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Rajkot – Jamnagar – Ishwariya

Janmashtami Holiday Homework

10th CBSE Science

Answer the following questions : (1 Mark each)
1. When green coloured ferrous sulphate crystals are heated, the colour of the crystal
changes because
(a) it is decomposed to ferric oxide (b) it loses water of crystallisation
(c) it forms SO2 (d) it forms SO3
2. Which option correctly shows the transport of oxygen to the cell?
(a) Lungs → pulmonary vein → left atrium → left ventricle → aorta → body cells
(b) Lungs → pulmonary vein → right atrium → right ventricle → aorta → body cells
(c) Lungs → pulmonary artery → left atrium → left ventricle → vena cava → body cells
(d) Lungs → pulmonary artery → right atrium → right ventricle → vena cava → body cells
3. Which of the following events in the mouth cavity will be affected if salivary
amylase is lacking in the saliva?
(a) Starch breaking down into sugars. (b) Proteins breaking down into amino acids.
(c) Absorption of vitamins. (d) Fats breaking down into fatty acids and glycerol.
4. Match the column :
P. Biomagnification i. Both biotic & abiotic components of environment
q. Ecosystem ii. A man made ecosystem
r. Garden iii. Organisms which obtain food from other living organisms.
s. Parasites iv. Accumulation
a) p -> iv, q -> i, r ->ii, s -> iii b) P -> ii, q -> i, r ->iv, s -> iii
c) P -> iv, q -> ii, r ->i, s -> iii d) P -> ii, q ->iv, r ->i, s -> iii
5. Food web is constituted by:
(a) relationship between the organisms and the environment
(b) relationship between plants and animals
(c) various interlinked food chains in an ecosystem
(d) relationship between animals and environment.
6. Which of the following limits the number of trophic levels in a food chain?
(a) insufficient food supply (b) Polluted air (c) water
(d) Decrease in energy at higher trophic levels
7. A mirror and a lens each have focal length of -15 cm. The mirror and the lens are likely to be
(a) both concave (b) both convex (c) the mirror is concave and the lens is convex
(d) the mirror is convex, but the lens is concave
8. When light travels from one medium to another which of the following factor doesnot changes?
(a) Wavelength (b) Frequency (c) Velocity (d) None of these
9. Rakhi conducts an experiment to produce an image of an object on a screen which is placed at
20 cm from the lens. She uses a convex lens of focal length 15 cm for the experiment. Where
should she place the object in order to produce the sharpest image?
(a) 8 cm in front of the lens (b) 15 cm in front of the lens
(c) 20 cm in front of the lens (d) 60 cm in front of the lens
10. Which of the following can make a parallel beam of light when light from a point source is incident
on it?
(a) Concave mirror as well as convex lens (b) Convex mirror as well as concave lens
(c) Two plane mirrors placed at 90° to each(d) Concave mirror as well as concave lens
11. Magnification produced by a rear view mirror fitted in vehicles
(a) is less than one (b) is more than one(c) is equal to one
(d) can be more than or less than one depending upon the position of the object in front of it.
12. A child is standing in front of a magic mirror. She finds the image of her head bigger, the middle
portion of her body of the same size and that of the legs smaller. The following is the order of
combinations for the magic mirror from the top.
(a) Plane, convex and concave (b) Convex, concave and plane
(c) Concave, plane and convex (d) Convex, plane and concave
13. Sunlight is passed through a transparent medium having very fine particles These particle
scatter light. Which among the given components of light undergoes more scattering ?
(a) red (b) orange (c) yellow (d) blue
14. The scattering of light by colloidal particles is called
(a) Tyndall effect (b) dispersion (c) atmospheric refraction (d) internal reflection
15. During a rainbow formation dispersion of light is done by-----------------
(a) glass prism (b)dust particles (c) tiny air molecules (d) tiny rain drops
16. Red light is used as danger signal because red light can travel maximum distance as it
(a) is the most scattered (b) is the least scattered
(c) undergoes maximum refraction (d) does not undergo refraction
17. The resistance of an electric iron drawing a current of 4A when connected to a 220V mains
would be
(a) 1000 Ω (b) 55 Ω (c) 44 Ω (d) 64 Ω
18.The resistivity does not change if
(a) The material is changed (b) The temperature is changed
(c) The shape of the resistor is changed (d) Both material and temperature are changed
19. Which of the following can make a parallel beam of light when light from a point source is
incident on it?
(a) Concave mirror as well as convex lens (b) Convex mirror as well as concave lens
(c) Two plane mirrors placed at 90° to each other
(d) Concave mirror as well as concave lens
20. Magnification produced by a rear view mirror fitted in vehicles
(a) is less than one (b) is more than one (c) is equal to one
(d) can be more than or less than one depending upon the position of the object in front of it.
Assertion Reason type Questions (1 Mark each)
