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1. Complexity: Thought-provoking
1. Clarity: Simple questions are questions are often nuanced and
straightforward and easy to multifaceted, addressing deeper
understand without much aspects of a topic or idea.
ambiguity. 2. Subjective: They invite personal
2. Objective: They usually seek interpretation, reflection, and
factual information or critical thinking rather than
straightforward opinions. seeking a single correct answer.
3. Closed-ended: Often, simple 3. Open-ended: Thought-
questions can be answered with provoking questions do not have
a "yes" or "no" or a brief a definitive answer and
response. encourage exploration and
4. Limited Depth: These discussion.
questions typically do not delve 4. Depth of Exploration: These
deeply into complex topics or questions prompt individuals to
ideas. contemplate various perspectives,
5. Suitable for Icebreakers: implications, or consequences,
Simple questions are leading to more profound
commonly used for starting insights.
conversations, breaking the ice, 5. Challenging Assumptions: They
or gathering basic information. may challenge existing beliefs or
assumptions, sparking
intellectual curiosity and
stimulating new ideas.
6. Encourage Reflection: Thought-
provoking questions often lead to
introspection and self-discovery,
fostering personal growth and
7. Engagement: While simple
questions are used for basic
interaction, thought-provoking
questions are employed to
engage participants in
meaningful dialogue and critical

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