Mathcounts Sprint Practice Test

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I National Competition I

Sprint Round






This round of the competition consists of 30 problems.

You Will have 40 minutes to complete the problems. You
are not allowed to use calculators, slide rules, books, or

any other aids during this round. Calculations may be

done onscratch paper. All answers must be complete,
legible, and simplified. to lowest terms‘ Record only final
answers in the blanks in the rig‘ht——hand coliirnn of the

competition booklet. If you complete the problems before

time is called, use the remaining time to check your

Total Correct Scorer’s Initials

l\/IATHCOUNTS is a cooperative project of the National Society of Professional Engineers, the CNA lnsurance
Companies, the General Motors Foundation, the Intel Foundation, Texas Instruments Incorpvorated, the
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
73“ /so/9/l §,c>r.‘.«:7'

Given that BDEF is a square and AB 2::

BC’ 2
1, findlthe
number of square units in the area of the regular octagon.



How many zeros appear at the end of the Whole-number

. 20!
representation of aw; ‘?

A sculpturefor a math classroom is a figure composed of

a1” cube stacked upon a 3” cube which in turn is stacked
upon a 5" cube. The entire sculpture is to be painted.
Find the number of square inches of the surface that will he
. painted.
Mr. Mendez awards extra credit on quizzesto his students
with quiz grades that exceed the class mean. Given that
107 students take the same quiz, What is the largest number
of students who can be awarded extra credit?

Math club membership grew from 75 to 99 members at West

Junior High. The increase represents a growth of 25% for
girls and 40% for boys. How many girls were in the math
club last year?

A Water—filled spherical balloon lands on a sidewalk,

momentarily flattening to a hemisphere. What is the ratio
of the radius of the spherical balloon to the radiusof the
hemisphere? Express your answer as a common fraction in
simplest radical form.

7. How many ounces of 20% acid solution must be mixed with a 7. ~

30% acid solution to obtain 45 ounces of 24% acid solution?

8. The ordered list, of numbers 18, 21, 24, (L, 36, 37, b has 8.
median 30 and mean 32. Find the positive difference between

a and b.

9. Two equilateral triangles have sides of length m and 233. In 9.

terms of 2:, find the number of
units in the length of the side
of an equilateral triangle which has the same area as the sum.
of the areas of the two original triangles.

10. Six straws of lengths 2cm, 3cm, 4cm, 5cm, 6cm, and 10.
7cm placed in a box. Express as a Common fraction

the probability that three straws drawn at random without

replacement form a triangle when connected at their
endpoints. cf

11. What is the number of square units in the area of the region 11.
determined by the following system?



12. Find. the product of all real numbers n which satisfy 12;

ink-9n+20] =

13. The width of arectangle is 93; of its length and its perimeter 13.
is 4 units; Express as a common fraction the number of
square units in the area of the rectangle.

14. How many threeedigit odd integers are greater than 299? 14.

15. Suppose coin purse contains 30 coins which are either

a 15.
nickels, dimes, and / or quarters. How many different
combinations of these coins are there whose value is $5 ‘?

16. What is the remainder when 91995 is divided by 7? 16.

17. A chord of the larger of two concentric circles is tangent to 17.

the smaller circle and measures 18 inches. Find the number
of square inches in the area of the shaded region. Express
your answer in terms of 7r.

18. In the following sequence, each term after the second is the 18.
sum of the two preceding terms. Find a.
7, cs, -———-> —————-—~> ——-—~--—)

19. In the diagram, RECT and LONG are rectangles. How 19.
many square units are in the area of LONG’?

T10 C
L 7


20. As you firoceed from figure to figure, each shaded square is 20.
divided into four congruent squares and the upper left square
of the four is painted white. By continuing the pattern, What
fractional part of the tenth figure will be shaded? Express
your answer as a common fraction in which the numerator
and denominator are expressed iniprime factored form using


21. A function is defined by =2

0 and 2 —~

1) + 2n, 21.
for In > 0. Find f(4).

22. A certain number of 1-cm square tiies form a rectangular 22.

region with a perimeter of 30 cm. The same number of tiles
can also be used to form a squareregion. What is the
number of centimeters in the perimeter of the square region?

23. A medieval weapon in the shape shown consists of 4 arcs 23.

which are semicircles of radius 6 inches. Point X is the
centroid of the weapon. How many square inches are in the
area of the cross~section of the weapon shown?

24. The exponential function is defined by 2

a -
25” 24.
and contains the points (0,3) and (1,211). Find the sum of a

and b.

25. In how many Ways can 4 on/ofi switches in a row be set so 25.
that no two adjacent switches are on‘?

26. The rate at which crickets chirp is thought to be related to 26.

the temperature by the equation c =
t -

40, Where is the


number of chirps per 15 seconds and t is the temperature

in degrees Fahrenheit. Using this relationship} what is the
number of degrees Fahrenheit in the temperature when a
cricket chirps 500 times in 5 minutes?

27. Your family traveled 260 miles to the beach at an average 27.
speed of 65 mph. Traffic on the return trip slowed your speed
to an average of 40 mph. To the nearest whole number, what
was the mean speed for the entire trip‘? Express your answer

in miles per hour. g

28. How many different 4~digit numbers can be formed using the 28.
digits 2, 4, 5, 6, and 7 such that no digits repeat and the
number is divisible by four?

29. The first six rows of Pascal’s

triangle are shown below, 29.
beginning with row Except for the ‘1’ at each end,

row 4 consists of only even numbers, as does row 2. How

many of the first 20 rows have this property?

30. Express k as a common fraction in terms of n, where n is an 30.

integer greater than 1:
km 2):

(n 1)?—»

(n+ 1)! (n+2)!

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