21. When do we say that potential difference between two points in a circuit is 1 volt?
22. How will be the resistance of a conductor change if its area is doubled ?
A statement of assertion followed by a statement of reason is given. Choose the correct
answer out of the following choices.
(A) Both Assertion and Reason are true and the reason is the correct explanation of assertion.
(B) Both Assertion and Reason are true and the reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.
(C) Assertion is true but the Reason is false.
(D) Assertion is false but Reason is true.
23. Assersion: All the seven colours of the spectrum, when passes through a second prism,
white light emerges from the other side of the second prism.
Reason: All the seven colours of light when combines gives white light.
24. Assertion: When a beam of light strike fine particles of smoke, the path of the beam becomes
Reason : Fine particles of smoke scatter light.
25. Assertion: Ozone is formed in upper atmosphere by O2 in presence of UV radiations.
Reason: Ozone depletion will lead to UV rays reaching earth which may cause skin cancer.
26. Assertion: Decomposers keep the environment clean.
Reason: They recycle matter by breaking down the organic remains and waste products of
plants and animals.
27. Assertion: During transpiration the evaporating water carries away heat energy.
Reason: Due to water loss the osmotic pressure inside leaves increases.
28. Assertion: Bread tastes sweet on chewing.
Reason: Salivary amylase converts starch into sugar.
29. Assertion: Anaerobic respiration requires more energy as compared to aerobic respiration.
Reason: Mitochondria is the power house of the cell
30. Assertion (A): Zinc reacts with sulphuric acid to form zinc sulphate and hydrogen gas and it is
displacement reaction.
Reason (R): Zinc reacts with oxygen to form zinc oxide.
31. Assertion (A): Calcium carbonate when heated gives calcium oxide and water.
Reason (R): On heating calcium carbonate, decomposition reaction takes place.
32. Assertion (A): Baking powder is used in making cake instead of using only baking soda.
Reason (R): Baking powder contains tartaric acid which reacts with sodium carbonate and
removes bitter taste.
33. Assertion-In presbyopia the near point gradually recedes away.
Reason- The defect arises due to weakening of ciliary muscles and diminishing flexibility of eye
34. Assertion (A): If a graph is plotted between potential difference and current the graph is a
straight line passing through the origin.
Reason(R): current is directly proportional to the potential difference.
35. Assertion (A): When resistances are connected between the same two points they are said to be
in series.
Reason(R): When resistors are connected in series the current through each resistor is the same.
Answer the following questions : (2 Marks each)
1. Why do we store silver chloride in dark coloured bottles? Explain in brief.
2. A gas X reacts with lime water and forms a compound Y which is used as bleaching agent in the
chemical industry. Identify X and Y. Give the chemical equation of the reaction involved.
3. What is the function of trachea? Why do the walls not collapse even when there is
less air in it ?
4. (a) Photosynthesis converts energy X into energy Y. What are X and Y?
(b) Write the stages involved in the process of photosynthesis.
5. Three mirrors, one plane, one concave and one convex are lying on the table. identify them
without touching them or using any other apparatus or device?
6. An object of height 6 cm is placed perpendicular to the principal axis of a concave lens of focal
length 5 cm. Use lens formula to determine the position, size and nature of the image if the
distance of the object from the lens is 10 cm.
7. A fish under water is viewing obliquely a fisherman standing on the bank of lake. Does the man
look taller or shorter ?
8. Why is a normal eye not able to see clearly the objects placed closer than 25 cm ?
Answer the following questions : (3 Marks each)
1. (a) Construct a terrestrial food chain comprising four trophic levels. (b) What will happen if we
kill all organisms in one trophic level ? (c) Calculate the amount of energy available to the
organisms at the fourth trophic level. If the energy available to the organisms at the second
trophic level is 2000 J.
2. List any 3 functions of the major circulatory fluid of our body.
3. When electricity is passed through a common salt solution, sodium hydroxide is produced along
with the liberation of two gases ‘X’ and T. The gas ‘X’ burns with a pop sound whereas T is used
for disinfecting drinking water. (i) Identify X and Y. (ii) Give the chemical equation for the
reaction stated above. (iii) State the reaction of Y with dry slaked lime.
4. To a solution of sodium hydroxide in a test tube, two drops of phenolphthalein are added. (i)
State the colour change observed. (ii) If dil HCl is added dropwise to the solution, what will be
the colour change ? (iii) On adding few drops of NaOH solution to the above mixture the colour
of the solution reappears. Why ?
