APHG Online Unit Reflection

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Name: Sahara Chhetri Period: 1

APHG Unit Reflection

Directions: Reflect on your recent learning for the unit and answer the following questions in at least 2 complete
1. Summarize your key takeaways from this unit.

My key takeaways from this unit were how much agriculture can affect us and our politics. I was especially
surprised with the banana republic being in control of the political world at some point because of political
leaders being corrupt.

2. Did you dedicate an appropriate amount of time to building your understanding of the material? Why or why

I think all the learning I did was in class and I hardly dedicated time outside of class to solidify my knowledge.
This is mostly because I have a bad case of senioritis and after finishing assignments I don’t look at the contents
again unless I need to for another assignment, also because I don’t have a fixed study method.

3. What are you most proud of accomplishing this unit? Why? (Nothing does not count as an answer)

I think I’m most proud of being able to just understand what is going on because in freshmen year I took this
class online so I was lost almost all the time and just had a hard time focusing.

4. If you had an opportunity to change/improve one thing you did in this unit, what would you spend more time
on or redo?

I think I would improve on how I can remember things.

5. What are your goals for this class or next unit?

I want to be able to pass this class with a good grade.

(Please see back as well)

6. SPARKS is a teaching framework for culturally responsive learning. For each letter, please tell me how you feel I
did as a teacher on each letter and what improvements you feel like I could make for each letter. You have to fill
out the box for each letter with one complete sentence where you explain your reasoning for your comment or
critique. For more information on each letter, see the link here: https://www.tusd1.org/article-20230208-crpi-
Good comment: While it was nice to have more structured jigsaws, to make it more student centered you should
give students more options to work by themselves or in a group from time to time.
Bad comment: You were very student centered in class because we did a lot.

Letters of SPARKS Comment/ Critique

S: Student Centered I think having the option of working as a group for test corrections really helps build
students relationships and also improve their learning abilities.

P: Positive Learning

A: Academic and Ethnic I think you do a good job of including minorities in your lessons and keeping them
Identity relevant to what we are learning.

R: Rigour Through
Critical Thinking

K: Knowledge Co-
S: Social Justice

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