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Nonfi tion 5 ie Nonfiction eading a se. Read Practice Reading Practice wins Practice 28) Reading at © Levels Reading at © Levels fr students re diferent ding lol! [Nort rain Pace a ste ra an \ Ieg Guypeay uoHIyUON || esource a Additionat teacve® ¥ ee Reading Paired Text Ii Nonfiction Reading Practice contains 17 units that provide proctce with nonfiction reading and comprehension, “The unigue format i designed to accommodate students" ‘varled reading levels ach unit includes: + teacher resource page with suggested teaching ph Visual Literacy page ocnich earning. + Words to Kove ints freading selection-specifie vocabulary. + texthased questions. wing prompt and Wing Form, «+ ce rendng selections onthe same top. The eating selections progress in eificulty fom easiest (Level I) 0 -nadest (Level 3.-The evel shown on the soe pages ‘through the use of cons: Level t mm Level 2 MINH Lovel 3 Daily Reading Comprehension naga reared tees daly proce (Senn ers sudo ayn (Grades 1-8+ 98 Woes 10-o 15-minute lessons + Sere i po rt hem se {Strano cag tn toe ‘Sinton eter eesp masses ew sen em-motzomite See semen ieemes ce Nonfiction ‘eadin Practice @ Reading at © Levels Nonfiction Reading Practice coins 1 wns thot provide Proctce wh pete eoding and compression. The Ung femat i eign 6 commode ten are ean es ach unit inches: + steer root ge wages Yc ph Va Lia page ech ening + nto Knit of mading ecto spe You + ating pomp an Weting a + te ning lions these top: The etn satan popes in itty am ent ere) ade at 3, Teel atowe on these ae ‘ou tee eens Contents oe Kot Noi aig Pie My Retng ond Wing Rad Seopa he Chae Noon exjmin ain, Pier Taphantane Toethr Deset Adoptions Ania Canton, Aarne Technotony art ower, ter Gopbie Opa homey What's Inside? tates ny in po attr may eh WP ‘rt aun ean conten pegensn Saye sat ar) A Teacher Resource Page Arne mn one Selena tne Aviat a heal ey page os noms A wetng Form ‘Se an pte ‘Sedtote dhl tee tin pot ecabulany “he Wn non canta ba ft ‘Sena magico Th ine ‘Ste oy penalty ‘nso wo ht oy sr More About Nonfiction Reading Practice ‘Reading Monfiton ts important ‘Spann igs gd i {bat teagan oie cme marc a canna se ‘feta mol me conentsacextea ung Man ate 207. ‘tn cae ess re nr on eth heme ates an ‘ike sana ay crn neg ans as 2, ‘eadabitty toting Te ic? An st aay Fe | ‘Straus he ety sin te che hss eh ‘tay and wed een Nebo el need? pola ‘Shine adele Planing tnetaction ‘cacy nn te pn nye Ge so + eran op ntrcon, che ag ah thee ng ‘eta rnp Te aro oreo don wh hr gun ‘Sian ners + tesmg ston may ha bee ot rate morn ot ‘Sept api to sn eg My Reading and Writing Record ‘coped chet We ers los eee ia Terre [acest r| seam | aaa ‘goss | Sr cd ‘Sequoyah of the Cherokee Nation ere od dst oe oy ech tet + Wal ey page egy Tin poe 1 Lee 2 rodig Sie and eng Compeerson pp he coepnaing Wo Kr i + Gopiscorgantae our conn roan poms 10-186 Wang fom: Abt equa page 2 tntraduce the Topic ove it th rs xis ht eo or ‘h ametan nn te aera Non Dong he “Shmpeone were taing vera unas equ ee ing son eps pees ase aon, ‘met gon vie he ors oat th Teta p ces agp. ve tes compe the eting Cope ogee tha hts ate About he Tope ‘loa he hed wing prem rach rou. el tans ‘eset Cpl Organiser poe wring Deets ‘Sette Weing a end te pa ‘Sequoyah ‘unusual created Cherokee probably silversmith bocksmith Dallows forge syllbary characters syllables wets — Sequoyah of the created Cherokee probably trading post ssversith blacksmith bellows fonge fomitar cclture slabary characters sabes medal Sequoyah, an cxsated probably trading post silversmith blacksmith blows forge government syllbary symbols syllables ‘medal culture webs Sequoyah tm 1821, on unusual mon created away 1 wre the Cherokee language His name was Sequoyah,Sequoyah was bor in abe 1770 In the Cherokee Nation in wha ter became North Carlin His father was probably a fur oder named "Nathaniel Gist. Sequoyah's mother was (Cherokee worn named Wuleeh Sequoyah ‘helped he moter with he trading busines, ‘When Sequoyah grew up he became @ silversmith, making tems fem sve He was ‘also a blacksmith, and made the tools for his ‘work, Sequyah made his own hammers, rls, bellows, and