5. (i) Can a displacement reaction be a redox reaction? Explain with the help of an
example ? (ii) Identify the substances that are oxidised and the substances that are reduced in the
following reactions. (a) Fe2O3 + 2Al → Al2O3 + 2Fe (b) 2PbO + C→2Pb+CO2
6. The figure below shows three
cylindrical copper conductors along
with their face areas and
lengths. Discuss in which
geometrical shape the
resistance will be highest.
7. Five resistors are connected in a circuit as shown in figure.
Find the ammeter reading when the circuit is closed.
8. The linear magnification produced by a spherical mirror is +3.
Analyse this value and state the (i) type of mirror and (ii)
position of the object with respect to the pole of the mirror.
Draw a ray diagram to show the formation of image in this
9. A spherical mirror produces an image of magnification -1 on a
screen placed at a distance of 50 cm from the mirror. (a) Write the type of mirror. (b) Find the
distance of the image from the object. (c) What is the focal length of the mirror ?
10. A student observes the above phenomenon in the lab as a white
light passes through a prism. Among many other colours, he
observed the position of the two colours red and violet. What is
the phenomenon called? What is the reason for the violet light to
bend more than the red light ?
Answer the following questions : (4 Marks each)
1. A water insoluble substance X on reaction with dilute hydrochloric acid released a colourless
and odourless gas accompanied by brisk effervescence. When the gas passed through water, the
solution obtained turns blue litmus red. On bubbling the gas through lime water, it initially
became milky and milkiness disappeared when the gas was passed in excess. Identify the
substance X. Write the chemical equation of the reaction involved.
2. (i) What happens when a concentrated solution of sodium chloride is electrolyzed ? Write the
equation of the reaction involved. (ii) Why is the electrolysis of a concentrated solution gnieu not
of sodium chloride known as chlor- alkali process? (iii) Name three products of the chlor-alkali
process. State two uses of each product.
3. State in brief the method of preparation of bleaching powder. Write a balanced chemical
equation for the reaction involved and state the uses of bleaching powder.
4. (i) A current of 1 A flows in a series circuit having an electric lamp and a conductor of 5 when
connected to a 10 V battery. Calculate the resistance of the electric lamp. (ii) Now, if a
resistance of 10 Ω is connected parallel with this series combination, then what change (if any)
in current flowing through 5 Ω conductor and potential difference across the lamp will take
place? Give reason.
5. Draw a circuit diagram of an electric circuit containing a cell, a key, an ammeter, a
resistor of 2 Ω in series with a combination of two resistors (4 Ω each) in parallel and a voltmeter
across the parallel combination. Will the potential difference across the 2 Ω resistor be the same as
that across the parallel combination of 4 Ω resistors? Give reason.
Answer the following questions : (5 Marks each)
1. Those reactions in which two compounds react by an exchange of ions to form two
new compounds are called double displacement reactions. A double displacement
reaction usually occurs in solution and one of the products, being insoluble, precipitate
out (separates as a solid). Any reaction in which an insoluble solid (called precipitate) is
formed that separates from the solution is called a precipitation reaction. The reaction in which
acid or acidic oxide reacts with base or basic oxide to form salt and water is called
neutralisation reaction. For example, 2NaOH + H2SO4 ⟶ Na2SO4 + 2H2O
(i) When hydrogen sulphide gas is passed through a blue solution of copper sulphate, a
black precipitate of copper sulphide is obtained, and the sulphuric acid so formed
remains in the solution. The reaction is an example of a type remaining
(a) combination reaction (b) displacement reaction
(c) decomposition reaction (d) double displacement reaction
(ii) Barium chloride on reaction with ammonium sulphate forms barium sulphate and
ammonium chloride. Which of the following correctly represents the type of the
reaction involved?
(I) Displacement reaction (II) Precipitation reaction
(III) Combination reaction (IV) Double displacement reaction
(a) (I) only (b) (II) only (c) (III) and (IV) only (d) (II) and ( V) only
(iii) Identify A in the following reaction.
AlCl3(aq) + 3NH4OH (aq)⟶ A + 3NH4Cl(aq)
(a) Al (OH)3 (b) Al2O3 (c) AlH3 (d) AlN
(iv) Consider the following reaction,
BaCl2 + Na2SO4⟶ BaSO4 + 2NaCl
identify the precipitate in the reaction,
(a) BaCl2 (b) BaSO4 (c) Na2SO4 (d) NaCl
2. Blood transport food, Oxygen and waste materials in our bodies. It consists of plasma
as a fluid medium. A pumping organ [heart] is required to push the blood around the
body. The blood flow through the chambers of heart in a specific manner and direction.
While flowing throughout the body, blood exert a pressure against the wall or a vessel.
i) Oxygenated blood from lungs enters left atrium through
A. Vena cava B. Pulmonary artery C. Pulmonary vein D. Aorta
