Conversatie Engleza

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SOLICITAND INFORMAII: Cu ce tren pot ajunge la... ? Exista legatura directa pana la... ?

Cand pleaca/ soseste trenul ? De la ce peron pleaca trenul ? Trenul are vagon-restaurant ? Unde trebuie sa schimb ?

ASKING FOR INFORMATION: What train should I take to get to...? Is there a through train to...? What time does the train leave/ arrive? Which platform does it leave from? Does the train have a dining car? Where do I have to change?

CUMPARAND UN BILET : BUYING A TICKET: Cat costa biletul ? How much does the ticket cost? As dori un bilet pana la.../ un bilet dus-Intors, va rog. I would like a single/ a return ticket, please. As dori un bilet la rapid/ la personal/ la accelerat. I would like a ticket for the international (express) / for the slow / for the fast train. Clasa intai sau a doua ? First class or second class? Fumatori sau nefumatori ? Smoking or no-smoking? Un loc la fereastra sau la margine ? A window or an aisle seat? Un compartiment de nefumatori, va rog. A non-smoking compartment, please. As dori sa rezerv o cuseta la trenul de noapte catre.... I would like to book a sleeper for the night train to DISCUTAND CU PASAGERII : Ma scuzati, locul acesta e ocupat ? Are intarziere trenul ? La ce ora sosim la? CHATTING WITH PASSENGERS Excuse me, is this seat taken? Is the train delayed? What time do we get at?

La aeroport - ghid de conversatie

SOLICITAND INFORMAII: ASKING FOR INFORMATION: I need to get to the airport. When does the plane take off/ land? How long is the flight? When does the plane get to? Is there a stop-over? Is this a direct flight?

Trebuie sa ajung la aeroport. Cand decoleaza/ aterizeaza avionul ? Cat dureaza zborul ? Cand ajunge avionul la... ? Face escala ? Este un zbor direct ?

CUMPARAND UN BILET :BUYING A TICKET: Vreau un bilet de avion spre..., va rog, zborul numarul.... I want a ticket on a plane to., please, flight number Aratati-mi, va rog, biletul si pasaportul d-voastra. Show me your ticket and your passport, please. Poftiti numarul de bord. Here is your boarding pass

. Pasagerii pentru cursa.... catre.... sunt rugati sa mearga la poarta ..... The passengers for flight no. to please go immediately to gate no.. S-a anuntat deja zborul .../ check-in-ul/ Imbarcarea? Have they already announced flight number/ check-in/ the boarding? IN AVION : IN THE PLANE: Puneti-va centura de siguranta. Please fasten your seat belts. As dori sa vorbesc cu stewardessa. I would like to talk to the flight attendant. Am rau de avion. I feel airsick. Va rog sa imi aduceti un pahar cu apa minerala/ bomboane/ prajituri. Please bring me a glass of mineral water/ candies/ some cookies. Aterizam acum. We are landing. Bagajul d-voastra a fost verificat. Your luggage has been checked. CERAND INDRUMARI: ASKING FOR DIRECTION: Imi puteti spune unde e cea mai apropiata statie de autobus? Could you tell me where the closest bus station is? SOLICITAND INFORMAII:ASKING FOR INFORMATION: Ce autobuz sa iau ca sa ajung la... ?Which bus do I take to get to? Acesta e autobuzul catre... ?Is this the right bus to.? Nu, trebuie sa cobori la ... si sa schimbi.No, you must get off at and change. Cat mai e pana acolo ?How much further is it? Mai e o statie. It is the next stop. Acest autobuz trece si prin... ?Does this bus also go to .? BUYING A TICKET: A one way ticket, please. Do children pay half-fare / half-price? CUMPARAND UN BILET : Un bilet dus, va rog. Copiii platesc jumatate ? FREQUENT WORDS: Timetable Platform Railway station Dining car Sleepover Stop-over

Seat belt Flight attendant Airsick Luggage A single ticket A return ticket Half-fare CUVINTE DES INTALNITE : Mersul trenurilor Peron Gara Vagon-restaurant Cuseta Escala Centura de siguranta Stewardessa Rau de avion Bagaje Un bilet dus Un bilet dus-intors Jumatate de pret

La restaurant - conversatie in engleza

BOOKING A TABLE: Id like to reserve/ book a table for two at 8 p.m., please. Could we have a table by the window, please? Could we have a non-smoking table, please? REZERVAREA UNEI MESE: A dori s rezerv o mas pentru doi la ora 8, v rog. Am putea avea o mas lng geam, v rog ? Putem avea o mas la nefumtori? ARRIVING AT THE RESTAURANT: Good evening. My name is I have a table booked for two at 8. Could we have a table over there, please? I have booked a table under the name of LA SOSIREA LA RESTAURANT: Bun seara. Numele meu este .. i am rezervat o mas pentru doi la 8.