forge Sequoyah hod seen white Americans use ‘wring. He andesond tha writing ood or ‘ward and ie wanted owt in his ow Janguage. He thought this knowledge would ‘nip the Cherokee people stay fee nation, Sohe began work ona wating stem, At is hs people dd not undetand what Sequoyah was doing, ‘They wer fearful and gov hr trouble, But Sequoyah aid nt give up. He created asylabary.Aslobar s ike an alphabet, bt the ‘haracters stand for sable instead of single sounds. Sequoyah tag is iti git tread and wre with his lary. Before long, dis peopl elie thot Sequayah had given them a it Soon, elmost ll Chetek people could read and write Sequoyah’sslabary is sil used today foe payers, songs, books, newspapers, and ‘webstes. Thanks to Sequoyah, ever 10000 rope of he Cerakse Nation speak, ed, ‘nd wie the language ‘Sequoyah rll the crt complete the sentence, Then onswerquastons 3,4, and 1. Sequoyah's parents were @ silersmths 3. Atfnt pople gave Sequoyad trouble about is wring system, but he ‘ian sop working, What does that show about hit? 4 Do you think equoyah was wise ofeach is daughter fs Give a reason, S. Did people change ther minds about Sequoyah? How do you know? te about he Tp = {Et peg en cet wt yu =| Camparete Chess ary andthe tag) | =| Somat Ramen ayers este. |) | Sequoyah of the Cheroke: In 1821, on uncommon man named Sequoyah eated a way to wte the Cherokee language. There ‘re many diferent stoi about Sua Ite, and Some things are net known fr earn Sequoyah ‘was peobbly barn around 1770 in what er ‘became North Carlin, n the Cherokee Nation. "is Enaish name was George Gis. is father wos probably fur trader who was part Cherokee and part Garman, Sequoyahis Cherokee mother was ‘iusteh,Sequoyah wos rived by hi mother, ond ‘beep her in her oding poet Sequoyah was good wth his hands. He became ‘siversmth and blackamith, He made beatiful ‘ems fom sve. He used his sks sa blocksnth to make his own hammers, dl bellows, and forge. Sequoyah wo foro with wring, and he understood that wating stood for wards He thought ‘would help the Chereke peopl they could od fad write, Wie people wer trying t take omy ‘Cherokze land. Waiting might help the Cero 0 ep thailand and culture Sequoyah worked on Cherokee syllabary A slebary s ike an alphabet, but the chraces Stand for lables At firs hs people didnot understand ting nd were fearful So Sequoyah tought his young daughter to ead and wet wth his sabary. People come to elie thot wring rood for words, ‘Beore ong, aimost ll Cherokee people could read ‘and writ. In 1824, Sequoyah was honored by the ‘Cherokee Nation with large ser medal -Sequoyah’ sylabary has helped to kep the Cherokee lnguoge ‘uve into the present doy. Tusa ct people span, read ad wie ‘Cherokee Sequoyeh’s people use In prayers songs, books and ‘espapes, aswell aso the Ineret ‘Sequoyah of the Cherokee Fl inthe ret complete he sete. Then answer questions 3, 4, and. 1. Asglabary has symbosthat stand for @ eter sounds 8 sylabies © words 2. Sequoyoh was { honored by the Cherokee Nation {8 trying to take away land (© fer o wrting ‘3 What do you thnk gave Sequoyah the ida to make a sllabary? 4 How do you know that people realize the value of Sequoya’ssylabory? ‘5. What was the authors purpose for writing this tex? Write About the Tope = ‘se the Wing Form to woe abut what you read. Wine abou what mode equoyah an uncommon man, =6 Sequoyah, an Uncommon Man m 1821, an uncommon man named Sequoyoh ented asst for wating the Cherokee language. Some ofthe facts abou Sequoyah’s ‘at hf have been lost ond other thing arent known for certain. We do know that Sequyah wos bora around 170 what ater became North Carlin, nthe Cherokee Nation. Hs ater was probably a fur ‘ror who wae part Cheroke apart German. Soquoyahis Chace ‘mother was Wubte,Sequoyoh wos tise by Walch ad he helped ‘ut in er trading post Sequoyah ws his Cherokee nara, rhe aso ‘went by George Gt or Guts in Engl, Sequoyah had many tolens He was _sversmith who fashioned em rom aber, He used his locksmith silt make his owen hammers il, bellows, and forge. ‘Sequoyah understood that writing stood for ‘words He aso knew thot prope the United ‘Sats government were planning force the ‘Cheroee to move wert He tought his people ‘ould saya fre nation and keep thei homelands tthe could yea and waite ‘Sequoyah invented a Cherokesllabary. The -slabary ia type of aiphabet in which the 86 ‘Symbol stand or sabes. Sequoyahtanght his young daughter to eod and write Before ong. Pope realize the va of Soquyah's wor, ond Soon almost all Cherokee people ould ead and eau ane ‘wate thai language. The Cheokze Nation honored Saline, Seqoyan wit large ver medal i 124 Serra Sady, the Cherokee were forced out of ther homelands starting n 1836, But Sequoyah’ sylabary has heped to keep the Cherokee language and culture alive Today, thousands of people ‘speak, ead, ad write Cherokze Sequoya’s people use tin thett pryers and songs, books and newspapers they een ean sweats ‘Sequoyah, an Uncommon Man Flin dhe eet complete the sentence. Then answer questions 3,4, ne 1. The Cherokee languoge @ ts very much Ike English 1B iso longer used by anyone (© hs 8 ditferene syle: 2. Sequoyah helped Wiss —_— @ run her oding poet 1B learn to read and write (© make em from sve 3. How do you know that people elie the value of Sequoyahs sylabary? 4 Sequoyoh was scholar asversmith and a blacksmith. Choose one of ‘Stquojaht talents and explain why was important 5, Do you think seuoyah would say that his sylabary was a success fhe sre alive tay Sapper your nce rite About the Topic ~ ‘sethe Wing Form to woe abut what you read Dect te tatu equa n Washington,DC Pen Sonera oe 3 Marching for a Dream ‘rota in 0 copy x exh ude — nl spa: even Wengen pee 2 ‘elo ding cn on ann compen ae ct oerpnting Wars Kao «+ rpc Ont eyo cing, roel n ge 10-186 Introdies the Tope ‘inde chon Wagon 96 Te pre C2 ESnine ema opor aie omc er Fa ned pte and eet Wort Know es th ‘ayn i regu usc rte About te opto (tf te brat wing promt sch ou. el ene {Sane the Gps Oran pon ht ing One! sus {oe thar Wat orm espn te omg. March on Washington Marching for a Dream ‘The March on Marching for Washington, 0... ‘Washington ‘Change "1963 Emancipation Emancipation Ain Proclamation Proclamation ‘Americans freeing freedom F savery African enslaved feeds ‘meicans ‘freon restaurants slavery ‘Americans congress al rights southern cus Cit Rights Act southern restaurant socal freedom peace . restaurants rmemora seman lawmakers lawmakers savally Cv Rights Act Cll Rights Act public memorial protecting ower created protect = A The March on Washington eople can work together to make change happen. That was ‘how it wes ding the 1960s inthe United Stes. One hundred years ‘elt, Presiden Abrahom Lincoln ted make change happen too, He signed the Emancipation Procamation It wos the fit step tomar feing Aircan Americans from very. Buin 1950, ican ‘Ameicans el dd not hove equal gh. Im the southern states, ‘lean Americans didnt have the fesdom to get good obs. They foul shop in some stores o eat in certain restaurants They could ‘tg tothe same good school s white peopl id. These are freedoms that America promises toall Something Ry Fetus ‘eeded to be done, omen Leader come together 298 to plan the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. The march took place en August 28, 1963, The marchers wanted lawrakers to ps nee lat was the lei Rights ‘Act The mall infront of the Lincoln Mears wos filled with 250.000 usta tarchers People had ome from around te county twas the largest peaceful march eet ‘Dr Martin Lather King, gov a powerful spech. He was ven only four mines to speak bu peopl lstned for 16 minutes. Dr King spoke about hs dream tt ll ren would vein 2 wend ‘at didnot judge them by ther ole Ameren came a step close to the dream in 1968, President ‘yndon fnson signed the Cli Rights Act no la This aw helped {a protec the ight of Afican Americans changed many ie, ‘The March on Washington Flin the cle to complete the sentence, Then answer questions 3,4 ond. 1, The March on Washington took place @ one hundred years 090 @ on August 28,1953 Give 2. The Ci Rights Act became ow @ when President Linon red pple rom slavery @ in i963 1G when President johnson signed it 5. Iudaing rom what you know, what kindof peoker do you think Dr. King must have been Give your reasons, 4. Whar evidence can you in