ii) The rate of blood flow in the capillaries is very low because capillaries are
A. Very narrow and have high resistance B. Much wide and have low resistance
C. Very narrow and have low resistance D. Much wide and have high resistance
iii) Which of the following statements are true about human heart?
A. It is a hollow muscular organ
B. It is four chambered having three auricles and one ventricle.
C. It has different chambers to prevent O2 rich blood from mixing with the blood
containing CO2 D. Both A & C
iv) Select the options that has correct information.
A. Blood = Plasma + RBC + WBC + Platelets B. Plasma = Blood – RBC
C. Lymph = Plasma + RBC D. Serum = Plasma + RBC + WBC
3. Pathways of breakdown of glucose
i) The pathway of respiration common in all
living organisms is X; it occurs in the Y and the
products formed are two molecules of Z.
Identify X, Y and Z.
A. Glycolysis, Mitochondria, Pyruvic acid
B. Glycolysis, Cytoplasm, Pyruvic acid
C. Citric acid cycle, Cytoplasm, Phosphate D.
Kreb’s cycle, Mitochondria, Acetyl CoA
ii) During vigorous physical exercise, lactic acid
is formed from glucose inside the
muscle cells because
A. there is lack of oxygen B. there is lack of water
C. there is excess of carbon dioxide D. none of the above
iii) Type of respiration seen during fermentation
A. Aerobic B. Anaerobic C. Reduction D. Oxidation
iv) End product of Aerobic respiration
A. NADH B. Oxygen C. ATP D. CO2 +ATP+H2O
v) Amount of energy released is more during
A. Anaerobic respiration B. Fermentation C. Aerobic respiration D. Reduction
4. Food chains are very important for the survival of most species.When only one element is
removed from the food chain it can result in extinction of a species in some cases.The
foundation of the food chain consists of primary producers.Primary producers or
autotrophs,can use either solar energy or chemical energy to create complex organic
compounds,whereas species at higher trophic levels cannot and so must consume producers or
other life that itself consumes producers.Becaus the sun’s light is necessary for
photosynthesis,most life could not exist if the sun disappeared.Even so,it has recently been
discovered that there are some forms of life,chemotrophs,that appear to gain all their metabolic
energy from chemosynthesis driven by hydrothermal vents,thus showing that some life may not
require solar energy to thrive.
i) If 10,000 J solar energy falls on green plants in a terrestrial ecosystem,what percentage of solar
energy will be converted into food energy ?
(a)10,000J (b)100 J (c)1000 J (d)It will depend on the type of the terrestrial plant
ii) Matter and energy are two fundamental inputs of an ecosystem. Movement of
(a)Energy is by directional and matter is repeatedly circulating
(b)Energy is repeatedly circulating and matter is unidirectional
(c)Energy is unidirectional and matter is repeatedly circulating
(d)Energy is multidirectional and matter is bidirectional
iii) Raj is eating curd/yoghurt. For this food intake in a food chain he should be considered as
(a)First trophic level (b)Second trophic level (c)Third trophic level (d)Fourth trophic level
iv) Which of the following, limits the number of trophic levels in a food chain
(a)Decrease in energy at higher trophic levels (b)Less availability of food
(c)Polluted air (d)Water
v) The decomposers are not included in the food chain. The correct reason for the same is
because decomposers
(a) Act at every trophic level at the food chain (b) Do not breakdown organic compounds
(c) Convert organic material to inorganic forms
(d) Release enzymes outside their body to convert organic material to inorganic forms
5. Direction: Answer the questions on the basis of your understanding of the following passage and
valeted studied concept:
Light bulbs can be connected together in an electric circuit in two
different ways. If the light bulbs are connected one after another as shown
in figure. They are connected in series.
If one of the light bulb burns our, all the light bulbs in series to it will go
out because the pathway for the electricity flow is broken.
If the light bulbs are connected on separate branches as shown in figure,
they are connected in parallel. If one of the light bulbs burns out, the other
light bulbs will continue to work because there is a separate pathway for
the electricity to flow around the burned – out light bulb.
(i) In which combination of bulbs, current through each bulb is same?
(ii) In which combination of bulb, if one of the light bulb burns out, then
other light bulbs, will continue to work?
(iii) Write any two advantage of series combination of bulbs over parallel combination of bulbs.
(iv) In which combination of bulbs, brightness is greater, when they are connected with battery
of same potential?
Social Science
 Answer the following questions (Answers to be written in class work book) :
1. Short note on :
a. Guttenberg press. b. Erasmus idea of the printed text. c. The Vernacular Press Act.
2. Describe any 3 features of the first printed Bible.
3. How did a new reading culture bloom in China?

