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I'D SPS/WE/215/11




APRIL, 2022


This study was conducted to investigate the assessment of factor that affects the
participation of female in football game in case of Galmatown.
The study was conducted onGalmatown football game female players, and the total
population where 26 female players, 3 teachers, 2 sport office and 3 coaches.
In order to achieve the object of the study primary and secondary source of used. The
primary data was gathered through questioner interview and observation. The secondary
data was gathered through books. After collect the data the researcher were analyzed and
interpret through qualitative and quantitative methods of data analyses and sample

Table of Contents Page
CHAPTOR ONE.............................................................................................................................1
1. INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................................1
1.1. Background of the study..................................................................................................... 1
1.2. Statement of the problem.................................................................................................... 2
1.3. Objective of the study......................................................................................................... 2
1.3.1. General objective..........................................................................................................2
1.3.2. Specific objective......................................................................................................... 2
1.4. Significant of the study....................................................................................................... 3
1.5. Delimitation of the study.....................................................................................................3
1.6. Limitation of the study........................................................................................................ 3
1.7. Operational definition of term.............................................................................................4
1.8. Organization of the study.................................................................................................... 4
CHAPTER TWO.............................................................................................................................5
2. Review related literature..............................................................................................................5
2.1. Concept of football..............................................................................................................5
2.2. Benefits of female football..................................................................................................5
2.3. Fundamental techniques of football.................................................................................... 6
2.3.1. Kicking......................................................................................................................... 6
2.3.2. Shooting........................................................................................................................6
2.3.3. Passing..........................................................................................................................6
2.3.4. Dribbling...................................................................................................................... 6
2.3.5. Heading........................................................................................................................ 7
2.3.6. Tacking......................................................................................................................... 7
2.3.7. Trapping....................................................................................................................... 7
2.4. Factor that affect female participation.................................................................................7
2.4.1. Gender difference......................................................................................................... 7
2.4.2. Psychological factor......................................................................................................8
2.4.3. Cultural factor...............................................................................................................8
2.4.4. Environmental factor.................................................................................................... 8
2.4.5. Psycho-social and educational......................................................................................9
2.4.6. Equipment factor.......................................................................................................... 9
CHAPTER THREE.......................................................................................................................10
3. Methodology of the study..........................................................................................................10
3.1. Study area..........................................................................................................................10

3.2. Design of the study............................................................................................................10
3.3. Study population............................................................................................................... 10
3.4. Source of the data..............................................................................................................10
3.5. Sampling techniques and sampling size............................................................................11
3.6. Data collection instrument.................................................................................................11
3.7. Data analysis..................................................................................................................... 11
3.8. Work plan (time table) and budget...................................................................................12
3.8.1 Work Plan.................................................................................................................... 12
3.8.2 Budget Breakdown...................................................................................................... 12
APPENDIX 1.................................................................................................................................15
APPENDIX 2.................................................................................................................................17

1.1. Background of the study
Sport is all forms of competitive and highly organized form of physical activity which through
organization participation aim to use maintains or improves physical ability entertainment to
participation either in teams or computing other individual. Sport exerts a strong influence on a
many aspects of society whole millions of people are watching with a greatest interest when
international contests are transmitted through various media. A professional terms spend a huge
amount of money obtain the best talent to sustain spectator and interest.

During international sport event amass media and newspaper coverage devoted to sport occupies
more space than other within last few years ago a number of sport participants are increase
dramatically millions of people of all ages and abilities for participants in diversified sport
activity this because of the social political economy and education influxes of sport on the
culture of society (gezahegn abate and areyadechasa, 2005).

Women's association football, more commonly known as women's football or women's soccer, is
the most prominent team sport played by women around the globe. It is played at the
professional level in numerous countries throughout the world and 176 national teams participate
internationally. The history of women's football has seen major competitions being launched at
both the national and international levels. Women's football has faced many struggles throughout
its history. Although its first golden age occurred in the United Kingdom in the early 1920s,
when one match achieved over 50,000 spectators. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women
association football).Football is the most popular sport in the world. It is the national sport at
most European and Latin America countries and money other nations. Football is a famous
international competition. The world cup held every four years four both man and women. In
football game two teams of 11players try to kick or held a ball in to each other goal without
using their hands. The team’s scores the most seal will be winner. Players most kick the ball or
hit it with their leg.

