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DHARMA The Totally Unofficial Role-Playing Game by James D.

What This Is Adjectives
Dharma is a simple roleplaying game Adjectives are broad descriptors that
of cosmic weirdness set in a world of neon can potentially aid you in a great number of
lights and rain-slicked streets, punctuated by situations that arise during play.
obligatory voice overs. Examples of adjectives that you may
In order to play, you will need two choose from are listed below.
six-sided dice, an index card (or sheet of
paper) for every player, pencils, and a basic Agile, Athletic, Charming, Curt, Dainty, Educated,
Elegant, Handsome, Honest, Intimidating, Intuitive,
understanding of role-playing games. Persuasive, Psychedelic, Smart, Stealthy, Streetwise,
Strong, Unflappable, Wealthy, Wiry, etc.
Creating a Character
All characters, whether controlled by Occupations and Skills
the referee or the other players, are created There are many occupations in the
the same way in games of Dharma – the naked city and many skills in high demand.
player creating the character chooses five While occupations and skills aren’t broadly
words to define their character. applicable like adjectives are, they represent
expertise that grants a greater mechanical
Nationality advantage in actual play.
There are 30,000,000 citizens who Some of the skills and occupations
call the naked city home. You are only one you can choose from when creating your
of them. Your first chosen word should be character are listed directly below.
your nationality. Are you Chinese? English?
French? Your character’s chosen nationality Appraisal, Archivist, Bargaining, Brawling, Detective,
Chanting, Driving, Fence, Hacker, Karma Cop, Knife
informs the other players of what languages
Fighting, Legionnaire, Pharmacology, Piloting, Rogue
you likely speak, your observed customs, Guru, Shooting, Street Rat, etc.
and cultural heritage.
Psionic Powers
Not everybody in the naked city has
the ability to wield psionic power, but many
third eyes were opened during the years of
the great karmic awakening.
If you want your character to be able
to call upon a psychic power, it must be
explicitly represented by a word. If your
character doesn’t have a word representing
such a power, they can’t use it.
Examples of different psychic powers
are listed on the next page.

Aura Reading, Clairvoyance, Divination, Levitation, voice over for their character in a classic
Mental Energy Blast, Psychic Shield, Psychokinesis, film noir mystery thriller. For example:
Psychometry, Pyrokinesis, Scrying, Telepathy, etc.

“Surrounded, like a rat caught in a

trap, I lifted my zap gun and got ready to
Your character begins play with any
shoot my way out of that dark alley.”
equipment appropriate for your character
concept. Hackers start with a computer (or
If they don’t do so, they suffer a -2
access to one), detectives start with a pistol
penalty to their roll result when resolving
and a badge, legionnaires begin play with a
the action they just narrated.
rifle, and so forth. Pieces of equipment are
not counted as being words (they fill a
What About Equipment?
different role, explained later).
In order to take action that requires
a specific piece of equipment, the character
The Karma Pool
must actually have said piece of equipment
Finally, all characters begin play with
in their possession.
a pool of five karma points. The role these
A character can’t, for example, hack
points play is discussed later.
a computer network without access to some
kind of computer. They can’t shoot without
Playing the Game a suitably shoot-y weapon in hand. They
Whenever a character wishes to do can’t make a sandwich without bread.
something risky, their player rolls 2d6 and If a character doesn’t have the right
adds +2 to the roll result for each skill or equipment at hand to perform and action,
occupation their character possesses that is then they simply can’t do it.
related to the action being resolved. A +1 is
added to the roll result for other words the When Not To Roll
character possesses (e.g. psionic powers, In the absence of risk and assuming
nationality, adjectives, etc.) that are related the possession of appropriate equipment,
to the action being resolved. don’t roll dice. If a character wants to do
On a roll result of 10+, the character something that isn’t risky, they just do it.
is successful in attaining their goal. On a roll Simply narrate the scene as appropriate.
result of 7-9, they succeed but with a minor
complication. On a roll result of six or less, The Total Bullshit Caveat
they fail to attain their goal and suffer from The caveat to the previous rules is
a severe complication. that, if a player wants their character to do
Complications can be whatever the a thing that the rest of the group feels is
referee and the other players determine is total bullshit (e.g. walking atop flying bullets
appropriate for the narrative (injuries, for to deliver a killing blow to the gunman),
example, are a common complication). then they don’t just do it.
The Narration Rule Gaining and Losing Karma
When narrating action attempts, the Whenever a character performs a
players other than the referee must speak in good deed of significance during the game,
the first person, past-tense, as if delivering a they lose a point of karma from their karma

pool. When they perform a significantly bad About Reincarnation
deed, they gain a point of karma. Should a character have any karma
Karma shackles characters to their points left in their karma pool when they
physical bodies and keeps them trapped in die, then they are reincarnated. What or
a cycle of never-ending death and rebirth who they are reincarnated as is up to the
until their karma is shed – at which point player controlling them.
they become God realized and are freed Typically, a reincarnated individual
from the karmic wheel. is reborn in the most literal sense of the
In the world of Dharma it is believed word – if human, they’re reborn into the
that nobody has yet achieved this state and world as an infant, for example. This really
it is uncertain exactly what will happen doesn’t lend itself to a role-playing game,
when somebody finally does. though, so some liberties are taken here.
There is a lot of spiritual weirdness
When Do Characters Die? going on in the world of Dharma and it is
When it is dramatically appropriate not at all uncommon for a spiritual body or
per the narrative. Death is, in the terms of consciousness to be displaced. The vacated
mechanics, a severe complication. In play, physical vessels of these unfortunate souls
death should only be on the table when the are, as a result, left open to be inhabited by
consequences of a failed action make it a other spiritual bodies.
likely outcome. For example: Reincarnated characters are created
as normal, simply with the chosen words
Flint wants to run from behind pillar describing a vessel that already exists and
to pillar in the burned out shell of the auto that the previous character’s spiritual body
factory, drawing fire from his compatriots as is simply being re-homed into it. The one
they make good their escape. difference is that the starting karma pool of
Flint’s player rolls 2d6 and scores a the new character is equal to that of the old
final roll result of 3. A failure, with a severe character at the time of their death.
complication. Given the risks, Flint’s player
agrees that Flint’s death is appropriate in
this situation, given the narrative.
Death is just a natural consequence
of lethal risk overtaking a character when
action is being resolved. That said, unlike in
many games, the player of the character
who has died narrates the character’s death.
For example:

Flint’s player states that Flint takes a

bullet to the shoulder during his heroic run
that spins him around on his feet in midair.
The Karma Cops seize the moment to
unload the rest of their bullets into him,
shuffling him off the mortal coil.

What About The Displaced? The Hierarchy of Power
Good question! Being thrust out of Power in the naked city is structured
your home and returning later only to find like the mystical pyramid, with the greatest
it occupied by somebody else is likely to power concentrated at the top, propped up
upset you, right? by the less powerful who toil below.
Displaced spiritual bodies can serve At the top of the pyramid is the High
as powerful antagonists or unlikely allies in Council of Hipsters, who have accumulated
a game of Dharma – perhaps both, based a large amount of both political and spiritual
on how the narrative unfolds. power, using it to secure wealth and shed
Displaced spiritual bodies are beings karma. However, they cede some of their
of pure energy – but they’re still trapped on karmic authority to the Karma Cops.
the karmic wheel and are created just like The Karma Cops are, as the name
any other character is (you’re going to be suggests, an institutionalized force dedicated
using different words, however). to the policing of karma and, specifically,
When creating a displaced spiritual nirvana, which is a tightly controlled state of
being in Dharma, use only adjectives and existence in the naked city.
psychic powers to define them. The Legionnaires are what you
would call the “regular” cops – they enforce
And What About Ascension? the regular, non-karmic, laws in the naked
In the event that you die with no city. Often seen as brutal and ineffective,
karma to hold you back, you become God the Legionnaires aren’t looked upon kindly
realized and... well, nobody is quite sure by the other citizens of the city.
what happens. This is something that all of The gurus (and, by extension, rogue
the players should discuss with the referee gurus) are the backbone of the chants and
prior to actual play. mantra trade in the city. As such, they wield
Freedom from the karmic wheel is significant financial and spiritual power.
ultimately what everybody is striving for.
What does it mean for your character?
What does it mean to them to become God
realized? Unlimited power? Omniscience?
Wealth beyond the measure of mortals?
The referee should take all of your
wishes into consideration when the event
comes to pass (if it comes to pass) and
incorporate them into the narrative.

The World of Dharma

The primary action in Dharma is set
in an impossibly large dystopian city on the
southern edge of the Sahara that is cloaked
in never-ending night and illuminated by a
sea of flickering neon lights.

The named cults are big players in hardwired telephones to place calls and rely
the big city and, while it could be argued on telegram services when they desire a
that their reach extends to all other levels of more personal touch, while mid-50s style
the power pyramid, most of their members automobiles, elevated trains, and zeppelins
are perched just above the bottom tier of are common modes of travel.
said pyramid, which consists of... Some citizens of the city, on the
Everybody else. The nameless cults, other hand, have access to things such as
the reality hackers, the street rats, the back energy pistols and explosives that can be
alley pharmacists, and so on. There are a remotely detonated, while computers are
lot of other people in the city who are on used in daily commerce and run (among
their own quests for spiritual enlightenment other things) the city’s vast banking system
or just out of have a good time. and stock market.
When deciding exactly what tech will
The City Zones be present in your own campaign, look to
The naked city is divided up into classic noir films of the 1950s and 60s for
nearly countless zones. What purpose these staples of life and to the present or near
divisions originally served has been lost to future for weaponry and information tech
time. Today, some zones are classified due used by large corporations.
to the social status of their inhabitants, some
by the nationality of their denizens, others The Quest for Karma
by the businesses found there, and some After the great karmic awakening,
merely by their geography. spirituality became a big money business.
Entering and leaving zones requires From low-fi reality hackers on a Timothy
one to, at the very least, provide their travel Leary sort of kick to the mystery cults of
papers and have them certified by a guard high society, everybody is on some kind of
stationed at the zone border. Depending quest for enlightenment, inner peace, non-
upon the zone being entered or departed, stop mojo, or other spiritual gifts.
the process may be much more involved, Reincarnation is real and achieving
up to and including full body x-rays. the state of nirvana is possible. Gurus sell
Citizens of the city are required to chants, mantras, and mandalas that can be
keep their identification papers on hand at used to unlock psychic potential, spiritual
all times, whether traveling between zones awareness, or even aid in the ascension of
or simply walking the streets of the zone one’s spiritual self. These markets are tightly
they call home. Leaving your residence regulated however, and some folks turn to
without your identity papers is punishable dark sources for their karmic fix.
by immediate arrest and imprisonment.
Legal Information
Technology in Dharma Dharma v3 is Copyright © 2023 by
Technology in the naked city is a James D. Hargrove. All rights reserved. The
strange mix of both high (e.g. computers, mandala is public domain artwork. Some
handheld energy blasters, etc) and low (e.g. artwork © 2015 Dean Spencer, used with
telegram services). permission. All rights reserved. Some art
Communication and transportation Copyright © 2015 by John Nixon, used
are very anachronistic – characters still use with permission.


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