and attitude towards physical activities.

According to the results of the study, persons with disabilities do not access quality
physical activity opportunities in the same manner as that of persons without a disability.
Person with disabilities do not have the opportunity to participate in a disability specific sport
activity Wolaita Sodo University. As the data shows that the attitude of society toward the
participation of physical activity program is low. Almost there is no contribution of the
administration to reduce or to solve the problem of various disability students to participate in
physical activity and there is less attention and motivation to carry out the activity and there is no
to give additional advice or training to participate in physical activity. Finally, based on the
finding it can be concluded that there is less participation of physical activity and administration
have less attention and motivation toward disability students in case of Wolaita Sodo University.
Generally, person with a disability are interested in becoming more active but are limited
in doing so because of their inability to overcome several factors to increased physical
activity participation.

5.3 Recommendations
Based on the findings and conclusions made above, the researcher forwarded suggestions
to solve problems for the participation of students with various disabilities in Wolaita Sodo
University. Various disabilities should be given special attention and facilities so that they could
participate in various physical activities.

Physical activity is very important in one’s whole life it is recommended for educational policy
makers to include physical training for various disability students at all levels of educational that
is at high school, colleges and universities.

To implement the above recommended, producing considerable number of skilled man power
and to fulfill sufficient facilitation is the field.

It is recommended that the university administration initiating and motivating to participate in

physical activity.

To know the principle of sport for all programs; it is not to mean sport only for able people and
teach them as sport is awarded to perform.

It is recommended that is improving the positive attitude of society disability those students, so
that towards the various disability students in the participation of physical activity.

Contests among the various disability students is believed to be very important to strength the
interests to motivate and help.

Providing more choices and programs for participation in physical activities to Minimize
several factors which limit participation of SWDS in physical activities.

Ensuring the environment and facilities to be conducive and easily accessible to people
with disabilities, such as offering safe, accessible, and attractive trails for wheelchair

In order to increase physical activity participation based on the needs of SWDs, strategies
which focus on activities that could help to overcome their constraints to physical activity should
be developed.

In order to make activities safer and more enjoyable for the disabled, more professionals
trained in adapted physical activity are in need.

There is a need to expand the adapted physical activity training programs for coaches
and fitness centers instructors so that they can address individual needs.

Governmental, non-governmental bodies and fitness centers should work together to encourage
physical activity participation, make fitness facilities more accessible for students with various
disabilities, and advocate about the nature and type of PA that disabled people can able to

The sport commission could take up a stronger leadership role by formulating plan policies,
principles and procedures that ensure inclusion of people with disabilities and should monitor
closely the provision of adequate access in the building of new port and facilities and in the
upgrading of the existing ones.

Since much investigations have not been made on factors that affects students with various
disabilities to participate in physical activities, further studies should be carried out.

- Arthurs. &Finch.(1999).Physical activity in our lives: qualitative researcher among disabled
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- Biddle, S.J.H., Fox, K.R. &Boucher, S.H, (2000). Physical activity and Psychological
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1. Adapted physical education textbook




THIS QUESTIONAIRE prepared to assess the major factors affecting students with various
disabilities toward physical activity in case of Wolaita Sodo University.

This questionnaire prepared to collect necessary information from Students with various
disabilities towards physical activity. The information obtained will be used only for the research
purpose and disabilities will be assured of confidentiality. Dear participants ,you are kindly
requested to cooperate by responding the questions accordingly .you do have the right not to
respond or to withdraw in the meantime .but your input has great value for the success of this
research .
 No need of writing your name
 Write the response (answer) from the given alternative.
 Mark correct answer in box provided and give short answer in space provided.

 Use this sign (√) for your answer in the given box.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation!

Part 1 –personal information
 Age…………………(year)
 Sex…A. male B. female
Part 2 questions related to various disabilities

1. Could you take part in any physical activity program?

A. Yes B. No
2. Can you believe that physical activity is more important for individual with disabilities?
A. Agree B Disagree
3. Will you like to-do physical activity in the future?
A. Yes B. No
4. Does your family encourage you to do physical activity?

A. Yes B. No
5. What is the attitude of community for you toward participate in physical activity
A. High B. Moderate C. Low
6. Does your friend encourage you to participate in physical activity?
A. Yes B. No
7. Do you have a friend with disability who participates in any form of Physical activity?
A. Yes B. No
8. Do your classmate students motivate you during your training in physical activity?
A. Yes B. No
9. Does your teacher support you to do physical activity in regular manner?
A. Yes b. No
10. If your answer is yes for above question number” 8” what kind of support do you get from
11. is there any various disability students participating in sport competition?
A. Yes B. No
12. If your answer is no for the above question number 10 what is your reason?
13. Does university give special support to be participating enough in physical activity?
A. Yes B. No
14. If you say yes for the above question number 12 what kind of support you gate from
15. Is there any influence on the attitude of individual with disability to participate in physical
activity program?
A. Yes B. No
16. Do you think that it is difficult to participate in Physical activity for you?
A. Yes B. No


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