that anew law was nde to potct he ‘ght of Aftcon Americans? Waite About the Tople — ‘sete wetng For to wre abut what yu ead / Imagine iis 1964. Wate a eter o President fonson | | f to tank him or signing the Ce Rigs Act =a Marching for Change 11862, President Abroham Linco signed the Emancipation Proclamation, Iwas the ft step toward feedom for enslaved ‘rican Americans. One hundred yeors later African Americans ‘ul didnot have the ome freedom or white people Inte southern ‘aes they cold not get good jobs oe vote. They could net shop in ‘rin sores or eat in crtaln restaurants, They could nat go to good ‘cols. People wanted tis to change ‘Dr. Martin Lather King J, believed that change could happen through peaceful action. King and other leaders planed a arch fon Watlington fr Jobe ond Freedom, People fom all around the Country joined the march oa August 28, 1963. They marched the Lincoln Memoria. Speakers gave speeches ond singer sang songs on the stp. Americans wonted lawmakers poss ane law Iwas the (Ch Rights Act. 2 ‘Dr. King was the lst speaker. speech was 16 minutes fg, Dr. King poke about his dream thot al chidren would grow up ‘tw live in a world that did not =» fg them by thee cle - Ameria tok a step closer tothe dear in 1964, President Lyndon ohinson signed the Ci. Rights Ac int law. The lw sod ‘that Americans could not be treated iferenly because ofthe clo of theism or the country they came from. Te ow helped to change the ivesofAfcan Americans by Satetmantereg sre protecting thelr sigh. Step by step. ‘Americans created change together Marching for Change "lin the delete complete the sentence, Then answer questions 3, 4, and. 1, The Emancipation Procamation Was @ the fret win the southarn state { the ns speech ven by Martin Lather King J (© thet sip toward freedom fom slavery {@ tas lawmakers to pss the Cel Rights Act (© to celtate African Ameccone redo 2. What do you think resent Lins and Present Johnson had in 4. Usewhat you know about the march to rete a moto fort ‘5. What person or even from he text mould yu ike to 60d a ok about? a ‘Weta About the Tope = ‘se the Wrtng Frm owt abut what you ad. ! Imagine itis 1963, Wet alee o Martin Liter King, | | Jeyto thank him fr the Murs on Wan ia| Washington, D.C., 1963 ‘Many Americans thought change wos newded in 1962 A hundred years belore, President Abraam {Lincoln had signed the Emancipation Proclamation nas he rst sep toward freeing Alcan Americans from slavery. But Aican Americans nthe South eid rot enjoy the sae freedoms as white people In many places they could no woe or get good jabs. They ould ‘ot goto white shoo, They ould not eat netain Fetauranor shop in cetain ores Americans wanted Congreso passa nee low the Ci Rights Act Ando lads go together fo plan the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, Dr Martin [ithe King fe, war one of them. Dr Kin believed in peocefl action to cate change. People from al around the ‘unity jined the march on August 28, 1963. On the steps ofthe Lincoln Memoria, speakers gave speeches and singers sang songs ‘Dr. ing waste fina speaker ofthe doy Hi speech to the 250,000 marches ea famous one, Dr King spoke or 16 mlnutes ‘bout his dream. He wonted to see the day when all chien ‘woul ve na world that dd not Judge them y ther skin color. He ‘rants all peopl to ve ager In freedom, America took a step close tothe ‘ream in 1964, President Lyndon Foinson signed the Civil Rights Act int law. The law sid that Americans ‘could not be eae iterenty ‘becate af the calor oF the country they cane frm, All Americans mast be treed equally in school at work fad in other pbc pace, The low Taped to change the ives of African she tem merece Americans Washington, D.C., 1963 Flin the crc to complete the sentenes, Then answer questions 34, and. 1, The 1968 March on Washington for fobs and Freedom was. @ a peaceful action to ceate change {© intonor of Poetdent Abra Einoin (© in honor af Dr Martin ther King Ie 2 De King dreamed of «day when @ people would no longer be saves 1 al eiren would goto choot 1 fo one woul be judged by tne colo Wy aid people wont change in 1963? 4. Why do you tn the march went othe Lincoln Memorial? 