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Leadsquared ​is a customer management application customized and designed to help

and support a Business development associate to not only manage the leads provided
to him but also optimize his/her’s sales process.

LeadSquared ​is divided into two major applications:

1. Calling Account(LS Account): As the name suggests,This account is used to
facilitate the calling activity needed in terms of booking appointments with
customer.It helps you to call,manage and track all activities related to a lead.

2. +DS conduction account(LD Account): This account is made active when the
associate is on field conduction appointments.It helps you to track and manage
your client meetings.


Leadsquared calling account is divided into three verticals:


Before having the discussion on the same.Lets understand what are LEADS and the
relevance of the same.

A Byju’s Lead is defined as client information which is extracted and tracked through
various generation activities such downloaded the application,school tests,special
campaigns etc

A lead contains various information related to the client.The lead details cover:
1. Lead Name
2. Lead Phone Number
3. Lead Email ID
4. Lead Score: A score is defined by the activities done by the user on the
application such as watching a video,giving a test,viewing the product information
page, etc
5. Lead Engagement Score: This score is defined by how recent the activities have
been carried by the User
6. Lead Phone Model
7. Lead City
8. Source of Lead

Now after understanding what a lead is,let's understand how to manage the same.


Lead stages can be referred as to grouping of leads which helps you to track the leads
through defined groups.To give a small eg. an apple,a grape and a banana can be
grouped under a stage Fruits.

There are various lead stages to be used in your account.The primary being:
1. Downloaded the application
2. Prospect
3. Qualified
4. Positive
5. Disqualified
6. Enrolled
7. Follow up Required
8. Interested in DS conduction
9. Not interested in DS conduction
10. Not able to connect


This stage is the initial stage where the leads are transferred to you from your manager.
All the leads who have just downloaded or had downloaded the application are reflected
in this Stage.

This stage is meant for the leads who are ​UNCONTACTED.


This stage is also an initial stage of a lead and will be transferred from your respective
manager.In this stage you receive various special campaigns leads such as apartment
campaign etc.

A lead also gets automatically created in this stage,if you dial an unknown number ( A
lead number not present on your LS) and the lead name is shown “unknown”.


This Stage is used to group those leads whom you have had a proper conversation with
and is qualified to have a demo with byju's but has not given you a confirmation for the
The stage is used to group the following leads:
1. You have had a conversation,the child is in 4-12 and the parent has given you a
follow up
2. You have had a conversation,the parent was busy and has asked you to call later
3. You have had a conversation with the child,and now will be having a
conversation with the parent at a later time

Hence this stage is for the leads whose appointment did not get booked on the first call
and requires a follow up to do so.


This stage is a filtered version of the above and is used to group “Qualified” leads with
which you have had a very good conversation with.This stage helps you to identify and
segregate prime leads.

Please note not all “qualified” leads are positive,your quality of pitch and the level of
conversation helps you to create this segmentation.The more positive leads you have,
an associate has the better sales conversion he/she will be able to achieve it.


This Stage is used to group leads who are not qualified to buy the Byju’s K-12 program
and are not eligible for a counselling session.Please note disqualified leads are
identified as junk leads,hence should only be used to group the following leads:
1. Child is not in 4-12th
2. Wrong Number of the lead
3. Downloaded by Upsc,cat,engineering student
4. Etc


This stage is used to group the leads,who are already enrolled in our existing programs
and are not eligible to re-enroll currently,For eg. A customer of 5th standard who is
enrolled in our 5-10th K-12 course.


This stage is used to group the leads,which are in qualified stage but have follow ups to
be taken after two or more weeks.Please understand this stage is only to be used if and
only if the lead has requested a conversation or a follow up to be carried after two or
more weeks.

If the lead has requested such a follow up please move it from qualified to follow up
required,when the follow up date comes by,you can again move the lead to qualified
stage again.


This stage is used to group those leads which are interested to have a conduction at
their house.Only those leads will be put in the stage who have:
1. Given a date and time for the appointment
2. Proper house address with pincode
3. Resides in DS city(Mumbai)


This stage is used to group those leads which are not interested in the counselling
session or the product provided by byju’s.Please make sure you shifting minimal
amount of leads to this stage as the quality of conversation you hold determines
whether the parent is interested or not.
This stage is also used for those clients,who cut your call repeatedly in the first few
seconds itself.​Your number of qualified/positive and interested in ds conduction
should always be more than not interested in ds conduction.


This stage is used to group those leads who are not repeatedly picking up your calls or
cannot be reached or is switched off.You can shift a lead into this stage when it doesn't
answer your calls for three days and it has been dialled minimum of 6-7 times


After understanding the relevance of stages,lets move to another important part of

leadsquared which is called as lead activities.
Activities as the name signifies refer to the various tasks and activities carried on the
lead.​Whenever you call a lead,you have to update an activity as well.​Activities help
you to individually track the progress and the status of your leads.

