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Q.1 Write a short on IOT.

Q.2 Describe the major characteristic of IOT.

Q.3 Explain technical building blocks of IOT with block diagram

Q.4 Explain High level architecture of IOT.

Q.5 List the protocol used in M2M and IOT.

Q.6 Write short notes on Sensors/sensor network.

Q.7 Classify sensors and give examples of each.

Q.8 Name a few categories of sensor and provide example.

Q.9 Draw a block diagram of Smart object and explain.

Q.10 Write short notes on Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems(MEMS)

Q.11 With block diagram explains how RFID works along with few applications.

Q.12 Draw and explain frame structure in IEEE 802.15.4.

Q.13 write short note on ZigBee./Architecture/technical sections.

Q.14 How NFC works.

Q.15 Draw a conceptual diagram for the IOT world Forum (IoTWF) standard Architecture.

Q.16 Explain level 1,level 2,Level 3 for the IOT world Forum (IoTWF).

Q.17 Explain the core IoT functional stack.

Q.18 Explain Fog computing and Edge computing.

Question Bank for UT-II

Q.1 Draw a high level Archicture of SCADA and explain its major components.

Q.2 Explain Distributed network protocols.

Q.3 Why and how SCADA system adapted to use IP?

Q.4 How can MAP-T be used in regency SCADA Environments.

Q.5 Write a short notes on 802.16-Wimax,6LoWPAN, MQTTwith respect to IOT protocols.

Q.6 Write a shorts notes on Smart lighting for Home, Smoke, Gas detector.

Q.7.write a short notes on Layered Archicture for smart cities, Smart roads, smart irrigation, Smart
power grid, Smart Payments.

Q.8 Describe a few application of SoC.

Q.9 What all components does a Raspberry Pi board commonly has?

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