5 What she most important fat tow about De. King sete on Dagust 28,1963? “ rite About the Tople — ‘se the Vrtng Form wee abut what you ra Imagine you could wea tert President Lncln, f aim tabu the acon Washing ine, | The Constitution of the United States ec ity be apy rechten 1 Vil ency page Te Pea te Cason, poe 3 {el 2 or rig Scan and Renting Compe ene he spending so Know Is «+ Cope Orgnter fou ening, rove on poe 8-186 5 Wing Frm Tt Cosel Comet poe 52 er es th Cnt one ‘np Daca e pte os oe bene snd review the Words Inept oene gp essa come be ing Coochson jogs ha en ee het witn romps og. Tel stare ‘Sus pte droannr pn he wing Bie sets {Suet Wting oon endo er ram The Preamble to the Constitution Tom, » We =: of the United states, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our 4, posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America, > ‘The US. constitution Constitution framework Independence Hall discused debated rewrote cared Preamble Introduction boldest = ‘writing the Constitution lected attend Constitutional Convention ‘document framework Preamble Introduces cect ‘We the People delegates lected attend Constitutional Convention. ‘complish Preamble Introduces The U.S. Constitution was May of 1787 Fity-tve men began to gather in ‘Paulodelpia, Pennsyvoni. They come fom 12 ofthe 13 United Sates Thee purpore mato write a Constitution fr the new nation ‘The Consitulion would st the rules and become the highest lw of the land. would be a framework forthe new goverament The men ‘knew they were dong a old thing that had never been done before ‘They had thrown ofthe power of the king. The new government ‘woul ets power fom the people, no frm a ruler. ‘George Washington Ist the meetings. They were inthe Pennsylvania Sat Huse, which s row cll Independence Hal. The ‘weather was hot and the windows ‘ad doors were shut 0 no one ‘outside cou iste in The men ‘iscused and debated over the Tong summer. For four months they gree emne i oa ‘wrote ond rewrote the Constitution, em “hy nt forthe lost ime on September 17,1787, to sgn thet wok Benjamin Franklin looked at George Washington's chal. thad a sun farved into rain sald he ad wondered during the lng meetings Ifthe sun wos sng or setting. Atle knew as 2 sng Sun ‘The Peomble is the intiction othe {Constitution states the purpose and some ofthe ‘eas thot are nade sn the Consutin. The fst ‘words ofthe Preamble were rite in wery large tes. ‘They were the boldest dea ofall "We he Pepe ‘The U.S. Constitution Flin the rl to complete the sentence. Then answer questions 3, 4, and 5 1. The Const of the Une States wae @ waste n Philadephia in 1787 (8 signed bythe king (© ihe every government before it 2. The Preamble isthe @ 15 cxginl United Stats {8 beginning of the Consttuion (© framework a the government |. How do you know the men didnot aways ogre on what fo ince Inthe Constitution? 4 Whar do yu think Ben Fanklin meant when he said the sun was rising? 5. Doyon think twas a good dea to use very age eters fr the rst three ‘vor ofthe Preamble? ‘Wiite About the Topic = ‘se the Wing orn owe dbout what you ead ee Se Writing the Constitution ‘The ie wos May 1787 Fite ‘en fon 12 ofthe 13 United States, ‘rere making ther way to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. They had been elected 1 ‘tend the Constvsonal Convention, Theiejob wor on important one. They ‘would be writing a document that Would become the highest lw ofthe land, Iwasa Contation forthe United Stats, 1 would be a framework foe how the goverment wast work There had never been a government lke tn the past, aking or queen ‘led a nation. Bt the Unite States tro founded ona new and bo ea. ‘he power came fom al the people, ot from a ruler “The Convention satin the Pennayvania Ste Howse, with ‘ceosge Washington lading the meetings. Al trough the summer, ‘he men dlcuse and debated. They me forthe last ime on ‘Seperber 1, 1787, and 39 ofthe delegates signed ther work. ‘atjamin ankli looked a George Washington’ chat, which had ‘in carved in it. ranlin said he had wondered many times ‘the sun was Hsing or etng, Aas be knew it wos a sng sun. ‘The Preamble ntodces the Constitution. The Peomble toes the purpose of the Cansittion ond some ofthe eos that ‘re inchded in The st words ofthe Preamble were writer in ‘ey loge lester, and they were he bodes dea of all. They cod, "We the Pope" “The Constitution ws sent to theses, where twas cused ‘and debated agin, In Morch 1789, the Constiuion went int eet ln Apel, George Washington became thes pretent ot the United States Writing the Constitution ‘iin the ele to complete the sentence. Then answer questions 3,4, and S convention preamble (© framework. 