Football is widely considered to be the most popular in the world, and continues to grow in
popularity and participation rates. Women account for a large proportion of this growth. Between

1981 and 2005 participation in women’s collegiate football in the USA increased 11-fold
(1039%). (National collegiate athletic association, 2004-5).In comparison, participation in man’s
collegiate football increased49%, and today there are more women collegiate football players
then women. As the rates of injury in collegiate women’s footballs have not dramatically
changed since (2001) the increasing participation in football by women has resulted in a large
increase in the total number of injuries being sustained by this population (national collegiate
athletic association injury surveillance system: women’s soccer 2oo2-03,)

1.2. Statement of the problem

Ethiopia is one of the developing countries in the area of football performance and its football
activities involve difficult task because there may be so many problems that can hinder the
achievement of desired goals. The study to find out the factor that affects the participation of
female in football in case of in Galmatown football game. Galmatown female football project
development, the study attempted to answer the following questions.

There for research will be tried to answer the following research questions

 What are the factors that affect the participation of female in football?
 What are the role of the coach and athlete to overcome the problem?
 What is the possible solution for the problem?
 What are the possible benefits of football for female in the project?
 To what extent these factors affect the training methodology of the training?
 How much the problem is affecting the team result?

1.3. Objective of the study

1.3.1. General objective

The general objective of this study will be to explore the assessment of factor that affects the
participation of females in football game in case of Galmatown training.

1.3.2. Specific objective

Specific objective of the study will be:-

 To investigate the major factors that affects the participation of female athletes in
football training time.
 To investigate the role of the coach and female athletes in bringing out solution of the
 To examine motivation of coaches in female participation of football game practical

1.4. Significant of the study

The findings of this study will beexpected to have the following important contribution.

 To increase the participations of female in football training.

 To develop the awareness of the society about the case and solution of the exerting
problems of the projects.
 May serve other researcher who will be to conduct study on the same area
different angles.
 To motivate female players and get recognition and support from the society, sport
federation and other sectors to develop female’s participations in the future.

1.5. Delimitation of the study

This study will betoconduct inGalmatown female football game participation. The study will be
to focus on the assessment of factors that affect the participation of female in football in case of
Galmatown that the most parts shortage of time, lack of finance and knowledge resource the
study of will be toconducton the factor that affect the effectiveness of female football in case of
Galmatown training/game.

1.6. Limitation of the study

Some challenges are focused while conducting this research these are including:-

 Shortage of time
 Lack of finance
 Lack of experience among the researchers
 Lack of reference book related to the issue under study

 Some female students were unable to properly answer the questions. Despite these
limitations however the researcher has attempted to make the study as complete possible.
1.7. Operational definition of term
Team sport: is an activity in which of individuals on the some work
Football: refers to a number of sport that involve, to varying degrees, kicking a ball with the foot
to scour a goal
Shooting: is shoot to the goal is to pass the ball beyond the goal keeper
Goal keeping: is a specialist who plays the ball with both hands and feet’s.
Tacking: involves using the feet to kick or hook the ball from away from the opponent.
Passing: passing is absolutely essential to playing good score.
Dribbling: is the basic skill of advancing the ball with the feet while controlling it.
Sport: is an activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or team
competes against another or others for entertainment.

2. Review related literature2.1. Concept of football

Football is a wide considered to be the most popular sport in the world, and continues to grow
popularity and participation rates. Women’s account for a large proportion of this growth.
Between 1981 and 2005 participation in women’s collegiate football in the USA increased over
11-fold (1039%) (National collegiate athletic association 2004-5).
In comparison, participation in man’s collegiate football increased 49%, and today there are
more women collegiate football players than man. As the rate of injury in collegiate women’s
football have not dramatically changed since 1986, the increasing participation in football by
women has resulted in a large increase in the total number of injury being sustained by this
population (national collegiate athletic association injury surveillance system: women’s scour
Football in the world most popular sport, it is national sport of European and Latin American
countries and of money other nations. Millions of peoples in more than 200 countries play
football are most famous international computation. The world cup is held every four years both
man and women. In football game to teams of 11 players try kick or head a ball in each other’s
goal without using their hands the team that scores most goals wills. Players must kick the ball or
hit it with your feet.
2.2. Benefits of female football
 FIFA has money aims; promoting healthy and education are key missions.
 The decline of children practicing sport is learning and the associated consequences of
obesity, diabetes, chronic pain and psychological problems are very serious.
 The benefit of young girls of playing football including:-
 Starting to view exercise are something fun,
 Learning about their bodies and how to take care of them, learning how to interact in a team,
 Learning how to deal with winning and losing as a team.