 Answer the following questions:
1. ‘Have you any sugar?’
‘Yes But I don’t have _______.
(a) many (b) more (c) much (d) some
2. My friends as well as I ______ going to attend the camp.
(a) is (b) are (c) am (d) was
3. Dal and rice _____ my grandfather’s favourite
(a) are (b) has (c) is (d) have
4. I shall wait here until you
(a) would be ready (b) are ready (c) are not ready (d) will be ready
5. Identify the error on a traffic signboard and supply the correction.
Over speed is a knife that cut a life.
6. Identify the error and supply the correction. It’s a line from newspaper. Choose the
correct option :
“The proximate cause of the Leicester clashes was ostensibly.
tension after an India – Pakistan match :
Error Correction
of for
was has been
tension tensions
an the
7. Select the correct option and fill in the blank:
Binge – watching on T.V. _______ already ________ an adverse effect on the
physical well- being, mental health and study habits of children.
(a) is having (b) will have (c) has had (d) can have
8. Fill in the blank by using the correct form of the word in the bracket, for the given
portion of a letter sent to the maintenance office.
Subject : Flaunting of safety rules
There is no checking of visitors at the main entrance gate of our society. Thus,
vendors and messengers _____ (wander) and have free access to the doorsteps of the
9. Nature is ____ best physician (Use the correct article)
10. Is your friend English or American ? _________ she’s Australian.
(a) Either (b) or (c) Neither (d) Nor
 Creative Writing :
1. Write a letter to the editor expressing your views on how ‘Swachchh Bharat Abhiyan’ if
implemented, can produce a great change in the society.
2. Write an analytical paragraph on the given Pie – chart.

3. Read this excerpt that appeared in the newspaper:

For some of us, leisure time or weekend means a chance to try new recipes,
improving our cooking skills, trying out dance steps, practising songs by singing,
reading adventurous stories of Enid Blyton, stories of Harry Potter. It rejuvenates our
physical and mental health.
Write a paragraph of 200 words counting on the above given statements.
4. Prepare a set of dialogues between you and the boy from “Ball Poem’. You may begin like
The Boy : My losses in my childhood have prepared me for future.
5. Write a paragraph on : (150 words)
Come Back to Nature
Meaning of ‘Back to Nature’ – Turning away from urban environments to agrarian
lifestyle – Rousseau – How to go back to the Nature – Go to state parks – Plan a beach
Trip – What is ‘staycation’.

 Ch. - 9 Module solve.


1. अ कारन्त पिु ल्लंग तथा नपस

ु क�लंग �वभिक्त: - 2 JBT 2. आ कारन्त स्त्री�लंग �वभिक्त: - 2 JBT
3. 5 काल के प्रत्ययो – 2 JBTP

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