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ue Dider Uke {es Diseusdium 48 Nemalie rand aes al pe ees = St oe an ie! ao javtolres Gh on bs as pus fa tf den Wc. be need peowcenned with Hae < z oe overall cxganlzaton. Ullen group wrens ons - . caer nmunieation skills of each one of them are tested. Those who qualify at this level are further subjected to interviews, 4,1 Nature of Group Discussion Nature of group discussion can be summed up in the following headings: 1, Group discussion is basically an Interactive process which provides an opportunity to the participants to express thelt views and feelings orally. Group discussion is a group process. It provides an opportunity to person-to-group interaction. Group discussion is productive activity. It is a purposeful and goal oriented activity, Group discussion is a planned activity, Since it is a goal oriented activity, its systematic and planned activity, not haphazard or chaotic. T-Aplece of wood or metal atthe back ofa boat or an aircraft that is used for controlling ts direction 8, Haphazard; 9, Ability and determination to do something successfully despite difficult conditions. Neo # PW p22 Saas a Iivhnical Communication 3.2 Objectives of Group Discussion i Group ee actually eal the area of approach to a problem or topic. A fruitful group discussion, should include the following objectives: jestions: Advice and ideas, together form suggestions, they form the core heart of a group ee ee adn npn acs ‘sached, intermingling ofthese suggestions give rise fo new ones, creating» space fot Bes Posse output. Its also important from the point of view of evalsating the participation of the members in sroup discussions. a lated roach: Group discuss s to provide wide approach to any matter under * Srscerton, sy nde nes bom age nut ool secon’ fe ae business organization. The beauty of entire process isin the area of span it can give toa problem's redressal?, 3. Decision-making: Group discussion should be able to ustily itself as a tool for rational evaluation of a problem and thereon reach to a suitable decision, based on erstwhile”! suggestions made by the members. It also makes it easier forthe leader to be able to take even the toughest of decision with an ‘ease, because by group discussion he can know what is supported by other members of the ‘organisation, 4. Exchange of ideas: Group discussion should also be able to tap the working of every mind, engaged in the process by the exchange of ideas put forth 5. Productive activity: Group discussion is alvays supposed to be a productive activity in a business concern Itisalways a method which helps to procure the best possible policy decision fora concern, 3.3 Conduct During Group Discussion In order to account fra succesful group discussion, following conduct points shouldbe practice 1. Clarity: The purpose and topic of discussion should be very clear in the minds of the participants, The ideas/suggestions made by the members of the group should be simple and clear, which wil avoid any wastage of time, 2. Friendly environment: Group discussion should be carried out in an utmost harmonious and ‘cooperative environment and manner. The exchange of ideas should be polite and humble. There should not be any personal motive or grudges involved. The whole process of group discussion can be divided in three main blocks, listed as follows: Preparation before Group discussion a ¥ reese after Group roup Discssion > Sy Discussion Tavormation About Topic and Invasion] 3.4 Do’s and Dont's of Group L Kiss: It is taken to be the guiding principle behind. Simple’. It avoids the | lengthy speeches and wast cptimum output 10, Puttingright, 11. Sincere. Sroup discussion, It means— ‘Keep it Short and tage of time, promoting practicability of thought and. r ‘ aa aor ee voice: Te volume, pitch and manner of voice presented by member ina group discussion gives @ Whedon of his outlook towards the seriousness of his participation and motives. Various voice sand their outcomes are listed as under: m Voice Reflection { Monotonous voice Boring, Disinterested {iy Ascending tone > Astonished ‘Abrupt speech + Defensive fv) Low pitch Depression a High piteh Enthusiasm (vi) Long drawn speech in High pitch > Disbelief Even contribution: Even contribution should be made by all the members of the group discussion, delivering their own respective views to enrich the entire process. | Casual attitude: Casual altitude should not be adopted during such discussions. It seems to hurt the purpose of the group discussion and also the sincere efforts made by others. Flaying of hands: It conveys an aggressive! mood of the member and also promotes his defiant"? image. Thus, it should not be practised. |, Conclusions: Periodical conclusions should be made in case the group discussion is too much time consuming, It helps to maintain the viability of discussion and status of solution, {re are three major factors, related to the group discussion, which grip our attention. The first is the wer of expression. Group discussion is a verbal oriented test hence the candidate has to inculcate in inthe ability not only to speak fluently but also correctly. The sentences should be grammatically ‘enect then only the speaker can attract his audience and hold their attention. The second major factor ices to the member's ideas and knowledge of the subject open for discussion. As ideas rule over the sold, the participant must have relevant, convincing and rationals ideas. The third factor which is, ally important is the coordinating and leadership capacity. Sample Group Discussion

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