2.3. Fundamental techniques of football
2.3.1. Kicking
According to (MarcaRegistreda (2004:542) kicking is the most popular skill in football. It
involves shooting at the goal putting the ball in to a particular area of the field. A good player
can kick the ball accurately in many ways with either football.
2.3.2. Shooting
Shooting is the act of process discharging firearms or other projectile weapons such as bows or
crossbows. Even the firing of artillery, rockets, and missiles can be called shooting. A person
who specializes in shooting is marksman. Shooting can take place in a shooting rang or in the
field or hunting, in shooting sports, or in combat. Shooting is specialized kicking techniques
mainly used by forwards the purpose of shooting is to get the ball pass the goal line. Though
some shoots may be made in order to win corner or force difficult the ball in to the path of a
teammate. (Constitution of the international practical shooting confederation, 2006).
2.3.3. Passing
Passing the ball is a key part of association football. The purpose of passing is to keep possession
the ball by maneuvering it on the ground between different players and to advance it up the
playing field. (Marples, Morris (2005).
2.3.4. Dribbling
Many times a player has position of the ball but does not have the immediate options of the shoot
on goal or a pass to a teammate. In order to mention Position of the ball player must be able to
move with the ball until a shooting or passing opportunities appears (MarcaRegisterada
2.3.5. Heading
Hitting the ball with head. It sometimes scouring the only legal way a player can reach the ball in
the air. A player may be used the head to pass the ball intercept opportunities pass or shoot at the
goal (Marca Registered 2001:547).
2.3.6. Tacking
The act of stopping an opposite player charging the ball by forcing the opponent to the around as
in football. The act of obstructing a player in order to cause loss position of the ball as in score
(Marples, Morris (2005).

2.3.7. Trapping
A running play in which the ball carriers advance through the whole defensive line created by
allowing a defensive line man to penetrate back field (Marca Registered (2001:547)
2.4. Factor that affect female participation
According to Diane L. Gill (2003/1096) there are six factors that affect female participation.
2.4.1. Gender difference
The gender difference in perceived sport competence has tremendous potential to enhance
women’s since of competence and control. Sport after opportunities to develop physical strength
and confidence to starve for excellence to accomplish a goal through effort and training to test
oneself in computation. Many women’s who being activity programs report enhanced self-
esteem and a sense of physical competence that often carries over in to other aspects of their

Boys and mane also have concerns about body image but the literature that girls and women are
much more negative about their bodies girls are particularly concerned with the size, strength
and power women body image that is not particularly health nor attainable from any women
likely has negative influence on self-esteem and psychology wellbeing concern about body
image affect all women and athletes and just as susceptible as other women to social pressure
toward unrealistic, unhealthy thinness and eating disorders. Gender different, males and females
are more important than how actually differ.

Although the actual difference between females and males on characteristic such as in
dependence or competitiveness are small and in consistent. We maintain our stress types gender
difference large perceived difference through society process. This participation exerts a strong
influence that may elicit future gender difference (Diane L. Gill 2003:1096).

2.4.2. Psychological factor

Absence of menstrual period technically known as amenorrhea any physical demanding sports.
Intense training of any kind place immense strains on money of the body’s system. Physical and
mental process that regulates human biological function can disrupt and may they take the body
on a journey it was never designed for one system which is porn to disruption. In women at list
the reproductive one and when that happens the first sign is usually interference with normal

menstruation studies have that proven that intense exercise have porn that intense exercise can
Delay the onset of menarche by disrupting the hormonal patterns that control menstruation. A
girl how has not reached by age 15 would be considered abnormal by most doctors. (Diane L.
Gill 2003:1096).
2.4.3. Cultural factor
The culture of the sport itself presents problems. Some women’s are turned off sport all together
because of they see it as a male dominated activity it just not see as a feminine or girly to be
interested in sport and formally and girls being sport is felt to be at odds with being feminine.
(Diane L. Gill 2003:1096).
2.4.4. Environmental factor
The primary environmental factor in the etiology of stress fractures is training surface. Training
surface has long been consideredcontribute to stress fracture development and has been
implicated in the development of various injuries in football player. Exercise in the heart’ in the
cold or in the altitude provides or additional stress or colleges to body’s adaptive abilities.
Money early study indicated that the women are less tolerating to heat than money are
particularly when physical activity is involved, much of this difference, however, is the result of
lower fitness level of the women. Women generally, have lower sweet rate for the same exercise
and heat stress, apparently the result of lowers use a product lower sweet(Diane L. Gill