Se poate s stm la masa de acolo ? Am rezervat o mas cu numele ... PLACING YOUR ORDER: Are you ready to order? We havent decided yet. May I take your order now? What would you like to start with? I will have the , please. For starters, I will have and for the main course Is there anything you would recommend? What is the house special today? Could you bring us a bottle of ? COMANDA: Suntei gata s comandai? Nu hotrt nc. Pot s v iau comanda? Cu ce ai dori s ncepei ? Vreau ..., v rog. Ca aperitiv, iau ... iar felul principal, ... Mi-ai putea recomanda ceva? Care e meniul special astzi? Ne putei aduce o sticl de? DURING/AFTER THE MEAL: Could we have some more , please? That was delicious. My compliments to the chef. N TIMPUL MESEI/ DUP MAS Ne putei aduce mai mult ... ? A fost delicios. Complimente buctarului. COMPLAINING: Excuse me, but my meal is cold. Excuse me, but we have been waiting for half an hour for our drinks. Im afraid this wine is not chilled enough. This is not what we ordered. PLNGERI M scuzai, dar mncarea e rece. M scuzai, dar ateptm buturile de o jumtate de or. Cred c vinul nu a fost rcit suficient. Nu e ce am comandat noi. PAYING: Could we have the bill, please?

Wed like separate bills, please. Allow me to pay. Keep the change. PLATA Ne putei da factura ? Am dori facturi separate, v rog. D-mi voie s fac cinste. Pstreaz restul. FREQUENT WORDS: CUVINTE DES NTLNITE : 1. PLACES TO EAT: LOCALURI : Cafe Cafenea Snack bar Snack bar Fast food restaurant Fast food Pub Tavern Bistro Bistro Restaurant Restaurant

2. PARTS OF A MENU: Starters/ appetizers Soups Main course (meat/fish/vegeterian) Dessert Beverages 2. PRILE MENIULUI : Aperitive Supe Felul principal (carne/ pete/ vegetarian) Desert Buturi I'm having trouble finding my way round. I have lost my way. Nu ma descurc sa gasesc drumul. M-am ratacit. QUESTIONS: Where is (the) . . . ? How do you get to (the) . . . (from here)? How do I get to (the) . . . ? Can you tell me how to get to (the) . . . ? Can you give me directions to (the) . . . ?

What's the best way to get to (the) . . . ? Is this the road to...? Is this the right way to ...? Could you show me on a map, please? INTREBARI: Unde este ...? Cum se poate ajunge la ... de aici? Cum ajung la ...? Imi puteti spune cum sa ajung la ...? Imi puteti da cateva indrumari spre ...? Care e cel mai bun drum pana la...? Acesta e drumul catre ...? E acesta drumul bun catre ...? Imi puteti arata pe harta, va rog? ANSWERS: To the right/ to the left. Straight ahead. Its in this direction. Its around the corner. Its near to... Its opposite to... Go past the ... Go along ... Go as far asa... Go down the street until you reach the end. Take the first/ second road on the left/ right. RASPUNSURI: La dreapta/ la stanga. Drept inainte. E in directia asta. E dupa colt. E aproape de ... E vizavi de ... Treceti pe langa .... Mergeti de-a lungul .... Mergeti pana la .... Mergeti pana la capatul strazii. Luati-o pe prima / a doua strada la stanga/ la dreapta. USEFUL PREPOSITIONS: straight on opposite near next to

between at the end (of) on/at the corner behind in front of PREPOZIII UTILE: drept inainte vizavi aproape alaturi de intre la capatul la colt in spate in fata DESCRIPTION Im a tall/ short man / woman. I am a dark/ blond/ red/ grey-haired person. I have a curly/ straight/ frizzy/ wavy hair. Im a long-haired/ short-haired person. I wear sport/ fashionable/ casual clothes. INFATISAREA Sunt un barbat/ o femeie inalt(a)/ scund(a). Sunt bruneta/ blonda/ roscata/ carunta. Am parul cret/ drept/ carliontat/ ondulat. Am par lung/scurt. Port haine sport/ elegante/casual. FAMILY I have a big/ small family. I have three sisters older than me/ I only have on younger sister than me. Im the youngest/ the oldest of all. Im an only child. Both my parents are doctors. We usually get together on Sundays. FAMILIA Am o familie numeroasa/ restransa. Am trei surori mai mari / am doar o sora mai mica decat mine. Sunt cel mai mic/ cel mai mare copil. Sunt singurul copil. Ambii parinti sunt doctori. Ne intalnim de obicei duminica. EDUCATION I have graduated high school/ college.

