OPSYST1 Portfolio

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Table of Contents
Name of Activities Date of Activity Page No.

First Grading


Quiz 1 – What is an OS? What is an interrupt and its

real-life example? August 15, 2023 3

Quiz 2 – What is the most important OS Service? Does

interrupt improve processor utilization? August 17, 2023 3

Quiz 3 – Unit Test September 5, 2023 4

Other Activities

Lab Activity 1 August 14, 2023 5

Group Activity – How does OS work the moment a

computer turns on? August 22, 2023 6

Lab Seatwork 1 – Creating publisher file August 28, 2023 6

Lab Activity 2 – Using CLI commands to manage files

and folders in Microsoft Windows August 29, 2023 7

Lab Work – Wildcards September 4, 2023 8

First Grading Exam September 18, 2023 9



Quiz 1

<Subject Description> INSTRUCTOR: <name of instructor>

Quiz 2

Quiz 3

Other Activities

<Name of Activity/Exercise/Library Research/Etc>

<Name of Activity/Exercise/Library Research/Etc>

<Name of Activity/Exercise/Library Research/Etc>

Midterm Exam



Quiz 1

Quiz 2

Quiz 3

Other Activities

<Name of Activity/Exercise/Library Research/Etc>

<Name of Activity/Exercise/Library Research/Etc>

<Name of Activity/Exercise/Library Research/Etc>

Final Exam

Course Reflection November 6, 2023 10

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Quiz 1: What is an OS? What is an interrupt and its real-life example?

Quiz 2: What is the most important OS Service? Does interrupt improve processor utilization?

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Quiz 3: Unit Test

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Lab Activity 1

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Group Activity: How does OS work the moment a computer turns on?

Lab Seatwork 1: Creating publisher file

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Lab Activity 2: Using CLI commands to manage files and folders in Microsoft Windows

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Lab Work: Wildcards

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First Grading Exam

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Course Reflection

What were your initial expectations for the course? Did the course meet, exceed, or fall short of these

My initial expectations were for my teacher to provide me with the opportunity to learn and understand the
concepts in this subject in a way that I could understand and give adequate feedback on my abilities in order
that I could apply this knowledge and achieve my goal. Honestly, this course was a bit challenging, and my
initial expectations were only half met.

What were the main topics or concepts covered in the course? How did these topics contribute to your
understanding of the subject matter?

There were a lot of topics covered in this subject for First Grading. Examples include the use of CLI commands,
wildcards, the CPU scheduling algorithm, the installation of Ubuntu, and a lot more. These topics were helpful
for understanding the subject more because they can be applied in the succeeding period.

Reflecting on your learning process, what were the most effective strategies or techniques that helped you grasp
and retain the course material?

The most effective strategies or techniques that helped me grasp and retain the course material were to keep
reviewing past lessons and practicing some of the topics that were not really clear to me. I also ask for help
from my classmates if there are things that I do not really understand.

Were there any particular assignments, projects, or activities that significantly enhanced your learning
experience? Why were they effective?

Yes, the group reporting significantly enhanced my learning experience. It helped me improve my self-
confidence, especially since I have stage fright. It was also fun because I got to collaborate with my
groupmates, which helped me understand the assigned topic easier.

Did you encounter any challenges or difficulties during the course? How did you overcome these obstacles, and
what did you learn from them?

There were some things that were difficult for me during the course. One example is that if there are topics that
are not clear to me, I don't have the chance to clarify them. To tell the truth, I wasn't getting any response from
my instructor if I asked something regarding some matters. Thankfully, I have my classmates who were there to
help me. I also depend on the internet and browsing lecture videos regarding some of our topics to better
understand them.

Did the course encourage critical thinking and analysis? How did it promote higher-order thinking skills, such as
problem-solving or decision-making?

The course indeed encouraged critical thinking and analysis. Since there is a topic, which is the CPU
scheduling algorithm, my critical thinking and analysis worked on that matter. It improved my higher-order
thinking skills because of my observation of facts and memorization.

Reflecting on your personal growth, what new knowledge, skills, or perspectives did you gain from this course?

There are a lot of knowledge, skills, and perspectives that I gained from this course. One is that the topics
under the subject of operating systems were well explained. My critical thinking skills were also improved.
Lastly, I can say that learning doesn't only depend on what the teacher teaches; it also depends on the way you
help yourself to understand or have knowledge of the course.

How do you plan to apply what you have learned in this course to your future studies, career, or personal life?

Find daily opportunities to apply what I've learned. Applying what I've learned at school to real-world problems
takes a lot of practice, so it's important for me to look for opportunities to apply what I’m learning in my everyday
life. I can use various methods to apply my learning, such as doing, teaching, explaining, collaborating, or

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experimenting. I can also use feedback, evaluation, or self-assessment to reflect on my strengths, weaknesses,
challenges, and achievements.

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