2. The Unted States was founded on the ea that @ aking or queen was the highest a ofthe land 4 people have the power'o choos hr government ‘© George Washington woul be president 5 What was Sen Frank trying tay about the Constutonal Convention? 4 Explain the purpose ofthe Preamble tthe Constiton. ‘5. Why are theft these words ofthe Preamble writen large? Write About the Tepe — ‘se the Wetng Fer write dot what you rad, Imagine you wrt ath stig fhe Comitudon, Wie acter heme to cial about | Ea We the People was abold nee dea for anew nation. The time was May 1787 ty.sivedelegtes from 12 othe 15 United Sates were making the ‘way to Philadephia, Pnnsjvania, The depots had been elected by ther stats atend the Consttutional Convention. They had an import ask to arcomplsh They would be wetng a document ‘hot would became the highest aw of the land, The document was ‘a Constitution forthe Unie States. woul be framework foe how ‘he goverment ofthe new nation wou work There had never been ‘consti ket Inthe past, only kings or queens held power ‘vera nation, Bt the United States wos founded on the ea that the ower came from the people “The Cnstutona Convention met inthe Pennsyvnia State Huse, George Washington Id the meetings, which continued ‘through the het of sume The windows and doors were shut ‘uring the meetings so no one ouside could seni. The men lscussed and debated andi not always ogres. They wrote ‘and rewrote, They met or the st neon september 17,1787, sgn thet work, Benjamin Fronklis looked ‘at George Washington ‘hai which hod a sn orved into Frank ‘aid he had wondered ‘many times over the ‘Some ithe un was fing oreeting, Atlas. fe he knew ita a sng sun SERA “Te Preamble nodices the Const, The Preamble stats the purpoe ofthe Conmittion and some othe eas that re tnchaded in The fst words ofthe Preamble wee writen in very “Wethe Pepe.” We the People Flin the iret complete the sentence. Then answer questions 3,4, and S 1 TheUS. Constitution was witen @ by asinae person 1B inchesuramer of 1787 (© in I3daye time 2. The Preamble tothe Constitution ithe —__ @ reduction dete © cenctson |. How would you interpret the meaning of Ben Franklin’ comment? 44 Explain the purpose ofthe Preamble tothe Consiution, 5. Toda, people can vst the meting rom ofthe Constitutional Ceneataon Why do you think thi pace hasbeen saved and cated fo? rite About the Tope = ‘se the Wag Frm owe abut what you ad Imagine you were thereat the Constuonal ety abowe the al Soy. | A History of Route 66 + Grphie organi yor oan, proved en poe 10-18 Trew cot te tht ed ey Rend and Respond — ine inp og ese ete About he Tonle $dtshed theo wing prompt ach group. Tel stants Cuctecopownia trating os {oor hr ng om ond th rom A Historic Road Ang tations trading posts motels mansfactare ceutomobies motorists paved lat bighway histori siting stations diners motels pioners belongings horse-drawn manufacture automobiles motorists paved oficial histor filing stations trading posts mote U.S. Route 66 Do you know what your set looked ike nde years 90? has probably changed alot ice then, US. Rute 66 was ‘roa that ow many changes. Thi famous ‘ood has been writen abou in books. I has own the subject of TV shows and songs. Route 66 ran 2448 miles 940k) across the Unite Slates. cared alot of history. For hundreds of years, Native Americans followed animal tock tw hunt Mountain men bleed tails along the some paths ost the fur tops. Next came the plonsers moving west in wagons. Gold was ‘Sustain fom oregon th prope Looking at a Coral Reef Ecosystem A.Coral Reet Dive Coral ets in coral ees ecosystem balance ‘rownofthoms seaweed ptsons algae utiens benefit symbiosis beaching barmful — poisons goby