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© Aron Prathiv Birla | +91 9136711531

Spiritual Enhancement Rituals are great for improving your life and
becoming the person you want to be. Your ritual has been sent to
you spiritually, and it may take some time before you notice
changes. Here are a few quick ideas to get you started:

1) Always believe in your rituals 100% and maintain optimism. The

ritual is cast upon your physical body and is seeking to harmonize
with reality by using your physical body as a manifestation magnet.
This is why you should always look at the bright side and embrace
your rituals, because they will come true someday. Never delay the
process by not acknowledging that the ritual is working. The only
delay comes from refusal to move forward and refusal to submit to
the outcome.

2) Be a Student of Spirituality: avoid remaining ridged in your

current expectations because spirituality is much larger than we
know. Faith and belief take their place along with superstition and
science. Follow your feelings, emotions and physical SIGNS toward
manifestations and outcomes. Free your mind and allow it to work
for your good!

3) Look around in the physical world for clues: are people

responding to you differently? Are you feeling better and growing
your skills? These are signs that the rituals are working. Then look
even harder!

© Aron Prathiv Birla | +91 9136711531

© Aron Prathiv Birla | +91 9136711531

4) Rituals are active for (as per your purchase), Everyone thinks
differently, and everyone carries a different karmic structure of
what obstacles must be cleared. The rituals are spiritually legal for
every person, and won't cause negative karma to come your way. If
something happens that is upsetting, it means that the ritual is
attempting to separate you or reposition you for your safety. You
can't experience success while living in a dangerous situation.

5) Embrace changes and look for the bright side. Pray and ask is it
true. Allow the transition to occur, allow others to HELP you with
resources, money, food, shelter, jobs or whatever you need, follow
the road and always see it as positive. You may have come here from
a place of suffering, but you will not remain in that place while our
ritual is upon you. Embrace what is in front of you, and keep
gratitude in the forefront.

6) Thankfulness is like gasoline on the fire of manifestation. Soon,

you will experience the joy of spiritual alignment, financial
prosperity, healthfulness, mental clarity and easy living. It will all
make sense for you very soon!

I have more modules geared toward your rituals, available by

request. Reach out to me on whatsapp message and get personal
ritual recommendations and help. Have an exciting and productive

© Aron Prathiv Birla | +91 9136711531

© Aron Prathiv Birla | +91 9136711531


There is a simple way to test that each ritual layer has been cast
upon you, or your Target. You can also determine if any Voodoo,
Witchcraft, Sihir or Black Magic is affecting you or your relationship,
house, car or job.

1) Pour a clear glass of water half full. You can use a clear plastic cup,
clear container, or even a clear bottled water for this exercise.

2) Ask the glass of water, "is a certain ritual cast" (any ritual that you
have already purchased from me [or anyone], that is assumed to be

3) You will instantly know whether or not. Look into the water in the
glass and hear a confirmation of YES or NO.

4) Ask the glass of water, is a certain ritual working.

5) You will instantly receive confirmation in your mind whether or

not the ritual is working. Look into the water in the glass and hear a
confirmation of YES or NO.

6) Water is a neutral medium that has memory, sight and

intelligence. All water on the planet comes from the same ancient
source - the cosmos. It is a basic building block of life itself. Our
bodies are 70 percent water. Our bodies are magnetic and electric.
Water can discern life because it creates the conditions for all life to
exist. We drink water. Water will help anyone.

© Aron Prathiv Birla | +91 9136711531

© Aron Prathiv Birla | +91 9136711531

7) IDEA: Test your mood shift: decide your mood, while away from
the water. Then, ask the water "Am I sad? / Am I happy?". Look at the
water in the glass and hear confirmation of your mood. Change your
mood and write it on paper, lay the paper down somewhere, and
attempt to ask the same or different questions.

8) IDEA: Test the water for your identity: Ask the water, "Is My Name
______?". Look at the water in the glass and hear confirmation of
YES or NO. Use a different name and test it again.

9) IDEA: Can the water tell what you did in private? Write down
ANYTHING on a piece of paper and hide it somewhere in your
house. Ask the water about what you wrote and if you hid it in
certain places. Look into the water in the glass and hear
confirmation of YES or NO.

You must BELIEVE in your rituals, because there is memory,

intelligence and sight within you. As you see by your test, I have the
ability to do what you ask me to do, 100%. Human nature is our
biggest rival to this date.


© Aron Prathiv Birla | +91 9136711531

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