There are two kinds of activities present on leadsquared:

1. AAA Activities
2. DS(direct sales) appointment activities


These activities are defined as those activities which are updated real time whenever
you place a phone call to your lead:
1. AAA Called but disconnected: Add this activity if and when you called a lead and
they disconnected your phone.
2. AAA Called but language issue: Add this activity if and when you called a lead
but the lead is comfortable in a language which you are not aware of.
3. AAA Called but not picked: Add this activity if and when you called a lead,but it
did not respond to your call or the number was switched off/not able to connect
4. AAA First call done: Add this activity when you make the first contact with the
lead and have a conversation with the same.In the activity detail you are required
to update the conversation you had with the customer.
5. AAA Follow up call done: Add this activity when you make a follow up
conversation with the lead and have a conversation with the same.In the activity
detail you are required to update the conversation details you had with the

These are special activities which are updated if and when you have a conversation
with a lead and an appointment on a specific time and date gets booked for the same.
These activities help you to record all the details required for you to visit the particular
lead and Clone i.e transfer the details to your +DS account,as your +DS account is used
when you visit a particular client.

As soon as your appointment gets booked you are required to update the lead details
where you need to fill certain ​mandatory fields ​which include:
1. Parent Name
2. Direct sales student class
3. Direct sales school
4. Appointment Time
5. Appointment Date
6. Home address(with pin-code)
7. Landmark(which can be tracked using google maps)
8. Direct Sales comment: Here you write a note about the lead quality,the
requirement of the lead and how will you target the lead to make a sale.
9. DS City: Where you will mention the conduction city for mumbai training please
be using mumbai_training_sumant mishra/anubhav gupta
10. Team Manager: Mention the name of your Manager.
11. Enquiry City type: Mention “ds” here.

After you mark all these fields in lead details then only you need to put ds
appointment activity.

The activities are:

1. Direct sales appointment fixed: As soon as you update the lead details you will
add this activity
2. Direct sales appointment confirmed: After adding the above mentioned
activity,you will be add this activity

After the completing the above mentioned procedure,your lead will be transferred to
your +ds account by your team manager.
Please note: ​Failure to do the above said,will result in the lead not been transferred or
allocated to your +ds account and will make it difficult for you to cater the lead or book
an ola corporate ride to the client’s house.


Lead Tasks are defined as follow up tasks put on a lead to actively track and complete
the same.
Tasks are a very important feature of leadsquared which provides you reminder to carry
follow up on your leads.

All the leads which have been shifted from ​downloaded the app/prospect​ to
qualified/positive/follow up required/interested in ds conduction ​should
necessarily have a task added on the same.

There are two kinds of Tasks:

1. Pending Tasks: Tasks whose lead’s follow up is still yet to come for eg. if today
you put a task for tomorrow at 4:00 for a lead,it will come under pending task.​If
your task is pending you will receive a reminder for the same on your
byju’s mail 15 minutes before the task is due.
2. Overdue Tasks: These Tasks are those tasks which did not get completed,or
were not marked completed.​You will not receive a reminder of the


This account is primarily used for tracking and updating leads when you are on
the field.

Your attendance is tracked through Leadsquared App(+ds account) on

Weekends(Saturday&Sunday). For remaining days attendance will be tracked
only through biometric punches. Same has been informed to you during your
training and it has to be followed without fail by all Direct Sales conduction
Note :​+DS App check-in is mandatory for all DS Conduction employees and
forgetting to do so will result in LOP.

Your +DS account is also divided into three verticals:



Lead stages can be referred as to grouping of leads which helps you to track the leads
through defined groups.To give a small eg. an apple,a grape and a banana can be
grouped under a stage Fruits.

There are various lead stages to be used in your account.The primary being:

1. Appointment Confirmed: This is the initial stage where the lead is transferred to
your account from your manager.It signifies your appointment is confirmed for a
specific date and time

2. Appointment Rescheduled: A lead’s stage will be changed to this if your

appointment is rescheduled to a later date and time.If the client has confirmed
with the new date and time,then you will update the same and change the stage
again to appointment confirmed

3. Full Payment Done: A lead’s stage will be changed to this after the conduction
session is over and you are successful in collecting the entire payment or
collected the downpayment and completed the entire emi process

4. Partial Payment Done: A lead’s stage will be changed to this after the conduction
session is over and you are successful in collecting a blocking amount or
downpayment from the customer,but rest of the payment or formalities are

5. Positive; A lead’s stage will be changed to this after the conduction session is
over and the lead did not convert on spot but requires a strong follow up to
6. Appointment Cancelled; A lead’s stage will be changed to this if the client
cancels the appointment.​PLEASE NOTE CANCELLATIONS AND

7. Interested to buy: A lead’s stage will be changed to this after the conduction
session is over and the lead didn't get closed on spot,but will be closing in a day
or two.
8. Not Interested: A lead’s stage will be changed to this after the conduction session
is over and the parent is neither interested in buying the program on-spot nor
requires a follow up


The only relevant activity for +ds account is ‘Appointment over’.This signifies the
appointment being over and has to updated real time as backdated activities cannot be

This activity helps us track your ola account as well,if the relevant activity and stage
change is not done the ola corporate ride will be rejected and will be charged 4 times
from your personal account.

When you are adding the activity on the lead certain details need to be filled.
1. Status: Full payment done or partial payment done or payment not done.
2. Product sold
3. Amount collected
4. Mode of collection
5. Rest of payment


Lead Tasks are defined as follow up tasks put on a lead to actively track and complete
the same.
Tasks are a very important feature of leadsquared which provides you reminder to carry
follow up on your leads.
You can add tasks in +ds to make sure your positive/interested to buy are converting
into sales.
This all rounds up the basics of leadsquared.We will also be having a live demonstration
of the same.

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