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GOAL: % sales Total sales−New sales Ugx Ugx48,000,000 Weekly Cumulative NOGAMU NOGAMU
x 100
To increase the revenue Total sales∈2024 /25 300,000=ever = market weekly data staff. ANNUAL
consumption of generated in y Saturday, report. Early Career GENERAL
organic produce shillings A count of number of potential consumers registered in annually ugx 4,800 potential Graduate. MEETING
by 2024/25. annually. 2024/25. 14,400,000= consumers.
Number of 1,440
consumers potential
registered consumers.
OUTCOMES: Number of A count of the new farmer’s registered by 2024/25. 20 50 Farmer’s 4 times NOGAMU NOGAMU
Increasing the farmers registry annually staff. QUARTER
number of organic supplying Total responses− postive responses 0 04 organic book. KeBERA Y
x 100
farmers who are the organic Total responses @ survey . surveys team MEETINGS
aware and supply market. 0 annually. KeBER Early Career
organic products % of A count of all positive responses of consumers aware of A device Graduate.
in the market. positive organic product knowledge. reports.
Increasing trust feedback
and confidence in registered Weekly
consumers of from @ market
organic products organic reports.
by use of surveys.
KeBERA device. Number of
Increasing consumers
number of with organic
consumers product
differentiating knowledge
organic from from
convectional @organic
products. survey.

Outputs: Number of A count of the number of farmers registered in the market 20 50 Weekly Every market KeBERA
50 organic farmers by 2024/25. market day. team
farmers supply registered as 0 90% of sold report. Only when Early Career
Nsambya organic suppliers. Total sales−tested sales products test Product ambassador Graduate.
x 100
market. % of Total sales ∈2024 /25 0 by 2024/25. testing is present.
70% of sold products 150@market report.
organic products sold after day.
from the market testing them Total number of
are tested. using consumers−customers whenabssorder
5 organic KeBERA is present .
x 100
ambassadors device. Total number of customers @market day
marketing organic % of
products by potential
2024(1 singer, 1 customers
politician, 1 coming to
sportsman, the market
religious leader when the
and 1 ambassador
academician. is present.
ACTIVITIES: Number of A count of new vendors enrolled as vendors in 2024/25. 20 50 Weekly 12 meetings NOGAMU
Farmer farmers A count of quality standards meeting held in 2024/25. market annually. staff.
mobilization. enrolling as A count of product test reports in 2024/25. 0 1 per month. report. Every market KeBERA
Setting up quality vendors. A count of the number of ambassadors enrolled in Product day team
specification Number of 2024/25. 0 All products to testing Once Early Career
standards for quality be tested. report. annually. Graduate.
products and standards 0
market layout. setup 5
Testing of organic meetings.
products. Number of
Recruiting/ product test
enrolling organic reports.
ambassadors. Number of

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