2.4.5. Psycho-social and educational

The factor which exert pressure on women throw the immediate family, community, religion,
media, peer groups, and sources of socialization to reinforce expected behavior and teaching of
gender roles sport is an exemplary activity which focus attention on the gender influence by
allowing for the comparison of innate against learned factors, sports, traditionally is defined as a
male domain. Excellence in sport is an attribute cherished for man whilst it is seen as a
distraction for women rather than an element of health living. In adequate of football and
awareness about the benefit of participating in sport is often not popular among the females in
school (Diane L. Gill 2003:1096).
2.4.6. Equipment factor
Equipment factor can influence the risk of stress fracture by altering the loading environment of
the skeleton, with the most commonly implicated pieces of equipment in football players being
shoes. Shoes act as filters that theoretical attenuate ground impact force. They also have the
potential to influence foot and ankle motion, thereby altering mechanics proximally in the kinetic
chain. By improving cushioning (decreasing bone strain) and modifying skeleton alignment
(changing mechanics), shoes have been hypothesized as potential contributing factors in the
stress fracture in development in football players. Although this contribution has logic;
supportive scientific evidence is lacking (Diane L. Gill 2003:1096).

3. Methodology of the study
3.1. Study area
This researcher will be conduct inWolaitaSodo University faculty of natural and computational
science in department of sport science on the participations of female in football game in case of
GalmaTowntown. Galmais a town and separate woreda in southern part of Ethiopia. Located in
the GofaZone of the Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples' Region some 357kilometers
southwest of the capital, Addis Ababa.
3.2. Design of the study
The research will be designto explore the assessment of factors that affect the participation of
female in football game in case of GalmaTown. This research use both qualitative and
quantitative descriptive research design.
3.3. Study population
This study will be to conduct in Galmatown female football gameproject. The researcher take 21
female athletes from the total number of 26 female football, 3coaches’ .2 sport office and 3
teachers so the number of participates is enough and manageable.
3.4. Source of the data
The main source of the data is female players in football game in case of Galma town as will be
coaches. This study will be to use both primary and secondary source of data from the primary
data. Interview, questionnaire and observation will be to administrator for secondary source of
data relevant books; internet and other will be used.
3.5. Sampling techniques and sampling size
The sample size determined by using random sampling techniques Twenty one female athletes,
three coaches, two sport office and three teachers will be to use the sample of informants from
which the data will beto collect.
3.6. Data collection instrument
The researcher will be to collect the important data through questionnaire, interview and
observation. The information revolving around assessment factor that affect the participations of
female athletes in football game will be to collect using the above data collecting tools. This

questioner will be to close ended and open ended questionnaire for athletes and closed ended
questionnaire for the coaches.

3.7. Data analysis

After the researcher willbe to gather the information will be grouped tabulated and integrated by
analysis procedure were used finally possible definition, conclusion and recommendations
forwarded. The researcher will be tool on qualitative issue to interpret, make clear as well as to
express the collecting mainly in the case of injury factors that affect participation of females in
football game in case of Galmatown.



4.1 Demographic characteristics

The primary objective of this chapter is to find out the appropriate responses for the
basic questions raised under the statement of the problem from the data gathered through
questionnaires distributed to the female and football game structured interview designed for
Gofa zone Galma town observation conducted on theoretical and practical periods of female
in football game .

Table 1: demographic characteristics



5.1 Summary of Findings

The study established that participation of women in the football leagues was influenced
by several factors. Some women played football simply because they loved the game and
because they found it exciting and fun. Those who were students in Thika West participated in
football game because they hoped that football would improve their lives in terms of keeping
healthy and fit and learning especially reproductive health. Other respondents also considered it
is a platform for

socialization and making new friends.

5.2 Conclusions

Based on the findings of this study, women continued to play football because they simply loved

the game, for fun and hope that football will improve their lives. Some played as they wanted to

remain healthy and fit while others found it as a platform for socialisation and learning.

Generally, women who played football felt empowered.

5.3 Recommendations

Based on the findings and conclusion of this study, several recommendations have been made to

both national and county government, Football Kenya Federation (KFF), non-governmental

organizations (NGOS) and the media as follows:

(a) National Government

The national government is one of the key stake holders in the sports industry. It should therefore

be keen on women football and give it the attention that it deserves in order to improve their

participation in football.

These are some of the recommendations to the national government;

 “Constitution of the international practical shooting confederation” (PDF), IPSC.
January 2006, Retrieved 17 December 2007.
 (Diane L.Gila 2003; 1096) on his title book “factor that affecting female
participation’’ 5th edition in Amarica.
 Gezahagn Abate and Araya Dechasa “ physical education Text Book Grade 12”
2005 maga printing press, Addis Abeba.
 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women association football
 (MarcaRegistereda 2004: 547) kicking in football 16th edition New York C.V. mass.
 (Marples, Morris 2005) a history of football, Secker and Warburg, Landon.
 National Collegiate Athletic Association (2004-05) “the development of foot ball’’


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