I have a Bachelors/ a Masters Degree in Arts/ Science/ Architecture/ Laws/ Literature. My ambition is to become a visual artist/ a great man of science/ an architect/ a lawyer/ a teacher. EDUCATIA Am absolvit liceul/ facultatea. Am o licenta / un masterat in arta/ stiinte/ arhitectura/ drept/literature. Scopul meu este sa devin artist visual/ un mare om de stiinta/ architect/ avocat/ profesor. LIKES AND DISLIKES I enjoy doing sports/ outdoor activities/ taking photos/ wandering on streets/ meeting my friends. I like reading my newspaper in the morning/ a good book. I like dramas/ thrillers/ comedies/ documentaries/ talk-shows/ cartoons. I dislike soap-operas/ SF movies. I hate long rainy days. I do not like it when people are not punctual/ when they do not keep their promise. CE-TI PLACE SI CE NU-TI PLACE Imi place sa fac sport/ activitatile in aer liber/ sa fotografiez/ sa ma plimb pe strazi/ sa ma intalnesc cu prietenii. Imi place sa citesc ziarul dimineata/ o carte buna. Imi plac dramele/ filmele de groaza/ comediile/ talk-show-urile/ desenele animate. Nu imi plac serialele melodramatice/ filmele SF. Urasc zilele lungi de ploaie. Nu-mi plac oamenii care nu sunt punctuali/ care nu isi tin promisiunile. SELF-DESCRIPTION Im highly self-confident and I also trust people. People can rely on me when I make a promise. Im very hard-working and I like doing my job until its well done. Im social and I enjoy work team. Im creative, so I tried to develop my artistic skills. I have a good sense of fashion, so I pay a lot of attention to the way I dress myself. Im a down-to-earth person/ a dreamer . AUTOPORTRET Sunt foarte increzator in mine si in oameni. Oamenii se pot baza pe mine atunci cand promit ceva. Sunt foarte muncitor si imi place sa imi fac treaba pana la capat. Sunt sociabil si imi place munca in echipa. Sunt creativ, de aceea am incercat sa imi dezvolt aptitudinile artistice. Am un simt al modei, de aceea sunt atenta la felul in care ma imbrac. Sunt un om cu capul pe umeri/ un visator. Va rog sa semnati aici. Please sign here. As dori chitanta, va rog. I would like a receipt, please. Luati comision ? Do you charge commission?

Luam 2% comision.We charge 2% commission. Imi puteti da niste maruntis ? Can you give me small change? Avem doar bancnote mari. We only have big denominations. Aceasta bancnota este rupta. O puteti schimba ?This piece is broken. Could you exchange it? Imi pare rau, mergeti la banca sa faceti asta. Im sorry, you can do this at the bank. Imi pare rau, dar nu acceptam acest tip de bani. Nu mai sunt curenti. Im sorry, but we dont accept this kind of money. It is out of order. Imi pare rau sa va anunti, dara cesti bani sunt falsi. Im sorry to inform you, but this money is counterfeited. Ne pare rau, dar am inchis. Im sorry, were closed. Unde pot schimba bani? Where can I change money? Este vreo casa de schimb valutar in imprejurimi? Is there an exchange office near? As dori sa schimb de euro in I want to change ...euros into .... Care este cursul valutar ? What is the rate of exchange? Cat primesc pentr suma de ... ? How much do I get for...? Imi puteti arata un act de identitate ? Could you please show me an ID? Nu il am la mine, dar va pot arata pasaportul. dont have it right now, but I can give you my passport.

TAKING A CAB/ CU TAXIUL Hey, taxi! Take me to the airport/ to the railway station. Could you please get there very fast because I have a train/ a plane to catch. Could you take it on the shortcut? Could you drive faster/slower, please? Please take me to this address. Im sorry, but its too close. I cant take you there. Do you know where . is? I need to get there. Could you tell me how far is it? Could you please be more careful? I have car sick. Could you find a parking space closer to ? Do you also do long distance? Could you please help me with my luggage? Please be careful with that bag. Could we stop on the way? I need to buy something. Could you wait for me for 2 minutes? Could you take it on the main street? Could we pick up somebody on our way to ? Stop right now. I want to get out of this car. That will do pounds/euros/dollars. Thank you for the drive.

Hei, taxi! Du-ma la aeroport/ la gara. Te rog sa conduci repede pentru ca trebuie sa prind un tren/ un avion. Poti sa o iei pe scurtatura ? Poti sa conduci mai repede/ mai incet ? Te rog, du-ma la aceasta adresa. Imi pare rau, dar e prea aproape. Nu va pot duce. Stii unde este ... ? Trebuie sa ajung acolo. Imi puteti spune cat de departe este ? Puteti fi mai atent, va rog ? Imi este rau in masina. Puteti gasi un loc de parcare mai aproape de ... ? Mergeti si pe distante mai mari ? Ma puteti ajuta cu bagajele ? Te rog sa fii atent cu aceasta geanta. Ne putem orpri pe drum ? Trebuie sa cumpar ceva. Ma puteti astepta 2 minte ? Puteti sa o luati pe strada principala ? Putem lua pe cineva in drumul nostru spre ... ? Opreste acum. Vreau sa cobor din masina. Costa .... lire/euro/ dolari. Va multumesc.

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