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5 examples of pattern of development in writing across disciples

1. Narration
Ex. in a small village nestled among green hills, there lived a young boy named
Tim. Every morning, Tim would wake up early to help his parents tend to their farm,
where they grew fruits and vegetables. One day, while exploring the woods near his
home, Tim stumbled upon a hidden cave filled with glittering treasure. Excitedly,
he ran back to the village to share his discovery with his friends and family.
Together, they embarked on a thrilling adventure to uncover the secrets of the cave
and its precious treasures.

2. Description
Ex. David, with his unruly mop of dark hair, often smelled like fresh laundry, with
a hint of his favorite cologne lingering around him. His bright blue eyes twinkled
mischievously, reflecting the curiosity and energy that defined his youthful
spirit. When he spoke, his voice carried a youthful vibrancy, filled with
excitement and occasional nervousness. His laughter was like music, echoing through
the air and infecting everyone around him with joy. And when he hugged you, it felt
like being wrapped in a warm blanket, his embrace comforting and reassuring.

3. Process Analysis
Ex. First, fill a large pot with water and add a pinch of salt. Place the pot on
the stove and turn the heat to high. Once the water comes to a rolling boil,
carefully add the pasta to the pot. Use a spoon to stir the pasta gently to prevent
it from sticking together. Allow the pasta to cook according to the package
instructions, typically around 8-10 minutes for most types of pasta. Stir
occasionally to ensure even cooking.While the pasta is cooking, prepare your
desired sauce or toppings in separate pans or bowls. After the pasta is cooked to
your desired level of doneness, carefully drain it using a colander in the sink.
Then, transfer the drained pasta to a serving dish and mix in your sauce or
toppings. Serve hot and enjoy your delicious homemade pasta dish.

4. Cause / effect
Ex. Heavy rain caused the river to overflow its banks. As a result, several nearby
homes were flooded. The floodwaters damaged furniture and belongings. Consequently,
residents had to evacuate to temporary shelters. The community came together to
support those affected and begin the cleanup process.

5. Problem / solving
Ex. Problem: The office printer frequently jams, causing delays and frustration
among employees.

Solution: Implement regular maintenance schedules and provide training sessions for
employees on proper printer usage to reduce jams and increase efficiency.

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