bodyguards algae utrents symbiosis bleaching Population energy harmful ‘Coral Reet Ecosystem balance arm palsons s0by algae nutrients benefit symbiosis ieaching population tims fos fuels energy Coral Reefs in Danger Coral are ny ocean animate Groups of hese tiny animals form orl res Thee hard parts form acky shape it warm ‘eran waters, Are sa eonyste where octopuses, 0 tars, (nd sea tutes lv, Cre shrimps and many Kinds o fish tive ‘here, too, Coal rel re beautiful and ceo places Bat some refs arn danger ‘Many things mus bein balance fora coal ree to be healthy ‘Corals have naira enemies. The cow thoes asta is oe Large numbers af them can destroy a et So cana fostrowing ‘seased, This seaweed potons coals. But ope of Hs, the goby, ate the seaweed This allows the corals ove ‘There ¢ kind of algae that Ives inside corals. The algae make food, and the gve corals ther colr The coal aso give nutrients to the aloe, The corals and algae benefit eachother This is called ‘mbm be-OF-9). Theres trouble if the ocean becomes oo ‘rar fr the alga tov, The coal ose ther beaut calor, Tiss known of coral Bleaching, Without the alge, the corals ach and may de People can hei the coal reefs. They can keep the oceans dean. They ean ah away fom coral res to keep more fish alive Feope can useless energy. “Tie means fewer harm _gaser wil be produced. ‘The gases top heat in the tira warm te crane Fever harmful gases wil hep the oceans tay In balance a Coral Reefs in Danger Flin the dele to complete the sentence. Then answer questions 3,4, and 8 1. One danger oa coal res 1 cleaner ocean water 8 thegaty {© cea water tht too warm 2. Som living things benef eachother in @ an ecosystem trouble (© coral Bleaching 3. Explain why algae and corals are an example of symbiosis. 4. ifyou were an ocean scents, what soe way you could ear fa eoral rela healthy? 5 tfyou could interview an oxan scientist what question would you ask ut a ea = Write About the Topic We the Weng Frm write cout what ou read ogi you are adver nacre Wit ate || Saving Coral Reefs coral ef an ocean ecosystem that fl of fe. Corals ‘are tiny animals A corl ree isa rocky shape made fam the hard Parts of coral. Coal els are clrful and beauifl. You can find ‘eto, sea stars and se ares na et Cros, shes, and ‘many kinds offi ve thee. Some els over hunted of males in ‘warm, shallow oean waters Many things mus be in balance fo a orl re t0 Be ath. Corals have naturel enemies. A Tostgrowing seaweed ‘sone enemy. The seaweed oon corals But goby sh et the seaweed, The bie fare boygiards that allow the A spacial kind fagoe Ives Inside corals. The algae make food that corals nee. The als ‘lo give nutrient to the alge, When two ving things Beet each ‘tere tis, ts aled pmo i bee-OF i). Butte algoe ‘cannot live the ocean becomes oo worm. When this happens. ‘he col lose thelr beautiful colors. called orl bieaching, ‘With the algo, the corals bleach and sometimes de eople can hap save the orale They con keep the sh ‘population strong by hing away from re, They can work © Jeep the ocans can. They com cut down on the enegy they use This wl keep harmful gases from ropping heat in the a. wil nlp Keep the oceans from warming Saving Coral Reefs Flin te le to complete the sentence. Then answer questions 3,4, and 8 1. A naturlenemy of orl is @ the goby 1G obind of seaweed {© a special kindof algae 2. Coral teaching can happen when 1@ there are not enough algae comlstake in algae 1 gebies eat cals 3, What fot fom the text show symbioss between two living things? 44 Some gobies keep their enemies away by giving ff poison, Based on what you Kow about goles ow would You expan ts? ‘5, What ithe main dea of paragraph Write About the Topic = (se the Wing arm own about what ou a, | ‘any Ug digs yoo thre, Tel hy you de ommangeemeeetmtoecne |] py Coral Reef Ecosystem -Acoral reefs an ocran ecosystem thot full oie. Aretis made rom the had ports oftiny animals called cores, RS Wis arocky ridge that can strech for Sos hundred f mies n warm shallow eon ates. Octopuses, sea sts sea tures, ‘and many Kinds of sh ae at home in| F (coral eat. Many tings must bein balance for

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